What Is Call Deposit Receipt

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Delhi Public School Bulandshahr


Sealed item rate tenders are invited by the Principal, DPS Bulandshahr
(U.P.) on behalf of the DPS Society from the eligible contractors for
the following work :-
Name of Work : Construction of Staff Flats for Delhi Public School
at Bulandshahr (U.P.)
Estimated Cost : `5,36,99,840/-
Date of Opening : 9th April, 2015


Sealed item rate tenders are invited for the following work by the Principal, DPS Bulandshahr (U.P.) on
behalf of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi from the eligible contractors upto 3:00 PM on the
date of opening (mentioned below), which shall be opened on the same day at 3:30 PM at the office of
the Engineering Division, DPS Society, Flat No.:9, DPS Staff Flats, F-Block, East of Kailash, New
Delhi-110065 in the presence of the contractors or their authorized representatives. Tender documents
can be had on any working day from the date of publication between 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM on payment
of the cost of tender (Non-refundable) on production of valid certificate of registration with work
contract cell of Sales Tax Deptt., Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Provident Fund, Income Tax
Deptt. etc.

The sale of tender will be stopped four days before the date of opening (including the date of opening).

The contractors can submit their tenders in sealed envelope only upto seven days before the date of
opening between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM except the date of opening when it will be upto 3:00 PM.

The manner of submission of tender, opening of the same and entry to the contractors/their
representatives to the place of opening shall be provided in the “Instructions to Tenderers” of tender

The earnest money shall accompany the tender in the form of call of Deposit receipt or Demand Draft of
a Scheduled Bank Guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India in favour of Principal, DPS Bulandshahr.
The tender of the contractor who does not enclose the earnest money in prescribed manner shall be summarily rejected.
Name of work Estimated cost Last date of Sale
Earnest money Date of receipt and opening
Cost of tender
Time allowed

Construction of Staff Flats for Delhi `5,36,99,840/-

06th April, 2015
Public School at Bulandshahr (U.P.)
09th April, 2015
12 Months

a) The contractor should possess the experience of having successfully completed similar works during
the last 7(seven) years (ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tender is invited)
which should be any one of the following:-
i) Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the
estimated cost i.e. `2.15 Crores
ii) Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the
estimated cost i.e. `3.22 Crores
iii) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost
i.e. `4.30 Crores
(The information is to be provided in the Format-I enclosed).
b) The annual financial turnover in the similar nature of work in one of the proceeding three financial
year shall not be less than 50% of the estimated cost of the work (duly audited by Chartered
Accountant) on annualized basis (Depending upon the total estimated cost divided by time of
(The information is to be provided in the Format-II enclosed).
c) Similar nature of work means Residential houses / Building work.
d) The Delhi Public School Society reserves the right to reject any prospective application without
assigning any reasons and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable
by it, if too many applications are received satisfying the laid down criteria.

DPS Bulandshahr

Details of similar works completed in last seven years

S. Description of Name and Contract No. Date of Stipulated date Date of actual Value of Reasons for Penalty ,if Any other Remarks
No. the Work address of and date award of completion completion completed delays, if any, imposed relevant
the of work work any for delay information
Employer (In Lacs of `)


Note :
1. Please attach copies of the certificates issued by the Client
2. Only those works shall be considered for evaluation for which copies of the certificates issued by the client are attached.


annual turnovers for the last three years

S. YEAR Turnover from Civil Engineering Turnover from all sources (In Lacs of `) Remarks
No. works (In lacs of `)
1 2011-2012

2 2012-2013

3 2013-2014

Note :
1. Please attach certified/attested copies of the latest ITCC and/or Profit and Loss Account statement to support the information furnished.
2. Certified Copy of Chartered Accountant showing turn-over.

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