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The key takeaways are about strategic marketing management in organisations and how marketing plans can be designed to contribute towards an organization’s mission and strategic objectives.

The corporate objectives of the selected organisation include overviewing the industry sector, analyzing marketing goals, and conducting an in-depth analysis of marketing management processes.

Models available for strategic marketing planning include different theoretical marketing models and marketing analysis techniques that can influence the development of an organization’s marketing strategy.



Jeewan Nadaraja
Student ID 00070112



Professional Qualifications in
Strategic Management and Leadership
Assignment front sheet
Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Professional

Qualifications in Strategic Management Unit 5: Strategic Marketing Management
and Leadership

Student name Assessor name

Nadaraja Jeewan

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Assignment title Strategic Management and Leadership

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully

Learner signature: Date:

Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 5: Strategic Marketing Management

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Professional Qualifications in Strategic

Management and Leadership

Start date


Assignment title Strategic Marketing Management in Organisations

Purpose of this assignment

In this assessment, learners will investigate how marketing plans are designed to contribute
towards an organisation’s mission and strategic objectives. They will consider the management
decisions that have to be taken when implementing different elements of the marketing mix
(product, price, people and place) and how marketing plans can be monitored and controlled to
maximise the benefits to the organisation and its stakeholders.


The assignment will be ideally based on the learners’ own workplaces/job role and require you to
undertake in-depth research into an organisation. To address each section of the assignment, you
are to select, ideally the organization you work for, or any another organisation you may be familiar
with. It would be useful for you to choose an organisation that is operating in an environment that
requires it to refocus its marketing strategy and associated tactics.

Section “A” (LO 1 and 2 AC A.1, A.2, A.3, B.1, B.2, B.3)

Assume that you are the marketing manager for the selected organization and the board of directors
has requested you to write a report titled “Links between strategic marketing and corporate
strategy of the Organisation”. This report will involve identifying the corporate objectives of the
selected organisation and then analysing the links between these objectives and the various
elements of the organisation’s marketing strategy. You are expected to exhibit a good knowledge of
the range of models that are available and make an assessment of the value of the models used in
strategic marketing planning.
You are therefore expected to analyse the application of different theoretical marketing models and
marketing analysis techniques and how these models and techniques may have influenced the
development of an organisation’s marketing strategy.

Your report should have following areas addressed:

 Overview of the given organization and the industry sector it is situated in.
 An analysis of marketing goals that maybe set for the particular selected organisation. (A1)
 An in-depth analysis on the processes involved in marketing management in the organisation. (A2)
 Critical analysis of contribution of marketing management processes to the achievement of
corporate objectives of the organization considering feedback loops to corporate decision-makers
being used. (A3)
 Analysis of processes involved in strategic marketing in the light of the selected organisation (B.1)
 Critical analysis the relationship between marketing management and strategic marketing (B.2)
 An investigation of models used in setting strategic marketing objectives (B.3)
 List of references

Section “B” (LO 3 and 4 AC C.1, C.2, C.3, D.1, D.2, D.3)

The section B of the assignment requires you to explore the link between strategic positioning,
strategic management techniques and marketing tactics for the organization you have selected in
section A in the form of a “Marketing Strategy Evaluation Plan”.
You will need to apply the principles of strategic marketing and analyse the use of strategic
marketing techniques in the market the chosen organization is operating in. For example, this could
include the organisation’s response to stakeholder pressure including the need to address socio-
economic imperatives such as climate change and social issues, as well as the impact of technology
on both product design and the changing nature of customer relationship management.
Further, it is required that you to undertake an impact analysis of the effectiveness of the selected
organisations ‘marketing strategy and the tactics it has used to achieve its strategic objectives.
In the light of the chosen organsation, you are required to include the following in your strategy
evaluation document.
 An introduction about the selected organisations marketing strategy direction
 Investigation of strategic marketing techniques that can be applied by the selected organisation
 Application of the 7P marketing mix in the context of selected organisation (C.2)
 Selecting at least one another organisation operating in the same market the selected
organisation is operating in, evaluate the effectiveness of strategic marketing tactics applied in
these different organisations (C.3)
 Analysis of role and functions of marketing management in the context of selected organisation
 Critical evaluation of appropriateness of strategic marketing objectives pursued by selected
organisation the in the given market context (D.2)
 An impact analysis evaluating the effectiveness of marketing management in the selected
organisational context (D.3)
 List of references

nce Summary of evidence required by student
Sectio To achieve learning outcome A, learners must identify the specific marketing goals
n “A” of an organisation and how these goals contribute to the organisation’s strategic
objectives and overall mission statement. Learners must show how the GOSPA
corporate performance management process could be applied to marketing
management processes in a specific organisational context and analyse how these
processes are coordinated across different functional areas within a business.
Learners must provide evidence that shows that they have a good understanding
of the processes involved in marketing management, including the feedback loop
to corporate decision-makers. To achieve learning outcome B, learners must show
a good understanding of the application of strategic marketing models in an
organisational context. Learners must analyse how marketing analysis techniques
may have influenced an organisation’s marketing strategy.
Learners must provide evidence of a market analysis, using appropriate models and
marketing analysis techniques, based on an organisation operating in a specific
market. The analysis should be accompanied by an overview of the implications of
the learner’s own analysis for the organisation’s marketing strategy and how far
these match those of the organisation’s marketing strategy.

Sectio To achieve learning outcome C, learners must produce a report that provides a
n “B” range of evidence showing how strategic marketing techniques have been applied
by organisations operating in the same or different market sectors. This could
cover aspects such as market segmentation and profiling and the link with different
marketing strategies. Learners must show a good understanding of the application
of marketing tactics applied in each of the components of the 4P marketing model
and how the extended 7P marketing model influences and impacts on an
organisation’s marketing tactics, including its corporate communications strategy.
To achieve learning outcome D, learners must identify how changing factors within
an organisation’s external environment have impacted on its marketing tactics.
Learners must evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of an organisation’s
response to the changing nature of its external environment. The evaluation
should be based on an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of its
marketing management strategy and its associated marketing tactics.
Learners must evaluate the effectiveness of an organisation’s marketing tactics
using appropriate performance indicators mapped against an organisation’s
corporate objectives and, where possible, its own performance targets.
General guidance about assessment evidence
The submission should be in the form of one document comprising two sections, sections “A” and “B”.
In section “A” you are required to produce an individual written report titled “Links between strategic
marketing and corporate strategy of the Organisation”. In the section “B”, you are required to
produce a “Marketing Strategy Evaluation Plan”, ideally for the same organization you have selected
for addressing the section “A”. These documents should be written in a concise, formal business style
using 1.5 or double line spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings,
paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and
referenced using Harvard referencing system.
Report format- Please provide a referencing list using Harvard referencing system. The recommended
word limit is approximately 4,500 words for each of the sections though you would not be penalized
for exceeding word count.

Note to assessor
Sections “A” and “B” could be completed in 1 phase, assessed and returned to the student with
summative feedback
Assessment Summary - Criteria and Summative Feedback
In this assessment you will Yes/No
L have the opportunity to
Outcome(s) AC present evidence that shows
Section (Indicate Feedback
you are able to: page
A.1 Analyse the marketing goals A
that may be set by an
Understand the A
processes Analyse the processes involved
1 involved in in marketing management
management Critically analyse the A
contribution of marketing
A.3 management to the
achievement of corporate
B.1 A
Analyse the processes involved
in strategic marketing
Understand the
tools used to Critically analyse the A
develop a relationship between
2 B.2
strategic marketing management and
marketing strategic marketing
strategy Investigate the models used in A
B.3 setting strategic marketing
Investigate the strategic
C.1 marketing techniques that can B
be applied by an organisation
Understand how
marketing B
managers use Investigate the application of the
3 strategic C.2 7P marketing mix
techniques and B
tactics Evaluate the effectiveness of
strategic marketing tactics
applied in different

Analyse the role and functions B

Understand how D.
of marketing management in
an organisational context
management is
4 Critically evaluate the B
applied an
organisational D. appropriateness of strategic
2 marketing objectives in a given
Evaluate the effectiveness of B
marketing management in a
given organisational context
Assessment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date

Student Date

1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................13
1.1 About Sri Lanka Telecom PLC....................................................................................13
1.2 Vision of Sri Lanka Telecom........................................................................................14
1.3 Mission of Sri Lanka Telecom......................................................................................14
1.4 Communication Industry Competition..........................................................................14
2. An Analysis of Marketing Goals..........................................................................................15
2.1 Strategic Goals..............................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Growth of SLT.................................................................................................15
2.1.2 Market Diversification.....................................................................................16
2.1.3 Market Share of SLT........................................................................................17
2.1.4 Market Development........................................................................................17
2.2 Economic Goals............................................................................................................18
2.2.1 Total Sales, Revenue and Growth (industry)....................................................18
2.2.2 Profitability of SLT..........................................................................................18
2.3 Psychographic Goals.....................................................................................................19
2.3.1 Customer Service Fulfilment............................................................................19
2.3.2 Awareness of Brand of SLT............................................................................19
2.3.3 SMART Objective...........................................................................................19
2.3.4 Marketing Segments.........................................................................................20
3. Marketing Management Process of SLT..............................................................................21
3.1 GOSPA of SLT.............................................................................................................21
3.1.1 Marketing Goals of SLT..................................................................................22
3.1.2 Marketing Strategies - Segmentation...............................................................22
3.1.3 Marketing Strategies - Targeting......................................................................23
3.1.4 Marketing Strategies – Positioning..................................................................24
3.2 Marketing Mix – Tactics...............................................................................................24
3.3 Process Coordination....................................................................................................25
3.4 Monitoring KPI for SLT...............................................................................................26
4. Achievement of Corporate Objective through MM..............................................................27
4.1 Corporate Strategies of SLT.........................................................................................27
4.2 Marketing Strategy Plan to achieve SLT MOBITEL Corporate Mission................27
4.2.1 Marketing Objectives.....................................................................................28
4.2.2 Business Portfolio...........................................................................................28
4.2.3 Business Unit Strategy...................................................................................28
4.2.4 Functional Strategy.........................................................................................28
4.3 Organisational Structure.............................................................................................29
5. Strategic Marketing..............................................................................................................30
5.1 Strategic Marketing growth........................................................................................31
5.2 Perceptual Map.............................................................................................................31
5.3 Strategic Marketing Process for SLT............................................................................32
5.4 Three Phases of Strategic Marketing Process for SLT..................................................33
5.4.1 Planning Phase.................................................................................................33
5.4.2 Implementation Phase....................................................................................34
5.4.3 Evaluation or Control Phase.............................................................................35
5.5 Targets and Timescales.................................................................................................36
6. Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing of SLT....................................................37
6.1 Relationship Between MM and SM of SLT..................................................................37
6.2 SLT MOBITEL Long Term Strategy............................................................................38
7. Marketing Tools and Models for SLT..................................................................................38
7.1 PESTEEL.....................................................................................................................38
7.1.1 Political............................................................................................................38
7.1.2 Economical......................................................................................................39
7.1.3 Social...............................................................................................................39
7.1.4 Technological...................................................................................................39
7.1.5 Environmental..................................................................................................40
7.1.6 Ethical..............................................................................................................40
7.1.7 Legal................................................................................................................40
7.2 Boston Matrix - Competitive Position..........................................................................41
7.3 Ansoff Matrix – Market Expand...................................................................................42
7.4 Industry Product Life Cycle..........................................................................................43
8. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................43
9. References............................................................................................................................44
1. Marketing Strategy Direction...............................................................................................46
2. Strategic Marketing Techniques...........................................................................................47
2.1. Setting Marketing Objectives & Marketing Strategy....................................................47
2.2 Segmenting...................................................................................................................47
2.2.1 Geographic.......................................................................................................47
2.2.2 Demographic....................................................................................................48
2.2.3 Psychographic..................................................................................................48
2.2.4 Behavioural......................................................................................................48
2.3 Targeting.......................................................................................................................49
2.4 Positioning....................................................................................................................49
3. 7p Marketing Mix (Tactics) Strategy....................................................................................51
3.1 Product Strategy...........................................................................................................51
3.2 Pricing Strategy............................................................................................................52
3.3 Promotional Strategy....................................................................................................53
3.4 Place Strategy...............................................................................................................54
3.5 Physical Evidence Strategy...........................................................................................54
3.6 Process Strategy............................................................................................................55
3.7 People Strategy.............................................................................................................55
4. Effectiveness of Strategic Marketing of Competitor.............................................................56
4.1 Marketing Strategies of SLT Mobitel and Dialog........................................................57
4.1.1 Product Tactics.................................................................................................57
4.1.2 Pricing Tactics.................................................................................................58
4.1.3 Place Tactics....................................................................................................58
4.1.4 Promotion Tactics............................................................................................58
4.2 Dialog Data Packages...................................................................................................59
5. Role & Function of Marketing Management........................................................................61
5.1 Product Portfolio...........................................................................................................61
5.2 Organisation Structure and Culture...............................................................................61
5.3 Importance of Globalisation and Impact of Environment.............................................62
5.3.1 Technological Globalisation.............................................................................63
5.4 Strengths and Weakness of Dialog Axiata PLC............................................................63
5.4.1 Unique Selling Point – Strength.......................................................................63
5.4.2 Price - Weakness..............................................................................................64
5.4.3 Quality – Strength and Weakness.....................................................................64
5.4.4 Convenience and Location - Strength..............................................................64
5.4.5 Product Range- Strength..................................................................................64
5.5 Importance of Environmental Factors...........................................................................65
5.6 Change in Political Environment..................................................................................65
5.7 State of the Economic...................................................................................................65
6. Strategic Marketing Objective..............................................................................................66
6.1 SLT Marketing Objective.............................................................................................66
6.2 SLT Marketing Objectives links to Corporate Objective..............................................67
6.3 SMART Objective........................................................................................................67
6.4 KPIs to Assign to Marketing Objectives.......................................................................68
6.5 Appropriateness of Strategic Marketing Objectives......................................................68
7. Monitoring, Review and Control Mechanism.......................................................................68
7.1 Sales meeting................................................................................................................69
7.1.1 Quarterly Review.............................................................................................69
7.1.2 Customer Inquiries Analysis............................................................................69
7.2 Evaluation.....................................................................................................................69
7.2.1 Quantitative Evaluation Techniques.................................................................69
7.2.2 Qualitative Evaluation Techniques...................................................................70
8. List of references..................................................................................................................70
Section A
Links between
Strategic Marketing and Corporate Strategy of the
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC
1. Introduction

1.1 About Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

Sri Lanka Telecom PLC (SLT) is the leading telecommunication services provider in Sri
Lanka. One of the country's most respected blue-chip companies. Its annual turnover is
in excess of Rs 40 billion. It is the largest telecommunication company in Sri Lanka with
about Rs. Eight hundred million profit and 32% market share. The organization provides
a huge range of domestic and global services which have fixed & wireless voice,
internet, and data connections that cater to a broad audience comprising of both corporate
and domestic clients. Sri Lanka Telecom now operating in 330 local offices in Sri Lanka.
(Telecom, 2020)

Sri Lanka Telecom started its operations in 1858 with the establishment of the
telegraphic circuit within Colombo and Galle. In 1991 Sri Lanka Telecom turn into a
corporation. In 1997 it was privatized. In 2008 Sri Lanka Telecom was listed in the
Colombo Stock market. Now 49.5% is owned by the government. (Telecom, 2020)

2. Vision of Sri Lanka Telecom

All Sri Lanka ns seamlessly connected with world class information, communication and
entertainment services.

3. Mission of Sri Lanka Telecom

Your trusted and proven partner for innovative & exciting communication experience
delivered with passion, quality, and commitment. (Telecom, 2020)

4. Communication Industry Competition

Sri Lanka’s Telecommunication trade has heavy competition during the last couple of
years and this remains the financial risk to Telecommunication operators in the country.
SLT MOBITEL Broadband is expected boost the growth rates in future to attract market
share, as present household penetration of fixed BB is 12.1% since the SLT MOBITEL
market share in fixed BB market is 76%. (Telecom, 2020)
Dialog, Mobitel and Etisalat (now called Hutch) identified as the main competitors in
BB market since 79.8% of Mobile BB market is covering by these three services.
Current SLT MOBITEL service fulfilment index is recorded as 73%. as a result SLT
MOBITEL have to focus more on service quality, sharing network and customer
retention etc. to capitalized the market share. (Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.
5. An Analysis of Marketing Goals

2.1 Strategic Goals

5.5.1 Growth of SLT

SLT MOBITEL has upgraded the fixed line from copper (Mega Line) to Fiber optic
(Smart line) three years ago to give the experience of fastest speed in broadband
service to Sri Lanka ns. LTE also has been launched in same period to expand the
market of SLT MOBITEL as fixed wireless broad band service. SLT MOBITEL
broadband user base is nearly 975,500 and sales level is expected about Rs. 460, 000
which generates Rs. 9, 593 million profits at end of 2020, covering 21% of total SLT
MOBITEL revenue. The mobile phone industry in Sri Lanka goes for mergers and
acquisitions with rising competition eroding profitability. SLT MOBITEL
Broadband is expected boost the growth rates in future to attract market share, as
current household penetration of fixed BB is 12.1% since the SLT MOBITEL
market share in fixed BB market is 76%.

Since SLT MOBITEL has launched new technologies for Broadband through Fiber
and LTE, 2020 sales have been growth by 47.41 %.

Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Sales Volume 116,483 119,931 142,956 175,820 259,173
Growth% 2% 2.97% 19.1% 23.8% 47.42%

Table 1 - Sales Progress of BB service in from 2015 to 2020

5.5.2 Market Diversification

SLT MOBITEL broadband information and services can be accessed from all the
teleshops and area offices established around the country. These offices were
planned to perform variety of services including payment of bills, registering for
new connections, selling of telephone accessories, etc. In order to offer suitable
services to their clients the SLT MOBITEL has established 40 teleshops, 35 district
Telecom Offices (RTO), 24 maintenance centres and 8 contacts Centres all island.
And some teleshops equipped with experience centres which are located to get some
broadband experience to clients. SLT MOBITEL dealer channels also operating in
every urban and suburb areas in the country to promote SLT MOBITEL broadband
and other service to clients. These channels mainly co-ordinate with regional offices
and SLT MOBITEL has appointed 35 external channel coordinators for every
regional offices to get the maximum output from them.

5.5.3 Market Share of SLT

Current Market Share SLT MOBITEL BB share is in fixed BB market is 76% and in
mobile/fixed market is 12.1%.
Fixed Broadband Connection – SLT MOBITEL Share 79%
Current Household Penetration Level 12%

Figure 2 - Broad Band Market Share

Source: TRCSL, SLT

5.5.4 Market Development

There is a huge potential in the market for Broadband connections as penetration of the
market still very low

Figure 12 - Market share

Source: TRSCL statistics

2.2 Economic Goals

5.5.5 Total Sales, Revenue and Growth (industry)

Sri Lanka Represents a saturated voice telephony market with nearly 131.6% mobile
penetration and 12.1% fixed line penetration. Broadband market is fast growing with
20% penetration and still there is a huge potential exist for broadband.

Figure–Industry Growth

Source: TRSCL Statistics

5.5.6 Profitability of SLT

SLT Mobitel achieves their revenue through their Megaline budget plan. According
to the Annual Report, they grow by 12.5% each year. Below is the summary of the
profitability of SLT Mobitel in 2019/2020.

SLT's total financial 2018/2019 2019/2020

Turnover Rs. 36,781 million Rs. 34,719 million
Gross Profit Rs. 9,960 million Rs. 9,286 million
Operating cost Rs. 3,156 million Rs. 2,582 million
Profits Before Tax Rs. 5,014 million Rs. 4,567 million
Profit after tax Rs. 3,635 million Rs. 3,246 million

Total Financial resources of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

2.3 Psychographic Goals

5.5.7 Customer Service Fulfilment

SLT Mobitel gives the utmost customer care service to the customers and their
Customer Service Index rate keeps improving compare to the last few years. In
2017, it was 69% and in 2018 it was 73%. It went up due to the road development
and country infrastructure development and there were lots of break downs and SLT
Mobitel could not handle the complaint level. But in 2019 it was again dropped to
64% and in 2020 it was further dropped to 61%.

5.5.8 Awareness of Brand of SLT

Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) and its mobile arm Mobitel had joined forces to offer a
unified brand in the country, SLT-Mobitel, move is aimed at ‘strengthening brand
equity, synergising customer goodwill’ and ‘to support the government’s efforts to
create a technology-driven economy’ in Sri Lanka. The pair note that the move is
expected to generate savings of LRK 1.1 billion (USD 6 million) per annum in sales
related costs and advertising. ‘The new brand identity will strengthen the brand
equity of SLT-Mobitel, synergising the goodwill gained by both to one strong brand
with digitisation at its core,’ The company plans to complete the unifications of the
two brands before end of this year.

5.5.9 SMART Objective

Both marketing and sales objectives are preferred in the SMART approach. The
Megaline’s sales objective is for 2021 “The revenue of the Megaline will be
increased by 12.5% at all islands widest in the end of the December 2021”.
Marketing objectives include five key tools which are most important target goals of
Megaline sales objectives. The sales objective leads to set marketing objectives that
will be accomplished through the marketing activities which are increasing the net
worth growth by 10%, convention by 15% from existing competitors, increase
consumers by 20% carry out to remind of the Sri Lanka project, enhance the brand
awareness, and capture revenue up to 50%.

5.5.10 Marketing Segments

There are a few market segments exist in SLT MOBITEL and it can be mentioned as


Market has been segmented in category wise and region wise as geographical
differences. Fiber, Mega and LTE coverage and target are based on these
segmentations in those areas. Ex - Category A, Category B, Category C Region I,
Region II, Region III


Sri Lanka Telecom consider the ADSL Age gaps as,

Teen Age : They are usually familiar with FB, YouTube, and Games etc.
Adults : Skype, Newspaper web sites
Below 50 : Movies, Music, sports web sites
Over 50 : Health conscious and religious web sites
Range of packages has been introduced according to income, education, ethnicity,
Occupation, family size, age etc.

Ex- Student package : High studies students

Web family plus : For family use / middle income
Web family extra : For family use / High income


SLT MOBITEL broadband Psychographics is the study of personality, standards,

attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. Considering all Sri Lanka telecom products the
target market has built long-term faith towards the company with a long-term
relationship with the company and all fixed income customers need to have a
landline with the Internet. Nowadays most people are willing to have a Fiber
connection rather than a copper connection. They feel Fiber is more prestigious than
copper connection


SLT MOBITEL has measured the behaviour variables of the clients to segment the
market. There are high BB usage clients and low usage clients in the market. For
some customers especially in the hotel field, the usage is varying seasonally. Impact
of growing the smartphone industry, people prefers to have wireless BB to wired
6. Marketing Management Process of SLT

3.1 GOSPA of SLT

GOSPA represents Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Plans and Actions. GOSPA is a

business planning and performance management methodology that aligns actions within
an organisation. Further using the GOSPA process improves communication, control,
morale, measurement and performance through a set of simple, easy to implement steps.
Also GOSPA gives management a structure for business planning, change, restructuring,
measurement and consistent communication.

6.5.1 Marketing Goals of SLT

Marketing objectives for 2021 are established by assuming 2019 target has been fully
 Increase Broadband product awareness
 Increase customer service
 Increase Broad band coverage
 Increase Brand preferences
 Increase Customer retention
 Increasing Regional Offices to 45 in next marketing year

6.5.2 Marketing Strategies - Segmentation

There are a few market segments exist in SLT MOBITEL and it can be mentioned as

Geographic - The market has been segmented category-wise and region-wise as

geographical differences. Fiber, Mega, and LTE coverage and target are based on these
segmentations in those areas.

Ex - Category A, Category B, Category C, Region I, Region II, Region III.

Demographic - Sri Lanka Telecom considers the ADSL Age gaps as, Teenage: they are
usually familiar with FB, YouTube, and Games, etc. Adults: Skype, Newspaper websites
Below 50 : Movies, Music, sports web sites
Over 50 : health conscious and religious web sites Range of packages has been
introduced according to income, education, ethnicity, Occupation, family size, age etc.
Ex- Student package : High studies students Web family plus : For family use / middle
income Web family extra : Foe family use / High income

Psychographic - SLT MOBITEL broadband Psychographics is the study of personality,

values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. Considering all Sri Lanka telecom products the
target market has built long-term trust towards the company with a long-term
relationship with the company and all fixed income clients need to have a landline with
the Internet. Nowadays most people are willing to have a fiber connection rather than a
copper connection. They feel fiber is more prestigious than copper connection.

Behavioural - SLT MOBITEL has measured the behaviour variables of the customers to
segment the market. There are high BB usage customers and low usage customers in the
market. For some customers especially in the hotel field, the usage is varying seasonally.
Impact of growing the smart phone industry, people prefers to have wireless BB to wired

6.5.3 Marketing Strategies - Targeting

SLT MOBITEL is planned to capture Niche/concentration marketing in remote areas

such as north east areas and other island wide remote areas – this is anxious with
targeting one special, well-defined group of consumers (a niche) within the overall

SLT MOBITEL adopted this approach by targeting groups of clients concerned in

broadband connections at a time when this group of customer represented a relatively
small proportion of the overall market. From this SLT MOBITEL can be targeted
profitably by small firms and residential clients who have comparatively small
overheads because SLT MOBITEL already have island wide networks
SLT MOBITEL also planned Mass/undifferentiated promotion – this is concerned with
selling a broadband product to the whole market in the metro area as well as island-wide
potential clients through regional telecom offices and teleshops. It can produce on a big
scale, benefiting from low unit manufacture costs via economies of scale

SLT MOBITEL Differentiated/selective marketing – this is concerned with targeting

each part with a product with its own marketing mix designed by a variety of packages
according to the client needs within the segment for that SLT MOBITEL broadband
planned various kind of broadband packages according to High volume and low volume
client segments.

6.5.4 Marketing Strategies – Positioning

The Nature of the Product Range - SLT MOBITEL has introduced 15 different types
of broad band packages according to customers’ needs. In 2015 SLT MOBITEL
launched fiber which gives fastest speed of internet. To achieve next year target SLT
MOBITEL should share the customers mind and heart for above product range.

Product Quality and Performance - SLT MOBITEL provides broadband service via
copper, LTE, and fiber. So the quality and performance are always very high.

Pricing Level - clients have a selection of broadband packages from Rs.390/- to Rs.58,
000/-. So clients have the freedom to select as his/her requirements. As a developing
country people are very concerned about price. This price level will help to capture
customers minds to accomplish marketing objectives Sri Lanka has the lowest price in
broadband, and SLT MOBITEL has the best prices among the other competitors.
3.2 Marketing Mix – Tactics

SLT MOBITEL Key Performance Comment

Marketing Mix Indicators
SLT MOBITEL Cost per thousand Allocating advertising budget
Advertising Gross rating points Analysing campaign results and
Frequency of separating them from other
exposure marketing mix elements
SLT MOBITEL Page views The ease of monitoring in all
Online and Direct Visits stages (prospecting, purchase,
Marketing Conversion rate re-purchase)
SLT MOBITEL Cost per event PR techniques differ from
Public Relation Exposures per event advertising, but objectives are
Positive media similar
SLT MOBITEL Participation rate Differentiate based on client
Loyalty Purchase frequency categories
SLT MOBITEL Customer engagement Synergy between people and
CRM & Customer satisfaction technology
Customer Service level
SLT MOBITEL Cost per promotion Difficulty to create loyalty and
Sales Promotions Coupon conversion long term relations
SLT MOBITEL Revenue from new Difficulty to evaluate
New Product products innovation from a quantitative
Development perspective

Table – Marketing Mix

3.3 Process Coordination

SLT MOBITEL Management should consider the new connection target achievement of
sales staff at performance interviews or performance appraisals. Also, the SLT
MOBITEL management can consider (KPI) key performance indicators at performance
interviews of all sales and field staff and conduct training and build employees’ morale
and loyalty towards increasing company interest to perform well. Furthermore, special
training for fiber technology, new features, and handle fiber customers have to be taught
to the field and sales staff. SLT MOBITEL management also has to organise special
training for front-line staff to handle annoyed customers and training to develop both
technical competence and people skills. They can give smart devices to service
fulfilment staff to check service orders and faults inboxes. Also, outsource new
connection and faults to a separate team and monitor the KOP monthly and implement
Queue Management System to serve customers to get maximum output and Give priority
in annual transfers for non-executive staff to go on transfer to the regional offices for
sales. Management has to start a project to develop an operation support system to check
new connection facility availability using google map.

7. Monitoring KPI for SLT

Reibstein et al. (2006, p. 1) define metrics as tools that “quantify a trend, dynamic or
characteristic”. Parmenter (2009) identified four types of performance measures:
• Key results indicators (KRI), which reflect performance related to a critical success
• Result indicators (RI), which reflect what was done, what was achieved;
• Performance indicators (PI), which reflect what needs to be done;
• Key performance indicators (KPI), which indicate what needs to be done in order to
increase performance dramatically.

A rough Marketing Mix KPI is given below

 Objectives Evaluate

 Strategies Set Standard

Standard Vs
 Marketing
Continue Y
Set Standard

Take Immediate N
Figure – Marketing KPI

Standards need to be set for the objectives, strategies, activity schedule and budget that
executed for year 2019. Then actuals need to be evaluated over standards periodically. If
there is a difference, an immediate action should be taken to correct it. If there is no
difference, the process can be continued.

8. Achievement of Corporate Objective through MM

SLT Corporate Strategy takes a portfolio approach to strategic decision making by

looking across all departments to determine how to create the most value to the
company. In order to develop a corporate strategy for SLT, it must look at how the
various product portfolio they own fit together, how they impact each other, and how the
SLT Mobitel is structured, in order to optimize human capital, processes, and

4.1 Corporate Strategies of SLT

A strategic plan is the written document of the strategic planning process of the
company. There are several important components of corporate strategy that leaders of
organizations focus on. The main tasks of corporate strategy are: Allocation of resources,
Organizational design, Portfolio management and Strategic trade-offs. It includes the
company’s objectives as well as the strategy for achieving the objectives. It defines
the strategic approach of the business. SLT strategic plan will be prepared by
analysing the internal and external factors which have an influence on the business.
It will be most successful because it takes the participation of the organizational

The key steps involve in the strategic planning are as follows:-

 Defining corporate mission

 Setting corporate objectives and goals
 Designing the business portfolio
 Designing the key business unit strategy
 Functional plan.

4.2 Marketing Strategy Plan to achieve SLT MOBITEL Corporate Mission

SLT marketing strategy focuses on how to attract and retain customers for the goods
and services they offer. According to David (2005) strategy formulation
includes the process of developing a vision and mission, identifying
environment analysis for an organization, establishing objectives,
generating alternative strategies, and choosing particular strategies to
pursue accomplishment. Knowledge management formulation describes the
way and actions to achieve objectives.

SLT’s corporate strategy is to Become a market leader of Sri Lanka in

telecommunication service by providing a high quality services and provide
the opportunity to experience the telecommunication service to the

8.5.1 Marketing Objectives

 Create and develop brand recognition Achieving profit growth

 Increase the market share
 Providing best quality services with lower price.

8.5.2 Business Portfolio

SLT Portfolio management looks at the way business units complement each other,
their correlations, and decides where the firm will “play”. Sri Lanka Telecom
providing service under one business it providing telephone call service, postal
service, internet services.

8.5.3 Business Unit Strategy

Market development is the Sri Lanka Telecom strategy to achieve its objectives.

8.5.4 Functional Strategy

Under marketing, it has developed many promotional strategies to support the

business strategy. And it has selected the north and east province to enhance its
market. Strategy can be achieved through cost reduction, improved quality of
product and services, the enhancement of customer preference, and the increase
of competitive leverage (Henry et al, 2003).

4.3 Organisational Structure

SLT is currently having a decentralized organisation structure. This allows SLT to

remain fast, agile, and adaptable, with almost every employee receiving a high level of
personal agency. It has a functional and divisional organisational structure.
A good company structure is vital for any organization, especially for SLT
MOBITEL with a vast range of product portfolio and geographical area is much
bigger. SLT MOBITEL is currently available on all island. To achieve its corporate
mission via a strategic marketing plan, a well-planned organizational structure will
connect each department and business unit to execute the mission of the company. If
you look at below not only the marketing department but also the other departments
support the corporate mission and objectives of the SLT.

Figure – SLT Organisational Structure

9. Strategic Marketing
Marketing managers plan in order to complete work on time and beyond pre-set source
deadline. It is possible that objectives, targets, and budgets will be set as part of the
overall corporate development and budgeting growth. The task is to change these factors
into a workable marketing plan which is called the marketing process.

According to Kotler (1997), the selection of target markets, the marketing mix and the
marketing expenditure levels”. Kotler (1997) further stated “The marketing strategy is
the way in which the marketing function arrange its activities to gain a profitable growth
in sales at a marketing mix level" and "A marketing strategy may be describe as a plan
( usually long term) to achieve the organisation's objectives.

McDonald (1999) stated that "the term "marketing strategy" indicates the organization's
best idea as to how it can most profitably apply its skills and assets to the marketplace. It
is inevitable broad in scope. Marketing strategies are the means by which a company
achieves its marketing objectives and are usually concerned with the 4 p's".

Strategic marketing management shares several of these characteristics. In particular the

development of sustainable competitive advantage is central to strategic marketing, and
there is a very strong case that strategic marketing is crucial to adding value, (Doyle,

5.1 Strategic Marketing growth

The strategic marketing growth is the approach whereby a company allocates its
marketing mix resources to reach its target markets. SLT MOBITEL has to use the
marketing mix to achieve it mission and vision of the company while achieving its
marketing objectives.

1. How does SLT MOBITEL allocate its resources to get where they want to go?
2. How does SLT MOBITEL convert its plans to actions?
3. How does SLT MOBITEL results compare with its plans, and do deviations
require new plans?
 Strategic Marketing process
 Marketing Plan
5.2 Perceptual Map

Positioning is the act of designing the organisation's offer and image to occupy a
distinctive place in the mind of the target market. The end result of positioning is to win
the current position of the consumer mind in the future. In marketing, positioning is all
about building an identity or image in the minds of their target market for their brand,
brand, or organization. The SLT MOBITEL Mega line has positioned services by
technology, clear voice, low cost, and entertainment.

Figure – Perceptual Map

5.3 Strategic Marketing Process for SLT

Strategic marketing is a method through which an organisation differentiates itself from

its competition by focusing on its strengths to provide better service and value to its
customers. In a nutshell, the goal of strategic marketing is to make the most of an
organisation’s positive differentiation over its competition through the consumers’

The implementation of strategic marketing for SLT involves three questions, which
• Where to compete;
• How to compete;
• When to compete.

Strategic marketing considers the long-term goals of your company such as expanding
your business, exploring new demographics, or creating a new brand. For SLT, it’s about
expanding the market to the remote area and converting new customers to buy more
products and services of SLT. Also to offer unmatchable Broad band services to all the
corner of the country. SLT’s marketing process is given below. This is the exact way
SLT plans the marketing process.

5.4 Three Phases of Strategic Marketing Process for SLT

1. Planning Phase
2. Implementation Phase
3. Evaluation or Control Phase

9.5.1 Planning Phase

The planning phase of SLT MOBITEL is the most vital as it analyses internal
strengths and weaknesses, changes in technology, external competition, provides an
overall picture of the state of the organization and industry culture shifts. This aspect
has four key components that will provide a clear diagram of where SLT MOBITEL
is and what it is doing.

• SWOT Analysis
• Marketing program
• Set marketing and product goals
• Market-Product focus and Goal Setting

SWOT Analysis of SLT

The below swot analysis is done to show the SLT MOBITEL stability.
Strengths Weaknesses
Multiple Access Technologies Delays in FTTH and LTE rollout
(ADSL, LTE, FTTH, Wi-Fi) Regulatory restrictions on Mobile
Highest Quality and speed through bundled product
Fiber optic Poor Quality of Copper cables in
Reputed Brand Image certain locations
License for last mile Wire line Distance limitations due to less wire
connectivity Island wide branches line coverage
and external channels dealers Low after sales services and Process
Opportunities Threats
Tech savvy young generation and The possibility of second fixed line
growing demand for BB and online operator with Fiber license
services Growth of Mobile Broadband
Government initiatives to promote Services
ICT Social factors – Lack of knowledge
Increasing popularity of Smart on advantages in Internet services
devices and IOT (internet of things) and traditional culture offer
Rapid technological advancements to Lack of proactive involvement of the
offer advanced ICT services regulator for innovations VAS
Lifestyle changes due to global Lack of customer satisfaction &
exposure over the internet and smart trend of spreading through social
services media
Huge government taxes

Table – SWOT Analysis

We have discussed the SLT MOBITEL Marketing program, Setting marketing and
product goals and market-Product focus and Goal Setting for SLT MOBITEL in 2.1

9.5.2 Implementation Phase

Resources are limited at SLT Mobitel, so company has to allocate scarce resources
to implement the plan. There are four main resources required for the strategy
implementation which are financial resources, physical resources, human resources,
and technological resources. Sri Lanka Telecom has proved its financial resource
through its financial statement. It has favourable and enough reserve capital and also
it has the ability to finance the business through internal as well as external sources.
Technological resources it has in optimum level because it is a telecommunication
industry so it used to adopt new technology to provide quality services to the
customer. It has signed an agreement and contracts with another technology supplier
to get technology resources at a low price. Sri Lanka Telecom has high labour force.
Sri Lanka is rich with labour force and labour is also very cheap in Sri Lanka so, Sri
Lanka Telecom can get human resources from its country at a lower rate and also
there are many skilled labours who are highly skilled in information technology and
other technical work. Sri Lanka Telecom also has physical resources to implement
its strategy. So Sri Lanka Telecom needs to allocate these resources efficiently and
effectively to support the achievement of its objectives through the implementation
of the business strategy.

9.5.3 Evaluation or Control Phase

Evaluation needs to be set for the objectives, strategies, activity schedule, and
budget executed for the financial year. Then actuals need to be evaluated over
standards periodically. If there is a difference, immediate action should be taken to
correct it. If there is no difference, the process can be continued.

The following could be done in order to monitor and evaluate the progress of the
marketing plan for SLT MOBITEL broadband

 Sales force efficiency

 Sales promotion efficiency
 Conducting monthly sales review meetings
 Branch and outlet managers should communicate with top management in a
timely basis
 Conducting customer researches
 Conducting a market share analysis

If is there any gap between standards and actuals, immediate actions need to be taken

 If any drop in sales, corrective measures should be taken. Ex – conduct spot

campaigns and telemarketing to increase sales.
 Training the staff
 Motivating the SLT MOBITEL customer service officers

10. Targets and Timescales

The time range should be selected for the plan functioning because if SLT Mobitel set
the time target then it is easy to control the strategy. Control is the final step in the
strategy performance if we set the time target we can check whether it is achieved or it is
in the correct path of directing to achieve the objectives. So according to Sri Lanka
Telecom new plan it has set the time range for three years to attain the objectives. It has
to spend some time into the market research and it has to make technical work like
setting coverage etc. So it will be take three years to reach its new strategy.

11. Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing of SLT

According to Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management is the art and science of choosing
target markets and building profitable relationship with them. Marketing management is
a process involving analysis, planning, implementing and control and it covers goods,
services, ideas and the goal is to produce satisfaction to the parties involved”. Marketing
management is “planning, organising, controlling and implementing of marketing
programmes, policies, strategies and tactics designed to create and satisfy the demand for
the firm’s product offerings or services as a means of generating an acceptable profit.”

6.1 Relationship Between MM and SM of SLT

SLT MOBITEL Marketing Management performs all managerial functions in the field
of marketing. SLT MOBITEL Marketing Management has to identify market
opportunities and comes out with appropriate strategies for exploring those opportunities
profitably. Those responsible for marketing at SLT MOBITEL should have a good
understanding of the various practices and concepts in marketing, communication, and
analytical skills, and ability to maintain an effective relationship with customers B2C
and B2B, which will enable SLT MOBITEL to plan and execute marketing plans.
Whereas Strategic Marketing management is "planning, organising, implementing and
controlling of marketing programs, strategies, policies , and methods designed to create
and satisfy the demand for the SLT MOBITEL product offerings or services as a means
of generating an acceptable profit."

6.2 SLT MOBITEL Long Term Strategy

Sri Lanka Telecom’s strategies are developed to drive its journey to the future.
It has developed a market oriented strategy. Sri Lanka Telecom is building a
relationship with the client and facilitating individual as well as businesses,
through different and price attractive product availability. Win the
telecommunication market through the market convergence. Providing high
speed BB connections. Sri Lanka Telecom now focussed on increasing the
penetration in all the client segments by improving the sales mix to reduce the
disconnections and moves. Sri Lanka Telecom has opened over 330 base
stations to provide successful CDMA services to the client. In BB it has
introduced many packages to different group of people with attractive rates. It
also maintaining high speed and superior ADSL access in BB. Sri Lanka
Telecom using the rates decreasing strategy in all its product and services. Also
it used NGN architecture to improve the signal strength. It providing 24 month
contract internet service with low rates to maintain the client. Also providing
free CLI and other value added features for its mega office clients.

12. Marketing Tools and Models for SLT

12.5.1 Political

Political factor is influenced by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri

Lanka (TRCSL). Government controls the business operations by taxation and rules &
regulation of telecommunication industry. The Political environment orders to protect
customers by implementing price discrimination and to protect society from
irresponsible organization behaviours. SLT MOBITEL operates without a substantial
impact from politics the reasons that the industry is under control without any harmful
effects. Also, government ensures the quality of the customer's services, protection from
monthly rental and call charges.

12.5.2 Economical

In the years of 2012/2013 the GDP had a positive growth and the beginning of this first
quarter growth by 8.2%, but in the end last two quarters of the year it declined (7.6%,
7.8%) significantly. Developing telecommunication industry contributes to Sri Lanka n
GDP and Employment. Mega line connection sales growth rate decreased in the 2013.
Because the consumer switching to mobile phone connection. But, The Mega line’s
revenue continuously increases, which contributes revenue to Sri Lanka n economy.

12.5.3 Social

The different religion people live in Sri Lanka, where the Telecom very close
relationship with all people and Sri Lanka telecom participates with tradition and norms.
Changing customers ‟lifestyles have minimise the Mega line growth rate from last two
years. 40 Mega line connection provides three diffident types of services within the one
connection which favourable to the entire segment because most parents and youngest
likes voice call services, youth segment mostly likes broadband and the child mostly
likes PEO TV connection. SLT MOBITEL has donated the books to teach institutes.
SLT MOBITEL finally donated approximately one million books to universities,
vocational training centres and island school in 2013. According to the theme of
“Preserving heritage for tomorrow”, Over many years SLT MOBITEL encouraged the
protection of Sri Lanoka's rich heritage for the future generations. The SLT MOBITEL
concern different social activity such as the workers create awareness, educate the
impact of child abuse in 300 islands wide awareness program in 2013 and technology
donated to Deyata Kirula, CHOGM, and Techno.

12.5.4 Technological

Sri Lanka Telecom is the desirable position of being the National Telecommunication
Solutions Provider which responsibility SLT MOBITEL takes very seriously. The
company also recognize that access to world class ICT is a right of all Sri Lanka ns and
must be efficiently and effectively delivered to derive maximum social, business and
economic benefits for the country. It is with this at the forefront of our long range and
strategic planning, that we are constantly evolving our company across multiple stages
of technology, service delivery, marketing and innovative new services.

12.5.5 Environmental

Sri Lanka Telecom more responsible to protect the environment via best practices to all
workers through training, education and development also workers work with a friendly
manner. The Sri Lanka Telecommunication's sustainability included the reduction in the
carbon footprint, energy efficiency, water management and water reduction. SLT
MOBITEL conducted the energy awareness programs for all the workers in island wide
how to protect the surroundings through many forums as possible.

12.5.6 Ethical

Sri Lanka is a collectivism country where more emphasis should be given to ethics
because it is established more than 150 years, which are giving more emphasis on
maintaining standards of corporate governance. The SLT’s sales and advertisement
activities do not affect the customers and competitors and also the environment pollution
were reduced by business activities. The SLT MOBITEL is awarded for standard of
security management of ISO/IEO 27001:2005. SLT MOBITEL conducts its business
with eco-friendly method.
12.5.7 Legal

Legal factors include discrimination law, workers law and health and safety law. The
SLT MOBITEL has a comprehensive legal system. Also the business does not follow in
agreement with applicable laws. The challenge faced in 2011, the need for renewal of
SLT’s 20 year operating license, which expires on 07 August 2011. The company is in
the progress of requesting its renewal from the Telecom Regulatory Commission.
However, the regulator is in the process of formulating a Next Generation Network
(NGN) policy for Sri Lanka through which a new licensing regime will be introduced
and SLT MOBITEL is the first operator to face the newly introduced changes to license

7.2 Boston Matrix - Competitive Position

It is classified all companies strategic business unit as per the growth rate and market
share (Kotler, 2008).
High relative Low relative market
market share
High market
growth Stars Question mark

Low market
growth rate Cash cows Dogs

Figure – Boston Matrix

The above chart showing 4 different level of competitive position.
Stars – High market share high market growth.
Question mark – Low market share high market growth.
Cash cows - High market share low market growth.
Dogs – Low market share low market growth.

According to this Boston Consulting Group Matrix analysis Sri Lanka Telecom is in the
position of cash cows because it has about 40% market share (SLT MOBITEL annual report
2010) in the telecommunication industry. SLT MOBITEL is number one
telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka. But compare to last year it has shown 2% revenue
decline. Profit also decreased by 6%. So it shows the high market share and low growth

7.3 Ansoff Matrix – Market Expand

According to the analysis of competitive position of the company, it is suggested two

possible alternative strategy options under ANSOFF matrix (Product market
expansion grid). It is a most popular method used by the organizations to attempt to
grow their business. This Product – Market expansion grid support to identify the
possible Product and market strategy option available to the organization. SLT
MOBITEL has two option of planning its market expand, ie. Market Development
and Product Development

Existing Product New Product

Existing Market Penetration Product


Market Diversification

Market penetration – It means SLT MOBITEL selling more existing product in the
existing market. To achieve this strategy it need heavy advertisement sales
promotion and price reduction to increase the sales. It can be achieve through the
economy of scale.

Product development – this is an approach of developing or modifying a product of

SLT. It can be a completely new product or the existing product with some
modification. Through that SLT MOBITEL can strengthen its competitive position
in the market.

7.4 Industry Product Life Cycle


According to the industry life cycle Sri Lanka Telecom’s competitive position is in
growth now it has built its brand image to customer and catch up high market share
but now the growth rate is started to decline. Now in this level it’s needed a new
strategy to increase its growth. Profit is in under pressure. Research and development
strategy is also low in this stage (Richard, 2006).

13. Conclusion

SLT's corporate strategy is concerned with its basic direction for the future. Its
ambitions, its purpose, its resources and how interacts with the market in which it
operates. Every aspect of SLT MOBITEL plays a role in this strategy, its people, its
finances, its production methods and its environment, including its customers. It is
quite easy to confuse corporate strategy and strategic marketing. Both are concerned
with big decisions, taking cause over a long period, having significant, and resource
implications being applied by Directors. Here an analysis of marketing goals of SLT
Mobitel is done and an in-depth analysis on the processes involved in marketing
management also discussed. SLT marketing management process is very large in terms
of involvement. It takes financial and HR resources to a greater extent.

14. References

Sri Lanka Telecom. 2018. Sri Lanka Telecom PLC - Annual Report. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed
14 May 2021].

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. 2018. Home -

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2021]

Telecom, S., 2020. Welcome to Sri Lanka Telecom. [Online] Sri Lanka Telecom.
Available at: <> [Accessed 18 May 2021].
Reibstein, D., Farris, P., Bendle, N. and Pfeifer, P. (2006), Marketing Metrics: 50+
Metrics Every Executive Should Master, Wharton School Publishing, Upper Saddle

Richard, L. (2006) Corporate strategy. 4th ed. London: prentice hall.

Section B

Marketing Strategy Evaluation Plan for

Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

1. Marketing Strategy Direction

SLT MOBITEL Marketing Strategy direction will be to increase the sales revenue by
providing good products to the market while giving utmost after sales service. Their
marketing strategy will be achieved by improving greater quality of the services in voice,
broadband and PEO TV, donations to corporate social responsibility, Enhance customer
experience by being more responsive to customer needs, reduce the monthly rental
amount to triple and double connection than a single connection and delivering high
quality services faster with increased value aligned to market requirements. The
marketing strategy will be achieved will be achieved by identifying consumers’
preferences, introducing effective promotion activity, enhance brand awareness and
enhance the brand penetration in entire Sri Lanka .
15. Strategic Marketing Techniques

2.1. Setting Marketing Objectives & Marketing Strategy

Marketing Objectives can be Assuming that the below objectives have to be achieved by
the end of this year.
 Increase the net growth of Mega line connection 10% at Island wide (increasing
new connections and decreasing the disconnections)
 15% Conversions from the competitor to Mega line connection at Island wide.
 Increases the Mega line customer by 20% to carry out the remaining Sri Lanka n
project at island wide.
 To enhance the awareness level of the consumers by 75% for the Mega line
connection at island wide.
 Capture 50% market share from the Mega line about 30 Billion quantitative total
sales through market penetration at island wide.

2.2 Segmenting

15.5.1 Geographic

The geographic segment covers the entire area of Sri Lanka but, it has divided into
four areas in the island wide and which is divided according to the total customers
and service facility. For an Example the total number of fixed line customers is
574,390 in Colombo district (Metro), but the total number of customers are 134,493
in Northern, Eastern province (Region 3). SLT’s geographic segmentations are given

 Metro – Colombo
 Region 1 - Central province, North central & North Western
 Region 2 - Western province without Colombo, Uva province,
Sabaragamuwa province & Southern province
 Region 3 - Northern, Eastern province
(Source: Annual report 2013)
15.5.2 Demographic

Demographic variables basically refer to personal statistics such as income, age,

gender, education level, and amount of family members. The demographic is the
traits a human population, demographic section consists of education qualification,
monthly income level and resistance palaces.

The Sri Lanka n geographic segmentations are:

 Organization size
 Family members
 Monthly income
15.5.3 Psychographic
The target market has built long term trust towards to the Sri Lanka telecom.
Customers believe the company and its facility which contributing to fixed income
to SLT, Government 47 servants and people stabilize their life with most of the time
psychologically. This is all about the psychological traits of customers. That
including attributes such as;
 Personality
 Beliefs
 Lifestyle

15.5.4 Behavioural

Behavioural role is a significant factor of the telecommunication industry. The Mega

line consumer has following behavioural attitudes.
 Customer service excellence
 Quality of voice
 Innovative technology
 Benefits sought
 Brand loyalty
 Produce user rate
 Speed
16. Targeting

Target market is a group of individual customer/corporate customers with a set of

general characteristics. Target market agrees to form a concentration of effect against a
share of the universe with similar descriptors, product needs and buying habits. A
targeting total determination depends on several factors of SLT MOBITEL Mega line
connection. Target market consumers are:
 Individual consumer (upper, middle class families)
 Corporate customers (Multinational & enterprise customers, public sector
institutions, other operators/ wholesale customers, SME, retail customers and
domestic user)
17. Positioning

Positioning is the act of designing the companies’ offer and image to occupy a distinctive
place in the mind of the target market. The end result of positioning is to win the current
position of the consumer mind in the future. In marketing positioning, it's all about
creating an image or identity in the minds of the target market for its product, brand, or
company. The Mega line has positioned services by technology, clear voice, low cost,
and entertainment. The Mega line services are placed among rational customers who
have loyalty to this Mega line connection. The plan is to position Mega line connection
to attract individual and corporate customers.

The positioning strategy is planning to increase the high quality customer technology
solutions to its customers and meet their expectations in all aspects of packaging with a
high quality service and deciding lesser prices to maintaining client satisfaction, integrity
and corporate social responsibility. It is a competitive advantage to the characteristics of
the needs and the wants of the target market. So, the SLT MOBITEL can capture new
customers and can avoid a termination existing Mega line connection.
18. 7p Marketing Mix (Tactics) Strategy

3.1 Product Strategy

SLT MOBITEL is a telecommunication organization that provides different inventive

telecommunication services for individual clients and corporate clients. The Mega line is
an intangible innovative service which currently is in majority level and it provides
services under the high quality and modern technology to the clients. The Mega line
connection includes the 3 packages of voice, broadband, and television. The core
advantage of the Mega line connection addressed the clients’ basic need for voice.

The actual product that includes 2 packages of broadband and PEO Tv connection. SLT
MOBITEL Mega line is a famous brand in telecommunication trade. The innovative
technology is a prime strength of the Mega line connection, because SLT MOBITEL is
the only technology provides a 4G services to all the urban and suburban places. But in
some rural places it's not providing these services.
Mega line connection has various product features according to multiple services.

 Crystal clear voice

 Offer of voice, broadband and PEO TV services through a single line
 Single number for generation
 Island wide network coverage
 Lower call charge for IDD call
 Corporate consumer is benefitted when calling for more than three minutes.
 Safe to use with very rare radiation
 A line that is always connected - No utility, powder requirement for telephone
 Corporate customers are satisfied when making longer call due to reducing
call charges after the third minute.
 Extended off-peak time brand for home users

3.2 Pricing Strategy

Price is an important element to strategic marketing plan which determine how success
to gain revenue. The price of three types of packaging are clearly described how it is an
important determinant of the valued sales made by the company. Also, the price is really
determined by the discovery of what customers perceive is the value of the Mega line
connection. Price has a major role in telecommunication trade. Price is considered as a
deciding factor for Mega line connection which currently uses promotion and economic
pricing strategy which is satisfying the existing customers also its good profit margin for
the SLT Mobitel.

SLT MOBITEL should use the penetration pricing strategy which is most appropriate for
SLT MOBITEL Mega line connection. Because the SLT MOBITEL Mega line
connection is on maturity level in the product life cycle, its growth provides larger profit
to SLT. The price charged for the Mega line was ordered to gain market share and Last
year totals fixed connection was reduced by increasing mobile phone connections. But if
SLT MOBITEL uses a skimming pricing strategy, clients will switch to competitors and
mobile services. Because, same quality of services available from competitors an also
SLT MOBITEL can compete by selecting this penetration strategy. SLT MOBITEL can
hold our existing customers and SLT MOBITEL can add more potential customers
according to penetration strategy. According to the Penetration pricing strategy analysis,
these benefits will be achieved by Mega line;

 Increase the market share

 Increase sales volume
 Increase revenue
 To competitive advantage with current market competitors
 Increase the quality of services and packages
 Gaining customer loyalty

3.3 Promotional Strategy

Promotion is an important marketing mix element of the organization. Promotion helps

to increase customer awareness of the companies' brand name and its packaging
products, generate sales and create brand loyalty. The current promotional campaign of
Mega line mainly focuses on innovative services. The percentage of the marketing
budget spends on media advertising that use sales promotion.
Primary promotional objectives of Mega line connection.

 Increase sales and profits

 Increase corporate and brand image
 Provide information about Mega line connection.
 Build brand awareness
 Create customer loyalty

SLT Mobitel coordinates an effective promotional strategy to trigger the purchase of

Mega line connections. SLT’s primary promotional mix elements are Television
advertisement, social media advertisement, public relations and etc. following
promotional activities is below.

Above the line media

Utilized create awareness of the product through the maturity stage of brand reposition.
It will be an effective to notify the target groups, constantly remind them about the
product to push repeat purchases.

 Radio advertisement
 TV advertisement
 Outdoor/ Billboards
 Newspaper

Below the line media

BTL media communications are used to focus on niche markets. Which gives the
market's ability to adapt their messaging to more personal manners to the audience.

 Brochures
 Direct Mailing
 Email Marketing
 SMS marketing
 Online Promotions

3.4 Place Strategy

The distribution strategy of SLT MOBITEL is mostly based on the branch sales. SLT
MOBITEL provides a telecommunication service to island wide consumer which sales
distributions are:

 Teleshops - 36
 Regional offices - 34
 Maintenance centres – 22
 Contact centres – 7
SLT MOBITEL focuses the regional distribution based on the service and consumer
segment. For example, the majority of consumers are in Colombo areas, so it provides a
4G connection all the areas in Colombo. But the fewer consumers are in the North and
East areas, so it provides a 4G connection in some specific cities only. SLT MOBITEL
Mega line covers on different areas based on the four main strategic themes such as
services, operation, network and group. Mega line is vital connectivity in Sri Lanka,
delivering faster access to information and communication in all the key economic
sectors of the nation.

3.5 Physical Evidence Strategy

Physical proof refers the Mega line connection of SLT MOBITEL that services appear
from outsider clients and the market. However, clients tend to rely on physical cues to
help them evaluate the product before they buy it. Therefore, marketers increase what we
call physical evidence to replace these physical cues in a service.

 All SLT MOBITEL outlets and vehicles place SLT MOBITEL Logo
 Colours – Use one standard Colour theme for all SLT MOBITEL offices in an
island wide, representing SLT MOBITEL colour (Blue and White)
 Staff Uniform
 Website design
 Packaging
 Internet/web pages

SLT MOBITEL heavily depend on the physical evidence as a means of marketing

communications, for an example SLT MOBITEL Mega line with seasonal offers
(Christmas). This is important to their corporate image.

3.6 Process Strategy

The marketing activity process changes are very easy for consumers, the new process.
Those process changes are below.
The Existing Process
New connection application form Mega line should be filled for all three services and
handed over it to the front officer/marketing officer. Collect the new connection charges.
Then it has entered by the front office staff. Service is provisioning by the technical

Introducing New Process

The new connection application form can fill the online application and attached the
related supporting documents. E-mail it to related regional manager. Then the regional
office staff does a feasibility checking and inform to the client. Clients can make the
online payment. Next service will be provided. Follow up the service until first bill
3.7 People Strategy

People are significant assets for running a business and achieving our business goals and
objectives. SLT MOBITEL deals with clients, workers, government authority,
competitors, and other companies. These shareholders differ in attitudes, needs, and
values. SLT MOBITEL is a good employer which has a friendly connection with staff.
The current employees are educated people who have got various help for higher
education. SLT MOBITEL evaluates the individual staff's performance to rewarding,
promotion, and other benefits that marketing relies on different kinds of people set up in
dealing with customers. SLT MOBITEL believes in arranging training schedules and
development programs for their people in the front offices and the people in head
offices. The people in the front offices of the permits for intensive, training in consumer
handling, customer sensitivity and etc. Also, salary increments, medical allowance,
requirements, and free trips are positive to staff regarding the employee's position.
19. Effectiveness of Strategic Marketing of Competitor

SLT MOBITEL was the first corporation to offer commercial broadband connections in
the country and also the only provider of wired broadband access hence SLT MOBITEL
had a monopoly in the fixed-line market and Island wide cable network connectivity
through copper wire and optical fiber till 2012. Dialog Axiata has started providing
broadband services from the end of January 2013 through LTE technology and they have
gained a market share in a quick time. And also they have laid the cable for fiber
connectivity which is still in pending approval.

And also they have laid the cable for fiber connectivity which is still pending approval.
But SLT MOBITEL is still the market leader of the Broadband market which is offering
through fiber, copper, and LTE technologies. There are some competitors apart from
dialog in the market for SLT. They are also providing mobile broadband and fixed
wireless broadband but not a considerable market share as Dialog.

4.1 Marketing Strategies of SLT Mobitel and Dialog

When doing a comparison between a two similar organisation what we have to do is

identify and compare their functions and business methods. In other words compare their
process to each other. This two similar organizations can compared in many ways. Such
as doing a Situational analysis on both organization. Or we can compare their strategies
as well. Also we can do a marketing mix analysis for them too. These are some common
ways to compare two organization. By this comparison we can identify their marketing
processes and the strategies.

19.5.1 Product Tactics

WiFi of Dialog also have many packages when comparing to SLT. In recent days
after the pandemic situation happened Dialog was more helpful to people and their
customers by providing essential services during lockdown. When we consider the
mobile service sector Dialog was the first to enter in to market with a new
product/strategy of providing time based packages which is now used by almost
every telecommunication sector. That is a very successful method of grabbing the

Products of SLT are very limited but the services they provide are many. Such as if
we take WiFi of SLT they have many number of options given to us. There are
more than even 15 packages we can see in a WiFi package by SLT in different
amounts. Even in Mobitel which is a subsidiary of SLT have different options of
packages given to mobile users. In recent years data package system is one of a
trend in telecommunication sector and Mobitel also provide those and competing
well with Dialog who came up with that first to the market.

19.5.2 Pricing Tactics

Both the SLT and Dialog uses penetration pricing strategy where they put a very
low price to enter the market. From the past Dialog was very competitive in pricing
in the market. Comparing to SLT the prices are bit higher but when seeing of the
quality of their service price isn’t even that higher as we think. Nowadays as every
organization Dialog use wide range of products to capture every segment of the
market. As a government owned organization SLT is using a very affordable price
limit where every citizen can afford. In every product line there are different range
of products and services differed by the price. When comparing to Dialog, SLT is
slightly better and reasonable in pricing.

19.5.3 Place Tactics

From the past Dialog’s first response and the after service are in an impressive way
thanks to their outlets which are situated in every major city. We can even see
multiple outlets even in one city just to make their services better.

SLT has many service centres than before in all over the country. Because as the
services required to certain products of them SLT needed to response quickly to
them. So in that case choosing a correct location to have their outlet is very
important and SLT same as Dialog keeping an outlet in every major city in Sri

19.5.4 Promotion Tactics

Dialog’s promotional methods are more aggressive than SLT. Same as SLT they
also use TV advertisements, uses social media’s, newspapers and also banners.
Dialog also mostly make their TV adverts in a very attractive way. They use tag
lines to brag about the product. Also create songs with famous people on it.
Promotion is key to SLT also for Dialog. SLT’s main methods of promotion are
through TV advertisements, by social media, newspapers and large banners.

20. Dialog Data Packages

21. Role & Function of Marketing Management

A product portfolio is the collection of all the products or services offered by a company.
Product portfolio analysis can provide nuanced views on a stock type, company growth
prospects, profit margin drivers, income contributions, market leadership, and
operational risk. This is essential for investors conducting equity research by investors or
analysts supporting internal corporate financial planning.

5.1 Product Portfolio

SLT MOBITEL has vast range of product portfolio to choose from for the Corporate and
Home users. Below are the product portfolio of SLT.

22. Organisation Structure and Culture

An Organizational structure and culture are interdependent. An organisation structure

can defines the attitude, policies, framework, strategies and moral values which
ultimately creates the work/ organizational culture. SLT organization structure is
decentralized, which means the authority, responsibility and decision making power is
shared with the employees at all levels, the culture will be more innovative, interesting,
accountable and independent.
The organizational structures of SLT MOBITEL contain rapid elaborated changes; we
can easily find out some characteristics of division structure and new workplace
structure. Therefore, this combination offers a flexible structural design in order to
achieve their ultimate goals and objectives. Sri Lanka Telecom operates under Mr.
Nimal Welgama who is director of mobility (Pvt) Ltd and subsidiaries, who is a major
decision-maker of SLT MOBITEL and other entire companies. He is responsible for
leading the board who participates in a company meetings and company strategies. He
manages the board members and the senior management team.

Chairman manages the board committee that includes the 5 departments, such as the
Audit Committee, remuneration committee, technology subcommittee, and senior render
board and nominating committee. Lalith De Silva is the CEO of SLT; he is in charge
person to ensure effective training for key staff. He is responsible for business growth
and long-term success with shareholders. He takes sessions to their management level.
Also, implement SLT's short and long-term plan according to the CEO, the management
committee work with 09 departments. They are working to provide day to day business
plans for company operation.

The organization management committee is handling by top-level managers. The

authorization and better understanding of their culture and how to change it is a critical
skill for leaders in SLT, they are trying to get strategic outcomes. Strategic leaders have
the best view, because of their position in SLT, to see the passage of the ability, what
should remain, and what needs want to transform as well as the rules and regulation are
reduced and a very flexible move towards to handle issues. Such employees show
positive improvement, innovation and excellence in their assigned jobs.

23. Importance of Globalisation and Impact of Environment

Globalization means the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods,
and services, capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the
effects of globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different
regions and populations around the globe.
23.5.1 Technological Globalisation

Sri Lanka Telecom has launched SLT MOBITEL broadband service in 2007 due to
technology changes. Technology is a miracle external environment. It changes
continually. As a telecommunication industry, Sri Lanka Telecom is very much
influenced by the technology changes in the global. It has started with the
telegraphic circuit in 1858, then they launched cable service, telephone service,
telex, and wireless service, etc. Because of the technology changes. SLT MOBITEL
BB is a fast and permanent connection to the internet with high-speed bandwidth. It
also converts the regular phone into a high-speed digital link and translates voice
and data.

Nowadays everyone using the internet for various purposes globally. It helps to
make human activities easy and quick throughout the global. (ADSL) Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line facilitates and helps to download at different speeds. Normal
analog modem provides the internet with a speed of a maximum of 56 kbps but the
Sri Lanka Telecom broadband Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line has a speed of
above 512kbps. Also, Sri Lanka telecom Provides 7 different types of broadband
packages to the customer. Online advertising also can be taken as the changes in the
Sri Lanka telecom promotional services. It is also an effect of technological changes.
World widely everybody using online services and internet facility so everybody
used to advertise their brand in online. SLT MOBITEL also spends more on online
advertisement and it has facilitated online shopping due to the changes in
information technology.
24. Strengths and Weakness of Dialog Axiata PLC

24.5.1 Unique Selling Point – Strength

Dialog has a strong infrastructure with strong Public Relationship that has been built
up since 1995 and also has a reputed brand name & Dialog was the first digital
network in South Asia Strong network coverage spread throughout the entire island
Technical innovations – Dialog 4G LTE. They do aggressive Advertising &
promotions all over the island. Also they do International services with GSM
roaming coverage of 211 destinations internationally, on over 530 networks &
Dialog was also the first operator in the Sri Lanka who introduced International
Roaming Service.

24.5.2 Price - Weakness

Dialog has high pricing on IDD calls compared to others Low credit margins for
business packages than other competitors like SLT. Dialog has been focusing on the
executive level & the above than the below level. They always focus high end
customers. Also they had weak packages for corporate sectors compared to others.
Dialog CDMA couldn’t hit much of the market Even though Dialog has a good
roaming service covering a wide area and Roaming packages are high in cost than
some other operators

24.5.3 Quality – Strength and Weakness

Dialog has good coverage all over the island and has some good towers to cover the
remote areas. The quality of the connectivity is high compare to other networks. The
places that SLT could not tap, Dialog was able to tap it. Their Calls and Broadband
services has been fully functioning at its best. But unfortunately their quality of the
service given to the customers are really poor. Because of that they tend to lose
customers continuously. Because of their client base is huge, the service level keeps
dropping always.
24.5.4 Convenience and Location - Strength

Dialog Connection can be brought at any places like communications, Dialog

outlets, Dialog main offices and other small shops. Because this their distribution is
much stronger compare to SLT. Even now Dialog SIM can be activated within 15
minutes of purchase. Because of this convenience of using Dialog is easier.

24.5.5 Product Range- Strength

Dialog introduced some great packages for all segments covering almost all users in
Sri Lanka. Dialog’s product range has focused now from retail users to corporate
users and also from teens to elders. Those packages helps them to gain more market
share since they have the best network coverage in the country.

25. Importance of Environmental Factors

It is importance for SLT to have an understanding of the external and internal

environment for planning for the future. SLT needs to be fully aware of the current
scenario, dynamism, and future predictions of the marketing environment if he wants his
plans to succeed. Thorough knowledge of the marketing environment it helps SLT
marketers acknowledge and predict what the customer actually wants. In-depth analysis
of the marketing environment for SLT reduces (and even removes) the noise between the
marketer and customers and helps the marketer to understand consumer behaviour better.
Sound knowledge of the market environment often gives a first-mover advantage to the
marketer as he makes sure that his business is safe from future threats and taps the future

26. Change in Political Environment

Political factor is influenced by the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri

Lanka (TRCSL). Government controls the business operations by taxation and rules &
regulation of telecommunication industry. The Political environment orders to protect
customers by implementing price discrimination and to protect society from
irresponsible organization behaviours. SLT MOBITEL operates without a substantial
impact from politics the reasons that the industry is under control without any harmful
effects. Also, government ensures the quality of the customer's services, protection from
monthly rental and call charges.

27. State of the Economic

In Sri Lanka, a strong, reliable and all-island ICT infrastructure is important to the
efficient functioning and development of businesses and the economy of Sri Lanka. As
the national telecommunication service provider for Sri Lanka, they empower companies
to perform their business activities more accurately and effectively through our island-
wide ICT infrastructure and the provision of reliable and high-quality ICT products and
services, helping to create a knowledge-rich society, aiding economic development.
Through the provision of high-speed, affordable BB connectivity SLT MOBITEL seek
to get about social and economic benefits for the people in Sri Lanka. SLT MOBITEL is
fully committed to making BB affordable, and to connecting every house, and bringing
everyone online to aid national GDP success. Sri Lanka Telecom will also deliver the
National Backbone Network (NBN) services as the NBN operator, creating the network
and ability to empower Sri Lanka as South Asia's economic hub.

Its effort to reengineer the whole network towards a fully-fledged Next Generation
Network (NGN) is well underway. In parallel, SLT's capacity-building effort is taking
care of upgrading the core backbone and building the National Backbone Network
(NBN) - as the exclusive NBN license holder. At the same time as revolutionizing SLT's
core infrastructure platform, NGN is likely to transform Sri Lanka's ICT readiness by
replacing conventional legacy platforms in favour of an optical fiber-based backbone
network that extends the network edge closer to the client. With NGN relocation being a
pre-requisite for Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL)
licensing requirements, the improvement made towards NGN migration during the year
helped secure SLT's operating license, for a further period of 10 years.
28. Strategic Marketing Objective

6.1 SLT Marketing Objective

SLT Marketing objectives are a brand’s defined goals. It plans the intentions of the
marketing team, provide clear direction for team members to follow, and offer
information for executives to review and support. Marketing objectives are a pivotal part
of SLT marketing strategy. Without defined proper goals, a brand will struggle with
achieving its plans because it won’t be clear on what it wants to do.  A straightforward
plan is required to know what you hope to do and how you plan on doing it.

Also marketing objectives for 2020 are established by assuming 2019 target has
been fully achieved.
 Increase Broadband product awareness
 Increase customer service
 Increase Broad band coverage
 Increase Brand preferences
 Increase Customer retention
 Increasing Regional Offices to 45 in next marketing year

6.2 SLT Marketing Objectives links to Corporate Objective

SLT Marketing objectives need to have an impact on the organization as a whole and the
objectives need support from other departments for marketing to be seen as
relevant. SLT has so many department which needs to support its Marketing department.
When setting SLT objectives, it must ensure that they are SMART! Specific, measurable,
achievable, realistic and time-bound. The SMART approach allows marketing
department to manage marketing activities better and be able to determine how
successful new objectives can be.
6.3 SMART Objective

Specific: The goals are clearly defined and outlined for SLT. SLT entire team
understands the objective and why it’s important.
Measurable: SLT marketing goals have key performance indicators (KPI) and
benchmarks. These KPIs track the progress toward SLT goal and clearly display if SLT
on track to hitting those objectives.
Achievable: SLT objectives are within the ability of SLT and team. Set the bar high, but
also remember to set goals within the marketing department’s means. It has to be
Relevant: SLT marketing objectives are relevant to the brand mission and the direction
of your business.
SLT objective must have a timeline that indicates when to start and when to end.

29. KPIs to Assign to Marketing Objectives

Once the marketing objectives and goals are set, it’s time to figure out how to measure
them and plan them. A successful goal setting requires placing KPIs and benchmarks on
the SLT plans. The marketing department needs to assign numbers, deadlines, and
metrics to each of your marketing objectives. KPIs and marketing metrics allow the
marketing department to evaluate progress along the way and assess results at the end of
the campaign. Without benchmarks for the goals, SLT will have no way of knowing if it
has achieved the work successfully. So as SLT lay out the marketing plan, assign
relevant KPIs that will help assess and measure the output of the work.

30. Appropriateness of Strategic Marketing Objectives

The SLT marketing department has to ensure functional activities are consistent with
corporate objectives. It also make sure to provide a focus for marketing decision-making
and effort and provide incentives for marketing team and a measure of success / failure
in their activities. SLT Marketing department also establish priorities for marketing
resources and efforts. These set of marketing objectives plays a role of a compass
that directs and guides SLT to go in a right direction. SLT resources are best utilized in a
right manner if SLT has pre-determined marketing objectives. This helps SLT to track
real metrics to check the progress and also be able to improve the efficiency and
productivity in the internal as well external business operations. Also cohesiveness
improves among the team as they are driven to a common, right path which
ultimately, increases SLT revenues and profits.

31. Monitoring, Review and Control Mechanism

The monitoring is important progress which is implementing the strategic plan to ensure
that, it is aligned with the set objectives and to make sure to achieve the specific results
of the company. The SLT MOBITEL can apply several methods in order to carry out its
monitoring process. Those three primary methods are given below. Those are;

7.1 Sales meeting

SLT MOBITEL should carry out sales meetings in every month and quarterly basis to
monitor the branch sales to reach the target. Every branch must submit the sales report to
marketing managers who estimate about total sales, sales targets, connection extension
(from voice to BB and PEO Tv) and connection termination of each branch.

31.5.1 Quarterly Review

The company group director and marketing manager review the information about
branch sales, sales targets, connection inquiries and client feedback in the every quarter.

31.5.2 Customer Inquiries Analysis

The service standard is main in the telecommunication industry. The customer expects
and likes faster and clear services in the modern world due to their changing lifestyles.
So, the company should collect the feedbacks and inquiries from all clients through the
websites, social media, by calling clients and etc. Then, the marketing manager and
group director should analyse about customer inquiries to provide an effective sales and
telecommunication services to customers.
32. Evaluation

The marketing performance are based on some of the key activities that follow under the
sub topics. Different analysis can be used in the monthly basis and quarterly basis to
calculate the company's performance. The marketing activities are evaluated by
qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods

32.5.1 Quantitative Evaluation Techniques

Quantitative evaluation techniques are based on the company objectives. It measures the
real and target performance of these activities. These are given below.
 Increase market share.
 To be the market leader
 Retaining existing customers
 Increase potential customers

32.5.2 Qualitative Evaluation Techniques

Qualitative evaluation techniques are based on the attitudes and insight of organization
stakeholders. The formal and informal advices receive from organizing internal
information, word of mouth, ideas and explanation. The qualitative evaluation
techniques calculate the implemented plan. Following are the qualitative evaluation
techniques are;

 The time period of each activity

 Positive perception and motivation of the employees.
 Organization employee’s confidence level of implementing the action plan.
33.List of references

Dialog Home Page. 2018. Dialog Home Page. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2018]. 4. Etisalat Sri Lanka. 2018. Etisalat Sri
Lanka. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2021].

David, F. R., (2005) Strategic Management Concepts and Cases. 10th Ed. Pearson
Prentice Hall

Gillian, C and Wilson R. M. S. (2009) Strategic Marketing Planning

Home - Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. 2018. Home -

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 June 2021].

Mobitel. 2018. Mobitel. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 21

June 2021].

Parmenter, D. (2009), Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing and

Using Winning KPIs, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken

Reibstein, D., Farris, P., Bendle, N. and Pfeifer, P. (2006), Marketing Metrics: 50+
Metrics Every Executive Should Master, Wharton School Publishing, Upper Saddle

Richard, L. (2006) Corporate strategy. 4th ed. London: prentice hall.

Sri Lanka Telecom. 2018. Annual Business Plan. [ONLINE] Available at: 2Fcco
%2Fcs%2FShared%20Documents%2FAnnual%20Business%20Plan%2FA BP
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Sri Lanka Telecom. 2018. Sri Lanka Telecom PLC - Annual Report. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed
14 May 2021].

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. 2018. Home -

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2021]

Telecom, S., 2020. Welcome to Sri Lanka Telecom. [online] Sri Lanka Telecom.
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