6.3 Design Values of Combined Actions

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Example 6 - Combined bending and torsion – Simple method Sheet 3 of 12 Rev

6.3 Design values of combined actions

6.3.1 Values at ULS
In accordance with equation 6.10b:
UDL (self weight)
F 2,d   G g k   0.925  1.35  0.9   1.12 kN/m

Concentrated load
F1,d   Q Q k  1.5  60   90.0 kN

The concentrated load acts at an eccentricity of 75 mm from the centreline of

the beam. The design force is equivalent to a concentric force plus a torsional
moment, given by:
T Ed  F1,d  e  90  0.075  6.75 kNm

6.3.2 Force in flanges due to torsion

In this simplified method, the torsional moment is considered as two equal and
opposite lateral forces applied to the flanges as shown below.



Figure 6.4

The force Ff,Ed, acting at each flange, is given by:

T Ed 6.75
Ff ,Ed =   27.8 kN
h  tf ( 260.3  17.3 )  10  3

6.3.3 Values at SLS

The SLS value of the concentrated load is:
F1,d,ser  Q  60.0 kN

The force at each flange at SLS is therefore:

T Ed,ser 60  0.075
F f,Ed,ser    18.5 kN
h  tf ( 260.3  17.3 )  10  3

6.4 Design bending moment and shear forces at

Ultimate Limit State
Design bending moment at B My,Ed = 92 kNm
Design shear force at supports (A and C) VA,Ed & VC,Ed = 47 kN
Design shear force at mid-span (B) VB,Ed = 47 kN

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Example 6 - Combined bending and torsion – Simple method Sheet 4 of 12 Rev

6.5 Buckling length

Since the beam is unrestrained between the supports, there is only one segment
length to consider in this example, with a length equal to the beam length. In
bending, the beam is simply supported.
BS EN 1993-1-1 does not give guidance for determining buckling lengths. For
beams, the buckling length should be taken as being equal to the span length
unless the designer considers the beam to be restrained.
Length to consider, L = 4000 mm
Therefore, Lcr = 1.0  L = 4000 mm

6.6 Section properties

254  254  89 UKC in S275 steel
From section property tables:
Depth h = 260.3 mm P363
Width b = 256.3 mm
Web thickness tw = 10.3 mm
Flange thickness tf = 17.3 mm
Depth between fillets d = 200.3 mm
Root radius r = 12.7 mm
Plastic modulus y-y axis Wpl,y = 1 220 cm3
Elastic modulus y-y axis Wel,y = 1 100 cm3
Radius of gyration z-z axis iz = 6.55 cm
Torsion constant IT = 102 cm4
Area A = 113 cm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 210 000 N/mm2 3.2.6(1)
For buildings that will be built in the UK, the nominal values of the yield NA.2.4
strength (fy) and the ultimate strength (fu) for structural steel should be those
obtained from the product standard. Where a range is given, the lowest
nominal value should be used.
For grade S275 steel and 16 mm < t  40 mm BS EN 10025-2
Yield strength fy = ReH = 265 N/mm2 Table 7

6.7 Deflections and twist at SLS

Before carrying out the resistance verifications, it is advisable to verify the
acceptability of the deflection and twist of the section under serviceability limit
state loading.
The vertical deflection of the beam should be determined using the method
given in Example 2 using the SLS loads. For brevity the calculation is not
given here.
The twist of the beam is determined from the horizontal displacement of the

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Example 6 - Combined bending and torsion – Simple method Sheet 5 of 12 Rev

Considering one flange, the inertia of a single flange, If,is given by:
tf  b3 17.3  256.3 3
If =   10  4  2427.2 cm4
12 12
The horizontal displacement, u, of the flanges is:
F f,Ed,ser L 3 18.5  10 3  4000 3
u =   4.8 mm
48 EI f 48  210000  2427.2  10 4
Therefore the maximum twist is
 2u 
 =     2  4.8   0.04 radians = 2.3
ht   
 f   260.3  17.3 

This twist is greater than the suggested limit of 2.0 given in SCI publication
P385. However, if the more rigorous approach given in P385 is used a twist
of 1.26 is determined. Therefore, this example will continue to use the
254  254  89 UKC in S275 steel.
The twist is in addition to any rotations due to the movement of the
connections or deflections of the supporting structure.

6.8 Cross section classification

235 235 Table 5.2
 =   0.94
fy 265

Outstand of compression flange Table 5.2

b  tw  2r 256.3  10.3   2  12.7 
c =   110.3 mm
2 2
c 110.3
=  6.4
tf 17.3
The limiting value for Class 1 is  9 = 9  0.94 = 8.46
6.4 < 8.46
Therefore, the flange in compression is Class 1.

Web subject to bending

c = d = 200.3 mm
c 200.3
=  19.4
tw 10.3
The limiting value for Class 1 is  72 = 72  0.94 = 67.7
19.4 < 67.7
Therefore, the web in bending is Class 1.
Therefore the cross section is Class 1.

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Example 6 - Combined bending and torsion – Simple method Sheet 6 of 12 Rev

6.9 Partial factors for resistance

 M0 = 1.0 NA.2.15
 M1 = 1.0

6.10 Cross-sectional resistance

6.10.1 Shear buckling
The shear buckling resistance for webs should be verified according to 6.2.6(6)
section 5 of BS EN 1993-1-5 if:
hw  Eq (6.23)
 72
tw 

 = 1.0 (conservative)
h w  h  2 t f  260.3   2  17.3   225.7 mm

hw 225.7
  21.9
tw 10.3

 0.94
72  72   67.7
 1.0

21.9 < 67.7

Therefore the shear buckling resistance of the web does not need to be

6.10.2 Shear resistance

Verify that: 6.2.6(1)
V Ed Eq (6.17)
 1.0
V c,Rd

Vc,Rd is equal to the design plastic shear resistance (Vpl,Rd).

Av is the shear area and is determined as follows for rolled I and H sections
with the load applied parallel to the web:
A v  A  2 bt f  t f  t w  2 r  but not less than hw tw
 113  10 2   2  256.3  17.3   17.3  10.3  ( 2  12.7 )   3049.6 mm2
h w t w  1.0  225.7  10.3  2324.7 mm2
2324.7 mm2 < 3049.6 mm2
Therefore, Av = 3049.6 mm2
Therefore the design plastic shear resistance is:
Av ( f y / 3 ) 3049.6   265 / 3  Eq (6.18)
 
V c,Rd  V pl, Rd    10  3  467 kN
 M0 1.0

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Example 6 - Combined bending and torsion – Simple method Sheet 7 of 12 Rev

From Sheet 3, the maximum design shear is Sheet 3

VEd = 47.0 kN
V Ed 47
  0.10 < 1.0
V c,Rd 467
Therefore the shear resistance of the section is adequate.

6.10.3 Resistance to bending

Verify that: 6.2.5(1)
M y,Ed Eq (6.12)
 1.0
M c,Rd

As the shear at maximum bending moment VB,Ed is the same as the maximum
shear and Ed  0.10 < 0.5 no reduction in bending moment resistance
due to shear is required.

The design resistance for bending for Class 1 and 2 cross sections is: 6.2.5(2)
W pl,y f y 1220  10 3  265
M c,Rd  M pl,Rd    10  6  323 kNm Eq (6.13)
 M0 1.0

M Ed 92
  0.29 < 1.0
M c,Rd 323

Therefore the resistance of the cross section to bending is adequate.

6.11 Buckling resistance in bending

Verify that:
Eq (6.54)
M Ed
 1.0
M b,Rd

The design buckling resistance moment is determined from:

f y
Mb,Rd =  LTW y Eq (6.55)
 M1
Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections
As a UKC is being considered, the method given in for determining
the reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling (LT) of rolled sections is
1 1
LT = but  1.0 and  Eq (6.57)
 LT   LT 2    LT 2  LT 2

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LT = 0.5(1 +  LT ( LT – LT,0) +  LT2)
 LT,0 = 0.4 and  =0.75 NA.2.17

W yf y
 LT =
M cr

BS EN 1993-1-1 does not give a method for determining Mcr. However, the
conservative method given in SCI publication P362 allows a value for LT to
be determined directly without having to calculate Mcr. That method is used
1 P362
 LT = 0.9  z w

As the self weight of the section is negligible compared with the point load, it
may be ignored when determining
1 P362 Table 5.5
Therefore, = 0.86

Lc 1 P362
z =
i z 1
Lc is the distance between lateral restraints, therefore Lc = 4.0 m
1 = 86 for grade S275 Steel P362 Table 5.2
w =
W pl.y

Where Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 and 2 cross-sections

Here the UKC considered is Class 1, therefore w = 1.0
Lc 1 4000 1
z =    0.71
i z 1 65.5 86

LT = 0.9  z w = 0.86  0.9  0.71  1 = 0.55

If LT  LT,0 lateral torsional buckling effects may be neglected.

As 0.55 > 0.4 the lateral torsional buckling resistance should be verified.
The appropriate buckling curve depends on h/b: NA.2.17
h 260.3
=  1.02
b 256.3
1.02 < 2, therefore use buckling curve ‘b’ NA.2.17
For buckling curve ‘b’ LT = 0.34 NA.2.16 &
Table 6.5

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LT = 0.5(1 +  LT ( LT – LT,0) +  LT2)

LT = 0.5  (1 + 0.34  (0.55 – 0.4) + (0.75  0.552)) = 0.64
1 Eq (6.57)
LT =
 LT   LT 2    LT 2
LT =  0.94
0.64  0.64 2  0.75  0.55 2  
1 1
  3.31
 LT 2 0.55 2
0.94 < 1.0 < 3.31
LT = 0.94 Eq (6.58)

To account for the bending moment distribution, LT may be modified as

 LT
LT,mod = but LT,mod  1.0
f = 1 – 0.5(1 – kc)[1 – 2(LT – 0.8)2] but f  1.0
1 NA.2.18
kc 

1 Sheet 8
= 0.86

f = 1 – 0.5  (1 – 0.86)  [1 – 2  (0.55 – 0.8)2] = 0.94 < 1.0

Therefore, Eq (6.58)
LT,mod  1.0 , but LT,mod  1.0
LT,mod = 
f y Eq (6.55)
Mb,Rd = LT,mod Wy
 M0
Wy = Wpl,y for Class 1 or 2 cross sections
Mb,Rd = 1  1220  10 3   10  6  323 kNm
M y,Ed 92 Eq (6.54)
=  0.29 < 1.0
M b,Rd 323
Therefore the lateral-torsional buckling resistance is adequate.

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