Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, Month Year
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, Month Year
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, Month Year
1, month year
Author Name1*, Author Name2, Author Name3 (font : Arial Narrow, size : 12, Bold)
*Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address, phone number
Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address
Corresponding authors' affiliation, with address
Corresponding author email address : author_mail@address.com
ABSTRACT (English) (font : Arial Narrow, size : 12, Bold, maximum: 200 words)
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 (font : Arial narrow, size 12, italic)
(page number)
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, month year
Kata kunci: Kata kunci 1, kata kunci 2, kata kunci 3 (font : Arial Narrow, size 12, italic)
(page number)
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, month year
This section is a clear and complete To refer to a table, please write "(Table
explanation of the experimental / survey 1)"at the end of the sentence. At the
design, observed variables and data beginning of the sentence, write " Table
analysis methods, with sufficient 1 shows …....". To refer to a picture,
reference support. The "less common" please write "(Figure 1)" at the end of the
method is written in detail with its sentence, or write "Figure 1 shows...."
reference to avoid any bias in the
understanding of the method
used.analysis methods, with sufficient
reference support. The "less common"
method is written in detail with its
reference to avoid any bias in the
Results should reveal and explain the
understanding of the method used.
results of research that has been done in
the form of tables or pictures obtained.
(page number)
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, month year
The table could be submitted as a supplementary file when submitting onto the JKS websiteand if
the table included in the article could kindly be put in the text box for easy editing. Every table must
have a description below the table.
(page number)
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman, Volume No, No. 1, month year
Table 1. Title (font :Arrial Narrow, size 12, bold, position justify)