John Carlos B. Santos BSA301
John Carlos B. Santos BSA301
John Carlos B. Santos BSA301
Santos BSA301
II. ENUMERATION (4 items x 1 point). Enumerate the four (4) ERP Modules for
Manufacturing that were discussed today.
1. Operations and Production Management Module
2. Supplier Relationship Management
3. Business Intelligence Module
4. Engineering Management Module
III. ESSAY (5 points). Among the four (4) ERP modules that you have listed, choose one
(1) specific module and explain its features in more than three (3) sentences. Place
your answer at the back of this paper.
RESPONSE: I prefer the Operations and Production Management Module because this
ERP system focuses manufacturing process and in creating the product. And it is more
important because a business mostly relies on creating its products and this system helps
them in certain features those are; Materials and components management, product
manufacturing time frame, quality control, delivery schedules, tools and equipment
monitoring, and other manufacturing processes fall under this module. This ERP systems
are most commonly used to monitor and maintain the good processes in the operation of
the business.