Weed and There Control
Weed and There Control
Weed and There Control
Plants are differentiated into crop which meet the need of man and
weed which compete with crops. The first person to use the word weed
in the present day meaning was JethroTull. Subsequently, several
definition was proposed as-
•Duration: depending on the duration of life cycle, weeds are classified into
annuals, biennials and perennials. Most of the weeds present in annual crops
are annual weeds. There duration is short. They complete their life cycle within
a year or a season. They multiply by seeds and produce large number of seeds/
plant. Prevention of flowering or removal of annual weeds before flowering is
important for their control. Example of annual weeds are: Amaranthus spp.,
Argemone spp., Avenafatua spp., Chenopodium album etc.
• Perennial weeds: They grow for more than two years. These
weeds propagate by plant parts in addition to seeds.
•Some herbicides like 2,4 – D, MCPA etc. are more effective in dicotyledonus
weeds while dalapon, fluchoralin are more effective on monocotyledonus
• Monocots have narrow and upright leaves whereas dicots have broad and
horizontal leaves with terminal bus visible at the tip.
Morphological characters:
Weeds are grouped into grasses, sedges and broad leaved weeds.
Almost all weeds that belong to family graminaceae are known as grasses .the
weeds which to belong to family cyperaceae are known as sedges.
•Size of seeds: most of the weeds produce small sized seed. Since the seed
reserves are very limited, they can germinate only from the top layer of the
• The competition for nutrients and water is below the ground as these are
absorb by the roots.
• As the plants grow, LAI and root density increase leading to mutual
interference in the absorption of one or more growth factors.
• Growth rate falls below that obtains from plants grown without
The degree of alleopathic effect depends on the plants species. The important
weed species that show allelopathic effect are agropyronrepens, sorghum
halepense, lantana camara, Cyperusrotundus, Euphorbia naculata etc.
The extacts from these rhizomes of Ambrosia reduce germination and seedling
growth of several crops like wheat, oats, tomato and lucerne. Exudates of roots
of wild oat plants at 2 and 4 leaf stage are toxic to wheat crop.
The crop yield level obtain by reading during this period is almost similar to
that obtained by the full season weed free conditions.
The critical period of weed competition is also defined as the period between
early growth during which weeds can grow without affecting crop yield and
the point after which weed growth does not affect the yield.
The critical period of weed competition is around 30 days for most of the
Factors influencing critical period of weed
•Nature of crop
•Growing conditions
Establishment of weeds;
The number of weeds that germinate at a particular time depends on three
1. Seed bank: The vast reservoirs of dormant and viable seeds in the top
layer of the soil decide the weed population. Approximately 73 genera of
weeds are found in this top layer of soil.
2. Dormancy: It may be due to water and oxygen impermeable seed coats,
low temperature requirements, special light requirement, presence of
germination inhibiting chemicals and immaturity of embryo. Weed seed
exhibit three types of dormancy i.e. enforced, innate and induces.
Enforced dormancy is due to their presence in deeper layers absence of
light induces dormancy.
Innate dormancy is due to geniticalfator
Induced dormancy is due to high temperature, high CO2 , low oxygen
and water logging.
3. Longity: Unlike the seeds of crop plants weed seeds remain viable for a
long time and germinate when favourable condition prevail. Lotus seeds
found in a lake bed in Manchuria were approximately 1000 year old and
still viable.
Weed control methods
These are grouped into cultural, physical, chemical and biological methods.
Every method of weed control has its own advantages and disadvantages.
No single method is successful under all weed situations.
•Hand weeding
•Hand hoeing
• Digging
•Dredging and Chaining
•Burning and flaming
Biological weed control
These methods have to be repeated as all the weeds or atleast those which
reproduce vegetatively or have long seed viability, are difficult to control.
Bioagents like insects, pathogen etc. and other animals are used to control
Insects and pathogens influenced weeds and they either reduce growth or kill
The percentage of adjuvants and other inert material used as fillers depends
on formulation and the company which is manufacturing the particular
Active ingredient:
2,4-D Na salt 0.8 21-28 DAT/DAS
2,4-D ester 0.9 5-7 DAT/DAS
Benthiocarb 2.0 2-3 DAT/DAS
Butachlor 1.25 to 2.0 2-4 DAT/DAS
Pendimethalin 0.75 to 2.0 3-5 DAT/DAS
2,4-D amine 0.8 to 1.0 21 DAS
2,4-D Na salt 0.4 to 1.0 28-35 DAS
2,4-D ester 0.45 30-45 DAS
Isoproturon 1.0 30-35 DAS
Herbicide Dose (kg ai/ha) Time of application
Atrazine 0.5 to 2.5 Pre to crop and weed
Nitrofen 2.5 to 5.0 Pre to crop and weed
Simazine 1.0 to 2.0 Pre to crop and weed
Atrazine 1. to 2.0 Pre to crop and weed
Simazine 0.5 to 1.0 Pre to crop and weed
2,4-D ester 0.9 2-3 DAS
Atrazine 0.25 to 1.5 Pre to crop and weed
Simazine 0.5 to 1.0 Pre to crop and weed
2,4-D ester 0.9 2-3 DAS
Herbicide Dose (kg ai/ha) Time of application
Alachlor 1.5 to 2.5 Pre to crop and weed
Fluchloralin 1.25 to 1.75 PPI
Nitrofen 3.00 to 4.00 Pre to crop and weed
Pendimethalin 0.75 to 1.50 Pre to crop and weed
Diuron 2.0 Pre to crop and weed
Oxadiazon 1.5 Pre to crop and weed