Simulation and Design of A Waveform Generator Based On DDS Technology
Simulation and Design of A Waveform Generator Based On DDS Technology
Simulation and Design of A Waveform Generator Based On DDS Technology
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059,China
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics Technology
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124.
* Corresponding author:
Abstract - Waveform generators employed in college laboratories are often purchased instruments with ultra precision, which may
cause unnecessary expenditure since the prices are often high whilst some functionalities are not required. By analyzing the
principle of existing products, a simple waveform generator based on DDS (direct digital synthesis) technology has been developed
using AT89S52 single chip microcomputer combined with DDS chip AD9851, which can produce square wave, sine wave and
triangular wave signals. While meeting the requirements of college laboratories, surplus functionalities were avoided to limit the
cost. In addition to advantages such as small size, simple structure and easy operation, experiments showed that the generated
waveforms are of high precision.
B. Selection of System Main Components In the -12V voltage generating circuit, a 10uF bypass
capacitor was added between pin CAP+ and pin CAP- to
The human-machine interface module consists of a avoid pressure drop attenuation, and a 10uF capacitor was
keyboard and LCD1602 display. The controller module is added to pin VOUT to introduce filter effect. This circuit is
based on an AT89S52 single chip microcomputer that a voltage inversion circuit, which outputs -12V voltage
controls other modules, and the signal generating module is through the stabilized +12V input voltage, as shown in
an AD9851 chip that produces the signal. The signal Figure 4.
processing module is a LM224 amplifier that processes
signals after these are produced.
78L05 LED0
C3 C4 C7 C8
Cap Pol2
Cap Pol2
100uF XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins of the MCU are connected to a
Res2 12M crystal oscillator and 30pF capacitors before
grounding. The clock circuit can be set up as shown in
GND Figure 6.
Figure 3. +5V voltage regulator circuit
The triangle wave amplifier circuit adopts inverting modes are detected, the program moves into different sub-
input and the in-phase input was grounded. The input signal functions.
connects with a 1kΩ resistor and then to the inverting input
terminal, while a 10kΩ slide rheostat was linked between
inverting input end and the output end. The amplification
factor ranges from 0 to 10 and the square wave amplifier
circuit is shown in Figure 12.