Cum Pio Midwife Clinic Management System 1

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A Capstone Project

Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Information Technology

College of Engineering

Eastern Visayas State University

Tanauan Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Shaina Agdon

Jerico Cordero

Warren Napoles

October 15, 2021



Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), innovates rapidly in almost all

facilities, businesses, and establishments using technology. This evidence emphasizes how useful

technology was. While our world of technology is changing, others are left behind. Particularly in some

clinic facilities remaining the old manual process. In this process, productivity lessened, time-consuming

increased due to the population, and prone to human error. To avoid this inconvenience and error

encountered, we must adapt advanced technology in this present.

Cumpio Midwife Clinic is one most trusted birth clinic in Sto Nino, Tanauan. The clinic needs an

automated system that will help to improve the services. Based on the interview that was conducted by the

proponents, the common problems that they encounter are, relying upon the manual process in which

prone to human error, unsecured handling of data and other services, time-consuming in terms of fill-up

the forms, and difficulty of searching and retrieving records and monitoring the inventory of the remaining

medical stocks. Through repeating the current process of the service of Cumpio Midwife Clinic the following

problems were discovered.

In this concern, the proponents proposed to develop a system entitled Cumpio Midwife Clinic

Management System. The system will help to improve the clinic's current manual transaction process into a

computerized one. The system will automatically organize the information of the clinic patients and monitor

the clinic management. The owner and staff will benefit from this system which will their work become

productive in the clinic, and the patients and outpatients will guarantee their information is secured. The
system is easy to interact with and user-friendly. The system will also provide a notification in their Email if

there is an update about their schedule and any other information that must be known to them.

Electronic medical records are the most common E-health application and they are starting to be

implemented worldwide. In Jordan, the introduction of electronic medical records helps to improve quality

and reduce service costs. The article aimed to examine how the implementation of electronic medical

records impacted health service quality in Jordan. The results showed that there was a statistically

significant impact when using electronic medical records. These findings were divided into two categories:

function (practice management, communication, documentation or data entry, and medication

management) and the quality of services (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy). The

research indicated that using electronic medical records improved the quality of health services, based on

(Sharikh et al., 2020).

In 2017, Nearly all (99.2%) of Information Economy (IE) establishments used computers and

communication equipment in their business operations. Establishments from the content and media sector

(99.8%) had a higher percentage of computers and communication equipment than in the Information

Technology (ICT) sector (99.0%). And about 64.0 percent of employees used computers routinely at work

in 2017. This is higher by 16.1 percentage points than the 47.9 percent proportions in 2015, based on the

(Philippine Statistic Authority, 2020).

The purpose of this project is to provide a well-documented solution for Cumpio Midwife Clinic,

which faces problems in the manual process, through developing an automated management system. The

system functions are handling the maternity patients and outpatients transactions. Monitor the stock clinic

inventory and also update the appointments of the patients. The system will also be able to printout the

medical records of the patients. The system will secure the information records of the patients and the
clinic. The system will only be accessible to the authorized administrator account created in the system.

Upon relying on these technologies, which greatly help to our daily productivity.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to design and develop the Cumpio Midwife Clinic Management


Specifically, this study aims to;

1. To monitor the number of inpatients and outpatients in the clinic view as statistically

2. To monitor the appointments of the patients and inventory of the clinic.

3. To easily organize, access, and retrieve the records of the patients.

4. To provide automated application records for patients and capable to printout.

5. To provide a schedule and notify the patients via Email in case there is an update.

Scope and Delimitations

The focus of this project is to develop a management system for Cumpio Midwife Clinic. The

system is intended only for the maternity patients of the clinic. The system should accomplish the

functionalities such as the transactions of the medical records and record of patients should organize,

monitoring the number of patients, appointments of the patients, the clinic inventory, and also notify the
schedule of the patients via Email. The system should also be capable to download or printout the records

of the patients.

The proposed system of the proponents is exclusive to the Cumpio Midwife Clinic only. The only

can access system is the authorized persons of the clinic that register to the system, and the system only

works in Local Area Network (LAN).

Significance of the Study

The Management System will be a great benefit to the Cumpio Midwife Clinic. By using this

system, the staff increases their productivity to their service and lessens the burden process. The records

of the clinic stored in the database of the system will assuredly be secure. And using the system will be

easy to access, retrieve and search for the records of the patients.

People affected by the system may gain potential benefits and significant impacts from the project.

Owner. The proposed system will benefit the owner to monitor all the transactions happening inside the

clinic, monitor the growth rate of the number of patients and the persons who access the system and

monitor the medical supply distribution of the clinic.

Clinic Staff/Users . The proposed system will benefit the clinic staff/users of the system to the computerized

process of the patient's application and lessen time-consuming in handling forms. The user will become

more productive and attend to more patients.

Midwife. The proposed system will benefit the midwife for fast-tracking the data of patients. The system will

provide an accurate selection of patient information and be less time-consuming.

Patients. The proposed system will benefit the patients to lessen the fill-out of the application form for their


Proponents. The proposed system will benefit the proponents in developing logical thinking and other skills

in solving the problems. The proponents will be able to show what they learned in the entire course through

developing the system.

Future Researchers. The proposed study will benefit the future researcher as their reference for conducting

related studies. And giving them an idea to improve furthermore in the previous studies.


Review of Related Literature

Computerized Medical Record and Monitoring System of Saint Michael College of Caraga,

Philippines, a study conducted to determine the advantages that system brings to the school clinic and

ease managing the students’ medical records and personnel of Saint Michael College of Caraga (SMCC).

The study revealed that the system was necessary for managing the medical records and that it is very

beneficial for the school. What's more, the system stores file with security and add information to both

students and personnel, including their consultation with the clinic. Moreover, the system updates the

informations whenever there are changes in the patient fast-tracking data that can be convenient for the

clinic attendant. The system also prints three classes of reports that are easy to manipulate. It is was

recommended that applying the system to the school clinic to boost the performance in managing the

medical records, and improve the security standards, maintain privacy and confidentiality of patient data,

based on (Bergado et al., 2020).

According to (Holm et al., 2015), in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, St. Luke Hospital

was built to help manage the mass casualties and subsequent cholera epidemic. A major problem faced by

the hospital system was the lack of an available and sustainable supply of medications. The long-term

viability of the hospital system depended largely on developing an uninterrupted medication supply chain.

Implementation of the new Pharmacy Computerized Inventory Program (PCIP) would optimize medication

availability and decrease medication shortages. By examining how medications were being utilized and

distributed before and after the implementation of PCIP. The PCIP incorporated drug ordering, filling the

drug requests, distribution, and dispensing of the medications in multiple settings; inventory of currently
shelved medications; and graphic reporting of ‘real-time’ medication usage. The PCIP allows the hospital

staff to identify and order medications with a critically low supply as well as track usage for future

medication needs. The pharmacy and nursing staff found the PCIP to be efficient and a significant

improvement in their medication utilization.

According to (Vispo et al., 2011), the developer of the computerized patient’s Medical Record

System for San Jose Hospital and Trauma Center that would help the hospital in the processing and

keeping of medical records of their clients. The proposed system was intended to operate in wireless LAN

connection as suggested by the clients for they have already the resources needed for the application of

the said system. The iterative Life Cycle Model was used to develop the system. Survey results showed

that respondents who tried the system gave positive feedback. In general, the respondents indicated that

the entire system is excellent. The study recommended that the hospital should use Local Area Network

(LAN) instead of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) since there are instances that signals were not

clear. The medical technician and staff are also advised to utilize the proposed system because it is more

productive and more capable of delivering quality performance.

According to (Azuan, 2005), a clinic management system was created. The poor service in health

care would give an effect on the development of our country. To receive treatment from government

hospitals, patients sometimes need to wait for hours. While for administration's task, they need to keep

track of a huge number of files where all details on patients were being kept, sometimes it leads to data

redundancy and an additional workload. That is why Clinic Management System is being proposed. The

Clinic Management System is being developed using a web-based concept. This system is developed

using Java Server Pages (JSP) and is design using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Because the Clinic

Management is a management type of system thus, the development of this system is according to the

Protocol Management System where this protocol is more like guidelines to develop Clinic Management
System helps Clinic Department, which is attended by more than 500 hundred patients, each day perform a

better service in the term, of the registration process, patient's details and reduce time waiting for patients.

With the existence of this system, the registration process would avoid data redundancy, records keeping

on patient details can be found faster and time waiting for the patient before received treatment from a

doctor could be lessened, this is because all manual task that happens in Clinic Department is being

converted to a computerized type of system.

According to (Darbyshire 2004), Computerized Patient Information Systems (CPIS) are increasingly

used in healthcare, and some clinicians describe their experience using these systems. The study aimed to

explore clinical nurse's and midwife's perceptions and understandings of computerized information systems

in everyday practice. The objective was to provide a detailed and faithful account of clinicians’ experiences

of using such systems. As the result of the study, the Clinician's experiences were characterized by digital

disappointment rather than electronic efficiencies. Clinicians reported that computerization had neither

enhanced their clinical practice nor patient care nor had it improved patient outcomes.
Concept of the Study

Figure 2.1 Input Process and Output Diagram


The owner will register to the system by inputting a username and password. The owner will be the

administrator of the system can access all the functions of the system. The owner also will be able to add

or delete employee data. And capable to create a new user that can access the system with limited

authority of features of the system. The staff or the in-charge of the clinic will do the data entry of the

patient's data. The staff of the clinic is capable to add new medical supplies to the inventory of the system.


Thus, done input will proceed to the process stage, the system will handle authentication upon

logging in, and the user that does not register will not access the system. The administrator will be able to

monitor the user access in the system in the audit trail. The user or the staff of the clinic, data entries that

have been done will process the system by storing to the database. All transactions of patients such as
medical history records, prenatal and admission, when the user wants to find the information of the patients

it easy to search in the system by typing the name of patients. The system will be capable of printout the

patient's records if needed. The system will notify the process of the schedule of patients upon including it

in the patient's data. The system will manage the dispensing of the medical supplies in the inventory

charges the quantity used by patients in giving birth. And the system will notify the user when the medical

supplies in the inventory are insufficient. The information stored in the system will be assuredly secured.


The output will be the Clinic Management System. That will handle all the transactions done by the

clinic and monitor the patient's records.

Defination of Terms

Information Communication Technology (ICT). In the study, Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) refers to all devices, networking components, applications, and systems that combined to allow

people to communicate with each other. ICT is also part of our life as a tool that we use every day.

E-health Application. In the study, Electronic health applications (E-health applications) refer to any

applications that are related to health. E-health allows communicating with a health care professional,

access to medical records, and research health information.

Information Economy. In the study, Information Economy refers to a sector of the economy dealing in

informational activities such as distribution of information, application of new information, electronic form of

information, and openness of an economy.

Local Area Network (LAN). In the study, Local Area Network (LAN) refers to a computer network that

interconnects computers within a limited area. LAN doesn't have to use an internet connection, and also

the user is also not accessible to everyone.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). In the study, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) refers to a

wireless digital signal that connects computers and other devices. The WLAN is similar to WIFI, which

connects to the internet.

Inventory. In the study, the inventory serves as storage of the system, in which all the items such as goods,

and any supply are stored directly to the inventory of the system.

Data Entry. In the study, data entry refers to input data or information into a computer using input devices,

such as a keyboard, scanner, disk, and voice. Data entry is the job of employees interacting with the

customer as their service.

Iterative Life Cycle Model. In the study, the iterative life cycle model refers to a process that starts with a

simple implementation of a small set of the software requirements and iteratively enhances the evolving

versions until the complete system is implemented and ready to be deployed.

Java Server Pages (JSP). In the study, Java Server Pages (JSP) refers to server-side programming

technology that enables to development of a dynamic, platform-independent method for building Web-

based applications.

Micromedia Dreamweaver MX. In the study, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX refers to a web development

tool including the code and syntax. It is also used for the fast development of web pages.

Input Process and Output (IPO). In the study, the Input, Process, and Output (IPO) model refers to a

functional graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and required processing tasks required to transform
inputs into outputs. The model is configured to include any storage that might happen in the process as


Operational Framework


This part listed all the requirements required in developing the Cumpio Midwife Clinic Management

System for both software and hardware. The software used in developing the system is carefully selected

to meet the requirements to achieve better results. The hardware used in developing the system is the

major part of the laptop used by the proponents.

Software Hardware

1. Visual Studio Code version: 1.59 1. Intel Core i3 (10th Gen) (CPU)

2. Xampp version: 3.3.0 2. 4GB(RAM)

3. PhpMyAdmin version: 5.1 3. 1TB(HDD)

4. Windows version:10 21H1 4. Laptop

5. Browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

The proponents conduct data gathering to the respondent the Cumpio Midwife Clinic. The owner

elaborates the process of their current system and asking them some problems facing. The staff and the

midwife also interview to find more specific details about what difficulty they're facing in terms of the

processing their application of the patients of the clinic. The collected data population from the respondent

are 1 owner, 3 midwife staff, 1 midwife, 1 social worker, 1 clinic admin, and 1 utility.

System Environment

The Cumpio Midwife Clinic is a birthing facility located on the Sto Nino, Tanauan. In locale

illustrates the current location of the respondent of the Cumpio Midwife Clinic on the map. In Organizational

Chart of the Cumpio Midwife Clinic shows the hierarchical positions of the owner and the employees being

part of the clinic. The study participants are the owner and the employees of the Cumpio Midwife Clinic,

where they are interview and the data gathering conduct. The present system of the clinic was facing

problems with their current manual process, which takes the amount of time while the number of patients

increasing and when they are searching information about the patients takes time to find. The drawbacks of

their current system take an amount of time to attend to other patients due to their manual process system

and finding records of the patients.


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used to develop and test the quality of the

software. The SDLC aims to provide high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations,

reaches completion within times and cost estimates. The proponent used the Waterfall model paradigm to

design and develop the proposed Management System intended for Cumpio Midwife Clinic. The software

development process in a linear sequential flow. The phases only begin when the previous part of the
phase is complete. The whole process of software development is divided into separate phases and

arranged sequentially.

Figure 3-1 Waterfall Model


In this phase of requirements, the proponents gathered data through interviews and

brainstorming from the respondents, the owner, and the staff of Cumpio Midwife Clinic. With their

collaboration, the proponents find a clue, on how solutions were going about the clinic facing
circumstances. The data gathered from the proponents will serve as the basis for developing and

functionalities of the system.

System Design

In this phase, the system design is an overall architecture of the system that proponents will

develop. The database architecture of the system was based on the data gathered by the proponents.

Each entity of the tables was selected carefully to avoid confusion. The system design also specifying the

hardware and software requirements needs. The data flow and system flowchart are similar to how the

clinic works inside in dealing with patients. The context diagram illustrates how the outside subject benefits

the system. The program flowchart is a structure aim the proponent develops.


In this phase, implementation was the programmer write programs or small units of functions.

When the components of the system were complete it sticks together to develop the whole system. The

functions of each component of the program are based on the system design and the requirements need of

the client.


In this phase, the testing will conduct on the program to ensure the structure doesn't have some

issue and the components function also. The proponents will ensure the functions that will match the

requirements and the system design. After testing the components and the structure of the program it will

go to the deployment phase.


In this phase, the deployment once the functional and non-functional of the program is complete on

testing, the program will deliver to the client. The proponents will assist the respondent on the program

setup in the respondent's environment and guide them on how the program works. And after deployment,

the next phase will be maintenance.


In this phase, the proponents will give them contact to the respondent if the program that, the

proponents develop has some issue or bugs occur, the proponents will action immediately. Also, the

proponents will aim to enhance the program to become productive and based on the client's suggestion to

add some features in the program. The proponents will monitor the program every month to ensure the

program works well.

Programming Environment

Front End

Html (Hypertext Markup Language)

The Hypertext Markup Language Language (HTML) is a basic structure for the web page. It is the

standard markup language for creating a website and building blocks of the web. The Hypertext means that

the document contains links that allow the reader to jump to other places in the document or to another

document altogether. A Markup Language is a way that computers speak to each other to control how text

is processed and presented.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a

document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML, or XHTML). CSS

describes how the elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or other media. CSS

designing the web page to make it elegant in the eyes of the user who visits the page.


JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language and also how web-behavior. It is

lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow client-side

scripts to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with

object-oriented capabilities. The javascript is not only for the web, but also it is the variety used in

developing such as games and desktop applications.


ReactJS is an amazing JavaScript framework that has made the development process much

easier. Plus, it provides quality assured ReactJS applications with apt interfaces. ReactJS is considered a

much sought-after alternative for the development of user-friendly and highly compelling websites &

applications that provides many possibilities to the developers to make them more creative. The advantage

of ReactJS provides reusable components that developers have the authority to reuse and create a new

application. Reusability is exactly like a remedy for developers. This platform gives the developers the

authority to reuse the components build for some other application having the same functionality. Thereby,

reducing the development effort and ensuring a flawless performance.

Back End

Laravel (PHP Framework)

Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the

development of web applications following the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and based

on Symfony. The benefits of using the Laravel support caching for the website are out-of-the-box which is

great for boosting the site speed. To further enhance the website’s performance, Laravel makes other

speed optimization techniques, such as memory use reduction and database indexing easy to implement.

Security is the number one concern for most businesses. With Laravel, advanced security features are

easy to configure on most websites to enhance security and protect sites from hackers and cybercriminals.

To get a little technical, Laravel uses a Bcrypt hashing algorithm which means it never saves any

passwords in the database. Comparing it to other PHP frameworks, Laravel also has great user

authentication and restricted access features that are easy to create. This keeps you and your customer’s

data safe and secure.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). "My" comes from

the co-founder daughter Michael Widenius, SQL the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. A

relational database is a collection of information that organizes data points with defined relationships for

easy access. In the relational database model, the data structures including data tables, indexes, and views

remain separate from the physical storage structures, enabling database administrators to edit the physical

data storage without affecting the logical data structure.

Gantt Chart

Capstone Project Gantt Chart

Submittion of Chapters
Chapter 3 revise
Chapter 2 revise
Chapter 1 revise
Change Format of Chapters
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Data Gathering to the respondents
Planning in Work Break Down
Proposal Letter to respondent
Project Proposal Selection
Project Proposal

7/11/21 | 7/18/ 21 | 7/25/21 | 8/8/21 | 8/15/21 | 8/22/21 | 8/22/21

Start Duration

Figure 3-2 Gantt Chart


Figure 3-3 Locale of Cumpio Midwife Clinic


Figure 3-4 Organizational Chart of Cumpio Midwife Clinic

Context Diagram

Figure 3-5 Context Diagram of Cumpio Midwife Clinic Management System

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3-6 Data Flow Diagram of Cumpio Midwife Clinic Management System
Use Case Diagram

Figure 3-7 Use Case Diagram of Cumpio Midwife Clinic Midwife Clinic
System Flowchart
Program Flow Chart
Figure 3-8 Program Flowchart Chart of Cumpio Midwife Clinic
Sequence Diagram
Figure 3-9 Sequence Diagram of Cumpio Midwife Clinic

Database schema
Figure 3-10 Database Schema of Cumpio Midwife Management System

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