Adulthood WPS Office

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The development occurs at every point along the life span including adulthood.
Biological development: During this stage most people attain their peak of strength,
agility, reaction time and manual dexterity. Muscular strength peaks between the
ages of 25 and 30. And there will be a loss in muscular strength by age 60.The
changes occur during this stage are weight is redistributed,hair grays,hairlines may
recede,skin texture, wrinkling begin and facial structure modified. Generally in
adulthood there will be more physical changes and there wil be not much
physiological changes.
Cognitive development:
Piagetian perceptive:It focused on structure of thinking,
including cognitive stages.He focused on the adults is
using formal operations when they get mature and
whether the cognitive stage goes beyond formal
There is a little difference between younger and older
people of same educational qualification in using formal
operations. Piaget did not identify any cognitive stage
levels beyond formal operations but he noted there is
difference in their reasoning between adults and
Adolescence have hypothetical reasoning
" Playfully" to solve problems. On the other hand adults have to fit their reasoning into the real life
dimensions,their thinking will be realistic,less abstract and purely logical.
Life-span perceptive:
Aging Vs cohorts effect: one aim of this is to learn what kinds of age of adults changes their
intelligence test scores and in specific cognitive processes such as memory and learning. They
conducted the study in two approaches cross sectional and longitudinal method.In cross sectional
approach people of different ages were tested in 1956,1963,1970.on each testing the results
obtained are a sharp decline in their intelligence test scores while increase in aging.In longitudinal
approach cohorts (a group of people who were born at the same time) were tested from 1956-1970 .
one was 25 and other was 32 and so on upto 67 in 1956.Each cohorts was again tested in 1963 and
1970.The results shown that intelligence scores increases on each test below age53 .on the other
hand above age 53 they show a markedly decline in their intelligence level.
Result of this research suggests that there will be a intellectual
development in adulthood.The intellectual performance will
change little in early and middle adulthood.
Multiple typed of intelligence: Horn and Donaldson's
developmental model propose that there is two types of
intelligence 1.crystallized and 2. Fluid intelligence.
Fluid intelligence means flexible thought that is independent of
culturally based content and this may decline over the period
from young adulthood to old age.
Crystallized intelligence means the degree to which an
individual has mastered or experienced in the knowledge and
skills of culture. And this may actually increases well in old age.
Eg in pg no 484 A and B
Creativity and productivity: creativity and
productivity will be peak in college students in
the field of mathematics,physics .The major
innovations in these fields comes in their
twenties.On other hand creativity contribution
will be peak in age about 40 in the fields such as
philosophy, history and literature.They have a
synthesis of accumulated knowledge and major
Developmental task of adulthood:
Entering young adulthood: Erikson described that in
this stage the adulthood may develop either the
intimacy or isolation characteristics.If the tension is
handled well mature love can result, unselfish
relationship is an important for adulthood.The
partners in such relationship can mature and endure
and find satisfaction in caring and mutual sharing and
they develop intimacy.
When their exist a selfish relationship between
partners without mutual sharing and caring then it
results in isolation " aloneness".
Daniel Levinson focused on four tasks for young
adulthood.1.A sense of how one will fit into the
adult world
2.The young adults needs to establish an
intimate relationship and enter the parenthood
3.selecting from among one's interests, picking
up an occupation and acquiring skills.
4.The developing adults needs to find a mentor,it
may be a older or more experienced individual,
colleague,counselor, teacher.
Transition to middle adulthood: Erikson focused
on conflict between generativity and stagnation
in middle adulthood.The generative adults is
creative , productive and involved in preparing
the next generation for life within the culture.The
adults who fails to generate in these ways may
result in stunting of personal growth called
Levinson also described that middle life transition is a
period of stretching from late 30's to early 40's which
involves two fundamental tasks 1. A Reappraisal of
one's own life as it is being lived 2. A decision about to
stay the same course or shift to new patterns such as
in their career, marital relationship or new lifestyle.
Vocational development: vocation is much important
in adulthood.Most of the adults spend their time much
in work place.The jobs held by parents determine the
family social status,place of residence,care for
children etc made the vocation more important.
Work choice,work Change and life satisfaction:
When we choose to sharpen one set of skills ,we leave
other skills undeveloped.on the other hand an adult
changes careers three to five times.Research
suggested that personality factors such as risk taking
tendencies and pivotal events such as divorce or death
of a loved one that leads one to shift the careers,goals
and priorities. When the person has great satisfaction
with their career ,jobs and earnings they fit to their job
for longer years. When careers fail to provide a full
satisfaction some changes jobs but others stay and
find satisfaction outside the work .
Intimate partnerships: For many people the
greatest satisfaction in life comes from their
intimate relationships. Geneticists describe
assortative mating in which partners resemble
each other in their physical characteristics,
intelligence and education,social and ethnic
backgrounds, religion,temperaments and their
outlook. Marriages evolved in three categories
they are
Traditional marriage: traditional gender roles are
maintained.husband is undisputed head of family .
Companionship marriage:Male and female roles are not
fixed.depending upon the demands of the situation they
plays a major role in the family.
Collegial marriage: Male and female assume
responsibility for different roles in the marriage with each
respecting the individual abilities and interests of other.
Parenthood and transition to "Empty test": when the
individual enters the parenthood they have many
responsibilities to done .They become moderately
stressed and there will be a less interaction between the
partners .when the child enters into Adolescents stage
they move away from their parents and family face the
prospect " Empty nest".
Midlife crisis: Levinson described the midlife
crisis as a period of self examination.self
recriminations. In the middle life crisis adults may
shift their careers, relationships,goals etc.

Adjustment problems in adulthood: family

problems, personal problems, anxiety, emotionally
and physically abused by their parents,
schizophrenia, alcoholism , personality disorders,
significant distress and behaviour disruption.

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