Introduction To Mathematical Modeling of Crop Growth: How The Equations Are Derived and Assembled Into A Compu...
Introduction To Mathematical Modeling of Crop Growth: How The Equations Are Derived and Assembled Into A Compu...
Introduction To Mathematical Modeling of Crop Growth: How The Equations Are Derived and Assembled Into A Compu...
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BrownWalker Press
Boca Raton • 2006
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling of Crop Growth:
How the Equations are Derived and Assembled into a
Computer Model
BrownWalker Press
Boca Raton , Florida
USA • 2006
to Jennifer Low J.L.
with all my love
FIGURES .................................................................................... IX
CODES ...................................................................................XV
PREFACE ................................................................................XVII
A List of main symbols..............................................................217
B Spherical trigonometry...........................................................226
C Numerical integration: Gauss method....................................229
D Derivation of the Shuttleworth-Wallace
evapotranspiration model.......................................................233
E Sample weather data ..............................................................237
INDEX ...................................................................................244
Fig. 1.1. There is often a trade-off between model simplicity
and accuracy .....................................................................5
Fig. 1.2. How do we develop a mathematical model to
estimate the number of leaves in this tree (or in any
tree, for that matter)?.........................................................7
Fig. 1.3. Maximum number of small boxes that could fit into
the large box is the volume of the large box (Vlarge)
divided by the volume of the small box (Vsmall) ................8
Fig. 1.4. The geometrical shape of an ellipsoid is used to
represent the canopy volume of a tree and the
volume a single leaf ..........................................................9
Fig. 1.5. The canopy of a tree is represented by two
ellipsoids, where the inner ellipsoid (or shell) is
devoid of any leaves, and the outer shell marks the
canopy edge. The space between the inner and outer
shell is where the leaves are located in the canopy. ........10
Fig. 1.6. Modeling methodology (after Hillel, 1977)....................13
Fig. 1.7. Some common equation types used to describe the
relationship between two variables: a) linear, b)
quadratic, c) logarithmic, d) exponential, e) power,
and f) sine........................................................................16
Fig. 1.8. Relationship between the population of Oldenburg
city, Germany with the number of bird storks in
1930-36 ...........................................................................18
Fig. 2.1. Solar position with respect to the observer .....................24
Fig. 2.2. Location of observer on the Earth’s surface. Np and
Sp are the North Pole and South Pole, respectively. .......24
Fig. 2.3. Solar position with respect to the Earth. Np and Sp
are the North Pole and South Pole, respectively. ............25
Fig. 2.4. Solar declination δ varies depending on the Earth’s
position in orbit around the Sun. Np is the North
Pole. ................................................................................26
Fig. 2.5. Cyclical change in solar declination with the day of
year .................................................................................26
Fig. 2.6. Equation of Time (EoT) as it varies during the year.......28
Fig. 2.7. Determination of the solar position using spherical
trigonometry. Su indicates the position of the Sun,
and Np and Sp are the North Pole and South Pole,
respectively. ....................................................................29
Fig. 2.8. Electromagnetic spectrum (note: wavelengths are
Fig. 2.9. Fraction of extraterrestrial solar irradiance reaching
Earth is a function of the relative sunshine hours ...........34
Fig. 2.10. Conservation of energy means that the total
radiation received by the outer shell equals the total
radiation emitted from the Sun........................................36
Fig. 2.11. Typical diurnal trend for solar irradiance........................39
Fig. 2.12. Relationship between saturated vapor pressure and
air temperature ................................................................43
Fig. 2.13. Air vapor pressure (ea) and saturated air vapor
pressure (es) for Serdang town (3.0333 °N; 101.7167
°E), Malaysia on 31 October 2004..................................44
Fig. 2.14. Relative humidity for Serdang on 31 October 2004........44
Fig. 2.15. Idealized daily trend for mean hourly wind speed ..........45
Fig. 2.16. Measured air temperature for Serdang on 31
October 2004...................................................................46
Fig. 2.17. Sine curve and its general equation.................................47
Fig. 2.18. Comparison between actual and simulated air
temperature .....................................................................49
Fig. 3.1. Irradiance above and below the plant canopies...............51
Fig. 3.2. Interception of solar radiation depends on the solar
direction and leaf angle. Note: a is the area of the
leaf shadow on the ground, and aL the area of the
leaf (one side) (after Goudriaan and van Laar,
1994). ..............................................................................53
Fig. 3.3. Extinction coefficient is calculated as the ratio
between the area of canopy shadow on the ground
and the exposed surface area of the canopy ....................55
Fig. 3.4. Attenuation of irradiance through a canopy
according to Beer’s law...................................................56
Fig. 3.5. Discontinuous canopies violate one of the
assumptions of Beer’s law which require a uniform
distribution of canopies (after Jackson and Palmer,
1979) ...............................................................................58
Fig. 3.6. The fraction of solar beams reaching the ground
using the clump factor as estimated by Kustas and
Norman (1999) and by our simpler equation ..................61
Fig. 3.7. Angles in a) two- and b) three dimensions......................62
Fig. 3.8. Conversion of the solid angle into two-dimensional
angles (θ, φ) ....................................................................63
Fig. 3.9. Canopy extinction coefficient for diffuse solar
radiation kdf at leaf area index (L) from 0.01 to 10. .......66
Fig. 4.1. Energy balance for day and night....................................73
Fig. 4.2. Vertical transport of a generic property Φ ......................74
Fig. 4.3. Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration (potential)
model ..............................................................................79
Fig. 4.4. Shuttleworth - Wallace evapotranspiration
(potential) model.............................................................81
Fig. 4.5. Relationship between instantaneous (u), mean ( u )
and fluctuation (u’) of horizontal wind velocity .............87
Fig. 4.6. Roughness length (z0) and zero-plane displacement
Fig. 4.7. Stomatal resistance decreases with increasing PAR
(photosynthetically active radiation) irradiance,
following the relationship by Jarvis (1976).....................98
Fig. 5.1. Components of the soil water balance in a single-
layered soil....................................................................105
Fig. 5.2. Components of the soil water balance in a two-
layered soil, where irrigation, capillary rise and
surface runoff are assumed as zero ...............................108
Fig. 5.3. Vertical flux density of water into and out of a cube
Fig. 5.4. Relationship between hydraulic conductivity and
water content.................................................................112
Fig. 5.5. Potential soil evaporation is reduced to actual
evaporation by a reduction factor that is dependent
on the relative water content .........................................115
Fig. 5.6. Potential plant transpiration is reduced to actual
transpiration by a reduction factor that is dependent
on the relative water content .........................................117
Fig. 6.1. Gross photosynthesis as a function of absorbed
PAR, determined using the equations by de Wit
(1965), and Goudriaan and van Laar (1978) .................120
Fig. 6.2. Total dry matter as a function of cumulative total
solar radiation intercepted.............................................121
Fig. 6.3. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, an
organelle in the mesophyll cells....................................122
Fig. 6.4. Calvin cycle. Shaded area denotes the carboxylation
cycle. .............................................................................123
Fig. 6.5. Michaelis-Menten equation for enzyme kinetics ..........127
Fig. 6.6. Gross CO2 assimilation rate at various levels of CO2
concentration. In this case, assimilation is limited
either by the Rubisco capacity or light. Qp is the
incident PAR flux density (µmol m-2 s-1). .....................131
Fig. 6.7. Photosynthesis response to temperature at three
levels of PAR flux densities (Qp, µmol m-2 s-1).............135
Fig. 6.8. Photosynthesis response to PAR at three levels of
leaf temperature ............................................................136
Fig. 6.9. Photosynthesis response to CO2 concentration at
three levels of PAR flux densities (Qp, µmol m-2 s-1).
Leaf temperature is fixed at 30 ºC.................................136
Fig. 7.1. Conceptual model of plant respiration ..........................144
Fig. 7.2. Dependence of growth duration on air temperature......151
Fig. 7.3. Dependence of growth development rate on air
temperature ...................................................................151
Fig. 7.4. Typical plant height growth following the logistic
function .........................................................................157
Fig. 8.1. Dependencies of Gg’s various header files ...................162
Fig. 8.2. Main program flow (DVS is the growth
development stage) .......................................................170
Fig. 8.3. Program flow for calculating the daily heat fluxes .......171
Fig. 8.4. Program flow for calculating the daily soil water
Fig. 8.5. Program flow for calculating the daily assimilates
produced and used.........................................................172
Fig. 8.6. Gross photosynthesis and maintenance respiration
rates. Note: DAE is days after emergence (which is
also the start of simulation)...........................................174
Fig. 8.7. Leaf area index (LAI) ...................................................174
Fig. 8.8. Weight of plant parts.....................................................175
Fig. 8.9. Plant height and rooting depth ......................................175
Fig. 8.10. Volumetric soil water content .......................................176
Fig. 8.11. Potential and actual soil evaporation (E) ......................176
Fig. 8.12. Potential and actual plant transpiration (T) ...................177
Fig. 8.13. Sensible (H) heat flux densities for both soil and
crop ...............................................................................177
Fig. 8.14. Total latent (ET) and sensible (H) heat flux densities...178
Fig. B.1. Spherical triangle ABC with lengths a, b and c ............226
Fig. B.2. Proof of cosine law for spherical triangles....................227
Fig. C.1. Normalization of [a, b] integration interval to
[-1, 1] ............................................................................231
Table 2.1. The Angstrom coefficients b0 and b1 used for
calculating daily solar radiation for different climate
zones (Frere and Popov, 1979) .......................................35
Table 6.1. The major processes and their equations in the
Calvin cycle ..................................................................124
Table 6.2. Parameter values for the photosynthesis model ............130
Table 7.1. Maintenance respiration coefficient (at 25 °C air
temperature) for various plant parts ..............................146
Table 7.2. Glucose requirement G and the carbon content for
major biochemical groups in plant tissues (Penning
de Vries et al., 1983; Goudriaan and van Laar,
1994) .............................................................................147
Table 7.3. Fractions of major biochemical groups in several
plant parts, and the calculated glucose requirement
for the production of the plant parts (Penning de
Vries et al., 1983)..........................................................148
Table 7.4. Glucose requirement for the synthesis of various
plant parts......................................................................149
Table 7.5. Scale for the growth development stage for barley
and wheat (as defined by the Agrometeorological
Centre of Excellence, Canada)......................................150
Table 7.6. Base temperature for some crops (Angus et al.,
1980) .............................................................................153
Table 7.7. An example showing the daily temperature sum Tts
and accumulated temperature sum TΣts (base
temperature Tb is 5 ºC) ..................................................154
Table 8.1. Gg main files.................................................................163
Table 8.2. Gg support (auxiliary) files ...........................................163
Table 8.3. Weather parameters ......................................................165
Table 8.4. Model parameters..........................................................167
Table C.1. Abscissas and weights for the N-point Gaussian
integration .....................................................................231
Listing 8.1. Source code for main.cpp..............................................178
Listing 8.2. Source code for meteo.h................................................179
Listing 8.3. Source code for solar.h .................................................183
Listing 8.4. Source code for et.h ......................................................184
Listing 8.5. Source code for watbal.h...............................................189
Listing 8.6. Source code for assim.h ................................................191
Listing 8.7. Source code for resp.h...................................................193
Listing 8.8. Source code for globals.h..............................................195
Listing 8.9. Source code for wthrfile.h.............................................198
Listing 8.10. Source code for wthrfile.cpp.........................................199
Listing 8.11. Source code for clck.h...................................................203
Listing 8.12. Source code for clck.cpp...............................................205
Listing 8.13. Source code for ini.h .....................................................208
Listing 8.14. Source code for ini.cpp .................................................210
Listing 8.15. Source code for afgen.h ................................................211
Listing 8.16. Source code for afgen.cpp.............................................212
Listing 8.17. Changes to dry matter partitioning to leaves with
growth development stage (filename: “partlv.txt”).......214
Listing 8.18. Changes to dry matter partitioning to stem with
growth development stage (filename: “partst.txt”) .......214
Listing 8.19. Changes to dry matter partitioning to roots with
growth development stage (filename: “partrt.txt”)........214
Listing 8.20. Changes to dry matter partitioning to storage organs
with growth development stage (filename:
Listing 8.21. Changes to specific leaf area with growth
development stage (filename: “partsla.txt”)..................214
Listing 8.22. Growth development rate dependence on air
temperature before anthesis (filename: “dvr01.txt”).....214
Listing 8.23. Growth development rate dependence on air
temperature after anthesis (filename: “dvr02.txt”)........215
Listing 8.24. Model data file (filename: “input.txt”)..........................215
Listing C.1. Code for a 3-point Gaussian integration of exp(-t 2) .....232
Why learning mathematical modeling can be difficult
I believe there are three reasons why most agriculturists find
mathematical modeling difficult to learn. Firstly, agriculturists are trained
with little emphasis in applied mathematics. Consequently, agriculturists
do not know how mathematics can be used or applied in their field. Some
even believe that mathematics is inconsequential in agriculture.
Agriculture, they say, is essentially biology and chemistry; mathematics
is only useful for basic tasks such as to calculate fertilizer or formulation
Secondly, agriculturists are trained very little, if at all, in
computer programming. Modeling is not about computers or information
technology, as we will later discuss in section 1.2 (item 5). Computers,
however, are invaluable tools which allow us to quickly develop, test and
modify our models. But to do all this requires some programming skills.
Thirdly, mathematical modeling requires abstract or conceptual
thinking – something we do not do well instinctively. Contrary to
common belief, mathematical modeling is not about solving equations. It
is about describing and translating a real system into a mathematical
form. It is about finding the patterns in the behavior or action of the
system, and translating those patterns into an equation or set of
equations. To do this, however, depends strongly on our ability to
generalize and conceptualize the system into a simpler form. Keith
Devlin, in his book “The math gene: how mathematical thinking evolved
and why numbers are like gossip” (Basic Books, 2000), says that
mathematics is more than just numbers and equations; mathematics is the
science of patterns which involves thinking abstractly about things, ideas
and situations.
Consequently, most people (including agriculturists) find
mathematical modeling difficult and daunting. They mistakenly believe
that it is a field limited only to those who are naturally gifted in
mathematics. This situation is not helped when almost all agriculture
modeling books read more like a “recipe book of equations”. These
books are permeated with equations, numbers and strange-looking
symbols, but they offer little or no explanation as to how these equations
were derived. It is no surprise then that most agriculturists often wonder
how these equations were derived – as if by “magic’, or the product of
some math genius.
Why this book is written
I wrote this book because I wanted a book that explains clearly
and in depth how mathematics can be applied in agriculture. I wanted a
book that takes the trouble to explain how each equation is derived and
how it is used. And finally, I wanted a book that shows how these
equations work together and are finally assembled into a computer
program for model simulations. I believe my wish list is not unique; it is
shared by other agriculturists who desire a book that speaks to them
rather at them. Mathematical modeling need not be difficult, but we
require a book that does not only list the equations one-by-one but shows
how they are derived and used.
What this book is about
This book is to show how mathematics is applied in agriculture,
in particular to modeling the growth and yield of a generic crop.
Principles learn from the growth and yield of a generic crop can then be
applied to “real” crops such as maize, rice and oil palm. This book
explains how each equation is derived and used. Finally, this book shows
how all the equations work together for model simulations by assembling
them into a C++ computer program.
What this book is not about
This book is not meant to be a comprehensive discussion about
all modeling approaches or widely-used crop models. Rather than
covering many modeling approaches but in superficial detail, this book
selects one or two widely-used modeling approaches and discusses about
them in detail. By discussing a particular method in detail, this equips
readers with the necessary principles required when they encounter other
modeling approaches or crop models.
This book is also not about C++ computer programming. This
would require a separate book. Nonetheless, the computer programs in
this book are written deliberately in a simple manner so that readers only
require a basic knowledge in C++ to understand them.
Finally, this book is not a leisure reading material. Although, I
have tried my best to explain how each equation is derived, readers are
still expected to roll up their sleeves and do some hard work. Readers
must think deeply and thoroughly, ask questions, and refer to other
reading materials for further clarification or for a deeper understanding.
Who should read this book
This book is intended for senior undergraduates, postgraduates,
academicians and scientists in the field of agriculture. Basic knowledge
in mathematics, in particular algebra, trigonometry and calculus, is
required. Additional knowledge in basic C++ programming will be
helpful to build the computer model.
This book should be read in sequential order: Chapter 1 to 8.
Topics discussed in one chapter often refer to topics from previous
chapters. Readers who are already familiar with the principles of
mathematical modeling, however, may skip Chapter 1. This chapter
discusses about the meaning, usefulness and many types of mathematical
models. It also discusses about modeling methodology.
Chapter 2 and onwards are specific to agriculture. Chapter 2
discusses about the simulation of several weather components such as
solar irradiance, vapor pressure, wind speed and air temperature. These
components are very important as they drive several plant and soil
processes such as evapotranspiration, photosynthesis, soil water balance,
respiration and growth. Chapter 3 discusses about the interception of
solar radiation by plant canopies. Solar radiation is the major energy
source for plants, in particular for photosynthesis (Chapter 6), and the
assimilates produced by photosynthesis are used for plant maintenance
and growth which are both covered in Chapter 7. Chapter 4 and 5 discuss
about the water balance. Chapter 4 is the most detailed chapter which
discusses about the various heat fluxes from the soil and plant. The final
chapter (Chapter 8) shows how the various equations from previous
chapters are assembled into a C++ computer program. This computer
program is named Gg which stands for Generic crop growth model. This
chapter also shows the results of some model simulations.
Acknowledgment and feedback
I am grateful to Dr. Ian E. Henson (Malaysian Palm Oil Board)
and Goh Kah Joo (Applied Agriculture Research Sdn. Bhd.) for
reviewing this book; any mistakes, however, are mine alone. I am also
grateful to Jennifer Low for her love and support.
All source codes and the sample weather data in this book can
be downloaded for free from: I appreciate
any feedback to this book, and I can be contacted by email at:
Christopher Teh Boon Sung
Serdang; 26 Feb. 06
Chapter 1. Mathematical modeling
1.1 What is a mathematical model?
A model is a simplified representation of a real system. There
are two important concepts in this definition. Firstly, system is a group of
objects (components or factors) that interact with one another in an
organised manner, and the net result of their interactions produces the
system’s behavior, function and purpose. Examples of systems in
agriculture are photosynthesis, soil water flow, crop growth and yield,
and the interception of sunlight by the plant canopies.
Secondly, when a system is represented or described in a
simpler form known as a model, the model becomes a tool for us to
understand the system by helping us to sift through its complexity and to
focus on the important, relevant aspects. Models can be of many types:
1. pictorial (e.g., illustrations, diagrams and flowcharts);
2. conceptual or verbal (descriptions in a natural language);
3. physical (replica or mock-up of the system such as a scale
airplane model for wind tunnel experiments, and the helical,
double-stranded structure of the DNA molecule); and
4. mathematical (Haefner, 1996).
Consequently, a mathematical model is one type of simplified
representation of a real system. It describes the system using
mathematical principles in the form of an equation or a set of equations.
For example, in a controlled field experiment by Pandey et al. (2000), the
maize yield (Y; kg ha-1) responds to the nitrogen fertilizer rate (N; kg
ha-1) by the following mathematical/statistical relationship:
Y = 1143 + 31.7 N − 0.084 N 2 [1.1]
which reveals that with increasing nitrogen rates, maize yield increases
but with diminishing returns, and that past a certain threshold of nitrogen
level (189 kg ha-1), the maize yield will instead start to decrease
(probably due to nitrogen toxicity).
1.2 Uses of mathematical models
Mathematical models are developed primarily because we want
to solve one or more problems in a real system. For example: how do we
increase the growth and yield of the rice crops? Why are the current
conservation practices not effective in controlling the soil and water
losses from the soil? And what is the effect on oil palm yield due to
higher planting density on peat soils?
As compared to other model types (e.g., pictorial, conceptual
and physical), mathematical models are often the most useful type. This
is because they not only tell us what are the essential components of a
real system, but more importantly, they also tell us how and to what
degree do each of these components interact with each other. Besides
helping us to comprehend the system (i.e., the “what, why and how” of a
system), mathematical models exclusively allow us, in an organised
manner, to predict (i.e., forecast or estimate the outcome) and control the
system (i.e., constrain or manipulate the system’s behavior to the
desirable outcome). Consequently, mathematical models provide us a
tool to solve problems. Specifically, the following are some ways, as
adapted from France and Thornley (1984), in which mathematical
models can contribute to agricultural research and activities:
1. Modeling helps us to understand, predict and control a system in
a more organised or methodological manner because models
provide: a) a quantitative description of the system, and b) a
way of bringing together knowledge about the parts to give a
coherent and holistic view of the system.
2. Models can help to identify areas where knowledge is lacking,
and can help to stimulate new ideas or approaches for research.
3. Modeling leads to less experimentation by trial-and-error, and
can reduce the time and cost of experiments. This is particularly
relevant for long term growing crops such as oil palm which can
take many years to mature. Consequently, actual field
experiments for such crops are expensive, time-consuming, and
must be planned with great care so that useful results are ensued
from such long term experiments. Another good example is the
work by Peng et al. (2004), who produced a China “super” rice
hybrid that gave yields up to 12 ton ha-1, breaking the yield
ceiling of 10 ton ha-1. Peng et al. used a mathematical model to
identify the characteristics of a rice plant that were theoretically
efficient in photosynthesis, growth and grain production. They
then started a rice breeding project to produce rice hybrid
varieties that had these idealized plant characteristics.
4. Models can be used to identify interesting and stimulating areas
of research, and those short listed can later be implemented in
actual experiments.
5. The predictive power of models can be used to answer various
“What if?” scenarios such as the yield response of maize under
different water management practices, or the effect on oil palm
growth and yield on compact, steep lands. Without the use of
models, we must conduct actual experiments to predict the
outcome of such “What if?” scenarios which can be expensive
and time-consuming. In this manner, models can help in the
research and development as well as in the management and
planning of agriculture activities.
6. Models can complement and add value to actual experiments.
Interpretation of results from experiments can sometimes be
aided using a model. For example, a soil water and crop growth
model can be used to explain the observed yield response of
maize in an experiment with different water management
7. In special circumstances, models can replace experiments to
study the effects of certain factors or conditions that otherwise
cannot be studied in actual experiments due to high costs, great
length of time, high risks or technical difficulties. Nonetheless,
it is very important to stress that these are special circumstances
when models do replace the necessity of doing actual
experiments. In normal conditions, mathematical models are not
substitutes for doing actual experiments. In fact, model
development relies on results from actual experiments for a
deeper understanding of the system so that, in turn, more
accurate and comprehensive models can be developed.
8. Modeling encourages collaboration among researchers from
various fields of expertise because a system consists of various
components, where the study of these different components
often requires separate fields of study.
1.3 Characteristics of mathematical models
1) Models are incomplete description of whole systems
Because a model is a simpler representation of a real system, it
is actually an incomplete or imperfect description of the system. There is
always some loss of information when a real system is translated into a
model. A model does not tell us the whole picture of the system, only the
essential parts that are important to explain the system’s behavior,
function and purpose. This incomplete depiction of a system means that
the estimations or simulations from a mathematical model are subject to
The degree of modeling error depends on how much
information is lost; that is, how much of the essential parts of the system
that we have ignored in our models. It also depends on how much we
have under- or overestimated the effects of the system components. The
key here is then for us to be able to capture and summarize the essential
information of the real system into a model. We have to identify the
essential components of the real system, and to describe adequately how
and to what degree each of these components interacts with one another
into our model. Consequently, what we achieve at the end is a model that
is simpler than the real system but immensely useful because it helps us
to study the system, and additionally, to control and anticipate the
system’s behavior with the desired detail and accuracy.
We might then be tempted to develop a model that is complete,
that perfectly represents a real system in every way. But such a model,
perfect though it may be, is of no use to us because what we have
actually done is not the development of a tool to aid our understanding
but the perfect duplication or “cloning” of the actual system itself. So, in
the end, what we have is a model that is just as complicated and intricate
as the actual system itself. We would be no better using such a model to
understand the system. In the other extreme, we must be careful too that
we do not develop models that are too simple or incomplete, that vital
aspects of the system are ignored or described inadequately, and that our
understanding of the system become deficient, or worse, wrong.
2) Models are built from assumptions
Real systems are often complex and we need assumptions to
simplify them for our understanding. Without the use of assumptions, we
might fail to develop a model because there is still too much complexity
or uncertainty about the system. In other words, assumptions help us to
grasp the system so that we are able to summarize the system into a
However, there are those who feel uncomfortable about the use
of assumptions in models because they deem assumptions (in any form)
to be too simplistic and improbable. But whether they realize it or not,
we all use assumptions to solve problems even those related to our
normal, everyday lives. If assumptions were not used, we would be
perplexed into indecision by the complexity of a system because there are
just too many factors that can affect the outcome of the system.
Using key assumptions simplify our understanding of the
system and allow us to build a model to solve problems. As we will later
see, it is vital that we test our mathematical models against reality to
ensure that our models are accurate despite the use of assumptions.
3) Model simplicity versus model accuracy
In the development of a mathematical model, there is often a
trade-off between model simplicity and model accuracy (Fig. 1.1). The
more holistic and in-depth we want to represent the system, the more
complex and accurate our model becomes. It becomes increasingly more
accurate because increasingly more information about the system is
summarized and fewer assumptions are used in the model. In contrast,
the simpler the model, the less accurate our model becomes because the
model tells us increasingly less about the system, resulting in greater loss
of information.