05-01-TDP Carrier - Duct Design Level 1-Fundumental
05-01-TDP Carrier - Duct Design Level 1-Fundumental
05-01-TDP Carrier - Duct Design Level 1-Fundumental
Duct Design
Level1: Fundamentals
I I \\ ,II \ \1
This module will look at the way commercial duct design creates an airflow conduit for inter-
connecting an air handler, rooftop unit, or fan coil with VAV and CV terminals and/or room air
distribution devices as a means of delivering conditioned air to the occupants of a building. A
step-by-step design process will be presented covering such aspects of duct design as zoning, load
· determination, layout, sizing, and determining static pressure losses for system fan selection. Af-
ter completing the module, participants will be able to manually size ductwork using either a
friction chart or a duct calculator. The second level TDP of duct design will cover the modified
equal friction method of duct design, along with additional sizing and layout recorrunendations.
PrinteEI in Syracuse, NY
Carrier Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13221 , U.S.A.
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Duct Design Ctiteria ........................................................................................................................ 1
Space Availability ........................................................................................................................ 2
Duct Terms .............................................................................................................................. 2
Installation Cost ........................................................................................................................... 3
Air Friction Loss .......................................................................................................................... 3
Noise Level .................................................................................................................................. 4
Heat Transfer and Leakage .......................................................................................................... 4
Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................... 5
Theory and Fundamentals ................................................................................................................ 5
Law of Conservation of Energy- Bernoulli's Law ..................................................................... 5
Friction Loss in Ducts .................................................................................................................. 8
Recommended Duct Velocities for Ductwork and HVAC Components ................................. 8
Effects of Shape ....................................................................................................................... 9
Surface Roughness of Ducts .................................................................................................. 10
Recommended Friction Rates-/ ........................................................................................... 10
Fitting Dynamic Losses ............................................................................................................. 11
Equivalent Length Method .................................................................................................... 11
Use of Fitting Loss Coefficients ............................................................................................ 12
System Effect ......................................................................................................................... 12
Duct Sizing Methods ................................................................................................................. 13
Equal Friction ........................................................................................................................ 13
Modified Equal Friction......................................................................................................... 13
Static Regain .......................................................................................................................... 13
Other Methods ....................................................................................................................... 14
Duct Design Process Steps............................................................................................................. 15
Design Step 1: Determine Number of Zones ............................................................................ 15
Design Step 2: Perform Cooling and Heating Load Estimates ................................................. 15
Design Step 3: Determine Space, Zone and Block Airflows .................................................... 16
Design Step 4: Select Duct Material, Shape and Insulation...................................................... 16
System Classification............................................................................................................. 16
'What Can Be a Duct and 'What is it Made of? ....................................................................... 17
How are Ducts put Together, Sealed and Insulated? ............................................................. 18
Design Step 5: Lay Out Ductwork from AHU to Air Distribution Devices .............................. 19
Fit Trunk Duct to Building .................................................................................................... 20
Create a System Sizing Schematic ......................................................................................... 2 1
Design Step 6: Summarize Duct cfm and Label Duct Schematic............................................. 21
Use a Duct Sizing Worksheet ................................................................................................ 22
Design Step 7: Size Ductwork from Fan, Out to Extremities ................................................... 22
Duct Sizing Using the Friction Chart ..................................................................................... 23
Example 1 -Using the Duct Friction Chart ........................................................................... 24
Circular Equivalent Diameters of Rectangular Ducts ............................................................ 25
Example 2 - Converting From Round to Equivalent Rectangular Ducts .............................. 25
Duct Sizing Using Duct Calculators ...................................................................................... 26
Changing One Dimension at a Time ...................................................................................... 30
Extended Plenum ................................................................................................................... 30
Return and Supply Air Plenums ............................................................................................ 31
Design Step 8: Calculate Air System Pressure Losses ............................................................. 31
Design Step 9: Select Fan and Adjust System Airflows ........................................................... 32
Sun1mary ..................................................................................·...................................................... 32
Example 3 -Equal Friction Sizing Example Using the Duct Friction Table ............................ 33
Work Session 1 - Fundamentals ................................................................................................ 37
Work Session 2- Duct Sizing ................................................................................................... 39
Appendix and Supplemental Material.. .......................................................................................... 42
Chart 1 -Friction Loss Chart for Round Duct.. ......................................................................... 43
Table 1 - Circular Equivalent Diameter*, Equivalent Area of Rectangular Ducts for Equal
Friction ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 2 - Recommended Maximum Duct Velocities for Low Velocity Systems (fpm) .......... .47
Table 3- Velocity Pressures ...................................................................................................... 47
Table 4 - Duct Material Roughness Multipliers ........................................................................ 48
Table 5 - Friction of Rectangular Duct System Elements ......................................................... 49
Table 6 - Friction of Round Elbows .......................................................................................... 51
Table 7 - Friction of Rectangular Elbows ................................................................................. 52
Table 8 - Flat Oval Equivalent Duct Sizes ................................................................................ 54
Symbols for HVAC Systems ..................................................................................................... 55
Duct Sizing Worksheet .............................................................................................................. 56
Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 57
References .................................................................................................................................. 59
Work Session 1 - Answers ........................................................................................................ 61
Work Session 2 - Answers ........................................................................................................ 62
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This Technical Development Program (TDP) covers the fundamental principles of duct sys-
tem design for commercial building applications. The most popular duct sizing method - equal
friction - is covered in detail. Modified equal friction , incorporating many of the benefits of
static regain, is presented in the related TDP-505, Duct Design, Level 2. Although many other
duct sizing methods exist (e.g. velocity reduction, T-method, extended plenum, constant velocity,
static regain), none are widely used by designers and are beyond the scope of this training mod-
ule. The reader should refer to other publications for information on these sizing methods.
It is recognized that the use of manual duct calculators is normal, and that computer-aided
duct design is becoming more popular; however, it is important to learn the manual friction chart
method of duct sizing that is the foundation of these other methods. This will provide the knowl-
edge necessary to recognize possible design errors and understand the effects of various design
decisions. Once properly covered, use of Carrier's Duct Calculator for equal friction sizing will
be presented.
Proper duct design requires performing load estimates to determine the zone and space cfm
that the duct system will distribute. Once the cfm has been determined, the duct system compo-
nents can be laid out. This includes locating the supply and return diffusers and registers to
provide adequate air distribution to the spaces. Load estimating and room air distribution princi-
ples are covered in detail in other related TDPs.
This TDP will cover each duct design step in sufficient detail to permit the participant to lay
out and size ductwork into a coordinated system that is energy efficient and cost effective to fab-
ricate, install and commission. The Level 2 Duct Design TDP will present many areas of design
enhancement, such as SMACNA Duct Construction Standards, duct design code requirements,
fitting selection using loss coefficients, avoiding acoustic issues, unique VAV system duct fea-
tures, and using life cycle cost analysis as a design criteria.
Level 1 Duct Design develops various aspects of sizing in detail because an oversized duct
system will be difficult to balance and will increase the installed cost of the system. An under-
sized duct system will create higher than necessa1y air pressure drops, generate noise, and will
not deliver the required airflow quantities.
Work sessions are included as part of this program to assist the participant in evaluating his
or her understanding of these fundamental principles and sizing parameters.
Distribution Systems
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Space Availability
The sizing criteria will often be defined by the space available to run the ductwork (Figure 1).
Ceiling plenums, duct chases, and obstructions such as walls and beams often dictate that a cer-
tain size duct be used, regardless of
whether or not it is the best size from a
first cost or air friction loss perspective.
There are most likely other building sys-
tem components competing for the '
available space. Coordination is required '1r ® - 1
to avoid sprinkler piping, power and
communication conduit, light fixtures, and
(!) Boot Diffuser I Takeoff Duct
Lay in_/ ~ Speaker I Conduit
audio speakers. Header ducts and runouts T-bar ® Header Duct ~
Ceiling @) Sprinkler I Piping
are easier to locate, especially out in the
@ Ughts I Conduit
perimeter areas of the floor. Larger trunk
and branch ducts require greater coordina-
tion w ith equally large piping and conduit
service utilities that tend to get located in
the core areas of the building.
Figure 1
Fitting In the Ductwork
Duct Terms
Before we go any fmiher, let's look at a simple duct system (Figure 2) and define some of the
terms we will be using in this TDP (also, see Glossary). The trunk (or main) duct is the supply or
return duct that connects to the air source (e.g. air handling unit, rooftop unit or fan coil) and dis-
tributes the air around the building. Branch ducts extend outward from the trunk duct, forming a
tree pattern across the floor.
Runout ducts connect VAV
(variable air volume) and CV
(constant volume) terminals
to a branch duct or directly to
the trunk duct. A takeoff (as a
fitting) either connects a
Air Handling Unit
runout duct to a branch or
trunk duct in order to distrib- -g { Takeoff (Fitting)
ute air to a terminal, or c:
connects (as a duct) the ~
header duct to the room air j-Return Registers
distribution devices (diffus-
ers, registers or grilles). The
header duct distributes zone ~ Supply~
air from the terminals.
Figure 2
Duct Terms
Turn to the Experts._ Distribution Systems
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Installation Cost
First cost is often quite important. First cost is not only impacted by the size of ducts and
types of materials used to construct the ductwork, but also by the number and complexity of the
duct fittings, and the height/ complexity of the site conditions impacting duct installation labor.
The ductwork portion of the ex- Packaged
ample system costs shown in Figure 3 Air Handler
represent 15 percent of the total, indi- • Air-Cooled
cating that most of the dollars are Condensing Unit
Distribution Systems
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Noise Level
An undersized duct system, that is, one with higher velocities, creates noise that is often ob-
jectionable to the occupants. Poorly selected or installed fittings also create turbulence, which
creates additional noise and air
pressure drops. Dampers used
for balancing need to be located
out of the turbulence and not too
close to the diffusers and regis-
ters in the space. There are
many ways to limit noise crea-
tion (Figure 4) that need to be
followed when designing duct-
Velocities Place Insulated
Within Flex Duct Close
Recommended To Diffusers
Figure 4
Limit Noise Creation
Copyright (2001) American Society ofHeating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (www.ASHRAE.org)
Turn to the ExpertS. Distribution Systems
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Distribution Systems
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A typical fan wheel, driven by an electric motor, creates pressure and flow because the rotat-
ing blades on the impeller impart kinetic energy to the air by increasing its velocity. The air
leaving the fan contains air pressure (energy) in two different fonns:
Static pressure ( P8 )
Velocity pressure ( Pv )
As the high-velocity air exits the fan, the total pressure consists mostly of velocity pressure.
This velocity pressure begins to convert into static pressure in the first few feet of supply air duct.
Both velocity pressure and static pressure exist throughout the entire air system. Whenever the
duct changes cross-sectional flow area, there is a conversion of velocity pressure into static pres-
Static pressure is a force that is exerted against the sides of the duct wall equally in all direc-
tions. Static pressure is essentially the potential energy component in the air. An inflated balloon
contains all static pressure (Figure 7). If you release an inflated balloon, the static pressure inside
creates a flow of air out of the bal-
loon, converting the static pressure
into velocity pressure.
The sum of the static pressure and
velocity pressure values is called the
total pressure and is represented by
the following equation:
Equation 1
Figure 7
Static Pressure vs. Velocity Pressure
Daniel Bernoulli, a 16th century Swiss mathematician, physician, and physicist, developed a
concept now known as Bernoulli's Law. He discovered that when velocity increases, static pres-
sure decreases by the same amount, causing the total pressure to remain constant. Likewise, a
decrease in velocity causes an increase in static pressure.
This increase in static pressure is also referred to as static
regain. Total pressure, however, always decreases in the
direction of airflow due to friction losses in the duct. This
principle is illustrated in Figure 8.
For example, let's assume that the area of duct section <D is 1.0 sq ft and that the area of sec-
tion !1l is 0.6 sq ft.
According to the laws of physics
and fluid flow, the velocity (V) of a
substance, in this case air, is equal to
the flow quantity (Q) divided by the
cross-sectional area (A) of the flow
conduit, in our case the duct. This can
be stated as follows:
V= Qj A Equation2
Distribution Systerns
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This principle is also analogous to water flowing through a water hose connected to a pres-
sure nozzle. As the water flows through the hose and passes through the nozzle, the velocity is
increased because the flow area has been greatly reduced at the nozzle. Even though it seems as if
the water pressure has increased at the outlet of the nozzle, this actually represents only an in-
crease of velocity. The actual static pressure of the water has decreased and the nozzle has
converted all of the available static pressure of the water into velocity pressure.
Recommended duct velocities generally range between 600 and 1300 fpm for commercial
buildings, as shown in Figure 9. Table 2 in the Appendix presents detailed recommended maxi-
mum duct velocities. These are rec- RECOMMENDED & MAXIMUM DUCT VELOCITIES RANGES
ommended maximum velocities for Schools, Theaters &
lower pressure class duct systems. Designation Public Buildings
Fan Outlets 1300 - 2200
Main Ducts 1000 - 1600
Branch Ducts 600 - 1300
Branch Risers 600 - 1200
Velocities are for net free area.
Figure 9
Duct and Design Velocities
Turn to the Experts. _ _ _ _ ---------------.-------------·-------D_i_s_tri_kn~tion Systems
Effects of Shape
At a given velocity, round ducts have the lowest static pressure drop per linear foot of any
duct shape. Figure 10 indicates the relationship between duct shape and friction loss.
Notice the ratio of perimeter to area is lowest for a round duct. Less duct smface area trans-
lates into less air friction loss. As you increase the aspect ratio (longest dimension divided by the
shortest dimension)
the ratio of perimeter
Ratio of Equivalent Friction
to area increases All ducts = 9 sq ft Aspect Perimeter Perimeter Round Duct At 15,000 cfm
Ratio (ft)
proportionally. The to Area (in.) Qn. wg /1 00' EL)
last example in the
figme illustrates a
@ .
1:1 10.7 1.18:1 40.7 0.070
Large aspect ratio ducts are more difficult to reinforce structurally and may exhibit what is
commonly referred to as "tin canning." Tin canning occurs when the fan turns on and off and the
duct walls actually flex in and out due to the air pressme changes inside the duct, causing a loud,
disturbing, thun1ping sound. Since it happens each time the fan turns on or off, you can imagine
the occupant's dissatisfaction if intermittent fan operation was part of the control sequence.
Round ducts are often used for branch ducts off rectangular main ducts. Round duct unfortu-
nately requires a larger height clearance when compared to rectangular duct. This is illustrated in
Figure 10 with a 3-ft by 3-ft square duct having a cross sectional area of9.0 sq ft. The equivalent
round duct diameter for the same area is 39.4 in. This means that an additional3.4-in. of height is
required when using a round duct for this particular example. Saving space is one reason many
designers use rectangular trunk ducts.
Flat oval ducts do not take up less space than rectangular
ducts, but they are inherently stronger when made with spiral
lock seams and are quieter, like round ducts. Flat oval com-
bines some of the best features of both, at a cost comparable
to round ductwork.
Distribution Systems
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_ _ Tum to the ExpertS:
Duct material roughness (~::) refers to the inside surface of the duct; the rougher the surface,
the higher the friction loss. Most duct sizing tables use the roughness factor for smooth, galva-
nized sheet metal as the reference value (£ = 0.0003 ft). This value of£ is based on bare sheet
metal with joints every 4-ft. For other duct construction materials such as duct board, flexible
duct, or duct liner, a multiplier of the measured duct length is used to correct for the higher
roughness values. Duct material roughness multipliers are included as Table 4 in the Appendix.
When sizing ducts for a particular pressure class, the designer will usually choose a design
friction rate, abbreviated f, that is the desired friction loss in inches water gauge per 100 feet of
equivalent length (in. wg/100 ft EL)
of duct, commonly written as just in. Friction Rate Range
(in. wg / 100 ft EL)
wg. Pressure class is discussed in
more detail later under Design Step 4. Pressure Classes %, 1, 2 0.10to0.15
Pressure Class 3 0.20 to 0.25
The design friction rate is deter- Pressure Classes 4, 6, 10 0.40 to 0.45
mined based on the desired velocity of
Transfer Air Ducts 0.03 to 0.05
the air in the first section of ductwork.
Outdoor Air Ducts 0.05 to 0.10
As can be seen in Figure 11, system
Return Air Ducts 80% of above supply duct values
pressure class and duct duty also help
dete1mine the design static pressure 1. Higher friction rates should only be used when space constraints dictate.
loss to use in sizing ductwork. 2. Using higher friction rates permits smaller ducts but raises horsepower (energy)
and velocity {noise).
3. Maximum aspect ratio is 4:1 unless space constraints dictate greater aspect ratios.
4. When diffusers, registers, and grilles are mounted to supply, return, and
exhaust ducts, velocities should not exceed 1500 fpm or noise will result.
Figure 11
Recommended Friction Rates (f)
Turn to the ExpertS._
Distribution Systems
Equivalent length (EL) is a ·concept used when referring to components in the duct system
other than straight sections of duct, such as elbows, transitions, and other fittings. As can be seen
in the example (Figure 13), the fitting
total loss is converted into the same EL = 18'
(equivalent) loss as a section of
straight duct. For instance, using Ta-
ble 7 in the Appendix, the 32-in. by
20-in. rectangular elbow would have
an EL of 18 ft of straight duct. Let's f = 0.12 in. wg I 100' EL
now assume that the design friction
rate for the system is 0.12 in. wg. By Total Length= 15' + 8' + 18' = 41' EL
converting the friction losses of the Duct Pressure Loss = f *ELI 100'
fittings into EL of straight duct, you = 0.12 in. wg * 41 'I 100'
can add them directly to the actual
= 0.049 in. wg
length of straight ducts (measured to
the fitting centerline) to obtain the Figure 13
total equivalent duct length of the
ductwork. Using Equivalent Length
Distribution Systeros ·- - --
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-Tum to the ExpertS:
To calculate the total friction loss of the duct system, including fittings, multiply the friction
rate times the total duct length, divided by 100ft,(/* EL/100) as indicated in Figure 11.
The equivalent length method is widely used for
residential and many light commercial applications.
However, for larger, more extensive commercial duct
systems, the method can become quite time consuming
and not as precise as using the total pressure method.
Empirical testing of actual fittings have given the designer a dimensionless dynamic loss co-
efficient "C" that represents the number of velocity heads lost or gained at a fitting. This
coefficient is multiplied times the velocity pressure of the air flowing through the fitting to get the
total pressure loss of the fitting. In Duct Design Level 2, the designer will learn how to select
more efficient fittings and create self-balancing designs that equalize duct circuit pressure losses.
System Effect
A duct system with an improper fan outlet or inlet connection will result in a reduced airflow
quantity, less than the fan manufacturer's published ratings. Fans are generally rated, designed
and tested with open inlets and with a section of straight duct connected to the outlet of the fan. In
reality, most installations do not have open inlets or adequate lengths of straight duct attached to
the fan outlet. This condition is commonly referred to as system effect. System effect is a de-
rating factor used to predict the reduction in actual fan perfotmance caused by physical limita-
tions placed on the fan system. When there is less than 100 percent effective length of straight
duct directly off the fan outlet, like an abrupt transition or elbow, system effect should be consid-
The effective length of the discharge duct depends on the particular characteristics of the fan
design. In general, it is a length of duct within which the velocity of the airflow reaches a uniform
velocity profile. This is generally defined as a length of 2Yz duct diameters for ducts with veloci-
ties of 2500 fpm or less.
A considerable amount of subjective judgment must be applied when working with system
effect factors, as there may be a wide variation in different manufacturers fan designs. It is impor-
tant to check for system effect in the total pressure analysis of the fan. The reader should refer to
ASHRAE and SMACNA publications and Carrier's TDP-612, Fans: Features and Analysis, for
additional information on system effect.
Distributkm Systems
Turn to the Experts·.
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Equal Friction
With the equal friction method, as the name implies, ducts are sized for an equal (constant)
friction loss per unit length. In its purest form, this uniform friction loss per linear foot of duct is
held constant for the entire duct system. The equal friction method is the most widely used
method for sizing lower pressure systems. This method automatically reduces the velocity of the
air in the direction of flow. Therefore some "regain" of static pressure is created; however it oc-
curs in unknown amounts and is not usually accounted for.
Once initial sizes are calculated, the total pressure of all sections should be calculated and
noted. Sections should then be resized to equalize the pressure at all junctions. This is demon-
strated later in the example problem.
The equal friction method is generally used when sizing supply and return systems in CV
(Constant Volume), and exhaust systems.
The primary disadvantages of the equal friction method are:
• There is difficulty in balancing branch flow rates, even with balancing dampers.
• It cannot ensure a uniform, constant inlet pressure to variable air volume devices and
To overcome these disadvantages, modifications to the equal friction procedure have been
made that take advantage of the static regain effect. This sizing method is sometimes referred to
as the modified equal friction design procedure. This procedure is used whenever the duct system
is non-symmetrical or for systems with both long and short duct runs. By downsizing the shorter
duct runs with lower friction loss there is less of a requirement to "choke" the airflow by the use
of balancing dampers; results in smaller ducts, which saves money. The modified equal friction
design procedure is descrihed in detail in the Duct Design, Level 2 TDP.
Static Regain
The static regain method of duct sizing is a more complex and detailed method and may be
used to size supply duct systems of any pressure/velocity class. The advantages of lower fan
brake horsepower (bhp) and self-balancing sizing to the VAV terminals often outweigh the extra
work involved in performing the calculations. In this method, the velocities are systematically
reduced, resulting in a conversion of the velocity pressure into static pressure, which overcomes a
portion of the air friction loss in the next downstream section of duct.
Distribution Systems - -- - - -- - - - -- - --
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_. ..,...._....__.. .......
_ M_E_N_TA
_ LS____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
This phenomenon is not totally efficient, however. A regain efficiency of 75 percent is as-
sumed for most average duct systems. This method is also advantageous because it creates a self-
balancing system, in that all gains and losses are proportional to the velocities. This makes it es-
pecially useful for higher-velocity systems, where the turbulence and noise generated by air
balancing dampers prohibits their use.
The main disadvantage of the static regain method is the larger duct sizes that result. This
translates into higher first cost; however, the reduced static pressure on the fan often results in a
lower fan operating cost over the life of the system.
Static regain manual sizing of ducts is not covered in the TOP series. It can be effectively ap-
plied using computer duct design software and should be studied using the program instructional
Other Methods
While other duct sizing methods exist, such as the T-method, velocity reduction, total pres-
sure, and constant velocity methods, they are not widely used and are not included in this text.
This is a good time to complete Work Session 1 and test your knowledge of the fundamen-
tals, including design criteria and theory.
Turn to the Expe1ts. _______ _ __ _ _ __ Distribution Systems
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Distribution Systems
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_ __ Turn to the Experts.
Design Step 3: Determine Space, Zone and Block Airflows
The results of a load estimate calculation include the airflow quantities required for condi-
tioning each of the spaces and zones, and for sizing the main coils and system fan. The room-by-
room airflow quantities are used to size the supply diffusers and return grilles, as well as the take-
offs and header ducts that serve them. If duct design was begun with assumptions for supply
airflow .M or cfrnlsq ft, these values will need to be verified after final load estimates are com-
pleted. If the airflows change there is a very real chance that the ducts will need resizing.
The sum of the zone airflow quantities is the total amount of air the fan must deliver, also re-
ferred to as the total supply air quantity. This value, obtained from the maximum block load, is
also used to size the first section of supply duct off the fan. The sum of these airflow quantities is
used to calculate the branch duct sizes and the trunk ducts that serve them.
Load estimating and room air distribution principles are covered in greater detail in other
TDP publications. The scope of this program will be limited to the task of duct sizing.
System Classification
According to SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Associa-
tion, Inc.) standards, duct systems should be classified with a numerical pressure class as shown
in Figure 15. These pressure-velocity relationships have replaced the older terminology. These
older terms were rather vague and have been replaced with static pressure classification values.
Note in Figure 15 that pressure Static Pressure Pressure Maximum
classes from V2-in. to 3-in. are desig- Class Range Velocity
nated as either positive(+) or negative (in. wg) (in. wg) (fpm)
(-) pressure. Pressure classes 4-in. and ±0.5 0 to 0.5 2000
above are for positive pressure sys-
±1 >0.5 to 1 2500
tems only.
±2 >1 to 2 2500
Static pressure classifications are
much more useful than terms such as ±3 >2 to 3 4000
low velocity or low pressure, because +4 >3 to 4 4000
they may be used to establish the re- +6 >4 to 6 *
quired duct construction materials and
reinforcing. The designer and sheet +10 >6 to 10 *
metal contractor may use these values * Determined by designer
to est~blish the required metal gauge,
reinforcing, and maximum duct di- Figure 15
mensions allowable to prevent failure. Pressure-Velocity Duct Classifications
1hrn to the Experts._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ______________ Distribution Systems
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Therefore, if someone refers to a SMACNA Pressure Class 4 system, according to the chart, the
pressure is greater than 3.0-in. wg and up to 4.0-in. wg, with a maximum velocity of 4000 feet per
minute (fpm).
While we are discussing pressure-velocity classifications, it is a SMACNA-recommended
practice to note the duct drawings with the design static pressure classes. This can be seen in the
Symbols List in the Appendix in the first few symbols on the left-hand side of the List. If this is
done, the installing contractor now knows how to construct the duct, along with the size, whether
it is lined or not, and in which direction the air flows.
A duct, quite simply, is a passageway or conduit made of noncombustible material for mov-
ing air from one place to another. Traditionally ducts have been made of melal, first iron and
carbon steel (still used for kitchen hood exhaust), or copper (weather tight). Now, almost all are
made from galvanized or
coated steel, stainless steel or Gal vanized Carbon Stainless Fiberglass PV Gypsum
Duty I Material Steel Steel Steel Aluminum Board FRP Steel Board
aluminum (Figure 16). Rigid HVAC X X
fiberglass ductboards with a Flues X
reinforced exterior vapor bar- Moisture-laden X X
rier and flexible vinyl round Kitchen X X
ducts have also been used Fume Hood X X X
extensively as a duct con- Air Shafts X X
struction material.
Underground X
Ducts can also be airflow FRP = Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic
passageways, such as ple- PV Steel = PVC-coated steel
nums above ceilings and
under access flooring. They Figure 16
can be vertical air shafts Common Duct Material Applications
made of drywall or masonry
(not easily made air tight) as well. Whenever a supply or return plenum is employed in a duct sys-
tem, care needs to be taken to make sure no other combustible or hazardous materials are present
within the plenum.
Most commercial applications use galvanized sheet metal for the main ductwork and either
flexible duct or sheet metal for the runouts to the air distribution devices. Flat oval spiral duct-
work is used on higher-pressure class systems and is sized similar to round. Once a round duct
size is determined, a conversion table (Table 8 in the Appendix) is used, as with rectangular duct-
ing, to find an equivalent flat oval size.
There is generally a trade-off between duct material and price. Fiberglass duct board is rela-
tively inexpensive and easy to install; however, the pressure loss is approximately 30 percent
higher than that of smooth galvanized sheet metal. Flexible (flex) duct is easy to install but exhib-
its a much greater (three times higher) pressure loss per linear foot as compared to smooth sheet
metal, even when the flex duct is hung straight. If flexible duct is allowed to unnecessarily sag
and bend, the pressure loss will be much greater. Poorly installed flexible duct is one of the most
common field problems and should be avoided.
Distribution Systems
--- ----- - - - - - - - - - · · -- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - Tum to the R"<pertS:
QQgl_p~ S I GN , LEVEL 1: FUNDAM ENT}\~_?____
All ducts start out as flat sheets that are cut, bent, and formed into shapes that have seams and
joints, usually at fittings or at the connecting of successive straight sections (Figure 17). Round
and flat oval ducts can be
wound on machines, creating
a continuous spiral lock seam
that can be quite air tight
Turn to the ExpertS. ________ Distribution Systems
A typical air-side for an HVAC system consists of a fan, supply air ductwork with transitions
and fittings, supply diffusers, supply and return registers, return grilles, and return air ductwork,
cooling and heating coils, and filters. The air in the room is essentially "still air" (15 - 50 fpm)
and is typically at atmospheric pressure (zero gauge pressure).
To begin the layout process, produce a sketch of where to route the duct from the fan to each
of the zones, maintaining straight lines without any unnecessary turns and bends. A semi-
transparent paper, such as "onion skin" or "velum," can be used to sketch the duct system over
the architectural floor plan. 100% EFFECTIVE DUCT LENGTH ;;o A MINIMUM OF 2% DUCT DIAMETERS. FOR
Be sure to refer to the re- 2500 FPM OR LESS. ADD 1 DUCT DIAMETER FOR EACH ADDITIONAL 1000 FPM.
flected ceiling plans and DISCHARGE
stmctural drawings to avoid
interference with plumbing,
sprinklers, lighting, and stmc-
tural members.
Try to allow at least a few
feet of full-size straight duct-
work directly dmvnstream of
the fan before you make any
turns, take-offs or size
changes. If it is necessary to
Distribution Systems
__ Tum to the ExpertS.
the fan wheel. The air in the duct is very turhulent coming off the fan discharge. The air needs a
few feet of straight duct to establish a uniform velocity profile so that all of the energy from the
fan can be converted into pressure. Any energy not converted into pressure becomes turbulence
and vibration, which will likely lead to a noisy system.
Wherever possible, ducts should not be located in extreme temperature areas such as hot at-
tics to minimize heat gain and loss. If you must route duct through extreme temperature
environments, be sure to use adequate insulation to minimize thermal losses.
Do not forget the return air duct system design. They are sized the same ways as the supply
ducts, though usually at a slightly lower friction rate. Some buildings use a ceiling plenum return
for the return air; so, a fully ducted return air system may not be required.
Try to pick simple layouts for the trunk ducts that fit the building shape and usage patterns
(Figure 20). Trunk ducts and terminals that are close by should both be located above corridors
and central common spaces where
service access is easy and any noise
would not be bothersome.
Branch ducts and terminal run-
outs should be less than 25-30 ft, so
the trunk layout should fit the basic
"Spine" Duct Layout
shape of the building. If the building
were relatively narrow, a single
"spine" duct running down a central
corridor would work well and be cost
"H" Pattern Duct
effective. As the building widens
out, two trunks connected across the
middle create an effective "H" pat- "Loop" Duct Layout
tern that once again should end up Figure 20
above circulation and/or common
spaces. Trunk Duct Layouts
Another arrangement that works very well (especially on larger multi-story buildings) is to
connect the ends of the H, creating a "loop." The use of this type of layout in variable air volume
(VAV) systems evens out zone airflows throughout the day and can permit diversity downsizing
of "common" portions of the trunk duct (discussed further in the Level 2 Duct Sizing TDP).
Once the trunk duct and branch ducts have been located, the zone terminals and air distribu-
tion devices can be connected, completing the initial duct layout. Supply outlet selection for each
space in the zones, which completes the supply duct layout, is based on the zone airflow quanti-
ties calculated in the load estimate performed previously. Supply outlets would be selected based
on their published and rated airflow quantity, pressure drop, throw, and noise criteria. Remember
to use simple, symmetrical layouts to keep static pressures low and minimize noise generation.
Turn to the ExpertS.---· Distribution Systems
------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-------------------------- ---------··--· DUfT DE§J_Q_~_!__~EVEL 1: F~NDAMENTALS
vVith layout completed from the air-handling unit to the air distribution devices, we can now
take our simple single-line schematic diagram of the HVAC system and annotate it with duct siz-
ing information. Outdoor Air Inlet
First, note the duct
lengths between 50' 100'
changes in airflow, or
devices, and the 1
design cfm at all air
inlets and outlets. Air Handling Unit
Figure 21 shows cfm en
and dimensions of
the duct sections,
along with "flags" or
"labels" for the
I 800 cfm I
individual sections of '--
equipment in our
system that are con-
nected by the duct Figure 21
System Sizing Schematic
Next add nodes and letter indicators at each duct system inlet and outlet, at each point where
the ductwork joins or separates, and at each piece of equipment or component connected to the
duct system.
Distribution Systems Turn to the Exp;rts.
---...-.----·-------------~------------------------------------------ - --------
On all but the simplest duct system, it is recommended that designers use a simple worksheet
to keep track of the input information off the system schematic, record equipment selection data
and list the results from the duct sizing efforts. We can now transfer the equipment labels and
airflows and duct section lengths from Figure 21, plus the cfm duct section and nodes/labels from
Figure 22 to a duct sizing worksheet (Figure 23). A blank duct sizing worksheet can be found in
the Appendix. In the next step, such a worksheet will provide an easy means of determining the
duct run, or circuit, of greatest pressure loss that is used in the fan selection. The full procedure
can be seen in detail when going through the Equal Friction Sizing Example (Example 3, pg 33).
Aoumldut '
., .
h• m LOtt
{fpm) F11C'!o r 1~' d11CI (11\. Wg} II:I.WG} Sittiin,) SIJ:II j'WXH) iiii.WQ) llt!.wg)
50 X
190 X
30 3.2 X
10 X
Figure 23
Using a Duct Sizing Worksheet
Although many manufacturers and industry societies offer duct calculator wheels and slide
rules to simplify the design process, this training module will first teach the traditional Round
Duct Friction Loss Chart (Chart 1 in Appendix, called just the Duct Friction Chart). Once you
understand where the values come from, you will find that using a duct calculator or computer
software program will assist you with the task of duct sizing. Figure 24 outlines that steps in-
volved in using the Duct Friction
Chart. 1. Select desired velocity in first duct section.
Once a round duct size has been 2. Enter friction loss chart, read round duct diameter
at intersection of cfm and velocity lines.
determined; it can be converted into
rectangular dimensions of similar 3. Read resulting friction loss value at bottom of
airflow performance. That is, a rec- friction chart; verify that it is acceptable.
tangular duct with the same pressure
4. If sizing round duct, you have completed sizing the
loss at the same airflow rate (see Ta- first duct section. Proceed to the next duct section
ble 1 in the Appendix). Example 2 using desired friction rate.
will illustrate the relationship between
equivalent round and rectangular duct 5. If sizing rectangular duct, you must convert round
sizes to equivalent rectangular sizes using
Table 1 in the Appendix.
To illustrate how to use the Duct
Friction Chart for round duct, con- Figure 24
sider the following example.
Sizing with the Duct Friction Chart
Distribution Systems
_Turn to the Experts.
Example 1 - Using the Duct Friction Chart
Using a design friction rate of 0.10 in. wg, what size round duct is required if the velocity is
to be maintained at no greater than 1500 fpm and the flow rate is 1800 cfin?
Refer to Figure 25. The first step is to locate the design friction rate along the Friction Loss
scale, in our case 0.10 in. wg. Next, locate the airflow value (1800 cfm) along the Air Quantity
Now locate the point of intersection between these two values. The duct diameter lines run
from the upper left to the lower right sides of the chart. The intersection point falls between the
16-in. and 18-in. lines (Point <D).
{crm at o.0751br;~ !ltl)
Figure 25
Round Duct Friction Chart Example (full size chart in Appendix}
Next, locate the velocity lines and make sure that the velocity is acceptable. The velocity
lines run from the lower left to the upper right comers of the friction loss chart. The velocity is
between 1000 and 1200 fpm, which is below our requirements. Which size do you use, the 16-in.
or the 18-in. round duct? Generally, when sizing round ducts, you should round up to the next
larger size, in our case an 18-in. round duct.
Finally, from the friction chart, read the actual friction loss for an 18-in. duct. It is approxi-
mately 0.08 in. wg. (This can be seen by plotting values on the full-size blank chart in the
What happens ifwe decide to use the 16-in. duct instead of the 18-in. duct? Since the airflow
quantity is the only constant value, all of the other variables will change when we change the duct
size. To see the effects of using the smaller duct, locate the intersection point where the 16-in.
duct meets the 1800 cfm line (Point ~). This is above of our previous condition. This corre-
sponds to a velocity of approximately 1300 fpm, still below our maximum requirement of 1500
Turn to the ExpertS.-- · Distribution Systems
However, our friction rate has increased to 0.14 in. wg. As a designer you will have to decide
if this higher friction rate is acceptable. For short duct lengths it is probably not a significant fac-
tor. When designing duct systems, however, it is best to stay as close as possible to the initial
design friction rate, in our case 0.10 in. wg (Figure 11 recommendation).
Duct sizing is generally done first as round ducts, then when required they are converted to
rectangular sizes of equivalent friction rate. You cannot simply calculate the area of the circle
(round duct), and then use a rectangular duct with the same cross-sectional area. Doing so would
create a duct with a higher pressure drop than the round duct of the same area. This goes back to
the ratio of perimeter to area shown in Figure 10. The velocity in a rectangular duct with equiva-
lent friction rate will be less than the velocity in the round duct. This is necessary so that the
pressure losses for the two ducts are equal.
To accomplish this conversion from round duct to an equivalent rectangular duct, refer to Ta-
ble 1 in the Appendix.
Convert a 22-in. round duct to an equivalent rectangular duct with a maximum aspect ratio of
Figure 26 shows a portion of Table 1. The rectangular duct dimensions are listed along the
top and left side scales. The complete table is provided in the Appendix.
Figure 26
Circular Equivalent Diameters
Now, the trick is to find a combination of dimensions that meet the criteria stated above; that
is, a maximum aspect ratio of 4:1 and a 22-in. round duct. Note there are two numbers under each
column, Area (sq ft) and Diam. in. Scanning down the first column of Table 1 in the Appendix (6-
in. side) you are looking for a diameter of 22-in. It is not under the first column, as the largest
diameter is a 16.8-in. duct.
Distribution Systems ___________________ _____ .._
_ _ _ __ _ Turn to the ExpertS:
Now look under the 8-in. column. There is a 22-in. diameter duct listed for the 64-in. side
duct. However, the 8: 1 aspect ratio (64 x 8) violates the 4:1 aspect ratio limit.
Continue over to the 10-in. column. Read down till you see the 21.9-in. diameter. This
equates to a 46-in. duct, which makes our aspect ratio 4.6:1 , still too large.
Read over to the 12-in. column, then read down to the 21.9-in. diameter corresponding to a
36-in. duct. That works, as the aspect ratio is 3:1 (36 x 12).
There are other combinations of values that also work, such as: 30 x 14, 26 x 16, 24 x 18,
and 20 x 20.
Designers generally attempt to use the larger dimension for the width and the smaller dimen-
sion for the height. This is due to the fact that available space to run duct above most ceilings is
usually in short supply. Also, try to maintain one of the duct dimensions (either height or width)
whenever possible when transitioning from one duct size to the next. This saves money during
fabrication by simplifying the transition.
Duct calculators, whether wheels or slide rules, are manual nomographs that perform the
same function as entering velocity and airflow/friction rate into the Friction Loss Chart and de-
termining a round duct size. Most duct calculators contain additional scales and charts to allow
you to find equivalent rectangular sizes, detennine the velocity pressure, and find the friction loss
for a variety of materials.
incr.es WG .005 .010 .02 .05 .07 .10 .2 .3 .4.5 .7 1.0 2 3 4 567
FRIC'TlON LOSS inches .01 .02 .03 .OS .10 .2 .3 .5 1.0 2 3 5
of w:~tcr /1 oo· ol duct
. ..
lllllllilllllij ''"I'll
l!ljlllll I~I 111'IIIII "I"' l il'1''l jllll
' 111111111111'\ '"1'1"1'll11111' Ill l llljll!ljlll:l' ll
Ser CFM ~o tncl}C;~ 10'!,~
mi<!<l!<.> w<>Cow. Rc~d 'ICioci:y
in rot,;nd d~.o"C~ in top wlndcw
300 500 700 1000 2000 3000 5000 10.000 20.000 :!0.000 50.000 ana d uct d•ametor in 0o1:om
lllllllllllllljlllll ll l l llll'!ll'l'l'lll lllllllll[llllll ll!jllllllllllilll ! Read round duct di~rnc:cr
OIAME1'Efl • IN 7 6 9 10 12 14 IG 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 6 uMer .o.u ow.
RECTANGULAR DUCT 4 5 6 7 8910 15 20 30 40 50 70 100120 Re;.~d domonsien.s I:it ru<:W>Gular
LARGER OtMENSION ·IN ---'rltli"rl'rl+!'!Wf+'r'r.J.r'+-\-Wol'++r'+i-'ll-'r'r'!'ffi'ffl+'n'IWr.u--- ducts h 3't •ng ()Q·.I.ll !riction.
SMALLER OtMENSION· IN 70 50 40 30 20 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4
2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 21
Figure 27
Sizing with the Duct Calculator (front)
.. )
Tum to the Expert:S: _ _ _ __ _ _ _______________~-------~~!ributi~~ Systems
Carrier offers the handy pocket-sized duct calculator (Figure 27), with Instructional Manual,
that does all the tasks mentioned above. A short discussion on the use of the duct calculator fol-
lows. Once you have mastered the Duct Ftiction Chart, rework some of the earlier examples and
Example 3 after the Summary to see how a duct calculator can be used for sizing.
The duct calculator allows you to quickly and easily determine duct sizes for round and rec-
tangular duct systems. It works for a variety of duct construction materials and unique inside
surface roughness factors (£). All of the information contained in the round duct friction chart, as
well as the conversion chart for converting round to rectangular ducts, has been incorporated into
this slide chart. Values indicated on the front are based on standard air (70° F, 29.92 in. Hg) and
medium-smooth galvanized sheet metal duct with a specified roughness factor £ = 0.0003 ft.
Approximate equivalent friction losses are indicated on the backside of. the duct calculator
(Figure 28) for duct board or duct liner, flexible metal duct, and flexible vinyl-coated ductwork
with a helical wire core. There is also a table that lists recommended and maximum duct velocity
ranges for fan outlets, main and branch ducts, as well as branch risers and a table of design ve-
locities for various HVAC components.
Figure 28
Duel Calculator (reverse)
Using your duct calculator, let's take a closer look at the various scales on the front side, as
indicated in Figure 27.
There are three sliding scale windows on the front side of the duct calculator. The top scale is
the VELOCITY (fpm) scale. Directly underneath the velocity is the CFM (airflow quantity) scale,
followed by the VELOCITY PRESSURE (in. wg). In most cases, you will not have any use for
the velocity pressure and we will not use it in this training module. ·
Distribution Systems
·- - - - -- -- - -- - - · -- - - · Turn to the Experts.
DUCT DESIGN, LEVEL 1: FUNDAMENT~_!::S -------------·--··-·-------------------
First, let's look at an actual example of how we can use the duct calculator for calculating
duct pressure loss (Figure 29). Let's assume that we have a 12-in. round duct with a flow rate of
700 cfm. Line up the black pointer on the bottom window with the 12-in. round duct (Point 1).
In the top window, notice where the 700 cfm line and the velocity lines meet (Point 2). At
that point you can read a velocity of approximately 900 fpm. Next, in the center window, read the
friction loss where its scale intersects the 700 cfm line directly below it (Point 3). This is read as
0.10 in. wg/100' EL.
Now determine the Given: 12" round duct with
sizes for rectangular 700 cfm flow rate
ducts of the same fric- Determine: Velocity, friction loss
tion rate by reading and possible rectangular sizes 10 .02 .05 .07 .10 .2 .3 .4.5 .7 1.0
them on the bottom (in even number increments)
two scales. Notice that
the larger dimension
CD Line up 12" with pointer
duct is indicated on the ~Read velocity (900 fpm)
upper scale and the
smaller dimension is
®Read friction loss
indicated on the bottom (0.10 in. wg/100' EL)
scale. There are many Possible rectangular sizes:
possible combinations 16" x 8", 12" x 10", etc.
of rectangular dimen- @14" x 9" rectangular duct
sions that will work.
Figure 29
Keep in mind that
aspect ratios should be Duct Friction Loss Calculation Example
kept below 4:1 if at all
possible. Most sheet metal fabrication shops prefer to build rectangular ductwork in even number
dimensions (2-in., 4-in., 6-in., etc.) so we should not select an 11-in., 9-in., 7-in., or 5-in. duct.
You can always upsize or downsize one or both of the dimensions to make them even num-
bers. Slide the scale and line up any two even numbers that are close to your original values. Be
sure to make the upper scale the larger dimension. Keep in mind, however, that when you slide
the scale to a new position, your velocity and friction loss values will also change.
For instance, according to the duct calculator (Point 4), a 14" x 9" rectangular duct v;rill also
work for our example. Because we cannot use 9-in. duct, we need to either round up or round
down to the next even size, 10-in. or 8-in., respectively. Let's round up to a 14" x 10" duct. Slide
the scale up so that the 14-in. on the black scale matches the 10-in. scale on the green scale. No-
tice that since we are now using a slightly larger than necessary duct, the friction rate, read in the
center window, has dropped from 0.10 down to a little less than 0.08 in. vvg/1 00' EL.
When using the duct calculator, you need only two values to arrive at the remaining values.
For instance, if you know the maximum velocity and the cfm, you can read all of the other values
(friction loss, round duct size, and rectangular duct size). The only exception is that rectangular
duct velocity carmot be read directly from the duct calculator. The velocity scale is for round duct
only. Therefore, the duct calculator may be used to size duct on new designs or to verify existing
ductwork for pressure losses and sizes.
Now let's flip the duct calculator over and review the information on the backside.
Turn to the Expe1tS: .. Distribution Systems
The scales on the back are for calculating the approximate friction loss equivalents for mate-
rials other than medium-smooth sheet metal ductwork. These scales are shown in Figure 30.
Let's perform a friction loss conversion from smooth sheet metal ductwork to the other mate-
rials. Line up the FRICTION LOSS arrow (top scale) with 0.08 in. wg. Read the friction losses
for the other materials in the appropriate windows. For duct board or duct liner, the friction loss is
0.105 in. wg. When
installed properly, Given: Friction loss for sheet metal APPROXIMATE FRICTION
flexible metal duct= 0.08 in. wg INSTRUC'IlOHS
..o.t .os ..o6 .m ..ce. m .n .10 .12 .25.16 .11 .20
line up the friction Use this equivalent friction .01 .oa .a uo .12 .1• .16 .1!
lunluulnnl tltithhitl•hlthl tt• tluu!uuhmlnn
.20 .25 .3l .35 ~ ~
Distribution Systems
·--------- - -
Tum to the Experts.
Ductwork is specified and constructed to whole inch increments, not fractions. Rectangular
ductwork can be constructed to "odd" number dimensions (7-in., 9-in., 11-in., etc.), but generally
most fabricators prefer to manufacture fittings in even number dimensions to minimize inventory
requirements and scrap.
Round duct, especially flexible-type, is readily
available in both even and odd dimensions up to 10-in.,
then in 2-in. increments.
When looking at a set of plans, there are generally
several views available: a plan view, an elevation view,
and a section view. The plan view, which is the most
common duct drawing, the standard convention for rep-
resenting duct dimensions is to always list the first
number of the duct dimension as the visible dimension.
Extended Plenum
A concept that embraces limiting the number of size reduction fittings, or transitions, in trunk
ducts and terminal header ducts is the extended plenum design. Instead of making a size change
at every diverging or converging fitting, the supply or return duct main is run for a substantial
number of fittings at the same size. The selected size fits the design guidelines at the mid-point
cfm value and is slightly over and under-sized at the ends. The
higher static pressure loss of the under-sized section is compen-
sated for by the static regain that occurs along the remaining
length as velocity reduction occurs. Overall poundage of mate-
rial is often higher, but labor for fabrication and installation is
much less.
A variation, semi-extended plenum, provides for size changes every two or three fittings, still
providing many of the benefits without as wide a variation in airflow parameters. Do not exceed
25 ft between size changes .
Turn to the ExpertS.
Distribution Systems
Once the duct sections have been sized and the static pressure friction losses calculated, you
can summarize the air pressure losses for the greatest pressure loss circuit or run for both the sup-
ply and return ductwork. This is only done for the run with the greatest circuit loss because once
selected the fan will always have enough pressure for the other duct runs. This total is often re-
ferred to as the external static pressure because these losses are "external" to the air source.
Manufacturers of packaged equipment generally publish fan ratings and fan curves based on ex-
ternal static pressure; that is, internal losses due to coils, dampers, heat exchangers, and often
filters, are accounted for in the cataloged fan ratings. This is not the case with applied equipment,
so all internal unit air friction losses must be added to the external ductwork values to arrive at the
total static pressure of the fan.
Double-check the calculated duct sizes to make sure they will fit into the allowable space. If
not, adjust sizes or aspect ratios to fit. Do not forget to a11ow space for either internal duct liner or
external duct insulation.
Distribution Systems - -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - Tum to the ExpertS.
Like so much of HVAC system design, creating cost effective duct designs is as much an art
as it is a science. Bemoulli's Law explains the relationship between velocity and static pressures,
a very important concept to understand when sizing ducts, especially when static regain is de-
Selecting fittings and thinking about the effects of turbulence in the ducts is critical to keep
the fmal designs quiet, self-balanced and at a low system static pressure loss.
Manual duct sizing and selection of fittings using charts and tables present the designer with
the optimum situation for reinforcing duct design principals and gaining experience in balancing
the many design criteria that often create conflicting requirements. Once learned through this
manual chart method, use of a duct calculator or design software can be properly applied to speed
up the process and facilitate using the static regain effect to improve system performance.
This is a good time to complete Work Session 2 and test your knowledge on duct sizing.
Turn to the Experts.
- - - -- - -
Distribution Systems
- ·- -- ----·---
m_s_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ Tum to the Experti
Now enter Table 1 (Circular Equivalent Diameter) and locate a combination of duct dimen-
sions with an area equal to or greater than 5.0 sq ft. From Table 1 we find that there are many
possible combinations of duct dimensions with an area of 5.0 sq ft. Since the fan outlet is 40 x 20,
let's check the velocity using the same size duct as the fan outlet. From Table 1 for a 40 x 20
duct, the equivalent area is 5.07 sq ft, which is adequate. Therefore, a transition from the fan to
duct section is not required and there is no fan outlet gain or loss to consider. In Table 1, under
each column of duct dimensions, there is a value labeled "Diam, in." This is the diameter for a
round duct with an equivalent friction loss. For a 40" x 20" rectangular duct, the round equivalent
is 30.5 in.
Next, on the Duct Friction Chart, locate the 7500 cfm line on the vertical axis. Follow this
line to the right until it intersects with the 30.5 in. round duct line. Now read vertically to deter-
mine the friction loss value, in our case 0.085 in. wg/100 ft EL. This means that for a flow rate of
7500 cfm, for a 30.5 in. round duct, the friction loss for a 100 ft length section will be 0.085 in.
wg. But section A-B is only 40ft long, the cmTesponding friction loss will therefore be:
L1P8 =0.085 * (40/100) = 0.034 in. wg
This corresponds to a velocity of approximately 1500 fpm, which may be read from the fric-
tion chart. We will use this friction rate (f= 0.085 in. wg) to size the remaining duct sections.
Using the Duct Sizing Worksheet included in the Appendix, enter the information we lmow
thus far.
The next element in the system is outlet E in section A-B with an airflow rate of 2500 cfm.
The outlet loss is given as 0.10 in. wg. You should consult actual diffuser, grille and register cata-
logs when designing duct systems to determine the appropriate friction losses. Add this !mown
loss value to the worksheet. Consider the duct length from the fan to outlet E, section A-E, to be
the same 40ft we just used for section A-B.
Next we come to duct run B-:C. Since the airflow quantity is reduced significantly
(7500- 2500 = 5000 cfm) we need to transition to a smaller duct. To determine the required rec-
tangular dimensions of section B-C we must first find the required round size then convert it to a
rectangular equivalent. Refer to the Friction Loss Chart and use an equal friction rate of 0.085 in.
wg. Determine the intersection of the airflow quantity (5000 cfm) with the friction rate. The inter-
section point falls very close to the 26 in. diameter line. Now refer to Table 1 and locate a
combination of rectangular dimensions that are close to a 26 in. diameter. There are several pos-
sibilities. As mentioned previously, it is generally a good idea to try to maintain at least one of the
dimensions when transitioning duct sizes. This makes the fitting less difficult to fabricate and
saves money too. Let's maintain a constant duct height of 20 in. and vary the duct width. From
Table 1 we will select a 28" x 20" size for section B-C. This size is equivalent to a 25.7 in. round
duct with a velocity of approximately 1400 fpm and a friction rate of 0.095 in. wg. Here the duct
section is only 30 ft long, so the static pressure loss will be less. Compute the value and enter it
into the Worksheet.
Continuing, we can now calculate the friction loss due to the transition that starts section B-C.
Refer to Table 5 (Friction of Rectangular Duct System Elements), specifically the contraction
fitting, using a 30° angle for least amount of static pressure loss. According to the table notes, the
Ps loss is equal to the change in velocity pressure (downstream- upstream) times the fitting
value n. The velocity pressures can be looked up on the Friction Loss Chart or from Table 3. Us-
ing n = 1.02, and finding Pv1 = 0.062 (remember, the upstream 30.5-in. duct only has 5000 cfm in
it too) and Pv2 = 0.122, the Table 5 formula would give a fitting loss of:
M s = 1.02*(0.122-0.062)=0.061 in.wg
Turn to the Experts.----------···---------~----------------------------~.!._~tr!~~tio~~_Ystems
---- - -
Since there is static regain from the decrease in velocity due to the outlet, use a value less
than calculated, say 50 percent in this case (loss becomes 0.031). In the Duct Design, Level 2
TDP you will see that empirically derived fitting loss coefficients will give more reliable data in
many cases.
For all practical purposes, this is an insignificant amount. You should note that the total pres-
sure loss due to a fitting is highly influenced by the velocity. Had the velocity in the previous
example been say twice as high, the pressure loss would have increased by a factor of four times
due to the "squared" relationship between pressure and velocity. Add these values to the work-
The last element in duct run B-C is outlet F, with a flow rate of 2500 cfm. Again, this loss is
given as 0.10 in. wg. Add this value into the Worksheet.
The final duct run is C-D. Similar to the previous section, we have another transition since
the airflow is reduced to 2500 cfm. We will maintain our previous duct height of 2011 and locate
the width required. As before, we must determine the required round duct size and then convert it
to an equivalent rectangular size. From the Friction Loss Chart find the round duct size corre-
sponding to the friction rate of 0.09 in. wg. A 20-in. round duct meets our requirements for
section C-D. Next, in Table 1 locate a round duct with a 20-in. diameter that corresponds to a
duct height of 20 in. A 20 in. by 16 in. duct has an equivalent diameter of 19.5-in., a round duct
velocity of 1200 :fj:>m, and a corresponding friction rate of 0.10 in. wg. Here too the duct length
has shortened to 20 ft, so losses will reduce as well. Complete the calculations and add these val-
ues to the worksheet, remembering that again we have an outlet G.
Now we need to calculate the loss due to the transition at the start of section C-D. This transi-
tion is the same type as the one before. Since we now know the sizes of both sections, we can
once again determine the velocity pressures and plug them into the table formula, again using the
loss reduction adjustment of 50 percent to account for static regain.
iJP8 =1.02*(0.096 - 0.032)*50%= 0.033 in.wg
We are now ready to calculate the static pressure friction loss of each duct run. From the Duct
Sizing Worksheet (Figure 34) we see that the cumulative static pressure loss for duct run A-E is
0.134 in. wg, for duct run A-Fit is 0. 194 in. wg, and the longest duct run A-G it has increased to
0.247 in. wg. Since our system was simple, the Worksheet was tabulated fully for each of the
three duct runs. Alternatively, only the individual duct sections and outlets could have been en-
tered. Then, the potential highest pressure loss runs would need to be checked, which in our case
was easily the longest run. On large systems this is somewhat of a tedious task, making experi-
ence a good teacher for searching out and checking only those runs that exhibit the potential for
large pressure drop. If you choose to use a duct design software program to size the ductwork, the
highest pressure drop run will be a program output after the sizing is done.
Comparing the friction losses of the three runs, or circuits, they are within 0.12 in. wg of each
other. Therefore, air balancing will be easy to accomplish by the use of diffuser opposed blade
control dampers.
In this example there is no return ductwork, so the fan can be selected at 0.25 in. wg total
static pressure, verifying that the fan was rated with no inlet ductwork.
Remember to allow room for either internal duct lining or external duct wrap (insulation)
when designing duct systems.
This completes our calculations for the equal friction method sizing example.
c 0
t--t' ""'
::::· ~
Oq w
~ 0
~ 6 ~ m
~ r
~ Due:I Due:I VolociiY In Velocity Fitting EquiV, ~\ltorlol Frlc:llon Frlc:tlon Known cu,..l<ltlvO
Round Equlv•lont Tot.>I
~ Run
Itom 1\Jillow
Round ~uet
l Lonoth(fll
(111, WII)
ttotn lo$ll
A-E A-B - I - 7500 1500 0.140 - 40 - . 0.085 0.034 - 30.5 40 X 20 0.034 0.034
E - - OUTLET 2500 - - - - - . - . 0.10 - . 0.10 0.134 c
. 0
A-F A·B - I - 7500 1500 0.014 - 40 - 0.085 0.034 - 30.5 40 X 20 0.034 0.034 )>
------ - B-C I - 5000 1400 0.122 . 30 - - 0.095 0.029 25.7 28 X 20 0.029 0.063 s:
1-- m
B - 1 TRANS ~ 5000 ~ 00 ~0.12?. 1.02 - - - - 0.061 -50% - ~~
28 X 2( 0.031 0.094 z
w F - - OUTLET 2500 - - - - - -
- - 0.10 - - 0.10 0.194
0)1 r
A-G A-B - 1 . 7500 1500 0.140 - 40 - - 0.085 0.034 - 30.5 40 X 20 0.034 0.034
B-C - I - 5000 1400 0.122 - 30 - - 0.095 0.029 25.7 28 X 20 0.029 0.063
B - l TRANS ~~0 ~("
1400 ~~
.122 1.02 .. - - - 0.061 -50'/~ - 4::.~
28 x ?.C 0.031 0.094
C-D - .I - 2500 1200 0.096 - 20 - - 0.10 0.02 - 20.7 16 X 20 0.02 0.114
c - 1 TRANS ~00 ~ 00 ~
0.096 1.02 - - - - 0.065 -50% - 2~!6 X 2( 0.033 0.147
G - - OUTLET 2500 - - - - - - - .. 0.10 - - 0.10 0.247
- ---
0 -~-· -
g NOTES: All dltct sizes lndiC~hld MO Inside clear dlmonstons • LARGESTSTATICPRESSUREL.OSS(In.wg) I0.247 I
l ..t--
10. FOR RUN " A- G
Total Pressure:
Velocity Pressure:
Static Pressure:
2. Which of the following affects duct friction loss? (Choose all that apply):
----- ------------
a.) duct size d.) air velocity
b.) duct length e.) duct constmction material
c.) thickness of duct wrap f.) fitting type
3. True or False? A fan begins to convert static pressure into velocity pressure in the first few
feet of supply duct. _______________
4. A bowling ball sitting still at the top of a hill contains what type of energy?
If this same ball is rolling downhill it contains mostly what type of energy?
6. Given: An airflow of2250 cfm through a round duct and a square duct with the same cross-
sectional area, 1.5 sq ft.
Calculate: The velocity of the air flowing through each duct. _ __ _ __ _ ______
7. Which shape duct (round or square) has the highest pressure loss per unit length? _ _____
8. Given: Refer to the ducts in Question 7 above, with a cross-sectional area of 1.5 sq ft.
Calculate: The maximum allowable airflow through the duct if the maximum velocity of the
air in the duct is 1,000 feet per minute. ·
Distribution Systems
·----------------·- -
_ Turn to the Experts.
9. Increasing the aspect ratio of a duct causes which of the following to occur? (Choose all that apply):
a.) the ratio of perimeter to area increases d.) the duct cross-sectional area increases
b.) the weight of the duct increases e.) the fabrication cost is increased
c.) the duct heat gain increases f.) the friction loss increases
10. Given a design friction rate of0.08 in. wg/100 ft EL for a smooth sheet metal supply duct,
what is the equivalent friction rate for flexible, vinyl-coated ductwork with helical wire core?
11. The phenomenon of system effect is caused by which of the following conditions?
Tum to the Experts._ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ ____ _ Distribution Systems
1. The
------------------------------------ is the total amount of air that the fan
must deliver.
3. True or False? Flex duct should be used as much as possible because it is easier and less expen-
sive to install.
Explain your answer ---------------------------------------------------
5. Why should you provide several feet of straight duct immediately after the fan? ____ _ _
6. True or False? It is a good design practice to downsize trunk duct sections after each branch
take-off to save money. _ _ __ _
Distribution Syste':ly___________________________________
------ - · Turn to the ExpertS:
Describe the recommended procedure for sizing the first section of duct downstream of the fan.
True or False? Ceiling plenums should be used for return air on all floors of a building when-
ever possible. _ __ _ _
Choose the correct answer. The sum of all pressure losses external to the HVAC unit is referred
to as the: - - - -- - - - - -
Which of the following best describes a duct system with an operating static pressure of 3.25 in.
Choose the correct answer. The sum of all pressure losses from the duct system plus any inter-
nal unit losses such as coils, filters, etc. is referred to as the:
True or False? The equal friction method of duct design means that all duct sections have an
equal friction loss. _ __ _ __ _ _
True or False? The equal friction method should not be used to design return air duct systems.
.1m to the ExpertS. Distribution Systems
- - - - - - - - - - - - -·---·---·--------·
14. Which of the following are advantages of the equal friction method as compared to the static
regain method? (Choose all that apply):
15. What are the advantages of the modified equal friction method of duct design? _ _ __ __
16. List the advantages and disadvantages of the static regain method of duct design:
Distribution Systems
- - -- · ---- - -·------ - - - - - - - --- --
- - - Tum to the ExpertS.
_QU_CI___Q§_S~G~, LEVEL 1: FUNDAMENT~J:.S___________________________
.. )
Turn to the Experts. Distribution Systems
-- ----------------·------- - - - - - - - ---------- - - ----
- - - - - - - - ---- ---------·---·--·· DUCT DESIGN, LEVEL 1: FUNDAM ENTALS
.-. 0-
0 >-€
...J 0 r-::::
c 0
q rDE
0 N <(:!?
LL. 0
- E
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co (!)1.() '<t C') (\J
00 0 0 0 C! co l!) "<t (") (\J 0 00 0 0 0
<Ci tri .t «> C\i .,..... 0 0 0 0 0 a a ao 0 a a
(t.n6ual }U91BA!nb3 u 00~ Jed 6M ·u!)
Turn to the Experts. __
Distribution Systems
144 18.84 58.8 20.70 61.6 22.58 64.3 24.47 67.0 26.38 69.5 28.29 72.0
64 68
SIDE 60 72 76 80 84 88 92
Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam. Area Diam.
(ft' ) (in.) (112) (in.) (ft') (in.) (ft2) (in.) (It') (in.) (ft'l (in.) (112) (in.) (It') (in.) (112) (in.)
60 23.46 65.6
64 25.02 67.7 26.70 70.0
68 26.57 69.8 28.36 72.1 30.14 74.3
72 28.10 71.8 30.01 74.2 31.90 76.5 33.79 78.7
76 29.62 73.7 31.64 76.2 33.66 78.6 35.66 80.9 37.65 83.1
80 31.12 75.5 33.27 78.1 35.40 80.6 37.52 82.9 39.62 85.2 41 .71 87.5
84 32.62 77.3 34.88 80.0 37.13 82.5 39.36 85.0 41.58 87.3 43.79 89.6 45.99 91.8
88 34.10 79.1 36.48 81.8 38.84 84.4 41.19 86.9 43.53 89.3 45.86 91 .7 48.17 94.0 50.47 96.2
92 35.57 80.8 38.06 83.5 40.54 86.2 43.01 88.8 45.47 91.3 47.91 93.7 50.34 96.1 52.76 98.4 55.17 100.6
96 37.03 82.4 39.64 85.3 42.23 88.0 44.82 90.7 47.39 93.2 49.95 95.7 52.50 98.1 55.04 100.5 57.56 102.7
100 38.48 84.0 41.20 86.9 43.91 89.7 46.61 92.4 49.30 95.1 51 .98 97.6 54.65 100.1 57.30 102.5 59.94 104.8
104 39.92 85.6 42.75 88.5 45.58 91.4 48.40 94.2 5 1.20 96.9 54.00 99.5 56.78 102.0 59.55 104.5 62.30 106.9
108 41.35 87.1 44.29 90.1 47.24 93.1 50.17 95.9 53.09 98.7 56.00 101.3 58.90 103.9 61.78 106.4 64.66 108.9
11 2 42.76 88.5 45.83 91.7 48.88 94.7 51.93 97.6 54.96 100.4 57.99 103.1 61.00 105.8 64.01 108.3 67.00 110.8
11 6 44.17 90.0 47.35 93.2 50.51 96.2 53.68 99.2 56.83 102.1 59.97 104.9 63.10 107.6 66.22 110.2 69.32 112.7
120 45.57 91 .4 48.85 94.6 52.14 97.8 55.41 100.8 58.68 103.7 61 .94 106.6 65.18 109.3 68.42 112.0 71.64 114.6
124 46.95 92.8 50.35 96.1 53.75 99.3 57.14 102.4 60.52 105.3 63.89 108.2 67.25 111 .0 70.60 113.8 73.94 116.4
128 48.33 94.1 51.84 97.5 55.35 100.7 58.85 103.9 62.35 106.9 65.84 109.9 69.31 112.7 72.78 115.5 76.23 118.2
132 49.70 95.5 53.32 98.9 56.94 102.2 60.56 105.4 64.17 108.5 67.77 11 1.5 71.36 114.4 74.94 117.2 78.51 120.0
136 51.06 96.8 54.80 100.2 58.53 103.6 62.25 106.8 65.98 110.0 69.69 113.0 73.40 116.0 77.09 118.9 80.78 121.7
140 52.41 98.0 56.26 101.6 60.10 105.0 63.94 108.3 67.77 111.5 71.60 114.6 75.42 117.6 79.23 120.5 83.04 123.4
144 53.76 99.3 57.71 102.9 61.66 106.3 65.62 109.7 69.56 112.9 73.50 116.1 77.44 119.2 81.36 122.1 85.28 125.0
. (~
Turn to the ExpertS. ______ Distribution Systems
---------·------------- - - - - - -
(- -)
2. Data derived from the ( v v velocity in fpm
following equation: Hr = where:
4005 H ,. pressue difference tenned " velocity head" (in. wg)
*Flexible duct multipliers assume that the duct is installed fully extended.
Turn to the ExpertS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Distribution Systems
.. .........
~ _._~~-----------------
Number R/D
T D of
I .so i .75
l/0 Ratio
I 1.00 I l.SO
1 18 10 8 7
3 I
10 I 7
7 I
-t_~o l s
[Sjo ·
w ~
Double Elbow
.w, il:·
Direction of Arrow 17
. .' I~
_D_i_s_tr_i_b_u_t_io ~ y_s_te
__rn_s________________________________________________________ TurntotheExpert&
.20 .83 .71. .68 .62 .52 .45
.40 .89 .83 .78 .74 .68 .M
.60 .93 .87 .84 .82 .79 .77
S.P. Regain = n(hvl - hv2l
S.P. l oss
I= 30°
n(hv, -hv,)
45 °
1.04 I
TtSiope I " in 4"
60 °
Abru pt Entrance I .35
- v,
I S.P. loss = nhv 1
Bellmouth Entrance .03
Abr upt Ex it
v, -J S.P. Loss or Regain Considered Zero
Bellmouth Exit
I v,
Rc - Entl'a nt Entranc e
VI S.P. loss = nhv1 .as
Sh<1rp Edge Ro un d Orifice
- A2
S.P. l oss
I= I
nhv 2
2.3 I I I .50
v2 n
S.P. l oss
I= 1,31. .
I 1.21. I . 96 I .52
Abrupt Ex p<1nsi o n
I V2/V1 .20 .40 .60 .80
V) - -
v2 n _I
S.P. Regain = nhv 1
.32 I .48 I .48 I .32
.25 .50
E/0 .10
f ~~ t S.P. Loss
= nhv1
I .55 2.00
E/D . 10 .25 •.50
f' t } I I
E fil n .7 1.4 4.00
S.P. l oss = nhv 1
Egsement O ver Obstruction
-P tm>t t
S.P. Loss = nhv1
L = n * hv * 100
where: L = additional equivalent length, ft
h. ~ velocity pressure forV1, V2 or tihe difference in velocity pressure, in. wg (see SDM-2, Chart 7 or Table 8)
h1 friction loss/100ft, duct cross section at h.. in. wg (see SDM-2, Chart 7)
n = value for particular fitting
Turn to the ExpertS._ Distribution Systems
[~ ~~ ~
L .
.; f
_D_i_s_tr_ib S~y_s_te
__u_ti_o_n__ __
rn_s____________________________________________________ Tum roilieExpertS.
D J '
L w...l "•
L. ,,
w L. J
w D Ra di us Ratiot
R/D = 1 .2~
Rt = 6"
l Rt = 3"
Vanes Vanes
96 48 31 45 2 43 3 40 60
36 25 36 2 31 3 30 45
30 22 31 2 38 2 25 37
24 19 33 1 29 2 20 30
20 16 28 1 25 2 17 25
72 48 28 44 2 41 3 35 60
36 23 33 2 29 3 29 45
30 21 28 2 33 2 25 37
24 17 29 1 25 2 21 30
20 15 23 1 19 2 18 25
16 13 18 1 16 2 15 20
12 12 15 1 11 15
60 48 27 41 2 39 3 33 60
36 22 31 2 27 3 27 45
30 19 25 2 31 2 23 37
24 16 27 1 26 2 20 30
20 J.4 22 1 21 2 17 25
16 12 16 I 15 2 13 20
12 10 14 I 10 15
48 96* 45 35 3
48 26 35 2 34 3 29 60
36 20 26 2 22 3 23 45
30 18 23 2 28 2 21 37
24 15 24 1 21 2 18 30
20 14 19 I 17 2 15 25
16 11 15 I 14 2 12 20
12 9 13 1 10 15
10 8 · 11 I 8 12
8 8 9 1 7 10
42 42 23 28 2 26 3 24 53
36 20 24 2 21 3 22 45
30 17 21 2 26 2 20 37
24 15 21· I 19 2 16 30
20 13 18 1 16 2 14 25
16 11 14 1 13 2 12 20
12 9 13 I 9 15
10 8 10 1 8 12
8 7 8 I 6 10
36 72* 34 27 3
36 19 22 2 19 3 20 45
30 16 19 2 22 2 18 37
24 14 20 1 22 2 : 15 30
20 12 17 1 15 2 13 25
16 10 13 1 12 2 11 20
12 9 12 1 9 15
10 8 9 1 8 12
8 7 8 1 6 10
32 32 17 19 2 16 3 17 40
30 16 18 2 21 2 17 37
24 14 19 1 17 2 15 30
20 12 16 1 14 2 12 25
16 10 12 1 12 2 11 20
12 8 12 1 8 IS
10 7 9 1 7 12
I 6 8 1 6 10
Tum to the ExpertS:
--- ----·--· ·- -- Distribution Systems
- - - - -- -- · __ _____.__Q!}CT DESIGN, LEVEL 1: FUNDAMENTALS
L w-J
w D Radius Ratiot
R/D = 1.25
Rt = 6"
I Rt = 3"
Vanes Vones
28 28 15 14 2 17 2 14 34
24 13 17 1 15 2 13 30
20 12 15 1 13 2 12 25
16 10 1, 1 11 2 10 20
12 8 11 1 8 15
10 7 9 1 7 12
8 6 8 1 6 10
24 96* 38 19 3 23 80
72* 32 17 3 21 72
48* 22 20 2 20 3 18 62
24 13 16 1 14 2 12 30
20 11 13 1 12 2 10 25
16 10 11 1 10 2 9 20
12 8 10 1 8 15
10 7 8 1 7 12
8 6 7 1 6 10
6 5 4 8
20 80* 32 16 3 19 66
60* 26 19 2 17 58
40* 22 15 2 14 3 14 49
20 11 12 1 10 2 10 25
16 9 9 1 9 2 8 20
12 7 9 1 7 15
10 6 8 1 6 12
8 5 7 1 5 10
6 4 4 8
16 64* 26 9 3 14 48
48* 21 12 2 12 3 12 43
32* 15 11 2 9 3 11 38
16 9 8 1 8 2 7 20
12 7 8 1 6 15
10 6 6 1 5 12
8 5 6 1 5 TO
6 4 4 8
12 48* . 19 8 2 8 J. 10 33
36* 16 7 2 7 3 9 30
24* 11 8 1 8 2 8 26
12 7 7 1 5 15
10 6 5 1 5 12
8 5 5 1 4 10
6 4 3 8
10 40* 19 6 2 6 3 8 27
30* 13 6 2 8 2 7 24
20* 9 7 1 6 2 6 21
10 5 5 1 4 12
8 4 5 1 4 10
6 4 3 8
8 32* 13 5 2 4 3 6 21
24* 11 6 1 5 2 6 19
16* 8 4 I 5 2 5 16
8 4 4 1 3 10
6 3 3 8
6 24* 10 4 I 4 2 4 15
TB* 8 3 1 4 2 4 13
12* 6 4 1 3 11
6 3 3 8
*Denotes Hard Bends as shown tFor other radius ratios, see Table 10.
Hard Be nd Easy Bend ! For other sizes, see Table T0.
Yanes must b e located os illustrated in Chart 6, page 24, to
have these minimum rosses.
_D_i_s_tr_i_b_u_t_io_n_ S_:y:_s_t_e_m
_ s__________________________
Turn to the Experts.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
'7 "'5.7 ''
8 5.1 ' 6.6 6.9
9 5.6 :6.2 . 7.7
1o c6.7. : 7.3 : 8.7 9.0
11 6.0 'f>: 7.9 8.4 9.8
12 6.4 ' 7.2 8.9 9.4 10.8 11.0
13 7.6 8.4 10.1 10.6 11.9
14 6.7 8.8 9.6 11.2 11 .5
15 7.0 8.0 10.1 10.7 13.8
16 9.3 13.4 13.6
17 7.3 il~4 12.9
18 11.7 12.4 15.3
19 10.0 11 .0 15.0 . '
20 14.0 14.7 17.5
21 12.6 13.5 16.7 19.9
22 11 ~8 . _, 16.3 19.5
23 15.1 15.7 : 18.9
24 14.4 21 .6
25 12.5 18.0 20.9 23.9
26 16.7 23.6
27 15.2 20.2 : 23.1 25.9
28 13.2 19.1 25.6
29 17.7 22.3 25.2 27.9
30 15.9 21.3 28.1
31 13.8 20.1 24.5 27.2 29.9
32 18.5 23.5 29.7
33 16.6 22.4 26.6 29.3 32.0
34 14.3 . 20.9 25.7 31)
35. 19.3 24.7 . 28.7 31.3 34.0
36 17.3 23.4 27.9 33.7
37 14.9 21 .9 27.0 30.8 33.4 36.0
38. 20.1 25.7 30.0 35.8
39 17.9 24.4 29.2 32.8 35.4 38.0
40 22,7 28.1 32.2" 37.8
41 15.4 20.8 26.8 31 .3 34.9 37.4 40.0
42. 25.3 30.3 34.3 ' 39.8
43 18.6 23.5 29.1 33.5 37.0 39.5 42.0
44 15.9 27.7 32.5 36.4 41 .8
45 21.5 26.1 31.4 35.6 39.0 41 .5
46 19.1 30.2 34.7 38.5 43.8
47 24.3 28.6 33.7 37.8 41 .1 43.5
Ml 22.1 32:s 36.9 40.5
49 19.6 26.9 31.1 35.9 39.9 43.1 45.6
50 25.0 34.8 39.1 42.6
51 22.8 29.4 33.4 . 38.1 . 42.0 45.2
52 20.2 27.7 37.0 41 .2 44.7
53 . 25.7 32.0 35.8 40.3 44.1 47.2
54 23.3 30.2 39.3 43.3 46.7
55 . 28.4 34.4 38.1 42.5 46.2
56 26.3 32.9 4 1.5 . 45.5 48.8
57 23.8 31.0 36.7 40.4 44.6 48.2
58 29.1 35.3 43.7 47.6
59 26.9 33.7 39.2 42.6 46.8 50.4
60 24.4 29.6 31./:l. '36.1 37.8 41 .3 44.5 45.9 48.5 49.7
62 27.5 34.5 40.1 43.5 48.1 51.8
64 25.1 30.5 32.7 37.1 38.9 42.5 46.0 50.2
66 25.4 28.3 33.3 35.4 39.6 44.8 48.0 49.7 52.4
68 28.6 31.2 38.0 42.0 47.1 51.9 54.5
70 26.0 31.5 34.1_ 36.2 40.6 44.4 46.0 49.4 50.9 54.1
12 26.3 29.2 48.6 51.6 53.1 56.2
Turn to the Experts.-·
Distribution Systems
20 X 20 GR
+ + TYPE)
700 CFM
} ----r...
f ~
+ JR }
,~ 6 ~ ,
f Ill +
36 H x 24 L
(& it)
Distribution Systems ::-:::---- - - - - - - -- - - Turn to the ExpertS.
Velocity 1 ItemTotal r
Lining lnsul. Othor
Velocity In
Round duct Pressure
Length (ft) Equiv.
Length (It)
Loss fper
Rectangular Loss
Loss m
From-To (element)
(in.) (ln.) Item Airflow (fpm) Pv n
EL Fnctor 100' duct (in. wg)
(ln. wg) Slzo(in.)
~ (W X·~-· .....~:~:.:!.~
.j <
X r
X z
X )>
X :5:
X z
X (j)
- -I- -- ·----
l X
..... ,_, •.!.., _ __ _,__ __ _,__
:!. !.-..... ....
:::!: NOTES: All duct sizes indicated are Inside clear dimensions. LARGEST STATIC PRESSURE LOSS (in. wg) C ......]
--------------------------------- DUCT DESIGN, LEVEL 1: FUNDAMENTALS
access floor a system of floor panels and supports that create a service utility
plenum above the structural slab; allows using underfloor air distri-
bution (UFAD)
air distribution device opening through which air discharges from (outlet) or enters into
(inlet) a duct; may be a grille, register, diffuser, or geometric shape,
like a slot.
air handling unit (AHU) I equipment, usually connected to duct\vork, to move and condition
air handler air; contains components such as fans, cooling coils, heating coils,
filters and dampers to control return, outdoor and exhaust air
branch duct a duct section of the same size or smaller, connected to a hunk duct;
serves one or more zones.
breakout noise transmission or radiation of noise from some part of a duct system to
an occupied space in the building.
chase vertical passage within a building for enclosing ducts, pipes or
condensation the process by which a vapor is changed into a liquid of the same
temperature by removing heat from the vapor.
damper a device used to regulate the flow of air.
duct a conduit section used to move air, i.e. supply to the conditioned
space, or return or exhaust from the space
duct calculator slide rule or wheel used to manually size ducts and fittings based on
parameters such as friction loss, velocity, static regain, and fitting
duct circuit path from a fan to an outlet or inlet; duct sy stems normally have
many circuits which need to be balanced to a similar static pressure.
duct fitting connector creating a change of direction and/or cross-sectional area
within the ductwork.
duct sizing calculation of dimensions of ducts and fittings for a given duct sys-
duct system interconnected sections of ductwork used to convey air or other
gases from one location to another; may include fans, coils, termi-
nals, and air distribution devices.
ductwork series of interconnected ducts and fittings
equal friction duct sizing method for calculating the size of ducts so that the frictional resis-
tance per unit length is constant.
external static pressure total static pressure difference of the duct system as measured be-
tween the equipment air outlet and inlet connections; see static
fan a component that provides the energy to move air, typically through
a duct system
fan static pressure difference between fan total pressure and fan discharge velocity
[1-iction loss pressure loss created as a result of friction between a flowing fluid
and its contact surface.
header duct an extended plenum off a terminal unit discharge that distributes the
zone air to the air distribution devices.
main duct I trunk duct the supply or return duct connected to the air source; distributes or
collects air from building spaces.
modified equal friction duct method in which ducts sized by the equal friction method are resized
sizing to increase or decrease the static pressure loss of a duct circuit to
improve self-balancing characteristic of the duct system.
noise a sound, especially one that is loud, harsh or confused or undesired.
plenum enclosed space within a building where air flows, similar to duct-
work. Also used to enclose mechanical and electrical services.
runout duct a connector duct between a terminal unit and a branch or trunk duct.
static pressure the potential energy component of air flowing in ductwork, repre-
sented by the Ideal Gas Law equation, PV=nRT, where the fan
filling (static) pressure at the supply duct inlet is above atmospheric
pressure due to the ductwork (V term in equation) outlet and friction
static regain duct sizing method for calculating the size of ducts so that the regain in static
pressure due to decreased velocity between two points totally or par-
tially compensates for the frictional resistance between the points.
system effects inlet and outlet duct conditions at the fan that affect its performance
and related testing, adjusting, and balancing work.
takeoff as a duct, connects the header duct to the air distribution devices; as
a fitting, connects a runout duct to a branch or trunk duct.
terminal unit component located in or near the zone that controls the supply air-
flow and/or temperature to the zone spaces; may have a fan, heating
coil, and/or cooling coil.
thermal insulation material or assembly of materials used to provide resistance to heat
total pressure the sum of the static pressure and velocity pressure.
total supply air quantity the sum of the zone airflow quantities; determined from the maxi-
mum block load.
trunk duct I main duct the supply or return duct connected to the air source; distributes or
collects air from building spaces.
turbulence (eddy flow) fluid flow in which the velocity varies in magnitude and direction in
an irregular mam1er throughout the mass.
variable air volume (VA Ji) systems where the supply airflow to the space is varied to maintain
the temperature set point; the supply air temperature is usually con-
stant. This is contrasted with a constant volume (CV) system.
velocity pressure the kinetic energy component of air flowing in ductwork; repre-
sented by the equation Pv = (v/4005)2 .
ventilation air planned outdoor airflow that is provided to a space to replace oxy-
gen and dilute odors and contaminants .
Carrier Corp.
Flexible Duct
UL Standard 181, for Factory-Made Duct Materials and Air Duct Connectors.
NFPA Standard 90A- Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
Duct Liner
Distribution Systems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ Thm to the ExpertS:
3. False- The fan converts velocity pressure into static pressure in the first few feet of duct.
4. Potential energy
Kinetic energy
5. Whenever there is a change in velocity there is a corresponding and inverse change in static
6. From Equation 2: V = Q I A; V = 2,250 I 1.5 sq ft = 1,500 fpm [same fo:r both round and square].
8. Solve Equation 2 for flow rate Q; Q = V * A; Q = 1,000 fpm * 1.5 sq ft = 1,500 cfm.
10. From Table 4 in the Appendix: Read multiplier of3.2; f= 0.08 * 3.2 = 0.26 in. wg
11. c.), e.)
See Page 36 for Work Session 1 Equal Friction Duct Sizing Worksheet example .
2. The air source cfin that meets the maximum simultaneous cooling load for the zones. This is often
less than the sum of the largest zone cfms because they usually do not occur at the same time or day
of the year.
3. False- Flex duct has over three times the friction loss rate of smooth sheet metal and should be used
in 8 ft or less lengths to minimize total friction loss.
4. Advantages: quieter (attenuates fan noise), eliminates need for external duct insulation;
Disadvantages: increases duct friction loss, difficult to clean, may harbor microorganisms if al-
lowed to get dirty and damp.
5. The air is very turbulent right off the fan and needs time to establish a uniform velocity profile.
When fittings, transitions, etc. are located too close to the fan outlet it creates an additional friction
loss value known as system effect.
6. False- Transition fittings cost more to fabricate and install than straight duct sections. You should
attempt, whenever possible, to maintain at least one of the duct dimensions when transitioning from
one duct size to another and should only downsize when the velocity drops below the recommended
7. The first duct section is sized based on an assumed velocity. Table 2 in the Appendix lists recom-
mended design velocity values.
8. False - Retum air plenums should not be used on top floors adjacent to roofs due to the heat gain
from the roof being entrained in the return air. Also, under certain conditions the temperature of the
structural beams or other materials located in the plenum may be colder than the dew point of the re-
tum air. Under these conditions condensation will form on these surfaces causing stained ceiling
tiles and possibly wet surfaces that can harbor growth of microorganisms.
9. c.)
10. e.)
11. e.)
12. False - It means that all duct sections are sized using an equal friction rate. Variations in section
friction losses are balanced by downsizing the shorter mns or by installing balancing dampers.
13. False- The equal friction rate is generally the preferred method for sizing retum duct systems.
15. By downsizing the shorter duct runs with lower friction loss there is less of a requirement to "choke"
the airflow by the use of balancing dampers; results in smaller ducts, which saves money.
16. Advantages: lower system pressure drop, creates a self-balancing duct system, lower fan operating
cost Disadvantages: larger duct sizes, more expensive to install, more difficult to design.
17. The duct velocities are systematically reduced as you proceed down the duct system from the fan,
resulting in a conversion of the velocity pressure into static pressure. This increased static pressure
overcomes a portion of the air friction loss in the next downstream duct section .
.. )
Tum to the Expe1tS:
------·----------- 62
Distribution Systems
An understanding of air conditioning equipment and systems along with the airflows required to
satisfy the heating and/or cooling loads. This knowledge can be gained from: TDP-1 03, ABCs of
Comfort; TDP-301, Load Estimating, Level 1: Fundamentals; and TDP-302, Load Estimating,
Level 2: Block and Zone Loads.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this module, participants will be able to:
• Describe fundamental theory and principles of airflow through duct systems.
• Apply a step-by-step process and evaluation criteria to duct design.
• Calculate air velocity and pressure loss in round and rectangular ducts and fittings.
• Diagram the ductwork layout for the actual building design and notate it with airflows, dimen-
sions, and devices affecting sizing selections.
• Size supply and return air duct systems manually, with either a friction chart or duct cakula-
tor, using the equal friction method.
• Estimate the approximate total duct system static pressure losses in order to size the system
fan. ·
• Integrate code and standard requirements for energy conservation into the design process.
Supplemental Material:
Instructor Information:
Each TOP topic is supported with a number of different items to meet the specific needs of the
user. Instructor materials consist of a CD-ROM disk that includes a PowerPoinf"' presentation
with convenient links to all required support materials required for the topic. This always includes:
slides, presenter notes, text file including work sessions and work session solutions, quiz and
quiz answers. Depending upon the topiC, the instructor -€ D may also include sqund;- video,
spreadsheets, forms, or other material required to present a complete class. Self-study or student
material consists of a text including work session~ and work session answers, aRd may also
include forms, worksheets, calculators, etc.