The Problem and Its Background

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The coronavirus or COVID-19 has been declared pandemic by World Health

Organization (WHO) since March 2020. As the data throughout the world indicate the

increase of coverage and impacts of this contagious and lethal disease, many countries

enact national emergency state. Consequently, schools all over the world have had to

make drastic adjustments or, if not, had to shut down entirely to prevent the spread of

the virus in local communities and academic populations. Schools were forced to leave

the traditional face-to-face classes for new normal online or modular methods. As the

long-established methods of institutions change, a crucial aspect of learning has been

standing in the middle of all the concerns-- motivation. Motivation is an important factor

in the students' studying process. Learners' motivation has been widely accepted as a

key factor, which influences the rate and success of learning. If the video lessons,

modules, answer sheets and online classes answer the "whats" and "hows" of this new

learning method, the "whys" are still dependent on students' motivation. Motivation is an

important component for students to achieve their goals in any learning environment. It

has functions to activate and increase the activity as an effort to reach the goals.

"Motivation can also function to activate and increase activity" (Sukmadinata 2011:63).

If the students have a good motivation they will be more enthusiastic in the studying

process and surely they will get a better result. According to Ormod (2011:362), "It leads

to increase the effort and energy in pursuit of those goals". Motivation influences the


power of learning activity and is influences by the goals. If there is a higher goal, there is

a bigger motivation to reach the goal. Thus, motivation is the key to open students'

future success.

This study is intended to evaluate the value of motivation during the new normal

of education among the students of SLSHS

Theoretrical Framework




Figure 1.

Herzberg’s Motivation Theory or two factor theory provides two factors that affect

motivation in the studies of SLSHS students. These factors are hygiene factor and

motivating factor. This stated that there are certain factors in our studies that cause

academic satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction ,all of which

act independently of each other.

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory stated that individuals are motivated to perform if

they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded. We all know that

every students who have hard


work in their studies and academic performance got their high grades .So in this theory

as such, attraction, retention, productivity, quality, participation, and morale may


Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to access the value of motivation in education in ne

normal of the students of San Luis Senior High School.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What factors may affect the motivation of the students at present?

2. How does motivation affects the will of students to study in the new normal?

3. What processes could parents and teachers do to inspire students?

4. What program or activities may be proposed to enhance the motivation in New

normal of the students in SLSHS?

Significance of the Study

This study is important for some reasons. This could be used to gain new

information and a way for students, as well as the involved respondents, to value


Furthermore, the results of the research may have implication for the future,

since motivation play an important role in students' studying process.


Individuals that would benefit from this study include the students of Grade 11

STEM, as well as the other students. This research would help them find their own

motivation in the new normal of learning and give importance to it.

In addition, parents and teachers could also benefit from this study. The outcome

of this study would provide awareness of how motivation affects their child's

performance in school and in what ways they can motivate their child to prevent


Lastly, this study could benefit future researchers. This could help them on their

future study which might be connected on Value of motivation in students. Furthermore,

they can also continue this study and make more developments.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is focused in determining the value of motivation in the new normal

among the students in San Luis Senior High School during the SY 2020-2021. This

research is qualitative in nature thus the primary method to be used is through

conducting interviews. The target respondents are the G11 STEM students. The data

needed are the opinion of students on the value of motivation in education in new

normal and the factors that may affect the motivation of the students at present. With

the current situation social media can be one of the medium to be used to collect

needed data. Therefore the finding of this study might help students to improve their



Definition of terms

 Motivation. Loewen and Reinders (2011) defined motivation as the desire and

incentive of an individual to engage in a specific activity, while Bukhari et al.

(2014) referred motivation as students’ effort to enhance performance.

 Pandemic. The classical definition of a pandemic is not elusive Heath Kelly

Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Department of

EpidemiologistBulletin of the World Health Organization Doshi argues cogently

that the definition of pandemic influenza in 2009 was elusive but does not refer to

the classical epidemiological definition of a pandemic.A pandemic is defined as

“an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing

international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”

 New normal. is a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles following a

crisis, when this differs from the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the

crisis. The term has been employed in relation to World War I, financial crisis of

2007-2008, September 11 attacks, the aftermath of the 2008–2012 global

recession, the COVID-19 pandemic and other events.[1]




This presents the summary of the relevant reading with the present study. This

provided the researchers with insights and ideas regarding the problem of the study

Related Literature

Motivation involves a constellation of beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and

actions that are all closely related. As a result, various approaches to motivation can

focus on cognitive behaviors (such as monitoring and strategy use), non-cognitive

aspects (such as perceptions, Beliefs, and attitudes), or both.

According to Panagiotakopoulos (2013) concluded that factors affecting student

motivation at a period where the academic rewards are kept to the least leads to

stimulate student performance. So, personnel’s responsibility to motivate their student

to work as per the expectation to enhance the academic performance.

However Kendra Cherry(2020) stated motivation is the process that initiates,

guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is

getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge. It involves


the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In everyday

usage, the term “motivation” is frequently used to describe why a person does

something. It is the driving force behind human actions.

Also Reeve(2015) present that motivation is an internal process. Whether we

define it as a drive or a need, motivation is a condition inside us that desires a change,

either in the self or the environment. When we tap into this well of energy, motivation

endows the person with the drive and direction needed to engage with the environment

in an adaptive, open-ended, and problem-solving sort of way.

Besides this Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT), which classifies human

needs into three primary psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and

relatedness, shows how the satisfaction of those needs is crucial for engagement,

motivation, healthy progress and well-being among students (Gagne, & Deci, 2014).

In addition Self Efficacy in Education Aspect Theory by Dale H. Schunk & Maria

K. DiBenedetto (2015) support the important role of self-efficacy in learning, motivation,

and self-regulation. From instructional and social and environmental sources, students

gain information that affects their self-efficacy, and in turn, self-efficacy influences

various achievement behaviors. The operation of self-efficacy in education contexts will

continue to be clarified as researchers investigate such issues as the generality of self-

efficacy measures, how students’ capabilities to process self-efficacy information

changes with development, how self-efficacy functions in different cultures, and the role

of self-efficacy in learning from technology

Related Studies


Hasan Afzal (2010) stated that the motivation of students is an important issue in

higher education, particularly knowing the importance of academic performance in their

professional life. Motivation externally plays a role in winning awards, completing

assignments, avoiding pressure and rewards, and shows the existence of the self in

learning. This studies also found that learning motivation has a strong relationship with

student’s academic performance, and it is concluded that students with extrinsic


The previous study is similar to the present study since both focused on the

importance of motivation of student in education. But they also have difference where

the previous study tackled more on the two types of motivation which is intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation while the present study is just focused the importance of motivation

in the new normal.

Jan Elen (2017) was intended to explore the motivational beliefs and learning

strategy use by Liberian junior and senior high school students in connection with their

academic performance. It also solicited students self-reports about presumed factors

hindering their learnings. The result showed the motivational belief component of

extrinsic goal orientation as the most preferring belief and test anxiety was the least

possessed belief.

The previous study talked about the role of motivation and other factors that

hinder students learning while the current study only focused on the importance of

motivation in the midst of pandemic. The previous study is related to present study

since both focused on the values of motivation in education.


Steinmayr, R., Weidinger, A. F., Schwinger, M., & Spinath, B. (2019) declare that

achievement motivation is not a single construct but rather subsumes a variety of

different constructs like ability self-concepts, task values, goals, and achievement

motives. The few existing studies that investigated diverse motivational constructs as

predictors of school students’ academic achievement above and beyond students’

cognitive abilities and prior achievement showed that most motivational constructs

predicted academic achievement beyond intelligence and that students’ ability self-

concepts and task values are more powerful in predicting their achievement than goals

and achievement motives. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the

reported previous findings can be replicated when ability self concepts, task values,

goals, and achievement motives are all assessed at the same level of specificity as the

achievement criteria (e.g., hope for success in math and math grades)

The previous study focused on how motivation influences the students

engagement in learning and the significance of motivation in education. The previous

and current study are related since both focused on motivation and the use of

methodology. But the studies differ in terms of their theories and the previous study

gave emphasis to how different aspects of students’ motivation uniquely contribute to

differences in students’ achievement. However, the present study focused on finding the

value of motivation during the pandemic.

Saeed & Zyngier (2012) stated that engagement aspects in English online

learning contribute three vital dimensions :to facilitate an investigation into online class

platforms, to provide a review to teachers about the engagement intensity of their

students, and to offer evidence of teaching competence. This teaching strategy may


succeed by increasing motivation to the students to improve learning engagement

types. A qualitative research framework was adopted and data was collected from one

elementary school class. According to Ryan and Deci’s SDT, the majority of students

who indicated that their motivation type was either intrinsic or integrated regulated

motivation also demonstrated that they were authentically engaged in their education

(Schlechty, 2002, 2011). The students who preferred extrinsic motivation also showed

ritual and retreatist forms of engagement and students demonstrating both intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation showed authentic, ritual, retreatist and rebellious engagement. In

line with findings by Zyngier (2008) in this particular study at least, when pedagogical

reciprocity (Zyngier, 2011) was present, intrinsic motivation assisted authentic student

engagement in learning, and that extrinsic motivation served to develop ritual

engagement in students however, students who had both types of motivation showed

different types of engagement in their learning.

The previous study is related to present study since both focused about the

motivation on students academic performance and used same method. They differ in

the main concern of the study since the previous study focuses more on understanding

which type of motivation—intrinsic or extrinsic—is more closely aligned to authentic

student engagement while the present study focused only to the significance of

motivation during the new normal of education.

Shruti Nagpal (2020) stated the spring 2020, faculty across the country stood up

to the challenging task of not only transitioning and adapting to online modes of

instruction but also multi-tasking through learning new technology, advising, having

online office hours, attending official meetings, responding to students who would


request Zoom meetings outside of office hours, and much more. Everyone came

together with one underlying motive—students’ benefit. Now, as we look forward, we

need to make decisions based on a long-term perspective. Faculty need to walk a

tightrope of keeping students motivated while not letting their own morale down. Student

motivation will be a major concern, irrespective of which study model is adopted: online,

blended, hybrid, or a myriad variation. For simplicity, I have clubbed all variants of

remote/online learning modes and termed them as Pandemic learning modes.

The previous study is related to the present study as the both studies determine

the value of motivation in education and also they both talked about the challenging task

of not only transitioning and adapting to online and modular mode and adapting to

online modes of instructions, but also multi tasking through learning new technology.

But studies differ in ways how they are conducted. The previous study used mixed

methodology while the present study only used qualitative method.


The related literature and studies that have been reviewed have a great

contribution and importance to the current study. The related studies included in their

study are all closely connected to it.Those become the reference foundation and basics

of the researcher in conducting their study. The research show the information for the

accomplishment of the study

To sum it all up this chapter shows the cause and effect of Value of Motivation in

Education and how to deal with it. As stated this has brought new evidence and ways


dealing with motivation. With freedom students are now able to explore, discover learn

more about how to deal with Motivation in Education.



This chapter explains the method adopted by this research. This will mention

every component involved in conducting this research from its design, sampling used

and data collection method.

This chapter provides a detailed explanation of the selected mode of analysis

used and data collection method.

Research Design

This study used descriptive-qualitative research design. Descriptive research is a

research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon

studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject than the

“why” of the research subject (Adi Bhat).

The researchers chose case study research design as a method because it best

serves to answer the questions and the purpose of the study. This design sought to

analyze a phenomenon within its real-life context and is based on an in-depth


investigation of a single individual, group or event to explore the causes of underlying


The study was conducted via an interview with key respondents in order to come

up with answers and additional information.

Research Sampling

Non-probability convenience sampling was chosen in selecting respondents for

the study. The researchers aim to interview the students who have the Motivation in

Education in the New Normal. The respondents had the characteristics and knowledge

needed by the researchers.

These participants would be able to provide the study with information that are

needed regarding the topic.

Respondents of the Study

This study involved __ Grade 11 and 12 students of San Luis Senior High School

to ask their opinion about the value of motivation.

Profile of the Respondents

Gender. Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents by gender.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondent by Gender



Female 19 91%

Male 2 9%

TOTAL 21 100%

In the table, it is shown that 19 or 91% of the respondent are female while 2 or

9% are male.

Grade Level. Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents by Grade Level.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondent by Grade Level


11 13 62%

12 8 38%

TOTAL 21 100%

It shows that 13 or 62% of the respondents are Grade 11 students while 8 or

38% are Grade 12 students.

Age. Table 3 shows the distribution of respondents by age.

Table 3

Distribution of Respondents by Age



15-16 1 5%

17-18 20 95%

19 and above 0 0%

TOTAL 21 100%

As can be seen in Table 3,there are 20 or 95% of the respondents belong to the

age bracket 17-18 years old while 1 or 5% of the respondents belong to the age bracket

15-16 years old.

Strand. Table 4 shows the distribution of respondents by strand.

Table 4

Distribution of Respondents by Strand.


ABM 5 24%

STEM 9 43%

HUMMS 7 33%

ICT 0 0%

TOTAL 21 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents are STEM that has 9 or 43% next

is HUMMS that has 7 or 33% while ABM has 5 or 24%.

Research Instrument

The researchers used interview schedule to gather data and to know the

perceptions of the respondents about the value of motivation in education in the new


normal among the students of SLSHS. The questions listed contain part that help to

know their personal insights on the topic.

Preparation of Research Instrument

The researchers gathered information about the value of motivation for students

by finding appropriate books, finished thesis, and other literature related to the topic.

Through their in-depth reading, the researchers made the first draft of interview

schedule. The researchers presented it to the research teacher for comments and

suggestions. Afterwards, the researchers prepare the second incorporating the

corrections and suggestions for approval. Then, it was finally validated by the teacher.

Lastly, the researchers had the final copy of their set of questions to be used on their


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sought the permission of the principal to conduct the study

through a formal letter of request. After getting the approval, the researchers than

proceeded on their task which is to interview their chosen respondents. It took less than

a week for them to interview all 20 students and gather information and data that their

study needed




This chapter presents the results and discussion of information gathered from the

respondents through the interviews conducted by the researcher.

1. Factors may affect the motivation of the student at present

San Luis Senior High School students look on things that affect their motivation

this time of new normal education. Most of respondents mention that their dreams

,family, and achievements motivate them the most. These factors help mostly of the

students to improve their academic performance and pushes them to pursue their goals.

They stated that motivation support their learning and it make their studies more easier

it times of lethargy

There are factors affecting student motivation and student achievement

considerably on the basis of establishing effective and efficient learning-teaching

process in education on systems. The studies show many motivational factors


(psychological, social and cultural): Intrinsic and extrinsic directions, parental influence

and participation, family history, peer pressure, self-efficacy expectations, effort, value

attributed to a relative, anxiety, self-regulation and determination of goals, talent

perceptions, learning strategies, teaching style and school environment (Brophy, 1998,

Garcia, 1995, Nolen and Haladyna, 1989, Pintrich and Schunk, 1996, Singh, Granville

and Dika, 2002). For example, it is stated that the school environment optimizes

motivation and learning when it is accessible, secure, positive, personalized and

empowering. Teachers here, of course, play a very important role because they are an

integral part of the school environment. Researches indicates that teachers’ knowledge

and skills, motivation level, qualifications, forms of evaluation, teaching style, quality of

enthusiasm and enthusiasm can contribute to the motivation of the learners. The more

enthusiastic, motivated and qualified teachers are in teaching and evaluating, the

greater the capacity to increase learners’ motivation to learn (Williams and Williams,

2011). Furthermore, lack of participation in the parents’ education of the students may

have a negative impact on the sense of incompleteness and lack of value for the

materials the children read because studies indicate that there is significant relationship

between parent involvement and children’s academic motivation and educational

development (Gottfried, Fleming, and Gottfried, 1994).

2. How does motivation affects the will of students to study in the new normal?

Motivation affects the decisions of the students mostly by motivation sets specific

goals that people strive for and, thus , influences the choices of students .Motivation

also increases the effort and energy to determine whether a student will pursue a task

that is difficult with enthusiasm or lifeless attitude.


According to Suhag et al. (2016), motivation has several effects on the learning

and behavior of students: Firstly, motivation leads behavior to specific goals. Motivation

sets specific goals that people strive for and, thus, influences the choices of students.

Motivation also increases the effort and energy to determine whether a student will

pursue a task that is difficult with enthusiasm or lifeless attitude. Motivation will be an

important factor affecting the learning and success of the students by affecting the

initiation and continuity of the activities, increasing the time of the students’ duties.

Motivation affects how information is processed and how it is processed as it increases

the cognitive processing process and, thus, motivated students get more inclined to

understand and examine material than to observe learning movements just superficially.

2. Processes could parents and teachers do to inspire students

Our research construct not only for students but for parents and teachers to know

how important motivation is it in students . It is important for parents and teachers to

inspire or motivate their students in education and give a natural love of learning. San

Luis Senior High School students response that the support, care, concern, advice and

giving motivational message are those ways how their parents and teachers give them

strength and motivation to have a good performance in academic and to continue their

hard work and pursuing their dreams.

Research on educational inequality highlights the ways through which family

background shapes children’s educational experiences, trajectories, and academic

interests (Dumais and Ward 2010; Lareau 2011; Mok 2016; Shavit and Blossfeld 1993).

Studies show that parents influence children’s educational outcomes by adopting class-


based patterns of parental involvement and providing cultural resources that instill

educational benefits to their children (Calarco 2011; DiMaggio 1982; Lareau 2011).

Another body of literature emphasizes the role of other adults, especially teachers, who

shape student educational outcomes and interests in equally significant ways. For

instance, student interactions with teachers in the classroom are systematically

associated with varying levels of academic interest and school performance (De Boer et

al. 2010; Jussim and Harber 2005; Skinner and Belmont 1993). Yet, while both family

background and student-teacher interactions in the classroom individually shape

students’ academic interests and outcomes, the relationship between family, teachers,

and students are often intertwined. By separately examining these sets of relationships,

the dynamics that form patterns of students’ academic motivations and educational

outcomes are not entirely clear.




This chapter presents the summary of the findings revealed, the conclusions

drawn based on the findings and recommendation offered by research.


This study was conducted to know the value of motivation in education in the

new normal among the students of San Luis Senior High School.

Further, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What factors may affect the motivation of the students at present?

2. How does motivation affects the will of students to study in the new normal?

3. How do teachers and parents motivate the students?

4. What program of activities may be proposed to enhance the motivation in new

normal of the students in SLSHS?


The descriptive-qualitative method was used in the study with the interview

schedule as the main gathering tool instrument. The respondents of the study involved

22 students in San Luis Senior High School.


The following findings were revealed from the information gathered in this study.

1. Students of San Luis Senior High School mention the factors that affects their

motivation are their dreams ,family, and achievements.

2. It is revealed that motivation influence students of Senior High School in terms

of learning and behavior especially this new normal education. It increase

students time on task, enhance cognitive processes, and be more productive.

3. Parents and teachers give students strength and motivation by giving support,

care, concern, advice, and motivational messages.

4. Most of the students stated that attending mass and events who shares words

of God, programs that fits in their hobby, profession, like and expertise, and

gatherings where youths share inspirational words and experiences to each




Based on the findings revealed in this study, the following conclusions were


1. It is concluded that the students of San Luis Senior High School have

different sources of motivation in learning.

2. Motivation give students strength to continue their tasks and pursue their


3. Parents and teachers do different ways to motivate their learners.

4. Recommendations to improve students motivation in education in new



Based on the information gathered throughout the whole study, the researchers

had come up with the following recommendations:

1. Students should know who motivates them to set themselves up to maximize

their motivation.

2. Learners should surround themselves with motivated people.

3. Parents and teachers should say encouragement quotes or stories to their


4. People should create more events and activities that enhances students’

motivation like field trips, and inviting known guest speakers.

5. Further study should be conducted to know if the proposed recommendation

could really help the students improve their motivation.




<Beata Souders. Home Motivation & Goals Motivation in Education

Brophy, J. (1998). Motivating students to learn. Madison, WI: McGraw Hill.

<Charles Gbollie and Harriett Pearl Reamu.Student Academic Performance,The Role of

Motivation, Strategies

Dumais, Susan A., and Aaryn Ward. 2010. Cultural Capital and First-Generation

College Success. Poetics 38 (3): 245–26



<Gagne.M.,& Deci.E.L (2014)

The history of Self Determination Theory in Psychology and Management motivation-2795378

Garcia, T. (1995). The role of motivational strategies in selfregulated learning. New

Directions for Teaching and Learning, 63, 29–42.

<In M.Gagne (Ed).Oxford library of psychology


<James D. Wright International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavior Sciences

Pintrich, P. R., & Schunk, D. H. (1996). Motivation in education: Theory, research, and

applications. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill Company.



<Ricardo Steinmayr,Anne F Weidinger


The Importance of Students Motivation for their Academic Achievement

Singh, K., Granville, M., & Dika, S. (2002). Mathematics and science achievement:

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7(1), 100-109.

<Shunk,D.H.,DiBenedetto M.K.,(2015) Self Efficiency Education Aspect international Encyclopedia

<Shruti Nagpal,PhD (2020)

Raising Student Motivation During the Pandemic reading strategies

< Sitwat Saeed and David Zyngier (2000)

How Motivation Influences Student Engagement






Name:Gayle Francine B. Andal

Address:San Martin San Luis Batangas

Date of Birth:March 24,2002

Place of birth:Patrick’s Hospital Medical Center Batangas City


Father:Gary V. Andal

Mother: Franklyn B. Andal

Educational Background-


Junior High School:SAN LUIS ACADEMY

Calumpang West, San Luis



Elementary: Sta Monica Elementary School

Sta Monica San Luis Batangas



Name:Mary Charm M.Dagatan

Address:San Martin San Luis Batangas

Date of Birth:August 23,2004

Place of birth:San Martin San Luis Batangas


Father:Geraldo V. Dagatan

Mother:Cristina M. Dagatan

Educational Background-

Junior High School:Sta Monica National High School

Sta Monica San luis Batangas



Elementary:Sta Monica Elementary School

Sta monica San Luis Batangas



Name: Chinee S. Ursua

Address: San Jose, San Luis, Batangas

Date of Birth: March 24, 2004

Place of Birth: Taal, Batangas

Status: Single

Father: Edison D. Ursua

Mother: Eleonor S. Ursua

Educational Background

Junior High School: Sta. Monica National High School

Sta. Monica, San Luis, Batangas


2019 - 2020

Elementary: Tungal Elementary School

Tungal, San Luis, Batangas

2015 – 2016

Appendix “B”

June 8, 2021





We, students of Grade 11 ABM – Ruby are conducting a research and our

purpose is to discover the Value of Motivation in Education In the New Normal Among

the Students of SLSHS You can be rest assured that the data gathered from our

respondents will remain confidential.

We are writing this letter requesting permission to conduct an online interview to

the students of San Luis Senior High School . This would most likely happen this week.


Yours Sincerely,





Appendix “C”


1. What motivates you daily?

2. How does motivation affects your learning?

3. What would be the consequences of not being motivated to achieve your goals?

4. Why is it important to the students to be motivated at school?

5. If you find your self being tardy at school activities, how do you inspire yourself to

continue with it?

6. How are you being motivated by your teachers during this distance learning?

7. What teaching strategies support students’ motivation?

8. As a student being motivated, how can you inspire your classmates?

9. As a student, what reminders from your parents do you need to see/hear to stay



10. What events/program do you love attending the most that also inspires you?



Interviewees answering the researchers researchers question through google form

about their study entitled “ The Value of Motivation in Education in the New Normal

Among the Students of SLSHS”


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