Course-Syllabus in Gec 106

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COURSE TITLE                  :         ETHICS

COURSE CREDIT              :          3 UNITS


Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the level of the person,
society, and interaction with the environment and other shared resources.

Morality pertains to the standards of right and wrong that an individual originally picks up from
the community. The course discusses the context and principles of ethical behavior in modern
society at the level of individual, society, and interaction with environment and other shared
resources. The course also teaches students to make moral decisions by using dominant moral
frameworks and applying moral reasoning model to analyze and solve moral dilemmas.

The course is organized according to the three (3) main elements of moral experience: (a) agent,
including context- cultural, communal, and environmental; (b) the act, and (c) reason or
framework (for the act).


At the end of the semester, the students will be able to:

1. Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experience.

2. Make sound ethical judgements based on principles, facts, and the stakeholders affected.

3. Develop sensitivity to the common good and;

4. Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the
level of the person, society, and interaction with the environment and other shared


Chapter 1- The Ethical Dimension of Human Existence

 Value

 Sources of Authority

 Senses of The Self

Chapter 2- Utilitarianism

 The principle of Utility

 Principle of the Greatest Number
 Justice and Moral Rights
Chapter 3- Natural Law

 Thomas Aquinas
 The Greek Heritage
 The Essence and Varieties of Law
Chapter 4- Deontology

 Duty and Agency

 Autonomy
 Universalizability

Chapter 5- Virtue Ethics

 Happiness and Ultimate Purpose

 Virtue as Excellence
 Moral Virtue and Mesotes
Chapter 6- Synthesis: Making Informed Decisions

 The Moral Agent and Contexts

 Moral Deliberation
 Self, Society, and Environment


Descriptive and analytical approaches thru:

1. Discussion and Lectures

2. Activities/Games (Individual/Group)

3. Reporting

4. Quizzes


1.      Quizzes (40)

 There will be a short quiz at the beginning of each class based on the agreed readings or
after the discussion.

2.      Class Participation (20%)

 Students are expected to participate during class discussions or submit assigned tasks as
the case may require it.

3. Exams (40%)

 Three major exams (Prelim,Mid-Term and Finals) will be given to assess what the
students have learned.
Grading System:

Quizzes                                     40%

Class Standing                 20%

 Attendance
 Activities
 Recitation
 Reporting

Exams                                     40%


Total                                       100%



ETHICS: Foundations of Moral Valuation. National Bookstore.

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