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Instructions to the candidates for filling the Application Form and the Basic Data Form

I. Application for entrance examination for admission to various courses during 2011-12 required to be
submitted in the prescribed form along with the Basic Data Form. A separate application is required for
each course.
II. Candidates using the downloaded application form are required to pay the prescribed entrance
examination/ registration fees of Rs. 200/- in the case of General/OBC Candidates and Rs.75/- in the
case of SC/ST/PH candidates in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Finance Officer,
University of Hyderabad, payable at State Bank of India, Hyderabad Central University Campus
Branch, Hyderabad (Code 5916) or on Andhra Bank, Nampally Branch, Hyderabad (Code 378).
III. Before filling the Application Form and the Basic Data Form, read the instruction carefully and follow
them strictly.
The Application Form and the Basic Data Form must be filled in English only (using CAPITAL letters as far
as possible). Where the information is required to be filled in boxes, only one alphabet is to be written in
each box. While providing the information in the “Basic Data Form” darken the relevant circle with Blue or
Black Ball point or sketch pen.
Codes of the Programmes & Subjects: Each programme along with its subject has been given a two letter
code. Select the programme and subject you wish to apply from the list given below and indicate the code
of the Programme & Subject in the boxes provided. Programme and Subject once selected will not be
changed under any circumstances.

Course/ Course/
Code Code Code Code
Programme Programme
Subject of Study (SS) for for Subject of Study (SS) for for
of Study of Study
(PS) (PS)
5-Year Integrated M.Sc. and M.A. (I.M.Sc. & M.A. Philosophy MA PH
I.M.A.) Courses M.A. Hindi MA HN
I.M.Sc. Sciences: (Mathematical M.A. Telugu MA TL
Sciences / Physics / Chemical IS IS
Sciences / Systems Biology) M.A. Urdu MA UR
I.M.Sc. Optometry & Vision Sciences IS OV M.A. Applied Linguistics MA AL
I.M.Sc. Nursing Sciences IS NS M.A. Comparative Literature MA CL
I.M.Sc. Health Psychology IS HP M.A. Economics MA EC
I.M.A. Humanities: Languages (Hindi / M.A. History MA HS
Telugu / Urdu) / Language IA HM M.A. Political Science MA PS
Sciences M.A. Sociology MA SL
I.M.A. Social Sciences M.A. Anthropology
MPA Dance: (Kuchipudi /
P.G. Courses PA DK
Bharatanatyam / Folk)
M.Sc. Mathematics/Applied MPA Theatre Arts PA TA
MFA Painting / Print Making /
M.Sc. Statistics-OR MS ST FA PM
M.C.A MC CA MFA Art History FA AH
M.Sc. Physics MS PY M.A. Communication :
M.Sc. Chemistry MS CY (Communication & Media
M.Sc. Biochemistry MS BC Studies, Print Journalism & New
Media, Television & Radio)
M.Sc. Plant Biology & Biotechnology MS PB
MBA Health Care & Hospital
M.Sc. Molecular Microbiology MS MB MB HC
M.Sc. Animal Biotechnology MS AB Adv.PG Diploma Courses
M.Sc. Health Psychology MS HP Adv.PG Folk Culture Studies AD FS
M.A. English MA EN Adv.PG Mineral Exploration AD ME
Course/ Course/
Code Code Code Code
Programme Programme
Subject of Study (SS) for for Subject of Study (SS) for for
of Study of Study
(PS) (PS)
PG Diploma Courses Ph.D. Electronics Science PD EL
PG Dip Counseling Psychology DP CP Ph.D. Chemistry PD CY
PG Dip Health Fitness & Life Style Ph.D. Biochemistry PD BC
Management Ph.D. Plant Sciences PD PL
M.Phil. Courses Ph.D. Animal Sciences PD AS
M.Phil. English MP EN Ph.D. Biotechnology PD BT
M.Phil. Philosophy MP PH Ph.D. English PD EN
M.Phil. Hindi MP HN Ph.D. Philosophy PD PH
M.Phil. Telugu MP TL Ph.D. Hindi PD HN
M.Phil. Urdu MP UR Ph.D. Telugu PD TL
M.Phil. Applied Linguistics MP AL Ph.D. Urdu PD UR
M.Phil. Translation Studies MP TS Ph.D. Applied Linguistics PD AL
M.Phil. Comparative Literature MP CL Ph.D. Translation Studies PD TS
M.Phil. Shabdabodha Systems and Ph.D. Comparative Literature PD CL
Language Technologies
Ph.D. Sanskrit Studies PD SK
M.Phil. Economics MP EC
Ph.D. Economics PD EC
M.Phil. History MP HS
Ph.D. History PD HS
M.Phil. Political Science MP PS
Ph.D. Political Science PD PS
M.Phil. Sociology MP SL
Ph.D. Sociology PD SL
M.Phil. Anthropology MP AN
Ph.D. Anthropology PD AN
M.Phil. Regional Studies MP RS
Ph.D. Regional Studies PD RS
M.Phil. Social Exclusion & Inclusive
MP EI Ph.D. Folk Culture Studies PD FS
M.Phil. Cognitive Science MP CO Ph.D. Social Exclusion and Inclusive
M.Phil. Gender Studies Policy
Ph.D. Indian Diaspora PD ID
M.Phil. Indian Diaspora MP ID
Ph.D. Science, Technology and Society
M.Tech. Courses PD KC
M.Tech. Computer Science / Artificial Ph.D. Human Rights PD HR
Intelligence/ Information MT CS
Technology (CS/AI/IT) Ph.D. Gandhian Economic Thoughts PD GT
M.Tech. Computational Techniques MT CT Ph.D. Dance PD DN
M.Tech. I.C. Technology MT IC Ph.D. Theatre Arts PD TA
M.Tech. Bioinformatics MT BI Ph.D. Communication PD CC
M.Tech. Mineral Exploration MT ME Ph.D. Management Studies PD MS
Int. M.Tech./ Nano Sciences & Technology Ph.D. Materials Engineering PD MT
Ph.D. Ph.D. Nano Science & Technology PD NT
Int M.Tech./ Materials Engineering Ph.D. Medical Sciences PD MD
Ph.D. Ph.D. Earth & Space Sciences PD ES
Int. M.Sc / Biotechnology
Ph.D. Courses Ph.D. Psychology PD PC
Ph.D. Mathematics PD MM Ph.D. Neural and Cognitive Sciences PD CO
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics PD AM Ph.D. Gender Studies PD GS
Ph.D. Statistics / OR PD ST Ph.D. Buddhist Studies PD BS
Ph.D. Computer Science PD CS Ph.D. * High Performance Computing PD HI
Ph.D. Physics PD PY

* Note: Candidates applying for Ph.D. in High Performance Computing must be an applicant for one of the
8 subjects listed at item No. 8 of the sub-head “Choice of Subject” at the next page. No separate written test
will be conducted for this subject and the marks secured by them in the respective subject will be considered
for short-listing the candidates for interview.

A separate application is required for each of the Courses listed above. However, single application can be
used giving the order of preference of their choice for any of the following 8 courses. Use the “Code” as
indicated against each subject while providing the information against the column: order of preference.

Choice of Subject

Subject Code Subject Code

1) Integrated M.Sc. Courses Painting PT
(I.M.Sc) in Sciences Print Making PR
Mathematical Sciences MA Sculpture SC
Physics PY
Chemical Sciences CH 6) M.P.A Dance
Systems Biology SB Kuchipudi KU
Bharatanatyam BH
2) Integrated MA Courses (I.M.A.) Folk FO
in Humanities
Hindi HN 7) M.Tech. (CS / AI / IT)
Telugu TL Computer Science CS
Urdu UR Artificial Intelligence AI
Language Sciences LS Information Technology IT

3) M.Sc. Mathematics 8) Ph.D. High Performance

Mathematics MM Computing (candidates are
required to opt for only one of the
Applied Mathematics AM
following 8 subjects)
4) M.A. Communication Computer Science CS
Communication & Media CM Animal Science AS
Studies Biotechnology BT
Print Journalism & New PN Chemistry CY
Media Physics PY
Television & Radio TR Material Engineering MT
Earth & Space Sciences ES
6) M.F.A. Painting / Print Making / ACRHEM AC
Choice of Examination Centre

The Entrance Examinations will be held at 26 centres, viz., Ahmedabad, Aizawl, Bangalore, Bhopal,
Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Cochin, Delhi, Dharwad, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jammu, Karimnagar,
Kohima, Kolkota, Lucknow, Madurai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Srinagar, Tirupati, Vijayawada
and Visakhapatnam. The candidates are required to indicate one of the Centres along with its code. The
codes are given below:

Centre Code Centre Code Centre Code

Ahmedabad AHM Dharwad DWD Patna PAT
Aizawl AIZ Guwahati GHT Pune PNE
Bangalore BAN Hyderabad HYD Raipur RPR
Bhopal BPL Jammu JAM Ranchi RNC
Bhubaneswar BNR Karimnagar KRM Srinagar SNR
Chennai CNI Kolkota KOL Tirupati TPT
Cochin CHN Lucknow LCK Vijayawada VIJ
Delhi DEL Madurai MDR Visakhapatnam VSP
Dimapur DIM Nagpur NPR

Note : 1. Once the option for a Centre is exercised, no request for change of Centre will be entertained.
2. The University reserves the right to cancel any of the above Examination Centres and allot
another Centre closer to the Centre cancelled.

Specific Instructions for providing information against each item of the application form

1. Name of the candidate: Write your name in CAPITAL letters as was written in the SSC/Matriculation
certificate. One box should be left blank between two parts of the name. In case the name is long and
cannot be accommodated within the boxes provided, add additional boxes.

2. Father’s and Mother’s name: Write your father’s and mother’s name in CAPITAL Letters and also
provide the information on their occupations and annual income.

3. (a) Date of Birth: Indicate your date of birth in terms of Day, Month and Year. Use numerals 01, 02, ...
31 for day and 01,02, .. 12 for month, (January, February .... December respectively). Use the last two
digits of the year for the year of birth. For example, 9th of March, 1986 is to be written as 0 9 0 3 8 6

(b) Sex: Write [ M ] for Male; [ F ] for Female.

(c) Nationality: Indicate your nationality using the Code [ I ] for Indian National and [ F ] for Foreign
(d) State of Domicile: Mention the following alphabetical code of the State/Union Territory to which
you belong.

State Code State Code State Code

Andhra Pradesh AP Kerala KL Uttaranchal UA
Arunachal Pradesh AL Madhya Pradesh MP Uttar Pradesh UP
Assam AS Maharashtra MT West Bengal WB
Bihar BH Manipur MN Andaman & AN
Chattisgarh CG Meghalaya MG Nicobar
Delhi DL Mizoram MZ Chandigarh CH
Goa GA Nagaland NG Diu and Daman DD
Gujarat GT Orissa OR Dadra & Nagar DN
Haryana HN Punjab PN Haveli
Himachal Pradesh HP Rajasthan RJ Lakshadweep LD
Jammu & Kashmir JK Sikkim SM Pondicherry PO
Jharkhand JH Tamil Nadu TN Foreign National FN
Karnataka KN Tripura TR

(e) Category: Indicate the code corresponding to your category in the boxes provided.
General GE
Other Backward classes OBC
Scheduled Caste SC
Scheduled Tribe ST

4.a) Choice of entrance examination centre : The candidates are required to indicate one of the centers
along with its code where he/she intends to appear for the examination.

b) Course / Programme Study (PS) and Subject of Study (SS) Codes: Each programme /subject has
been given two letter codes. These codes are available at the beginning of these instructions. Write
the correct code of the course/programme and the subject for which you have applied.

c) Choice/Preferences: Select the preference code of the course/programme and subject from the list of
the courses/programmes mentioned in the tabular form for which single application can be used for
any of the 8 courses listed there.

d) PH and Wards/Dependants of Defence Personnel category: If claiming reservation under Persons

with Disabilities (Physically challenged) and the wards/dependants of Defence Personnel category,
indicate the code corresponding to your category in the boxes provided.
Persons with disabilities PH
Wards/dependants of Defence personnel DP

e) In case of PH, specify whether;

Visually Handicapped VH
Hearing Impaired HI
Orthopadically Handicapped OH

5. Mention the course/programme viz., M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil, etc. and the subject viz., English,
Mathematics, Economics, etc. for which you are applying in the boxes provided.

6. (a) Result of the qualifying degree exam: Write present position regarding the result of your
qualifying degree examination indicating it by using one of the following codes:
If you have already passed the qualifying examination, write EP
If you have appeared for the said examination and are waiting for the result, write RA
If you have not yet appeared for the said examination and appearing the qualifying
degree exam before the entrance examination and expecting results and certificates
before 31/07/2011, write NA
(b) Provide the information on the percentage of marks you have secured in the qualifying exam. If
the final year result of the qualifying degree is not available, write the percentage of marks available.
(c) Distinction in Sports and Cultural activities: Candidates for admission to P.G. Courses /
Integrated Master’s Degree Courses in Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, if seeking
weightage for excellence in sports and cultural activities at State/ National level should fill this
column and tick (√) the relevant box/boxes and also enclose copies of certificates in support of their
claim, failing which no weightage would be given.
7. (a) If you are in the main list of IIT-JEE 2011 or a scholar of KVPY 2011 or a participant in Science
Olympiad or first ranker in CBSE/ICSE/State Boards of +2 education, provide the information and
also enclose a copy of the rank card/certificate.
(b & C) Provide the information about the GATE subject and GATE scores if applying for M.Tech.
CS/AI/IT, IC Technology, Computational Techniques, Bioinformatics and Ph.D. in Electronics
Science. (enclose copy of the GATE score card).
(d) State whether you are a JRF/RGNF awardee. (enclose a copy of the award letter)

8 – 10 Provide the required information.

11. Academic Record: Information relating to your academic record from Matriculation onwards should
be furnished under this column indicating clearly name of the University/Board, month & year of
passing, subjects studied and passed etc. In case the result of the final examination is not declared or
the final examination is yet to be held, the result of the previous years/semesters should invariably be
given in the relevant sub-columns. Percentage of marks and the Division secured must be clearly
written in the prescribed column.

The subjects studied and passed should be clearly mentioned indicating separately the percentage of
marks obtained under Part-I [(compulsory (language) subjects) and Part-II (optional/ core (group)
12. State the reason/s and period of gap, if there was any gap in your studies
13 - 17 Provide the relevant information.

18. Declaration by the applicant: It should be signed by the candidate herself/himself. If the signature is
found to be fake at any time (during or after completion of the course) will lead to automatic
cancellation of the student’s admission in the University, if granted/cancellation of the degree if
awarded in addition to appropriate action as the University may deem fit.

19. Declaration by the Father/Mother/Guardian: This should be signed strictly by the Father or Mother
of the candidate, or by the Legal Guardian, if both the parents are not alive. The signature of Parent(s) /
Legal Guardian appearing in the respective application form submitted by the student will be used for
all purposes as the authentic one and liable for verification by State/ Central Governments or other
organizations as the case may be, during the period of the studies in the University. If the signatures of
Parent(s) / Legal Guardian are found to be fake at any time (during or after completion of the course),
the discovery may lead to automatic cancellation of admission of her/his ward, if granted/cancellation
of the degree if awarded including appropriate action as the University may deem fit.
Basic Data Form:

Fill the Basic Data Form as per the above instructions. Where ever the information is asked for in the circles
completely darken the relevant circle with Blue or Black Ball point or Sketch pen. For Example providing
information on the category, if you belong to OBC category, the same should be provided as follows.

Correct Method: Wrong Methods :

Category Category




Permanent address of the candidates shall be the base for considering hostel accommodation. Candidates
who require hostel accommodation will be required to produce a residence or nativity certificate issued by a
competent authority at the time of admission, if granted. Therefore, candidates are advised to furnish the
correct permanent and present mailing address at the place provided both in the Basic Data Form and the
Application Form. The University is not sending the Hall Tickets, information to the short-listed candidates
for interview and the candidates selected / wait listed for admissions by post. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of the candidates to get the information by checking the University website from time to time
and download the Hall Tickets, results and the relevant formats required for admission. The University will
not be held responsible for communication of the same.

Candidates belonging to (i) SC/ST/OBC categories, (ii) PH and wards/dependants of Defence personnel
categories, (iii) those seeking weightage for distinctions achieved in sports and cultural activities (if
applying for admission to P.G. courses, 5-year Integrated P.G. Courses), and (iv) GATE qualified candidates
seeking admission to M.Tech.(CS / AI / IT), IC Technology, Computational Techniques, Bioinformatics
and Ph.D. in Electronics Science are required to submit copies of the relevant certificates of their claim.
SC/ST candidates belonging to the state of Andhra Pradesh must submit Integrated Community Certificate
introduced by the State of Andhra Pradesh. OBC (non creamy layer) candidates must submit the certificate
issued by a competent authority in the form prescribed by the Govt. of India.

Foreign nationals having their qualifying degree from abroad are required to submit copies of all relevant
certificates of their academic qualifications with English version of these certificates (if they are in a
different language).

The candidates may submit their filled-in applications either by post addressed to the Deputy Registrar
(Acad & Exams), University of Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad 500 046 or in person at the Academic
Section, in the office of the Controller of Examinations, University Campus, Hyderabad.

The last date for submission of filled in application forms complete in all respects is 06.05.2011.

The application and other relevant papers are to be pinned/stapled in the following order:

i. Demand Draft for downloaded / Xeroxed application forms

ii. Basic Data form duly affixing a stamp size photo at the space provided (Photo should be affixed
using the gum but should not be stappled)
iii. Application form
iv. Attested copy of the relevant certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC/PH/DP candidates
v. Attested copy of the GATE / JRF, in the case of applicants for M.Tech / M.Phil/ Ph.D.
vi. Attested copies of the certificates in support of distinction achieved in sports and cultural activities
at State / National level. (if applying for admission to P.G. / 5-year Integrated P.G. courses only)
vii. Attested copies of (a) Rank Card of IIT-JEE 2011 or the award letter of the KVPY 2011 or rank
certificate of +2 education or the participation certificate in Science Olympiad 2011 (b) Medium of
Instruction at +2 level and (c) Proof of Residence & Study Certificate upto +2 level for Backward
District candidates in the case of candidates applying for 5-year Integrated M.A./M.Sc. Courses.

Incomplete applications, applications not accompanied by the requisite enclosures and those received after
the closing date will not be entertained.

Issue of Hall Tickets for the Entrance Examinations

a) The Hall Tickets will be made available on the University’s Website www.uohyd.ernet.in by 20/05/2011
for downloading. It is the responsibility of the candidates to download the same and appear for the

b) The candidates will not be permitted to write the entrance exam at any other centre except the centre
mentioned in the hall ticket.

c) It may be noted that all those who apply may be issued Hall Tickets without verifying whether or not
they satisfy the eligibility criterion for admission to a course. This will be finally verified at the time of
final admission, if granted. The candidates are therefore advised to go through the Prospectus-cum-
Application Form 2011-2012 carefully and judge on their eligibility before submitting their
application forms. Despite this caution, in case the candidates do not meet the minimum eligibility
criteria and still apply and appear for the entrance examination, they will do so at their own risk and
cost. Mere issue of Hall Ticket and allowing a candidate for entrance exam including interview /
practical test will not entitle a candidate for any claim on admission if She/he is not fulfilling the
required eligibility conditions for admission as prescribed in the Prospectus-cum-application form
2011-12 which will be thoroughly verified at the time of admission, if granted. At any stage if it is
found that any candidate does not fulfill the minimum eligibility requirements, his/her candidature
will not be considered for admission and if the admission is granted, it shall be cancelled forthwith.

d) Use of cell/mobile phones in the Examination Hall is strictly prohibited.

Note: The Question papers for admission to some of the courses as listed below are in objective or multiple
choice questions, which will be evaluated using the OMR technology. The candidates will be required
to mark the answers in the OMR Sheet with black or blue ball-point/ sketch pen during the period of the
test. Necessary instructions will be given in the respective question papers. Therefore the candidates
applying for these courses should bring black or blue ball-point / sketch pen to the Examination.

• 5-year Integrated Master’s Degree Courses in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences
• All M.Sc. Courses
• M.A. Telugu, Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Economics
• Adv. PG Dip./M.Tech. Course in Mineral Exploration.
• M.Phil. Telugu, Economics, Cognitive Science
• Ph.D. Plant Sciences, Animal Sciences, Biotechnology, ACRHEM, Materials Engineering, Nano
Science and Technology, Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Economics, Neural and Cognitive
• PG Diploma in Counseling Psychology, Health Fitness & Life Style Management

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