Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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List of Contents
CHAPTER: 01 Introduction
Purpose and Scope
Location, Extent and Accessibility
Previous Work
Topography and Relief
Drainage and Water Supply
Population and Culture
CHAPTER: 05 Structure
Homoclinal Fold
Drag Fold
Dauki Fault System
Local Fault
Angular Unconformity
Local Unconformity
CHAPTER: 06 Geomorphology
Geomorphic Features
Meandering River
Braided River
CHAPTER: 07 Stratigraphy
General Stratigraphic succession of the Sylhet Trough
Lithologic description
Stratigraphic Correlation
CHAPTER: 08 Sedimentology
Sedimentary Structures and Features
Depositional structure
Post-depositional deformed structures
Sylhet is located between the latitudes of 24°36 and 25°11 North and the longitudes of 92°30
and 91°38 East.. Our specific study area (Jaintiapur–Tamabil–Jaflong section) lies between
25°04′ and 25°11′ North Latitudes and in between 92°00′ and 92°12′ East longitudes. This
area lies on the southern foothills of Khassia-Jaintiapur Ranges of Meghalaya and is mapped
between latitude 25°0′ North and 25°12′30″ North and longitude 92°0′ East and 92°27′30″
Figure 2: Location Map of Jaintiapur, Sylhet.
The area comprises about 147 square km, 14 km in the east-west direction from Balla Ghat to
Afifanagar and 11 km in north-south direction from Tamabil to Shari Ghat. Jaintapur is
linked with Sylhet town by a metaled road (Fig:3).
The investigation was carried out in the field by adopting very usual “traverse method” that is
walking on foot through road-cut and stream-cut sections. Field investigation involves the
following procedures:
• Taking location and bearing
• Lithology investigation
• Structural investigation
• Stratigraphical investigation
• Collecting samples
• Construction of geologic maps
• Taking photographs.
Taking Location and Bearing
Location of the suitable sections and different spot heights of the area were determined by
help of the base map and our instant positions were plotted on the map by the clinometer and
a remarkable point on the map. Bearing of the sections were measured by the help of a
The Lithologic Investigation:
Good exposures were studied for the lithological information of the rocks which were
subdivided through observing different color, composition and distinguishable contacts of
different rock strata. General grain size, sorting and mineralogy of the rocks (those are
determinable in the field) were determined approximately by the necked eyes or by the help
of the hand lens
Structural Investigation
Attitudes of the beds were measured by the clinometer and for the rough, disturbed
andvegetated beds; hammer was used for breaking the rock and getting fresh bedding planes.
Stratigraphical Investigation
The thickness of the exposed rock strata were measured by taking pacing and from the map.
The stratigraphic succession of the beds was made by observing their positions to apply the
"Low of Super Position" and by the study of their lithology and thickness. Unconformity was
determined by observing the presence of erosional surface, soil and distorted bed of lateritic
conglomerates between two different rock units.
Collecting Samples
Samples of different rock strata of different sections were taken in sample bags for further
Tacking Photographs
The important photographs of physical features, sedimentary structures, important rock units
and structural features (fault, fold, joint, unconformity, hazardous place etc.) of the area were
taken by the camera.
3. Hammer- For breaking the rocks and digging for bedding planes.
4. Pocket lens-to examine the grains.
9. Camera: We used both mobile camera and professional camera for taking photos.
10. Wooden pencils, color pencils, diagonal scale, pocket knife etc.
Previous Work
Since 1933, a great number of exploration and drilling projects have been carried out in
Sylhet. Burma Oil Company was the first to do so. During 1964-66, M. A. Maroof Khan of
the Bangladesh Geological Survey conducted a geological study of the eastern and
northeastern parts of the Surma Basin.
J.F Holtrop and J Keizer published a correlation of Surma Basin wells in 1960. K.M. Wallid
and Dr.Reimann carried out Palynostratigraphic analyses of Oligocene outcrop samples. M.
Hoque studied the development of the Surma Basin and its relation of Hydrocarbon
accumulation. Khan published a geologic map with a scale of one inch equals two miles that
covered the entire Tertiary succession of the region. In the Surma Basin, Haque (1982)
established a palynologic zone concept for a Cenozoicsuccession. He also looked at the
surface and beneath. The Surma Basin stratigraphy. D. K. Guha examined the area as well.
Teachers and students of research of the geology of the area every year.
Physical Features
Topography and Relief
The Khashi-Jaintia hill range borders the exaborders it from the northeast. The terrain is
almost hilly in this area. There are numerous low to moderately raised hillocks in this area.
The average elevation of the area is about 60 to 340 feet. Maximum elevation is found at
Lalakhal area and minimum in northwestern region. The hilly area does not comprise
continuous heap of rocksbut also furrowed by numerous vallies giving the landscape of a
rugged mined region from west to east, and an abrupt scarp of the 4000 to 6000 feet high
Shillong plateaulook. The area embraces two major types of landforms. The investigated area
exhibits moderately hilly topography that has shown in geologic map and contour map.
The hills in the examined area are almost East-West oriented and have a low to moderate
elevation. These are referred to as "Tila" in the area. Dupitila is located in the southwestern
section of the study area, and it isworth mentioning because it is the hillock called after which
the Dupitila formation was named. The elevation of this hilltop is approximately 301 feet.
The rest of the terrain is alluvial flatland.
Drainage and Water Supply
In a broader sense the investigated area is lack of any remarkable stream of Bangladesh, but
the area is wedrained by a network of locally important streams most of which are both
structurally lithologically controlled and dendritic in pattern (Map 1.4). The relatively major
streams are fewer in number and are of perennial type, that is they flow even in the dry
season, but during rainy season they flow with their full strength and become able to carry
large boulders to distant places whereas the minor streams are large in number and of
intermitted type, that is they are seasonal in their flow, and water ceases to flow during the
dry spell.
Figure : Drainage pattern of investigated area Jaintiapur
The river Shari (Fig 1.3) which acts as the main source of water distribution of the eastern
portion of the area originates in khasiaJainta Hills near Jawi in India and maintaining more or
less meandering course flows south westerly to some extent and then bends abruptly towards
west and ultimately falls in the Surma River near Kalaruka. Among the mentioned four
rivers, the Dauki(Fig 1.4) is the most prominent. The Dauki which is a fault controlled river
originated in the southern part of the Shillong plateau, flows by the western side of the
hillocks and enters into Bangladesh at the foot of the Indian Dauki Town in the N-S direction.
Inside Bangladesh it is replenished by a number of seasonal small streams which are locally
termed as 'Chara'. 'Piyan' is the main tributary of the river Dauki.
Figure : Shari river and Lalakhal Sylhet.
Climate and Weather of the Study Area
Climate is average condition of weather over a long period of time in a specific area. It covers
a very large area. As our study area is in Sylhet so it mostly follows the climatic condition of
Sylhet. The climate here is humid subtropical with a pre dominantly hot and humid summer
and a relatively cool winter. It is situated in a monsoon climatic zone. The area is very
susceptible to heavy monsoonal rainfall. Nearly 80% of the annual average rainfall of 3,334
mm occurs between May and September. (Source:
The climate of the area can be divided in to three distinct seasons in a year. The summer
starts from March and continues up to May having high temperature and moderate
precipitation. The monsoon begins in June and lasts till October and is characterized by gusty
wind and occasionally Because of geographical location, the investigated area generally falls
under the tropical to subtropical climate. But as the influence of the humid north-eastern
monsoon wind over the general climate of the area is noticeable, the overall climate of the
area is termed as ' Humid Tropical to subtropical cyclonic storm. The winter begins from
November and exists up to February with a pleasant, Calm, cool and dry weather. (fig)))))
History of Jaintapur
Jaintapur is famous for its megalithic remains. It is located 40 kilometres north of Sylhet
divisional town and at the foot of the Jaintia Hills. Due to its geophysical condition the region
remained independent for a long time and was well known as Jaintapur Kingdom. As such it
was mentioned in Epic, Puranic, and Tantric literatures. However, a number of local legends,
folk tales, and inscriptions suggest that from approximately the 7th/8th century AD Jaintapur
came under the control of Kamarupa Kingdom and that later it went under the control of the
Chandra and Varman rulers. After the fall of the Varmans, Jaintapur was again ruled for
some time by the Deva dynasty.
Jayanta Ray, the last ruler of the Deva dynasty, had a daughter named Jayanti, who got
married to a son of a Khasi chief, named Landowar. Due to this matrimonial alliance,
Jaintapur kingdom went under the control of the Khasis in c 1500 AD. Subsequently, Khasi
kings ruled over the kingdom independently till the British occupied it in 1835.
The palace, which was built by the Jainta King Laxmi Sinha (1670-1701) in 1602
Shaka/1680 AD, is now completely ruined. The superstructure of the Jaintesvari temple is
also badly damaged. Though the enclosure wall of the temple complex is in a better state of
preservation, it has been crudely ornamented with plastered relief, representing horses, lions
and winged semi-divine beings.
Figure: Break up of Pangea through passes time and collision of India and Eurasian plate.
Himalayan Mountain
Himalayan Range
Mountain Range
Shillong Plateau
N Mikhir
Mikhir HillsHills
Sylhet Trough
Indian Shield
Chittagong HillHillTracts
Tracts Burmese
Burmese Mountain
Mountain Range
Shelf zone
Shelf zone is a major tectonic element of Bangladesh lying in the western. The Indian shield
and Shillong massif are connected by the Rangpur platform. The width of the platform is 100
km. Here, the slope is fairly smooth according to the seismic data. The sedimentary deposits
of this area form homoclinal beds with dips of 1–2°. Towards the northern portion of the
platform the plunge of the basement is about 3–4° and the depth of the basement is over 2000
m. Southern slope of the Rangpur platform is gently plunging towards the southeast and
extends to the Calcutta-Mymensing hinge zone. The thickness of sedimentary rocks is
increasing towards the southeast. The thickness of the sediments over the shelf is about 8000
m and they are marked by several unconformities. The basement complex near the western
margin of the shelf is marked by a series of buried ridges and normal gravity faults. The east-
west trending Dauki fault separates the stable shelf and the Shillong massif. The shelf
experienced the first marine transgression during the Late Cretaceous. The second major one
was in the Miocene generated by the uplift of the Himalayan and Burman ranges.
Hinge zone
Hinge zone is a narrow zone of 25 km in width. Here, the homoclinal dip is 5– 6°. The bed
dips over 20° along the hinge-line (Guha 1978). The hinge zone in the northeast seems to be
connected with the Dauki fault by a series of east-west trending faults. It is also marked by
deep basement faults probably started with the breakup of Gondowanaland. Parallel to the
hinge zone is the Bengal foredeep, which consist of several smaller troughs and structural
highs. the Indo - Burman ranges mark the eastern boundary of the Bengal foredeep
Mobile belt:
The eastern side of the Bengal Basin is bordered by a mobile belt known as Tripura -
Chittagong fold belt, which extends north south as part of the Indo - Burmese mobile belt. In
Bangladesh, this belt is represented mainly by the hills of the Chittagong Hill tracts,
Chittagong and Sylhet, which appear to be analogous to the Sub-Himalayan or Siwalik
Attitude of beds
Attitude of bed includes Dip direction, dip amount and strike direction. We measured dip
amount and it’s direction together. But we did measure strike azimuth instead of strike
direction. These process is simple and easy to use.
Shari River Section
Weather: Sunny
Nayagang-Mahishmara Section
Tamabil-Jaflong Section
Weather: Cloudy
Anticlinal Fold
Drag Fold
Dauki Fault System
Local Fault
Angular Unconformity
Local Unconformity
The researched location and surrounding area are located in the Bengal Foredeep's Sylhet
trough. The Sylhet Trough is located on the Shillong Massif's southern side and corresponds
to the huge lowlands of Surma Valley, which include large wetlands (haors) with absolute
elevations well below sea level. It is a sub-basin of the Bengal Foredeep in Bangladesh's
northeastern region. The Shillong Massif defines the northern limit of the Sylhet Trough,
while the Great Indian Ocean constitutes the southern boundary.
The dip is separated from the Massif by the Dauki Fault. During the Miocene and later
periods, faulting along the Shillong shelf zone coincided with rapid subsidence of the Surma
basin. Two brief phases of erosion and non-deposition have occurred in the basin. The first is
due to uplift and folding in the east at the end of the Oligocene, with ongoing subsidence in
the west; the second is related to the uplift of the Shillong plateau, which was accompanied
by faulting in the late Miocene and later.
Because of its proximity to the E-W trending fault zone that runs along the Shillong Massif's
boundary, this area is dominated by E-W structure. In the examined area, numerous large and
minor geological features have been discovered. Folds, Faults, Unconformity, and Joints are
the major structures in the studied area.
A geological fold occurs when one or more originally flat and planar surfaces, such as
sedimentary strata, bend or curve due to permanent deformation. Synsedimentary folds are
those caused by slumping of sedimentary material prior to lithification. Rock folds can range
in size from microscopic crinkles to mountain-sized folds. They can be found singly as
isolated folds or in extensive fold trains of varying sizes on a variety of scales.
Homoclinal Fold
The major structure of Jaintiapur and its adjoining area is a Homoclinal fold. The strike of
the fold is almost E-W and dips towards the south. The amount of dip increases towards
dip direction. A homocline is a step-like geological fold without a change in dip direction
across the fold hinge because the layers dip in the same direction. This is contrasted with
anticlines, in which limbs dip away (curve downward) from the hinge, and with synclines,
in which the limbs dip toward the hinge (curve upward). By differential compaction over
an underlying structure, particularly a large fault at the edge of a basin due to the greater
compatibility of the basin fill, the amplitude of the fold will die out gradually upwards.
Figure 30: Homocline at Studied area
Anticlinal Fold
There is a small scale or local anticline (Fig-35) present in the studied area. We got that all
the strata were dipping towards south but near the Rangapani river section we observed that
the beds are dipping towards north. But after some distance we again got southward dipping.
This proves that there was a small scale anticline present. The studied area represents an
asymmetrical E-W to NW-SE trending anticlinal major F1 type fold. The axis runs from
Dauki to Sripur and truncates against Dauki fault to the east. There is some superposed F2
type fold on the major fold. The trend of the superposed fold is NE-SW. Our work is mainly
carried out in southern flank as the northern flank is not well exposed in Bangladesh, which
continues in Meghalaya of India. Only in Sripur and Tamabil - Jaflong road cut area, little
part of northern limb is exposed in Bangladesh. Amount of dip in southern flank varies from
20° to 50° towards south, in Dupitila and Shari River almost vertical beds are found. The
northern flank dips more steeply.
Evidence favoring the concept of anticlinal fold:
From Sripur-Tamabil to Dauki fault bed dips in opposite direction. It is not only in
few faulted block as illustrated by some authors assuming homocline.
Older rocks are found in the axis of the fold. If it is not an anticlinal fold, younger
rocks like Tipam and Dupitila is usual to found in Jaintia–Tamabil road cut section.
At Rangapani river section, we found bed dips at different direction such as NE, SE
and SW following a distinctive phase. So, we can tell that they were occurred at the
later phase of superposed folds. It makes easier in deducing anticlinal folds.
Drag Fold
Prominent drag folds are observed in Nayagang river section. A minor fold, usually one
of a series, formed in an incompetent bed lying between more competent beds, produced
by the movement of the competent beds in opposite directions relative to one another.
Drag folds may also develop beneath a thrust sheet. They are usually a centimeter r to a
few meters in size. Drag folds in the silty shale bedare formed due to movement of the
competent sandstone bed in the opposite direction with each other.
The major regional fault in the area is the Dauki fault. Besides, few other local faults were
observed in different formations. In fact, our studied area comprises a zone extensively affected
by the movement of Dauki fault system, which is responsible for the present physiography of the
area. The local faults were evidenced by displacement of different formations.
These faults are similar to upthrusts but occurrence of seismic activities, and the presence of
two different regimes i.e. thrust dominated on the north and fold dominated on the south
suggest that the nature of the Dauki Fault, can be a compartmental fault comparable to
transform faults in continental settings, at least during the Indo-Burma orogeny, if not earlier.
The Dauki fault is exposed along the southern margin of the Shilong plateau.
Evidence those support the existence of the fault are as follows:
Sudden topographic changes and high relief difference was noted within few hundred
meters. Lower elevation in Bangladesh and higher elevation in India. The present height
of the Shilong plateau is due to repeated uplift along the Dauki system of faults over a
long span of time. According to Evans (1964), the amount of structural relief on both
sides of the Dauki faults range up to 13,000 meters.
Faulting is also evidenced by the presence of fault breccias and mylonites in the fault
zone in the Sylhet Limestone.
Irregularities in the attitude of beds and the straight course of the Dauki River.
Terraces at river bank indicate major faulting.
Local Fault
The force that activated the Dauki fault also activated some other faults through which small
blocks of rocks such as the Sylhet limestone might be up thrown in to the surface but this is
merely a speculation as evidences are rare. We identified a reverse fault at Tambabil (Fig.
4.4). In fact, our studied area comprises a zone extensively affected by movement of Dauki
fault system, which is responsible for the present physiography of the area. The local faults
were evidenced by displacement of different formations.
As a consequence, joints having different orientation and extension are scatteredly available
throughout the investigated area. Generally, joints are the common features formed in more
resistant part of sandstone, siltstone and silty shale of different formations. The location of
some remarkable joints is mentioned: -
- We found dip joint, strike joint and oblique joint together at Lalakhal.
- We found very large scale joint near the Lalkhan BGB guard post.
- Large scale vertical to sub-vertical joints is found in the Sylhet limestone near the Dauki
-Highly jointed Barail sandstone is observed along the road-cut section in Sripur.
-Some inclined joints with low dip are also found in the Surma Group in Tetulghat.
-Very closely spaced parallel joints seem to be Strike joints are found in DupiTila sandstone
near the area Sharighat.
- Numerous sub vertical joints were observed in shale of Surma Group at Rangapani
Figure 40: Well-developed joints at Sharighat primary school section.
Another recognizable structural feature, unconformity is a surface of erosion or
nondeposition that separates younger strata from older strata. In the working area two types
of unconformity have been recognized.
A major unconformity exists between Barail and Surma group. Near the eastern bank
of Nayagang stream (in the north of Jaintiapur) at lat. 25 0 08/ 25.4// N and long 920 7/ 17.9// E .
It is represented by a thin band of lateritic conglomerate, as observed in the field.Laterite also
found in Najimghar. The band of laterite is of red to dark brown color and is composed of
pebbles, cobbles, granules and other ill-sorted materials. The nature of the unconformity is
non depositional i.e. the laterite might have formed by the hardening of the weathering
products of the Barail group of rocks (hematite cemented sandstone) during prolong exposure
before deposition of the Bhuban sediments. According to the field investigation it can be
categorized as disconformity. This is because the laterite band was continuous along the
contact and parallel to the strike of both of the formations.
Figure 42: Disconformity between Barail Formation and Bhutan formation exposed
Nayagonj section.
Angular Unconformity
Gravel beds overlie most of the hillocks. This gravel bed makes an unconformity with
the Barail and Surma group of sediments. The underlying beds are inclined and the recent
gravel beds are laid horizontally over it, suggest an angular unconformity. In the field such
kind of unconformity is noticed at near the dry Rangapani river section in Sripur, where the
gravel beds lie over the Barail sandstone. In the Uzaynagar village near Jaintiapur, gravel
beds are found to make angular unconformity with the Surma Group.
Figure 43: Angular unconformity at Ujaninagar section.
Local Unconformity
A local Unconformity is observed at the bank of Lalakhal (Fig. 4.13) between Tipam and Surma
group. Lithology change suggests the unconformity between these two groups. A significant gap in
sedimentation near Rangapani also suggest a local unconformity (day-4).
Hillocks are mainly small hills. We found huge hillocks. They slope very gently and made of
comparably low resistant rock such as Tipam. The cause behind this are, hillocks are high
gravitational structure. They usually face high weathering due to rain water and high gravity.
If the rock is low-resistant then the weathering rates generally high and hillocks erode. But
we also found hills which were Barail formation.
Figure 5.1: Hillocks (Tipam)
A pothole is a circular or cylindrical hole in the riverbed which is produced by force of water and
abrasion. A pothole is formed when a circular current of water carrying small pebbles and sediment
begins to wear away a rock surface. The force of water and the sediment it carries is greater than the
resistance of the rock. Once the process has begun, it continues and the rock in that location
continues to erode away. We found pothole near the Nayagang river section (Figure-42).
Point Bar:
A point bar is a depositional feature made of alluvium that accumulates on the inside bend
of streams and rivers below the slip-off slope. Point bars are found in abundance in mature
or meandering streams. They are crescent-shaped and located on the inside of a stream bend, being very
similar to, though often smaller than, towheads, or river islands. We traversed across the point bar of Shari
Figure 2: Point Bar
Meandering River
Rivers that flow over moderately sloping ground begin to bend across the landscape. Rivers
that meander are known as wandering rivers.
Meandering rivers remove silt from each meander bend's outer curve and deposit it on a
downstream inner curve. Individual meanders grow larger and larger as a result of this. The
river Nayagang is a meandering river (Figure-38).
A braided river, or braided channel, consists of a network of river channels separated by small, and often
temporary, islands called braid bars or, in British usage, aits or eyots. Braided streams occur in rivers with low
slope and/or large sediment load. Braided channels are also typical of environments that dramatically decrease
channel depth, and consequently channel velocity, such as river deltas, alluvial fans, and peneplain. Braided
rivers, as distinct from meandering rivers, occur when a threshold level of sediment load or slope is reached
whilst a steep gradient is also maintained. Geologically speaking, an increase in sediment load over time will
increase the slope of the river, so these two conditions may be considered synonymous; and, consequently, a
variation of slope can model a variation in sediment load. Rangapani river is a braided river.
A body of running water or any other moving liquid under the influence of gravity to lower levels in a
narrow, clearly defined natural channel.
Figure 5: Stream
Flood Plain:
A floodplain or flood plain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river which stretches from the
banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls and which experiences flooding during
periods of high discharge. The soils usually consist of levees, silts, and sands deposited during floods.
Levees are the heaviest materials (usually pebble-size) and they are deposited first; silts and sands
are finer materials.
General Stratigraphic Succession
Lithologic description
Stratigraphic Correlation
Stratigraphy is the study of rocks to determine the order and timing of events in Earth history: it
provides the time frame that allows us to interpret sedimentary rocks in terms of dynamic evolving
environments. The stratigraphic record of sedimentary rocks is the fundamental database for
understanding the evolution of life, plate tectonics through time and global climate change.
Table 1: Stratigraphic succession of the studied area [Paul, 1988 and field investigation]
Thickness in
Age Group Formation Lithology
Recent Alluvium Unconsolidated sand, silt and clay.
The names of the formations are established by Evans (1932) for the Tertiary successions of
Assam. Although it is difficult to correlate formations separated by hundred of kilometer
without the support of palaeontological data and also because of frequent facies changes.
Lithologic description
The oldest rock exposed in Bangladesh is Tura Sandstone of Early Eocene age in Takerghat area in
Sunamganj district in Sylhet division. But this are not found in our investigated area. The Sylhet Limestone
Formation is the oldest rock exposed in our studied area, the middle unit of the Jaintia Group of sediments.
They are overlain by, from older to younger, the Barail Group, Surma Group, Tipam Group, DupiTila and
Dihing (Sonatila Gravel) sediments.
Sylhet Limestone
The term “Sylhet limestone” as a rock unit was first used by Khan (1963).The formation is exposed on the
east bank of the Dauki River near the Bangladesh-Meghalaya border. The outcrop forms an inlier surrounded
by recent deposits and rock of the Barail group. It is the oldest (Eocene) rock of the investigated area.
The block has been subjected to severe forces which produced the crush breccia.
Slickenside preserved in Limestone. The grey, fossiliferous Limestone offers a variety of fossils from disk
shaped Discosyclina to elongate lens shaped Nummulites. The hard limestone is highly jointed and fractured
(Figure-44). The brecciated limestone occurs due to large Dauki Fault. The assemblages of dominantly large
microfossils indicate a shallow water, continental shelf zone and a clear water environment is also documented
by total lack of planktonic remains(Sarwar,1679). A fault found in our investigated area due to the Dauki fault.
Though much work had not been done in the area, the similarity of nummulites assemblage with the Eocene
of Garo Hills and Assam makes it likely that this unit is of Middle Eocene age.
Kopili Shale
The name of Kopili shale was given by Evans (1932) to the beds forming the upper stage of the Jaintia group
after the Kopili river of Garo Hill in India. It gives a minor outcrop only on the west bank of the Rangapani
River. It is dark gray to black coloured, very much fissile, thickly badded to paper laminated, highly jointed
shale. Interbedded sandstone with argillaceous matrix is present. It is conformably overlain on the Sylhet
limestone. Base of the Kopili shale is not seen. The top of the Kopili shale are exposed beside Rangapani
River in Sripur tea garden (Figure-45). It also found on the east bank of the Dauki River near the Bangladesh-
Meghalaya border. The approximate thickness is about 30m. Fossil evidence suggests that the Kopili shale is
of late Eocene age (Evans 1932).
Barail Group
The Oligocene is represented by the Barail group, named by Evans (1932) after the Barail Range in nearby
Assam, India where the unit has its type locality.
The Barail Group (Renji Formation) is well exposed in Mahishmara,Sonatila and near Sripur which is about
3.5 miles NW of Jaintiapur. Most of the exposures are covered by Holocene deposits. The Barail forms high
ridges than the adjacent SurmaGroup .The thickness found in our investigated area is about 1160m.
In the neighboring Assam Barail sediments are divided into an arenaceousLaison Formation, an argillaceous
Jenum Formation, and an arenaceousRenji Formation. In Bangladesh most of the Barail is deeply buried. A
series of outcrops in the area between Jaintiapur in the east and the DaukiNala in the west was described by
Khan (1978) as Jenum Formation. Reimann (1983) who mapped the north-eastern fringe of the Surma basin.
The river Nayagang and exposures along the Jaintiapur – Tamabil Road provide a fairly good section of the
Jenum Formation.
The Jenum Formation composed of sandstone, siltatone and siltyshale. The sandstone is mainly pink in colour
, weathered to light yellow and gray, very fine to medium grained sometimes crossbedded and thin to thick
badded Argillaceous and Ferroginous materials. The block jointed sandstone is found in many places. On the
east bank of the Dauki River near the Bangladesh-Meghalaya border the block jointed sandstone confiused
with bedding plane.
The carbonaceous matters are found in sandstone in east bank of Dauki River and in sonatila Chara.
The siltstone is light gray to yellow in colour. It is thin to thick bedded, fairly hard and compact and well
The Unconformity boundary between Bhuban and Barail group is represented by thin bands of Lateritic
Conglomerate containing which is well exposed in Nayagang river section (Figure.47) Small blocks of
Laterite are widely spreaded on the hilltops and slopes of the hillocks situated on the northern side of the
horticulture garden of the investigated area. Laterite blocks are normally formed on the surface of the iron-rich
residual deposits. It is porous, reddish brown color, has a hard protective ferruginous incrustation on the
exposed surface, which is generally irregular and rough. Sometime it is pisolitic . The pisolites have a
concentric structure and are cemented together by ferruginous and clay minerals. The vesicles of Laterite are
filled up with secondary mineral.
Figure 10: Laterite Band at Nayagang river section
On the basis of lithology this formation is corrected with that of Renji of Assam instead of Jenam which
appear to be absent in this area. In Assam, the Renji formation is considered to be of Oligocene age (Evans,
1932) on the basis of fossils.
Surma Group
The Surma Group has been named after the Surmaseires of Assam, India (Evans 1932). The sediment
of the Surma group unconformably overlies the Barail Group. Good exposures of this unit were
observed in the east of Jaintiapur and in the Shari River. The change from the Barail Group to the
Surma Group rather sharp and is marked by the decrease of the interbedded sandstone in shales
and siltstones and the general predominance of argillaceous material. The Surma Group is made up
of bedded, laminated siltstone, shale, silty shale, claystone and sandstone, mud clast found in Surma
Sandstone in Afifanagar . Although some sandy shale is also present. Shale of this unit is profusely
jointed and fractured and even small fault were observed in Tetulghat. It is also exposed near
Jaintiapur i.e. Afifanagar, Ujaninagar, Kamarbari, and East Gaurishankar. Most of the sediments are
covered by recent alluvium. The dip direction of the beds of this formation is south-west and the
amount of dip ranges from 42° to 50°. The thickness found in our investigation is about 1600m.
It is composed of yellowish gray sandstone, bluish gray shale, sandy shale, and siltstone. Sandstone
is fine to medium grained, subangular and moderately sorted. The sandstone is hard and is resistant
to weathering and forms the cliffs. It shows micro cross lamination,lamination,trough cross bedding
and wavy bedding .
The shale is bluish gray in colour and weathered to gray and yellowish gray. The shale is well
laminated, hard and jointed .TheSurma Group is generally subdivided into two formations namely
the Bhuban and the Bokabil but in the field it is difficult to distinguish between the two units and
there subdivision becomes impractical. The contact of Surma Group with the overlying Tipam
Formation is conformable. The Surma Group is overlain unconformably by Dihing Formation at
latitude 25°07/59.7//, longitude 92°07/51.1//. This is an angular unconformity.The contact between
Surma Group and Tipam Sandstone found in Afifanagar.
Tipam Group
The Tipam Group has been named after the Tipam Series (Mallet, F.R., 1876) given after the Dihing
River in Assam, India. The Tipam Group is subdivided into two formations from older to younger- the
Tipam Sandstone and the Girujan Clay.
Tipam Sandstone: The name has been used after the Tipam hills in Assam, India (Mallet 1876). The
formation constitutes the lower part of Tipam Group and is conformably overlain by Girujan Clay and
the contact found in the eastern bank of the Shari River is gradual. The river Shari gives an excellent
The top ofTipam Sandstone Formation form a conformable contact with the Girujan Clay Formation
is exposed at latitude 25°06/15.7//, longitude 92°08/54.4// in the bank of Shari River where it consists
of alternation of usually bedded to thick bedded and also laminated, fine sandstone and mudstone.
The base of Tipam Sandstone is exposed also in the Shari river bank conformably overlying the
Surma Group at the station- 9 (25°06/36.0//N latitude, 92°10/48.9//E longitude) where it consists of
brown, fine to medium grained, massive sandstone. Overall lithology of Tipam Sandstone consists of
gray-brown to pale-gray, coarse-grained, cross bedded, and massive sandstone. Intercalations of
gray shale, conglomerate horizons, pebbles, laterite bed, mud ball , wood fragments and petrified
trunks, coal lenses also occur.
Figure 12: Tipam Sandstone at Lalkhan BGB camp
Girujan Clay(?)
The top of Tipam Sandstone Formation forms a conformable contact with the Girujan Clay
Formation is exposed at latitude 25°06/15.7//, longitude 92°08/54.4// in the right bank of Shari River
where it consists of alternation of usually bedded to thick bedded and also laminated, fine
sandstone and mudstone. The formation develops conformably and gradationally from the
underlying Tipam Sandstone Formation. It entirely consists mainly of gray to bluish gray clay and
mottled clay.
The presence of Girujan clay is controversial. Many geologists think that it is not the actual Girujan
clay formation. They opine that it may be normal mottled clay that may be deposited due to tectonic
event. Evidence includes that if it was a Girujan clay formation then we should found its continuation
at the left bank of the river as we found it on the right bank of the river but we didn’t find any kind if
trace of Girujan clay at the left bank of the river.
DupiTila Sandstone
The DupiGaon is the Type locality of the DupiTila Formation. The formation is exposed latitude
25°05’49”N, longitude 92°07’04.0”E at Sharighat behind the Sharighat Primary school. The lithology
is dominantly sandstone and siltstone with interbeds of claystone. At latitude 25°05’50.8”N,
longitude 92°08’39.0”E, the bedding plane is not well defined. The lithology is dominantly fine to
coarse grained, brown to yellowish brown, cross bedded sandstone containing wood log/coal and
quartz pebbles, clay galls etc. The DupiTila Sandstone Formation conformably overlies the Girujan
Clay Formation.
Except fossil wood no other fossils are identified in DupiTila Formation. In Assam it is considered to
be Mio-Pliocene in age (Lexique, 1957).
Unconsolidated, loose material brought down by rivers and deposited in its beds of alluvial fans or
weathered material. Alluvium consists of sand, silt, clay in various proportions. River born alluvium
are mainly sand, and coarse grained material and weathered alluvium are consists mostly of clay and
silt. They cover various rock formations unconformably and of Recent in age.
Stratigraphic Correlation
Age North Eastern part of Assam Valley, India Mathur Eastern part of Bangladesh,
Surma Basin, Sylhet And Evans, 1964 Chittagong – Chittagong Hill
Group Formation Series Stage Group Formation
Holocene Alluvium Alluvium and Alluvium
high level
Late DupiTila DupiTila Upper
Miocene to Sandstone Sandstone DupiTila
Mid Lower
Miocene DupiTila
Mid Tipam Girujan Clay Tipam Girujan Clay Tipam Girujan Clay
Miocene Tipam Tipam Tipam
Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone
Early Surma Bokabil Surma Bokabil
Miocene Bhuban Bhuban
Oligocene Barail Renji Barail Jenum
Eocene Jaintia Kopili Shale Jaintia Kopili Shale
Sylhet Sylhet
Limestone Limestone
Tura Theria
(not found in
Sedimentary structure & feature
Depositional structure
Sedimentary Structures and Features:
Sedimentary structures are large-scale features of sedimentary rocks, that are best studied in out
crop in naked eye or hand lens. Different types of sedimentary structure that are encountered in the
investigated area are given below:
Depositional Structure:
(Stratification, Bed forms or Bedding plane markings)
III. Mud cracks: Shrinking cracks with polygonal structures in fine-grained sediments through
desiccation and dewatering on exposure. It was found in Shari river section.
Figure 19: Mud cracks
IV. Liesegang Ring: Liesegang rings (also called Liesegangen rings or Liesegang bands) are
colored bands of cement observed in sedimentary rocks that typically cut-across bedding.
These secondary (diagenetic) sedimentary structures exhibit bands of (authigenic) minerals
that are arranged in a regular repeating pattern. Liesegang rings are distinguishable from
other sedimentary structures by their concentric or ring-like appearance.
I. Load cast: Load is formed through differential sinking of one bed into another. Load casts
are common on soles of sandstones beds overlying mud cast, occurring as bulbons structure
and may be on the way to become ball and pillow structure found at Shari river section in
Surma group.
II. Soft rock deformation folding: The soft rock shale and mudstone be deformed in such a
way the folds, in cases overturned of penecontemporaneous type have formed.
III. Slumping: Slump structure may involved many sedimentation units are commonly faulted;
typically occur in mudstones and sandy shales, less commonly in sandstones. It is observed
in the rocks of Barail group in Tamabil area.
IV. Convolute bedding: Convolute bedding forms when complex folding and crumpling of beds
or laminations occur. This type of deformation is found in fine or silty sands, and is usually
confined to one rock layer. Convolute laminations are found in flood plain, delta, point-bar,
and intertidal-flat deposits. They generally range in size from 3 to 25 cm, but there have
been larger formations recorded as several meters thick.
Concretions: Concretions probably the most common kind of sedimentary structures, formed by
precipitation of mineral matter around some kind of nucleolus such as a shale fragment, masses
range from peripheral to pipe shaped, common in sandstones and shale. Found in Tipam sandstone,
DupiTila formation, Barailgroup etc. in different section.
Black magic: In the time of limestone deposition, heavy minerals are deposited on each beds of
Faultbreccia: At the great depth due to faulting formed angular grains powder etc. At high temperature
and pressure, it forms milonite.
Trace fossil:It is used as environmental detector. The rate of sedimentation is known form it.
1. Economic Geology
1. Economic Resources
2. Local Mining Method
Economic Geology
Economic Resources
There is no commercially exploitable deposit in the investigated area. Economically important
mineral deposits are very rare in Bangladesh. Tertiary rock of the investigated area does not possess
any economically important mineral deposits.
Sylhet Sand:
The sandstones of jenam, Tipam and Dupi Tila formation are very loosely cemented. These
sandstones do not satisfy the minimum standard requirements to be used as building materials. A
huge amount of sand is transported by the Dauki River and Rangapani River, which are being used
throughout the country as building material. This sand known as the Sylhet sand is excellent in
quality. Sylhet sand is used in tubewell construction and construction of the building.
Sylhet Limestone:
A very small faulted block of the Eocene Sylhet limestone is exposed in the investigated area at the
eastern bank of the Dauki River. The Chhatak cement factory uses Sylhet Limestone and produces
cement of excellent quality comparable to any cement of the world. This factory has quarried out all
Limestone. Now its reserve is too small to warrant further exploration.
It provides the local people with lime making and other domestic usages.
Figure 24: Sylhet Limestone
Bangladesh Atomic energy suggests that a small amount of Uranium (Ur) might be found in the
investigated area.
Quarry and quarrying, open excavation from which any of useful rock is extracted for various
purposes, including construction, ornamentation, road building and as an industrial raw material and
the operation required to obtain rock in useful form from a quarry. Rock that has been quarried is
commonly called sand and stone. Quarrying methods depend chiefly on the desired size and shape
of the desired sand or stone and its physical characteristics. For industrial use (e.g. limestone or
preparing cement), as the aggregate in concrete, for road beds, the rock is shattered. Explosives are
denoted in a series of holes drilled in the rock in a pattern designed to yield the greatest amount of
fracturing. The rock fragments may be further reduced in crushing machine and sorted according to
size by screening. For building stone rocks that do not shatter are separated by blasting, for softer
rocks or when explosive cannot be used (e.g. because they would disturb the adjacent working), a
process known as broaching or channeling is used. In this process a line of hole is drilled
perpendicular to the joints or cleavage plane of a formation, wedges are inserted into holes and
hammered until the stone is splits off.
The prominent structures of the area are a faulted anticline, a major fault named Dauki fault which
runs along the northern margin of the area and has been considered as the west ward continuation
of the Naga – Disang thrust fault system. Besides these few small scale faults, folds and local
unconformity have been identified in the area.
The investigated area consists of thick sequence of sediments from Eocene to Recent. Because of the
exposures of these sedimentary rock units this area is called the geological museum of Bangladesh.
These sediments are divided into several Groups which are from bottom to top Jaintia, Barail, Surma
and Tipam, these Group of sediments are overlained by Dupi Tila , Sonatila Gravel and alluvium. The
principal rock types are limestone, sandstone, siltstone, shale, and conglomerate. Fossils are found
only in the Sylhet limestone. The total thickness of these rock units are about 4110 meters. The
depositional environment of these rocks is shallow marine, marine, fluvial and lacustrine.
As a new department we have limitations like not having enough equipment, enough funding etc.
Four (4) day for the investigation is not enough.
Although with these limitations our field trip was very enjoyable and educative. The support and
guidance that our teacher gave us are highly appreciable. Our department should increase modern
tool and equipments facilities, base map should be modernized.
- Evans , P. (1964): The tectonic frame work of Assam, Geol. soc. India, Jour; vol.5, pp – 80 – 85. -
Alam, M.M. et al (2003): An overview of the sedimentary geology of the Bengal Basin in relation to
the regional tectonics and Basin fill history, Sedimentary Geology, 155, pp 227-270.
- Khan, M.A (1978): Geology of the eastern and north eastern part of sadar subdivision Sylhet district
in Bangladesh. Record of G. S. B. vol.2, part-iv.
- Wallid, K. M. (1982) : Paleostratigraphy of the Tertiary Sediments as Exposed along the Jaflong
Tamabil road cut section in Sylhet district, Bang. Unpublished M. Sc. Thesis, Geology Dept. Dhaka
University. - - -