Digital Document Execution: Made Simple
Digital Document Execution: Made Simple
Digital Document Execution: Made Simple
Current Workflow for executing contracts
NeSL DDE: Features
Customer visiting Bank Branch for loan Customer not visiting Bank Branch but willing
documentation through DDE to execute DDE through any remote location
DDE – 4 easy steps to complete the loan
DDE –Branch Checklist
DDE –Transaction Demo
The page gets redirected to the e-sign consent page. The client/signatory
can accept the consent by selecting the checkbox and click on Esign button
Step V- E-sign using Aadhaar OTP
Customer is
Upon entering
taken through
the correct OTP, Hash of the
the E-sign page
The signatory The OTP gets the loan signed document
of the E-sign
enters Aadhaar triggered to the agreement gets CDAC site will be will be
no and clicks on mobile number digitally signed redirected to the maintained at
Provider’s portal
OTP link on the linked to the and the UBI Portal NeSL for any
(C-DAC in this
ESP page Aadhaar number signatory can proof/evidence
case) for
download the of execution
based E-sign
Step VI- Completion of DDE
For successful
The status of the
transaction, the User can download
transaction will
downloadable URL the executed Digital
come as Success or
will come on the Document
Co-Obligant documentation online
Click on
After Debtor successfully e-signs the link
document, co-obligant or other parties
.(NOTE : Do not copy and open in new
to the contract will get email to e-sign
the same document tab).The loan agreement that is signed
by the Debtor will be shown.
Co-Obligant documentation online
Upon clicking on “I AGREE” button, the Co-obligant is taken through the E-sign page of the ESP (C-DAC )
page gets redirected to the e-sign for Aadhaar-OTP based E-sign. The signatory enters Aadhaar no
consent page. and clicks on OTP link on the ESP page. The OTP gets triggered to
the mobile number linked to the Aadhaar number. Upon
The e-Sign consent can be accepted by
entering the correct OTP, the loan agreement gets digitally
selecting the checkbox.
signed and the signatory can download the document
Co-Obligant documentation online
CDAC site will be redirected to the UBI Portal. The status of the transaction will come as Success or Failure. If the
transaction is successful then the downloadable URL will come in the screen for the user to download the Digital
Document executed.
Guarantor documentation online
The Guarantor will have to click on the link
After Co-obligant successfully esigns the link .(NOTE : Do not copy
document, An email invitation will be
and open in new tab) .
sent to the Guarantor to esign the loan
agreement. The page gets redirected to the loan agreement pertaining to
the Guarantor.
Guarantor documentation online
Upon click of the ‘I AGREE’ link, an eStamp message will Upon click of the “Next” button, the loan agreement pertaining
be shown. to the Guarantor will get e-stamped and the eStamped loan
agreement will be shown.
Guarantor documentation online
Upon clicking on “I AGREE” button, the page gets
redirected to the e-sign consent page. Then the page gets redirected to Esign service provider
page (C-DAC Page) for Aadhar-OTP based E-sign.
The eSign consent can be accepted by selecting the
Guarantor documentation online
The signatory will have to enter the Aadhaar no and the click on get OTP link on the ESP
page. The OTP gets triggered to the mobile number linked to the Aadhaar number. Upon
entering the correct OTP, the loan agreement gets digitally signed and the signatory can
download the document.
After successful authentication, the digitally signed loan agreement will be generated and
will be available for download.
Face to Face Transaction-Customer visiting
The workflow is similar to Non face to face except that the branch user/authorized users of the bank will be
able to complete this at one go in front of the debtor.
Face to Face Transaction-Customer visiting
Downloading e sign documents
The documents executed by the Borrower, Co-obligant and Guarantor can be downloaded by the Branch users in
the UBI NeSL DDE portal.
❖ Branch user will click on download e-sign document tab .
❖ Screen will appear where user need to put the Loan Account Number , Loan Documents Execution date and
choose whether the document to be downloaded is for Debtor/Co-obligant /Guarantor.
Stamp Duty Collection from Customer
- Bank shall determine and collect stamp duty upfront from the customer prior to the initiation of the DDE
work flow
- Bank may facilitate collection of stamp duty through Branch or Electronic Channels (Payment gateway
mode/ U-Mobile)
- Refund Permitted only in case of funds not remitted to SHCIL accounts
- (For any credit entry in NeSL DDE-Stamp duty pool A/C narrative statement to be captured with loan
sanction reference number and state eg: Stamp duty for 3300001249 RAJ)
Thank You