Law No - 13 - of The Year 2000

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State of Qatar

Ministry of Economy and Commerce

Law No. (13) of the year 2000 on

Organization of Foreign Capital Investment
in the Economic Activity.

Law No: (13) of the year 2000 on organization of Foreign
Capital Investment in the Economic Activity.

We, Jassim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, Deputy Emir of the State of Qatar,

Having due regard to the Amended Interim Provisional Constitution,

particularly, Articles No. (22), (23), (34), and (51) there of, and

Commercial Companies Law promulgated by Law No. (11) of the

year 1981, amended by Law No.(9) of the year 1998, and, Customs
Law promulgated by Law No. (5) of the year 1988 and Laws
amending that, and,

Law Decree No.(25) of the year 1990 on organization of non-Qatari

Capital Investment in the economic activity, amended by Law
No.(9) of the year 1995, and Law Decree No.(11) of the year 1993
concerning Income tax, and

Law Decree No.(22) of the year 1993 on organization of Ministry of

Economy and Commerce and prescription of its mandates, and the
proposal submitted by Minister of Finance, Economy and Commerce,
the draft Law submitted by the Cabinet, and having consulted the
Advisory Council, have decided the following Law:


Article (1)

In application of this Law, the following terms and expressions shall

have the meaning shown opposite to each unless the text requires

Ministry : Ministry of Finance, Economy, and Commerce

Minister : Minister of Finance, Economy, and Commerce

Foreign Investors : Non-Qatari’s whether they are natural or

judicial who invest their money in any of the projects in which
direct investment is permitted by the State in accordance with
provisions of this Law.

Foreign Invested Capital:

Cash, in kind money or rights in rem foreign Investors Invest in the
State of Qatar including :

1. Funds transferred to the State (Qatar) through Licensed

banks and Financial companies.

2. It is prohibited for Foreign investment mention in items (1)

and (2) above, to invest in banks and insurance companies as
well as commercial agency rights and trading in real estate.

3. Corporeal assets imported for Investment purposes in

accordance with provisions of this Law.

4. Profits, revenues and reserves generated from Foreign capital

Investment in a project where by project capital has been
increased or if invest in any of the permitted projects in
accordance with provisions of this Law.

5. Rights in rem such Licenses, patent right and trade marks

registered in the State (Qatar).

Foreign Capital Investment

Article (2)

1- Subject to provisions of item “3” of this article Foreign

Investors may invest in all sectors of national economy
provided that they shall have Qatari partner(s) whose share
in the capital shall not be less than 51 % and the company is
Legally established in accordance with provisions of law.

2- Nevertheless, Foreign investors may, upon Minister’s

decision, increase their share in project capital from 49% up
to 100 % in the fields of agriculture, industry, health,
education, tourism, development and exploitation of natural
resources, energy or mining provided that such projects
match with Development plan of the State (Qatar) and due
preference shall be given to projects that would achieve the
optimal utilization of domestic raw materials, export
industries, or project that would present a new product or in
which modern technology is used, in addition to projects
that seek to locate worldwide leading industry or develop
and qualify national cadre.

3- It is prohibited for Foreign investment mention in items (1)

and (2) above, to invest in banks and insurance companies
as well as commercial agency rights and trading in real

Article (3)

The Minister may, after consultation with concerned authority,

license Foreign companies engaged in work contracts in the
State to implement their contracts if that facilitates delivery of a
certain service or for the public interest.

Article (4)

Unless otherwise specifically stated in this Law, foreign investor

desiring to obtain license stipulated for practicing any of the
activities in which investment is permitted, such license. Shall be
given in accordance with provisions of laws in force in the State
in respect to intended business.

Investment Incentives

Article (5)_

A piece of land may be allotted to the foreign investor to set up his

investment project on a long term lease contract for a period not
exceeding 50 years renewable.

Article (6)

Foreign investor has the right to import whatever he needs for the
establishment, operation or expansion of his project in accordance
with laws applicable in the state.

Article (7)

The Ministry may :

1- Exempt the foreign capital invested in the fields stated in

Article (2) here of, from the Income Tax for a period not
exceeding ten years effective from Investment project
commissioning date.

2- Exempt Foreign investment projects from custom’s taxes in
respect to machinery and equipment imported for projects
set-up .

3- Grant foreign investment industrial projects, customs

exemption on imported rows materials and half-
manufactured materials, not available in local markets,
necessary for production purposes.


1- Foreign investment shall in either directly nor indirectly, be

subject to expropriation or any other similar procedures
unless such measures are for public welfare and implements
in a non-discriminating way, against a prompt and reasonable
compensation in accordance with legal procedures and
general principles stated in item 2of this Article.

2- Compensation shall be equal to actual economic value

expropriated investment at time of expropriation or
announcement of the same. Compensation shall be estimated
in accordance with a normal economic situation or precedent
to any notification on expropriation of investment.
Compensation shall be paid with immediate effect and shall
be transferable at any time. Upto settlement of
compensation, an interest shall be calculated for the same in
accordance with interest rate prevailing in the state.

Article (9)

1- Foreign Investors shall have the right to bank for all

amounts relevant to their investment from 1 to any external
destination without any delay. Transfers shall include

a- Investment revenues.

b- Amounts generated from partial or entire sale or
liquidation of investment.
c- Amounts resulting from settlement of investment
d- Compensation stated in Article (8) hereof.

2- Money transfers can be executed in any exchangeable

currency at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of

Article (10)

Foreign investor shall have the right to transfer his investment

ownership to any other foreign or natural investor or to assign
ownership to his local partner in case of partnership provided such
arraignment or transfer shall be effected in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations.

In these cases, treatment of investment shall continue in

accordance with provisions of this law provided that the new
investor shall have to keep the project running and shall replace
the farmer investor in respect to liabilities and obligations.

Article (11)

It may be agreed to solve any dispute arising between the investor

and any other party through Local or international arbitration

General provisions

Article (12)

Provisions of this law shall not be applicable to

1- Companies and individuals assigned by the state to mine,
exploit, or manage the natural resources under special lien or
agreement insomuch as this shall not be in contradiction with
stipulations of provisions of Lien contract or the special

2- Companies founded by or shared by government and other

public institutions and authorities in association with foreign
investors , in accordance with Article (90) of above
referenced Commercial Companies Law.

Article (13)

Foreign Investor shall keep the environment safe against

pollution and shall adhere to laws, regulations and instructions
relevant to security and public health. He is also required not to
engage in any acts affecting State’s public Order and morals in


Provisions of this law shall not prejudice any customs privileges and
exemptions or any other warranties or incentives given to any
companies and institutions existing when this law comes into force.
These companies and institutions shall keep enjoying such
privileges, exemptions, warranties, and incentives in accordance
with the regulations, agreements, and contracts they emanate

Penalties and Closing Provisions

Article (15)

Ministry shall notify the foreign investor in the event that he

breaches any of the provisions hereof, who, in turn, shall have to
rectify the breach within a period not exceeding 3 months effective
from date of notice.

Article (16)

Without prejudice to any other severer penalty stipulated by any

other law, any foreign investor carrying out an economic activity
that is in breach of this law, shall be subject to a fine not less than
Q.R. 50,000 / - and not exceeding Q.R. 100,000 / - Any citizen who
engages with the foreigner in such illegal activity shall be subject to
the same penalty.

Article (17)

Ministry technical staff designated by minister shall have the

capacity of judicial police in seizing and proving crimes committed in
violation of provisions of this law and its respective executive
decisions. To achieve that end, Ministry shall have access to shops
and institutions subjected to this law in order to inspect and review
their documents and records .

Article (18)

Law Decree No.(25) of the year 1990 is hereby revoked in addition

to any other provision contradicting provisions of this law.

Article (19)

Minister shall issue by laws and decisions needed for the

implementation of provisions of this Law including determination of
relevant fees.

Article (20)

All competent parties, each within its competence shall execute this
law which shall come into force on the date on which it is published
in the official Gazette.

Jasim Bin Hamad Al – Thani

Deputy Emir of the state of Qatar

Issued at Emir Divan on 19 /7 /1421 A.H

Corresponding to 16 / 10 /2000. A.D


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