Upgrading Ammonia Plant ESD System
Upgrading Ammonia Plant ESD System
Upgrading Ammonia Plant ESD System
Introduction to Engro Chemical of aligning itself with DuPont Safety Resources. Earlier
it used to follow Exxon systems. The TRIR (Total Re-
The site was setup in 1965 after discovery of vast re- The Company's original plant was commissioned
sources of natural gas in vicinity and was named as on December 4, 1968, and since then, except for short
Esso Chemical Pakistan, which was later named as maintenance shutdowns, the plant has been in continu-
Exxon Chemical Pakistan. In 1991 Exxon decided to ous operation. The initial capacity was increased from
divest its equity from global fertilizer manufacturing. 173,000 to 268,000 tons per annum till 1993.
At that time Pakistan based employees of Exxon along
with reputable international investors decided to pur- In 1993, Engro relocated Bechtel design Ammonia
chase major share holding. Exxon’s patent of “Engro” and a TOYO Total Recycle Urea plants from USA and
was also a part of the deal. We elaborate the name En- UK respectively and increased its capacity to 600,000
gro as Energy for Growth. tons per year. In 1995, the capacity was expanded to
750,000 tons per year. In 1998 urea production capacity
The company gives highest value to Safety and be- was increased from 750,000 to 850,000 tons along with
lieves that first dimension of growth is Safe Operations an overall energy efficiency of 7%. Further to this other
of all business activities and is currently in the process projects were implemented which have increased en-
Engro place safety ahead of all its business activi- An ammonia plant is classified as a High Hazard-
ties, therefore along with capacity expansions it was felt ous Industry by OSHA guidelines. Major reasons are
necessary to improve the plant’s control and trip sys- handling of extremely flammable hydrogen and highly
tems. The relocated plants had old pneumatic instru- toxic ammonia. Engro’s ammonia plant uses steam re-
mentation, which had number of reliability issues apart forming process identical to the Haber process for
from being obsolete. With both the control and trip sys- manufacturing ammonia.
tems the risk associated with continued operation were
high. The ultimate risk with control could be downtime The furnace, compressors, gas turbine, steam tur-
but for trip systems it can be a disaster. bines, absorption/de-sorption and catalytic conversion
are the major process units. Each unit has its own safety
In the relocated plants many independent trip and business associated risks. Identification of hazards
valves (Exxon Safety requirement) were missing i.e. is the first element followed by its potential/ probability
control valves were sharing the purpose as trip valves of occurrence with ultimate assignment of the appropri-
as well. New trip valves were provided before commis- ate risk classification. Normally the hazards are classi-
sioning. Additionally many interlocks were still not fied for potential safety threat or potential business
provided at the time of relocation. threat. The technique used for process hazard analysis
can be HAZOP, HAZAN, PHA or pure common sense
In 1995, after bitter experiences of secondary re- thru brain storming sessions. Essentially the skill level
former effluent waste heat boiler failure’s it was felt of multidiscipline team and its training to carry out a
necessary to reduce human dependence i.e. to improve perfect job is key to proper hazard identification which
interlocks and provide highly reliable automatic fail will become basis for all future work.
safe shutdown coverage. As increasing interlocking on
ob-solescent pneumatic systems was a nightmare, a In Engro a simple matrix was developed initially to
deci-sion was made to invest in the field of automation identify potential hazards based on brain storming ses-
and control. sions of knowledgeable individuals. This matrix then
became the base line document. Further more for quan-
A road map was developed which included control tification purposes the HAZOP technique based on
system as well as trip system upgrading in phases. Con- Exxon’s guidelines was used to expand the trip securi-
trols were shifted to the already installed Honeywell ties horizon.
Micro TDC system, which was upgraded further to han-
dle increased requirements of the ammonia plant. For One such matrix is shown in Figure-1 which covers
the Urea plants the Elsag Bailey Infi-90 was adopted the ammonia plant furnace only.
for the control system. As Process Safety Management
systems followed by Engro requires independent trip
system, regardless of electrical isolation therefore for Human factor & requirement of a shutdown
the trip system of ammonia plant, an ABB August TMR system
system was purchased. The improvement of the trip
system was divided in three major phases for ease of 1. 1 The time required to respond to an emer-
implementation. Two of these phases have been imple- gency may be insufficient for human reac-
mented in 1998 and 2002. The third one is planned for tion
A serious shortcoming was that the health of system The conversion from pneumatic hardware to elec-
was not known on-line. A failure of one or more de- tronic had histories of learning. Although a good
vices/pinching of tube in huge logic gate circuit could change, it had the potential to go wrong. This can be at-
have remained un-noticed resulting in failure of the sys- tributed to wrongly selected hardware, wrongly con-
tem to perform when it was required. This aspect be- figured software and many more possibilities. Another
came another basis for an elaborate automatic shut- thing of consideration was the operability and mainte-
down system with self diagnostic features. nance requirements. Training of individuals becomes
the most important point. Pneumatic systems are always
good w.r.t. to training due to trace-ability. However,
electronic systems are difficult w.r.t. to taggings and
Modern trip systems trace-ability.
In the modern era computers have become powerful Owing to the opportunity of change over, there was
enough to be used in high reliable services. As per ISA the opportunity to include new securities as mentioned
guideline S84-01 such trip systems which are the last above.
Interlocking was also suggested as additional pro- In Engro we used below mentioned strategy to de-
tection. A good trip system is essential for mitigation of velop an automatic trip system. The steps followed for
hazard, however it is imperative to avoid these hazard its development were
in first phase. 1. Development of appropriate team of opera-
tions, process and instrument engineers
2. Identification of potential hazards and their
Avoiding potential Hazards through im-proved ap-propriate classification based on brain
control storming ses-sions/HAZOP & PHA tech-
In an operating plant hazards are caused by either 3. Human factor study w.r.t. judgement and
mechanical reasons, loss of proper control or human er- time available to respond
ror. A number of these hazards can be minimized by se- 4. Suggestions for addition or deletion of se-
lection of proper control system. A control system may curities based on own experience and in-
fail itself to create nuisance tripping thru trip system, dustrial networking
which may be considered as inherently more safer. 5. Improvement of control system to avoid a
However failure can also cause the control system to par-ticular event
move the process away from trip protection. 6. Consideration of physical constraints of an
old plant, especially w.r.t. drilling new
In Engro the approach taken was to eliminate the holes for new sen-sors in old vessels
cause which could lead to a potential hazardous event. 7. Time delays in trip security actuation to
Plant trip history data was used to analyze the operating avoid nuisance trips. A minimum of 0.5
data of over 10 years of operation in Daharki. Based on seconds time delay is adopted even if proc-
this database, certain strategies were developed and ess simulations do not allow for more time
shared with management after industrial networking as delay. This is adopted to avoid nuisance
well. trip-ping due to noise.
8. Interlocks and bypasses
This became the basis to improve the hardware for 9. Development of one-line diagram for im-
the control system especially on sensors part. The syn- plemen-tation in phases
thesis compressor seal oil bottles and the ammonia
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 5