2nd Year - BS Electronics Engineering Philosophical Anthropology (PHIN102)
2nd Year - BS Electronics Engineering Philosophical Anthropology (PHIN102)
2nd Year - BS Electronics Engineering Philosophical Anthropology (PHIN102)
2nd Year - BS Electronics Engineering
Philosophical Anthropology (PHIN102)
Instructions: Choose three (3) questions from pages 160 - 161 of our textbook Roots
of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions (Sixth Edition) by Helen Buss
Answer the questions in not less than five (5) sentences each.
1. What if your mother became your father or your father became your
mother through transsexual surgery. Could you continue to accept loving
parenting even if the external appearance of your parents changed?
Assume that the personality and approach of your parents will not
change, only his or her appearance and social role.