Exercise No. 7

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Exercise No.

: T
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
The vigorous attempt was realized by
the Education commissio n (rg64-66J to establish
institution to provide vocational education in a specialized
agriculture and allied fields at the pre and post
levels to cater to the training needs matriculation
of a large number of boys and girls coming from
recommendation of Education commission rural areas. The
was thoroughly discussed during lgoo-tgzzassociating
the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, planning
commission, ICAR and other institutions.
Finally' the Indian council of Agricultural
Research 0cAR) mooted the idea of establishing
Kendra fFarm Science centre) as innovative Krishi Vigyan
institutions for imparting vocational training
and field level extension functionaries. to the farmers
As a result of this, in igzE a committee
singh Mehta of seva Mandil udaipur headed by Dr. Mohan
fRajasthan) was constituted and based on its report in L974it
decided to have Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) was
as Farm science centers for speedy transfer
to the farmer's fields. of technorogy

The first K V K was establishe d in 1'97

4at Pondicherry under the administrative
Agricultural university, coimbatore. In Gujarat control of the Tamilnadu
1.t KVK was established in Deesa during
working nowadays under the administrative L976 which is
control of .the SDAU, sardarkrushinagar. At present
695 KVKs fas on 3L't December 2018) including total
33 KVKs of Gujarat are established and functioning
the country. in
Science and technology-led growth leading
to enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability
agriculture. of
Farmer centric growth in agriculture and
allied sectors through application of appropriate
in specific agro-ecosystem perspective. technologies

The Mandate of the KVK,s is

technologvassessmentand demonstration
;:;ffi:#"rliffiI5lKis forits apprication and capaciry

It includes
1-' Conducting on-farm testing to ident rfy
the location specificity of agricultural technologies
various farming systems. under
2. organ izing frontline demonstrations
to establish production potential of various crops and
enterprises on the farmers' fields.
3' organizing training for capacity development
of farmers and field extension personnel
in the frontier areas of technology development, to orient them

4' creating awareness about improved technologils to larger masses through appropriate extension
5. Work
11'dr resource
vv('t as r csuurce and knowled
ano Knowleclge
center of agricultural technology for supporting
private and voluntary sector for improving initiatives of public,
the agricultural economy of the district.
6' Production and supply of good quality seeds.and planting materiars,
livestock, poultry and fisheries
breeds and products and various bio-producis
to th" fa.ming community.
1' To demonstrate the latest agricultural
technologies to the farmers as well as the extension
of the state Department of Agricult ure workers
/ Non-Glvernmental organizations with a view to
the time-leg between the technorogy generation reducing
and its adoption
2. To test and veri8/ the technologies in
the socio-economic condition of the farmers
producti on constraints and identi$ring the

3' To getfirst-hand scientific feedback from the fields and

passing it to the research system in order
keep the scientists abreast with the performance to
of the technologies and the farming problems,
that they re-orient their research, education so
and training programme accordingly
4' To impart training to the farmers, farmwomen,
rural youth and field level extension functionaries
following the principres of "Teaching by doing,, by
and ,,Learning by doing,,
5' To provide training and communication support to the line
department of the State/NGOs
6. To develop extension models to be
adopted bygeneral extension system forlarge
scale multiplications.
7. organ izing farm science clubs in rural areas
for young farmers
8' Developing and maintaining demonstration
units on KVK farm in scientific lines
Activities of lftishi Vigyan Kendra
Based on mandate, the folrowing activities
are performed by the KVKs.
L. On farm testing.

2. Front line demonstrations.

3. vocational training of practicing farmers, farm women ahd rural
4. In service training of extension functionaries.
5. Serve as knowledge center in the district.
6. Farm advisory other extension
The above said activities are performed every
year by the Krishi vigyan Kendra, through
six disciplines viz" Extension Education, Agronomy, specialist of
Horticulture, Flant protection, Animal science,
Agriculture Engineering (the specialist can be
chanted as per location specific need), which
relevant taking into consideration national are most
,"rou..", and infrastructure facilities of the district.
Features of lGishi Vigran Kendra
1 Powerful technical support
2 Real experience as training
3 Need based training courses

4 Flexibility with farmers

5 Concept of integrated training
6 Real field oriented course content

7 Specific area of operation

8 Informal training without certificate or diploma
9 Powerful institutional linkage
10 Practical training
LL Frequent follow up measures
L2 Training interaction and reporting system
13 Impact study of the trainings, demonstrations and all extension activities
Organization of KVK
The project is sponsored by the ICAR and implemented by its Research Institutes, State Agricultural
Universities (SAUs), NGOs and State Department of Agriculture. In selecting host institutions preference
is given to institutions/agencies having agriculture base and experience of rural development and
Research Scientiest
The KVK is headed by a Senior Scientist of the rank of an Associate Professor with sufficient field
experience in the field of agricultural extension or agronomy. The head is supported by scientists (Training
Associate) in field of Extension, Agronomy, Horticulture, Home science, Agricultural engineering, Animal
science, Soil science, Fisheries, Plant protection etc. (according to regional requirement). The head is
also supported with three technical staff designated as TrainingAssistant
fComputer programme4, Farm
Manager & Assistant Training)
The Local Management Committee, which is now renamed as Scientific Advisory Committee in each
KVK, is an important instrument of management. This committee is devoted to constantly review
progress of the KVK, provide guidance for organizing training programmes and follow-up extension
activities and redress, whereas possible. This is strong mechanism for ftrnctional linkage with other
sister organizations/institutions.
Chairman of SAC: Head of the host institute
Other Members of SAC: DEE, Director ATARI, Representative ICAR institute, Associate Director of
Research of the zone, District officers of the line departmentq, Representative of NABARD and Lead
District information officec farmer's representatives among which one should be woman farmers.
Manpower in KVK
At present, there are 1-0 SMSs (recommended to be re-designated as Research Scientists), each one taking
care of one subjectmatterarea. The KVKs have to provide multidisciplinaryandbroadbasedtechnological
interventions to enable farmers to manage their fdrm in a sustainable and integrated mannel which
demands enhanced manpower not only in terms of number
but also covering the most important subject
matter areas relevant to the district. with ever-growing nature
and quantum of workload of each KVK,
the existing six sMSs are finding it difficult to cope up *ittr
their responsibilities. Therefore, as per new
KVK guideline of ICAR recommended that four additional
posts of SMSs (scientistsJ should be created in
each KVK' thus, increasing the number of SMSs to 10
and also recommended that the total staff strength
for each KVK shoul dbe 22 as against L6 at present.

Agrrculturural rechnology Application Research Instirute (ATARI)

Director*te *ducation (DEE)

xvri ',

Senior Scicntist and Hcsd

Horticulture Animal

Organizational Structure of KVK

KVK- Farm science Centre

Techn ol o g_v- Ad ap t a ti on
(Iechnology assessment and Clapncity Development Knowledge alrd Resoru.ce Clentr.e
(frarnrng of stakeholder) (Inform ati on access, advrsory serui ces, techn ol ogy

Su stirin ab| e Agl.i cultru.rrl Devel oprn err t

(Laarnrng, application of technorogies, livehhoods
of farmcrs)

Functional structutr of KVK

Zonal KyKand Head office
I(4shi Vigyan Kendras
No. of I(VKs
ATARI, Zone I, Ludhiana
ATARI, Zong II, |odhpur
ATARI, Zone III, Kanpur
ATARI, Zone IV Patna
ATARI, Zone V Kolkata
ATARI, Zone VI, Guwahati
ATARI, Zong!I, Barapani
ATARI, Zone VIII, pune

4I4&l ,Zone IX, fabalpur

ATARI, Zone X, Hyderabad
ATARI ,ZoDE XI, Bengaluru i

KVKs of Guiarat come underATARI, ZoneVIII, Pune

Address of Krishi Vigyan Kendras Host Organization Year of ti

Guiarat f30
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Director;
Village Sanosara, Lokbharati Gramvidyapith, 20a9
Distt. Bhavnagar- 3 64230 PO. Sansora, Taluka Sihoc
Distt. Bhavnagar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kodinar Directorl
Taluka Kodinar; Ambuja Cement Foundation, 2007
Distt. |unagadh- 3627 Is 248, Okhla Industrial Estate, NGO
Phase-lll, New Delhi -i,L0020
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navsari Vice-Chancellor,
NAU CampuS, Navsari Agri cultural University,
Distt. Navsari-3 g6 450 Navsari- 3 9 645 0, Guiarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Seed Multiplication Farrn, Vice-Chancellor, j

Navsari Agri cultural University, 2006

Navsari-3 9 645 0, Gujarat SAU
Distt. Narmada-393 040
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chanmcellor,
NanakanthasaL Ta. - Ch otila, 20a5
f unagadh Agricultural Universtiy,
Distt. Surendranagar- 3 63520 unagadh- 362 001 fGuiarar SAU
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chancellor;
Dethali, Ta. Matar Gujrat Vidyapeeth,
Distt. Kheda-3 7BZI0 Ahmedabad -3BZ 620
Krishi vigyan Kendra, Pan.I."har
[crAH) Director
Vejalpur Ta. Godhara Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, 2 005
Distt. Panchmahal-38 9340 Bikanert Rajasthan ICAR
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Mehsana District Education Foundation,
piq!!.Vlghsana- 3B 27 II Khera, Mehsana
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chancelloc
Khedbrahma, Sardarkrus h inagar Dantiwada
Distt. Sabarkantha-3 B3 2 5 s
Agricultural Univesity, S. K. Nagar
Distt, Banaskantha, Guiarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice Chancellor
Anand Agricultural University,
Distt. Ahernedaba d-3BZ 230
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chancelloc
Regional Rice Research Statior, vyara, 20a4
Navsari Agri cultural University,
Distt. Tapi .39 4650
Navsari, Guiarat SAU
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Agril. Research Farm, Vice-Chanmcellor,
Keria Road, f unagadh Agri curturar Universtiy, 2004
Distt. Amreli -365601 f unagadh -362 001 [GujaratJ SAU
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Main Dry Farming Research station, Vice-Chanmcellor;
Targhadia, f unagadh Agri cultural Universtiy, 2004
Distt. Raikot-60003 f unagadh -362 00 j. (Gujarat) SAU
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chanmcelloc
Air Force Road,
|unagadh Agri cultural Universtiy,
Diqlt Iamnasar -361006 unagadh-362 001 fGuiarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
f unagadh Agri curturar universtiy,
Distt. Porbandar-360 57 g
unagadh- 362 001 fGuiarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Po - Chaswad, Ta.Valiya,
Bhart iyaAgro Industries Foundatior,
Distt. Bharuch-393130
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, President,
Gola Gamdi, pO-Bahadarpur;
Mangal Bharti Bahadurpuc
Distt. Vadodara- 39 LLZ1
Baroda-3 9L1,Zs
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Ta. Kaparada,
Gujrat Vidyapeeth,
Distt. Valsad-3 g6LgI
Ahmedabad -3BZ 620
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ambheti Director,
Samo da, Ganwada Tal. Sidhpur;
Sarswati Gram Vidyapeeth
Distt. Patan -38413 0
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chairman,
20. Ta. Mundra, PO. Sadau, Rural Agro. Research & Development
Distt. Kuchchh-370 42L Societv, Iuhu, Bombay
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ViceChancellor
2L. Anand Devataj Sojitra Anand Agricultural University,
Distt. Anand-3 87240 Anand
Krishji Vigyan Kendra Vice-Chancellor;
22. Waghai, Navsari Agricultural University,
Distt. Dang -39047 0 Navsari, Gujarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chancellor;
23. Randheja, Gujrat Vidyapeeth,
Distt. Gandhinagar- 382620 Ahmedabad-39? 620
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Sardarkrus hinagar D antiwada L97 6
24. Deesa,
Agricultural University, S. K. Nagar SAU
Distt. Banaskantha-385 53 5
Distt. Banaskantha, Guiarat.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vice-Chancellor
L97 6
25. Devgarh Baria, Anand Agricultural Univers ity,
Distt. Dahod-389380 Anand
Krishi Vigyan Kendra ICAR
Central Ari dZone Reserch
26. RRS Kukma, Bhuj
Insttitute (l CAR) L6 /rr /2010
Distt.- Kutch (Gujarat) -37 0105
lodhpur- 3 420 0 5 [Raj asthan)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, The Vice Chancellor
L3 /L0 /20LL
27. Cotton Research Station, Athwaline Navsari Agricultural University,
Distt. Surat -395007 Navsari - 396 450 fGujarat)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra The Vice Chancelloc
28, TDS Farm, Pipalia, Ta. - Dhoraji, f unagadh Agricultural University,
Distt. - Rajkot (Gujarat) -3604L0 |unagadh- 362 00 1 [Gujarat)
The Vice Chancellor;
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwara ICAR
29. Distt. - Banaskantha L2/03/201s
Agricultural Univesity, S.K.N agar
(Gujarat) - 385535
Distt. Banaskantha, Gujarat.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra The Vice Chancellor; ICAR

Distt. - Morbi (Gujarat) -363642 IAU,|unagarh, Gujarat LB /L0 /20L6
Study Question :

L. Collect, analyse and interpret information

Visit schedule of KVK

Name: Year established
1,. Name of the Head of KVK with Designation?
2. Educational qualification of Head?
3. From how many year the charge of KVK is held?
4. f urisdiction of working of KVK?
5. Area of KVK farm:
6. Demonstration units on KVK farm
Sr.No Demonstration unit Area

7. Which Mandated activities are carried out last years? Give the numbers.
Sr. No Activity No. Number of Participant
L Front line Demonstration
2 On farm Testing
3 Vocational Training
4 Extension Training
5 Of campus training

6 On Campus training
7 Sponsored training
8. Which Extension activities are carried out last years? Give the numbers.
Sr. No Activity No, Number of Participant
T Kisan Gosthi
2 Field Day
3 Krishi Mela
4 Technology Week
5 Group Discussion

6 Diagnostic Visit
7 Scientist visit to farmers field
B Telephonic Guidance
9. How many projects run in KVK?

L0. Feedback received form the farmers lastyear?

11. Which are the salient achievement of your KVK any five?

2 I

L2. Which constraints confined the activities of KVK?


2 a

L3. What are your suggestions to make KVK more effective?



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