Exercise No. 7
Exercise No. 7
Exercise No. 7
: T
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
The vigorous attempt was realized by
the Education commissio n (rg64-66J to establish
institution to provide vocational education in a specialized
agriculture and allied fields at the pre and post
levels to cater to the training needs matriculation
of a large number of boys and girls coming from
recommendation of Education commission rural areas. The
was thoroughly discussed during lgoo-tgzzassociating
the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, planning
commission, ICAR and other institutions.
Finally' the Indian council of Agricultural
Research 0cAR) mooted the idea of establishing
Kendra fFarm Science centre) as innovative Krishi Vigyan
institutions for imparting vocational training
and field level extension functionaries. to the farmers
As a result of this, in igzE a committee
singh Mehta of seva Mandil udaipur headed by Dr. Mohan
fRajasthan) was constituted and based on its report in L974it
decided to have Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) was
as Farm science centers for speedy transfer
to the farmer's fields. of technorogy
technologvassessmentand demonstration
;:;ffi:#"rliffiI5lKis forits apprication and capaciry
It includes
1-' Conducting on-farm testing to ident rfy
the location specificity of agricultural technologies
various farming systems. under
2. organ izing frontline demonstrations
to establish production potential of various crops and
enterprises on the farmers' fields.
3' organizing training for capacity development
of farmers and field extension personnel
in the frontier areas of technology development, to orient them
4' creating awareness about improved technologils to larger masses through appropriate extension
5. Work
11'dr resource
vv('t as r csuurce and knowled
ano Knowleclge
center of agricultural technology for supporting
private and voluntary sector for improving initiatives of public,
the agricultural economy of the district.
6' Production and supply of good quality seeds.and planting materiars,
livestock, poultry and fisheries
breeds and products and various bio-producis
to th" fa.ming community.
1' To demonstrate the latest agricultural
technologies to the farmers as well as the extension
of the state Department of Agricult ure workers
/ Non-Glvernmental organizations with a view to
the time-leg between the technorogy generation reducing
and its adoption
2. To test and veri8/ the technologies in
the socio-economic condition of the farmers
producti on constraints and identi$ring the
Agrrculturural rechnology Application Research Instirute (ATARI)
Horticulture Animal
Techn ol o g_v- Ad ap t a ti on
(Iechnology assessment and Clapncity Development Knowledge alrd Resoru.ce Clentr.e
(frarnrng of stakeholder) (Inform ati on access, advrsory serui ces, techn ol ogy
KVKs of Guiarat come underATARI, ZoneVIII, Pune
Guiarat f30
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Director;
Village Sanosara, Lokbharati Gramvidyapith, 20a9
Distt. Bhavnagar- 3 64230 PO. Sansora, Taluka Sihoc
Distt. Bhavnagar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kodinar Directorl
Taluka Kodinar; Ambuja Cement Foundation, 2007
Distt. |unagadh- 3627 Is 248, Okhla Industrial Estate, NGO
Phase-lll, New Delhi -i,L0020
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Navsari Vice-Chancellor,
NAU CampuS, Navsari Agri cultural University,
Distt. Navsari-3 g6 450 Navsari- 3 9 645 0, Guiarat
Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Seed Multiplication Farrn, Vice-Chancellor, j
7. Which Mandated activities are carried out last years? Give the numbers.
Sr. No Activity No. Number of Participant
L Front line Demonstration
2 On farm Testing
3 Vocational Training
4 Extension Training
5 Of campus training
6 On Campus training
7 Sponsored training
8. Which Extension activities are carried out last years? Give the numbers.
Sr. No Activity No, Number of Participant
T Kisan Gosthi
2 Field Day
3 Krishi Mela
4 Technology Week
5 Group Discussion
6 Diagnostic Visit
7 Scientist visit to farmers field
B Telephonic Guidance
9. How many projects run in KVK?
11. Which are the salient achievement of your KVK any five?
2 I
2 a