Moderno Turquesa Inmobiliaria Folleto

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Management of farms and

AGRICULTURAL farms: We are responsible for the
TECNICO EN PROYECTOS planning and management of
AGROPECUARIOS farms and agricultural and
livestock farms. This involves
The profile of an Agricultural
tracking available resources, such
Technician refers to their skills,
as land, water and inputs, and
knowledge and competencies
using them efficiently to maximize
necessary to work in the
production and ensure
agricultural sector. We as
professionals will play a crucial

role in the development and

management of activities related
to agricultural and livestock
production in our environment.


HORTUA 3. Technical advice: we must be
OF AN able to provide technical advice to
FICHA No: 2675923 AGRICULTURAL farmers. This involves assessing
TECHNICIAN: the specific needs and challenges
of each situation; Provide
1. Technical knowledge: As an appropriate recommendations
Agricultural Technician I must and solutions to improve
have a solid knowledge of production and product quality.
agricultural and livestock

principles, including crop

selection, planting techniques,
SERVICIO NACIONAL DE pest and disease management,
APRENDIZAJE SENA animal nutrition, genetics,
reproduction and proper
SECCIONAL RISARALDA management techniques.

6. Innovation and updating: The


4. Handling of machinery and agricultural sector is constantly
equipment: In the agricultural evolving, with the emergence of
sector we use a variety of new techniques, technologies and

specialized machinery and sustainable practices. That is why In conclusion, an Agricultural

equipment. As an Agricultural as an Agricultural Technician I Technician has to be a versatile
Technician I must have skills in must be at the forefront of and trained professional who
the handling and maintenance of advances in the field and be plays an essential role in
agricultural machinery, irrigation willing to implement new agricultural and livestock
systems, tillage tools, harvesting strategies that improve production. His profile combines
equipment, among others. productivity and reduce technical knowledge,

environmental impact. management skills, advisory

capacity and commitment to
quality and sustainability in the
agricultural sector.

The SENA agricultural technician

5. Quality control and food is able to lead agricultural
safety: We must ensure that companies, plan, direct, control
agricultural and livestock and evaluate agricultural projects,
products meet quality and food participate in specialized research
safety standards. This involves groups, implement agricultural
carrying out analyses, tests and instruction programs in centers or
controls to ensure that the communities and develop
products are free of contaminants campaigns related to agricultural
and comply with the current production.
regulations of our country.

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