Ajmal Final Barrier3
Ajmal Final Barrier3
Ajmal Final Barrier3
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (1 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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significant increase in the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) up Therefore, in this work, the influence of ud-AlGaN FB both in
to 47% from the AlGaN MQWs of UVB LED, which is measured terms of potential barrier heights (as a function of Al-contents)
by the method given in previous study.[29] Subsequently, EQE of as well as TFB on the enhancement of photoluminescence (PL)
4.4% as well as maximum light output power of 13 mW at 100 mA spectral emission, electroluminescence (EL) spectral emission,
from 295 nm-band UVB LED was achieved.[30,31] But, in our pre- EQE, and light output power of the AlGaN-based lateral-type
vious work of UVB LED for the emission band of 295–310 nm, the (Lat)-UVB LEDs was investigated, as shown in the schematic view
influence of ud-AlGaN FB thickness (TFB) and its Al-contents on of Figure 1c. Especially the hole tunneling from MQB-EBL toward
the hole injection (tunneling) in to the MQWs as well as on the the MQWs via suitable TFB is very critical, and at the same time,
suppression of Mg-diffusion from multi-quantum-barrier electron the suppression of Mg-diffusion from the p-side of MQB-EBL
blocking layer (MQB-EBL) toward the MQWs were not stud- toward the MQWs of Lat-UVB LED is extremely inevitable.
ied,[30,31] as shown in the schematic view of Figure 1a–c.
2. Experimental Section
Conventional Ni/Au New Ni/Al
To grow AlGaN-based Lat-UVB LED devices on AlN template,
first an AlN template layer was grown on c-plane of sapphire
substrate, using well known, ammonia (NH3) pulsed-flow ML
growth method in low-pressure (LP) MOCVD reactor (SR-
290-300nm- 4000). Subsequently, a well baked and H-purifier-assisted LP-
(sample A-D) MOCVD reactor were used for the growth of Lat-UVB LEDs
devices, as shown in the schematic view of Figure 1a.
p-AlGaN twofold MQB-EB Valley~12nm
In-Dot Trimethylgallium (TMGa), trimethylaluminium (TMAl), tetrae-
ud-AlGaN FB ( TFB ): 4, 6, 8, 10nm thylsilane (TESi), bis (ethylcyclopentadienyl) magnesium
Al0.32Ga0.68N (QW) / Al0.47Ga0.53N (QWB) (Cp2Mg), and ammonia (NH3) were used as a gas precursor
MQWs in the reactor. The bubbler temperatures for the TMGa,
This Work TMAl, TESi, and Cp2Mg gas precursors were set to 4, 17,
30% Relaxed n-Al0.47Ga0.53N(EIL)~200 nm
10, and 40 C, respectively, under pressure of 760 Torr. The
24% Relaxed n-Al0.55Ga0.45N-BL1 ~ 1.7 µm
TMAl flows were set to 20.0 sccm for the growth of all samples
except the MQWs, ud-AlGaN FB, and MQB-EBL crystal structure
AlN~4µm of the samples. Following the high quality of 4 μm-thick AlN
C-Sapphire substrate template,[15,30] a 1.7 μm-thick Si-doped n-Al0.55Ga0.45N BL and
then relatively Ga-rich 200 nm-thick Si-doped n-Al0.47Ga0.53N
EIL were grown, using the growth condition of TMGa ¼
(b) 4.0 sccm (BL), 6.0 sccm (EIL), and TESi ¼ 0.1 sccm (for both
BL and EIL). The Si-concentration in the n-AlGaN BL and
n-AlGaN EIL layers, respectively, was kept at the same level
of 6 1018 cm3. Next, threefold MQWs structure with
2 nm-thick Al0.32Ga0.68N quantum-well (QW)/8 nm-thick
Al0.47Ga0.53N-quantum well barrier (QWB) was grown, using
the growth condition of TMGa ¼ 5.0 sccm (QWB) and 4.5 sccm
(QW), TMAl ¼ 8.0 sccm (QW) and 20.0 sccm (QWB). All the
QWBs of the MQWs in all samples (A–D) were lightly doped with
(c) TESi ¼ 0.02 sccm. Next, 6 nm-thick (sample A), 8 nm-thick
(sample B), 10 nm-thick (sample C), and 4 nm-thick (sample D)
ud-Al0.55Ga0.45N FB were grown, using the growth condition
of TMGa ¼ 6.0 sccm and TMAl ¼ 28.0 sccm. Subsequently,
twofold (EBL-I amd EBL-II) thin p-Al0.55Ga0.45N blocking
(20-30nm)/p-Al0.16Ga0.80N Valley (12 nm) structures were grown
as a MQB-EBL between ud-AlGaN FB and p-AlGaN HIL, using
the growth condition of TMGa ¼ 3.4 sccm (blocking) and
6.0 sccm (valley), Cp2Mg ¼ 30.0 sccm (for both blocking and val-
ley), shown in Figure 1. Similarly, TMAl ¼ 28.0 sccm (blocking)
and 16.0 sccm (valley) were supplied for the growth of MQB-EBL.
Figure 1. a) Schematic cross-sectional image of an AlGaN-based UVB LED
Finally, a 250 nm-thick Mg-doped p-Al0.47Ga0.53N HIL including
fabricated on a ML-AlN template on sapphire substrate. b) Schematic
view of the energy band diagram of the previous UVB LED at 294 nm emis-
p-AlGaN contact layer was grown, using the growth condition of
sion with un-optimized ud-AlGaN FB, and c) proposed energy TMGa ¼ 5.4 sccm (for both p-AlGaN HIL and p-AlGaN contact
band diagram model, to explain the hole migration (hole tunnelling) layer). Cp2Mg ¼ 70.0 sccm for p-AlGaN HIL and Cp2Mg ¼
from the p-AlGaN side via optimized ud-AlGaN FB toward the MQWs 80.0 sccm for p-AlGaN contact layer were supplied. The
(this work). Mg-concentration in the p-AlGaN HIL was kept around
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (2 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.pss-a.com
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (3 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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(a) (b)
Time: 0.1sec Time: 0.1sec sample B
Slit: 0.1mm sample A Slit: 0.1mm
3 Ar-SHG(244nm) Ar-SHG(244nm)
P=20mW P=20mW
TFB ~ 6nm, PLRT/PLLT= 53%
TFB ~ 8nm, PLRT/PLLT= 48%
77K 2
77 K
PL (RT)/ PL (LT)
1 300K
0 0
270 280 290 300 310 320 270 280 290 300 310 320
Wavelength [nm] Wavelength [nm]
(c) (d)
Time: 0.1sec sample C Time: 0.1sec sample D
Slit: 0.1mm Slit: 0.1mm
Ar-SHG(244nm) Ar-SHG(244nm)
1.5 P=20mW 1.5 P=20mW
PL (RT)/ PL (LT)
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
270 280 290 300 310 320 260 280 300 320
Wavelength [nm] Wavelength [nm]
Figure 3. Integrated PL spectra of a) sample A, b) sample B, c) sample C, and d) sample D, measured using a 20 mW Ar-SHG (244 nm) laser as an
excitation source both at RT (300 K) and at LT (77 K).
critical and the NB-UVB light sources release a smaller range of emission peak from sample C remains stationary. Previously,
UV light with FWHM of 4 nm. NB-310 nm UVB phototherapy the grown n-type Al0.47Ga0.53N EIL was in a relaxed state (with
can be used to cure cancer and skin diseases while minimizing a relaxation ratio of 30%) with respect to the fully relaxed AlN
the adverse side effects to the neighboring non-affected substrate, and such highly strained (70%) n-AlGaN EIL might
tissues.[8,36,37] cause the piezoelectric (PZ) polarization effect in the MQWs
The PLRT/PLLT ratio of the AlGaN-based MQWs of samples A, of the UVB LEDs.[30,31] Because the EQE was limited up to
B, C, and D was evaluated, respectively, as 53%, 48%, 40%, and 4.4% with maximum light outpower of 12 mW at 293 nm emis-
31% as a function of TFB, under the same measurement condi- sion and high IQE around 47% measured by temperature depen-
tion as shown in Figure 3a–d. The PL spectral peak position of dent and power density dependent PL measurement.[29,30] The
AlGaN/AlGaN MQWs at RT in sample A is expected to be relative PLRT/PLLT ratio of sample A (this work) was estimated
slightly suffered by red-shift relative to that of LT due to the tem- to be 53%, indicating that the 295 nm-MQWs structure with rel-
perature-induced band-gap shrinkage, shown in Figure 3a. atively thin TFB 6 nm can effectively enhance the emission effi-
However, significant blue-shifts were also observed in the PL ciency from the MQWs, which is speculated to be due to the hole
spectral emission from samples B and D, whereas the PL tunneling enhancement from p-AlGaN HIL side including
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (4 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.pss-a.com
(a) (b)
sample C 50 sample C
sample D sample D
(290-300nm)-Band sample A sample A
sample B 40 sample B
EL Intensity [a. u]
FB (approx: 6 nm)
Current [mA]
FB (approx: 8 nm)
FB (approx: 4 nm)
I-V Characteristics
FB (approx: 10 nm)
AlGaN-based UVB LEDs on AlN
template/sapphire substrate 10
measured at pulsed (RT)
300 350 400 450 500 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Wavelength [nm] Voltage [V]
(c) (d)
Output power [mW]
5 4 sample C (approx: 10 nm)
EQE [%]
8 0
0 20 40 60 80 3 sample D (approx: 4 nm)
Current [mA]
EQE measured under CW operation at RT
2 sample A, B, C and D
Figure 4. a) Dependence of EL spectral emission intensity on the thickness (TFB) of ud-AlGaN FB in Lat-UVB LEDs of samples A, B, C, and D measured
under DC drive operation at RT. Device performances of 295–300 nm-UVB LEDs (samples A, B, C, and D): b) I–V characteristics (the QCSE effect has
been illustrated in the inset); c) current versus output power (I–L); d) current versus EQEs (I–EQE) characteristics, just on bare-wafer level conditions
under cw-operation at RT.
MQB-EBL toward the MQWs as well as due to the band align- 100
ment at the interface of ud-AlGaN FB and MQB-EBL structure, sample A
when compared with our previous studies[30,31], as shown in
Relative transmittance [%]
Figure 1b,c.
3.2. Optical and Electrical Properties (Performances Evaluation)
of Lat-UVB LED Devices UVB Range
Mg-doped p-Al0.55Ga0.45N contact layer of UVB LEDs (previous
work),[30,31] where highly relative transmittance ≥90% in the
UV-emission band of 293–340 nm, was successfully achieved.
Similarly, the Mg-doped p-Al0.47Ga0.53N contact layer including
p-Al0.47Ga0.53N HIL of the Lat-UVB LED (sample A; this work), 0
where highly relative transmittance ≥90% for UVB range, was 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
also confirmed, shown in Figure 5, and the same p-AlGaN struc- Wavelength [nm]
ture was used in all samples A, B, C, and D. Such highly trans-
Figure 5. Relative transmittance through p-AlGaN-based UVB LED struc-
parent p-AlGaN layers are very essential for the enhancement of
ture (sample A).
light extraction efficiency (LEE) in the Lat-UVB LED devices of
samples A, B, C, and D to replace the p-GaN.
For the development of Lat-UVB LED (n-AlGaN EIL/AlGaN-
MQWs/ud-AlGaN FB/p-AlGaN MQB-EBL/p-AlGaN HIL) struc- and uncontrolled diffusion of Mg-atoms into MQWs may decrease
tures, we require optimization of the ud-AlGaN FB and p-type the performance of UVB LED devices. Figure 6a presents the
AlGaN material growth process in a way to avoid Mg-diffusion SIMS depth profiles of Mg-atoms (NMg) in a newly designed
into MQWs. Especially, the non-uniform distribution of Mg- Lat-UVB LED epitaxial heterostructure (sample A). The Mg-depth
dopants (NMg) in the p-AlGaN HIL as well as in the MQB-EBL profile is found to be uniform in the p-AlGaN HIL, but relatively
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (5 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.pss-a.com
the MQWs as well as for the blocking of low-energy electron from
10 p-AlGaN-HIL n-AlGaN EIL
overshooting toward the p-AlGaN HIL, as shown in Figure 1c. It is
10 clearly visible that the Al-compositions of 55% in the ud-
sample A Mg
Mg [atoms-cm-3]
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (6 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.pss-a.com
but the PL emission from samples A, B, C, and D and highly effective mass of electron and therefore low probability of hole
strained (70%) n-AlGaN EIL underneath the MQWs gives tunneling toward MQWs is speculated. Similarly, too much
extensive clues of the existence of polarization field in the thinner TFB 4 nm is also not useful because of the possibility
MQWs, as shown in Figure 3a–d. of Mg-atoms diffusion into the MQWs might be higher and there-
The current versus voltage (I–V) characteristic of the devices fore TFB 6 nm thickness is speculated to be thinner enough to
was also measured, where driving voltages in the range of allow the hole injection into the MQWs (sample A) and at the
22–30 V at 5 mA, respectively, were identified using Ni same time to suppress the Mg-diffusion from the MQWs, as
(1 nm)/Al (200 nm) p-electrodes for samples A, B, C, and D, shown in the SIMS profile of Figure 6a. However, the whole
respectively, shown in Figure 4b. However, the turn on voltages scenario can be explained more easily, by considering the quan-
in the LEDs (sample B and C) were found to be higher than the tum mechanical phenomena at the interface of p-AlGaN-based
LED (sample A and D), as shown in Figure 4b. These relatively MQB-EBL and ud-AlGaN FB, as depicted schematically in the
low voltages as depicted in I–V curve for samples A and B as energy band diagram of Figure 1b,c. When compared with the
compared with the samples C and D at low current of 10 mA p-AlGaN MQB-EBL, such energy band bending in the thin
are attributed to the hole tunneling enhancements as a function ud-AlGaN FB layer is decided by the polarization-induced electric
of TFB. However, the decrease in ud-AlGaN FB thickness, TFB field. Especially, the surface depletion region width is precisely
would also cause a reduction in the series resistance and hence determined by the ud-AlGaN FB layer thickness. Figure 4a–d
a drop in voltage, as shown in Figure 4b. In the case of AlGaN- also illustrates that if the TFB is further thickened, the surface
based MQWs structure, a spatial separation of the electron and depletion region width will be larger and the intra-band tunn-
hole wave-functions can be induced by the large electric field in eling efficiency for the hole carriers becomes low, and such
the QW due to the polarization effect along the c-axis of the AlN hypothesis is supported by the results of EL spectral intensities
crystal,[7,8,35,38] as shown in the inset of Figure 4b. However, elec- (Figure 4a), shows an even more degraded emission efficiency
tron–hole (e–h) separation is suppressed as the QW thickness in the Lat-UVB LED with the TFB 10 nm at 20 mA (sample C),
decreases, which is the collective suppression of PZ polarization when compared with TFB 6 nm (sample A) under the DC
electric fields in the QW of MQWs (QCSE), as shown in the inset drive mode.
of Figure 4b. Therefore, the use of a very thin QW and suitable One potential reason of the improvement in the device
thickness of ud-AlGaN FB are expected to enhance the radiative performance was achieved by shifting from conventional
recombination in the MQWs.[30,31,35,38] Generally, the uniform design[30,31] of ud-AlGaN FB (Al-contents 47%) to the new
distribution of e-h pairs across the whole region of MQWs is also design of ud-AlGaN FB (Al-contents 55%). Conventionally,
desired for higher radiative recombination, which is possible due the conduction band offset at ud-AlGaN FB/MQB-EBL interface
to the collective contribution of each QW and QWBs of active was utilized for the suppression of electron-leakage; however,
region (MQWs). Liu et al. investigated the influence of QWB for III-Ns, the polarization field-induced band tilt has an impor-
on the hole transport and carrier distribution in InGaN/GaN tant impact on the effective potential barrier heights.[7,8,13]
MQWs of visible LEDs and found that the thicker QWB and Previously, the polarization effects in the MQWs region were
QW layers were causing problem to the uniform distribution reasonably reduced, by keeping the QWB thickness around
of e-h pairs in the active region for efficient radiative recombina- 8–10 nm and QW thickness around 1.5–2 nm.[30,31] However,
tion.[39] We also found the same issue in AlGaN-based UVB LED the EQE and light output power, respectively, from Lat-UVB
at 310 nm emission, and such issue was resolved later after the LEDs were limited up to 4.4% and 12 mW at 293 nm emission
reduction of QWB thickness from 20 to 8 nm.[31,40] by using the same Al-composition of 47% for both in the final
During the performances evaluation of the newly fabricated barrier (FB) of MQWs (ud-Al0.48Ga0.52N FB) as well as in all
UVB LED devices, light output powers were varied linearly from other QWBs of the reference sample.[30,31] One major issue
7.5 to 17 mW with varying TFB at the maximum current range of of electron-leakage current was realized (nonlinear behavior
52–85 mA at RT, under cw-operation, as shown in Figure 4c. of I–L curve), which might be caused by intrinsically low hole
Also, the output power in all Lat-UVB LED devices (sample A, concentration in Mg-doped p-type AlGaN due to high acceptor
B, C and D) shows a reasonably linear increase with increasing activation energy as well as due to the injection mismatch
the drive current, as shown in Figure 4c. When, TFB was reduced between electrons (n-AlGaN EIL) and holes (p-AlGaN HIL)
from 10 nm (sample C) to 6 nm (sample A) respectively, the of Lat-UVB LED devices.[31,40] In our previous work, both the
maximum light output power was enhanced from 7 to 17 mW on conduction and valance band nearby ud-AlGaN FB/MQB-EBL
bare-wafer level measurement under cw-operation at RT, as interface were drastically dropped, due to the positive polariza-
shown in the inset of Figure 4c. Similarly, the maximum EQE tion charges, resulting in a band dip, which is caused by the
was also improved from 3.7% to 5.6%, with relatively thin TFB design of high Al-composition (55%) in the MQB-EBL as well
6 nm under cw-operation at RT, using Ni (1 nm)/Al as low Al-composition (47%) in the ud-AlGaN FB (conduction
(200 nm) p-electrode, shown in Figure 4d. Furthermore, some and valance band offset). In this scenario, plenty of electrons
interesting phenomenon was observed, when TFB was either might be gathered, and these parasitic electrons may not con-
increased up to 10 nm (sample C) or decreased up to tribute to the desired light-emission (non-radiative recombina-
4 nm (sample D), the maximum output power and EQE, tion) from the MQWs of UVB LEDs, as shown in Figure 1b.
respectively, remained the same as 7.5 mW and 3.7% with emis- Furthermore, the effective potential barrier height (PFBh) for
sion band of 295–300 nm at 30 mA, shown in Figure 4c,d. These the hole transport was found to be unsuitable in the previous
results also confirm that the thicker TFB is not useful for hole work, as shown in Figure 1b. In this work, we shifted to slightly
tunneling because the effective mass of hole is larger than the a new design of the ud-Al0.55Ga0.45 FB in the LED, which has
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (7 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
www.advancedsciencenews.com www.pss-a.com
Phys. Status Solidi A 2019, 216, 1900185 1900185 (8 of 9) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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