Retirement Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Retirement Benefits
In case of employees who are covered under Payment of Gratuity Act, the
minimum of the following amounts are exempted from tax:
In case of employees not falling in the above two categories, gratuity received
from the employers is exempt to the extent of minimum of following amounts:
Employees are entitled to various types of leave. The leave generally can be taken
(casual leave/medical leave) or it lapses. Earned leave is a kind of leave which an
employee is said to have earned every year after working for some time. This leave
can either be availed every year, or get encashment for it. If leave is not availed or
encashed, it is allowed to be carried forward. This leave keeps getting accumulated
and is encashed by employee on his retirement. The tax treatment of leave
encashment is as under:
(i) Encashment of leave while in service. This is fully taxable and so is added to
gross salary.
Other Employees
Provident Fund Scheme is a welfare scheme for the benefit of employees. Under
this scheme, certain amount is deducted by the employer from the employee’s
salary as his contribution to Provident Fund every month. The employer also
contributes certain percentage of the salary of the employee to the Fund. The
contributions are invested outside in securities. The interest earned on it is also
credited to the Provident Fund Account. At the time of retirement, the accumulated
balance is given to the employee. Tax treatment of provident fund depends upon
the type of provident fund being maintained by the employer. Employee’s
provident fund may be of the following 3 types:
This is set up under the provisions of Provident Fund Act, 1925 and is maintained
by Government and Semi-Government organizations, local authorities, Railways,
universities and recognized educational institutions.
This is set up under the Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1952 (PF Act, 1952) and is maintained by private sector employers. The
establishments covered under PF Act, 1952 have two options; either to follow the
same scheme at by the Government under the PF Act or draft their own scheme of
PF but get recognition from Commissioner of Income Tax.
Besides the above mentioned 3 funds, a person can also become a member of
Public Provident Fund.
The Central Government has established the Public Provident Fund for the benefits
of general public to mobilize personal savings. Any member of general public
(whether salaried or self employed) can participate in this fund by opening a
Provident Fund Account at the State Bank of India or its subsidiaries or other
nationalized banks. A salaried employee can simultaneously become member of
employees provident fund (whether statutory, recognized or unrecognized) and
public provident fund. Any amount may be deposited (subject to minimum of Rs.
500 and maximum of Rs.1,50,000 per annum) under this account. The accumulated
sum is repayable after 15 years. At present, it carries an interest rate of 8.5% per
annum which is credited every year but payable only the time of maturity.
Tax treatment of these provident funds (i.e. the exemption and deduction available
in respect of contributions to and payment from these funds) is summarized as
Salary here means basic salary + dearness allowance / dearness pay
(if terms of employment provide) + commission