3.0 Seperation of Sugars by Paper Chromatography Principle
3.0 Seperation of Sugars by Paper Chromatography Principle
3.0 Seperation of Sugars by Paper Chromatography Principle
The term chromatography comes from the earlier times when the technique was used for the
separation of colored plants pigments. chromatography is a technique for separation of
closely related groups of compounds. The separation is brought about by differential
migration along a porous medium and the migration is caused by the flow of solvent.
Within limits chromatography can be divided into two types: partition and adsorption
One liquid phase is bound to the porous medium for example; the water bound in the
cellulose paper, this phase is referred to as, the stationary phase. The other liquid phase, the
mobile phase flows along the porous medium.
As the mobile phase flows over the solute mixture, the individual solutes partition themselves
between the aqueous stationary phase and the organic mobile phase relative to their solubility
in the two phases.
The more soluble a solute in the mobile phase, the faster it will travel along the papper, and
conversely, the mobile phase must be a mixture in which the compounds to be separated are
soluble or partially soluble.
In paper chromatography solute or solute mixture is spotted in solution along a base line on a
sheet of filter (whatman NO.1).The mobile phase(solvent) is allowed to flow over the spots
either ascending the paper by capillary action or descending te paper by gravity.
The separation is measured in terms of a unit called Rf(relative rates of flow)with respect to
the solvent front.
Because most compounds are colorless the pots are visualized after separation by specific
reagent. The location reagent is applied by spraying the paper or rapidly dipping it in a
solution of the reagent in a volatile solvent. viewing under ultraviolet light is also useful since
some compound which absorbs it strongly show up as dark spots against the florescent
background of the paper.
Spray Reagent:
Add equal volumes of NH4OH to a saturated of AgNO3 and dilute the methanol to give a
final concentration of 0.3M.After spraying the developed chromatograms place them in an
oven for 5-10minutes,when the reducing sugars appear as brown spots.
B.Alkaline permanganate:
D.Resorcinol reagent:
Mix 1% ethanolic solution of resorcinol and 0.2N HCI(1:1 v/v).spray the dried
chromatograms and visualize spots by heating at 900c.
1. Place sufficient solvent into the bottom of the tank. cover the led and allow the tank to be
saturated with the solvent.
3. Draw a fine line with a pencil along the width of the paper and about 1.5cm from the lower
4. Along this line place four equality spaced (about 2cm apart)small circles with a pencil.
5. Label the paper at the top with the name of each of the sugars and label the last unknown.
6. Use a fine capillary or tooth pick to place the drops of the solutions of the sugars, glucose,
fructose, maltose, lactose and the mixture.
7. After spotting dry the paper with hot air dryer for one minute, repeat this step again.
8. Place the spotted paper in the chromatographic tank and make the development by using
the ascending technique.
9. Close the tank with lid allow the solvent to flow for about 30-45 minutes.
10. Remove the paper and immediately mark the position of the solvent front with a pencil.
11. After the chromatogram has dried spray the paper with the locating reagent.
12. You need to put the paper on the hot plate at low temperature or expose it to the hot air
dryer, until the colored spots appear. The colors are stable for some weeks if kept in the dark
and away from acid vapors.
14. Calculate the Rf value for each spot and also for the spot the mixture contained.
General summary of the behaviour of the various sugars to these reagents are given below:
Sugars a b c d
Aldohexoses + + + pink
Ketohexoses + + + red
Aldopentoses + + + blue,green
Ketopentoses + + + -
Deoxy sugars - + + -
Glycosides + - - -
Amino sugars + + + -
The table below Rf values of some sugars in the solvents previously mentioned.They are only
for comparative purposes,since Rf varies with physical parameters.
1. saturation of chamber has been done so as to avoid the unequal solvent evaporation losses
from developed plate which leads to various types of random behaviour and edge effects.
2. The beaker is often lined with some filter paper soaked in solvent to help saturating the
atmosphere in the beaker with vapours.
3. The solvent level should be kept below the spots. Generally ascending method is used.