Tender-Nit-Survey DFPCL GBL JNPT-STL
Tender-Nit-Survey DFPCL GBL JNPT-STL
Tender-Nit-Survey DFPCL GBL JNPT-STL
Important date:
Last date / time of receipt of tender :20.10.2018 on or before 5:00 PM
(No representation of appeal of any kind will be allowed against belated re-
ceipt of tenders by post or otherwise beyond the notified date and time or
loss in transit etc.)
Sai Hira, Survey No. 93, Mundhwa, Pune
Smartchem Technologies Limited (STL)
100% Subsidiary of Deepak Fertilisers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited.
Registered Office - Sai Hira, Survey No. 93, Mundhwa, Pune 411036.
Maharashtra, India. Phone No.020 – 6645 8000
This is a notice inviting Tender (NIT) for executing surveying Job for imports of raw material at
DFPCL Terminal, JNPT and at GBL (Ganesh Benzoplast Limited) Terminal, JNPT. The volume of
cargo will be upto/ approx. 13,00,000.00 MT for two years.
Technically acceptable Surevyor against this tender shall be enlisted in our pre-qualified list of
Surveyor’s for doing survey as per scope at DFPCL Terminal, JNPT & GBL Terminal, JNPT. The
contract would be finalized by online reverse auction / direct negotiation procedure.
Pre-qualification form, eligibility criteria and the tender documents for this purpose are forwarded
herewith (Ref. Annexure A). All Surveyor should undergo pre-qualification process. The
Tenderer shall submit the following documents:
The Techno-commercial tenders, along with completely filled, signed & stamped documents
super-scribing “Tender for Surveying Job at DFPCL Terminal, JNPT & at GBL Terminal,
JNPT should reach to our Corp office, Pune on 20.10.18 before 17:00 hours.
Technically eligible / prequalified Surveyor(s) would be informed and allowed to participate in the
online closed bid followed by reverse auction/direct negotiation subject to payment of EMD and
submission of declaration; as required.
E reverse Auction:
After submission of Stage I bid documents and online price bid E auction will be conducted. The
E auction will be governed by the Business Rules for Reverse Auction as per enclosed pages in
Stage I bidding.
Technically acceptable Tenderers against the tender can only participate in further process.
The Tenderers who do not fulfill all or any of the conditions laid down in the tender document are
liable to be ignored at the sole discretion of STL. STL also reserves the right to reject any/all the
offers without assigning any reason thereof.
The date for ONLINE AUCTION REVERSE AUCTION / NEGOTIATION will be intimated to you
at the earliest.
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The Surveyors who do not fulfill all or any of the conditions laid down in the NIT are liable to be
disqualified at the sole discretion of STL. STL also reserves the right to reject any/all the offers
without assigning any reason thereof.
Canvassing in any connection with the tender in any form is strictly prohibited. Tenders
submitted by party who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection and forfeiture of EMD.
The Tenderers are advised to read carefully all the terms and conditions of the tender document
which will form part of the contract.
If the Tenderers give wrong information deliberately to create conditions for acceptance of the
tender, the DFPCL reserves the right to reject such tenders without assigning any reason.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Smartchem Technologies Limited
Asst General Manager
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Bids received after the closing date and time will not be considered, however it will be the sole
discretion of STL management to extend the time & accept the bids after the last date.
In case of any clarification regarding this tender document, you may contact any one of the
following officials:
Each tender document should be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit in the form of
Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee for Rs. 50,000/- drawn in favour of Smartchem Technologies
Ltd. payable at Pune. To the unsuccessful bidders the same will refunded at earliest.
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4 Scope of Work:
1. To carry out ullages / soundings of ship’s tanks, measure vessel's cargo tanks on arrival to
ascertain the quantity on board the vessel on arrival at the Discharge Port prior to com-
mencement of discharge.
2. To draw samples from each compartment of the vessel tank and prepare representative
samples of the consignment brought by the vessel. Visual appearance of samples to be
checked and should there be any aberration, STL personnel to be informed. Samples will be
retained for a period of seven (7) days under custody of surveyor until further instructions
from STL.
4. To continuously supervise discharge operations from ship to shore tank and maintain Time-
6. Inspect all the compartments of vessel storage tanks for emptiness or gauge the oil level to
determine the quantity remaining on board the vessel.
7. Inspect vessel's cargo tanks on completion of discharge and issue an Empty Tank / ROB
certificate as appropriate.
8. Gauge the shore tank to ascertain receipt quantity and seal shore tank on completion of dis-
9. In case of shortages, Lodge Protest Letter to Master of Vessel / Relevant Authorities to pro-
tect the interest of Consignee (STL).
10. Issue Notice to GBL / Terminal Head, in case of shortages / deficiencies observed due to the
negligence of GBL, if any, to protect the interest of STL.
11. Despatch two (2) nos. of representative Shore Tank samples, two (2) nos. of representative
Ship Tank samples from all compartments, and two (2) nos. Load-Port samples (all samples
shall be duly labelled and sealed) to the Processing Unit of STL at Taloja.
12. Mail the Arrival / Berthing details of the vessel and update status of the vessel everyday by
10:00 hours to all concerned officials of STL.
13. On confirmation of vessel’s berthing program and during discharge of cargo from the vessel,
all the concerned officials shall be kept informed about the status of the vessel / discharge
status by SMS / Whatsapp every 4 hrs.
14. Ascertain final shore out-turn quantity after allowing appropriate settling time.
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1. To inspect the shore tank and pipeline for its cleanliness on presentation of the same by the
installation, and issue “Certificate of Fitness” to both STL and GBL before use of the said
Tank / Pipeline.
2. To gauge the Shore Tank with GBL Officials / STL Officials, for previous cargo in the tank and
ascertain the quantity in the tank, prior to berthing of the vessel & record the same with sur-
3. To seal all outlet valves up to pump room of the tanks and pipelines, and relevant records
shall be maintained by surveyor and these records will be verified by STL.
4. To draw initial samples from the pipelines during discharge and to inspect the samples visu-
ally for the quality. To gauge the working tank every two (2) hours to determine the quantity
received and the discharge rate and keep appropriate records to be verified by relevant per-
5. To witness the pigging operation of jetty pipeline, and pipeline connected to GBL terminal on
completion of discharge of the vessel, to ensure its emptiness.
6. To gauge the Shore Tank on completion of discharge and to determine the provisional re-
ceipt from the vessel.
7. To compare the Shore Tank Receipt with Vessel Discharged quantity at regular intervals, and
on completion of discharge to ensure that there is no abnormal variation.
8. To inspect the tank and pipeline at regular intervals to ensure no leakages.
9. Final gauging of shore tank with authorized GBL / STL representative and the Surveyor to
determine the Shore-Tank receipt based on the tank calibration and observed density.
10. To draw samples from GBL Shore-tank at the time of final gauging to determine
the density and analysis for all recommended parameters.
11. To mail the out-turn details to STL after due sign-off by GBL representative.
1. To prepare and issue necessary survey documents by surveyor who boarded the vessel, on
the discharge operation during attendance at ship and shore end.
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1. To carry out ullages / soundings of ship’s tanks, measure vessel's cargo tanks on arrival to
ascertain the quantity on board the vessel on arrival at the Discharge Port prior to com-
mencement of discharge.
2. To draw samples from each compartment of the vessel tank and prepare representative
samples of the consignment brought by the vessel. Visual appearance of samples to be
checked and should there be any aberration, STL personnel to be informed. Samples will be
retained for a period of seven (7) days under custody of surveyor until further instructions
from STL.
4. To continuously supervise discharge operations from ship to shore tank and maintain Time-
6. Inspect all the compartments of vessel storage tanks for emptiness or gauge the oil level to
determine the quantity remaining on board the vessel.
7. Inspect vessel's cargo tanks on completion of discharge and issue an Empty Tank / ROB
certificate as appropriate.
8. Gauge the shore tank to ascertain receipt quantity and seal shore tank on completion of dis-
9. In case of shortages, Lodge Protest Letter to Master of Vessel / Relevant Authorities to pro-
tect the interest of Consignee (STL).
10. Issue Notice to GBL / Terminal Head, in case of shortages / deficiencies observed due to the
negligence of GBL, if any, to protect the interest of STL.
11. Despatch two (2) nos. of representative Shore Tank samples, two (2) nos. of representative
Ship Tank samples from all compartments, and two (2) nos. Load-Port samples (all samples
shall be duly labelled and sealed) to the Processing Unit of STL at Taloja.
12. Mail the Arrival / Berthing details of the vessel and update status of the vessel everyday by
10:00 hours to all concerned officials of STL.
13. On confirmation of vessel’s berthing program and during discharge of cargo from the vessel,
all the concerned officials shall be kept informed about the status of the vessel / discharge
status by SMS / Whatsapp every 4 hrs.
14. Ascertain final shore out-turn quantity after allowing appropriate settling time.
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1. To inspect the shore tank and pipeline for its cleanliness on presentation of the same by the
installation, and issue “Certificate of Fitness” to both STL and GBL before use of the said
Tank / Pipeline.
2. To gauge the Shore Tank with GBL Officials / STL Officials, for previous cargo in the tank and
ascertain the quantity in the tank, prior to berthing of the vessel & record the same with sur-
3. To seal all outlet valves up to pump room of the tanks and pipelines, and relevant records
shall be maintained by surveyor and these records will be verified by STL.
4. To draw initial samples from the pipelines during discharge and to inspect the samples visu-
ally for the quality. To gauge the working tank every two (2) hours to determine the quantity
received and the discharge rate and keep appropriate records to be verified by relevant per-
5. To witness the pigging operation of jetty pipeline, and pipeline connected to GBL terminal on
completion of discharge of the vessel, to ensure its emptiness.
6. To gauge the Shore Tank on completion of discharge and to determine the provisional re-
ceipt from the vessel.
7. To compare the Shore Tank Receipt with Vessel Discharged quantity at regular intervals, and
on completion of discharge to ensure that there is no abnormal variation.
9. Final gauging of shore tank with authorized GBL / STL representative and the Surveyor to
determine the Shore-Tank receipt based on the tank calibration and observed density.
10. To draw samples from GBL Shore-tank at the time of final gauging to determine
the density and analysis for all recommended parameters.
11. To mail the out-turn details to STL after due sign-off by GBL representative.
1. To prepare and issue necessary survey documents by surveyor who boarded the vessel, on
the discharge operation during attendance at ship and shore end.
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3. Gauge the operating tank and determine the opening physical stock.
6. Inspect the weighbridge prior to and during deliveries and supervise weighment operation.
7. Draw samples from each tank lorry and visual inspection of the samples and to handover 2
sealed samples to the tank lorry driver for onward submission at STL Taloja.
8. Seal the manholes, outlets and safety valve of the tank lorry with surveyor plastic mono-
gram seal serially numbered.
9. Issuance of challan to tank lorry driver with the details of seal no., weight and the time of
loading & existing at GBL Terminal.
10. Gauge the operated shore tank to determine the closing physical stock and to compare the
quantity delivered from the tank with the quantity delivered by 100% weighment.
11. Seal all the shore tanks and pipe lines if the transaction is on hold for longer time or non-
availability of tank lorries.
12. Mail the report of despatches with the weight of each tank lorry and the stock position by
10:00 hrs on the next day.
13. Records related to Storage tank transactions to be maintained and shall be made available
for verification by authorized representatives.
5.1 The period of contract shall be two (02) years from the contract date and may be extended
for additional one year (01) on mutually agreed terms.
5.2 However, the company may terminate the contract earlier without any notice if in the
opinion of the Company the performance of the Surveyor is not satisfactory or breach any
terms and conditions of the contract.
6. Commencement of Work:
The Surveyor shall start his work from the date as Mentioned in the LOI/ Contract/
Purchase Order.
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The quantity may increase/ decrease depending upon the requirement of Phosphoric Acid
Solution & Ammonia at Taloja plant / Port constraints.
The Surveyor(s) shall have minimum solvency of Rs. 5.00 lakh and will provide latest
certificate from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank (except Rural/Co-operative Bank).
11. The rates quoted by the Surveyor(s) shall remain firm till the completion of job/ contract
period and also during the extended period, if any. No escalation on any other ground shall
be allowed.
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STL shall make all the payments to the Surveyor by RTGS within 30 days from the date of
receipt of invoice at Taloja/ specified location. STL shall not be liable to pay any interest on
delayed payments.
C. Only one Company out of Sister concerns under the same management / group/
proprietor/ partners or having any other common criteria shall be considered for pre-
qualification. (Surveyor(s) has to submit an undertaking as per Annexure “B”)
E. The Surveyor(s) shall ensure that they meet statutory compliances. All relevant
documents shall be submitted as and when asked.
16. Surveyor(s) shall have all the license/ statutory certificate related to carrying the
surveying jobs stated above. Non compliance of statutory licenses/ statutory compliance
shall amount to breach of this contract, with immediate termination without notice.
17. Approved Surveyor(s) (as decided by STL Technical / Commercial Team) against this
tender shall also be enlisted in our pre-qualified list of Surveyor(s). Contract will be
awarded to the Surveyor(s) based on the result of the Online Reverse Auction and / or
Direct Negotiations.
18. Surveyor(s) must satisfy themselves completely regarding terms & conditions of the
tender, scope of work and working conditions at the units and get clarification, if any,
before submitting the tender documents.
19. Party shall not refuse to provide any other information, clarifications or documents, if
required by STL before or during the contract period.
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B. Technical Bid
Est. No. of shipment during con- Est. Volume during contract period
tract period (MT)
Material At At
DFPCL, Total DFPCL, Total
Ammonia 70 0 70 700000 0 700000
Phos Acid 25 35 60 250000 350000 600000
Total 95 35 130 950000 350000 1300000
The acceptable and eligible Surveyor would be informed and allowed to participate in
reverse auction/direct negotiation
22. STL reserves the right to accept at its sole discretion any of the tenders or part thereof or
to reject any or all of the tender documents or split and award work order between one or
more Surveyor(s) without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
23. The Surveyor(s) shall not be entitled to any claim including any cost, charges, TA/DA
expenses or incidentals for the preparation and submission of this tender even if the
Management may decide to withdraw the tender.
The Surveyor(s) may employ such employees as he may think fit, and the employees so
employed shall be the employees of the Surveyor(s) for all purpose whatsoever and shall
not be deemed to be in the employment of STL for any purpose whatsoever. The
Surveyor(s) shall abide by all rules, laws and regulations that may be in force from time to
time regarding the employment or conditions of service of the employees. If under any
circumstances whatsoever STL is held liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever for
the default or omission on the part of the Surveyor in abiding rules, laws and regulations
or held liable or responsible to the employees of the Surveyor(s) in respect of any matter
whatsoever, STL shall be reimbursed by the Surveyor(s) for the same as also any other
expenses or costs incurred by STL on any proceedings or litigations as a result of any
claim, demand or act on the part of Surveyor(s). STL shall be entitled to claim damages or
compensation from the Surveyor(s) in that event. The STL reserves its right to deduct the
above stated claims/ expenses etc from the dues of the Surveyor(s) whether under this
contract or any other contract or otherwise recover the same from Surveyor(s).
The Surveyor(s) is liable to take all precautions in respect of his employees and materials
as per safety code. In case of any injury or casualty of Surveyor’s employees during
working hours or outside, the Surveyor(s) shall be solely responsible and to pay all the
compensation/ex-gratia/aid from his pocket. STL will not be responsible for such
compensations at all, nor shall pay/reimburse any cost to the Surveyor(s) or his
employees. The Surveyor(s) shall be liable to STL for any act of commission or omission
on his part or on the part of his employees thereby causing any loss, damage or
inconvenience to STL.
The Surveyor(s) shall indemnify STL and every officer, directors and employee of STL
against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever
arising out of or in connection with matters referred to in relevant clause and against all
actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses which may be made against
STL for or in respect of, arising out of any failure by the Surveyor in the performance of
his obligations under the contract documents.
The Surveyor(s) shall at its own expense carry and maintain insurance as per employees
State Insurance Act, 1948 (up to date) wherever applicable or such other insurance cover
as required for its employees and shall indemnify and hold harmless STL from all
liabilities whatsoever on this account.
Page 12 of 27
28.2 If at any time after acceptance of the tender, STL decide to abandon or reduce the
scope of the works for any reason whatsoever and hence not require the whole or
any part of the works to be carried out, STL shall give notice in writing to the effect to
the Surveyor(s) and the Surveyor(s) shall have no claim to any payment of
compensation or otherwise whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which
he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but which he did not
derive in consequence of the fore-closure of the whole or part of the works.
29.The time allowed for execution of the work as specified in work order/letter of acceptance
of STL or the extended time in accordance with these condition(s) shall be essence of
the contract. The date of the commencement of work shall be reckoned on the date on
which the LOI is issued or written order to commence the work, whichever is earlier. If
the Surveyor(s) commits default in commencing the execution of the work as
aforesaid, STL shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
forfeit the earnest money/initial security deposit absolutely beside other remedies.
30.Insurance : STL will take necessary provision for material insurance and Surveyor will
not be responsible for the same.
It shall be the responsibility of the Surveyor(s) to give medical treatment to its injured
staffs/workmen/employees, who has met with an accident arising out of and during the
course of employment, in case, the Surveyor(s) fails to give medical treatment the
company shall do so and shall recover the expenditure on account of medical treatment
from the Surveyor’s bill or from other dues of the Surveyor(s), if any or otherwise recover
the same from Surveyor(s).
32. The Surveyor(s) shall indemnify STL against any loss/ injury while performing duty
whether in station or out of station.
33. The Surveyor(s) shall comply with all Central, State laws for the time-being in force.
34. Any act on part of the Surveyor(s) or his employees which will be prejudice to the
reputation of STL, shall constitute breach of condition of the contract and shall render the
contract liable for termination within 48 hours’ notice. In such event, the security deposit
held by STL shall be forfeited without prejudice to any other remedy to which STL may be
35. The Surveyor(s) shall not assign or sub-let the contract or any part thereof or allow any
person to become interested therein in any manner whatsoever without STL’s written
permission. Any breach of this condition shall entitle the STL to terminate the contract of
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36. The Surveyor(s) should ensure that their representatives are confined to the specified
area of work for which the contract has been awarded, it is also the responsibility of the
Surveyor(s) to ensure that the labour so employed by them do not go to the other areas,
The Surveyor(s) shall make necessary arrangements for getting the entry/exit of his
employees at respective area’s from time to time.
38. The job may require operation 24 x 7 basis and as per STL schedule / requirements.
39. Definitions :
39.1 Contract : The term “Contract” shall mean and include the Notice inviting
Tender (NIT) the instructions to Surveyor, the tender, purchase order, letter of Intent
accepting the tender in part or full, special and general terms and conditions,
directions and comments conveyed in writing, the work Order, and its subsequent
variations if any, or any other authorized contract documents, and those general and
special conditions that may be added subsequently or such other documents,
specifications as may be prescribed.
39.2 Surveyor : The term “Surveyor” shall mean the person(s), firm , or company who are
participating in this tender.
39.3 Contractor : The term contractor shall mean the person(s) firm, or company with
whom the contract has been entered into and shall be deemed to include their
representatives, heirs, executors and administrations, successors, and permitted
assignees of such person(s) firm, or company.
39.4 STL : The term STL shall mean Smartchem Technologies Limited, (100% Subsidiary
of Deepak Fertilisers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited), having its corporate
office at “Sai Hira”, Survey no. 93, Mundhwa, Pune – 411 036, Maharashtra and shall
include the administrative and executive officers authorized to deal with all matters
relating to the contract and shall be deemed to include their successors and/or
39.6 GBL Terminal: Ganesh Benzoplast Ltd. Plot No. 13, Bulk Rd., Opp. P. U. Bldg, JNPT,
Nhavashev Tal-Uran, Dist- Raigad.
39.7 Job Co-ordinator / Job Controller: The notified authority on behalf of STL will be
Mr. Debdatta Chowdhury +91 72196 15455.
42.3 Without prejudice to any other remedy, STL reserves its right to adopt any or
several of the following actions:-
42.3.1 Award parallel contract and/or
42.3.2 To recover from Surveyor any loss incurred by STL when the Surveyor
unable to execute the contract and/or
42.3.3 Terminate the contract and/or
42.3.4 Forfeit the earnest money, security deposit and/or
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Any dispute or differences arising out of or in connection with this Contract or its
implementation and interpretation of any of the provisions of this Contract or application
of any terms and conditions or any matter or thing in any way connected with or in
connection with or arising out of this Contract or the rights, duties or liabilities of any
Party under the Contract, whether before or after the termination of the Contract, which
are not settled amicably between the Parties shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be
appointed by mutual consent of the Parties, in accordance with the provisions of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or its statutory modifications.
The venue of Arbitration shall be at Pune, India.
45. Surveyor(s) performance will be monitored and quantified solely by the Job controller and
appropriate documentation and records to maintained by Job controller.
In the event any matter concerning the implementation, interpretation or rights and
liabilities, determination, the Courts at Pune shall have exclusive Jurisdiction to try or
entertain the same.
Both during the continuance of this Agreement and 1 (one) year after termination of this
Agreement, Vendor and/or his employees/ personnel shall keep all information, such as
specifications, technical information, business data and other confidential information under this
Agreement strictly confidential and shall not. Disclose it to any third party or Use it for other
purpose than to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Tenderer/ Vendor and/or
personnel may disclose the information to an employee of Vendor, or a government agency or
other regulating authority
But only insofar as this is necessary either to carry out its duties under this Agreement or comply
with any existing law, and under intimation to “Company”. Where sub clause (b) applies Vendor
and/or personnel shall ensure that the person who receives the information keeps it confidential
and does not use it for any unauthorized purpose.
Each party understands that they are independent entities and this Agreement does not make it,
its/ his employees, associates or agents, the legal representatives of the other party for any
purpose whatsoever. Either party has express or implied right or authority to assume or to
undertake any obligation in respect of and on behalf of or in the name of the other party or to
bind the other party in any manner in respect of any transaction, except the present agreement.
49. WAIVER -
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The parties to this Agreement may add, delete, amend or alter all or any of the terms &
conditions of this Agreement as mutually agreed from time to time and such modifications and
changes shall not be effective until the same are in writing and duly signed by the authorized
representatives of both the parties.
Date : Signature :
Place :
Page 17 of 27
5. E-Mail - ____________________________________
b) Registration No - ____________________________________
Proprietor/Partner/Director ____________________________________
14*Copy of Balance Sheet for Last 3 Years or Acknowledged copy of I.T. Returns :
Page 18 of 27
22. If any other sister concern has applied for this tender YES / NO
Date: ____________
Page 19 of 27
( a ) That no other Firm / Sister concern/ Associate belonging to the same group is participating
/ submitting this tender.
( b ) That the bidder, their associate, sister concern etc. have not been blacklisted / de-listed or
put on holiday by any Institutional Agency/ Govt. Dept./ Public Sector Undertaking in the
last two years.
In case any information or fact is found untrue or false, I may be disqualified/debarred from all
future dealings with .
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Format – Quotation for Surveying job DFPCL, JNPT & AT GBL, JNPT.
(Surveyors are required to print this on their company’s letter head and sign, stamp before
Smartchem Technologies Limited
Sai Hira, Survey no. 93, Mundhwa
Pune -411036
Kind attention:
Sub : Price quotation for Surveying job at DFPCL Terminal, JNPT and GBL Terminal, JNPT.
Ref : Tender no. STL /PORT/LOGISTICS/SJ/004/2018-2020; Dated : 10.10.2018
Dear Sir,
We confirm that we have quoted the bid price for Transportation of Phosphoric Acid to STL,
Taloja from various locations to STL, as below:
Sr. Amount Unit
No. (Rs)
Estimated quantity : 13,00,000.00 mt/annum (+/- 20%)
Period : 01.11.2018 to 31.10.2020 (Two Years)
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Page 21 of 27
Tender document available for www.dfpcl.com
Tender Floating date 10-10-2018, 15:00 Hrs (IST)
Pre Bid Meeting Will be announced
Tender CLOSES 20-10-2018 , 17:00 Hrs (IST)
Last Date & Time for Receipt
(Physical Submission) of Bids 20-10-2018, 17:00 Hrs (IST)
Date of Technical Bid opening 22-10-2018 , 15:30 Hrs (IST)
Date of Commercial Bid open- Will be announced
Bid validity period 90 Days (from the date of opening of Techno-commercial bid)
Submission of Documents EMD, Tender fee & other relevant documents to be submit-
ted/sent to
Name- Prashant Kumar
Designation-AGM (Commercial)
Contact No.- 8805305840
Email- Prashant.kumar@STL.com
Commercial division
Sai Hira, Survey no. 93,
Mundhwa, Pune -411036
Telephone . No- 020-66458137 / +91 880 530 5840
Page 22 of 27
Sr. No. Document / Certificate
1 Certificate of firm of establishment
Documentary evidence of Type of firm Proprietorship/
2 Partnership/Public Limited/
Private Limited)
3 Address Proof of firm
4 id / address proof of Proprietor/Partner/Director
5 Certified Copy of GST Registration Certificate
6 PAN no.
7 Bank account details (Cancelled Cheque / Letter from Bank)
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AND WHEREAS one of the terms of the said Tender no./Letter of Intent/ Purchase Order is that
you shall make an advance payment of Rs…………………….
(Rupees…………………………………………………………………………………..only) to the
Contractor and that such advance payment is to be adjusted against the price of the
Tender/Contract/Service/ Job / Equipment to be supplied by the Contractor as aforesaid, on the
condition that the Contractor shall procure in your favour an unconditional Advance Bank
Guarantee for the due and faithful observance by the Contractor of the terms and conditions of
the said Letter of Intent/ Purchase Order for a sum of
AND WHEREAS the …………………………………………………… (Bank name) a banking
Company under the ………………………… Act , having Head Office at ……………………………,
and having a Branch office at _______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) are held
firmly bound to you, by these presents hereinafter.
The expression “the Company” “the Contractor” and “the Bank” wherever in context appears
shall mean and include its successors-in-interest and permitted assigns),
NOW, we …………………………………………………………………………………… (Name of
Bank & Branch) hereby irrevocably agree and undertake to you as follows:
1. That the said Contractor shall duly and faithfully carry out to your satisfaction its
obligation under the Tender no./Contract/Letter of Intent/ Purchase Order, failing which
we hereby irrevocably guarantee to pay you without any demur or objection of
whatsoever nature, and notwithstanding any dispute raised by the Contractor in any
proceedings before any tribunal or court, merely on written demand from you in writing
stating that the amount is due, all or any sums of money upto a maximum of
(Rupees……………………………………………………………….only). And we undertake
to pay the said amount within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the written
communication from you in this regard. Any such demand made on us shall be
conclusive as regards the amounts due and payable by us under this guarantee.
Page 24 of 27
2. Any demand under this Bank Guarantee shall be issued by you in writing that you have
suffered damages due to non-fulfillment of its contractual obligations by the Contractor
with respect to supply of Equipment under the said Purchase Order.
3. We, further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect
during the period that will be taken for performance of the Contract or under the aforesaid
Letter of Intent/ Purchase Order and that it shall continue to be enforceable till the dues
of the Company under or by virtue of the said Contract/ PO, have been fully paid and its
claims satisfied or discharged or till you certify that the terms and conditions of the
contract or under the said Tender no/ Contract/Letter of Intent/Purchase Order has been
fully and properly carried out by the Contractor and accordingly discharge the guarantee,
whichever is earlier. Unless the demand of claim under this guarantee is made on us in
writing during the validity period of the contract/ PO or on or before
…………………….whichever is later. We shall be discharged from all liability under the
guarantee thereafter.
4. We further agree that you shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without
affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions
of the said Tender no./Contract/ Letter of Intent/Purchase Order or to extend performance
by the Contractor from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time the powers
exercisable by you against the Contractor and to forbear to enforce any of the terms and
conditions of Tender no./ Letter of Intent/Purchase Order and we shall not be relieved
from our liability for reason of any such variation, or any extension granted to the said
Contractor or for any forbearance or omission on your part or any indulgence by you to
the said Contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law
relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of relieving us.
5. We, lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with your
previous consent in writing. The guarantee contained herein shall be continuing and
remain in full force and effect during the period as provided in clause 3 above or for any
other period mutually decided in writing between the Company and the Contractor.
6. The guarantee contained herein shall not get affected or impaired by reason of any
dispute(s) between the Contractor and you relating to the said Letter of Intent/Purchase
7. The Guarantee shall be in addition to any other Guarantee or security and shall not in
any way be prejudiced or affected by any collateral or other security or other Guarantee
that you may now or anyway have in relation to the Contractor’s obligations or liabilities
under and\ or in connection with the Contract\ PO and you shall have full authority to take
recourse or to enforce this Guarantee in preference to the security or securities at its sole
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9. This Guarantee will come into effect on receipt of advance payment by the Contractor of
Rs…………………….. from you under the said Tender no./Contract/ Letter of Intent/
Purchase Order and will remain valid upto…………………………..
10. The value of this Bank Guarantee shall automatically reduce to the extent of advance
adjusted in the invoices raised by the Contractor on you against the supply of the said
equipment under the said Purchase Order. The value of this Bank Guarantee shall stand
so reduced from the respective dates of such Invoices.
11. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove our liability under this guarantee is
restricted to Rs………………. (Rupees………………………………………………….only).
This guarantee shall remain valid until …………………. Unless a demand or claim in
writing is lodged with us within 3 months days from the above expiry date or the
obligation under the Tender no./ Purchase order/ Letter of Intent by the Contractor, i.e. on
or before………………..., all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we
shall be released and discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee.
12. The Bank lastly confirm that only appropriate court in Pune shall have jurisdiction to
entertain and try any dispute and / or difference relating to this guarantee between the
Bank and the Company and no other court shall have any jurisdiction with respective
such disputes / differences.
13. The Contractor shall bear the stamp duty in respect of this instrument.
(a) Bank liability under this guarantee shall not exceed Rs…………………../-(Rupees:
(b) This Bank guarantee shall be valid upto …………………… i.e. 3 months additional
from due date.
(c) We are liable to pay the guarantee amount or any part thereof under this Bank guar-
antee only and only if you serve upon the Bank a written claim or demand on or be-
fore ………………………………….
(d) On Expiry, this Bank Guarantee shall be returned to us duly discharged.
The Bank hereby declares that it has the power to issue this guarantee and the undersigned has
full power to do so.
Executed on this Bank Guarantee on ______day of ____________2018
Place :
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