Selecting Boars 2021

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Swine Production

Cagayan State University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Prepared by: Kenji C. Calonia DVM

Selecting Boars
Management of Boars
• The boar is one of the most important animals in a pig
enterprise. One boar will generally produce 15 to 20
times as many offspring per year as do breeding
female in the herd. Boars must posses the genetic
potentials to sire feed efficient, fast growing slaughter
pigs with exceptional carcass quality.
• Boars can be kept healthy and in good body condition
by regulating their services, fed a balance diet and
provided with good living conditions.
Buying Replacement Boars
• Replacement boars should be purchased
way ahead of the actual need for them. A
period of a least 1 to 2 months before the
breeding season begins in enough time
for the boar to get adjusted to the new
environment and for the farm operation.
1. Behavior.
• Behavioral traits are those characteristics that express
themselves as docility, temperament, sex
characteristics, maturity and aggressiveness. These
are associated with reproductive Potential.
2. Sow Productivity
> came from sow with good productivity traits
include such things as reproductive ability, litter size,
milking ability, and mothering ability
> The number of pigs farrowed and weaned and
the average pig birth weight in a litter are the most
comm. measures.
>Litter weight at 21 days is probably the best
single measure of sow productivity. Boars should be
selected only from those litters of' 10 or more pigs
farrowed and eight or more pigs weaned.
3. Performance
Performance traits include:
a. growth rate measured as gain per day from weaning to market,
or age at kg,
b. feed conversion

Traits with economic value, boars should:

a. should [a] reach 104 kg. at 155 days, or less, of age
b. consume about 125 kg of feed per 45 kg. of weight gain, or less,
between the weight of 27 and 104 kg.;
c. gain 0.9 kg. or more, per day during this me time.
4. Backfat.
Carcass merit is probably best evaluated by taking measurements such
as backfat thickness, loin eye area, or estimating the percent muscle in
the animal. Of these measurements, backfat is the single most
important and best measure of leanness. These traits have very high
heritability values.
4. Reproductive soundness.
• Characteristics associated with soundness include the spacing, number,
and presentation of the teats; genetic abnormalities such as hernia and
cryptorchidism; and mating ability.
• Boars should possess 12 or more well-spaced teats.
• Genetic abnormalities and mating ability traits have a very high
economic importance.
Boars should free from defects
• Physical soundness of the feet and legs, and bone size and strength,
are also important.
• Feet and legs should demonstrate medium to large bone;
• Wide stance of both and front and rear;
• Free in movement;
• Good cushion to both front and rear feet;
• and of equal size toes.
5.. Conformation.
This includes body length, depth, height, skeletal size; muscle
size and shape; boar masculinity characteristics and testicular
• Conformation traits such as length and height have high heritability
values. It is important to select boars in the basis of their own records
for these characteristics.
6. Semen quality
. Boards should be able to produce semen which
are creamy in color, live (mobile) and smell a
little bit fishy. Around 10-15 billion of sperm cells
are produced per ejaculate (natural mating). But
for AI,2.5-3.3 billion sperm cells are used per
Semen Collection
• Semen Collection
• At the age of 7.5 months, the boar should
not be used more than once a week,
because at this age, semen production is
still low. When the boar has reached the age
of 18 months, it has reached its maximum
production capability.
• Over-use and under-use of boars is often
cited as causes of infertility
Age of Boar Recommended # of Max ejaculation per
ejaculations week
7.5 months Do not use Do not use
7.5 to 12 months 0nce every 7 days 1-2 times
12 to 18 months Once every 6 days 3 times
Over 18 months Once every 5 days 4 times
• Semen Fraction Identification:
1. First gel with clear fluid – do not collect this fraction as it’s contains very few
2. Sperm rich fraction – this is grayish and milky. This fraction is collected as it
contains viable sperm cells ideal for insemination
3. Clear fluid fraction – one third of this fraction can be collected to add volume
to the collected semen.
4. Gel rich fraction (tapioca) – this fraction not collected because it clogs the
catheter can caused death of sperm cells.
Semen Evaluation
Semen Evaluation
• Two methods of semen evaluation is done through
microscopic and physical evaluation
Semen Physical Evaluation:
1. Weight measurement – a normal boar ejaculates
150-250 ml. the normal range is 50-450 ml
2. Smell –a clear ejaculate has little odor, slightly fishy
odor. An ejaculate that has been contaminated with
preputial fluid has very distinctive odor
3. Color – varies from grayish white to creamy white
depending on the semen concentration. Reddish to
brownish color may be due to blood contamination.
Yellowish color may be due to urine contamination
Characteristics of Average Ejaculate
Volume 150-250

Sperm Concentration 30-60

Total sperm per ejaculate, 120-150
Motile Sperm % 70

Morphology of Normal sperm 80

Color Creamy white

2. Sperm Density Evaluation Using Spermacue

3. Semen Morphology Evaluation

- assess semen viability or the physical
appearance of the sperm cells. It determines the
number of normal abnormalities of the spermatozoa
Allowable Sperm Defects
abnormal Head Shapes - 5%
abnormal acrosome - 5%
Cytoplasmic Droplets - 10%
Coiled Tails - 5%
Semen Processing
• It is important what the temperature of semen be the same with the
temperature of the extender when they are mixed. Before you extend
the semen, measure the temperature of the semen and extender.
Both semen and extender. Both semen and extender should be equal
or at least =/- 1C.
• Semen per dose must be at minimum 3 billion and maximum of 4.5
billion viable sperm in one insemination dose that hold a minimum of
80 ml and a maximum of 100 ml
• Boars should be selected and purchased at six to seven
months of age.
• They should be used at eight months of age or older.
However, it is recommended to use boars for service at nine
months of age.
• However, it is recommended to use boars for service at nine
months of age.
• It is recommended that all replacement boars be purchased
at least 60 days before the breeding season. This allows
them to be isolated and checked for health, conditioned and
test mated or evaluated for reproductive performance.
• The primary consideration of producers is to select only
boars that will maintain the present production level of the
herd and at the same time, lessen weaknesses in the herd
Economically Important Traits in Pigs and Their
• Pigs show variation in economically important traits is generally
recognized. The problem is to measure these differences from the
standpoint of discovering the most desirable genes and then
increasing their concentration and, at the same time, to purge the
herd of the less desirable traits.
• Heritability estimate indicates the percentage of a trait due
to heredity while the remaining portion of the variance is
due to the environment
• For example, a heritability estimate of 15% of litter size at
birth (table) indicates that about 15% of larger than average
litters selected is due to genetic influences, but it also says
that 85% is due to environment influences
• The body length and back fat thickness are
more dependent on genetic factors than litter
size and daily gain.
• In other words: the environment has more
influence on the litter size than it does on
backfat thickness.
• Those characteristics which have low
heritability can hardly be improved by
breeding; however, improvement of the
environment will strongly influence them.
Generally speaking:
• Fertility (reproduction) and constitution (fitness)
characteristics have a low heritability:
• Fattening characteristics (growth performance) have medium
• Characteristics concerning body shape and body composition
(carcass quality) have a high heritability

Litter size at 15 On the average, a sow will have consumed a total of ¾ to 1 ton of feed
birth during the period between breeding and the date her liter is weaned.
Thus, if the quantity of feed must be charged against a liter of 4 or 5
pigs, the chance of eventual profit is small.

Litter size at 12 Although greatly influenced by herdmanship, litter survival to wearing is

weaning a measure of the mothering ability of the sow.

Birth weight of 5 Very light pigs usually lack vigor.

Litter weight 17 Wearing weight is important, for it has been shown that the pigs that are
at weaning heaviest at wearing time reach market weight more quickly. The low
heritability of this factor indicates that it is largely a function of the
nursing ability of the sow rather than genetics.

Daily rate of 30 Daily rate of gain from wearing to marketing is important because: [1] it
gain from is highly correlated with efficiency of gain; [2] it makes for a shorter time
weaning to in reaching market weight and condition, thus effecting a saving in labor,
marketing making for less exposure to risk and disease, and allowing for a more
rapid turnover in capital. Rate of gain and lardiness may be correlated to
some degree. Thus, one should not let this be the only factor upon
which selection is based.
Efficiency of feed 30 Where convenient, accurate litter feed records should
utilization be kept, for the most profitable animals generally
require less feed to make 45kgs. Of gain.

Conformation 29 This heritability figure is likely to be considerably higher

score in a hard of low quality.
characteristics 60 Carcass length is perhaps the most highly hereditary trait in
a. Length pigs. This accounts for the rapid shifts that frequently have been
observed; for example, in changing from chuffy t rangy pigs

b. Backfat thickness 50 The probe, lean meter, or ultrasonic equipment can be used to
measure backfat thickness on prospective breeding animals
c. Lin lean area
50 Loin area is an indication of muscling or red meat
d. Percent ham,
based on carcass 58 Ham is a highly-priced cut; hence the aim is to get a large ham
weight as possible

e. Percent lean cuts, 50

based on carcass A high yield of lean cuts means trimarble fat and more edible
weight meat.
• These heritability estimates apply to
within herd and within breed variations.
Variations between breeds are much
higher in heritability than the variations
• The rest is due to environment. The
heritability figures given herein are
averages based on large numbers; thus
some variation from these may be
expected in individual herds
• Pedigree
• Independent culling level
• Tandem
• Selection
Pedigree method.
. In this method, selection is done on the basis of the
individual’s record of inheritance. A pedigree to be of
value should include the performance record of the
immediate parents of the individual being considered
for selection.
Unless the immediate ancestors including the
grandparents of the individual are outstanding
producers and superior individuals, pedigree selection
is meaningless and it can even ruin the whole herd.
The boar should always be purebred, which means that he is of
known ancestry. This alone is not enough, for he should also be a good
representative of the breed selected; and his pedigree should contain
an impressive list of noted animals.
Likewise, it is important that the sows be of good ancestry,
regardless of whether they are purebreds, grades or crossbreds. Such
ancestry and breeding give more assurance of the production of high
quality pigs that are uniform and true to type.
Independent culling level method
This method establishes minimum standards for
each character, and selecting simultaneously but
independently for each character.
. The performance in one trait is considered entirely
independent of the performance in other traits, or the
performance in one trait does not affect the
performance in another.
The culling level to be established for each trait is
determined on the basis of the heritability of that trait,
it’s economic importance and the percentage of the
animals which are to be culled.
• This system, in which several of the most important characters are
selected for simultaneously, is without doubt the most common
system of selection. It involves establishing minimum standards for
each character and culling animals which fall below these standards.
• For example, it might be decided to cull al pigs in litter of less than
seven pigs, or weighing less than 18kg at weaning, or gaining less
than 0.9kg. per day from weaning to 100kg.
• The chief weakness of this system is that an may be culled because of
being faulty in one character only, even though he is well-nigh ideal
• This system is most effective when you are considering only a few
traits at a time and when you find it necessary to cull many animals
and keep a few impressive ones. Its effectiveness goes down as the
number of traits included in the selection program increases and
when the culling pressure decreases
Tandem method
This refers to that system in which there is selection for
only one trait at a time until the desired improvement
in that particular trait is reached, following which
selection is made for another trait, etc. This system
makes it possible to make rapid improvement in the
trait for which selection is being practiced, but it has
two major disadvantages:
[a] usually it is not possible to select for one trait
only, and
[b] generally income is independent on several
Tandem selection is recommended only in those rare herds
where one character only is primarily in need of improvement;
for example, where a certain herd of pigs needs improving in
litter size

• Selection index Method

• This method combines all important traits into one overall value or
index. Theorically, a selection index provides a more desirable way
in which to select for several traits than either tandem method or
independent culling method
Selection indices are designed to accomplish the
a) To give emphasis to the different traits in keeping
with their relative importance;
b) To balance the strong points against the weak
points of each animal;
c) To obtain an over-all total score for each animal,
following which animals can be ranked from best to
d) To assure a constant and objective degree of
emphasis on each trait being considered, without
shifting or ideals from year to year; and
e) To provide a convenient way in which to correct for
environmental effects, such as feeding differences,
Formula of Selection Index (SI)

SI = 240 + [(110) (ADG kg)]- [(50) (FCR)] – [(19.7) (BF cm)]

ADG – Average Daily Gain
FCR – Feed Conversion Ratio
BF - Backfat
• Culling is the removal of unwanted animals in the herd. It requires
intelligent and careful evaluation of every individual’s merit of
• The more rigid the culling, the more rapid will be the improvement in
the performance of the herd.
• The intensity of culling varies from farm to farm depending on the
goals of the individual producer and availability of superior
replacement animals.
• In a herd, it is common to cull at a rate of 30 to 40 percent
• An important and neglected area of planning is the stage of sow
removal from the herd.
• Once the decision to cull a sow has been taken, it rarely pays to retain
her in order to gain extra weight before marketing. Thus, once her
udder has returned to normal and selling is convenient, she is best
removed form the herd to make way for a more productive sow.
Therefore, the best time to cull a sow is after weaning.
• Although it is a common practice of swine producers to keep boars
and sows as long as they are productive, culling them on the basis of
their physical and reproductive capabilities of improving the
production efficiency of the herd is more realistic.
Planned and unplanned
• Culling should be planned to give a property regulated herd
age and standards adopted, so that pigs of below average
performance or difficult temperament are removed.
However, culling must never be considered independently of
gilt replacement availability.
• As already mentioned, culling requires wise and careful
evaluation of every sow’s performance.
• The more rigid the culling, the more rapid will be the
improvement in the performance of the herd. The intensity
of culling varies farm to farm depending on the goals of the
individual producer and the availability of superior
replacement animals
• Very few of the reasons for removing sows from a herd can really be
said to be completely predictable in advance. We may know that an
estimated number of replacement gilts would be required, but it is
less easy to forecast the exact timing of such a requirement
• Results of a survey showed that only culling by age can be really said
to be predictable in advance (Meat and Livestock Commission, Great
Britain). All the rest are said to be unpredictable.
• According to the study, the proportion of the sow culled after service
totals at least 47% of the reasons for removal from the herd.
• “Not in – pig” accounts for 17%, failure to conceive for 12%, abortion
for 6% and lameness about 12%.
• In commercial farms, sows are kept as long as they produce large
number of rapid growing pigs. A fast turnover of sows will, however,
increase the rate of genetic changes which then provide potential
• Table shows that if sows are kept for five or six litters, around 40%
must still be replaced each year. This rate would still be higher for
breeding stock producers.
Letter per Sow Years in Herd based Annual Replacement
on 155 days Rate(%)
farrowing interval
3 1.27 79
4 1.70 59
5 2.13 47
6 2.55 39
7 2.98 33
(acceptable average)
8 3.40 29
9 3.83 26
10 4.25 23
Pointers in Culling Boars and gilts/Sows

Culling boars and gilts should be decided upon based on:
Y reproductive failures
Y feet and leg problem
Y damaged udder section
Y health status

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