Bull Management and Nutrition - TESTING
Bull Management and Nutrition - TESTING
Bull Management and Nutrition - TESTING
Proper management and nutrition of bulls is essential to ensure cow/calf producers maximize
reproductive efficiency and genetic improvement of the calf crop. In addition, the herd bull
influences overall herd fertility more than any other single animal, and loss of fertility by a
bull can cause substantial loss to a potential calf crop. Each cow produces one calf per year;
however, bulls should contribute to the calf crop by 25 to 60 times via siring 25 to 60 calves.
Additionally, bulls influence their daughters’ production in the cow herd. Therefore, bull
selection can be the most powerful method of genetic improvement in the herd, but bulls with
low fertility, structural problems and low libido reduce the percent calf crop weaned.
The number of cows bred during the breeding season plays the largest role in percent calf
crop weaned, and percent calf crop weaned is the single most important factor influencing
profitability in beef operations. The weaning weight is influenced by the bull selection.
Since greater than 90% of the beef cows in the United States are bred by natural service, it is
important that bulls be managed to optimize breeding performance.
Producers spend the necessary time to find quality bulls based on EPD’s, but how is the bull
managed from purchase to breeding or between breeding seasons can affect the longevity of
a bull? Has the nutrient requirements of the bull(s) been met during these periods or are the
bulls placed into a pasture to be forgotten about until the next breeding season?
There are several factors that influence bull fertility. First, a bull must be developed properly
and have reached puberty to be fertile. Second, physical characteristics, such as scrotal
circumference, mating ability, and semen quality play a role in a bull’s fertility. Third, libido
and social dominance influence a bull’s ability and desire to service cows. This paper will
start with nutrition.
Furthermore, extremely low energy can delay puberty and potentially impair sperm
production. In addition, bulls that are undernourished at a young age may never develop
appropriately when compared to bulls that are properly fed (VanDemark et al., 1964).
The age and weight at which puberty occurs also varies greatly among breeds and level of
nutrition during development; however, research with various breeds suggests that a practical
indication of eminent puberty is when scrotal circumference is between 27 and 29 cm
(Lunstra et al., 1978). However, simply because a bull can produce semen does not translate
directly to fertility. Sperm quality and quantity continues to increase for several months after
the initiation of semen production. Only about 35%, 60%, and 95% of 12, 14, and 16 month
old bulls, respectively, are reproductively mature and produce good quality semen (Barth,
Seedstock producers are the primary individuals managing the development program of bulls
being sold. For commercial cow-calf producers, feeding programs usually include feeding
purchased bull(s) from delivery until the breeding season and bulls retained from one
breeding season to the next. Bulls are often managed as one group even though there may be
large differences in age, size, and body condition.
The debate over the correct method for developing bulls is not settled: Should you develop
bulls at a moderate rate of gain or develop bulls on a ration that is capable of supporting high
rates of gain so genetic differences can be measured for selection and marketing purposes?
Bulls put into many bull test stations are placed on rations to support high rates of gain.
Many seedstock producers have established specific feeding programs to fit the desired
animal performance where bulls show their genetic potential and are cost efficient.
The key to a well-developed feeding program is that nutrient requirements are meet and
animals are not under-or over-fed. It does not matter if they are developed with a high-grain
ration or forage-based program. While the effect of underfeeding is obvious, overfeeding
bulls also has negative effects on reproductive performance. Excess external fat cover is not
only found on the back of the bull, but also in the scrotum. The increased scrotal
temperatures associated with over conditioned bulls can reduce sperm production and the
quality of stored sperm. Being overly fat also increases stress on the bull and limits his ability
to travel so he can search out and service cows that are in estrus.
Post-weaning nutrition:
During the time period from weaning to first breeding season is when producers are
determining rations. We suggest developing bulls at moderate rates of gain instead of high
rates of gain. Since bull selection is based on genetic information such as EPDs, more
producers are using a moderate plane of nutrition to develop breeding bulls during the post-
weaning phase. Nutrient requirements for growing bulls can be found in NRC (2000) or
through the extension service. There are many possible rations that could be used to develop
bulls at the desired animal performance prior to the first breeding season. The best ration
depends heavily on the availability and cost of feed ingredients. The key is developing the
ration to meet the desired animal performance without over- or under-developing the bull.
During the post-weaning period both under-nutrition and over-nutrition can have negative
impacts. Under-nutrition results in delayed puberty and over-nutrition can reduce semen
production and quality. Limited data is available in the area of bull nutrition. Diets should be
balanced to meet the nutrient requirements for the desired animal performance and body
condition score should be monitored to ensure that the bulls are not being under- or over-
nourished. Typically, many of the diets to develop beef bulls contain from 40 – 60%
concentrate. For breeds that are known to reach puberty later, a common practice is to place
the bulls on a slightly higher plane of nutrition (60 – 70% concentrate). The theory is to
hasten the onset of puberty; however, with breeds that reach puberty early; additional energy
is not beneficial and may cause over-conditioned animals.
Post-breeding season:
The need for proper growth and development still exists and continues after the breeding
season, especially for young bulls that are still growing. Nutritional management post-
breeding is influenced by both age of bulls and amount of weight loss during the course of
the breeding season. Once the breeding season is over, producers usually turn bulls out to a
separate pasture to regain lost weight and prepare them for the next breeding season. Mature
bulls in fairly good condition after the breeding season can be managed on pasture or an all-
roughage diet without supplements during the winter. Hay quality should be 8 to 10% crude
protein and fed at 2% of body weight. Rations should be modified based on available feed
ingredients and to manage the bulls to maintain moderate body condition.
Young bulls are still growing so the ration should be formulated to gain 1½ to 2 pounds per
day depending on the magnitude of weight loss during breeding. The need to supplement
young bulls on summer/fall pasture will depend on the quality and quantity of forage
available. The best method for developing a diet for bulls is to test potential feeds and
formulate a ration based on age, size and desired performance. For example, during the
winter feeding program, feeding roughage at 2% of body weight plus 3 to 6 pounds of grain
so total diet protein content is 10 to 11% will often provide the targeted rate of gain in young
Even with the best nutrition program some bulls have low fertility or other reproduction
problems which will limit their servicing capacity. We will highlight some management that
can be completed to increase the probability of high performing and fertility bulls and other
things to measure to decide if bulls are fertile or not.
Facilities vary widely among operations. It may include pens/pastures, fences,
water/waterer, forage supplies, corrals, working areas and natural barriers. The key is having
facilities that can safely handle fighting bulls and ensures the safety of those working with
the cattle. Pens and pastures should be large enough to ensure bulls adequate exercise to
prepare them for the breeding season. To encourage bulls to get exercise, locate feeding
areas away from water. Bunk space should be 24 to 30 inches per bull if all bulls are being
fed at the same time, space can be reduced to 8 to 12 inches with a self feeder.
Social Dominance
Typically social ranking (dominance) is controlled by size, age and seniority within the
group. This ranking may affect the number of cows a given bull will service in a multiple-
sire herd. Livestock managers must be aware of these relationships to ensure normal
breeding rates. For example, a dominant bull with poor semen quality or low libido could
reduce pregnancy rates for an entire herd even when more fertile subordinate bulls are
A bull’s seniority is the major factor influencing his social ranking; the dominant bull in a
breeding cadre is likely to be an older bull (Chenoweth, 1997). Therefore, it is important not
to introduce a young (yearling) bull into a herd with an older, more mature bull. Introducing
young bulls into a herd with an older bull can be avoided by separating cows into single-sire
breeding groups. In multiple-sire breeding groups, multiple bulls tend to breed the same
sexually active cows, this increases the risk of bull injury.
The number of breeding pastures is often limited within a beef operation. When running
multiple-sire breeding groups with a variety of ages, it is important to group bulls together
based on multiple-sire groups before the breeding season. This allows them to determine the
social ranking prior to turning them into the cow herd.
Individual 2- and 3- year old bulls with high reproductive capacity have been used in
nonsynchronized single-sire breeding groups with bull to cow ratios of 1:60 with no decrease
in estrous detection or conception (Chenoweth, 1997). However, when multiple sires are
used on a single group of females, additional bulls will be required since several bulls will
breed the same cow. In addition, when cows are synchronized and bred by natural service,
greater pressure is placed on the herd bull. Therefore, additional bulls will be needed to
breed the same number of cows when compared to the number of bulls needed to breed
nonsynchronized cows (Healy et al., 1993).
Maximum bull to cow ratios will vary depending on mating ability, semen quality, and libido
of individual bulls. Bull to female ratios can usually be increased in single-sire breeding
groups; however, bulls should be observed closely during the breeding season to ensure that
they continue to mate successfully. Poor performance of a bull in a single-sire breeding
group will affect the entire calf crop of that group.
A good health program is essential for the herd bulls. The best method for developing a
health protocol is by working with your local veterinarian. You should determine the
vaccinations to be given, parasite control, and other specific procedures most suited to your
location. Health problems can be divided into 1) affecting the individual bull or 2) infectious
diseases that may affect the herd as well as the bull’s fertility.
Conditions that affect the individual bull are: 1) Johne’s disease, 2) Lameness due to injury
or infection, 3) Pinkeye, 4) Vesiculitis, and 5) Other conditions. Those conditions can
influence the bull’s ability to service the female or depress the semen quality.
Some possible herd conditions are: 1) Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD), 2) Trichomoniasis, 3)
Leptospirosis, 4) Vibriosis, 5) IBR-Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (Red Nose). All of
these conditions impact the profitability through reduced number of calves born.
Mating Ability
The purpose of the physical examination portion of a BSE is to determine a bull's mating
ability. Mating ability can be described as the physical capabilities needed to successfully
breed a cow. A bull must be able to see, smell, eat, and move normally to successfully breed
cows. The physical examination closely scrutinizes a bull’s eyes, teeth, feet, legs, and
nutritional level (evaluated by body condition score). Any disease or injury that affects
joints, muscles, nerves, bones, or tendons may cause a bull to be structurally unsound. In
addition to structural unsoundness, diseases or injuries to the penis or prepuce can result in an
inability to breed via natural service. These abnormalities will only be detected by careful
examination or observing an attempted mating of a cow. A bull that has high quality semen
but is unable to physically breed cows is unsatisfactory for natural service.
Scrotal Circumference
As scrotal circumference increases, so does the daily production of high-quality sperm.
There is a positive genetic correlation between a sire’s scrotal circumference, the scrotal
circumference of his sons, and the pregnancy rate of his daughters. Furthermore, a negative
genetic correlation exists between a sire’s scrotal circumference and age of puberty in his
daughters. This indicates that bulls with a larger scrotal circumference will likely sire sons
with larger scrotal circumference. Furthermore, daughters should reach puberty at younger
There are two commonly used methods for measuring scrotal circumference, a scrotal
measuring tape or the Coulter scrotal measuring tape. Scrotal circumference is measured by
placing a measuring tape around the scrotum at the widest point and measuring the
circumference of the scrotum. A scrotal circumference measurement is an indirect estimate
of the mass of testicular tissue; moreover, amount of testicular tissue is directly related to
sperm quantity and quality. Studies on 1,944 bulls of various breeds and ages indicated that
as scrotal size increased, the probability of a bull passing a BSE also increased (Cates, 1975).
Additionally, bulls with small scrotal circumference at a year of age tended to have small
scrotal circumference at two years of age.
Semen Quality
Semen quality includes ejaculate volume, sperm cell motility, and sperm cell morphology. It
is important to remember that substandard nutrition, extreme environmental temperatures,
and disease can reduce semen quality, and that the quality of semen from a single bull may
change over time.
Sperm morphology influences pregnancy rates. Bulls with less than 20% abnormal sperm
elicit greater pregnancy rates compared to other bulls (Wiltbank and Parish, 1986; Table 2).
Therefore, selection of bulls with greater than 80% normal sperm can increase overall
pregnancy rates in a herd.
Table 2. Bulls were selected randomly or had 80% normal sperm
cells. All bulls had a scrotal circumference >32 cm and successfully
passed a breeding soundness evaluation (Wiltbank and Parish, 1986).
Year 1 Year 2
Random 80% Random 80%
Group Normal Group Normal
Sperm Sperm
Cows Exposed 655 675 1282 808
No. of Bulls 26 27 51 33
No. Pregnant 571 656 1179 769
% Pregnant 87% 93% 85% 90%
% Increase 6% 5%
Conversely, a bull that successfully passes a BSE can fail a subsequent BSE. Sperm
production is a continuous process and many factors can affect it. Injury, disease, fever, and
extreme environmental conditions are four of the main factors that can decrease sperm
production. Injury to the penis or testis can also result in infertility in bulls. In light of these
facts, it is important to realize that the results of a single BSE are not valid for the life of a
bull, and testing a bull annually, usually a month prior to breeding season is recommended.
Libido refers to the desire to mate and is not part of the BSE. Libido is thought to be a highly
inherited trait with heritability ranging as high as 0.59. This is because there is more
variation in libido between sons of different sires than between sons of the same sire. It is
important to remember that scrotal circumference, semen quality, and mating ability
(evaluated in a BSE) are not related to libido. Therefore, a bull that passes a BSE may have
poor libido or a bull with good libido may fail a BSE.
Libido has positive effects on pregnancy rate and, as such, can influence the success of an
entire breeding season. For this reason, it is important to evaluate a bull’s desire to mate
prior to the start of breeding season. This can be done by placing a bull in a pen with an
estrous female and record the bull’s eagerness to mate over a five minute period. A bull’s
eagerness can range from no sexual interest to successfully mating with the female. Libido
can be more practically evaluated by closely watching a bull after introducing him to a cow
Proper nutrition is needed to ensure that the bull’s reproductive development and
performance is maximized. Since reproductive traits are not highly heritable, greater
selection intensity is required to achieve genetic improvement. Selection intensity for female
reproductive traits is usually low, since selection of replacement females in commercial herd
is usually based on age, or weight and not reproductive performance. As a result, greater
selection intensity is required in selection of herd bulls to achieve the desired level of genetic
improvement. Structurally sound bulls with a large scrotal circumference and high semen
quality should be selected as herd sires. Moreover, it is important to remember that semen
quality of an individual bull changes over time and, for a bull to be fertile, libido and mating
ability should be evaluated periodically.
Barth, A. D. 2000. Bull breeding soundness evaluation. 2nd ed. Published by Western
Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners.
Cates, W. F. 1975. Observations on scrotal circumference and its relationship to
classification of bulls. Proc. Ann. Mtng. Soc. for Theriogenology. Cheyenne, WY. pp. 1-
Chenoweth, P. J., J. C. Spitzer, and F. M. Hopkins. 1992. A new bull breeding soundness
evaluation form. Proc. Ann. Mtng. Soc. for Theriogenology San Antonio, TX. pp. 63-
Chenoweth, P. J. 1997. Bull libido/serving capacity. Vet. Clin. North Amer. Food Anim.
Prac. 13:331-344.
Elmore, R. G., C. J. Bierschwal, C. E. Martin, and R. E. Youngquist. 1975. A summary of
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Healy, V. M., G. W. Boyd, P. H. Gutierrez, R. G. Mortimer, and J. R. Piotrowski. 1993.
Investigating optimal bull:heifer ratios required for estrous-synchronized heifers. J.
Anim. Sci. 71:291-297.
Lehrer, A. R., M. B. Brown, H. Schindler, Z. Holzer, and B. Larsen. 1977. Paternity tests in
multisired beef herds by blood grouping. Acta Vet. Scand. 18:433-441.
Lunstra, D. D., J. J. Ford, and S. E. Echternkamp. 1978. Puberty in beef bulls: hormone
concentrations, growth, testicular development, sperm production, and sexual
aggressiveness in bulls of different breeds. J. Anim. Sci. 46:1054-1062.
Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle (NRC) 2000.
VanDemark, N. L., and R. E. Mauger. 1964. Effect of energy intake on reproductive
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Wiltbank, J. N., and N. R. Parish. 1986. Pregnancy rate in cows and heifers bred to bulls
selected for semen quality. Theriogenology. 25:779-783.