Battle Spirits

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OTe Nae NG eres ete Ver.11.0 Ca Co Ee eee eres ears een eer) one Mens ae ener ee een Caen een CPs vor Reener eaters eter a on ILL Battle Spt sa trading card game which allows 2 players to other ‘and supporting the foundation ofthe game is [Core] leveling up the Spits, a are made possible using cores! During your tun using fou are abl to change the game ine ‘ombination of [Card + Cores] you can experience heated fils the condition, that player and the game end: Ce Rcruener earths) & Tings you need forthe gare O Vype Of Cards In Bate Sits there are 6 aferent types of card. By combining these ards with Cores, player can experince diferent kinds of bates, Inte Spt err ert ———_ D} Game Procedure —— Prepare the game by using the following procedures. Deck Sed atone, o ‘lay sheet for the [Vor] Zc Shu your om dock 2 HEoa haces vio be sd ioeshertaa ata JO ae tara very Occ ictss Ferre Z © op py set grace" Heaps Sane -y I What is Soul Core? Sou Gore ($9 he aroma cr. a is ed op or costo weed | Imani olel ona SpUtinataMous Sou Cran sib ected by Oven cae ton te sek av a wy 0 dace cr layers it 9, Rock, Paes. SEesgs Bice Ra ater a eebie st ‘es tat ret cores however Soul Cre cart be move thee Zone or ox exces rom the Seal QED) elt. Game FW Nhe ot yew bn he by [St Se] oe [Ee Sta] ere can {Ten Eno nol og Inman sp sane abe e's an a i ‘reir change of areca. 1 un er ae 7 stp nn et apie tose sen esky come near Soran os = ¢ Start Step, -———} Core Step -__—_| Draw Step e———— bw i ncton ne Siekemenncsinn | Romeo sea wrote Refresh Stepe Trac on fa ae ean (con ne ashe noe ese Main Step Toren Attack Step “rp 12 = O—-O+-—— 0-0-0 -8 End Step Toran 16 ro ap Next Turn Ei Main Step Disha Ma Sipe plata de owned alow ayo @sunmaring SpiMinaterave aving/Separting/Sulching Brave {Sdepiying News @ Using Wage @Using Fash effects joving of Cores @setting Burst(Once per turn) ‘ 5-1 Summoning of Spirit/Ultimate/Brave Swvtareave cx nyu ad Opt Zone cn bo ocr oo he ele ait ‘ngs cont a ca Sarma fasong ae paper age to aye ‘ate ato mma snr cr ef ard mt ‘Snr an at he wy Kata soe (re Lr, ale 1113) Hoe te yen en more coe on Spe rata Set Semuinueat nan ee Sale de a Spe) or Ua) a ale con or fe Gove. lyr ‘Pinot eames Senos ore aero Sebi ination a "Ferm els on Pain ol oo pg 12 © 5-2 Braving/Separating/Switching Brave [i canting ne wa Sate a i nen ecu fons tery 2 ives pra). Bg Se eae ay cat Sisld Fete abened Sabb ert te elope ssc os {Sepuahal stra ae tom he ned Sate ad mata eB ‘= gsort tr py nema unr cog on te Bre oman ‘instante Candin args tr tees re teed Scott ee ite Sysadmin nts ai oes {Si gata eB 29 ee Sp Ute th Spa c spose Bae tec boasts cls Pte "Ferm solzcn Bae pot pine 7 @ How to use the cards and pay the cost @ cs you ands aoe @Eot Raden Symi SAMAR BR ro ete tr ai fave iopar on bob ng ot. “Tenerarisshastagt nangit incon rntga teams funn vn crest Tah ater @REESES Teneo & greg unt ot amos mA RULES a a Se 5-3 Deploying Nexus You [Deploy] a News ton your had or Opened Za othe fly paying he eed st Ween yu doy you ean snd the rogues rub of oso make i an {epby Ras Lv2 No cre can bs paced ona Gana Nowse when ts epoyed 5-4 Using Magic Card ‘baying te cost [Us] a Mag car tom sour har Opened Ze, nt Can aca ener he van] or Pas] eect Afar ang te Mage oa send {Git the tah [Bul] eal cannot be sede sca tom and ness Sty on ee 5-5 Using Flash effect ‘Tho tam payer cn etate Mai) elects) oy cr te Mn Sap: however (Fan eects cone acai other day te Min Sogo ack Sap 5-6 Moving of Cores Player cn ey ove the ces on the el between te Sh} Uae) ter an Geter Neuro evn tothe eseve By mong he caret runt ces ers ‘an ee uote Se/Utinnss) to sn argh BP and evan gn new alec: Payer ‘an ao coco a rmaln the coves orl core onthe tld eer Of couse ts peal enove cates en cad) but ter han Ganvaker Nows, he teseve,Howeve he Spt Uta) hase eae) an ha requred mut rosa a the bet eel they oe alleles are Racor [Det 5-7 Setting Burst (nee per ur, you cn sa ad wth Bust eect ace down ent ya ld ‘is atone [ut Sel, You cal sel a cars th ne [ut el et “Fern on Bt ote 2 G Attack Step When a payer ais to decease the cpanel uso SpvUtinate, te player ‘can deca an Pac] hen the atc ecard, he ate stars and elon (ni the Wt of game by he is payer il ip is sep ? Attack Declaration (Start of battle) Sec rfeened Spit or lias ad date an atc once te ack decd the tl Dea. Flash Timing (© Fash ete an Mage card can te used (Ostend payer nl ave pty fe) Block Declaration (© The csnang payer ge to chooee I hls wat to ck (© Fro cars we dcr, stip [4 Fash Tg] ane proceed Seah te (: Bate Rossen Flash Timing (© Fach oles on Wag cad canbe ued (Georana Daye wi have Di) Battle Resolution @ Facer is doce, the ting Ss) Usa) wl (© 0 boca sce, the ranar of sya) on th Soi ‘estucten oie Stina] md proceed sagt [7 Ero ‘Bate. Destruction of the Spirit/Ultimate (© Aer he btn Sots) Utne i slot th oe th he @ End of Battle (© ea lasted Spf) cr Urata on te fo 8 6-1 Attack Declaration (Start of battle) (@S2ket | eosne Sit or Lima ant ‘er ck ee, he ale bas ‘en cng Slo Uae yg he ar dena. ec) a natok an P ‘ave hrce Some mate) fa earner "ne tacking Spe 5 reneves Som MeFi ng ‘ting, pcan (62 Fe Tg ee cee a= yt 6-2, 6-4 Flash Timing — ash econ Mag oath cards an be ed ‘teen na on Fa ooo 16 6-3 Block Declaration (©The cen pay tar te onion o chose whether Crone aed St Ue ae eck tang St Uae Eto ‘ectingSpitor Ute yng te ad ony A eee) ag» Back an ot aca cre, procs [6-4 ae Ten "no tar sarcon.ip at a ering na pose [68 Bae clr. na ‘aos nt anther ayer ace a He scr Perum ‘boon ating Sit oF Uae 6-6 Destruction of the Spirit/Ultimate for comparing BP the Spit or lima withthe lower BP wil be destroyed 3 fa chaos when destoyed by conoarng BP cr Bus Acct sch 5 MTN > ABE fan afl wien chats when you use YB Sul Coe a he hsrated tina. the Baca Ste! Ut ard has condton fle, you ean stack on at ed winout pain re cost Sint Utirate wth the alt > S74 Fama 1) Decl me ca which you ws to pst » SETEF orto aa Sit he ve conden ‘Grotiiie, re Sav wf be separated immediate, [144 the ve conto rot sll, the ve wl be soared media (BREEN) 2) oct wich can ony be acto hat Spt or Uta Pas 2 Hace p Gave cod. Whont ones Base cr, il be ue aca 2 ERRIR tee Wren a cesconos i eaves ne el move ne Base ca) fete olce © About GranWalker Nexus A Nous which possosses Gos yb sd tom am (Gaitahe) ie caled Gaitar News Cores paced on he Giles Nee can el be uses by ees of he fects tat get a Gara Nous (God ated can be aed as econ er recht wich tops God ae =z @ Since se News, ecard tothe clo and sym can all canon ter men you nave a Noe) (© Since can ety be tected eects at tage a Gane: Non cael ‘aed by Assn xs tc. or be Sestoyed ty eet tat [estoy Nes €@ ining when coployos, cores ant to plas on is a ‘he coes paced on he Nenu carob ved dng Mn Sep, nor can te used pay tr Cath As, te caves laced ths card does ol cout (© en cng covet te Volto Gane ons, tese cores can ony be cle by stots Pa age a Grae Nenu. Hence, fe nol feted ty ‘ect at strates [When eos) ar added tom te od (© hen the Granohor Nous laos te Sid y destroyed cary fect), a the sYequrenert, ond or am the Vid 0 Dea ERED. San Benes ctr cok BP. and ENT 0 = sch ES one, Be cra at, the fc) which gat fh Four So] can o Posie card Chicpariznd a Rei) Sot ana fee fre) nea sat, te back (8 wth cost Feta cone boon ‘ib tops ara taht posta, ida fo sect hapaning one 15 Sines tara od ta Steps for @{) ——<) ‘age onan rere Ay mente a women forbes Srecleate Dace. tym tnirenont sate defecate rose te tng son fe Roatan Birnga gm ou can check he reese set your etry cad at gon tel Sry vcore comers opanets Poste cretion oxen ve cnstutn ta de the Grete) ‘Sean om ors tae or ater tar, ‘ion cong ar ore passes Rina chest Savina cnd te frevaen) ae mt senae Seay a vrnsn avon seo ogee ne ‘Siac ne a Wt ont cfe Guisscer vim oso delay fogetn e Sita pe etna oer a Peace ekki) Te sects te trl cardiac ante chest crc el oe be [Bextrars, at ast ese rr ot Pee rae sre at Oe {i antes uo oe ‘few arn cna sat ey ‘es ou Samm aeons — RCSL ee ie enennaineaaaar {Fs unr cae tote moe ote ogo wer the cerca ety important points of [Rebirth] card ree (ON at Reed ie re tae ren ere}. nf OQsA SEO oat ten Basen wt TS Fa ot acho at Aa aca aca SERRE rome tasters iene» mtn Se Sa rg aS ee ets ew mt ecanyore @Azout Soul Core Ria nem yen cei Spine (@rbout Summoning selena estore at errant OPO ces acacia feAbout Brave DUE aeggen geese cre ta Event, rggnrenecemstmnrreoren 18 wae 2 ttc te bss gn ic tebe? 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