Aod Only Erratas v1.2

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This file is the official document that will present corrections to which is the standard for a commanded attack”. It should be: “...
elements of the game's first printing that caused a divergence + 0 HIT against a character of their choice within their weapon’s
of information and interfered with the game's good progress. range (That character is still subjected to engagement restrictions).
This file will always seek to be updated as new occurrences
arise or new clarifications become necessary. Our team thanks Pag. 28 – The Weapon Range section need clarification on how
all the support provided by the community in the forums and those new information interacts with previous elements, and
Facebook groups, as well as regrets for the inconveniences, thus, you may disregard the two bullets and consider these:
and humbly apologizes. We worked hard; we still count on the
help of a reviewer; however, given the size of the game and • “Determine the range of your Focus Abilities (which are
the amount of pieces interacting with each other, we ended up Weapon Attacks) and Weapon Attacks commanded by allies;."
letting some mistakes slip between one update and another
during our development and because of that, we are sorry. •"Determine whether you can perform Weapon Attacks
through Focus Abilities or commanded by allies while
Important note 1: Misspellings that did not cause information engaged. Heroes wielding Ranged or Implement Weapons
divergences will be corrected in the digital files but will not be cannot perform them if they are adjacent to an enemy;"
marked as errata to avoid excessive information.
•"Regardless of your weapon range, you can make Melee or
Important note 2: All text in Red inside this Errata File are from the Ranged Weapon Attacks through your Skills. The cube's color
latest update. If you are up-to-date with the information, you can used to activate that Skill is what defines the range, type of this
look only for the Red Text to see what have changed. attack, and whether you can make it or not while engaged;."

Pag. 36 - DARKNESS BEHAVIOR – STANDARD written as it is can

RULEBOOK (COREBOX) easily cause an issue in Solo Games. Thus, it had its rules updated to:

"The Darkness will grow towards the Strongest Hero. If the

Pag. 2 – The chapter title is "INDEX”. It should be: “CONTENTS”. Strongest Hero is already on top of Darkness tile or terrain,
In Portuguese, the word which INDEX translates to (ÍNDICE) it will grow towards the second Strongest Hero and so on.
means TABLE OF CONTENTS. It is a false cognate word. If all Heroes are already on top of Darkness, the Party Leader
must choose where the new tile will be placed, connecting
Pag. 5 - The component list is out of date. You can check the it to an existing Darkness on the board (it won't grow from
updated one through this link: "Check the component count here” Darkness Spawning points this time). The general rule applies:
a Darkness tile will only be broken into three smaller ones if
Pag. 19 - Just below the example of the Shadow Knight moving, their shape didn't fit anywhere it would connect to a Darkness."
the phrase "Large Monster is adjacent to each square in each
area it touches ..." and the clarification presented in italics Pag. 40 - The Poison Gas description states only that it causes
shortly after that can be disregarded. These two sentences POISON. It should be POISON 1.
would make it impossible for characters to use Ranged Weapon
Attacks (red cube) in Range 1 against the Shadow Knight. Pag. 48 - REACTION: can be read as follows instead of what is
written to better clarify some issues:
Pag. 24 - The Engagement Restrictions example provided
"This Skill can only be used in response to a trigger, which
outdated information that contradicted the rules
happens only when a Hero would take damage, and a Hero can
explained later on. Thus, to clarify the example, you
take only one Reaction per trigger. A Hero can take a Reaction in
may disregard all information in italic and consider this:
response of a damage beign dealt to an ally, unless the chosen
Skill has the Keyword SELF, meaning that it can only be taken if
“Example: Lorelai (1) and Elros (4) are adjacent to the Rotten
the Hero themselves are among the characters that would take
Flesh (2), so they are engaged in combat. Thus, they cannot make
the damage."
ranged Weapon Attacks (Weapon Attacks activated through
a red cube), but they still can make melee Weapon Attacks
Pag. 48 – CLEANSE X, add this sentence after the last period.
(Weapon Attacks activated through yellow cubes). Maya (3)
This is not an errata; it is just a reminder: "In addition, when a
is not engaged. Thus, she can make ranged Weapon Attacks."
character receives a CLEANSE effect, remove all POISON affecting
"Important: Weapon Attacks made through Focus Abilities or
commanded by allies use the base range and type of your Weapon.
Pag. 48 – + or - DMG can be read as follows instead of what is
Thus, you can't make these attacks while you are engaged if you are
written to clarify some issues:
using a ranged type Weapon (Ranged and Implement Weapons)."
"The X value is added to the damage your attack inflicts. If a Skill
Pag. 25 - Warlord’s Charge example, the third bullet states: “... + 0 allows you to perform two or more attacks in the same Action, all
HIT against a character of their choice within range 1 from them - of its attacks gain this damage modifier."

Pag. 48 – + X MOVEMENT, it is written "You...". It should be: "The
target...". Pag. 07 - The First Setup Map shows an outdated
image of it, indicating the Darkness Spawning Point in
Pag. 49 – FATIGUE X, it is written "A Hero that suffers from the wrong place. The printed map is the correct one.
fatigue...". It should be: "The target...". Pag. 10 - There is "Lich Slayer" status. It should be: “Lich Slayer”
title. The Title is the element that is written and is not erased when
Pag. 49 – FOCUS X, it is written "You gain X FOCUS...". It should be: visiting the Camp Phase.
"The target gains X FOCUS...".
Pag. 08 and 09 - The Undead King's Boss Board presents a
Pag.50 - Three erratas were removed due to ambiguosities. This contradictory information with the Setup regarding the starting
correction has now effect whatsoever on the Gameplay. number of Skeleton Archer Minions. Disconsider the information
presented on the Undead King's Boss Board (one per orange rune)
Pag. 50 – STEALTH, it is written "You". It should be: "Target". and consider only the one presented in the Setup (one per player).
In addition, add the following clarification sentence on the fifth
Pag. 50 – STRIKE can be read as follows instead of what is written bullet of the Undead King's Setup instructions:
to clarify some issues:
"...Regardless of the way they are spawned, there should never be
"STRIKE X: Strike is a type of area of effect that targets a whole more than four Skeleton Archer's Minions on the board, which is
area (blue square) instead of a single target (regular square). the maximum number of their miniatures available".
STRIKE X means that you must choose X areas (blue square) within
range and affect each character you choose to inside those areas. Pag. 28 - There is no clarification on the effect of summoning
A STRIKE X made at melee means that the character must choose a Skeleton Archer by the Undead King Haunt card. This
areas (blue square) which has one of its squares adjacent to they. summoned Skeleton Archer must be of the same rank as
Likewise, a STRIKE X at range 1 (RANGE 1, STRIKE X) means that another revealed Skeleton Archer if any. Otherwise, it will be
the character must choose X areas (blue square) within Range 1, as a Fighter. It spawns on top of a Darkness square that has been
well a STRIKE with limitless range means that the character must placed right now, at the choice of the Hero who summoned
choose areas (blue square) anywhere in the board." it. If there is no space on the Monster Status Board to mark
this Skeleton Archer's hit points, you must skip this spawning.
Pag. 51 – TELEKINESIS X, can be read as follows instead of what is
written to clarify some issues: Pag. 45 - The First Setup legend has an Abomination icon, while a
"TELEKINESIS X: Move any object (traps, chests, etc.) or character First Setup features a Shadow Knight. The correct monster is the
(Hero or Monster with the same size base size as the source or Shadow Knight.
smaller) up to X squares. They are not affected by the terrain they
float by, but they are affected by the one they land on. Traps can Pag. 61 - In the Gray Box, subsection “Actually, there is another
only be moved from area center to area center and thus, they must catch,” there is IMPROVED POISON. It should be POISON 2.
be moved 2 squares by 2 squares. If you use a Telekinesis 3 to move
a Trap, you will move it to the center of an area to another adjacent Pag. 70 - #002 - There is "... 'CURSE' status...". It should be "...
to it and loose the remaining point." 'CURSE' title...".

Pag. 51 – TAUNT (this is an additional keyword that Pag. 73 - You may disconsider its written effect: "If any Hero has
required clarification in some cases): A character with the 'ORNAMENTED IRON KEY' status on their Campaign Log, read
TAUNT (Passive Ability) is treated as if it were the Strongest entry #101 in this Adventure Book" and consider the following:
Hero. (This doesn't change the monster priority regarding "Write down the 'IRON CHEST' Status on your Campaign Log".
the number of targets if it has Multiple Attack Options)
Pag. 74 - #36 - There is "... 'AMULET OF LIGHT' status...". It should
Pag. 53 – POISON is wrongly sorted as a Redundant Condition be "... 'AMULET OF LIGHT' title...".
since it is a Stackable Condition, as described in this glossary and
indicated by its double-sided token. Pag. 73 - You may disconsider its written effect: " Write down the
“ORNAMENTED IRON KEY” status on your Campaign Log" and
consider the following:
DARKNESS BEHAVIOR – STANDARD was written as it is can easily "If any Hero has the 'IRON CHEST' Status on their Campaign Log,
cause an issue in Solo Games. Thus, it had its rules updated to: read entry #101 in this Adventure Book".

"The Darkness will grow towards the Strongest Hero. If the Pag. 81 - #110 – There is “...' LUMINESCENT AURA' status...". It
Strongest Hero is already on top of Darkness tile or terrain, should be “...' LUMINESCENT AURA' title...". The Title is the element
it will grow towards the second Strongest Hero and so on. If that is written and is not erased when visiting the Camp Phase.
all Heroes are already on top of Darkness, the Party Leader
must choose where the new tile will be placed, connecting Pag. 91 - #188 – There is “...' PRECISE ARM' status...". It should be
it to an existing Darkness on the board (it won't grow from “...' PRECISE ARM' title...". The Title is the element that is written
Darkness Spawning points this time). The general rule applies: and is not erased when visiting the Camp Phase.
a Darkness tile will only be broken into three smaller ones if
their shape didn't fit anywhere it would connect to a Darkness." Pag. 70 - #195 - There is "... 'CURSE' status...". It should be "...
'CURSE' title...".
BARAK AND SKARR, it should be noted that: (Curse Cubes are not
Pag. 70 - #196 - There is "... 'CURSE' status...". It should be "... recovered when you take a Recall Action).
'CURSE' title...".
Pag. 93 - #201 – There is: “Take 'KEY' card from the Adventure
deck...". It should be: “Write down the 'Key' status on your HERO DELUXE BOARDS (STRETCH GOALS)
Campaign Log.".
PIETRO, there should be Race and Class: “Human Cleric”.
Pag. 95 - #217 - There is "... 'CURSE' status...". It should be "... BARAK AND SKARR, it should be noted that: (Curse Cubes are not
'CURSE' title...". recovered when you take a Recall Action).

Pag. 97 - #244 - There is "... 'CURSE' status...". It should be "...

Pag. 97 - #247: Among the effects that cannot move the character Pag. 8 – The Chapter 01, Chaos at the Docks, ends by stating that
is FEAR. FEAR has been removed from the game over the playtests. there is no Camp Phase between this and the next adventure.
Therefore, this Keyword can be disregarded. Clarification about what this means is needed:

• Each Hero takes a Free Recall Action and recovers all of their
CLASS CARDS (CORE BOX) Health. In addition, they remove all Conditions affecting them.
Reminder Tokens are kept to the next adventure, but pets aren't.
MAGE, says: “Spell Sniper”. It should be: “Destruction”.
• If you end your gaming session at this point, Each Hero must
write down the amount of Curse Cubes and the amount of Trauma
FOLDED DOORS (CORE BOX) Cubes on their Campaign Log. They will have to redistribute them
on their Hero Board at the beginning of the next adventure.
CHAPTER 17, DOOR 03: The "endgame trigger" is missing. The
following Special Rule should be add to this Door's Setup: "SPECIAL • If you will not end your gaming session at this time, Each Hero
RULE #03: When the last enemy is defeated and the Interaction just keeps their Board as it is. Undo all the Setups, return all Runes
presented in this Setup is resolved, read the entry "End of the that are placed on the Initiative Track to the bag and then, you can
Adventure - A Man's Soul" on page 62. proceed to the next Adventure.
Pag. 11 - The Darkness Spawning Rule for the Chapter II (Ruin of
Luccanor) is miswritten. The printed text is an outdated version
MAPS (CORE BOX) that was not corrected during the update this Spawning Rule
MAP B5-B: It appears "POISON". It should be "POISON 1". received. The correct writing should be the same presented on the
Core Box, which goes like this.
CLASS DELUXE BOARDS (STRETCH GOALS) Instead of being summoned when the Initiative token reaches the
CLERIC, BACK (WARRIOR MULTICLASS), It appears in the Skill tree: Rune card at the end of the round, Darkness tiles in this adventure
"Holiness.” It should be: "Defense." are spawned right at the beginning of each WM: Shadow Cultist
Veteran or Champion activation. The Darkness tiles now consider
MONK, FRONT: Tranquil Mind states: "Whenever you gain FOCUS: the Shadow WM: Cultist Veterans and Champions as their Darkness
SELF, FOCUS 1". Because the effect's writing is not completely clear Spawn Points (you can ignore the ones printed on the map). If
and causes a loop within itself, it has been set to: "FOCUS +1." a spawning Cultist is already on top of a Darkness tile when you
must place a new tile, it may be placed orthogonally adjacent to
any Darkness tile that is connected to the one the Cultist is on
MONK, Martial Dancer says: "... up to adj enemies ...". It should • Place the “Darkness Hunting” Rune card with the side “A” face up
be: "... up to two adj enemies ..." at the end of the Initiative Track. Whenever a WM: Shadow Cultist
Veteran or Champion is activated, right before it takes any other
MONK, FRONT: Tranquil Mind states: "Whenever you gain FOCUS:
action, you must: draw the number of Runes shown on the card;
SELF, FOCUS 1". Because the effect's writing is not completely clear
place the respective tiles on the map pursuing the Heroes; then,
and causes a loop within itself, it has been set to: "FOCUS +1"
put the Rune token on its appropriate space on the Initiative Track;
and finally, flip the Darkness Hunting card over.
HERO BOARDS (STRETCH GOALS) Pag. 12 - The legend GM: Shadow Cultist should be WM: Shadow
Cultist since the Shadow Cultist is a White Monster.
HANDURIEL, the second Focus Ability "Begin the Hunt" lacks the
Cross-Sword symbol that indicates that it is a Weapon Attack. It Pag. 13 - The effects of the SPECIAL EVENT are not included, only
should have it like the first one. the narrative text. It should consist of: “Remove every Darkness tile
that is touching the Map APL-E1-F. Additionally, replace the Map
PIETRO, there should be Race and Class: “Human Cleric”.
APL-E1-F for APL-E3-F and add the elements described by the Setup
PIETRO, first Focus Ability appears: "Purge The Wicked". It should illustration below. If some Monster would be placed in a square
be: “Intervention”. occupied by a Hero, place it adjacent to that Hero on a square of

that Hero’s choice."


TORK, Enrage Skill, appears as if it were a Reaction. The Lightning
Bolt Icon must be removed; Enrage is not a Reaction.


HANDURIEL, the second Focus Ability "Begin the Hunt" lacks the
Cross-Sword symbol that indicates that it is a Weapon Attack. It
should have it like the first one.


CHAPTER 01, DOOR 01: The "endgame trigger" is missing.The
following Special Rule should be add to this Door's Setup: "SPECIAL
RULE #01: When the last enemy is defeated, read the entry "End of
the Adventure - Cleansing the Barn" on page 06.

CHAPTER 01, DOOR 02: The Event Token presented on this Door's
Setup can be disregarded. It is duplicated from the one presented
on the First Setup, which is the correct one.

Sometimes, however, although there is no contradiction in the The only rule restriction is: "while engaged (adjacent to an enemy),
rule or a severe writing failure, a rule presentation was not clear you cannot make ranged Weapon Attacks."
enough and generated many doubts. In this session, we will try
Thus, it would apply to:
to exemplify those recurring doubts we saw in the first months of
launch. • Weapon Attacks made through Ranged Skills;
WEAPON ATTACK AND ENGAGEMENT ISSUES • Weapon Attacks made through multi-colored Skills activated
with red cubes;
An interaction whose concept has made many heads burn-in AoD
is the engagement. For easy understanding, we first need to define • Weapon Attacks made through Focus Abilities while you are
two things: the cube's color used is what determines a Skill effect's equiped with Ranged and Implement Weapons;
range, not the weapon type you are equipped with; and the (Cross- • Weapon Attacks commanded by other allies while you are
Swords) symbol indicates a Weapon Attack, which represents an equiped with Ranged and Implement Weapons;
attack made with your weapon.

However, there are two cases in which you could make a Weapon
Attack without having used a cube at all: Focus Abillities and
commanded attacks. When that is the case, you will check your
weapon type to define what would be the range for your "non-
cube Weapon Attacks". Melee Weapons have a range of 0. Ranged
Weapons have a range of 0 or 1.
Thus, if you are equipped with a melee weapon and use a red
cube to activate a Skill with the (Cross-Swords), the interpretation Putting all of this together, if Elros (melee weapon user) is engaged
is that you hurled your weapon, stretched your arm, or even threw with a Rotten Flesh, he will not be able to use a red cube to activate
a handaxe you kept on your belt at your opponent. Likewise, if you the Skill Twin Strike of the Striker Role he chose to use, but he could
are equipped with a ranged weapon and make a Melee Weapon activate it with a yellow cube. If desired, Elros could move away
Attack, the interpretation is that you hit your enemy with the blunt from the Rotten Flesh (leaving engagement) and then activate his
part of your staff, of your bow, or headbutted your opponent while Skill Twin Strike with the red cube without any problem.
breaking his guard with your weapon's help.

Likewise, if, instead of Elros, we had Lorelai (ranged weapon user) As show above, since Elros' Weapon is a melee weapon, he must
in this example, the resolution would be the same. She can use a be adjacent to the Rotten Flesh in order to attack it with his Focus
Twin Strike with a yellow cube while she is engaged, but she will Ability "Noxious Blades", which is a Weapon Attack.
need to walk away if she wants to use that Twin Strike with a red

Since Lorelai's Weapon is a ranged weapon, however, she is subject

to the engagement rules and thus, she must move away from the
As shown in this example, the type of weapon used by the Rotten Flesh in order to attack it with her Focus Ability "Spectral
Heroes is not decisive on this matter, but the color of the cube Strike", which is also a Weapon Attack.
they chose to use is. This concept may be slightly different
from conventional games; however, once you get used to it,
it is just as easy to understand and incredibly more flexible.
Finally, the same restriction applies when you are going to make
a Weapon Attack (Cross-Swords) through a Focus Ability or
commanded by an ally (as the Dungeon Role Leader does). It's
only then that your weapon's range becomes relevant: the range
of your weapon defines the range of this attack and whether you
can make it while engaged or not. Melee Weapons such as Light
Weapons and Heavy Weapons can only attack adjacent enemies,
but you can use them while engaged; while Ranged Weapons such
as Ranged Weapons and Implement Weapons have a range of 1,
but you can't make attacks with them while engaged.

Another champion of doubts in BGG, the Darkness Spawning rules,
can be a little confusing due to the various possible interactions;
however, once we understand its main idea, its placement
is much easier. In this clarification, we will treat the Rules as
Intended, not as it is written (if the rules, written as they are,
might suggest otherwise). The information written here overrules
any statement regarding Darkness placement made by us prior to
May 25th that may appear on BGG threads or Facebook groups.

When you draw a Rune and discover the shape of the Darkness
tile that will be placed on the board, the first thing you need to do
is find its target: The Strongest Hero. If Strongest Hero is already
over Darkness, it will look for the second Strongest Hero and so on.

Example: For a better illustration, we will work two examples at

once, with each one of those shapes. Example: Those shapes could fit in the Map B3-B as shown by
The second step is determine which Darkness Spawning Point the illustration, but, by doing so, they wouldn't reach the Hero
(Darkness Map, Darkness Spawning Point, another Darkness tile while there are means for the Darkness be placed reaching him.
already placed on the board) is close enough from that Hero to reach Therefore, those placings are incorrect.
it. The Darkness will try to emerge from this place. Some adventures
change the standard Darkness Spawning point and simplify this, take
note that Inner Corruption, Host Monster, and Cultist Summoners
also have their own reference of Darkness Spawning Points.

Example: In this example, the L-shaped Darknes tile could be placed

in this way, since it would spawn adjacent to Map C2-F. Tiles can
be placed connecting one to another even if they are in different
dungeon levels.

Example: Consider that Elros is the Strongest Hero. There are three
Darkness Spawning Points near him: The one from Map C2-B; the
one from Map B3-B; and the whole Darkness Map C2-F.
That done, enters the third step, which is to check if the Darkness
tile will fit. The rule here is straightforward: the tile will try to reach
the Hero. If there is a furthest Spawning Point, but the tile can
reach the Hero without breaking, then the tile will spawn from it.
However, if there is no other way for the Darkness to reach the
Hero without breaking, but it does if it breaks, (because there
is no space enough for it, or it is supposed to change Dungeon
levels to reach the Hero), the tile will be broken into three smaller
tiles and reach that Hero. These small Darkness tiles can change Example: The I-shaped Darknes tile, however, cannot reach the
between levels, while whole pieces cannot (let's say that the first Hero unless it breaks. Therefore it should be broken and the three
were placed on the level 2, the second and third may be placed on small Darkness tiles should spawn from the closest Spowning Point
level 0 adjacent to it). towards its target, wich in this case is the one from the map C2-B.
Since the Hero was reached at the second small tile, the third can
be placed anywere connecting to a Darkness at the Party Leader's
If all Heroes are already on top of Darkness, the Party Leader will UNDEAD KING ENCOUNTERS
choose a place to spawn this new shape wherever they see fit,
connecting to a Darkness previous on the board (this time it won't FIRST ENCOUNTER, CHAPTER 2.1
spawn from a Spawning Point). Likewise, if a broken tile reached General Clarification
the Hero at the first or second small Darkness tile, the Party Leader
may choose where to place the remaining ones, connecting to a All Bosses and Mini-Bosses Attack cards are tied to a Rune (displayed
Darkness previous on the board. The Party Leader also defines on them) and their numeric variables, represented by an X, if any,
how a Darkness tile will be placed when there are more than one will always be regarding the number of that Rune on the Initiative
way to place it correctly. Track. Effects that do not have an "X" on their description do not
take into account any variable, they are fixed.
Note: This rule has updated the one presented on the Rulebook.
All colored information displayed in the effect of an Attack Card
do not regard any Rune, they are just highlighted information
referring to some game term on most of the times.
Clarification regarding Minions:
The encounter starts with one minion per orange Rune on the
Initiative Track, up to a maximum of 4 minions, which is the
maximum number of Skeleton Archers miniatures available.
If all Skeleton Archers are already on the board, you may
disregard any summoning effect that would place the
fifth miniature on the board (but you must summon as
much as you can upon each effect). You should not take a
second Monster and use them to represent more Minions.
Their game statistics are based on amount of green Runes on the
Example: Consider this board state. The next Darkness tile supposed Initiative Track and thus, they might become stronger during the
to be placed is this I-shapped tile and all Heroes are already on top fight. You must check their current statistics every time you would
of Darkness. activate them.
If you are playing this adventure as One-Shot, Minions do not
award level up bonus.
Darkness Push (Gray Rune Attack Card): "The Undead King flies to
the area (blue square) that the Strongest Hero is in and place its
figure there".
In this first effect, you must move the Undead King's miniature to
the Strongest Hero's area (blue square). There is no range limit for
this movement or any connection to the number of blue Runes.
The move is written as fly meaning that when doing it, the Undead
King won't suffer the effects from any Harmful Terrain it passes by,
only the ones he lands on.
"All Heroes caught by it are teleported to the Darkness Pool (they
suffer the Darkness terrain effects as normal) in the square of their
When he lands, the Undead King would occupy the whole area
due to it's size. Each Hero caught by it (and you may apply this
same rule to any other character) is removed from the board
and then replaced in a square of that player's choice in any of
the Darkness terrains around the dungeon trayz 2 (these terrains
are the Darkness Pool). The Party Leader chooses how a Minion
caught by this effect would be placed at the Darkness Pool.
"After that, the Undead King inflicts X damage to all Heroes
adjacent to him".
Example: The Party Leader will be able to choose how the Darkness
Then, as a last effect, the Undead King causes X damage to all
tile will be placed on the board, as long as this placement connects
Heroes that are adjacent to him. One of the clarifications presented
to a Darkness previously placed on the board.
in these errata treat the adjacency of a Large monster which, in
short, is the same of any other character: Large monsters are
adjacent to each character in squares directly adjacent to theirs.

General Clarification
Since this Adventure has the Darkness Spawning Rule - Inner Original Design: Daniel Alves and Eurico Cunha
Corruption, you should not keep the Darkness Hunting card at the Project Management: Mauro Carvalho
end of the Initiative Track. The Runes are draw every time a Hero Art Direction: Daniel Alves and Mauro Carvalho
receives a Curse Cube in this Adventure. Design and Development Team: Davi Araki, Daniel Alves, Eurico
Cunha, and Mauro Carvalho
The gray box, in the Special Rule #01 - The Undead King's Haunting, Graphic Design Team: Daniel Alves, Filipe Castro, Mauro Carvalho
instructs you to place the Undead King Haunting card at the end and Victor Almeida Ferreira
of the Initiative Track. This card is a reminder of the special effects Production: CGS - Creative Games Studio
inflicted by the Undead King to the Heroes every time a rune is Rules: Mauro Carvalho
drawn. These effects should be applied only to the Hero that draw Proof Reading: Not yet sent to proofreading*
that Rune (when they receive a Curse Cube). Revision and translation (English): Mauro Carvalho and Ricardo
Four of these effects are very straightforward: BLEED 2, POISON 2, BackCater
BURN 2 and SLOW. They are immediately inflicted upon the Hero,
there is no way to prevent it. With our great thanks to the BGG community, the Chronicles of
Drunagor Facebook Group, all Content Creators and each one
The red Rune, the one that summons the Skeleton Archers,
of you who took a minute of your time to send us your thoughts
however, is a little trickier. First, take note that a Skeleton Archer is
and feedbacks!
only summoned if there is room to track its Health at the Monster
Status board: If all six slots are occupied, you must skip this
Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness is a game created by
spawning. The rank of this summoned Skeleton Archer should be
the same as the other Skeleton Archers revealed, or, if there aren't Daniel Alves and Eurico Cunha
any, they should be summoned as Skeleton Archer - Fighter. They
are summoned in one of the squares of the Darkness tile that has © 2021 CGS - Creative Games Studio, all rights reserved. No part
been placed as part of this effect, at the choice of the Hero who of this product can be reproduced or copied without permission.
drawn the Rune.
CGS Co-founders: Daniel Alves, Eurico Cunha, Márcio Assis, and
If the Undead King's figure is removed, the Undead King Haunting Ricardo BackCater
card has no effect (until he is summoned again).
The Undead King vanishes at the moment he takes damage from
a Weapon Attack (until the final room, where it lingers until he is Any questions, compliments, or for any other matter, send us an
defeated). Thus, if you attack him with a Twin Strike and hit the e-mail at:
first attack, for example, you will not be able to choose him as the
target of the second attack. -----
The Undead King has no Attack Cards in this adventure, not even
This product has been manufactured with all possible care.
in the final room. The only way he can affect the Heroes is through
However, if a component is missing or is damaged, please contact
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