Chapter 3 Remembering Rizal
Chapter 3 Remembering Rizal
Chapter 3 Remembering Rizal
1. How do Rizalista groups view Jose Rizal and other national heroes?
Rizalista groups view Jose Rizal as a God, the second son of God, the
reincarnation of Christ. Some of these groups also identify or view Rizal as the
god of the pre-Spanish Malay religion. Some only see as Rizal as a spiritual
guide. They believe in the divinity of Jose Rizal, the national hero martyred by
the Spanish. Among the heroes, Jose Rizal is like a saint to them, they believed
that he is the one who will return and save the mankind, some believed that he
is still alive and will return to deliver his followers from poverty and oppression.
2. What are the similarities between Jesus Christ and Rizal as seen by
millenarians groups?
3. Name some influential women in various Rizalista groups and explain their
significant roles in their respective organizations.
Reyna Yolanda Liban Manalo -she founded the only government-
recognized foundation of Rizalistas called the Celyo Rizal Inc. she
"conceived of the country's first human flag in 2007 and the first
Philippine human map in 2008 at the Luneta. She performed a "ritual for
unity" just like a priestess under the night sky in front of a statue of Dr.
Jose Rizal.
Lady Imelda Cansana-de la Cruz PhD – she is the president of the KR and
also promoting its ideals.
Gloria Bibat – she is the current leader of the Sagrada Familia. She
commanded the family when to sing, pray, and kneel. The church was
believed to be "the perfect location to meet Rizal the messiah as he
was prophesied to descend from Mount,
Isabel Suarez – she holds the position, known as the Suprema. The
Suprema is responsible for resolving or mediating all kinds of local
conflicts, assisting all members seeking advice, making all the major
decisions needed for the betterment of the organization and leads
followers in prayer, reading lessons from letters written by the original
Suprema. The main teachings are that followers should lead moral, good
lives and do their best to live peacefully within their communities and
families. She is the current head of the Iglesia de la Ciudad Mistica de