Unit 3 Staffing: Planning
Unit 3 Staffing: Planning
Unit 3 Staffing: Planning
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definition
3.3 importance and Purposes of Staffing
3.4 Process of Staffing Pattern
3.5 Factors Affecting Staffing Pattern and Steps of Planning
3.6 Time and Work Schedule and Weekly Time Planning
3.7 Determining Nursing Staff in Hospital
3.8 Let Us Sum Up
3.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
Staffing is the backbone of the administdon because the quality of worker and their
performance will determine the degree of the goal of the nusing department. Staffing is the
whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favowable
condition of work or it may be said as the management b t i o nof employing and developing
human resources for carrying out various managerial activities of an organk&m.
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Staffing is defined as filling, and keeping filled p i t i o n in the mganization structure
through identifying work force requirements, in the people available, recruiting, selecting
placing, promoting. appraising planning the areas compensating and training or
otherwise developing both candidates and current job holders to accomplish their task
effectively and efficiently.
Staffing is an important responsibility of every manager at every level. The purposes of
staffkg in nursing service are to:
place right person for right job.
Types of patient served: there condition, illnesses, age groups, and other specific
selective factors.
Personnel budget.
Budget for equipment and supplies.
To determine witb precision the number of each type of worker required for specific
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Head nurse or unit mmager tiapeschedukfbfpasoanelattheutlitkvdUnit
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Advantages :
- Promotes team spirit by maintaining constant composition of primary work
- Promotes continuity of the care by minimizes the floating personnel.
- Sufficient number of qualified staff are needed to assure sucessess.
Night 2 2 2 2+1 . 2 2 2
Reliever -1
Public holidays : 18
Sick leave : 10
To compute the number of nurses available per day, divide 4860 days by number of days
in a year 365=3860 - 365 =13.20. Rounded off to13
Check Your Progress
3) Assistant Nursing Superintendent : One (For Additional 50 beds one more A.N.S.)
2) Orthopaedic do do do
3) Surgical do do do
4) Paediatric do do do
5) Gynaecology do do do
11) ENTandEye do do
13) Casuality and Emergency 2-3 depend- 1 each shift 1 for casuality and
ing on the emergency
number of
Need may vary from hospital to hospital depending on the size of the hospital and
services rendered more staff than anticipated will be required.
Special attention is needed for supervision of patient in the evening and night shifi.30%
leave reserve posts are suggested because the nurse gets to restricted, 30 E.L., 12 C.L. 96
days off in a year. It has also been observed that on any working day 25% of the staff is
off duty on casual leave etc. A nurse works for 240 days in year whereas hospital requires
Nursing services for 365 days and for 24 Hrs. which means to do the work of One nurse
1113 nurse will be required i.e. 30% leave reserve is required.