Dilemma Shows How Social Media Is Reprogramming Society, With Tech Insiders Sounding

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Dumlao, Isabela SP.

Gr.12- Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Social Dilemma

Social media is the most efficient and convenient way for us to connect with people
all over the world. It also informs us of what is going on inside and outside of issues such
as violence against Asian-Americans, discrimination, racism, poverty, and which country
has the highest case of Coronavirus spreading around the world. Due to the pandemic,
social media has now become a place for us to learn; here, we communicate directly with
our classmates and teachers in order to study. Along with social media content, our
awareness is growing in several ways. Despite all of the benefits of social media, there is
a disadvantage on how it affects our self-esteem and our relationships with others.
People get easily distracted, and instead of playing outside and discovering new things,
children choose to stay inside the house playing video games and scrolling through social
media and some sites that should not be seen or watched by children. It also leads to
cyberbullying. One of the major causes of teenagers suffering from depression,
experiencing low self-esteem, and a massive increase in suicidal attempts in today's
society is due to social media's expectations to individuals.

We tweet, like, and post, but what are the long-term implications of our growing
dependence on social media? Jeff Orlowski's drama-documentary, The Social
Dilemma shows how social media is reprogramming society, with tech insiders sounding
the alarm on their own creations. The film interviews a number of experts in the social
media industry, including former employees from companies such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Google, and others, to explain how these companies manipulate our
inherent need for human contact and affirmation from others. All of us have permitted
ourselves to be inundated with specifically designed attention-grabbing features of mobile
applications and social networking platforms designed to divert our attention away from
the things that give our lives genuine and true meaning. We believe that the social media
applications we use are free, but this is not the case. Social media platforms offer details
on us to advertisers in order for them to benefit. Our data is gathered to create an online
avatar that predicts our behavior. Seeing how this industry has used interruption
marketing to disrupt our lives, we believe that if you are not being offered a product, you
are the product, and we are the product.

Many people refer to this as surveillance capitalism, which refers to a market-driven

mechanism in which the commodity for sale is our personal data, and the capture and
production of this data is dependent on widespread internet surveillance. All of the things
we've done, all of the videos we've viewed, and all of the images we've admired are
brought back to help them create more realistic features. Once they have the model, they
will forecast what the individual will do. One tech expert mentioned that he would not
encourage his children to use social media until they entered high school in order for
them to protect their important information from people who use social media. If they
have our attention, they can change our behavior; but, if we can value our attention as
much as they do, we can change our own behaviors and change whatever aspect of our
lives we desire.

The first half of the film showed us the literal reality of what social media is doing. The
second half is that they try to convince government is the answer to the problem.
Facebook, Twitter, and others are trying to maneuver whatever they can to the liberal and
socialist side. They have no stake or interest in the game because it does not affect
billionaires. The world system is geared up to keep an eye on everyone. The film is a bit
of an informative film about misinformation surveillance, as it helps viewers become more
aware of how these social media sites operate. It is important to consider the implications
of technology on how it influences the way we think and manipulate the way we behave.
This documentary has really opened our eyes. This film on our technological network
shifts from building tools to manipulation of human futures.

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