Project Report: Beema Scrap
Project Report: Beema Scrap
Project Report: Beema Scrap
Details of Unit:
1. Activities : Purchase of Waste, Plastic, Iron, Paper,
2. Email :
5. Employees :7
1. Name : BEEMA A
8. Mail ID :
5. Age : 54
6. Gender : Female
2. Plastic
4. Iron Scrapping
6. Baseboard
7. Aluminium
8. Steel etc.;
5 Renovation - 50000
Income: -
TOTAL 1,30,000
Expenses: -
Expected Expenses
S.NO Expenses Amount (in Rs)
TOTAL 70,000
1. Since I have vast amount of experience related to the scrap industry as I have
experience for more than 35 years I can take up the challenge with ease.
2. We are using different market strategies for the market to increase the sales.
3. Since the Scrap Industry plays the vital role in the state the sale will be increasing in
the upcoming years..
The project as a whole describes the scope and viability of the Scrap
industry and mainly of the financial, technical and its market potential. The
project guarantee sufficient fund to repay the loan and also give a good
return on capital investment. When analyzing the social- economic impact, this
project is able to generate an employment in the given area. It will cater the
demand of Scrap Industry and thus helps the other business entities to
increase the production and service which provide service and support to this
industry. Thus, more cyclic employment and livelihood generation. So, in all
ways we can conclude the project is technically and socially viable and
commercially sound too.