UNIT ONE: Mapping My Community
UNIT ONE: Mapping My Community
UNIT ONE: Mapping My Community
Learning Activity: 3 of 5
Class: Infants Year 2 Theme: The Built Community
Signs and symbols are an important part of the communication especially ☐HFLE
in the community. A sign uses a combination of shapes, colours, pictures
and words to deliver information better. Symbols are visual Literacy
representations of something much bigger. Signs and symbols must be ☒Reading
clear and easy to recognize and understand. Some give directions. Some
☐Literary Appreciation
tell us where to find important places while others help us find our way ☒Oral Communication
around the community or alert us to danger. ☒Media & Information
Outcomes: Literacy
At the end of this learning experience, students will: Numeracy
interpret symbols and signs around the community ☒Problem Solving
create a sign that can be used in their school or community ☒Critical thinking
recognize plane shapes in pictorial representations. ☒Representation
Activities: ☒Reasoning
Signs and Symbols Communicate Meaning
☒ICT Skills
1. Teacher and student pretend to have speech impairment. They role
play a police (teacher/student) directing traffic using hands only. The Instruction
student/teacher obeys the police by following the hand signals.
Students guess what the hand signal meant. ☒Assessment for
2. Students listen to teacher’s explanation that signs and symbols learning
convey messages and that the colour, shape symbols, letters and
words on signs helps to communicate meaning.
3. Students attempt to state the messages conveyed by four familiar
signs (Stop sign, Exit sign etc.). They identify visible features of the
signs e.g. colour, shape, symbol, letters or words displayed on each
4. Students discuss with the help of the teacher how these features
help to communicate the message of the sign. They listen and
observe some examples of how to use the features to understand
the meaning of the sign.
5. Students explore other signs that may be unfamiliar by identifying
features and explaining meanings and messages conveyed by each
6. Students listen to the teacher when necessary to correct
Creating a Sign
7. Students take a walk around the school to look at signs. They read
and interpret the signs with the help of the teacher.
8. Students select an area around the school where there should be a
sign and there is no sign displayed.
9. They discuss what should be written on the sign and what colours,
shapes and symbols they can use to help convey the message.
10. Students, working in groups, create the sign using a drawing
program on the computer or paper and markers.