Antithesis Essay On Prison Overcrowding (Revised)

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Anti-thesis on

“Prison Overcrowding Does not affect their Health”

Introduction: This essay is an anti-thesis on the statement, “ Prison overcrowding does
not affect their health”. The essay will explain my supporting opinions over this statement.
Some of the counterarguments will also be presented to oppose this statement to which the
answers will be given to tackle with those arguments.

Prison Overcrowding: Basically, it is the process in which, there is increase in the

demand of space in prison occur due to exceeding number of prisoners kept in there for
judiciary process to be done.
In simple wording, it can be stated that when the number of
prisoners increase so much that the space to keep them in the prison become short for them,
prison overcrowding occurs. There are several reasons of prison overcrowding including high
recidivism rate, funding, addition of new criminal offences into penal code, harsher and
longer penalties for specific types of offenses, war on drugs and high rate of criminals
returning to prison for violating community rules and many more others.
Prison overcrowding is a long never-ending debate between its supporters and its
opposition. A group of certain people or community thinks that it is okay if prison
overcrowding occurs. Their viewpoint might be correct in their own thoughts that the
criminals should be punished for what they have done. While some others think differently
that prison overcrowding should not occur because it may physically or mentally affect the
prisoners dwelling there.

My Viewpoint and its Explanation:In my opinion, this whole statement, “Prison

overcrowding does not affect their mental health” is quite right. This overcrowding does not
affect the criminals directly. As we want this world to be a peaceful land where everyone
would be safe form every other person. The world wants the atmosphere in which there is
peace, unity and love. This can only be done if the law enforcing departments work
efficiently and overcrowd the prisons and make the prisoners a lesson for others that there is
no place for bad people in this beautiful world.
Moreover the overcrowding has nothing to do with the mental health of the criminals. They
already are sick and mad at doing horribly wrongs things which damage the image of society
as well as country’s image in the same way. The government provides enough opportunities
for everyone to do for the well-being of the state. They should adopt those positive aspects
and try not to do something out of the law. In a nut shell, the criminals should be treated the
way they deserve within code conduct of the law enforcing institutes.

As mentioned above, there is also a group of people which abide by this prison
overcrowding. They have their own viewpoints and their own way of thinking. They might be
correct in the way they think about it. So here are the two possible opposing viewpoints to
1. Prison overcrowding creates a sense of restlessness in the civilians. They become
afraid to try new things out of the box. They become deprived of the sense of being
2. There should be Early Release Programmes to prevent this prison overcrowding as it
is damaging the mental health of criminals and staff working there as well very
seriously. Suicide rate is increasing in the prisons due to long judiciary processes and
punishment or sentencing duration.

My Counterarguments to Opposing Viewpoints:

1. Every state government works for the betterment of its state and well-being of its
natives dwelling there. They bring a lot of new opportunities to their masses. So
independency is given to the nation to do something extra-ordinary within the laws
limits. The government will never try to snatch this independency from its inhabitants.
Instead, the government tries to purify the environment by catching the real guilty
ones and tries to ensure the rest that they are free and independent to do anything
without being afraid of a specific group of people who creates a sense of fear among
the others left behind.
2. Firstly I will clarify here that this Early Release Programme should be for those who
commit no crime against any individual or property. These offenders are drug
offenders, sex workers, those in possession of illegal guns and anyone else who do not
hurt and threaten anybody nor virtually neither physically. These are victimless
crimes, these criminals should go to jail and after the proper treatment, guidance and
counselling, then should be allowed to release. Because if everyone is allowed to
release in this way, it will give them the confidence to do the harmful things again and
again. Also there are several ways to deal with this mental health issue of criminals
and especially the staff working there. The government must give heavy funds to the
prisons for appointing more and more staff to do work in shifts in the prisons.
Sanitary conditions can be improved by spending funds on the better take care of the
prison cells. When there will be more staff in the prison, the more this staff can take
care of criminals living there. They can properly guide the prisoners and prevent them
from committing suicide.
Based on the above mentioned arguments, it can be concluded that the
prison overcrowding is not such a big problem to be worried about. The prison
overcrowding is a manageable issue and can be easily managed if it reaches its severe
condition. Moreover, the prison overcrowding gives warning to all the criminals inside
and outside of the prison that they should not commit any illegal crime , otherwise they
will have to face the consequences later on. In this way, a peaceful atmosphere will be

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