The Kangaroo Who Couldn't Sit Still: Ocean Breathing
The Kangaroo Who Couldn't Sit Still: Ocean Breathing
The Kangaroo Who Couldn't Sit Still: Ocean Breathing
Ocean Breathing
Ocean breathing is a skill that will help you calm down when you feel
hyper or excited.
Close your eyes and imagine ocean waves. Each wave crashes
1 onto the shore, and then gently rolls back into the ocean.
Put your lips together like you are blowing through a straw, and
3 slowly breathe out. Imagine the sound of breathing out as an
ocean wave crashing onto the shore.
Keep breathing in through your nose, and out through your lips,
imagining ocean waves. Practice for 1 minute.
Include time for resting, snacks, and playing. Scatter fun things
throughout your routine so you don’t get too bored.
For difficult tasks, plan even the little things. For example, think
of a quiet place where you can always do homework, or if
mornings are difficult, lay out clothes the night before.