Measurements 41

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Error Analysis ……….……………….………………………………….………. 4-8

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 5-8


Characteristics of Analog Meters …………………………………... 10

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……... 10

Solution ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10


PMMC Meter ……………………..…...………………………………………. 12-17

Answer Key ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 14

Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 14-17


MI Meter ……………...…………………………………………………..…….. 19-24

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 21

Solution ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21-24


EMMC & Electrostatic Meters ……..……………..………………. 26-32

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 28

Solution ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28-31


Measurement of DC Power …….…………………….………….. 34-36

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 34

Solution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 35-36


Measurement of AC Power …….…..……………………….……. 38-40

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39

Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...39-40


Measurement of Energy and Power Factor …….…….. 44-56

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……... 48

Solution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 48-56


DC Bridges & AC Bridges ………..…………………..………………. 58-69

Answer Key ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 62

Solution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. 62-69


Instrument Transformers …………………………………………… 71-73

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….……. 71

Solution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71-73


Rectifier Type Instruments …………………………………….…. 76-78

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..…. 77

Solution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 77-78


CRO & Digital Voltmeters ……..……….…………………………....80-83

Answer Key ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..….. 82

Solution ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 82-83


1 Error Analysis

1. Using the wheatstone bridge method the 1

4. A 4 DVM can measure the maximum
unknown resistance is found by the 2

relation voltage of ______ volts in 0 –1000V range

Rx =
R1 5. For the given circuit if the capacitors C1
and C2 are having tolerances of 10% on
Where R1 = 80 ± 0.8% Ω
their nominal values of 10μF and 20μF
R2 = 1200 ± 0.5% Ω
respectively, then calculate the maximum
R3 = 760 ± 0.6% Ω
current _____ mA in C1 (Considering
Then determine the limiting error in ohm?
tolerance), if the bus supplies a current of
A. ± 216.6 Ω
40 mA rms.
B. ± 266.6 Ω
C. ± 116.6 Ω
D. ± 316.6 Ω
2. A PMMC instrument has a full-scale reading
of 100 V with 5% error at full scale. The
percentage error at th reading of full
scale is. 6. Two resistances with limiting values are R1
A. 6.67% B. 5% = 10 Ω ± 5%, R2 = 15 Ω ± 3%. x Ω ± y%
C. 3.33% D. 3.75% is the limiting value of equivalent
3. The uncertainty in an ammeter is 0.1 A resistances if connected in parallel then x
and the uncertainty in measurement of + y is ____

power is 30 watts. If the reading of A. 10.2 B. 4.2

ammeter is 8 A and the calculated power is C. 14 D. 13

1200 watt then what will be the 7. A set of independent current measurement

uncertainty in voltmeter reading? (Assume taken by four observers was recorded as

ammeter-voltmeter method is used for 117.02 mA, 117.11 mA, 117.08 mA and
117.03 mA.What is the range of error?
measurement of power)
A. ± 0.045 B. ± 0.054
A. 5.968V B. 35.625V
C. ±0.065 D. ± 0.056
C. 5.625V D. 31.64V


8. The total current I = I1 + I2 in a circuit is 10. A meter measures a known voltage of 100
measured as I1 = 250 ± 2 A where A. The values for the five readings were

I2 = 100 ± 1 A. Where the limits of error indicated as: 105, 104, 105, 106, 104.

are given as standard deviation, find Which of the following statement is true for

current I? the meter?

A. Meter is highly accurate and highly
A. 150±5 A B. 350±2.236 A
C. 150±2.236 A D. 350±5 A
B. Meter is highly accurate, but has a low
9. A certain resistor has a voltage drop of
degree of precision.
110.2 V and a current of 5.3 A. The
C. Meter is highly precise, but has a low
uncertainties in the measurements are ±
degree of accuracy.
0.2 V and ± 0.06 A respectively. Then the
D. Meter has a low accuracy, with a low
uncertainty in power is ± _______%. degree of precision.


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. 1999.9 5. 15.11 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. 1.146 10. C


1. (A) 2. (A)
R2R3 3
Unknown R x = Reading at th scale = 75 V
R1 4

1200  760 Percentage error at reading

So, R x = = 11400Ω
80 Full scale value  %error at full scale
=  100
Relative limiting error of unknown Reading value
Resistance- 5
100 
= 100  100
R x  R R3 R1 
=  2 + +  75
Rx  R2 R3 R1 
= ± (0.8 + 0.5 + 0.6) = = 6.67%
= ± 1.9% 3. (A)
1.9 P = VI
Limiting error in Ω =   11400
= ± 216.6 Ω V=


V 1 1 C2
= = = IBUS
P I 8
(C1 + C2 )2
V −P −1200
= = = −18.75 20 8000
I I2 64 = 40mA 
= A /F
(20 + 10) 9
2 2
 V   V  I1 C1
Wp =  P   Wp +  I   WI , = −IBUS
    C2 (C1 + C2 )2
=  30 + (18.75)2  0.1 10
64 = (−40mAmp)
= 5.968V
I1 4000
4. =− A /F
C2 9
Each of the 4 full digits can display from 0
8000 −4000
to 9. So I1 =  1F +  20F
9 9
Half digit can display 1 at maximum
(For I1max)
Hence maximum reading = 1999.9V
8000 8000
5. I1 =  10−6 +  10−6
9 9
Given: C1 = 10F  10%
I1 = mAmp … (i)
(relative term) 9
C2 = 20F  10% 16
I1 = mAmp … (ii)
C1 = 10F  1F
I1 = I1  I1
(Absolute term)
C2 = 20F  2F 40 16
I1 = mAmp  mAmp
3 9
Using current division rule
40  3  16
C1 I1 =
I1 = IBUS 9
C1 + C2
104 136
I1 = mAto mAmp
C1 9 9
I1(true value)I1 = IBUS 
C1 + C2
I1max = = 15.11mAmp
10 40 9
I1t = (40mA)  = mAmp
10 + 20 3 6. (A)
And IBUS = 40mA  0% = 40mAmp For parallel connection,

I1 = f ( IBUS , C1, C2 ) 10  15
R eq = Rp = 10Ω 15Ω = = 6Ω
1 1 1
Since, = +
R R1 R2

1 1 1
Now, − 2
 dR = −  dR1 −  dR 2
R R12 R22


R  R R 2  So, I= (250+100) ±2.236 A

=  1 + 
R2 2
 R1 R 22  I =350±2.236 A
R  R  R  R2  R 
=   1   +   Power P = Voltage × Current
R  R1  R1  R2  R2 
= 110.2 × 5.3
 6 6
=  0.05  + 0.05   = 584.06 W
 10 15 
Now P = VI
= 0.042  4.2% p
R = I = 5.3
Rp = 6Ω  4.2% = xΩ  y% p
= V = 110.2
So, x + y = 6 + 4.2 = 10.2
μV = ± 0.2 and μI = ± 0.06
7. (A)
Uncertainty in power
Set of independent current measurement
2 2
117.02 mA 117.11 mA 117.08 mA  p  2  p  2
=  v  v +  I  1
117.03 mA    

Arithmetic mean = (5.3)2  (0.2)2 + (110.2)2  (0.06)2

117.02 + 117.11 + 117.08 + 117.03
= = ± 6.7
Uncertainty in power (%)
= 117.06
A standard deviation (d) =  100
d1 = 117.06 - 117.02 = 0.04
= 1.146%
d2 = 117.11 - 117.06 = 0.05
10. (C)
d3 = 117.08 - 117.06 = 0.02
The accuracy can be calculated as:
d4 = 117.06 - 117.03 = 0.03
expected value
Range of error:
− measured value
Accuracy = 1 −
( Vavg − Vmin ) + ( Vmax − Vavg ) expected value
2 Considering the reading to be 105 V,
0.04 + 0.05 100 − 105
= Accuracy = 1 − = 0.95 or 95%
2 100
= 0.045
Similarly, precision can be calculated as:
8. (B)
value of nth measurement
As we know the standard deviation error is
− average of measurements
Precision = 1 −
given as average of measurements
2 2 Average of measurements
 x   x 
x =   ( x1 )2 +  x ( x2 )2 
 x1   2 =
105 + 104 + 105 + 106 + 104
So, I = (2)2 + (1)2 = 2.236
1 524
= = 104.8

Again considering the reading to be 105 V, reading are close together, but they are far
105 − 104.8 from accurate. Thus, it can be concluded
Precision = 1 − = 0.998
104.8 that higher precision does not guarantee
From the above calculations, it can be higher accuracy, since all the repetitions in
observed that the given measurements results may be biased in the same way by
does not show a high degree of accuracy, some systematic effect that produces same
but are highly precise. Although are deviation of results from the true value.



Characteristics of
2 Analog Meters

1. The following is not essential for the A. Ammeter B. Voltmeter

working of an indicating instrument C. Galvanometer D. None of these
A. Deflecting torque
3. The controlling torque in gravity-controlled
B. Braking torque
C. Damping torque meter is proportional to

D. Controlling torques A. sin  B. cos 

2. To detect zero current or voltage in the
C. tan  D. 0
circuit _____________is used.


1. B 2. C 3. A


1. (B) Galvanometer is used to detect zero

Three types of forces are needed for the
current or voltage in circuit instead of
satisfactory operation of any indicating
measuring the current or voltage.
instrument. These are
1) Deflecting force 3. (A)
2) Controlling force
The torque equation for the gravity-
3) Damping force
controlled meter is given by
2. (C)
Ammeter is connected in series with circuit TC = Wl sin 
to measure the current while voltmeter is
TC  sin 
connected in parallel to measure voltage
across the circuit.




3 PMMC meter

1. An ammeter of range 0-1 A has a 10mA

meter movement with an internal
resistance of 200 Ω. The shunt resistance
connected is of 2.02 Ω. Determine the
value of an external shunt resistance
required to connect to the ammeter to
extend the range to 0-10 A.
A. 0.667 Ω B. 0.444 Ω
A. 0.222 Ω B. 0.414 Ω
C. 1.111 Ω D. 2.222 Ω
C. 0.910 Ω D. 1.820 Ω
5. For the circuit shown in the figure below. It
2. To design a multirange D.C ammeter, with
is desired to find the current in 1 kΩ
the internal resistance of 40 Ω & a full
resistor by connecting an ammeter across
scale deflection of current is 5 Amp. What
the terminals A-B. What would be the
would be the external resistance should be
percentage error of measurement in the
added in series or parallel with meter
current flowing in resistor 1 kΩ up to two
movement to measure the current up to 50
decimal places.
A. 1.11 Ω
B. 2.22 Ω
C. 3.33 Ω
D. 4.44 Ω
3. The waveform shown is passed through a 6. A moving-coil voltmeter has a resistance of
PMMC instrument. The reading of PMMC 80 Ω. The scale is divided into 120 equal
meter is ____A. divisions. When a potential difference of
0.8 V is applied to the terminals of the
voltmeter a deflection of 80 divisions is
obtained. Explain how the instrument could

4. An ammeter has a full-scale deflection of be used for measuring up to 220 V.

0.1A and internal resistance of 20Ω. An A. 10.365 KΩ

arytron shunt is connected to extend the B. 10.365 KΩ

range of ammeter as shown. What is the C. 10.365 KΩ

value of R1? D. 14.586 KΩ


7. Two 100V F.S.D PMMC type dc volt meters (iv) D. C. currents in "mA" range, "μA"

having figure of merit of 10kΩ/V and range & D.C. voltage in "mV" range; "μA"

20kΩ/V are connected in series. The series range.

combination can be used to measure a 11. A (0-1)μAPMMC instrument has a coil

maximum dc voltage of ____V. resistance of 100 Ω can be used to

A. 100 B. 150
A. Upto1μA& 1 μA
C. 200 D. 300
B. Upto1μA& 1 mV
8. A PMMC instrument with FSD = 100µA and
C. Upto1μA& 0.1 mV
R th = 1kΩ is to be used as an AC voltmeter
D. Upto1μA only
with FSD = 100V (rms) silicon diodes are 12. A PMMC instrument is almost similar to
used in the bridge rectifier circuit shown in A. D. C. motor
figure. Calculate the multiplier resistance B. A. C. motor
value required. C. D. C. Generator
D. A. C. Generator
13. A zero centred PMMC meter is used to
measure the A. C. voltage of v(t) = 5 Sinϖt
volts. The possible reading could be
A. 0V

B. V
A. 900 kΩ B. 850 kΩ 2
C. 890.7 kΩ D. 840.5 kΩ 5
C. V
9. A basic D’Arsonval movement with a full- 

scale deflection of 50 μA and internal D. Forward & Backward oscillations

resistance of 500 Ω is used as voltmeter. 14. A PMMC voltmeter gave full scale

The value of the multiplier resistance deflection of 240° c for a d.c. voltage of

needed to employ this meter to measure a 10V. what could be the voltage indicated

voltage range of (0 - 10) V is given by by the meter for a deflection of radians?
A. 100kΩ B. 500 kΩ
C. 199.5 kΩ D. 2  10 kΩ 15. A 20 conductors coil shown in fig. turned
10. A PMMC instrument can measure for 90° while carrying 5A. Find the
(i) D. C. current only electromagnetic torque experienced by the

(ii) D. C. voltage only coil when it is placed in a Time Invariant

magnetic flux density of 1 mT.
(iii) I & ii


A. 25 μ N-m
B. 50 μ N-m
C. 75 μ N-m
D. 150 μ N-m
16. The preferable mounting to operate spring
& gravity controlled based instruments is
A. Horizontal & Vertical
B. Vertical & Horizontal
C. Horizontal or Vertical & Vertical
D. Vertical & Horizontal or Vertical


1. A 2. D 3. 1 4. B 5. -8.424 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D
11. C 12. A 13. D 14. 2.5 15. C 16. C


1. (A) It can be seen that the shunt resistance is

Given, Rm = 200Ω, Ifsd = 10mA,R sh = 2.02Ω in parallel with the moving coil meter,
hence the voltage drop across the shunt
When an external shunt resistance, say Re
and the meter must be the same.
is connected, the total shunt resistance
Vsh = Vm  Ish  R sh = Im  Rm
 ( I − Im )  R sh = Im  R m
 2.02  R e 
 (R e R sh ) =   Hence,
 2.02 + R e 
Im  Rm
From the ammeter shown below, R sh =
(I − Im )
Taking I = 10 A, we get,
 2.02  R e  10mA  200
 = = 0.2
 2.02 + R e  10 − 0.01

 R e (2.02 − 0.2) = 0.404

 R e (1.82) = 0.404

 R e = 0.2219Ω

2. (D) 23
RT = kΩ + 1kΩ = 2.2kΩ
I 50 2+3
Multiplying factor ⟹ m = = = 10
Im 5 ∴ Actual value of current

Since we know that increase the range of

ammeter, we should add a parallel/shunt
resistance with meter movement.

Rm 40
So, R sh = = True value of current when ammeter
m − 1 10 − 1
resistance is zero.
R sh = = 4.44Ω 6
9 Ia = = 2.73mA
Therefore, the circuit reduces to –
A PMMC meter measure average value.
Area under curve in1cycle
Iavg =
Time period of cycle

 1  1
 2  2  5  1  + (5  1) + 2  2  (−5)
=  
This circuit is applicable when ammeter
= = 1A placed in the circuit.
Now, measured value of current
4. (B)
When switch is at 5A position, lL =
2.2kΩ + 200Ω
R1 × 4.9 = (R2+R3+20)×0.1 6
lL = = 2.5mA
49R1 = R2+R3+20……(1) 2.4kΩ
When switch is at 2A position Error in measurement

(R1+ R2)×1.9 = (R3+20)×0.1 2.5 − 2.73

=  100 = −8.424%
19R1+19R2–R3 = 20 …………(2)
6. (D)
when switch is at 1A position
Let Rsc be the multiplier resistance that
(R1+R2+R3) × 0.9 = 20 × 0.1
would be connected in series with the
20 voltmeter.
R1+ R2+R3 = …….(3)
Volt/ division = 0.8/80
By solving equations 1, 2 and 3 Voltage across the meter for producing the
R1 = 0.444Ω R2 = 0.667Ω R3 = 1.111Ω full-scale deflecting current v = 120 * 0.8 /
5. 80 = 1.2 V
Draw Thevenin’s Equivalent across the Full scale meter current Im = 1.2/80amp

terminals A-B. Meter resistance Rm = 80 Ω

Rsc = V- ImRm/ Im = V/Im - Rm
Vth =  2000 = 6V = 220 – 1.2/80* 80 / 1.2 /80 = 14.586 KΩ

7. (B) Total circuit resistance = Rs + Rm
Resistance of first 2Vrms − 2Vdrop
Rs = − Rm
10kΩ Ipeak
PMMC = R1 =  100V = 1MΩ
( 2  100) − (2  0.7V)
Resistance of second = − 1kΩ
PMMC=R2 =  100V = 2MΩ Rs = 890.7 kΩ
9. (C)
Req = R1 + R2 = (1 + 2)MΩ = 3MΩ
Im = 50A
1 Rm = 500Ω
Current of first PMMC = 10kΩ = 0.1mA V = 10V
V Vm = ImRm = 25mV
Current of second V 10V
m= = = 400
1 Vm 25mV
20KΩ R s = R m(m − 1)
PMMC = = 0.05mA
V R s = 199.5kΩ
When we want maximum deflection, we 10. (D)
consider minimum of two currents so that → A PMMC instrument can measure D.C.
no meter carries current more than its current in the range of μA /mA.
rated value. → A PMMC instrument can also measure
Allowable current = 0.05 mA D.C. voltage in the range of μV/ mV.
Maximum Voltage = 0.05×10-3×3×106 → The current carrying capacity is limited
= 150 V to very low (μA/mA), because the spring
8. (C) area of cross section is thin.
As FSD, the overage current flowing 11. (C)
through the PMMC instrument is
Iav = 100 μA
Iav =

Peak current → The range of PMMC instrument is given
Iav 100A as (0-1) μA, which means it can measure
Ipeak = = = 157A
2 0.637
 the current upto 1μA also known as full
 
scale deflection current (In other way rated
(applied peak voltage) current)
− (rectifier voltage drop)
Ipeak =
total circuit resistance

Rectified volt drops = 2 drop (for D1 & D4

(or) D2 & D3)
m = Im Rm = 1A  100
Applied peak voltage = 2Vrms
0.1 mV

12. (A) → As the supply waveform changing its
PMMC instrument is similar to D.C. motor. direction slowly when compared to 50 Hz
The principal & constriction is same for waveform, we can see the oscillations in
both PMMC& D.C. motor
the pointer around zero.
Note: The different is commutate
Example: For every 5 sec, the
13. (D)
current/voltage waveform becoming zero,
→ PMMC meters responds to D.C. supply
and low frequency A.C. supply also. so we can observe the brightness changing

→ When f = 50Hz, from maximum to minimum (zero) in a

1 1 tube light/ incandescent lamp

T= = = 20 m sec
f 50


 4
FSD = 240 ( or ) 240  =  radians
180 3

2 V
= 2
1 V1

As the supply waveform changing its
3 = V2
direction very quickly, we can't see the  10
oscillation of the pointer 3

Note: V2 = 2.5 volts

Example: For every 10mS, the
15. (C)
current/voltage is becoming zero, but still
we get continuous light from a tube light/ Td = B.I.N.A.

incandescent lamp. [i.e. zero brightness 20

= 1  10−3  3   50  10−3  50  10−3
can't be observed].
1 = 75 μ N-m
f = 0.1 Hz, T = = 10 sec
0.1 16. (C)

If the meter is designed with spring control

mechanism, then we can operate in both

ways whereas the gravity control

(mechanism) based meters must be

operated in vertical mode only.




4 MI meter

1. A moving iron voltmeter can measure up 4. A current i(t) is passed through a moving
to 100V. It has a resistance of 200Ω. The iron ammeter, find the reading of meter?
copper coil has 0.1H inductance and 50Ω i(t) = —5 + 6sin(ωt + 30°) — 8cos (2ωt +
resistance connected in series with non- 60°)
inductive 150Ω resistance. What should be A. –5 B. 0
the value of capacitor to be connected with C. 8.66 D. 7.32
series resistance so that it will read both 5. A moving iron instrument has full scale
AC and DC true values (in μF) current of 100 mA. It is converted into a
2. A current of I = 0.5 +0.3 sin ωt – 0.2sin 250V voltmeter by using a series
2ωt A is passed through the circuit shown resistance made of a material having
in figure given below, _________ ampere negligible resistance temperature
is the sum of reading of each instrument. coefficient. The meter has a resistance of
(ω = 106 rad/s) 320 Ω at 20°C. After carrying a steady
current of 100 mA for a long time, the
resistance of the coil increases to 369 due
to self-heating. When a voltage of 250 V is
applied continuously, the error due to self-
heating will be nearly.
3. The periodic voltage form is shown in
A. -1.1% B. -1.9%
figure below is applied to a true rms
C. -2.5% D. -3.3%
meter, Determine the reading of
6. Calculate the constants of a shunt to
extend the range of 0-5A moving iron
ammeter to 0-50A. The instrument
constants are R= 0.09Ω and L = 90µH. If
the shunt is made non – inductive and the
combination is correct on d.c. Find the full-
scale error at 50Hz.
A. 0.01Ω and 3.8 % high
B. 0.01Ω and 3.8 % low
A. 2V B. 2 2 V C. 0.2Ω and 5 % low

C. 3V D. 3 3 V D. 0.2Ω and 5 % high


7. A moving iron ammeter shows a full 11. The inductance of an electromagnet in M.I
deflection of 135 degrees due to a torque instrument is given as function of
of 280 µ-Nm which was produced by a deflection of the pointer, L =
current of 8 A. The rate of change of self-  2 
100 + 5 −  H . If the spring stiffness
inductance ( µH/radian) of the instrument  4

at full scale is coefficient is 49 μ N-m/ radian. The

A. 8.75 B. 12 deflection of the pointer foe a current of 7A
C. 27.32 D. 6.43 is
8. The inductance of a certain moving iron A. 1.2 rad B. 1.4 rad
ammeter is expressed as C. 2.0 rad D. 2.4 rad

 2  12. A certain M.I instrument gives 25% of full-

L =  2 + 2 −  H where θ is the
 4  scale deflection for an A.C. current of 2A.

deflection in radians from the zero What could be the possible current for

position. The control spring torque is 30 × 75% of full-scale deflection? ___

10—6 N-m. 13. A M.I instrument deflection is

The deflection of pointer in radian when A. little less for D.C. than A.C.

the meter carrier a current of 6A is. B. Little more for D.C. than A.C

A. 0.68 rad. B. 0.2 rad. C. Same for D.C. and A.C.

C. 1.2 rad. D. 0.38 rad. D. Large Variation between D.C. and A.C.

9. The coil of a 250 V moving iron voltmeter 14. Match the following:

has a resistance of 600 Ω and an Type of meter Deflection Torque

inductance of 0.9 H. The instrument reads 1. EMMC a. I× N × A × B

correctly at 50 Hz a.c. supply and takes dM

2. PMMC b. I2 
150 mA at full scale deflection. What is the
1 2 dL
percentage error in the instrument 3. M.I. c. I 
2 D
reading, when it is connected to 200 V d.c.
A. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c B. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
C. 1-a, 2-c, 3-b D. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
A. 3% B. 1.667%
15. Match the following:
C. 2% D. 2.5%
Meters Types of Error
10. The shape of the fixed magnet in a
1. M.I. a. Hysteresis Error
repulsion type moving iron instrument
b. Eddy Current Error
c. Temperature Error
A. Circular
2. PMMC d. Stray Magnetic Error
B. Hallow cylindrical
e. Frictional Error
C. Trapezoidal
f. Frequency Error
D. Rectangular


A. a-2; b-1; c-2; d-2; e-1 & f-1 16. Two (0-200)V voltmeters have sensitivities
of 22KΩ/V and 220 kΩ/V. The maximum
B. a-2,1; b-1; c-1,2; d-1,2; e-1,2 & f-1
possible voltage withstand by the meters
C. a-1, 2; b-1; c-1, 2; d-1, 2; e-1, 2 & f-2
when they are connected in series is
D. a-1, 2; b-2; c-1, 2; d-1, 2; e-1 & f-1 __________.


1. 1.822 2. 1.06 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C

11. C 12. 3.464 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. 218 - 220


1. = 0.5 + 0.3 sin ωt – 0.25 sin 2ωt

To work both on AC and DC Average value of sinusoidal quantity over a
its reading should be independent of full number of cycles is equal to zero.
frequency Iav = I = 0.5A
Lm Hence,reading of moving coil instrument =
R sC = 0.41
RS 0.5A
Lm RMS value of current can be calculated as:
C = 0.41
R2S 2 2
2 ( 0.3) ( 0.2 )
IRMS = (0.5) + +
10−1 2 2
= 0.41 
150 2 IRMS = 0.56

= 1.822μF Hence,reading of moving iron instrument =

2. 0.56A
Here we know that the moving coil Sum of the reading of the instruments =
ammeter reads average value of current 1.06 A
while hot wire ammeter reads rms value of 3. (C)
current. The electrostatic voltmeter takes Reading of the true rms meter
negligible current for third operation & they 1 T0 2

read rms value of voltage

Vrms(true) =
T0 0 V (t)dt

Since reading is in ampere, we need to 1  T0 2

V (t)dt 
2   0
consider the readings of ammeter. 
Let ‘I’ be instantaneous value of current 1  /2 1 2
 (3V)2 dt + (−1V)2 dt
2   /2
I = I0 + Im sin ωt + I2m sin2ωt 2 0


9 1 3 9 3 245  19 − 250
=  (t)0 /2 +  V = + % error =  100 = −1.924%
2 2 2 4 4 250

12 6. (B)
Vrms = V
4 Multiplying factor of shunt

Vrms = 3V 1 50
m= = = 10
Im 5
4. (C)
Since meter reads correctly at DC, so we
Since moving iron ammeter reads the rms
neglect instrument reactance at DC
value of the current.
Resistance of shunt,
i(t) = –5+6sin (ωt+30°)–8 cos (2ωt+60°)
R 0.09
rms value of the above waveform is R sh = = = 0.01Ω
m − 1 10 − 1
2 2
 6   −8  With d.c. the current through the meter for
= (−5)2 +   +  = 75
 2  2 a total current of 50A is,
= 8.66A R sh 0.01
Im = I =  50 = 5A
5. (B) R + R sh 0.09 + 0.01

with 50 Hz the current through the meter

for a total current of 50A is
R sh
Im =  50
(R + RSh )2 + (L)2
Im = 100 mA = 0.1 A
Vm = Im Rm= 320 × 0.1 = 32 Volt =  50
(0.09 + 0.01) + (2  50  90  18)2
 V 
R se = Rm[m − 1] = Rm  − 1 = 4.81 A
 Vm 
Since the meter reading is proportional to
 250 
R se = 320  − 1 = 2180 Ω current,
 32 
4.81 − 5
With Temperature 20oC: % error =  100 = −3.8%
i.e., the meter reads 3.8% lower value
7. (A)
For moving iron ammeter
Given, full scale deflection θ = 135 °
 250
Im = = 0.098077 Current I = 8A
2180 + 369
Torque T = 280 μ N – m
Calibrated as ⇒ 0.1 A → 250 V
Torque produced in moving iron
0.98 A → ?
  0.0980877 = 245.19 V 1 2 L
0.1 Td = l
2 
True value = 250 volt


280  10−6 =
( )
1 2 L
 10−6
As the meter reads correctly for ac the
reading corresponding to dc voltage
L 280  10 2 0.122
= = 8.75H / radians reading =  200 = 203.33V
 64 0.12
8. (A) Percentage error
In the moving iron ammeter. 203.33 − 200
= = 0.01667
1 2 dL 200
T= I
2 d = 1.667 %
 2  10. (C)
L =  2 + 2 −  H
 4  The shape of fixed magnet (vane) in

repulsion type M.I. instrument should be
dL    
=  2 −    H / rad trapezoidal to get motion/deflection in a
d   2 
particular direction. (It shouldn't be
TC = 30 ×10—6
cylinder/ circular)
1  
TD =  62  2 −   10−6
2  2

1  
30  10−6 =  62  2 −   10−6
2  2

= 0.34
θ = 0.68 radians
9. (B) 11. (C)
Reactance of meter coil = 2πfL=314 × 0.9 At steady state Tc= Td
= 282.74 Ω 1 2 dL
Kc  = .I
Total impedance of meter circuit 2 d

250 1 I2 dL
= = 1666.67Ω = . .
150  10−3 2 K c d

Resistance of meter circuit 1 72 d  2 

=    100 + 5 −   10−6
= (1667)2 − (282.74)2 2 49  10−6 d  4

= 1642.87Ω  1643Ω 180 360

 = 2.0 rad (or) 2  =
 
Current taken by meter at 200 V ac
= = 0.12A θ ∝I2
Current taken by meter at 200 V dc 2  I2 
= 
200 1  I1 
= = 0.122A

3 1 RV
 2
S1  =
4 FSD =  I2  Imf SD VFSD
 
1 2

4 FSD R V = S1 . VFSD
3= 
2 = 22  103  200 V
I2 = 2 3 Amp ' s
R V = 4.4 m
13. B
→ In M.I. instrument, spring will not carry → ImfSD =
22  103
current. So, we can send/measure large
current by the help of electromagnet upto = 0.045 mA

50A and 200V.

→ In general shunts & multipliers are used
in M.I. instrument. So, to make the meter
parameters independent of frequency. [To
avoid frequency error] R V = S2 . VFSD
14. (D)

→ EMMC, torque expression is given as = 220  103  200 V
I2  N−m
d R V = 44 m

→ PMMC, torque expression is given as 1

→ ImfSD =
INAB N-m. 1
220  103
→ M.I., torque expression is given as
= 0.004 mA
1 2 dL
I N − m. Note: Highest sensitive instrument will
2 d
15. (B) draw least current.

Errors onA.C. & D.C. Supply → When the above two voltmeters are

→ Hysteresis Error connected in series. It is suggested to send

→ Temperature Error low value of current to avoid the damaged
→ Stray magnetic Error to the meter. Which has low current
→ Frictional Error capacity
Errors onA.C. Supply Only
→ Frequency Error
→ Eddy Current Error
16. (218 to 220) V

= 4.5 × 10–6 × 48.4 × 106 = 217.8 volts



EMMC & Electrostatic
5 meters

1. A dynamometer type ammeter has a full- 5. In a electrodynamometer type voltmeter,

scale reading of 50A. If the current passing inductor is varying linearly over the whole
through galvanometer becomes 10A then scale at 90 °. The FSR is 50 V and the
pointer moves to ____percent of full scale. controlling torque at FSR is 0.4 × 10-4 N-
2. An electrodynamometer ammeter having m/degrees, the current being 0.05 A (for
spring constant 10–6 Nm/degree is used to 50 Hz, 50 V ac). Its initial inductance is 0.2
measure maximum 20A current and full- H. If 48 V dc voltage is applied to this, its
scale deflection is 180°. If the mutual reading will be:
inductance between coils is 5μH when 10A A. 42.08 V B. 44.08 V
current pass through it. What is the mutual C. 46.08 V D. 48.08 V
inductance when deflection is 180° in 6. The inductance of a 15 A electrodynamic
(μH)? ammeter changes uniformly at the rate of
3. A current of 0.5 + 0.3sin t − 0.2 sin2t is 0.0015 μH/radian. The spring constant is
passed through the circuit shown in figure 10-6 N-m/radian. Determine the angular
below. Determine the reading of deflection at full scale.
electrostatic voltmeter (in Volt) across 1 A. 22° B. 18°

mH inductor.  = 106 rad / sec C. 19° D. 25°

7. Calculate the value if "r" shown in fig. A
PMMC voltmeter of 1000Ω is showing 10 V.
When connected across "r1".

4. In an electrostatic voltmeter of 2500 V, the

capacitance increases uniformly from 36 pF
to 44 pF from zero to full scale deflection.
Now It is required to increase the range of
the instrument to 20,000V by means of
external capacitor. What will be the
difference in reading of the voltmeter at
half scale?


8. When S1 is closed &S2 is opened, the PMMC

meter deflects till 2mA and settles at 1.9
mA. Calculate the coil resistance and
identify the damping.

FIG (iv)
A. Fig (i) alone
B. Fig (i) & Fig (iii)
C. Fig (iii) alone
D. Fig (ii) & Fig (iv)
A. 141.57 Ω and Under damping
10. To reduce the temperature error
B. 131.57Ω and Critical damping
drastically, the swamping resistance is
C. 141.75Ω and Critical damping
connected in series with working coil,
D. 131.57Ω and Under damping
made of
9. The proper connection of meters with
A. Copper
respect to load
B. Copper & Manganin
C. Manganin
D. Eureka
11. A current i(t) = –5 + 10 sin (300 + 60°0 is
passed through a zero center PMMC & M.I.
instrument. The possible readings are

FIG (i) A. 5 A, 5 3 A B. −5 A, 5 3 A

C. 5 A, 3 5 A D. −5 A, 3 5 A

12. An alternating waveform shown in fig is fed

to a PMMC ammeter. What is the indicated
value By PMMC?

FIG (ii)

A. –1A B. 0
FIG (iii) C. 4A D. 1A


13. Two Ammeters has meter resistances of

1Ω and 2Ω can carry upto 100 mA & 200

mA respectively. Both meters range is

extended to measure upto 10 A. The

readings of both ammeters when

connected in parallel to measure 10 A.

Now if the above battery fed analog
14. The Battery discharging group with respect multimeter is used to measure a D.C.

to time. It is found that the voltage is voltage of 100 V. Then the possible reading
could be_______
reduced to 80V after 1 year.
A. 100V B. 80V
C. 20V D. None


1. 4% 2. 6.178 3. 354 4. 800 5. C 6. C 7. 1716 - 1739 8. D 9. B 10. B

11. B 12. B 13. 2 14. A


1. 1 I12 102
=  2 = 180  = 45
For dynamometer type instrument, I2 2 I22 202
1  I1  dM K1 10−6  200
=  = = = 0.5 H / rad
2  I2  d I12 202
1  50  dM = 0.5d H
2  10 
at  = 45
1 = 252

dM = 0.5  45  H = .3927 H
2 1 180
= = 0.04 or 4%
1 25 at 0°, M0 = 5 – 0.3927 = 4.6073μH
at  = 180
In EDM instruments
dM = 0.5π
T=I = K M =M0 + dM
= 6.178μH
  I2


3. 40
m = 1 +
instantaneous value of voltage across 1 6.285
m' = 7.36
mH inductor is
Reading indicated by voltmeter at half
VL = L scale
= = 10000V
−3 d 2
= 1  10 (0.5 + 0.3 sin t − 0.2 sin t)
dt Actual reading of voltmeter
−3 20000
= 1  10  (0.3 cos t − 0.4 cos 2t) = = 10000V
Put  = 106 rad / sec then, Actual reading of voltmeter of half scale
VL = 300 cos t − 400 cos 2t 2500
= 7.36  = 9200V
Hence, reading of electrostatic voltmeter
Difference in voltmeter reading at half
across 1 mH inductor is scale = 10000 — 9200
2 2 = 800 V
 300   400 
VL =   +  5. (C)
 2   2 
Tc = 0.4  10−4  900
VL = 354V
1 2 dL
Td = I
4. 2 d
To increase the range of electrostatic At full scale deflection,Tc = Td
(0.4  10 −4
 900  2
20000 (0.05  0.05)
Multiplying factor = =8
2500 72
K= = 2.88
Capacitance of voltmeter at full scale 25

⟹ CV = 44 pf X = 2  50  0.2 = 62.8Ω

Now the multiplying factor with external R = 10002 − 62.82

= 998.03Ω
capacitance at full scale
When 48V dc voltage then,
Cv 48
m =1+ I= = 48.1mA
Cs 998.03

44 50
8 =1+ So, Z = = 1000 Ω
Cs 0.05
44 Td = (0.048)2 (2.88)
Or Cs = = 6.285pf 2
V1 Td
The value of capacitance of voltmeter at = 1
V2 Td
44 + 36
half scale reading = = 40pf 1
2 50  (0.048)2 (2.88)
V1 = 2 = 46.08V
∴ multiplying factor at half scale 1
(0.05)2 (2.88)

6. (C) Va = 0.25
dM / dθ = 0.0015 x 10-6 H/rad ImRm = 0.25
I dM 0.25
Now the deflection  =  Rm = = 131.57 
K d
1.9  103
Angular deflection at full scale current of i
→As the pointer has swing in depletion.
= 15 A is given by:
The damping will be under damping.
152 180
=  0.0015  10−6  = 19 degree
10−6  9. (B)

7. (1716 – 1739) → If the Ammeter is used to measure

voltage, then it will damage due to huge

current flow (∵Ri is very low)

→ If the voltmeter is used to measure

current, then the meter will not deflect due

its huge internal resistance (Ri is very high

for voltmeters). So, current through meter

Fig (i)
is very low.

10. (B)

To avoid the change in resistance if

conducting path, it is suggested to add

Manganin or constantan to the copper

Cu + mn alloy is called swamping

Fig (ii)
I= = 0.0233 Amp
428.57 11. (B)
→By KVL in fig (ii) = +50 – 10 = Vr PMMC reads average value of i/p i.e. –5V
Vr= 40
M.I. reads RMS value of i/p.
V 40
∵r + r = 2
I 0.0233 2  10 
Irms = ( −5) +  
r = 1716.73   V2 

8. (D) = 5 3 Amps

→The average response (or) deflection for

300 rad/sec angular frequency is zero (i.e.

which can't be observed with our eyes)

By KVL; +5 –Va –4.75 = 0

12. (B)
PMMC reads average value

RSh = = 0.040 
2  10 
 − 1
 200  10−3 
Area Under The Waveform
Iavg =
Time Period

1 
  10  10−3  10  + (10  10−3  ( −10 ) )
2 
+ ( 5  10−3  5)
25  10−3

Iavg = − 1 A 0.040
I1 = 10  =8A
0.040 + 0.01
Note → The given PMMC is not zero
centred I2 = (10 – 8) = 2 A Approximately

13. 14. (A)

The multi meter response/indication will be
100V only.
→ Multi meter takes the help of the battery
while measuring resistance only.

R Sh = = 0.010 
1  10 
 −3
− 1
 100  10 




6 Measurement of DC Power

1. An electrodynamometer-type wattmeter then the multiplication factor for 2A current

has a current coil with a resistance of 0.1 setting and 100V voltage setting is_____
Ω. Calculate the percentage errors while 4. A dynamometer type wattmeter, reads
the meter is connected as (i) current coil to power in a single-phase circuit normally as
the load side, and (ii) pressure coil to the 100watts. When a capacitor equal to
load side. The load is specified as 12 at resistance of pressure coil is connected in
250 V with unity power factor series with pressure coil the it reads
2. An electrodynamometer-type wattmeter 35watts. The load factor is
has a current coil with a resistance of 0.1 A. 0.957 B. 0.852
Ω. Calculate the percentage errors while C. 0.921 D. 0714
the meter is connected as pressure coil to 5. In a wattmeter both the coils are non-
the load side. The load is specified as 12 A
inductive and have resistances 0.02Ω and
at 25 V with 0.4 lagging power factor.
2000Ω. The load current is 20A and
voltage across load is 150V. If potential
coil is connected near to load then the
error in reading is
A. 0.375% high B. 0.267% high
C. 0.375% low D. 0.267% low
6. The internalresistance of ammeters and

3. An HPE wattmeter having power factor of voltmeter are 1Ω and 1kΩ respectively. If

0.85 is used to measure power. It has these meters are used to measure D.C.
current rating of 1A, 2A and 5A and power. Find the value of load resistance at
voltage setting 200V, 100V and 50V. If the which error in V-A and A-V method is
full-scale reading of wattmeter is 300W same_______


1. 0.48% 2. 0.8% 3. 0.567 4. A 5. D 6. 31.62



1. The wattmeter will thus read total power

Load specified as 12 A at 250 V with unity = 1200 + 9.6 = 1209.6 W
power factor Hence, error in measurement
=  100% = 0.8%
Multiplication factor,
Voltage setting  Current setting
 Power factor
mf =
Maximum scale
(i) Current coil (CC) on load side 100  2  0.85
mf =
True power = VI cos θ 300

= 250 × 12 × 1 = 0.567

= 3000 W 4. (A)

Power loss in CC = I2 × rC (where rC is the We know that in a dynamometer type

resistance of CC)
PT cos 
= 122 × 0.1 =
PM cos  cos( + )
= 14.4 W
ϕ = phase angle of load
The wattmeter will thus read total power
β = phase angle of pressure coil
= 3000 + 14.4 = 3014.4 W
Hence, error in measurement  = tan−1 = 45
PT = 100W
PM = 35W
100 cos 
Load specified as 12 A at 250 V with 0.4 35 (
cos 45 cos 45 +  )
power factor
100 1 cos 
(ii) Pressure coil (CC) on load side  =
35 2 cos  sin 

True power = 1200 W 2 2

Power lost in PC = V2/Rp (where Rp is the 100 cos 

70 cos  − sin 
resistance of PC) =2502/6500 = 9.6 W
1 − tan  =
tan  =
cosϕ = 0.9578

5. (D) Error in wattmeter reading
current coil has low resistance and V2 1502
= = = 11.25W
potential coil has high resistance Rp 2000

Actual power = 20 × 150 = 3000W

Percentage error =  100 = 0.375%
RL = R a . R V = 1  1  103
RL = 31.62 




7 Measurement of AC Power

1. Two wattmeter are connected to measure is 350V. The reactive power consumed by
the power consumed by a 3-phase load is___VAR.
balanced load. One of wattmeter read 5. Two wattmeter method is used to measure
1500 W and the other 700 W. Find power power in a 3-phase delta connected load.
factor of the load, when (a) both the The readings of wattmeter are 4000W and
readings are positive, and (b) when the –1500W. What is the value of capacitor (in
reading of the second wattmeter is μF)to be connected in series with each
obtained after reversing its current coil phase of load so that the whole power is
connection. measured by one wattmeter, given that
A. 0.74 and 0.68 line voltage is 400V and supply frequency
B. 0.21 and 0.78 is 50Hz.
C. 0.846 and 0.21
6. A single-phase load having current and
D. 0.67 and 0.92
voltage waveform is given below
2. Two wattmeter are connected to measure
the power consumed by a 3-phase load (
i(t) = 5 2 sin 100t − 30 )
with power factor 0.4. Total power
consumed by the load, as indicated by the
v(t) =
cos 100t + 60 )
two wattmeter is 30 kW. Find the higher A wattmeter is connected to measure the
individual wattmeter reading (in kW). load power across the load, find the
3. A 3 phasemotor load has power factor of reading of the wattmeter?
0.5. Two wattmeter method is used to A. 250 W B. 433.01 W
measure the input power and the output
C. -250 W D. 216.50 W
shown is 50KW. The reading of the two
7. Two wattmeter method is used to measure
instruments are
power in circuit supplied by a 3-phase, 440
A. P1 = 0 P2 = 50 kW
V, 50 Hz feeding a balanced 3 phase load.
B. P1 = 25kW P2 = 25 kW
The reading obtained from the wattmeter 1
C. P1 = –25kW P2 = 75 kW
and wattmeter 2 were 4 KW and 1 KW
D. P1 = 40kW P2 = 10 kW
respectively. It was found that while taking
4. Power consumed by the load and power
second reading (1 KW) the current coil of
factor of the load measured using 3
the second wattmeter were interchanged.
voltmeter method. The voltage across the
The value of power factor will be
load is 300V and voltage across fixed 20Ω
resistance is 80V and voltage across supply



1. C 2. -4.85 3. A 4. 1007.09 5. 123.8 6. C 7. 0.327


1 (C) cosϕ = 0.5

(a) Given P1 = 1500 W and P2 = 700 W ϕ = 60°
Power factor angle is given by
tan  = − 3
(P1 − P2 )
 P − P2  P1 + P2
 = tan−1  3 1 
 P1 + P2 
 P − P2 
3 = − 3 1 
 1500 − 700   P1 + P2 
or,  = tan−1  3 = 32.2
 1500 + 700 
–P1+P2 = P1+P2
power factor = cos  P1 = 0
= cos 32.2° = 0.846 P2 = 50KW
(b) Given P1 = 1500 W and P2 = –700 W 4.

 = tan−1  3
1500 − (−700)  V12 − V22 − V32
 = 78.1 cos  =
 1500 + (−700)  2V2 V3
power factor = cos  3502 − 3002 − 802
= = 0.54375
= cos 78.1° = 0.21 2  300  80

Active Power, P =
(V 2
1 − V22 − V32 ) = 652.5W
If P1 and P2 are the two individual 2R
wattmeter readings then according to the Reactive Power
P1 + P2 = 30 kW
( (
= P tan  = 652.5 tan cos−1 0.54375 ))
Given:Power factor, cos ϕ = 0.4 = 1007.09VAR

Power factor angle ϕ = cos–10.4 = 66.4° 5.

Load phase angle
 P − P2 
 = tan−1  3 1 
 P1 + P2    W − W2  
 = tan−1  3  1 
  W1 + W2  
 P − P2 
or,  3 1  = tan  = 2.29 ϕ = 75.295°
 P1 + P2 
Solving (i) and (ii), we P1 = 34.85 kW and Zph =
P2 = –4.85 kW
3. (A) P = 3VL IL cos   IL =
3VL cos 
P1 + P2 = 50 KW


2500 5 2
= Ir = =5
3  400  0.2538 2
= 14.215 A 100
Vr = = 50
400 2 2
Zph = = 48.7363Ω
3  = 90 + 60 + 30 = 180

Rph = Zphcosϕ = 12.371Ω So reading of wattmeter is

Xph = Zphsinϕ = 47.139Ω P = Vl cos 
One wattmeter read zero when power
factor is 0.5 ⇒ϕ = 60°
P = 50  5  cos 180 ) = −250W

Xph = Rph tan  = 21.427Ω 7.

Wattmeter - 1 reading: 4 KW
XC = Xph − Xph = 47.139 − 21.427
Wattmeter – 2 reading: 1 KW
= 25.712Ω
For second reading as the terminals of
C= = 123.8F current coil were interchanged or reversed,
Therefore, actual reading of the second
6. (C)
Since the reading of the wattmeter is wattmeter is = -1 KW

P = rms voltage across the pressure coil * Power factor will be

rms current through the current coil *  (P − P2 ) 

cos  = cos tan−1 3 1 
 P1 + P2 
Where =angle between the current of
current coil and voltage across the  (4 − (−1)) 
cos  = cos tan−1 3
 (4 − 1) 
pressure coil
Here   5 
cos  = cos tan−1 3   
 3 
i(t) = 5 2 sin 100t − 30 ) 

= cos 70.893 ) = 0.327
v(t) =
cos 100t + 60 )





Measurement of Energy
8 and Power factor

1. A energy meter makes 200 revolutions 230 V. If this wattmeter is replaced by

when it is connected to a load for 1 hour another wattmeter with pressure coil angle
carrying 10A current at 220V and 0.8 1° reading obtained is 320 W. The value of
power factor lagging. How many current drawn by the load is
revolutions will be made by it when A. 10.45 A B. 12.42 A
connected to a load carrying 20A current at C. 20.48 A D. 16.32 A
400V and 0.6 power factor lagging for 2 5. In a circuit of single-phase induction
hours? energy meter, the pressure coil current
2. A 400V, 60Hz energy meter has a meter lags the voltage by 88 degree, the errors
constant of 50rev/kWhr. When it is while measuring power in two circuits
supplying a load of 10A at 400V and 0.8 having power factor unity and 0.5 lagging
power factor it makes 55 revolutions in 21 respectively
minutes. The percentage error in the A. -0. 061%, +6.1%
instrument is B. +0. 061%, -6.1%
A. 1.785% fast B. 1.8% slow C. -0. 061%, -6.1%
C. 1.785% slow D. 1.8% fast D. -6.1%, -6.1%
3. The meter constant for a three phase, 3 6. A single phase energy meter which is
element integrating wattmeter is 0.12 designed to make 120 revolution for one
revolution of disc per kwh. If the meter is unit of energy. It takes N number of
normally used with a potential transformer revolution when connected a load which
of ratio 22000/110 V and a current carrying a current of 35A at 220 V and
transformer of ratio 500/5 A, the error 0.55 power factor for one hour. If the
expressed as a percentage of the current energy meter actually makes 490
reading from the following test figure for revolution, then what would be the
the instrument only: percentage error, does the meter is
Line voltage = 100 V, current = 5.25 A, moving fast or slow.
Power factor = 1, Time to complete 40 A. 2.68 % & meter is fast
revolutions = 61 sec B. 2.68 % & meter is slow
4. A dynamometer type wattmeter with C. 3.54 % & meter is fast
pressure coil angle of 2° measure 400 W D. 3.54 % & meter is slow
for 1 – phase inductive load supplied by


7. If an energy meter disc makes 10 D. The pressure coil should be near to load
revolutions in 100 seconds when a load of & the wattmeter should be a compensated
450 W is connected to it, the meter one.
constant (in rev/kWh) is 11. Calculate the power & power factor if the
A. 1000 B. 500 wattmeter readings of 2-wattmeter
C. 1600 D. 800
method are 4000W and 1200W, the later
8. If the meter constant for a 3-phase
reading obtained after reversing the
wattmeter is 0.090 revolution of disc per
current coil connection.
kwh. If the meter is used with a potential
12. If W1 = 4000 W and W2 = 1000W and "W2"
transformer of ratio 33 kV/110V & a
reading is obtained after reversing current
current transformer of ratio 400/5 A. What
coil connection calculated the value of
will be the percentage error in term of
percentage of the current reading with capacitance to be placed in each phase So

following parameter-? as to indicate total power by "w1" meter.

Line voltage = 120V; current = 6.25A

Power factor = 0.98
Time to completer 50 revolution = 70 sec.
A. 5.32% but fast
B. 5.32% but slow
C. 6.47% but fast
D. 6.47 % but slow
9. A 235V ampere hour type meter having 13. Assume voltage drop across current coil &
meter constant of 60A-S/revolution is ammeter is zero. Calculate the % Error in
connected to 235V dc supply. If the meter wattmeter reading if it reads 25W.
complete 313 revolutions in 13 minutes
when carrying 16A, then % error of the
meter above (or) below the original
A. 24.07% B. 50.49%
C. 38.69% D. 61.07%
10. When the circuit power factor is low. The
wattmeter coil connections should be:
14. Find the % Error due to pressure coil
A. The current coil should be near to load.
reactance at 0.8 lagging & 0.5 leading P.f.
B. The pressure coil should be near to load.
Assume the pressure coil reactance is
C. The current coil should be on supply
equal to 2% of its resistance.


15. Calculate the wattmeter reading shown in constant if the load current is 15A at 0.8
fig. lagging p.f.
20. A 1–ϕ Energy meter makes 88 revolutions
in 188 seconds at half rated load and u.p.f
the meters is designed at 230V, 10A and
1880 revolutions/ kWh, The % Error at full
21. The energy meter having
16. The wattmeter reading is revolutions
k = 1500 is found to make 6
revolutions in 66 seconds. What could be
the possible load power.
22. The braking magnet of an energy meter
shifted away from centre of disc. Then the
meter will
17. The wattmeter reading shown in fig A. Stop rotating
B. continue to rotate but records lower
C. continue to rotate but records higher
D. Results in creeping.
23. A 20V, 4A D.C. energy meter is tested at
rated conditions. Rcc = 0.2Ω&Rpc = 9000Ω.
Calculate the power absorption during
18. The reading of W1& W2 for 200V (L-L), (i) Direct loading arrangement
50Hz supply. (ii) Phantom loading with 200V across P.C.
and C.C. connected with 5V source to drive
24. A 1-ϕ, 230V energy meter has a meter
constant of 400 revolutions/kWh.
(i) Find no. of revolutions made by the disc
at a load current of 20A, 0.86 lagging
power factor.
19. An Induction wattmeter is operating on
(ii) Find % error, if the shunt coil flux lags
230V, 50Hz source has made 1400
applied voltage by 88° (Consider 0.8 lag &
revolutions for 2 hours. Find the meter
0.8 lead P.f)



25. The braking torque is: V2 = 180 volts across a pure resistance
A. Proportional to speed of disc load
B. Proportional to distance of braking V3 = 320 volts across the above two loads
magnet from center of disc connected in series.
C. Proportional to square of magnetic flux What is the power factor of circuit and
D. Provided by the electromagnet. inductive load?
26. The disc in the energy meter should be 28. If the current coil and pressure coils of
of____ for eddy current damping. wattmeter are unfortunately interchanged
A. Conducting but Nonmagnetic material while connecting. After energizing the
B. Non conducting and Nonmagnetic
circuit, the wattmeter reads zero. What
could be the reason.
C. Nonmagnetic but magnetic material
A. Pressure coil damage
D. Conducting and magnetic material
B. Current coil damage
27. 3- voltmeter method is used for power
C. Both pressure coil and current coil get
factor measurement, gave the following
D. Loose contact
V1 = 250 volts across an inductive load


1. 1090.9 2. C 3. 8.167% 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. D

11. 0.3 12. 132.81 13. 9% 14. 1.5%, -3.46% 15. -880 16. 270.89 17. 919.6 18. 2000 19. 254 20. -23.33

21. 218.18 22. B 23. 804.44, 24.44 24. 26.37, -2.66% 25. A,B,C 26. A 27. 0.08 28. B


1. 2. (C)
No. of revolutions = 200 Load power = VI cosϕ
Energy = VI cosϕ×time = 220 × 10 × 0.8 = 400 × 10 × 0.8
× 1 = 1.76 kWhr = 3.2 kW
220 21
Meter constant = = 113.63rev / kWhr Energy consumed = 3.2  = 1.12kWhr
1.76 60
New energy = 400 × 20 × 0.6 × 2= 9.6 No. of revolution
kWhr = Meter constant × Energy consumed
No. of revolutions = 1.12 × 50
= Meter constant × Energy = 1090.9 rev.

= 56 revolutions 4. (C)

55 Given that
Measured energy = = 1.1kW
50 Supply voltage = 230 V
Em − ET Reading of the dynamometer type
Percentage error =
ET wattmeter is

1.1 − 1.12 P = VI cos( − ) cos 

=  100
If  = 2
= –1.785%
Negative sign indicates that energy meter (
400 = 230  I  cos  − 2 cos 2 )
is slow If  = 1
Given, meter constant, K = 0.12 rev/kWhr
320 = 230  I  cos  − 1 cos1 )
True wattmeter reading. Dividing the above equations,

WT =
V  I  cos 

t ( )
VI cos  − 2 cos 2
1000 3600 VI cos (  − 1 ) cos1 320

(100)(5.25)  1 61
WT =  cos   cos 2 + sin   sin2 
1000 3600  
To get the reading of the Line expression,
= 1.251  cos   cos1 + sin   sin1 
 
( WT ) = 3(PIRatio)(CIRatio)
 Line 
 V  I  cos  t  sin  sin2 − 1.251  sin1 
 
   
 1000 3600 
= cos  1.251cos1 − cos 2 
22000 500  
( WT )line = 3

5 1.251 cos1 − cos 2 
tan  =  
100  5.25  1 61  sin2 − 1.251 sin1 
 
1000 3600
1.2508 − 0.999 
(WT)Line = 308.16 kWhr tan  =  
 0.0349 − 0.022 
It is given that disc make 40 revolution in
tan  = = 19.52
61 sec. 0.0129
No. of revolution  = 87.07
(Wm)Line =
Using the power relation,
(Wm)Line = = 333.33kW-hr
0.12 ( )
VI cos  − 1 cos1 = 320

Wm − WT
Percentage error =  100 230  I  cos (87.07 )
− 1 cos1 = 320

333.33 − 308.16 320

=  100 I=
308.16 230  0.068  0.999

= 8.167% I = 20.48A

5. (C) use, especially when potential transformers
If circuit have a unity power factor and similar types of equipment are used in
cos  = 1 metering. Since PTs and similar devices
Φ=0 change the voltage into the meter, the
And given Δ = 88° measurement made by the meter
Error introduced because of lag adjustment represents only a fraction of the actual
sin(Δ − ) − cos  energy used. That fraction must be
=  100%
cos  multiplied by the meter constant value to
sin(88 − 0) − 1 arrive at an accurate value for the
=  100 = −6.0917 × 10−2
customer's actual energy
= − 0.061
Meter constant
And If circuit have a power factor 0.5
cosΦ = 0.5 km = = 800 .
(0.450) 
Φ= 60° 60  60
then Meter constants may also be used to
error Introduced because of Incorrect lag adjust readings taken from older meters
adjustment which have been determined to be
sin(Δ − ) − cos  consistently inaccurate.
cos 
8. (D)
sin(88 − 60) − 0.5 Since Actual energy consumed during the
=  100% = −6.1%
test period
6. (D)
= 3  PT ratio  CT ratio  Vs  Is  cos   t
Actual energy consumed
= VI cos ϕ × t × 10-3 33  1000 400
= 3   120
110 5
= 220 × 35 × 0.55 × 1 × 10-3
= 4.235 kWh 70
6.25  0.98   10−3
∴ meter makes 120 revolution for one unit
= 594 kwh
or say one kwh of energy consumed.
∴ Number of revolutions correspond to Therefore, energy recorded by meter

4.235 unit Number of revolutionmade

meter constant
120 × 4.235 = 508.2
Or, N 508 = = 555.55kwh
If meter makes 490 revolution than error,
555.55 − 594
490 − 508 Percentage error =  100
Error =  100 = −3.54% 594
= —6.47 or 6.47% slow
Or error = 3.54 % & meter is slow.
9. (B)
7. (D)
A fixed value which is used when During 313 revolutions the meter would

converting meter readings to actual energy record 313 × 60 A-S or C. The time taken

is 13 minutes or 780 seconds. So, it   3 ( 4000 + 1200 )  
cos  = cos tan−1 
corresponds to a current of   4000 − 1200  
60  313 = 0.298
Ir = = 24.07A
60  13 = 0.3 lagg
Energy recorded by the meter 12.
VIr t W1 = VL ILcos (30 – ϕ)
Wr = kW − h
W2 = VL ILcos (30 + ϕ)
235  24.07 13 VL IL  3
=  = 1.225kW-h
1000 60 If ϕ = 60° ⇒W1 =
Actual energy consumed. W2 = 0 watts
235  16  13 → P = W1 + W2
W= = 0.814 kW-h
1000  60 = 4000 – 1000
Wr − W = 3000 W
% error =  100
W →For 1 – ϕ, the power consumption is
1.225 − 0.814 3000
= = 50.49% = = 1000 W
0.814 3
10. (D)   3 ( W1 – W2 )  
→ cos  = cos  tan−1  

i ( cos   )
  W1 + W2  
  3 4000 + 1000  
If the P.F. is low, wattmeter reading is low = cos tan−1  
  4000 − 1000  
W= . i . cos  cosϕ = 0.327lag
 = 70.89
To get desired deflection reduce RPC in
→P1–ϕ= Vph .Iph .cosϕ
other words increase XPC
Iph = = 6.95 Amp ' s
440  0.327
P1− 1000
→Rph = = = 20.7 
Iph ( 6.95)2

→ Zph = = 63.3 
2 2
→ Xph = (63.3) − (20.7)
Note: P.C. inductance is compensated by
Xph = 59.82 
placing a capacitor across P.C.

11. x
→To get 60° phase angle, tan−1 = 60
W1 = 4000 W
W2 = –1200 W = 3
P = W1 + W2 = 4000 – 1200


X = 3 R % Error = (tan ϕ. tanβ) × 100

= 8.94% 9%
X= 3  20.7
= 35.85 Ω
cosϕ = 0.8 pf lagging
Xc = 59.82 – 35.85
ϕ = 36.86
Xc = 23.96 Ω
% Error = + (tan ϕ.tan β) × 100
c= = (tan 36.86° × 0.02) × 100
2  50  23.96
%  = 1.5 %
C = 132.81 F
cosϕ = 0.5 lead
ϕ = 60°
The true power,
% Error = – (tan ϕ. tan β) × 100
Pt = I2. R. = I2.Z.cosϕ
%  = − ( tan 60  0.02 )  100
R 2  220 
cos  = = ( 4.5)    cos 
z  4.5  %  = − 3.46 %

Pt = 990 cos 

The measured power, Pm∝cosβ.cos (ϕ – β)

Pt cos 
Rough, =
Pm cos  . cos (  −  )

cos 
990  cos  =  Pm
cos  . cos (  −  )
25 Note tanβ =
990 = Rp
cos  . cos (  −  )
2 Xp
From impedance triangle of P.C. Given: Xp = . Rp  = 0.02 = tan 
100 Rp

cosϕ = 0.8 pf lagging
ϕ = 36.86
% Error = + (tan ϕ.tan β) × 100
= (tan 36.86° × 0.02) × 100

Xp 2  100  10  10−3 %  = 1.5 %

tan  = =
Rp 3000
cosϕ = 0.5 lead

 = 0.119 ϕ = 60°
% Error = – (tan ϕ. tan β) × 100
∵cos (0.119). cos (ϕ – 0.119) =
990 %  = − ( tan 60  0.02 )  100

cos (ϕ – 0.119°) = 0.025

%  = − 3.46 %
 = 88.67


Note tanβ =
Rp 440 400
w=   cos (59.32 )
3 173.2
2 Xp
Given: Xp = . Rp  = 0.02 = tan 
100 Rp = 230.94 × 2.30 × 0.51

W = 270.89 watts

Wattmeter reading 17.

C.T. is used to extend the range of
IL = = 102.85 Amp ' s
22 + 12

ϕ = tan−1   = 26.56
As the load current is higher than C.T ratio
= pc . icc . cos ( pc & icc )
(primary) it will damage. Therefore,

VRY  V  wattmeter shows zero

= VYB . cos  VYB & RY 
z1  z1  Note: It is recommended to select C.T.

440 ratio at least 110% of current to be

= 440 . . cos (120 )
110 measured

= –880 watts 110

∵  102.85 = 113.13≃ 115(round off)
The secondary current of C.Tis rounded off
W = vpc . icc . cos ( vpc & icc )
to 5A.
VRB 400 115
vpc = VYN : icc = = = 30.68 → Now the New C.T Ratio is
z 173.2 5A
icc lag VRB by 30.68° 102.85
→icc =  5 = 4.47 Amp ' s
→ Wattmeter reading = 230 × 4.47 × cos

W = 919.6 watts


18. 20.
W1 = VRY.IR.cos (VRY&IR) (i) At full load (cosϕ = 1 Assumption)
230  10  1 188
True Energy, Et = 
1000 3600
= 0.12 kwh
Measure Energy, Em
N 88
= = = 0.046 kwh
K 1880
0.046 − 0.12
% Error = = − 60.99 %
(ii) At half load (cosϕ = 1)
230  1
2 188
True Energy, Et = 
200 1000 3600
3  cos ( 90 )
W1 = 200  = 0.06 kwh
Measure Energy,
W1 = 0 watts
N 88
Em = = = 0.046 kwh
K 1880
0.046 − 0.06
% Error = = − 23.33 %

N 6
P= =
Pxt 66
1500 
3  cos (30 ) P = 218.18 w
W2 = 200 
22. (B)
W2 = 2000 watts
TB  N
Meter constant, 1
 TB  
No. of Re volutions d
kwh As d   TB   N 
N i.e, Speed of the disc reduces. Therefore,
records low energy
k= = 253.62 23.
230  15  0.8  2
1000 (i) Direct loading,

Re volution The power consumption by C.C,

k 254
kwh P = 200 × 4 = 800 W

The power consumption by P.C, Note: Try for 0.8 lead HINT : − (  +  )
(200 )2
P= = 4.44 W 25.
TB∝ϕ2 NR
Total Power, P = 804.44 Watts
R → Radius of the disc
(ii) Phantom loading (frictions/ imaginary)
26. (A)
Aluminium disc should be of non-magnetic
material in other words it should be of
conducting material.

Power consumption by C.C.,

P = 5 × 4 = 20 W
Power consumption by P.C.,

(200 )2
P= = 4.44 W
( VR1 + VR2 ) + VL2 = 3202
Total power, P = 24.44 W
Note: To save the power during testing, VR12 + VR2 + 2VR . VR + VL2 = 3202
phantom loading is suggested
(180)2 + 2  180 VR + (250 )2 = 3202
(i) N = K × P × t VR = 20.83 V

230  20  0.86 → Power factor of circuit, cosϕ

= 400  1
VR + VR 180 + 20.83
N = 1582.4 evolution = =
v 320
(or) cos ϕ = 0.627
= 26.37 r.p.m → Power factor of inductive part,
(ii)  = 88 ; ϕ = 36.86°
VR 20.83
cosϕ = = = 0.08
sin (  −  ) − cos  250 250
% Error =  100
cos  28. (B)
sin (88 − 36.86 ) − 0.8 Current coil is of less no. of turns and low
=  100
0.8 resistance. Therefore, it cannot with stand
= – 2.66 % large voltage applied across it.




9 DC Bridges & AC Bridges

1. In the Schering bridge, arm AB has a R1 = 3kΩ

capacitor C1 with internal resistance r1. R2 = 1.5kΩ
R3 = 6.5kΩ
Arm AD has a capacitor of 0.5μF and Arm
C4 = 0.1  10−6
BC has a resistance of 500Ω Arm CD has a
resistance of 100Ω in parallel with a A. 0.3 µF B. 2 µF

capacitor of 0.15μF. What is the dissipation C. 0.21 µF D. 0.31 µF

factor of capacitor in arm AB? (Supply 3. For the given balanced AC bridge, the

frequency = 50Hz). value of component of unknown arm Zx will


A. 4.712 × 10–3 B. 0.269

C. 3.514 × 10–3 D. 0.0785 A. Zx = 196.49 – j681.22
2. In the Bridge circuit shown, find C2 in B. Zx = 681.22 – j 196.49
balanced condition: C. Zx = 425.40 – j 567.19
D. Zx = 567.19 – j425.40
4. The Schering bridge is shown in the figure
given below:
If R3 = 1250 Ω
C2 = 2 mF
C4 = 0.5 mF
R4 = 750 Ω


A. Wheatstone bridge
B. Wien Bridge
C. Anderson bridge
D. None of these
7. A parallel resistance capacitance bridge as
shown in figure has a standard capacitance
value of C1 = 0.1 µF and R3 = 10 kΩ.
Balance is achieved at a supply frequency
of 100 Hz when R1 = 375 kΩ, R3 = 10 kΩ
and R4 = 14.7 kΩ. Calculate its dissipation
Calculate the dissipation factor?
A. 0.127
B. 0.432
C. 0.353
D. 0.258
5. A sheet of a material having thickness of
6mm is tested at 50 Hz between the two
electrodes of 0.14 m of diameter.

A. 12.5 ×10-3
B. 4 ×10-2
C. 42.5 ×10-3
D. 2.75 ×10-3
8. Inductance of 0.35 H and 16Ω resistance is
measured by comparison with a fixed
standard inductance of 0.12 H & 60 Ω

If the Schering bridge is employed to test

the permittivity of the sheet. A balance is
obtained with C4 = 1.2 μF in parallel with
non-reactive resistance of Ω &

Resistance R3 = 320 Ω.
What will be the relative permittivity of the
dielectric sheet?
6. A null-type bridge with d.c. excitation is
commonly known as?


In the unknown inductance is placed in resistance under test = 0.2305 V Calculate

arm ab, & the standard inductance is the value of unknown resistance, current
placed in arm bc. A resistance 680 Ω is and power loss in it.
connected in arm cd & a resistance of R2 is A. 0.7444 W B. 0.8569 W
placed in arm da which is unknown. What C. 0.3256 W D. 0.1234 W
will be the value of a new resistance which 12. The AC bridge shown in the figure below is
should be placed in the arm ab for the used to measure impedance?
balanced condition derived.
9. Consider a circuit shown in figure below:

Bridge is at the balanced condition. The

The circuit is used for measuring the
impedance Z is equivalent to
inductance L1 and resistance R1 of a coil if
A. Series combination of a resistor of 13.3
bridge is balanced when R3 = R4 = 2000
kΩ and an inductor of 0.1 mH
ohms, R2= 1000 ohms R5 = 200 ohms and
B. Parallel combination of a resistor of 13.3
C =1 μF?
kΩ and a capacitor of 0.3 pF
A. 1000 Ω, 2.4 H B. 1500 Ω, 1.8 H
C. Series combination of a resistor of 13.3
C. 1200 Ω, 1.5H D. 1100 Ω, 1.9 H
kΩ and a capacitor of 0.3 pF
10. ________ 10 MΩ is the insulation D. Parallel combination of resistor of 13.3
resistance of a cable in which the voltage kΩ and an inductor of 1 mH
falls from 100 V to 80 V in 20 sec. The 13. The measurement accuracy of a bridge
capacitance is 300 pF. circuit is dependent on the:
A. 29.8 B. 30.2 A. Characteristics of the null detector
C. 32.5 D. 33.9 B. Accuracy of the bridge components
11. The readings given below were obtained C. Dc voltage source applied to the bridge
during the measurement of a low D. Number of arms in the bridge
resistance using a potentiometer: Voltage 14. Which bridge is most suitable for
drop across a 0.3 Ω standard resistance = measurement of inductance of a coil with a
1.0567 V Voltage drop across the low large time constant -


A. Maxwell Inductance Bridge 18. A kelvin double bridge shown in figure

B. Kelvin Double bridge below have each of the ratio arm.
C. Schering Bridge P = Q = p = q = 100Ω . The emf of the
D. Hay Bridge battery is 100V and a resistance of 5Ω is
15. A simple slide wire potentiometer is used included in the battery circuit. The
for measurement of current in a circuit. galvanometer has a resistance of 500Ω
The voltage drop across a standard resistor and the resistance of the link connecting
of 0.5 Ω is balanced at 95 cm. find the the unknown resistance to the standard
magnitude of the current if the standard may be neglected. The bridge is balanced
cell emf of 1.95 volt is balanced at 60 cm. when the standard resistance S = 0.001Ω .
A. 6.175 A B. 4.256 A
C. 8.234 A D. 1.0234 A
16. The Wien bridge shown in the figure is
balanced at the frequency of

The current (approximate value) through

the unknown resistance R at balance will
be ____ A.
A. 10 B. 20
A. 1.67 KHz B. 2.68 kHz C. 15 D. 30
C. 3.78 KHz D. none of these
17. A capacitor bushing forms arm ab of a 19. In a Maxwell bridge, the fixed-value bridge
Schering bridge and a standard capacitor components have the following values:

of 500 pF capacitance and negligible loss R3 = 5Ω, C = 1mF . If R1 = 160Ω and

forms arm ad. Arm bc consists of a non- R2 = 20Ω at balance. ____ is the Q factor
inductive resistance of 300Ω. When the
for the unknown impedance at a supply
bridge is balanced arm cd has a resistance
frequency of 50Hz.
of 72.6Ω in parallel with a capacitance of
0.148 µF. The supply frequency is 50Hz.
Calculate the dielectric loss angle of the
A. 0.0075 rad B. 0.0012 rad
C. 0.00337 rad D. 0.0087 rad


A. 2.23 C. Maxwell’s bridge

B. 1.57 D. Shering bridge
C. 3.21 22. The bridge method commonly used for
D. none of these finding mutual inductance is
20. In the circuit shown above when I = 0 , if A. Heaviside Campbell bridge
B. Schering bridge
then the value of is ____. C. De Sauty bridge
D. Wien bridge
23. In the circuit shown, x is variable. The
maximum value of V0 is____ volts.

A. 2 B. 3
C. 4 D. 10
21. The bridge most suited for measurement of
a four-terminal resistance in the range of
0.001 Ω to 0.1 Ω is

A. Wien’s bridge
B. Kelvin double bridge


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. 6.3 6. A 7. C 8. 158.96 9. A 10. A

11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. B 22. A


1. (A) R C R C 
=  4 2   3 4 
We know that in Schering bridge  R3   C2 
R3C4 R 4C2 = R 4C4
r1 = C1 =
C2 R3
= 2  50  100  0.15  10−6
tan  = C1r1
= 4.712 × 10–3


2. (C) R 4C2 750  2  10−6
C1 = = = 1.2F
At Balance: z1z4 = z2z3 R3 1250

 Dissipation factor D = tan δ = ωC1r1

j   j 
(R1 + jL )  − C  =  R2 −  R
C2  3
 4  D = tan δ

By Equating imaginary terms, = 2π × 150 × 1.2 × 10–6 × 312.5

C4 = 0.353
R1 = R3 
C2 5.

6.5  0.1  10−6 At balance,

 C2 = , C2 = 0.21F
 1  R4  1
3. (B)  r1 +  =  R3
 jC1   1 + jC4R 4  jC2
Since in the bridge at the balanced
On comparing real & imaginary term we
|Z1||Z4| = |Z2||Z3|
C4 R
θ1 + θ 4 = θ 2 + θ3 r1 = R & c1 = 4 C2
C2 3 R3
Z1 = 300 Ω
1.2  10−6
Z4 = Zx So, r1 =  320Ω
120  10−12
Z2 = 150 +jωL
Z2 = 150 + j200.96 r1 =  106  320Ω
Z2 = 250.76 ∠53.26°
r1 = 3.2 M Ω
Z3 = 300 − 1200
ωC C1 =  120  10−12 = 143.24 pF
  320
Z3 = 300 – j796.17
Therefore, power factor of the sheet
Z3 = 850.81 ∠-69.35°
= ωC1r1
According to impedance balanced condition
|300| |Zx| = (250.76) (850.81) = 2π × 50 × 143.24 × 10—12 × 3.2 × 106

|Zx| = 709 Ω = 144000 × 10—6 = 0.144

According to angle balanced condition Therefore, relative permittivity

0 + θ4 = 53.26° - 69.35° ∴ℰ = ℰo ℰr

θ4 = -16.09° A
& C1 = 0r 
Zx = 709 ∠-16.09° d

Zx = 681.22 – j 196.49 C1  d 143.24  10−12  6  10−3

 r = =
0  A 
4. (C) 8.85  10−12  (0.14)2
In the Schering bridge
r = = 6.3
C R 0.5  10−6  1250 0.1363
r1 = 4 3 = = 312.5Ω
C2 2  10−6

6. (A)

 1   1 
R3  + jC1  = R 4  + jCP 
 R1   RP 
Equating real terms
R1R 4
Rp =

Equating imaginary terms

Cp =

0.1  10−6  10  103

Cp = = 0.068F
14.7  102
The figure shows the four arms of the
bridge consist of the unknown resistance R1P4 375  103  14.7  103
Rp = =
R3 10  10−3
Ru and two equal value of resistors R2 and
= 551.3kΩ
R3 and a variable resistor Rv. A d.c. voltage
Vi is applied across the points AC and the Dissipation factor D =
resistance Rv is varied until the voltage
measured across points BD is zero. This =
2  100  cos10−6  551.3  103
null point is usually measured with a high
= 42.5 ×10-3
sensitivity galvanometer.
7. (C)
R4 = 680 Ω; R3 = 60Ω; L3 = 0.12 H
As Bridge is in balanced condition At balanced condition-
Z1Z4 = Z2Z3 …………. (1) (R1 + jL1 ) (R 4 ) = R2 (R3 + jL3 )
1 1 1 1
= + = + jC1 or ⟹ R1R4 + j (  L1R4) = R2R3 + j (  L3R2)
Z1 R1  1  R1
  on comparing real & imaginary part-
 jC1 
1 1 1 1 R1 = ……….(i)
= + = + jCp R4
Z2 Rp  1  Rp
  R 2L 3
 jCp 
  L1 = …………(ii)
 z2 = From (i) & from (ii)
+ jCp
Rp R1 R 2
R3 R 4
Substituting Z1Z2 in (1)
L1 R2
L3 R 4

Or we can also write it as- 0.4343t 0.4343  20
R= =
L1 R2 V  100 
= 1 Clog10   300  10−12  log10  
L3 R 4 R3 V  80 

R1 0.35 R = 29.8  104 MΩ

Therefore, R2 = R 4  = 680 
R3 0.12 11. (A)
R2 = 1983.33Ω Given S = 0.3 Ω,

L1 R2 1983.33 Vs = 1.0567 V, Vr = 0.2305 V

& = = = 2.916
L3 R 4 680 Resistance of unknown resistor

R1 16 Vr
Since, = = 0.266 = 0.27 R =  S = 0.2305/1.0567 * 0.3
R3 60 VS

R1 = 0.06 Ω
Now, to meet the balance should be
R3 Current through the resistor,

equal to 2.916. VS
I= = 1.0567 / 0.3 = 3.5223 A
Then we can consider an external S

resistance of r1 in series with R1 for Power loss, P = I2R = 3.52232 * 0.06

balance. = 0.7444 W

R1 + r1 12. (C)
Then = 2.916

or r1 = (2.916 × 60 — 16) Ω
r1 = 158.96
9. (A)
From the figure, we can write
R1= R2R4/R3 = 1000×(2000/2000)
= 1000 Ω
R 4R5
L1 = CR2R 4R5
At balanced condition,
2000  200
= 1  106  1000  2000  200 
2000  1  R2
Z R 4 || =
= 2.4 H  jC4  jC3

10. (A)  R4  R2
Z =
 1 + jR C
4 4 j C3
Given data
V = 100 V Z= 1 + jR 4C4 
jR 4C3 
V = 80 V
By separating real and imaginary part
C = 300 pF
R2C4R 4
t = 20 sec Real part =
R 4C3
Insulation Resistance ⟹


C  0.02  10−6 So, cross the resistance 0.5 Ω the voltage

=  4   R2 =  2K
 C3  3  10−9 drop is 3.0875 volt. Then the value of the

R = 13.33 kΩ current is

R2 I = 3.0875 / 0.5 = 6.175 A

Imaginary Part =
jR 4C3 16. (A)

1 R2 Under the balance condition of Wien bridge

jC jR 4C3  1   R4 
R2  R3 +  = R1  
 jC3   1 + jC4R 4 
R4 200
C= C3 =  3  10−9
R2 2  1000 By equating imaginary and real part equal
C = 0.3 × 10–9 F we got
C = 0.3 pF 1
f =
13. (B) 2 C3R3C4R 4

Since the bridge circuit merely compares 1

f =
the value of an unknown component with 2 4  10 −9 3
 10  10  15  10−9  15  103
that of an standard component (accurately = 1.67KHz
known), its measurement accuracy can be 17. (C)
very high. This is because the readout of Given that R3 = 300Ω, Cz = 500 pf,
this comparison is based on the null R4 = 72.6Ω, C4 = 0.148 μF
indication at bridge balance and is
essentially independent of the
characteristics of the null detector. The
measurement accuracy is therefore directly
related to the accuracy of the bridge
component and not to that of the null
detector used.
14. (D)
Hay’s Bridge is used for measurement of At balance condition :

inductance with a large time constant. I1 = I3 and I2 = I4

Schering bridge is used to measure

Kelvin double bridge used for
measurement of low resistances.
15. (A)
For the same working current, if 60 cm Equating real and imaginary terms, we
corresponds to 1.95 volt. Then 95cm of the obtain
slide wire corresponds to
= (1.95 / 60) * 95 = 3.0875 volt

20. (A)
I = 0, means the potential difference
between ‘AB’ and ‘AD’ is same so the
bridge is balanced. At bridge balance
C1 = 121 pF condition.

Dielectric loss angle of capacitance So, z1z4 = z2z3

D1 = tanδ= ωC1r1 = ωC4R4  1 

D1 = 2π× 50 × 0.148 × 10 –6
× 72.6
(R 1 )
+ jL   R 4 +

 = R2R3
jC4 
D1 = 0.0033756 rad Equating real terms:
18. (B) L1
R1R 4 + = R2R3
Since r is negligible and P, Q, p and q have C4

large values.The effect of ratios arms can Similarly, for phase angles also equal for

be neglected for the purpose of calculation

of current,
 I=
Rb + R + S

P 1000
and R = S =  0.001 = 0.001Ω
Q 1000

100 2 + 3 = 1 + 4
From (1), I =  20A
5 + 0.001 + 0.001
19. (B)
R 3 = 5Ω 21. (B)
A Kelvin bridge, also called a Kelvin double
C = 1mF
bridge, is a measuring instrument used to
R1 = 160Ω
measure unknown electrical resistors
R2 = 20Ω below 1 ohm. It is specifically designed to
By using balance equation, measure resistors that are constructed as

R2R1 four terminal resistors.

R =
R3 Kelvin's double bridge may be used for
precision measurement of four-terminal
L = R2R1C
low resistances.
and quality factor = Q = So, the correct answer is option (B).
22. (A)
20  160
So, R = = 640Ω In Heaviside Campbell bridge, Mutual
inductor is used in various circuits as main
L = 20  160  1  10−3 = 3.2H component in determining the value of
2  50  3.2 self-inductance, capacitance and frequency
Q= = 1.57
640 etc.


 3 1 
= 100  −
 3 + x 1 + x 

−3 1
 + =0
(3 + x) (1 + x)2

3 (1 + x)2 = (3 + x)2
3 + 3x2 + 6x = 9 + x2 + 6x

Hence, the correct answer is option (A). 2x2 = 6

23. x= 3

V0 = V0 (+) – V0(–)  3 1 
V0max = 100  −  = 26.795V
30 100  10 3 + 3 1 + 3 
= 100  −
30 + 10x 10 + 10x




10 Instrument Transformers

1. A 50Hz, bar primary CT has a secondary 300 AT for magnetization than the % ratio
with 300 turns. The secondary supplies 5A error is
current into a burden which consists of a A. -18.90% B. -25.76 %
resistance and reactance of 1.5Ω and 1.0Ω C. -14.24 % D. -10.43 %
respectively. The magnetizing MMF is 100A 4. A 50 Hz, bar primary current transformer
and the iron loss is 1.2W. The phase angle has a secondary with 300 turns. The
between the primary and secondary is secondary supplies 5 A current into a
A. 0.9° B. 2.34° burden which consists of resistance and
C. 5.8° D. 4.2° reactance of 2 Ω and 1 Ω respectively. The
200 magnetizing MMF is 200 AT and iron loss is
2. A current transformer rated , has
20 2 W. The phase angle between the primary
magnetizing current and loss component and secondary is
as 10 A and 5 A respectively. The phase A. 5.91° B. 2.22°
angle between secondary winding induced C. 8.89° D. 7.91°
emf and current is 45°. The phase angle 5. A 1000/5 A, 50 Hz current transformer has
error in degrees at rated current is ______ a purely resistive secondary burden of 2 Ω.
degrees? The primary winding has 5 turns. The
3. A 500/5 A, 50 Hz transformer has a bar leakage reactance to be neglected. The
primary. The secondary burden is pure core flux in the CT at full load is
resistance of 1.5Ω and it draws a current A. 45 µweber B. 10 µweber
of 5 A. if the magnetizing core requires C. 200 µweber D. 60 µweber


1. B 2. 1.0124 3. C 4. A 5. A



1. (B)
Secondary current phase angle

 1 
d = tan−1   = 33.69º
 1.5 
cos δ = cos 33.69º = 0.832
sinδ = 33.69º = 0.554
NC 300 As nIs ≫ I0 sin(α+δ)
Turn ratio, kt = = = 300
Np 1 I0 cos( + )
tan  =
Magnetizing current,
Magnetizing mmf 100 And tanθ = θ
Im = = = 100A
Np 1 I0 (cos  cos  − sin  sin )
Secondary circuit burden impedance
Iu cos  − IC sin 
= (1.5)2 + 12 = 1.8 Ω =
Secondary induced voltage,
(Iu → I0 cos  )
Es = 5 × 1.8 = 9V
 10 cos 45 − 5 sin 45  180
E 9V =  n
Primary induced voltage, Ep = S =  10  20 
300 300
Loss component,  200 
 n = 20 = 10, IS = 20A 
 
ironloss 1.2
IW = = = 40A
Ep 9 / 300 θ = 1.0124 degrees
3. (C)
180  Im cos  − I sin  
Phase angle,  =   Since it has been given that it has a bar
  KtIs 
primary i.e. the no. of turn in the primary
180  100  0.835 − 40  0.55 
=  = 2.34 winding is 1.
  300  5 
Also magnetization MMF is given 300 AT.
So the magnetizing current is
Phase angle error
mmf 300
I0 cos( + ) Im = = = 300
= tan  = N 1
nIS + I0 sin( + )
Nominal turn ratio is Knominal = = 100
I0 → No load current 5

N1 Primary current is
n→ → turns ratio


E5 11.15
Ep = = = 0.0371V
300 300
The loss component of current is
iron loss 2
Ip = (100  5)2 + 3002 = 583.09A Iw = = = 53.90A
Ep 0.0371
Actual transformation ratio is
180  Im cos  − tw sin  
I 583.09 =  
= P = = 116.618   Ktls 
Is 5

K − Kact.

( ) (
180  200  cos 26.56 − 53.90  sin 26.56
) 
So, the ratio error is = nom  100
Kact   300  5 

 
100 − 116.61
=  100 = −14.24%
Phase angle  = 5.91
4. (A)
5. (A)
secondary circuit phase angle is
At full load secondary has a current of 5A.
−1 1
 = tan  2  = 26.56 N1 5 I
  = = 2
N2 1000 I1
NS 300
The turn ratio is Kt = = = 300 soN2 = 1000turns
Np 1
Induced emf in secondary at full load is
Magnetizing current is
E2 = I2R = 5  2 = 10V
mmf 200
= = = 200A
Np 1 E2 = 4.44fN2

Secondary circuit impedance is E2

4.44  f  N2
Z = R2 + X2 = 22 + 12 = 2.23 Ω
= = 45.04 weber
Secondary induced voltage is 4.44  50  1000
E = 5  2.23 = 11.15V flux = 45 µweber
Primary induced voltage is





11 Rectifier Type Instruments

1. A rectifier type of instruments uses a basic 4. A PMMC meter rated at 100 mA is used in
PMMC movement of 50 μA and a resistance a rectifier type of instrument which uses
of 1000 Ω. It employs a full wave rectifier full wave rectification. What is the
circuit with forward resistance of each sensitivity of sinusoidal ac?
diode being 1000 Ω. The reverse A. 90 Ω/V B. 4.5 Ω/V
resistance of the diodes is infinite. The C. 9 Ω/V D. 10 Ω/V
range of the instruments is 0 - 10 V ac 5. A 100 kV, 50 Hz supply is fed to a rectifier
sinusoidal. _______ kΩ is the series ammeter (using a bridge rectifier) through
multiplier. a capacitor. The PMMC ammeter of the
A. 177 B. 178
rectifier instrument read 45  10−3 Amp.
C. 179 D. 180
What is the value of the capacitor?
2. There are 3 PMMC having 100 V full scale
DC voltmeter having figure of merit 4 A. 15.90  10−10 F

kΩ/V, 5 kΩ/V, 10 kΩ/V respectively. The B. 15.90  10−12 F

series combination of these voltmeters can C. 17.66  10−9 F
measure a maximum DC voltage equal to
D. 17.66  10−11F
6. A rectifies meter as shown uses a PMMC
3. A PMMC instrument is used to measure the
meter which has an internal resistance of
current through resistance Rs of a half
50Ω and DC current of 2mA is required for
wave rectifier circuit. It the input voltage
full scale deflection. The diodes have
to half wave rectifier is 140V rms & the
forward resistance of 1Ω each. If 50V AC
meter resistance in 180Ω. What will be
rms is applied at input terminals what is
reading of PMMC ammeter of the
resistance Rs = 65 Ω assuming the diode is the value of Rs required for full scale

ideal. deflection in (kΩ)?

A. 0.157 A B. 0.257 A
C. 0.357 A D. 0.457 A



1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. 22.448


1. (A) Full scale current of these meters

rd = 1000Ω, IFS = 50  10−6 A 1

If1 = = 0.25mA
The dc sensitivity,
If2 = = 0.2mA
1 5K
Sdc = = 20000Ω / V
50  10−6
= 20kΩ / V If3 = = 0.1mA
Since we know that the average calculation The maximum allowable current for a
of AC is 0.9 times with that of the DC for series connection of the meter is minimum
the same value of voltage. Or we can say current among them.
that the sensitivity of the instrument along The meter Resistance
with AC is 90% with that of the DC. RM1 = 100 × 4K = 400 kΩ
For a full wave rectifier circuit, RM2 = 100 × 5K = 500 kΩ
ac sensitivity, Sac = 20000  0.9 RM3 = 100 × 10K = 1000 k Ω
The maximum voltage while can be
= 18000Ω / V = 18 kΩ / V
∴ Resistance of multiplier
= If (RM1 + RM2 + RM3)
= R s = Sac  Vrms − Rm − 2rd
= 0.1 × 10-3 [400 + 500 + 1000] × 103
R s = Sac  10 − R m − 2rd = 190 Volt

= 180000 − 1000 − 2000 = 177000Ω 3. (B)

= 177kΩ Since PMMC instrument measure the

2. (C) average value of current.

Sensitivity of voltmeters Rms of input voltage = 140 volt

1 Vm V 2
Sv1 = 4kΩ / v = We know that Vavg = = rms
If1  

Therefore, reading of PMMC ammeter

Sv2 = 5kΩ / v =
If2 Vrms 2
Iavg =
 (R s + R m )
Sv3 = 10kΩ / v =


140  2 2  100  103  2 45  10−3

Iavg = = 0.257Amp =
  (65 + 180)  2    50  C
4. (C)  C = 15.90  10−10 F
Ifs = 100 mA
DC sensitivity, Sdc = Input current = I1

1 2Im 2 2I1
= = 10Ω / V DC current = = = 0.9I1
100  10−3  

As we known, for full wave rectification, 2 × 10–3 = 0.9 I1

Sac = 0.9 x Sdc 2  10−3

I1 = = 2.222  10−3 A
Sac = 0.9 x 10 0.9
Sac = 9 Ω/V Resistance seen by input
5. (A) V 50
= = = 22500Ω = 22.5kΩ
2Vm I1 2.222  10−3
Output voltage = Vo =

22.5 × 103 = Rs + 2Rd + Rm

V0 = I  Xc Rs = 22.5 × 103 – 2 × 1 –50

2Vm I = 22.448 kΩ
 C




12 CRO & Digital Voltmeters

1. A CRO is fed a sinusoidal signal which is sensitivity and time base setting are
visible on its screen with 10cm distance ______ respectively.
between the peaks. If the RMS value of
signal is 23V. What is the vertical
sensitivity of CRO while measuring the
A. 4.6V/cm
B. 6.505V/cm A. 5 V/div & 5 ms/div
C. 2.3V/cm B.1.34 V/div & 5 ms/div
D. 3.252V/cm C.1.34 V/div & 9 ms/div
2. In a CRT, the anode voltage is 1KV.An D. none of these
electron beam leaves cathode with zero 5. The anode voltage of 1800V is shown by
velocity towards anode. What will be the an electrically deflected cathode ray tube.
maximum velocity that an electron can The parallel deflecting plates are 1.8 cm
attain in this CRT? long which are separately by 7.5 mm
A. 0.9375 × 107m/s apart. If the distance of the screen is 40
B. 1.325 × 107m/s cm from the centre of the deflecting plate.
C. 2.651 × 17m/s What will be the deflecting factor of tube?
D. 1.875 × 107m/s A. 3.745 V/mm B. 4.120 V/mm
3. A CRT has an anode voltage of 3000V and C. 4.685 V/mm D. 5.125 V/mm
parallel deflecting plates are 3cm long and 6. A CRO was used to observe a waveform of
6mm apart. If the input voltage required to signal with amplitude 7unit.
deflect the beam by 2 cm is 2V then find  = 314 rad / sec , phase angle of 60˚,
the distance of centre screen from centre shows sinusoidal nature. If the time base
of the plates (in cm). Assume overall gain setting is set to 7msec/div and CRO shows
is 50. 3.5 cycles on screen. The number of
4. A symmetrical square wave of frequency divisions on CRO screen will be.
50Hz and peak to peak amplitude of 8V fed 7. Determine the range of the digital
to vertical input of an analog oscilloscope. 1
voltmeter in Volt with 4 digit display that
The screen appears as shown in below 2

figure. Then the vertical deflection displays a voltage of 0.14253 V as 0.14 V?



8. A digital to analog converter with full scale 9. In a 4 - bit Dual slop integrator DVM the
output voltage of 5 V has a resolution of 15 reference voltage is 30V and clock
mV. The number of bit required for this is frequency is 1kHz. How much time it will
A. 7 B. 9 take to connect an input of 25V in msec?
C. 8 D. 10


1. B 2. D 3. 24 4. B 5. A 6. 10 7. 200 8. B 9. 29.33


1. (B) 3.
Vrms = 23V L dEd
VP = 23 2
[L = distance between plates and screen]
V(p–p) = 46 2 (Peak to peak)
Input voltage = 2V
Vertical sensitivity
Ed = gain × input = 100V
Vp − p
= Ea = anode voltage
Dis tan ce between peaks on CRO
2DdEa 2  0.02  006  3000
46 2 L = =
= = 4.6 2V / cm E
d d 100  0.03
= 0.24m
= 6.505 V/cm
L = 24cm
2. (D)
4. (B)
By equation of motion
cycles of square wave displayed
v2 – u2 = 2as
width of screen
u=0 2.5 =
time period of wave form
Force on electron = qE = Ma
qE eE 10div 
a= = = div
M M 20msec
2eES 2eV Time sec
V= = = 5m
M M div div

2  1.6  10−19  100 volt Vp-p 8V

= = =
−31 div no. of divisionsP − P 6div
9.1  10
= 1.8765 × 107m/s


volt 1
= 1.34 R= = 0.0001V
div 10n
Volt Since, the output is displayed upto two
Vertical deflection sensitivity = 1.34
div decimal places,
5. (A) Resolution of DVM = 0.01 V
Length of the deflecting plate ld = 1.8 cm ∴ Full scale range of the digital voltmeter
Distance b/w deflecting plate d = 7.5 mm 0.01
= = 100V
Anode voltage Ea = 1800V 0.0001
Distance of screen = 40 cm The full-scale range of the digital voltmeter
= 40 × 10 —12
m = 200 V due to one half digit
1 8. (B)
Since deflecting factor, G =
s Resolution of n bit DAC is given by
Where δ is deflection sensitivity.
−2 −2
L  Id 40  10  1.8  10 n
2 −1
S= =
2dEa 2  7.5  10−3  1800 5
15  10−3 =
= 0.267 × 10 —3
m/V 2 −1
Or S = 0.267 mm/V 2n − 1 = 333.33
So, deflecting factor,
2n = 332.33
1 1
G= = V / mm = 3.745 V/m For n=8
S 0.267
256 < 332.33
For n=9
Input X(t) = A sin(t + )
512 > 332.33
Input X(t)= Asin(wt+ϕ)
So, the no of bit required is N=9
X(t)= 7sin(314t+60˚)
f=50Hz, T=20ms
In a dual slope integrator for first
For 3.5 cycles display
integration, T1 = 2n × tclk
T = 3.5×20= 70msec
2n 24
Timeline setting= 7msec/div = = = 16 × 10–3 = 16 msec
fclk 103
Number of divisions on CRO screen will be
Also, VR(T2 – T1) = VaT1
= 70msec ÷ (7msec/div) = 10 divisions
30 (T2 – T1) = 25 T1
30 T2 = 55 T1
Number of full digits, n = 4
Resolution on 1 V range, T2 =  16 = 29.33msec




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