The document provides data on the local price of a Big Mac, the dollar exchange rate, dollar price, and purchasing power parity (PPP) for various countries. It identifies that Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden have the most expensive Big Macs, while Ukraine, Egypt, and Taiwan have the cheapest. Countries with an overvalued US dollar include Thailand, Sweden, and Norway, while undervalued countries are Hong Kong, Indonesia, and India. When doing business in overvalued countries, prices may need to be lowered, while undervalued countries may require higher prices to earn a profit due to currency differences captured by PPP.
The document provides data on the local price of a Big Mac, the dollar exchange rate, dollar price, and purchasing power parity (PPP) for various countries. It identifies that Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden have the most expensive Big Macs, while Ukraine, Egypt, and Taiwan have the cheapest. Countries with an overvalued US dollar include Thailand, Sweden, and Norway, while undervalued countries are Hong Kong, Indonesia, and India. When doing business in overvalued countries, prices may need to be lowered, while undervalued countries may require higher prices to earn a profit due to currency differences captured by PPP.
The document provides data on the local price of a Big Mac, the dollar exchange rate, dollar price, and purchasing power parity (PPP) for various countries. It identifies that Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden have the most expensive Big Macs, while Ukraine, Egypt, and Taiwan have the cheapest. Countries with an overvalued US dollar include Thailand, Sweden, and Norway, while undervalued countries are Hong Kong, Indonesia, and India. When doing business in overvalued countries, prices may need to be lowered, while undervalued countries may require higher prices to earn a profit due to currency differences captured by PPP.
The document provides data on the local price of a Big Mac, the dollar exchange rate, dollar price, and purchasing power parity (PPP) for various countries. It identifies that Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden have the most expensive Big Macs, while Ukraine, Egypt, and Taiwan have the cheapest. Countries with an overvalued US dollar include Thailand, Sweden, and Norway, while undervalued countries are Hong Kong, Indonesia, and India. When doing business in overvalued countries, prices may need to be lowered, while undervalued countries may require higher prices to earn a profit due to currency differences captured by PPP.
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Country Local Price Dollar Exchange Rate Dollar Price Dollar PPP
United States 5.28 1.0 $ 5.28 1.0
Argentina 75 15.0 $ 5.00 14.2 Australia 5.9 1.3 $ 4.71 1.1 Brazil 16.5 5.4 $ 3.06 3.1 Britain 3.19 0.7 $ 4.41 0.6 Canada 6.55 1.2 $ 5.26 1.2 Chile 2600 802.8 $ 3.24 492.4 China 20.4 6.4 $ 3.17 3.9 Colombia 10900 3783.2 $ 2.88 2064.4 Costa Rica 2290 613.9 $ 3.73 433.7 Czech Republic 79 21.8 $ 3.62 15.0 Denmark 30 6.1 $ 4.93 5.7 Egypt 34.21 17.7 $ 1.93 6.5 Euro area 3.95 0.8 $ 4.84 0.7 Hong Kong 20.5 7.8 $ 2.62 3.9 Hungary 864 252.1 $ 3.43 163.6 India 180 63.9 $ 2.82 34.1 Indonesia 35750 13359.0 $ 2.68 6770.8 Israel 16.5 3.4 $ 4.80 3.1 Japan 380 110.7 $ 3.43 72.0 Latvia 2.7 0.8 $ 3.31 0.5 Lithuania 2.8 0.8 $ 3.43 0.5 Malaysia 9 4.0 $ 2.28 1.7 Mexico 48 18.7 $ 2.57 9.1 New Zealand 6.2 1.4 $ 4.51 1.2 Norway 49 7.9 $ 6.24 9.3 Pakistan 375 110.5 $ 3.39 71.0 Peru 10.5 3.2 $ 3.27 2.0 Philippines 134 50.7 $ 2.64 25.4 Poland 10.1 3.4 $ 2.97 1.9 Russia 130 56.7 $ 2.29 24.6 Saudi Arabia 12 3.8 $ 3.20 2.3 Singapore 5.8 1.3 $ 4.39 1.1 South Africa 30 12.3 $ 2.45 5.7 South Korea 4400 1069.3 $ 4.12 833.3 Sri Lanka 580 153.8 $ 3.77 109.8 Sweden 49.1 8.0 $ 6.12 9.3 Switzerland 6.5 1.0 $ 6.76 1.2 Taiwan 69 29.6 $ 2.33 13.1 Thailand 119 32.0 $ 3.72 22.5 Turkey 10.75 3.8 $ 2.83 2.0 UAE 14 3.7 $ 3.81 2.7 Ukraine 47 28.7 $ 1.64 8.9 Uruguay 140 28.6 $ 4.90 26.5 Vietnam 65000 22711.5 $ 2.86 12310.6 Austria 3.4 0.8 $ 4.16 0.6 Belgium 4.1 0.8 $ 5.02 0.8 Estonia 3.15 0.8 $ 3.86 0.6 Finland 4.56 0.8 $ 5.58 0.9 France 4.2 0.8 $ 5.14 0.8 Germany 3.9 0.8 $ 4.77 0.7 Greece 3.35 0.8 $ 4.10 0.6 Ireland 4.07 0.8 $ 4.98 0.8 Italy 4.2 0.8 $ 5.14 0.8 Netherlands 3.71 0.8 $ 4.54 0.7 Portugal 3.2 0.8 $ 3.92 0.6 Spain 3.95 0.8 $ 4.84 0.7 Over/Under Valuation 0.0 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) can be -5.30% determined by comparing the prices of identical products in different currencies. -10.87% -42.13% Example: -16.42% The PPP theory predicts that the Euro/US dollar exchange rate should be equivalent -0.43% to: -38.66% E€/$= P€/P$ -39.93% Thus, if a Big Mac costs $4.80 in US and -45.43% €3.68 in Europe, PPP theory predicts that -29.35% the dollar/euro exchange rate should be -31.40% 3.68/4.80=0.77. -6.59% In our example here it is .74, that means -63.39% US dollar overvalued 3.3% againts Euro. -8.41% -50.34% -35.10% Questions: -46.62% 1. Identify the countries in which the Big Mac is most and least expensive? Cite at least th -49.32% Most Expensive Least Expensive -9.06% a. Switzerland a. Ukraine -35.00% b. Norway b. Egypt c. Sweden c. Taiwan -37.40% -35.08% -56.89% -51.29% -14.58% 2. Identify the countries in which the US dollar is over evaluated and under evaluated? Ci 18.22% each and indicate the percentage. -35.73% Over Evaluated Under Evaluated -38.09% a. Thailand (-29.46%) a. Hong Kong (-50.34%) b. Sweden (15.97 %) b. Indonesia (-49.32%) -49.97% c. Norway (18.22%) c. India (-46.62%) -43.83% -56.61% -39.40% 3. Imagine you would like to do business in some of the countries from your answer to q -16.94% valuation tell you about doing business there and the currency risk? (expected to be abou -53.65% length) -22.06% In most of the countries that I have listed the dollar currency is overvalued so when tryin -28.58% countries I need to understand that my currency is worth more and I must consider that w intend to sell. The same can be said in countries where the dollar currency is under evalu 15.97% consider possibly raising my price levels to make a profit based on the goods or currency 28.12% is important to focus on the PPP as it describes the "power distance" (for lack of better te -55.78% currency. This information could be used to determain how your goods and services will -29.46% -46.46% -27.81% -69.00% -7.22% -45.80% -21.17% -4.94% -26.96% 5.73% -2.62% -9.57% -22.33% -5.63% -2.62% -13.98% -25.80% -8.41% d least expensive? Cite at least three countries for each.
aluated and under evaluated? Cite at least three countries for
countries from your answer to question 2 above. What does the
rrency risk? (expected to be about a paragraph response in
ency is overvalued so when trying to do business in these
h more and I must consider that when pricing the goods that I he dollar currency is under evaluated because I would have to based on the goods or currency that I am trying to purchase. It er distance" (for lack of better terms) of the different values in ow your goods and services will fare in international markets.