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Progress in The Ecology and Conservation of Giant Pandas

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Progress in the ecology and conservation of giant pandas

Article  in  Conservation Biology · August 2015

DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12582

81 2,747

8 authors, including:

Fuwen Wei Ronald R Swaisgood

Chinese Academy of Sciences San Diego Zoo


Yibo Hu Yonggang Nie

Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences


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Special Section: Balancing Conservation and Development to Preserve China’s

Progress in the ecology and conservation of giant

Fuwen Wei,∗ ‡ Ronald Swaisgood,† Yibo Hu,∗ Yonggang Nie,∗ Li Yan,∗ Zejun Zhang,∗ Dunwu Qi,∗
and Lifeng Zhu∗

Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beichenxilu 1-5,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
†Applied Animal Ecology, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, 15600 San Pasqual Valley Road, Escondido, CA 92027,

Abstract: Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) conservation is a possible success story in the making. If
extinction of this iconic endangered species can be avoided, the species will become a showcase program for
the Chinese government and its collaborators. We reviewed the major advancements in ecological science
for the giant panda, examining how these advancements have contributed to panda conservation. Pandas’
morphological and behavioral adaptations to a diet of bamboo, which bear strong influence on movement
ecology, have been well studied, providing knowledge to guide management actions ranging from reserve
design to climate change mitigation. Foraging ecology has also provided essential information used in the
creation of landscape models of panda habitat. Because habitat loss and fragmentation are major drivers of the
panda population decline, efforts have been made to help identify core habitat areas, establish where habitat
corridors are needed, and prioritize areas for protection and restoration. Thus, habitat models have provided
guidance for the Chinese governments’ creation of 67 protected areas. Behavioral research has revealed a
complex and efficient communication system and documented the need for protection of habitat that serves
as a communication platform for bringing the sexes together for mating. Further research shows that den sites
in old-growth forests may be a limiting resource, indicating potential value in providing alternative den sites
for rearing offspring. Advancements in molecular ecology have been revolutionary and have been applied to
population census, determining population structure and genetic diversity, evaluating connectivity following
habitat fragmentation, and understanding dispersal patterns. These advancements form a foundation for
increasing the application of adaptive management approaches to move panda conservation forward more
rapidly. Although the Chinese government has made great progress in setting aside protected areas, future
emphasis will be improved management of pandas and their habitat.

Keywords: adaptive management, behavioral ecology, climate change, foraging ecology, landscape ecology,
molecular ecology

Avances en la Ecologı́a y Conservación del Panda Gigante

Resumen: La conservación del panda gigante (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) es una historia de éxito en potencia.
Si se puede evitar la extinción de esta especie emblemática en peligro, se convertirá en un programa de
escaparate para el gobierno chino y sus colaboradores. Revisamos los principales avances en la ciencia
ecológica del panda gigante mediante la evaluación de cómo han contribuido a su conservación estos avances.
Las adaptaciones morfológicas y conductuales del panda a una dieta de bambú, las cuales tienen una fuerte
influencia sobre la ecologı́a del movimiento, han sido bien estudiadas, lo que proporciona conocimiento para
guiar las acciones de manejo desde el diseño de una reserva hasta la mitigación del cambio climático. La
ecologı́a de la búsqueda de alimento también ha proporcionado información esencial que se utiliza en la
creación de modelos de paisaje del hábitat del panda. Ya que la pérdida del hábitat y la fragmentación son los
principales conductores de la declinación de la población de la especie, se han realizado esfuerzos para ayudar

‡Address correspondence to Fuwen Wei, email weifw@ioz.ac.cn

Paper submitted December 15, 2014; revised manuscript accepted April 15, 2015.
Conservation Biology, Volume 00, No. 0, 1–11

C 2015 Society for Conservation Biology
DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12582
2 Giant Panda Ecology and Conservation

a identificar áreas núcleo de hábitat, establecer en dónde se necesitan corredores de hábitat y para priorizar
áreas para su protección y restauración. Por esto, los modelos de hábitat han proporcionado una guı́a para la
creación de 67 áreas protegidas por parte del gobierno chino. Las investigaciones conductuales han revelado
un sistema eficiente y complejo de comunicación y han documentado la necesidad de proteger al hábitat
que sirve como una plataforma de comunicación para juntar a los sexos al momento del apareamiento.
Investigaciones más detalladas muestran que los sitios de guarida en los bosques primarios pueden ser un
recurso limitante, lo que indica un valor potencial en la dotación de sitios de guarida alternos para las crı́as.
Los avances de la ecologı́a molecular han sido revolucionarios y se han aplicado a los censos poblacionales,
a la determinación de la estructura poblacional y la diversidad genética, a la evaluación de la conectividad
después de una fragmentación de hábitat y al entendimiento de los patrones de dispersión. Estos avances
forman una base para el incremento de la aplicación de estrategias de manejo adaptativo para avanzar la
conservación del panda de manera más rápida. Mientras el gobierno chino ha hecho un gran avance en la
creación de las áreas protegidas, un énfasis futuro será el manejo mejorado de los pandas y su hábitat.

Palabras Clave: cambio climático, ecologı́a de forrajeo, ecologı́a de comportamiento, ecologı́a molecular,
ecologı́a de paisaje, manejo adaptativo

Introduction We sought to show the great progress, over a short

period, of China’s giant panda conservation initiative.
The giant panda’s (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) iconic con- Much of this progress has occurred as a result of gov-
servation status and the global effort to rescue it from ernmental policy and rapidly advancing conservation sci-
extinction make a compelling model for species con- ence, sometimes in a mutually supportive fashion. Given
servation carried out within and led by a developing that so much ground has been gained in so short a
nation. Two decades ago, leading conservationists were period, it is instructive to bring together a synthesis of
pessimistic about the future prospects of the giant panda, significant findings on the ecology of giant pandas. We
motivating George Schaller, who conducted much of the researched major advancements made in several areas
foundational research on pandas, to pen The Last Panda of conservation and ecology relative to the giant panda
(Schaller 1994). What he and others did not foresee was and considered a path for future conservation research.
China’s rapid economic rise and concerted effort to apply That such progress can be made with a difficult-to-study
science, management, and policy to arrest the decline species suggests that similar approaches may also de-
of a species referred to as “China’s national treasure” liver large benefits if applied to other species in need of
(Swaisgood et al. 2010). conservation.
It was once believed that pandas were the perpetrators
of their own demise because they were poorly adapted to
their environment (Wei et al. 2015). For example, their Foraging Ecology
notoriously low levels of interest in mating were the sub-
ject of ridicule; however, pandas in the wild experience In the order Carnivora, the giant panda had evolved to
no mating problems and have high reproductive rates specialize on a diet of bamboo. Although bamboo is a
(Pan et al. 2014). Once a better understanding of the poor food source and pandas have lower digestive effi-
biology and behavior of the species was incorporated ciency than herbivorous mammals (Schaller et al. 1985),
into husbandry practices, captive pandas began to mate they meet their nutritional needs through a number of
and experienced exponential population growth (Swais- behavioral and morphological adaptions. Research across
good et al. 2006). Moreover, its well-known specializa- different mountain ranges by Schaller et al. (1985), Wei
tion on bamboo is not an evolutionary cul-de-sac; rather, et al. (1999), and Pan et al. (2014) identified panda forag-
this strategy opens up a foraging niche with plentiful ing strategies—preference for new shoots, young leaves,
resources and few competitors (Wei et al. 2015). For the stems in small proportions and young bamboo plants—
panda, dietary specialization may not be an extinction governed by seasonal changes in availability.
risk factor because bamboo is widespread and abundant Studies of nutritional ecology indicate that many as-
bamboo. In addition to the pseudothumb and skull mor- pects of the panda’s life history influence and are in-
phology that enable efficient processing of bamboo, the fluenced by the panda’s foraging strategy. For example,
panda has specialized symbiotic gut microbes that aid pandas’ foraging decisions may be governed by changing
in bamboo digestion (Zhu et al. 2011). Rather than aris- ratios of important nutrients, such as Ca, P, and N, across
ing from inherent maladaptations, the panda’s conserva- species and parts of bamboo plants (Nie et al. 2015). Nu-
tion problems arise from anthropogenic alterations to its trient availability appears to have large effects on the re-
environment and in some cases from direct persecution. productive ecology of the species. Delayed implantation,

Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
Wei et al. 3

a period of sustained embryonic diapause characteristic populations (Schaller et al. 1985; Pan et al. 2014; Wei
of panda reproduction, may be a strategy for delaying et al. 2015). This habitat loss and fragmentation were
fetal growth until sufficient Ca is available in bamboo brought about by rapid development in China, including
leaves to support bone growth and lactation. the expansion of agricultural and forestry activities (Liu
As a bamboo specialist, the giant panda may also affect et al. 2003; Zhao et al. 2013). Large-scale surveys indicate
bamboo. For example, panda herbivory is associated that the panda’s range is subdivided into about 33 small
with rapid compensatory growth, particularly in dense populations separated by mountain ranges, rivers, roads,
stands of bamboo (Hull et al. 2011), and thus may forest clearings, and human settlements (State Forestry
affect carrying capacity. As the panda’s habitat becomes Administration 2015); thus, they are demographically and
fragmented, possibly exacerbated by climate change genetically vulnerable and in need of knowledge-based
(Songer et al. 2012; Tuanmu et al. 2013), localized meta-population management (Wei et al. 2012).
impacts of foraging may become more limiting because Because habitat loss and fragmentation are major
pandas will have fewer options for dispersal to bamboo drivers of the panda population decline, a great deal
patches. of attention has been directed to landscape ecology to
determine the extent, quality, and fragmentation of the
panda’s remaining habitat. Habitat protection has been
Movement Ecology the vanguard of the Chinese government’s response to
panda endangerment and has led to the creation of 67
Animal movement is a fundamental aspect of a species’ protected areas. However, approximately 46% of remain-
ecology, and understanding the factors influencing move- ing habitat (33% of the panda population) remains un-
ment patterns is important to conservation and provides protected (State Forestry Administration 2015), which
evidence that can be used to link individual behavior presents further opportunities for protected status of ad-
with population- and community-level effects (Nathan ditional landscapes, although in some cases protected
et al. 2008). Early coarse-scale radio tracking with VHF status is not sufficient to prevent further degradation of
transmitters provided foundational data on home range habitat (Liu et al. 2001). The presence of pandas and exis-
size and documented the panda’s solitary nature (Schaller tence of habitat outside reserves also presents opportuni-
et al. 1985; Pan et al. 2014). Although panda home ranges ties for private sector involvement, such as payment for
overlap generously, direct encounters are rare. Seasonal ecosystem services in collective forests (approximately
elevational migration was documented first in Wolong 15% of the remaining habitat) (Yang et al. 2013). This
(Schaller et al. 1985), then later in the Qinling mountains endeavor would be particularly effective if key areas that
(Pan et al. 2014). At both sites, the seasonal movements link fragmented panda populations were targeted (Yang
track changes in resources and facilitate access to bam- et al. 2015).
boo species with greater nutritional value (i.e., higher Efforts to map panda habitat, based on difference
concentrations or a more balanced intake of key nutrients measures of habitat quality, have proven valuable (Qi
such as N, P, and Ca) (Nie et al. 2015). et al. 2012). Broad-scale approaches to landscape con-
Inevitably, VHF-based radio tracking data had large servation made possible by remote sensing helped move
gaps when animals at more distant locations could not panda conservation from single reserve approaches to
be detected. Thus, it is unsurprising that the advent of approaches that incorporate a matrix of reserves and un-
geographic positioning system (GPS) tracking revealed protected habitat (Loucks et al. 2003; Shen et al. 2008;
larger home range and core area sizes than radio tracking. Viña et al. 2010). The resulting habitat models provide
(Zhang et al. 2014a; Hull et al. 2015). Fine-scale move- guidance for identifying core habitat areas, prioritizing
ment data show that most daily movements by pandas areas for future protection, and recommendations on
are characterized by short tortuous movements within linkages between habitat areas to counter fragmentation.
a habitat patch, infrequent long-distance movements to The Chinese government has relied on these analyses in
gain access to other habitat patches, and avoidance of selecting the location of some of the 67 reserves estab-
steep slopes. Anthropogenic disturbance may have dis- lished for pandas.
proportionate effects on a species that relies on con- However, these habitat models, and the recommen-
servative spatial movements. The energetic impacts of dations that stem from them, are only as good as the
increased movement to access fragmented bamboo underlying data and assumptions. Some factors used to
patches or avoid human activities could have population- predict giant panda presence, which are important to
level effects and have implications for habitat protection, habitat models, lacked empirical documentation until
reserve design, and wildlife corridors. recently. Range-wide analyses of ground-collected data
yielded the discovery that giant pandas are associated
Landscape Ecology and Climate Change with old-growth forests, a finding previously undetected
in studies implemented on smaller spatial scales (Zhang
Habitat loss and fragmentation are widely acknowledged et al. 2011). This finding points to the danger of a mis-
as the major reasons behind the decline of giant panda match between data collected on one scale and policy

Conservation Biology
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4 Giant Panda Ecology and Conservation

decisions implemented on another. Researchers on this Less predictable is how humans will respond to chang-
study included governmental decision makers, and the re- ing climate and how their response will affect pandas.
sults influenced forest management policy, including the The development of agriculture in China has been lim-
renewal of the logging ban. Recent advances in remote ited by climate, and the panda has been allowed to thrive
sensing techniques made possible the inclusion of under- only at elevations above which agriculture is productive.
story bamboo in habitat models, which was long ignored Climate change models predict that the agricultural value
because of limitations in remote sensing. Compared with of land in current panda habitat will increase. For ex-
earlier research that did not account for the presence of ample, the increased elevational range of viticulture is
bamboo in the understory, new models including bam- predicted to affect panda habitat (Hannah et al. 2013).
boo show much lower estimates of available habitat and These observations point to an increased need for pro-
higher estimates of fragmentation (Wang et al. 2009; Viña tection measures in low-elevation panda habitat in the
et al. 2010). future.
The availability of remote sensing data also makes pos- Landscape ecology has had significant impacts on gi-
sible the documentation of changes in habitat quality over ant panda conservation policy and practice and has fo-
time, as exemplified in its application to show continu- cused attention on establishment of reserves in opti-
ing habitat degradation inside protected areas (Liu et al. mal locations, increasing connectivity between reserves
2001). Several teams of investigators made good use of through corridor establishment, and development of bet-
this technology to rapidly document the consequences ter management of anthropogenic threats and key eco-
of a large earthquake centered on panda habitat in 2008, logical limiting factors within protected and unprotected
which caused the temporary loss of panda habitat and an areas (Loucks et al. 2003; Swaisgood et al. 2011). As
increase in habitat fragmentation (e.g., Wang et al. 2008; China continues to reform social and economic systems,
Xu et al. 2009). The ability to quickly document these this system of reserves will continue to face challenges
events allowed for actions to be devised to address earth- from modernization and development (Liu et al. 1999),
quake impacts, the revision of conservation strategies, and landscape ecology will continue to provide knowl-
and, ultimately, the monitoring of natural recovery and edge for the better management of human activities and
restoration efforts (Zhang et al. 2014b). impacts.
Increased scientific understanding of panda habitat
and foraging requirements has provided the basic data
needed to develop models to predict the impacts of cli- Behavioral Ecology
mate change on pandas (e.g., Songer et al. 2012; Tuanmu
et al. 2013; Fan et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015). These models all Communication plays a vital role in the regulation of
had similar forecasts: substantive habitat loss (up to 60% reproduction and competition. It determines mating
in some models), a shortfall of food supplies, increasing strategies, reproductive success, and how animals are
fragmentation, and northward and elevationally upward distributed on the landscape (Smith & Harper 2003);
range shifts. Most of these analyses did not address the im- thus, understanding and managing communication pro-
plications of the panda’s history. Prior to anthropogenic cesses are important for conservation (Campbell-Palmer
disturbance pandas were distributed at much lower eleva- & Rosell 2011). Experimentation with captive pandas
tions in warmer climates and consumed different species demonstrates a complex and sophisticated chemical com-
of bamboo (i.e., those that thrive in warmer climates) munication system conveying information about individ-
(Schaller et al. 1985). In a warming climate, one might ual identity, sex, age, reproductive condition, and com-
predict that more habitat will become available at ele- petitive ability (reviewed in Swaisgood et al. [2004]).
vations above the current distributional range. Areas that Application of this knowledge has contributed substan-
currently contain panda habitat may no longer be suitable tially to greatly improved captive mating success and
for the bamboo species present but should become suit- helped turn around the conservation breeding program
able for bamboo species that previously existed at lower for the species (Swaisgood et al. 2004, 2006). Recent
elevations and in more southerly latitudes. These bamboo field research on chemical communication has added
species once sustained panda populations before pandas to understanding of habitat requirements for pandas,
were displaced by human activities. However, Li et al. demonstrating that pandas use a different type of habitat
(2015) suggest that the slow rate of bamboo colonization for communication (open-forest ridges) than they use for
would create a lag time in recovery of habitat for pandas. foraging and other activities (Nie et al. 2012a). If habitat
This may be true, but the implication is that, for exam- that promotes communication is not maintained, then
ple, mitigation should be devised to buy time for habitat pandas may have difficulty coming together for mating.
recovery or to expedite recovery through plantings of That panda sexual motivation is strongly influenced by
bamboo adapted to a warmer climate. Eventually areas chemosignals (Swaisgood et al. 2004) suggests that re-
may become suitable for pandas again, provided proper duced communication opportunities may impede breed-
environmental stewardship. ing in the wild as has been shown for captive pandas.

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Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
Wei et al. 5

Similar investigations have also determined the role of denning habitat for successfully rearing vulnerable off-
of acoustic signals in governing panda social and repro- spring. Giant pandas give birth every 2–3 years and rear
ductive behavior. Studies on captive pandas show that offspring in a cave or tree den for the first few months of
panda vocalizations provide information to discriminate life (Schaller et al. 1985; Zhu et al. 2001; Pan et al. 2014).
potential mates (Charlton et al. 2009), that male vocaliza- Research detailing the characteristics of preferred dens
tions signal testosterone levels (Charlton et al. 2011), and provides a management blueprint for suitable den sites
that female vocalizations advertise fertility (Charlton et al. to support panda reproduction (Zhang et al. 2007). Den
2010). These acoustic signals are primarily used once quantity and quality may be important factors limiting
pandas have come together for mating and are critically giant panda population size.
important for assessing potential mates and coordinating Data on habitat factors that predict giant panda pres-
mating. ence provide support for the hypothesis that panda pop-
In small populations, whether captive or wild, under- ulations may be limited by suitable den sites available in
standing the mating system is of vital importance for con- old-growth forests (Zhang et al. 2011). Tree dens, which
servation because mating patterns have profound effects can only be found in old-growth trees large enough to
on effective population size, maintenance of genetic het- contain a cavity of sufficient size, may afford better pro-
erozygosity, population persistence, and ability to adapt tection and a more suitable microclimate for rearing cubs.
to environmental change (Anthony & Blumstein 2000). Unfortunately, many panda reserves are dominated by
The giant panda, typically fragmented into populations of second-growth forest, the old-growth having been logged
<50 individuals, is vulnerable to reproductive problems long ago. Artificial dens may be the only practical way
associated with small populations, including reproduc- to address this potentially limiting resource in the short
tive skew in mating contributions. Intervention may be term. At the Foping Nature Reserve managers have used
necessary in some cases, but a thorough understanding this information to begin testing the use of artificial dens.
of reproductive biology and ecology is a prerequisite for
informed management action.
Much has been learned about giant panda mating be- Molecular Ecology
havior and reproduction in captive research programs,
and this knowledge has been successfully applied to con- It can be stated without hyperbole that advances in the
servation breeding (Wildt et al. 2006). Basic reproductive molecular ecology of giant pandas have been nothing
endocrinology of the species is now well understood short of revolutionary, mirroring the revolution in the
and provides a thorough picture of the temporal dynam- application of non-invasive genetic techniques in many
ics of and social influences on estrogen, progesterone, aspects of ecology and conservation relative to other
testosterone, glucocorticoids, and other hormones asso- species. Major advancements for the giant panda in this
ciated with estrus, conception, and pregnancy (Kersey field have been reviewed recently (Wei et al. 2012, 2015)
et al. 2010; Willis et al. 2011). The behavioral dynam- and are summarized briefly here. These advancements
ics involved in mating, especially the role of commu- center around genetic diversity; population genetic struc-
nication, have been well documented (Swaisgood et al. ture; population size; and sex-biased dispersal.
2004, 2006). Data derived from technologies such as GPS Maintenance of genetic diversity is a cornerstone of
satellite tracking and fecal hormone analysis have sup- conservation because this diversity reflects the ability of
plemented early observations and provided new insights populations to adapt to environmental change and, there-
into reproductive behavior in wild pandas (Nie et al. fore, persist (Frankham et al. 2002). Early studies found
2012b, 2012c). Male pandas are able to locate females low levels of genetic diversity in giant pandas, a find-
across large areas and demonstrate fierce and injurious ing consistent with the panda’s endangered status and
aggression in competition for access to females. Wild beliefs regarding its long, slow decline due to maladapta-
male pandas may be energy limited and unable to sustain tion. However, this belief was supplanted when moder-
elevated levels of energetically expensive testosterone ate levels of genetic diversity were revealed through the
when not needed for mating and intra-sexual competi- application of microsatellite markers and whole-genome
tion Nie et al. (2012c). The picture that emerges from sequencing. Results of these procedures suggest pandas
this research is that panda reproduction may be limited have not yet lost the ability to adapt to environmen-
by the ability to access, process, and conserve energy and tal change. New genetic tools also revealed population
that, as a species, pandas may be especially vulnerable to structure and subdivision, providing knowledge vital for
anthropogenic threats that have energetic costs. identifying management units, determining vulnerable
Denning ecology is an important field of study among subpopulations, and implementing meta-population man-
ursids, and other species giving birth in dens, because agement. Population divergence is the product of several
access to adequate dens can be important for offspring operating factors, including fluctuations in climate, natu-
survival. As one of the most altricial of all eutherian mam- ral barriers, and anthropogenic habitat loss and fragmen-
mals, the giant panda may be more reliant on the quality tation. Some genetic clusters, however, are the product

Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
6 Giant Panda Ecology and Conservation

of natural processes, not recent human-caused fragmen- anthropogenic habitat degradation, climate change,
tation, and therefore should be managed as conservation road and other construction projects in proximity to
units to retain genetic structure and any localized adap- panda habitat, increasing ecotourism, pathogens, and
tation (Zhu et al. 2011; Zhao et al. 2013). environmental pollutants are considered the paramount
Conservation strategies are also reliant on information threats pandas face. An optimistic view of the panda’s
about population size so that trends through time and conservation status suggests the panda population is
space can be documented and addressed and appropri- larger than once believed (Zhan et al. 2006), that the
ate conservation status can be assigned. The large and amount of habitat is expanding, and that the population
approximately once-a-decade national survey attempts to is increasing (up 17% in the past decade) (State Forestry
document panda population size based on its idiosyn- Administration 2015). A more pessimistic view of
cratic feeding styles that yield individual differences in the panda’s future emphasizes the severe population
the size of bamboo stem fragments left in feces (State fragmentation (33 isolated subpopulations, only 6 of
Forestry Administration 2015). The advent of genetic which have more than 100 pandas), continuing threats
sampling from feces can provide a more accurate way that degrade and fragment panda habitat (e.g., roads,
to identify and count pandas. In one reserve, molecular hydroelectric dams, mining, tourism [State Forestry Ad-
methods led to a population estimate that more than ministration 2015]), and climate change (Li et al. 2015).
doubled the previous estimate based on bite size (Zhan Much of the knowledge gained from the national surveys
et al. 2006). Accurate estimation of population size will is the direct result of the government’s incorporation of
provide the foundation for more effective protection and ecological knowledge generated by scientists. Examples
management of pandas. Quantifying successful dispersal include use of home range size and bite-size analysis in the
patterns is yet another important application of molecular methods of population estimation, use of remote sensing
ecology because dispersal influences population-genetic and habitat models to estimate range, and, more recently,
structure, such as degree of inbreeding. Unlike their ursid incorporation of molecular censusing to estimate
and most other mammalian kin, pandas show a surprising population size and genetic diversity and isolation.
female-biased dispersal pattern, providing good reason Against the backdrop of shifting threats and conserva-
to select females as candidates for reintroduction (Zhan tion opportunities, more of the same is not likely to carry
et al. 2007). panda conservation much further forward. The remain-
ing opportunities to establish more protected areas for
giant pandas will be limited, making better management
Past, Present, and Future of Giant Panda of pandas and panda habitat within protected areas an
Conservation increasing priority. Protected status does not necessar-
ily confer full protection (Liu et al. 2001), and threats
That the giant panda still exists in the wild is due to will need to be curtailed. Protection measures will need
the Chinese government’s commitment and visionary to extend into unprotected privately held or communal
policies and management actions to arrest the panda’s property through incentives, regulation, and local com-
decline (Table 1). Initially the primary limiting factors munity stakeholder engagement (Yang et al. 2013, 2015).
facing pandas included poaching and habitat destruction. The past two decades have witnessed a remarkable
Since enactment of the 1988 Wildlife Protection Law, increase in the biological and ecological knowledge of
which banned poaching, this once-important threat has giant pandas, making the panda an excellent candi-
become almost nonexistent (Zhu et al. 2013; Wei et al. date for testing the much-touted but little-used adaptive
2015). As part of China’s National Conservation Plan, the management approach (Nichols & Williams 2006) for
number of protected areas for pandas has increased from endangered species conservation (Swaisgood et al. 2011).
4 to 67, protecting approximately 58% (1.4 million ha) Management requirements should guide scientific re-
of occupied panda habitat (State Forestry Administration search and scientific research should inform management
2015). Strict forest protection measures and an active actions, specifically through the development and testing
reforestation program have established China as one of of a priori hypotheses. For several examples of poten-
the few countries with increasing forest cover (Li et al. tial application of adaptive management to pandas, see
2013). Table 2. This general approach has already served the
However, since the inception of the intrepid efforts to panda well, with science helping to move the captive
prevent the giant panda’s extinction, many of the threats population from vulnerability to sustainability (Swais-
and limiting factors have changed, creating a need for a good et al. 2006, 2011). In 2013, there were 375 individ-
shift in conservation priorities. Preliminary results from uals in the conservation breeding program and captive
an ongoing evaluation of the giant panda’s International breeding is changing its focus from quantity to quality.
Union for Conservation of Nature Red List status show Whereas creation of protected areas and anti-poaching
that habitat loss is not as big a threat to panda populations efforts were the primary conservation tools of the past,
as it was previously (R.S., personal observation). Instead, strategies to offset habitat fragmentation will dominate

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Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
Wei et al. 7

Table 1. The Chinese government’s giant panda conservation efforts and main achievements.

Threat Action
Poaching enactment in 1988 of Wildlife Protection Law
banning poaching establishment of 67 nature
reserves and nature reserve management
Habitat loss and degradation Grain to Green Project (conversion of agricultural
land with a slope >25° to forest or grassland)
Loss of forest cover natural forest protection program (prohibition of
large-scale deforestation since 1998); Grain to
Green Project
Habitat fragmentation established, constructing, or planning corridors in
Qinling, Minshan, and Daxiangling Mountains
Population subdivision genetic rescue: translocation and reintroduction
plan (pilot releases of 2 wild and 3 captive-born
pandas, includes pre-release training for captive
pandas and post-release monitoring for all
Lack of information on population and habitat regular monitoring in most nature reserves
trends (important for developing adaptive

the future. Habitat corridors to increase connectivity of this population with both captive-bred and wild pandas
are currently under development (Wei et al. 2015). The has already commenced. Further development of reintro-
government’s corridor strategy has benefited immensely duction techniques, using a hypothesis-testing approach,
from ecological knowledge. They used information about will refine this conservation tool and ensure its success-
what constitutes habitat and landscape mapping that ex- ful application where necessary (Seddon et al. 2007).
pose habitat gaps. Although this does not quite constitute Although an important tool for conservation, transloca-
adaptive management, it does point to the fact that policy tions are also often misapplied or poorly executed, requir-
makers have had some dialogue with ecologists. Good ing careful planning to ensure goals are met (Germano
science will be required to document whether pandas— et al. 2015). In an adaptive management context, panda
and other wildlife—use these corridors and whether they reintroductions and translocations must be conducted
achieve the genetic and demographic goals they are de- experimentally. Various factors should be manipulated
signed to address (Table 2). Routine monitoring con- experimentally to determine what works and what does
ducted in many reserves provides some of the needed not. For example, the release habitat should be closely
information on the effects of management, and plans for evaluated. It is possible that the ecological requirements
expansion of monitoring effort will position the program of pandas released into a novel area will be somewhat
well for capturing lessons learned. Short-term tests of different from resident pandas. The introduced pandas
this strategy will involve the use of camera traps or fecal may require easier access to important resources initially;
surveys to determine corridor use, and long-term tests thus, existing ideas of what constitutes habitat may not
will involve genetic tools to evaluate genetic exchange fully apply. The composition of the release group or the
between subpopulations. If newly established corridors social environment at the release site may also predict
are determined insufficient to meet meta-population man- differences in success. For example, in another solitary
agement goals, then the design of those corridors will mammal, releases with familiar conspecific neighbors led
need to be modified (Table 2) or other measures taken to to a more than 20-fold increase in production of offspring
encourage pandas to use them. For example, it has been and better population establishment (Shier & Swaisgood
proposed that conspecific cues (such as scent signals) 2012). An adaptive management approach to panda rein-
could be planted in corridors to encourage pandas to troduction should begin with identification of the vari-
use them; this strategy may require experimentation to ables with the most effect on post-release survival and
determine the optimal set of cues (Swaisgood et al. 1999). establishment, to guide experimentation, and should be
In some cases, corridors will not be possible or suf- followed by detailed post-release monitoring to capture
ficient. Although often hotly debated, translocation of lessons learned.
pandas from other reserves or the release of captive- A better understanding of the ecological factors that
born pandas may be required for genetic rescue of many set carrying capacity in protected areas is required so
small, isolated populations. Genetic analyses and habitat that those resources can be better managed to increase
mapping was used by the government to determine pop- panda populations within reserves. Population viability
ulations in need of genetic rescue, such as those in the analysis suggests that environmental carrying capacity
Xiaoxiangling Mountains (Zhu et al. 2010). Augmentation may be one of the most important factors limiting panda

Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
8 Giant Panda Ecology and Conservation

Table 2. Scenarios suitable for an adaptive management approach to giant panda conservation.

Scientific observations
supporting adaptive Response variables to
management initiative measure management
Management question (reference number∗ ) Proposed management action action efficacy
Is a lack of suitable den sites Old-growth forest predicts Install artificial dens in panda den use, (comparative)
limiting population size and panda presence, indicating habitat with little old-growth offspring survival, cause of
can artificial dens increase that panda populations may forest; variables to mortality, population
carrying capacity? be limited by maternal dens manipulate to influence increase, den area
provided by large trees (1). suitability include avoidance, and other signs
Studies of characteristics of placement, size and shape, that den placement is a form
den sites provide guidance and addition of biologically of disturbance
on how to design artificial relevant cues that may
dens (2). promote use.
Does the age structure of Pandas prefer to forage on bamboo management regrowth of harvested
bamboo influence resource younger bamboo and experiment in which bamboo, change in bamboo
availability and carrying younger bamboo is more bamboo is cut and allowed age structure, change in use
capacity for and can nutritious (3,4). Further to regenerate implemented by pandas of areas with
management of bamboo correlative studies are on a large scale in multiple experimental regrowth,
increase carrying capacity? desirable to establish experimental and control change in panda body
whether panda populations plots condition, reproduction,
are larger where bamboo is survival, and population size
Are corridors effective tools for Populations are severely work with Chinese frequency of use of corridors
increasing population fragmented with little gene government officials to by pandas as determined by
connectivity and what flow between designate corridor areas and camera trapping, fecal DNA,
corridor design will optimize subpopulations (5,6). potential restoration efforts and other measures;
connectivity? Detailed habitat mapping to make them more suitable long-term increase in gene
identifies areas where for pandas; test different flow between
corridors can best be corridor designs based on subpopulations
established (7,8). shape and habitat
characteristics and compare
Can reintroduction be a tool Captive populations are compare success of animal post-release monitoring to
for increasing population reaching sustainability relocations as a function of determine behavioral
viability of meta-populations targets (9). Preliminary variables such as origin accommodation to new
and what is the most efforts to translocate or (captive, wild), pre-release environment, survival, and
effective method for release captive-bred pandas training methods, release reproduction, long-term
reintroducing pandas to have met with some success group composition (age, genetic and population
meet this objective? and have provided lessons sex, numbers), and habitat monitoring to determine
learned (10). Habitat has and pre-existing population whether genetic and
been defined and mapped characteristics at release site demographic goals are met
(1,7,8) and locations in need
of augmentation for
population viability have
been identified (8,11).
What proactive mitigation Based on an understanding of experimental planting and monitoring of bamboo growth
measures can be taken to panda and bamboo ecology, assisted migration of and long-term establishment
combat the predicted effects climate change models bamboo species adapted to as a function of distance
of climate change? predict changes in habitat lower elevations or lower moved from historical range;
distribution and loss of latitudes in northern areas or post-release monitoring of
habitat within the protected at higher elevation than their pandas as above;
areas network (12). historical range; simultaneous monitoring of
translocation or captive bamboo and pandas in
release to northern areas or current range to assess the
at higher elevation than their degree to which current
historical range (assisted models accurately predict
migration) effects of climate change on
bamboo and pandas
∗ Reference key: 1, Zhang et al. 2011; 2, Zhang et al. 2007; 3, Schaller et al. 1985; 4, Nie et al. 2015; 5, SFA 2006; 6, Wei et al. 2012; 7, Shen et al.
2008; 8, Viña et al. 2010; 9, Wildt et al. 2006; 10, Wei et al. 2015; 11, Zhu et al. 2010; 12, Tuanmu et al. 2013.

Conservation Biology
Volume 00, No. 0, 2015
Wei et al. 9

population size (Zhou & Pan 1997) and that habitat may ing cub survival and population recruitment. Ecological
be managed to increase carrying capacity. However, a research demonstrating that pandas are associated with
more fine-scale understanding of habitat requirements is old-growth forests pointed to this hypothesis and influ-
needed (Swaisgood et al. 2010), as are bold experiments enced forest protection policy (Zhang et al. 2011). The
(i.e., adaptive management) to evaluate population re- next step will be to undertake a large-scale test of this hy-
sponses to manipulation of putative limiting resources pothesis. Old-growth tree dens cannot be generated over
(Swaisgood et al. 2011). short periods, so artificial dens may be the best alterna-
An important first step in moving the panda conserva- tive. Research indicating the preferred characteristics of
tion agenda forward, therefore, is to understand better suitable dens and surrounding microhabitat (Zhang et al.
what constitutes high-quality habitat that will increase 2007) will guide the design and placement of artificial
carrying capacity pandas (e.g., Zhang et al. 2011). How- dens. Measures of use by pandas and survival of cubs will
ever, panda habitat is often defined on a landscape scale be available long before a change in population size. If
(Liu et al. 2001; Shen et al. 2008), and its definition pandas are not using these dens, then it is not possible
neglects the understory bamboo on which pandas rely for the dens to affect population size.
(Linderman et al. 2005). To advance giant panda conser- Adaptive management will also have a large role to
vation, experimental manipulations of bamboo forage, play in addressing predictions from climate change mod-
potential dens, and other limiting factors will need to be els and, if necessary, mitigating future effects of climate
carefully designed and implemented (Table 2). Although change (Table 2). The design of some research questions
the population response to such management actions is may have to await on-the-ground changes that need to be
what needs to be quantified, other measures can pro- addressed, but proactive mitigation may be warranted in
vide informative feedback before a population response some cases. For example, assisted migration (Mawdsley
is detectable. et al. 2009) experiments for bamboo (and pandas in the
What would a large-scale experiment to test manip- future) may be conducted as probes to detect shifts in
ulation of putative limiting factors look like? Take the habitat (Table 2). The most important question to address
case of bamboo forage outlined in Table 2. Ecological re- will be determining how bamboo species that occupy
search shows pandas prefer to consume young bamboo lower elevational ranges and more southerly latitudes
(Schaller et al. 1985; Nie et al. 2015). A question that (and that pandas once foraged upon) will respond to
stands out is whether management actions to shift the climate change. Will these species recolonize areas now
bamboo age structure would be beneficial. In many graz- currently occupied by pandas, replacing one habitat type
ing species, the act of grazing increases the subsequent with another? Studies showing the rate of natural colo-
nutritional value of the habitat because it causes com- nization and assisted colonization through plantings will
pensatory growth (McNaughton 1984), an effect pandas be informative.
may have on bamboo (Hull et al. 2011). Panda popula- The future of giant panda conservation should be
tions have been low for many generations and are only bright, and there is good reason for hope. As a global
now beginning to increase (State Forestry Administration conservation icon and ample resources and political will
2015), raising the possibility that any beneficial effects behind its conservation, the giant panda makes an excel-
of panda foraging behavior on bamboo habitat have been lent test case for endangered species recovery.
compromised. Perhaps the bamboo age structure is much
older than in historical times and therefore supports a
lower panda population than previously. To test this
hypothesis, management intervention on a limited ex- Acknowledgments
perimental scale may be warranted. Some plots could be
cut, whereas others are left as controls. Preferential use This work was supported by the National Natural Sci-
by pandas of newly created young bamboo stands would ence Foundation of China (grant numbers 31230011 and
provide a rapid indicator of the success of the manage- 31270418) and San Diego Zoological Society.
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Volume 00, No. 0, 2015

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