A PublicationatAJoB Rosalesetal2018
A PublicationatAJoB Rosalesetal2018
A PublicationatAJoB Rosalesetal2018
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3 authors, including:
Jay P. Picardal
Cebu Normal University, Cebu City
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ORCID NO. 0000-0003-2939-8422
Biology Department, Cebu Normal University,
Cebu City
ORCID NO. 0000-0002-1603-7356
Biology Department, Cebu Normal University,
Cebu City
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
ORCID NO. 0000-0001-5986-0556
Research Institute of Tropical Biology & Pharmacological Biotechnology,
Cebu Normal University, Osmena Boulevard., Cebu City
Wild edible plants (WEPs) are any plant in which some parts are eaten by
either human or animals and are thriving without any human intervention.
Besides human consumption (Teklehaymanot & Giday, 2010), the next
important contribution of WEPs to local communities are their underlying
traditional knowledge systems (Kuhnlein et al., 2006), as source of additional
income (Shumsky, 2011), as source of nutraceuticals and medicine (Rasingam,
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
2012) and even processed food production and enterprise (Chua-Barcelo, 2014).
Studies conducted in several countries showed reports of their own WEPs (Tardio
et al., 2005; Cruz et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2016; Erskine et al., 2015). In
the Philippines, one of the most comprehensive monograph on food and fruit-
bearing fruit species found in the country described their detailed phenotypic
characters, ecology, distribution, nutritional value and main uses (FAO, 1984).
Recent literatures in the last 15 years listed WEPs at a more localized level, such
as indigenous food plants in Ilocos Norte (Antonio et al., 2011) and Agusan
del Sur (Arquion et al., 2015); indigenous crops and wild plants in Southern
Palawan (Bernadas & Peralta, 2017) as well as edible wild fruits in Benguet
(Chua-Barcelo, 2014).
In the province of Cebu, local communities, parataxonomists and foresters
from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) have
reported encounters, collection and consumption of WEPs in the province,
and some attempted to propagate them for domestic consumption (Colis &
Abrenaga, 2017). However, the history of recorded wild edible plants in Cebu
is still deficient, particularly form the most recent literature. To date, there are
few studies in the Philippines that mentioned the presence of WEPs in Cebu
(Merill, 1903; Brown, 1920; Merill, 1923-1926; FAO, 1984; Madulid & Agoo,
1992; Madulid, 2001; Lim, 2015). For example, in WH Brown’s 1920 book, he
recorded 19 species of wild food plants grown in Cebu which formed a baseline
literature of the wild species in the province.
Cebu is the 9th largest island in the country. It has a forest cover composed
of mostly mountainous, rugged with depressed peaks creating mountain ranges
(Paguntalan et al., 2015). Unfortunately, the continuing forest destruction in
the province narrowed the remaining forest to less than 1% of its total land area
(Mallari et al., 2001; DENR-FMB, 2010) along with deforestation, quarrying,
mining, environmental pollution, land conversion and mismanaged solid
wastes (Paguntalan et al., 2015). If these forests are facing threats, then wild
edible plants from these forests face the same set of environmental challenges.
Previous research has shown that wild edible plants located within protected
areas (PAs) in Cebu’s landscape are somewhat protected from overconsumption
and overharvesting (Abaquita, 2015) because of its inaccessible location and
difficulty of terrain (Lucresio, 2017). The major challenge now is that the WEPs
found outside Cebu’s identified key biodiversity areas (KBAs) are at risk of losing.
Pursuing this floristic study will significantly contribute to the existing literature
on WEPs, and may provide awareness on what WEPs we can utilize as alternative
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
food source particularly in the far-flung communities. This study may identify
which WEPs served as alternative food source in times of food crisis, so it opens
an area of research for relieving hunger in rural and possibly urban communities.
The study aimed to determine the diversity, uses, threats, role in food security
and socio-economic value of wild edible plants in the island of Cebu, Philippines.
Study Area
Cebu Province (10°31’ N, 123°88’ E) ranks 9th as the largest island in
the country and is positioned at the centre of Philippine Islands (Paguntalan
& Jakosalem, 2008). It covers an area of 4,944 km2 which is composed of 44
municipalities and 6 component cities. The province receives the Type IV climate
which distributional rainfall is uniform in the whole province with 263.10
m of average rainfall (Fernando et al., 2009). Selected localities (Fig. 1) were
purposively selected based on reported species richness of wild edible plants
(Colis, 2017), and are briefly described as follows:
Mt. Kapayas, Catmon, Cebu (10° 38’ 54.1574” N 123° 58’ 12.5606” E). Mt.
Kapayas is situated in the municipalities of Catmon and Carmen with a forest
cover of over 60 hectares in 2002. The mountain houses indigenous trees namely:
Sindora supa, Ficus sp, Artocarpus sericarpus and Heritiera sylvatica. In 2014,
the remaining forest was reclassified into a secondary growth forest. Cantabaco
Forest, Toledo City, Cebu (10.3116° N, 123.7350° E). Cantabaco Forest, a
mixed primary and secondary growth forest, is situated in Barangay Cantabaco,
Toledo City, Cebu. It has a total land cover of 3,670 km2 comprising 14 sitios.
The area is rich in limestone rock formation, forming a unique assemblage of
karst vegetation. Nug-as Forest Reserve, Alcoy, Cebu (9° 42’ 46.3108” N 123°
27’ 6.5671” E). Nug-as Forest Reserve is situated centrally in Boljo-on and Alcoy
encompassing five barangays. It has a total cover of 12 km2 of secondary growth
forest and the largest surviving forest in Cebu. The limestone forest is mostly
dominated by Ficus spp and Syzygium spp., agriculture, tree plantations, and
scrubland surround the area (Paguntalan et al. 2015).
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Fig. 1 Map of Cebu province showing the three study sites (red shaded regions):
Mt. Kapayas, municipality of Catmon (top), Barangay Cantabaco, Toledo City
(center), and Nug-as forest, municipality of Alcoy (bottom). Retrieved as https://
Key Informants
Snowball technique was used in choosing the key informants (KI) which
include primarily the elderly people considered as permanent residents of the
locality for more than 20 years. From these initial list of elderly informants, they
mentioned people who are knowledgeable of WEP as well as local traditional
herbalist or healers (locally called bisayang mananambal) which are also included
in the list of potential KIs.
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Data Analysis
Specific data analysis tools were used to gather data about the percentage of
utility, use similarity and the factors that threaten wild edible plants. Chi-square
test of homogeneity was used to measure the percentage of general functionality
of the wild edible plants among the three study sites. It determined the number
of plant species reported as useful among the studied communities under various
use categories. Pairwise ranking was employed to figure out the ranking of the
threats to wild edible plants.
Floristic Inventory
A total of 168 plant species categorized to 111 genera and 67 families were
reported as edible plants consumed by the locals (see Fig. 2 for some photographs
of WEPs in Cebu). The Family Moraceae (11) showed the greatest number of
edible species followed by Gramineae and Areacaceae (both 6), Cucurbitaceae
and Fabaceae having (both 5), Anacardiaceae, Leguminosae, Lamiaceae, and
Poaceae (all 4). Among the genera, Ficus (5) has the highest number of species,
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
followed by Artocarpus (4), Ipomoea, Citrus and Musa (all 3). The diversity of
the taxonomic groups, families, genera, species, life forms and plant parts used
are shown in Tables 1 and 2. Forty-two percent of the plants are trees, 28% are
herbs, 15% are shrubs, 10% are vines and 3% are grass.
Table 1. Classification of wild edible plants according to taxon and plant habits
Among the three study sites, Cantabaco Forest has the most recorded WEPs
(115), followed by Mt. Kapayas (99), and Nug-as Forest Reserve (88). The
abundance of plant families proves the richness and variety of the species in
the areas. From direct observation, the informants were able to live inside the
Cantabaco Forest that makes it accessible for them to utilize these wild plants.
Mt. Kapayas has the densest and thickest forest cover but most live on the foot
of the mountain but can hardly gather the wild edibles from the mountain. The
Nug-as Forest is a protected forest so there were no human inhabitants inside the
forest. The quantity and variety of recorded plants were limited by the distance
and accessibility of the people from them.
Informants also noted that most wild edibles can only be gathered in the
innermost portion of the forests, and accessibility to these areas are oftentimes
problematic due to thick vegetation, frequent sightings of venomous reptiles and
absence of clear pathways. In fact, some informants reported that some wild
edibles are not familiar to them because they are not successfully cultivated under
human habitation (Arquion et al., 2015).
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Fig. 3 Status of use of the most commonly used wild edible plant based on (a)
number of citations of plant parts used, (b) the different modes of preparation for
the consumption of WEPs as food use.
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Medicinal WEPs
During the recording of the wild edibles, there were several instances that
they were mistakenly identified as medicinal plants because they are consumed
as food and at the same time, commonly used in the practice of traditional
medicine (Chua-Barcelo, 2014). It is important to take note that the main
mode of preparing these WEPs used as medicine plants is through decoction
which could be associated with greater concentration and extraction of active
compounds (Adnan et al., 2010; Chiarucci et al., 2011), thus, increasing its
medicinal effectiveness (Morilla et al., 2014).
Of the 168 plants cited in Cebu, 74 plants are also used as traditional
medicine and their traditional ethnomedicinal uses are shown in Table 3. Results
show that Annona muricata L. (11) has the greatest number of medicinal uses.
There were plants that could be used as an antidote for hangover, blood vomiting,
dandruff, pain after giving birth, teething, and poisoning (Miano et al., 2011).
Few plants could also cure serious diseases such as cancer, hypertension, kidney
diseases, ulcer, UTI, and blindness in cow. The majority of mentioned illnesses
and corresponding healing properties of WEPs were not yet elucidated either in
vitro or in vivo but the experiences and beliefs of traditional healers have stood
the test of time (Srithi et al. 2009). The aspect on dual use of WEPs could be
potentially explored, and such compounded benefit will increase awareness level,
and may translate into sound plant conservation efforts in the future (Ong &
Kim 2016; Prigge et al. 2005).
Table 3. Some medicinal wild edible plants and their traditional uses
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Table 4. Some wild edible plants and their multiple, traditional uses
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Local communities from the three study sites reported that the leaves of
Colocasia esculenta L (Gabi) can be used as an ingredient to vegetable dishes or
for medicinal uses via decoction; its stem or stalk can be a vegetable ingredient;
its tubers are steam-cooked or as food ingredient. Bixa orellano L. (Shuetes)
was traditionally used as lipstick (FAO, 2009) and today it is still used to add
coloring to the food. Their stimulant beverages were the ground seeds of wild
Coffea arabica L. and Theobroma cacao L. for hot coffee and hot chocolate drink,
respectively. Some fruit-bearing trees are also used as construction materials or
raw material for handicraft industries, such as Sagisi palm, jackfruit and mango,
to name a few. These plants not only provide additional income for the local
people but also create crafts that could add adornment in their homes (Abaquita,
Chi square Test and Use Diversity
Analysis of the plant distribution of the wild edible plants showed which
recorded plants are unique in one area, or common in other areas. Among the
three sites, Cantabaco Forest has the highest number of unique plants while
Nug-as, Alcoy has the lowest recorded unique WEPs. In terms of use diversity,
Cantabaco forest, Toledo City has the greatest number of plants in terms of use
variety. Analysis of use diversity of the wild edibles showed seven different uses.
The X2 value for the Chi-square test of homogeneity (X2 = 2.46; df= 6; α= 0.05)
indicated that there is a significant difference in the uses reported as wild edibles
by the three study areas (Table 5).
The significant differences in use diversity among the three study sites may be
due to species richness in all three sites. For instance, some sitios situated near
the top of the Cantabaco hills rely heavily on available plants in the forest and
for several generations, their ancestors were noted to have maximized the use
of these plants for several purposes. In terms of its use as alternative medicine,
communities from this hill passed on the tradition of collecting and utilizing
medicinal plants that are edible, and these people were reported to visit the clinic
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
only in extreme medical conditions because of the risk of going down the hilly
landscape (Geraldine Fajardo, personal communication, 2017). Species richness
is a direct way to analyze plant use diversity (Lardio et al., 2007). Cebu possesses
rich diversity (Paguntalan & Jakosalem, 2007) most especially on the three sites
which are considered to be dipterocarp forests possessing species-rich families
(Primack, 2016). Availability of this species richness and diversity plays an
important role in creating a local knowledge of the plants in human populations
(Phillips & Gentry, 1993; Nolan, 1998).
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Table 7. WEPs being sold in the three (3) study sites and provides extra income
to households
and M. oleifera L. (horse radish) among others, are used as alternative option to
traditional viand.
Pairwise ranking and threats to wild edible plants from the three study areas
Wild edible plants are also exposed to various forms of threats. Threats to
WEPs are analyzed through pairwise ranking for all of the three study areas
(Figure 4). Data show that irresponsible human activities and forest utilization
are the main threat to WEPs diversity. Selective cutting for construction and
technology yielded the highest recorded threat, where the informants noted as
the main source of income as well as for their own consumption. Natural disaster,
such as storm and landslide, was considered the second threat because of their
favorable location (i.e. mountaintop elevation). The third threat, agricultural
expansion and land conversion, was commonly observed because they need
to undergo farming for food generation and income generation (Morilla et al.
All other threats arose due to the informants’ activities themselves which
they needed to do for their own livelihood activities. They also mentioned that
selective cutting or collection for fuel wood or charcoal is strictly restricted but
they still do it on minimal basis. Threats of WEPs were mainly anthropogenic
activities. If consequences to these are widely known and people are well-aware
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
of these WEPs in their area, they would refrain from doing anything that would
result to the lose the plants and its germplasm.
The wild edible plants in Cebu are rich and diverse. WEPs manifest
tangible economic values to small communities, thus, evaluation on their trade
potentials as horticultural crops can contribute to alternative sources of income
and employment. These plants also provided food in times of scarcity. Their
potential in relieving food crisis in these small communities may prove good
alternative options to lessen food crisis in bigger communities if disseminated
and propagated. Although there are existing threats to their diversity in the wild,
increased awareness on their use value and their sustainable harvesting may
potentially influence communities’ perspective on how to manage these limited
resources. Persistent effort to disseminate the potential benefits that WEPs may
provide will be the first step to capacitate communities to be involved in the
Asian Journal of Biodiversity Vol. 9 January 2018
Results of this study, particularly on the aspect of floristics and use value
may be utilized as benchmark information to investigate further the genetic
diversity of WEPs. As we brace ourselves against potential impacts of climate
change to our food security, we need to ensure that resilient crops such as WEPs
are available, in the event that our staple food will not be sufficient enough to
feed local communities. Their distribution in the wild and adaptation to varying
ecological landscapes are essential avenues for future research so that we can
understand which of these WEPs can occupy wide or narrow ranges of habitats.
Habitat suitability data may be used further to investigate which WEPs can be
naturally grown in urban landscapes, and identify those that are adaptable to
urban habitats. Investigating the WEPs’ bioactive compounds, pharmacological
properties and heat shock proteins are interesting avenues for future
research which are essential knowledge base to help us fully maximize the
benefits of WEPs to human lives in particular, and the environment, in general.
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