Lesson Idea 6 Srat

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Student Response and Assessment Tools

Lesson Title Similar Figure Stations (Scale Factor, Proportions & Similar Figures, Missing
Sides & Angles)
Content Area Geometry Support – 10th grade

Content Standards MGSE9-12.G.SRT.2 Given two figures, use the definition of similarity in terms
of similarity transformations to decide if they are similar; explain, using
similarity transformations, the meaning of similarity for triangles as the
equality of all corresponding pairs of angles and the proportionality of all
corresponding pairs of sides.
Technology Standards 1.1.c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Reference or Scale Factor:
Supporting Resources https://padlet.com/dturman0426/nvwtlvnfuhxbgd1g
Finding Missing Sides & Angles:

The following references were used to guide students in their groups. In

outlines their assignments and what they are supposed to do.

Integrated Tool Quizizz

Pacing Student-Paced
Hardware Used Phone and Tablet

Bloom’s Taxonomy ☒Remembering ☒Understanding ☒Applying

Levels ☒Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☒Creating
Integration Level Level 4: Integration

Universal Design Multiple means of representation can be illustrated since it allows students to
Rationale highlight relationships and provide a visual diagram/chart. Multiple means of
expressions can be seen with students using web application (different note
taking, Padlet) and using the rubric as a checklist. Multiple means of
engagement are demonstrated on how information is presented in a clear and
accessible manner to all students. Also, the way students demonstrate their
skills or knowledge.
Lesson Idea - Prior Before the students participate in the SRAT activity, student would have
worked in groups for the past three day to make sense of the mathematical
concepts scale factor, proportions, and finding missing sides and angles. With
this being the third and last day of stations, students would have built some
type of understanding of the concepts and can successful complete the
SRAT. In addition, the students would have received feedback from their
classwork assignments.
SRAT Purpose The purpose of the SRAT is to illuminate and discuss common
misconceptions and formative assessment of content knowledge (for purpose
of differentiation and mastery for ALL students).
Question Types In the lesson, the question types can be seen as multiple choice, yes/no,
short open-ended response, and poll.

Lesson Idea - During The students will work in groups to complete their station activity. The
students will begin with taking notes either through a WebQuest, PowerPoint,
or YouTube video. The students will then practice the concepts through either
a card task, an escape room task, or Versatile assignment. It should take the
students anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour to complete the two
assignments. All the material will be provided to the students in a Padlet and
in a folder with all the assignments. The teacher will be walking around to
facilitate the students learning when needed.
Lesson Idea - After To close the lesson, the students will turn in their classwork assignment and
prepare for a quick station review. The station review will reiterate the
definitions and the minor mistakes that I have noticed in the stations and
classwork. After the discussion, the students will take the Quizizz to practice
one more time what was discussed in our whole group discussion.
Data Plan The data will be used to assess students progress and their understanding of
material. The data will also allow me to identify the students who are
struggling grasping the material. I can use this information to give the
students extra practice on the concepts and guided instruction. The teachers
will also use the data to help measure our students with disability goals. The
students will then decide what grade they would like in the gradebook, the
class average grade or individual grade.
Personal Learning I have not tried groups before with my students nor have them attempt to
Goals make sense of the math instead of me making sense of it for them. From this
activity, I hope that the students will learn how make sense the math
themselves and understand that having struggles is all apart of learning. I
hope that I will learn how to challenge my students in a way that will motivate
them to continue making sense of the math instead of giving up.
Design Reflection After designing this lesson idea, reflect on the following:
How do you feel the activities you created could impact student learning?
You may have designed this idea as an introductory activity to a unit of study.
With that in mind, what could be done to further extend the lesson?
Are there other technology tools that could further enhance this project?
After designing and teaching this lesson, I feel that I have created a good
lesson that challenged my students. The lesson taught students how to work
in groups and work together to understand the concepts. As for the activities,
I feel that it challenged the students in thinking critically, connecting their
learning to the real-world, and creating different strategies to finding missing
sides. I feel that the technology tools used in this lesson is perfect. The
students are introduced to WebQuest, Padlets, YouTube, and PowerPoint.

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