B1 - Overview
B1 - 1 Crop production and climate change
B1 - 2 Climate-smart crop production practices and technologies
B1 - 3 Climate-smart crop production systems in practice
B1 - 4 Creating an enabling environment and removing barriers for the adoption of climate-smart crop production
B1 - 5 Conclusions
B1 - Acknowledgements
B1 - References
B1 - Acronyms
This module looks at the interrelations between crop production and climate change (Chapter B1-1). It presents the
principles, practices and technologies for the sustainable and profitable production of annual and perennial crops to
meet food, feed, energy, fibre needs and foster economic growth in a world where the global population is
expanding, the climate is changing, dietary patterns are evolving and natural resources are growing scarce. These
issues are presented both in terms of the projected impacts of climate change (Chapter B1-2) and crop systems
(Chapter B1-3). The module also describes the off-farm elements that can enable farmers to adopt climate-smart
crop production practices (Chapter B1-4).
A fundamental challenge is to address the needs of broad and diverse groups of stakeholders by identifying an
appropriate set of climate-smart practices. This requires knowledge of the type and extent of expected changes in
the climatic variables that affect crop production; the trade-offs and synergies between local climate and
international markets; and the best adaptive management options for a given context.
This module does not provide a rigid blueprint for action. There is no standard formula that can be applied for
every context. The shift towards climate-smart crop production systems will depend on a range of coping and
adaptive mechanisms. These mechanisms will need to accommodate local, regional and global conditions, and may
differ greatly from one farmer to another.
This module offers solutions that can be adapted to different crop systems. It addresses the subject matter from a
technical perspective, but is written for the general public. In some cases, definitions for technical terms are
Key messages
The effective management of agricultural ecosystems contributes to both climate change adaptation and
climate change mitigation. It is critical for the sustainable intensification of crop production.
In rural, urban and peri-urban environments, approaches for the sustainable intensification of crop
production that can support climate change adaptation and mitigation include:
the use of quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted varieties;
the cultivation of a diverse suite of crop species and varieties in associations and/or rotations;
the use of integrated pest management practices;
the implementation of conservation agriculture and the adoption of sustainable mechanization to
maintain healthy soils and manage water efficiently.
Adaptation and adoption of climate-smart crop production practices and technologies requires knowledge of
the type and extent of change in the climatic variables that affect crop production; integrated research on
crop, soil and water; and the participation of farmers that needs to be promoted through system-wide
activities to develop capacities.
This chapter considers the most typical of the expected impacts of climate change on crop production, and the
opportunities that exist for adapting to these changes and mitigating climate change through the sustainable
intensification of crop production.
Intensifying crop production and addressing climate change must be done in an integrated and sustainable way.
Although crop production and climate are deeply interconnected, the module deals with these subjects in separate
chapters as a way of breaking down this complex issue and addressing it comprehensively. Chapter B1-1 discusses
the interlinkages among the response actions to sustainably intensify and diversify crop productions, to adapt crop
systems to the changing climate and to mitigate climate change through sustainable practices. Chapter B1-2
summarizes the impacts of climate change on crop production. Since crop production and climate change
adaptation are strongly related to the specific local agro-ecological endowments and the natural resource base,
readers are referred to modules B6, B7, B8 and B9 that provide a comprehensive analysis of the relationships
between climate change and water, soil, genetic resources and energy. Chapter B1-3 discusses the impact of crop
production on climate change.
B1-1.1 The impacts of climate change on crop production - the need for the intensification
and diversification of sustainable production
The most important ecosystem service delivered by agriculture is the provision of food, feed and fibres.
The extent to which this provisioning depends on external production inputs is a fundamental issue. Agricultural
ecosystems have evolved under human management. To obtain greatest possible production from the landscape,
agricultural communities have developed and maintained ecosystems at their early succession state. The human
selection pressure has favoured readably harvestable crops with high net production and it has penalized biomass
production and accumulation on the landscape.
Since the Green Revolution, mainstreamed agriculture has mainly involved controlling crop varieties and their
genetics; soil fertility through the application of chemical fertilizers; and pests with chemical pesticides. The impact
of this form of agriculture on the environment has been severe. There has been a significant simplification and
homogenization of the world’s ecosystems. Maize, wheat, rice and barley, which were once rare plants, have
become the dominant crops on earth and staples in human diets (FAOSTAT, 2014). Soil degradation is another
critical concern. In agricultural ecosystems depleted of soil organic carbon, it will be increasingly difficult to
produce higher yields. Each year, soil erosion destroys 10 million hectares of cropland. Forty percent of this loss is
due to tillage erosion (Pimentel, 2006). In soils that have already experienced significant losses of soil organic
matter, increased fertilization does not usually generate a net sink for carbon, because the production, transport and
application of fertilizer releases higher amounts of carbon dioxide (Corsi et al., 2012).
The FAO 'Save and Grow' model of sustainable crop production intensification calls for a 'greening' of the Green
Revolution to achieve the highest possible productivity by unit of input within the ecosystem's carrying capacity.
This can be achieved through the use of good quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted varieties; a
diverse range of crop species and varieties grown in associations, intercrops or rotations; the control of pests
through integrated pest management; and the use of conservation agriculture and sustainable mechanization to
maintain healthy soils and manage water efficiently (FAO, 2011). Greater access to technological innovations and a
sound understanding of agricultural ecosystems will allow farmers to work 'smarter not harder' and work in tandem
with biogeochemical processes inherent in diverse and complex ecosystems. Chapter B1-2 presents agronomic
management practices that reflect these principles.
The FAO model for the sustainable intensification of crop production is the cornerstone of climate-smart
agriculture. It guides all climate-smart strategies aimed at overcoming the inefficiencies that are responsible for
yield and productivity gaps. In each crop system, there exist many climate change adaptation and mitigation
options to close yield gaps and minimize the harmful environmental impacts of crop production. Options will vary
among farmers and will depend on each farmer's coping and adaptive mechanisms, and the degree to which each
specific climate factor is responsible for the yield and productivity gap. The solutions identified should always be
cost-effective and profitable for farmers and responsive to markets. Since most technologies have both advantages
and disadvantages, trade-offs will need to be made. Ensuring that these trade-offs are properly assessed demands
comprehensive capacity development for all stakeholders (see module C1). In particular, farmers must manage the
foreseen business risks of changing their production practices (e.g. costs, investments and future value of the
investments); consider the financial returns related to adapting to changes in local climate; evaluate the
implications of local climate on local prices and markets; and anticipate the consequences climate change may have
on crop prices in international markets.
For more information, consult module B8 on plant genetic resources, module B7 on sustainable soil and land
management and module A3 on integrated landscape management.
B1-1.2 Climate change impact on crop production - need for adaptation to climate change
Crop production is highly sensitive to climate. It is affected by long-term trends in average rainfall and
temperature, interannual climate variability, shocks during specific phenologicalii stages, and extreme weather
events (IPCC, 2012). Some crops are more tolerant than others to certain types of stresses, and at each phenological
stage, different types of stresses affect each crop species in different ways (Simpson, 2017).
As climate changes, crop production strategies must change too. There will always be some uncertainty associated
with modelling the complex relationships between agricultural yields and future climate scenarios. This chapter
summarizes the most universally accepted effects of climate change on crop production. Chapter B8-3 addresses
how climatic changes can disrupt the interactions among plants and pollinators (Kjøhl et al., 2011), Chapter B1-2
presents the management practices and technologies for climate change adaptation, and Chapter B1-3 presents
these management practices in the context of specific crop systems.
Increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide
A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will have different effects on different crops.
In C3 plantsiii, the photosynthesis relies on the concentration of carbon dioxide that is naturally available in the
atmosphere. A higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will have a small fertilizing effect on these
crops, if all other factors remain favorable. Adverse moisture conditions during the growing season, insufficient
nitrogen availability or temperatures above the optimum range may offset this effect. However, the nutritional content of
leaves, stems, roots, fruits and tubers of C3plants grown at elevated carbon dioxide levels is expected to be lower particularly in protein,
minerals and trace elements, such as zinc and iron (Taub et al., 2008; Loladze, 2014). Plants
grown at higher concentrations of
carbon dioxide have lower stomatal conductance and transpiration. This means that plants absorb less water and
nutrients and that their biomass becomes less nutritious. One insidious aspect associated with the nutritional quality
of crops is that, in addition to humans, also insect pests will have to compensate by eating more to meet their
nutritional needs (Hatfield et al., 2011).
C4 plantsv have the capacity to increase the carbon dioxide concentration within their leaves before the
photosynthesis begins. This is why increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will not provide
benefits to C4 plants under normal conditions. Under moisture stress conditions, however, most C4 crops will lose
less moisture, and their yield will be affected less (Simpson, 2017).
Temperature alterations
Temperature alterations can take many forms: changes in average temperature; changes in daytime high and
nighttime low temperatures; and changes in the timing, intensity and duration of extremely hot or cold weather.
In general, crops are most sensitive to high temperatures at the reproductive stage and grain-filling/fruit maturation
stage (Hatfield et al., 2011). However, plant responses to each type of temperature alteration is species-specific and
mediated through both photosynthetic activity for biomass accumulation, which is responsible for plant growth, and
the phenological and morphological changes, which occur during plant development. Each type of temperature
stress has a different effect on crop duration and overall plant productivity. The effect will depend on how
sensitive each species is at their stage of development when the temperature alteration occurs. Adapting to these
effects will require different types of responses.
To predict the responses of species to new temperature alterations, it is necessary (although not sufficient) to know
how the same species have responded in the past to similar changes. Below are some of the findings from the few
phenological studies of sufficient length on annual crops.
The increase in average temperature during the growing season typically causes plants to use more energy
for respiration for their maintenance and less to support their growth. With a 1°C increase in average
temperatures, yields of the major food and cash crop species can decrease by 5 to 10 percent (Lobell and
Field, 2007; Hatfield et al., 2009).
The increase in average temperature during the growing season typically causes plants to use more
energy for respiration for their maintenance and less to support their growth. With a 1°C increase in
average temperatures, yields of the major food and cash crop species can decrease by 5 to 10 percent
(Lobell and Field, 2007; Hatfield et al., 2009).
With higher average temperatures plants also complete their growing cycle more rapidly (Hatfield et
al., 2011). With less time to reproduce, reproductive failures are more likely and this will also lower
yields (Craufurd and Wheeler, 2009).
In general, photosynthesis in C3 plants is more sensitive to higher temperatures compared with C4
crops (Lipiec et al., 2013).
Variations in the length of the thermal growing seasonvii will generally affect temperate perennial
species (e.g. apples, cherry and grapes). Most temperate perennials require an adequate period of
chilling hoursviii during dormancy before they can resume active growth. Inadequate chilling impairs
the development and/or expansion of vegetative and reproductive organs, which will affect fruiting.
Higher temperatures can also affect the marketability of fruits and vegetables. The increased rates of
respiration caused by higher temperatures lead to a greater use of sugars by the plants. As a result less
sugar remains in the harvested product, and this can reduce its market value (Hatfield and Prueger,
2015). These effects become more serious as temperatures continue to rise during the grain-filling or
fruit maturation stage (Simpson, 2017).
Higher nighttime temperatures may increase respiration at night causing declines in yield (e.g. rice)
and flowering or reproduction (e.g. beans).
Most crops can tolerate higher daytime temperatures during vegetative growth, with photosynthesis
reaching an optimum at between 20°C and 30°C (Wahid et al., 2007). During the reproductive stage,
yields decline when daytime high temperatures exceed 30°C to 34°C (FAO, 2016b).
Extremely high temperatures above 30°C can do permanent physical damage to plants and, when they
exceed 37°C, can even damage seeds during storage. The type of damage depends on the temperature,
its persistence, and the rapidity of its increase or plants’ capacity to adjust (Wahid et al., 2007). It also
depends on the species, the stage of plant development. As the climate changes, the frequency of
periods when temperatures rise above critical thresholds for maize, rice and wheat is predicted to
increase worldwide (Gourdji et al., 2013).
Changes in precipitation regimes include changes in seasonal mean, the timing and intensity of individual rainfall
events, and the frequency and length of droughts. Each of these factors is critical to crop productivity. The impact
of changes in precipitation will be particularly marked when they are combined with temperature alterations that
affect the crop's evaporative demands. This may lead to different forms of moisture stress depending on the
phenological stage the crop has reached.
The specific impacts of changes in precipitation regimes on crops vary significantly because around 80 percent of
the cropped area is rainfed and produces 60 percent of world's food (Tubiello et al., 2007). The levels and
distribution of precipitation determine whether a crop can be grown without irrigation and/or drainage, or whether
investments in this area are necessary.
The general prediction is that, with climate change, areas that already receive high levels of rainfall will receive
more, and those that are dry will become drier (Liu and Allan, 2013). The reduction in seasonal mean precipitation
will have a greater impact on areas with degraded soils. Soils with lower levels of organic carbon retain less water
at low moisture potentials. Furthermore, crops grown in nutrient-poor soils, especially those lacking potassium,
recover less quickly from drought stress once water is again available (Lipiec et al., 2013). To help their crops use
water more efficiently, farmers must pay attention to improving and maintaining soil fertility (see module B7 on
sustainable soil and land management for climate-smart agriculture, Chapter B1-2 on sustainable soil management
for increased crop productivity and Box B1.3 on crop residue management for soil carbon conservation and
As rainfall becomes more variable, farmers may no longer be able to rely on their knowledge of the seasonality of
climatic variables. Shifting planting seasons and weather patterns will make it harder for farmers to plan and
manage production. For example, a later start of the rainy season or an earlier end, or both, reduces the time that
crops have to complete their growth cycle and, ultimately, causes yield losses (Linderholm, 2005). For
photosensitive species, a change in the duration of the rainy season may cause a mismatch between their
reproductive cycle, which is determined by day length, and the availability of sufficient soil moisture to produce
good yields.
Another expected impact of climate change is an increased occurrence of extreme weather events. Even where
mean values for precipitation are not projected to change, there are likely to be more significant extreme weather
events that will reduce crop yields. Heavy rain, hail storms and flooding can physically damage crops. Extremely
wet conditions in the field can delay planting or harvesting. Prolonged droughts can cause complete crop failure
(Tubiello and van der Velde, 2010).
As discussed in Chapter B8-4, climate change modifies the interactions between plants and their pests in space and
over time. Plants weakened by the direct effects of weather stresses are generally more vulnerable to indirect
stresses. For example, plants suffering from waterlogging are less resilient to viruses, and plants affected by
drought are less able to outcompete weeds for soil moisture and nutrients (Simpson, 2017). In addition, if pests
shift into regions outside the distribution of their natural enemies, the effectiveness of biocontrol will decrease
unless a new community of enemies will provide some level of control.
The distribution of insect pests is influenced by temperatures. With global warming, insects, whose body
temperature varies with the temperature of the surrounding environment (poikilothermicx) are most likely to move
polewards and to higher elevations (Bebber et al., 2013). Pest distribution will also respond to changes in cropping
patterns to cope with climate change. Major insect pests of cereals, pulses, vegetables, and fruit crops, which may
move to temperate regions, include cereal stem borers (Chilo, Sesamia, and Scirpophaga spp.), pod borers
(Helicoverpa, Maruca, and Spodoptera spp.), aphids, and whiteflies (Sharma, 2014). The extent of crop losses will
depend on geographical distribution of insect pests; the dynamics of the insect population; insect biotypes; the
alterations in the diversity and abundance of arthropods; changes in herbivore-plant interactions; the activities and
abundance of natural enemies; species extinctions; and the efficacy of crop protection technologies.
Weeds will also be affected by climate change. For invasive plants with tolerances for higher temperatures, which
are currently restricted by low temperatures, such as Vallisneria spp. and those intolerant to freezing such as Pistia
stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia auriculata, increasing temperatures could trigger the northward
migration (Hussner et al., 2010). The species with higher mobility would be favoured. Traits that promote seed
dispersal over long distances are common in invasive plants (Patterson, 1995a; Rejmanek, 1996; Dukes and
Mooney, 2000; Malcom et al., 2002), such as Imperata cylindrica (cogon grass), Pueraria lobata (Kudzu) and
Striga asiatica (witchweed). Pueraria lobata, whose range is restricted by low winter temperatures of -15°C, may
spread with increases in minimum temperatures (Ziska et al., 2010). This may also be the case for the parasitic
weed Striga, which grows well in temperatures of 30°C to 35°C in semi-arid environments, and spreads under
conditions where soil fertility is poorly managed and cereal monoculture is practiced. The specific influence of
climate change on Striga species and recommended control management are addressed in Box B1.2.
The competition between crops and invasive weeds could also be influenced by the effects of rising temperatures
on plant physiology (Ziska and Reunion, 2007). For example, higher mean annual temperatures have been shown
to favour the assimilate partitioning towards root biomass in the shrub Parthenium juliflora. Greater root biomass
of this species aids in the rapid and robust regeneration of branches after lopping for fuelwood (Kathiresan,
Competition between C4 weed species and C3 crops under different climate conditions and carbon dioxide
concentrations may significantly alter crop productivity (Patterson, 1993). For example, a 3°C increase in the
average temperature would favour the perennial invasive C4 weed Rottboellia cochinchinensis (itch grass), which
would cause significant yield reductions in various important C3 crop systems (Patterson et al., 1979; Lencse and
Griffin, 1991; Lejeune et al., 1994).
B1-1.3 The impact of crop production on climate change - the need for mitigation
Soil and water management for crop production has a strong impact, both negative and positive, on the drivers of
climate change.
A large number of crop production practices contribute to emissions of greenhouse gas, and in particular to carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Soil degradation, for example, is a major driver of climate change. Changes in
land cover that leave the soil less protected hasten the mineralization of soil organic carbon, a process that releases
carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane (Bullock et al., 1995). The global warming potential for methane is
approximately 20 times higher than it is for carbon dioxide; for nitrous oxide, it is 310 times higher. The many
factors involved in crop production make the accurate measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
sectors more difficult than it is for other economic sectors. Despite this complexity, the processes causing
greenhouse gas emissions from crop production have been described qualitatively.
Carbon dioxide emission sources include the burning of crop residues in the fields, which also releases
methane and nitrous oxide; the energy used in field operations, mainly for the mechanical tilling of the soil
and pumping for irrigation; the production, transport and application of crop production inputs; and the
mineralization of soil organic carbon. Tillage deserves special mention, as it is the field operation that
produces the maximum carbon dioxide flux and has many direct effects on the carbon dioxide exchange
between the soil surface and the atmosphere. Ploughing is the farm operation that disturbs the highest
volume of soil and requires the most energy and fuel. Direct seeding requires the least amount of energy.
Tillage also undermines the processes (the stabilization of microaggregates within macroaggregates) and
damages the organisms (mainly fungi) responsible for the formation of soil organic carbon (Grandy et al.,
2006; Six et al., 1998). Tillage accelerates the mineralization of the soil by speeding up the oxidative
breakdown of soil organic carbon. In upland landscapes, tillage is the major cause of severe soil erosion and
losses in soil organic carbon (Lobb et al., 1995; Lobb and Lindstrom, 1999; Reicosky et al., 2005).
Methane flux from soil to atmosphere is the net result of two bacterial processes that are strongly influenced
by land use, land management and the type of soil: methane production in strictly anoxic micro-
environments (methanogenesis); and methane consumption and oxidation in aerobic micro-environments by
methane-oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs). Most emissions of methane from crop production are related to
methanogenic bacteria living in flooded soils under rice cultivation (see Chapter B1-3.1) and the anaerobic
decomposition of animal manure (e.g. liquid or slurry) and crop residues under very wet conditions.
Most nitrous oxide emissions are generated from manure during its storage and from humid and compacted
soils (asphyctic soils) in which nitrogen is present (IPCC, 2007). Microbial transformations of nitrogen,
which can be caused by the application of synthetic fertilizers, animal waste, sewage sludge and crop
residues, are responsible for nitrous oxide emissions through nitrification (the biological process by which
ammonia is converted to nitrites and then nitrates) and denitrification (the biological process by which
nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas). Denitrification is the most important of these two processes. The main
factors controlling the speed of these processes is the presence of ammonia in the case of nitrification and
oxidized nitrogen forms (nitrates and nitrites) in the case of denitrification. Nitrification is enhanced in
microaerophilic soil conditionsxi, and specifically at values for water-filled pore space from 20 to 80 percent.
Denitrification is enhanced under anaerobic soil conditions (i.e. in soils that are permanently or seasonally
saturated by water). Nitrification is also favoured at high temperatures and is inhibited when the soil's pH
values are acidic.
Some crop production practices (Chapter B1-2) enhance the capacity of the soil to conserve and accumulate soil
organic carbon. These practices can reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the source and, at the same time, maintain
or improve yields and enable crop systems to adapt to the projected impacts of climate change. The broader social
benefits include enhanced wildlife habitats and the reduction of sediments, nutrients and pathogens in the runoff
from agricultural fields (Box B7.3). The goal of sequestering carbon in the soil received renewed attention at the
United Nations conference on climate change held in Paris in 2015 through the '4 per thousand' initiative'. This was
launched with the objective to increase the existing soil organic carbon by 0.4 percent each year globally as a
compensation for the global emissions of greenhouse gases. Lal (2004) estimates that the world’s cropland has the
potential to store 0.4 to 1.2 gigatonnes of carbon equivalents per year (see module B7 for further details).
In addition to enhancing the sinks of greenhouse gases, a number of crop production practices can also reduce
greenhouse gases while maintaining or improving yields and adapting the crop system towards the future projected
climate change impacts.
Emissions can be reduced by improving the efficiency of farm machinery in terms of its productivity,
operating times and fuel usage. This can be done by using equipment that is best suited for the given farm
type. The right machinery, such as two-wheel tractors, combined with agronomic innovations, such as direct
seeding technology, can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Small tractors using tined
equipment instead of disc ploughs, or modern direct seeding equipment are more productive than tillage-
based systems. Smaller equipment may also be more accessible and affordable to smallholder producers,
farmer organizations and service providers. In mechanized systems, decisions regarding the trade-offs
between increased farm productivity, including energy efficiency, and affordability are especially important
to the rural poor. Impoverished farmers have a particularly acute need to produce more and become more
efficient but they are less likely to have access to the resources needed to make the required improvements,
and to pay for them.
Shifting production from one crop variety to another or to different locally adapted annual or perennial
species may be another option for reducing emissions.
Any changes in output, particularly changes in the primary crops grown in a given community, present
technical and economic challenges with broad social implications. Decisions to implement changes of this
nature must take into consideration broader strategies for rural development, and specifically the impact
these changes will have on diets and employment (see module C7). Given the low labour costs in some
countries and the generally low labour absorption capacity of perennial crop production, a change in the
orientation toward perennial crops would need to include effective risk management activities. This would
involve, for example, employment policies and programmes to increase opportunities for the rural poor,
especially vulnerable groups, such as women and young people, in obtaining decent jobs (Blowfield, 1993;
Devi, 2006).
This chapter presents management practices and technologies for climate change adaptation and mitigation. It
covers practices with an explicit focus on adaptation to specific climatic stressors, and practices that simultaneously
reduce production risks and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these practices prevent soil damage that
releases carbon and water into the atmosphere; promote soil and water conservation; and increase productivity.
Table B1.1 presents the climate-smart management practices for different crop systems that can help farmers adapt
to specific climate change risks and/or mitigate these risks.
In some cases, radical changes, such as shifting to an entirely different agricultural production system, may be
needed to adapt to new climate conditions. The important role policies and institutions play in supporting climate-
smart strategies is dealt with in chapter B1-4.
Use of quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted crops and varieties
An indispensable input for climate-smart crop production is quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted
varieties. It is impossible to harvest good crops with bad seeds (FAO, 2011).
National, regional and international plant breeding efforts usually involve multilocational trials and seek to develop
crop varieties that are resistant to climate-related phenomena and more efficient in their use of resources to reduce
their impact on the agricultural ecosystem and the wider environment. Resistance to drought, salinity and flooding
are the most common climate-related traits for which crop varieties are bred. Other more location-specific factors
include higher frequencies of frosts at the seedling and/or pollination stages; high temperatures at the grain-filling
stage; heavy rains that compress the soil; and alternate light rains and hot temperatures that stimulate seed
germination but prevent the establishment of seedlings.
The development, official release and registration of well-adapted crop varieties are the steps taken toward the
ultimate goal of ensuring farmers have access to quality seeds and planting materials. However, achieving this
ultimate goal also requires a reliable mechanism for delivering the seeds of the most suitable varieties to farmers.
Farmers obtain seeds from formal systems and/or informal systems.
Formal seed systems are organized and underpinned by statutory requirements that ensure the seeds that farmers
use pass through standardized quality assurance mechanisms. Delivering the improved varieties to farmers through
formal systems is relatively straightforward. But, farmers, especially in developing countries, also obtain seeds
from multiple unregulated sources. These sources can include saving seeds from their own harvests, purchasing
seeds from local markets and exchanging seeds with family members and neighbours. This way of obtaining seeds
constitutes the informal system or farmers’ seed system. Informal systems predominate in developing countries
where crop production systems are the most vulnerable to extreme weather events. For such production systems,
which are typically characterized by low-input agriculture, small-scale holdings and limited market engagement, it
is particularly important to support community-based seed production and distribution channels. In parts of the
world where climate change is expected to have the greatest impact, most of the seeds sourced through community-
based delivery systems are important food security crops. These crops include beans, peanuts, cassava, cowpeas,
open pollinated maize, sweet potato and yams. Small- and medium-scale enterprises are effective means for
ensuring that quality seeds of the most suitable varieties are available to small-scale farmers and are within easy
reach in their communities.
Ideally, irrespective of delivery system, seeds that are meant to be sold or otherwise distributed for planting must
have their quality assured. There are different options for achieving quality assurance. In the formal system, there is
official control and inspection, usually by government agencies or accredited entities such as farmers’ associations
and seed companies, which result in certified seeds. A less demanding mechanism is the Quality Declared Seeds
and Quality Declared Planting Materials systems, developed under the auspices of FAO. These options ensure that
costs associated with standard certification processes do not hinder the availability of quality seeds.
Box B1.1 describes the components of a system that provides farmers with affordable quality seeds and planting
materials of well-adapted crop varieties in a timely manner. Mechanisms that facilitate seed trade between
countries are discussed in Chapter B1-5.
A seed system encompasses all the stakeholders (individuals, organizations and institutions) that are
involved in the development and dissemination of crop varieties; the production, multiplication,
processing, storage, distribution and marketing of seeds and related practices and processes; and the
prevailing policies, regulations and laws. The following components of a seed delivery system are critical
in formulating for climate-smart agriculture strategies.
Conserved and characterized plant genetic resources for food and agriculture need to be available for use
as ‘raw materials’ for the development of varieties that are resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses. To
address the challenges posed by climate change, there is the increasingly urgent need for the investment of
greater resources and efforts in safeguarding the widest possible diversity of plant genetic resources for
food and agriculture in their natural habitats in situ, on farms and in genebanks ex situ. The diversity of
crop wild relatives, an important source of heritable traits for crop improvement, could be eroded as their
natural habitats are lost due to climate change. The role of plant genetic resources in climate-smart
agriculture is addressed in more detail in module B8.
Plant breeders must develop an increasingly diverse portfolio of varieties of an extensive range of crops in
order to adapt production systems to climate change. Generating novel varieties will most often depend on
obtaining heritable variations, especially from the non-adapted materials, including crop wild relatives,
that are not usually used by breeders. This will involve institutionalizing and improving capacities for pre-
breeding activities in which germplasm curators and breeders work together to identify the carriers of
desirable traits, evaluate these putative parents and cross promising ones with elite lines to generate
intermediate breeding materials. It may also be necessary to create novel variations that are absent in the
gene pool through induced mutations and the application of biotechnological procedures, such as genetic
engineering and genome editing. High-throughput genotyping and phenotyping platforms are being used
more and more to make the processes for developing crop varieties, including pre-breeding, more
In farmer participatory plant breeding, farmers and plant breeders collaborate in crop varietal
development. Because the perspectives of the farmers contribute to the decisions about which varieties are
proposed for official release and registration, participatory plant breeding is an effective way to achieve
demand-driven crop improvements for adaptation to climate change, especially in developing countries.
An effective agricultural extension system and a responsive seed delivery system are needed to enable
farmers to access quality seeds and planting materials of well-adapted crop varieties at affordable prices
and in a timely manner.
Farmers are more willing to use a new variety when they have trusted information and are
confident the new variety will meet their needs. The extension system is particularly important to
generate data about the performance of varieties. For instance, the FAO Farmer Field Schools
approach (addressed extensively in module C2) has proven particularly effective in using
demonstration plots to showcase the advantages of well-adapted crop varieties to communities of
small-scale farmers.
A responsive seed delivery system requires national policies, strategies, regulations and legal
frameworks that cater to both the informal and formal seed systems and recognize their generally
complementary roles.
Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events,
which will trigger crises that threaten the immediate food security of large populations and possibly
spark famines. These events will also affect farmers’ ability to obtain quality seeds and planting
materials, which will jeopardize the success of subsequent cropping seasons. A seed security
assessment is a way to determine the availability of seeds, their accessibility to farmers, and their
quality and their compatibility with farmers’ varietal preferences and production systems. It is a
means for identifying the most suitable responses to the lack of seeds without hindering the
development of the seed sector. Seed security assessments consider formal and informal sources of
seeds and the functioning of the entire value chain to identify the main constraints farmers face in
obtaining the seeds they need. The outcomes of the assessments guide the next course of action,
which may be immediate interventions, such as the direct distribution of seeds to farmers, support
to seed markets, cash transfers, or longer-term developmental activities. Two useful tools for
ensuring that farmers have access to quality seeds after a crisis are the Seeds in emergencies: a
technical handbook and the Practitioner's Guide for Seed Security Assessments.
Source: Authors
Biodiversity management
Growing “a genetically diverse portfolio of improved crop varieties, suited to a range of agro-ecosystems and
farming practices, and resilient to climate change” is a validated means for enhancing the resilience of production
systems (FAO, 2011). When confronting abiotic changes (e.g. shifting rainfall and temperature patterns) and biotic
disturbances (e.g. pest infestations), the level of existing biodiversity (both functionalxii and responsexiii diversity)
can make the difference between a stressed agricultural ecosystem and a resilient one. Biodiversity management is
dealt with in module B8.
All major grain crops, including maize, wheat, rice, and most other crops are often grown in monoculture
systemsxiv that require significant investments in pesticides and herbicides. In nature, one species (and especially
not one crop variety) is never found alone in one field. When agricultural ecosystems are simplified, whole
functional groups of species are removed, and their capacity to respond to changes and provide ecosystem services
is compromised (Folke, 2006). In a cropping system, greater diversity of crops and other living organisms is an
important criterion for ensuring farm resilience, economic stability and profitability. This diversity is especially
important in a climate-smart approach because it contributes to pest and disease management, which has direct
effect on yields and revenues and can be very costly and labour-intensive if external inputs need to be used.
Enhancing on-farm biodiversityxv and integrating production (see module B5) also provides other environmental
services, including pollination, that are essential to farmers and society as a whole. The level of biodiversity in the
agricultural ecosystem influences the interactions of plant, animal, microbial species (above and below ground) at
the landscape level. A landscape approach to climate-smart agriculture is addressed in module A3. At the territorial
level, increasing the sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity in terms of both production and consumption in
landscapes and diets offers great potential to shape rural and urban (city-region) food systems in ways that can
safeguard the future food and nutrition security of expanding urban populations. Territorially-based climate-smart
food systems are addressed in module B10.
The diversification of crop systems can take many forms, involving different crop species and/or varieties (intra-
and/or inter-specific diversification), different spatial scales (landscape, farm, individual fields and/or crop) and
different time frames.
Integrating multipurpose crop varieties, whose biomass can be used in a range of combinations for food, biofuel,
feed, and/or fiber, can improve the functional and productive management on the farm and be climate-smart.
Examples of multifunctional crops include living fences that can provide food and feed and serve as windbreaks.
The use of perennial species as multipurpose crops is discussed in chapter B1-3.1.
In individual fields, there are several ways in which the genetic diversity of crops can be enhanced. These practices
all require that the dates and rates of seeding be tested locally to ascertain the most suitable combinations of crops,
crop density and sequencing matter (Chapter B1-4.1). This is needed to ensure the crops selected are appropriate
for the specific conditions of each farm system and do not compete for nutrients, water and light. These options
Different crop varieties of the same species can be grown in mixtures as one crop (varietal mixtures). For
example, growing a mix of varieties with the same growing length that can be planted and harvested at the
same time, but that respond differently to different water regimes, is a strategy to cope with the
unpredictable onset of the rainy season and increase the stability of yields.
Different crop species can be grown:
simultaneously in the same surface area as mixtures or planting a second crop in the first crop (relay
simultaneously in different spaces (intercropping); or
planting a different crop after the previous crop has been harvested (crop rotations).
Livestock and aquaculture can be integrated into crop systems. This subject is dealt with in module B5.
Climate change will affect the spread and establishment of a wide range of insect pests, diseases and weeds. This
phenomenon will be in large part a consequence of changes in the distribution and health of naturally occurring
host plants and crops, natural enemies, and the adaptive changes in farm management (see chapter B1-1.2). With
the increasing globalization of the trade and exchange of germplasm, these changes will provide new challenges for
pest management.
Integrated pest management is an ecosystem approach to crop production and protection. It is based on the careful
consideration of all available pest management techniques. Integrated pest management involves the use of
appropriate measures to discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions
to levels that are economically justified; reduce or minimize risks to human health and the environment; and disrupt
as little as possible the agricultural ecosystem. The ability to make good decisions in the field is crucial for
effective integrated pest management. The principles of FAO Integrated Pest Management approach include
growing healthy crops; understanding ecological processes in the fields and encouraging natural pest management
mechanisms that maintain ecological balances among populations of pests and their natural enemies (predators,
parasitoids, antagonists); observing fields regularly; and building farmers' capacity and understanding of ecological
needs so that they are empowered to take the best pest management decisions in their own fields. Chapter B1-2 on
biodiversity management covers the role that diversified crop systems can play in enhancing the resilience of
cropping systems and providing ecological insurance against crop failures. Chapter B1-3 on sustainable soil and
land management addresses the links between soil management, integrated pest management and the impacts of
climate change. In tilled soils, for example, when the soil surface remains exposed for parts of the season (e.g.
between the harvest of one crop and the establishment of the next) and in specific spaces (e.g. between rows or
beds until the crop has closed canopy), empty ecological niches are formed where the soil is unoccupied and
moisture and nutrients are not utilized. In areas where humidity is guaranteed throughout the year, this is the ideal
environment for annual weeds to proliferate. Controlling them requires energy, costly tillage, pulling, mowing
and/or herbicides. In environments where the primary productivity is low, the exposed soil lead to losses in soil
organic matter and biodiversity, increased compaction and greater erosion rates. Crops growing in these soils are
less resilient and climate change affects them more (Chapter B1-1.2).
Integrated pest management is valid in a variety of different and evolving farming conditions. Independently of
how climate change will affect agricultural ecosystems, farmers who understand integrated pest management
principles will be better equipped to cope with the effects of climate change and develop sound and location-
specific adaptation strategies (Allara et al., 2012). This is why, on farms and in farming communities, FAO
integrated pest management programmes are often implemented through Farmer Field Schools, which facilitate
learning by doing and experimentation of different management options by farmers (see module C2). Specific
details on the control of the parasitic weed Striga is presented in Box B1.2.
As the climate changes, national regulatory, policy and institutional frameworks must be strengthened to enable the
adoption of integrated pest management practices on farms and in rural communities. In particular, frameworks
should support farmer training in integrated pest management; maintain the surveillance systems, including those
used in community groups, that are used to detect and report changes in the behaviours of pests and natural
enemies; develop appropriate quarantine procedures to prevent the entry and establishment of plant pests; and
formulate appropriate management strategies to respond to potential outbreaks. Other important elements of any
strategy to promote a shift to resilient crop production systems include phytosanitary frameworks and measures that
can facilitate the creation of markets for sustainable products; and the transparent collaboration among policy
makers, industries and farmers on the national registration processes for the most appropriate pesticides to a
climate-smart approach (FAO & INRA, 2016).
Regionally and internationally, common regulations and strategic frameworks (e.g. the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC) and the FAO International code of conduct on Pesticide Management to limit the
impact of invasive species and the unregulated use of chemical pesticides. However, pest management systems
would benefit from more coordinated actions to prevent crises associated with transboundary pests, major pest
outbreaks and climate change. Greater coordination in this area can be achieved by building new partnerships and
alliances that can connect stakeholders, including farmers, at local, national and regional levels, and enable them to
address common challenges (Allara et al., 2012).
The enabling environment for climate-smart crop production and protection is addressed in Chapter B1-4.
Further information on integrated pest management can be found at the following web sites: FAO Plant Production
and Protection Division: Integrated Pest Management; Vegetable Integrated Pest Management Asia
programme; Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme in Africa.
Box B1.2 The influence of climate change on Striga distribution and management
The genus Striga is a member of the family Orobanchaceae, which includes several other parasitic plants.
Striga species are root parasitic weeds that siphons of water and nutrients from their hosts and
substantially reduce their growth. Striga, which is native to the grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa, includes
about 40 species with several different strains and some new variants (Fischer, et al., 2011). The
physiological requirements of Striga have checked its spread outside the tropics, but climate change
projections suggest that some species may spread, with some even reaching temperate areas (Mohamed et
al., 2007; Cotter et al., 2012).
While the majority of Striga species have remained in the wild grassland ecosystems in which they
evolved, a few have adapted to agricultural ecosystems and have become weeds (FAO, 2003). They
mostly affect cereal crops including sorghum, millets, maize and upland rice. Striga gesnerioides is a
parasite of dicotyledons such as cow pea (Vigna unguiculata), which is a major source of plant protein in
sub-Saharan Africa. The most economically important parasitic weeds affecting production of cereals are
Striga hermonthica, across much of northern tropical Africa, and Striga asiatica in central and southern
Africa and across Asia and isolated regions of Australia. These species also harm sugarcane production.
On average, Striga species infest as much as 40 million hectares of farmland in sub-Saharan Africa, can
cause yield losses of up to 100 percent (IAASTD, 2009) and an average reduction in productivity of 12 to
25 percent. In Africa, it affects the livelihoods of about 300 million people (FAO, 2003). Projections from
the last comprehensive study (Sauerborn, 1991) estimate annual cereal losses to Striga at about 4.1 million
metric tonnes at a cost of USD 12.8 billion (Ejeta, 2007).
Farmers use a variety of Striga control methods (organic manure, crop rotation, fallow), but the results can
often be unsatisfactory. In fact, the problem continues to worsen due to the high fecundity of the parasite
and mismanagement that have favoured the build-up of prohibitively large Striga populations (Babiker,
2007). The monoculture of cereals, in which farmers use continuous cropping and follow poor agronomic
practices, such as a lack of crop rotations, are conducive for the build up of Striga populations. This is
particularly true in agricultural ecosystems where high human population densities put strong pressures on
arable land (Eplee, 1992).
The solution to Striga infestation resides in breaking its life cycle. Effective Striga management options
should be built around three pillars: (i) preventing the production of new Striga seeds; (ii) decreasing the
soil seed bank of Striga; and (iii) improving soil fertility.
Striga management projects that take into account those three pillars have been implemented in Benin,
Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Senegal to compare different management methods to alleviate the
problem (FAO, 2008b). Rotation with non-host crops, particularly legumes (e.g mucuna) substantially
reduces Striga infestation and improves soil fertility.
Where water is a limiting factor, improving water management can be achieved through measures that conserve
soil and water; and/or with deficit irrigation that can maximize crop yields per volume of water applied; and/or
more efficient irrigation technologies that can reduce unproductive evaporation losses. Water management for
climate-smart agriculture is dealt with in greater detail in module B6.
Achieving greater efficiency in irrigation often involves additional energy costs (see module B9). For this reason,
the expansion of irrigation needs to be accompanied by appropriate energy technologies (e.g. solar powered
Strategies for changing agricultural water management and governance must be done by integrating a water
balance analysis into decision-making processes. Water balance assessments, both at field level and at the
catchment level, are necessary to understand the repercussions that changes in water use for agriculture will have
on the hydrological cycle. For example, in upstream areas, the introduction of rainwater harvesting techniques on a
large scale may affect ground water recharge rates and return flows and cause adverse effects for downstream water
Sustainable soil and land management are discussed in detail in module B7, and are also addressed in module A3
on integrated landscape management.
At the landscape level, reducing land-use change by carefully limiting the need to expand cropland and grazing
land can reduce emissions and increase the capacity of the soil to store carbon.
At the field level, increasing productivity allows to grow more from the land already under production. This
eliminates the need to open new land for agriculture and helps reduce the emissions associated with agricultural
expansion. In this chapter, the focus is on agronomic management for increasing crop productivity and improving
the efficiency in the use of resources as a way of addressing climate change. The most cost-effective management
strategies for sustainable intensification of crop production involve achieving a balanced cycling of nutrients
through the production system and protecting the soil on the field. Nutrient cycling refers to the movement and
exchange of organic and inorganic matter into the production of crops and it is dealt with in Box B7.3.
Soil protection can be achieved by practicing direct seeding in combination with the sustainable management of
crop residues and within a broader framework of integrated soil fertility management. Box B1.3 provides a useful
reference to optimize the management of crop residues and the decisions that influence their composition (i.e. the
types of crop grown in rotation) and their decomposition (i.e. the conservation on the soil surface as opposed to its
incorporation into the soil).
Box B1.3 Crop residue management for soil carbon conservation and sequestration
Carbon accumulates in the soil when the nitrogen input (i.e. from nitrogen fixation, organic matter
restitutions or fertilizers) is higher than the nitrogen exported with harvested produce and lost through
leaching or emissions in gaseous forms (Corsi et al., 2012). This box summarizes the crop management
practices that regulate the composition of the residues accumulating on the soil surface, and the potential
to augment soil carbon stocks.
Effective crop rotations for carbon accumulation maintain a positive nitrogen balance. Crop
residues with an average carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in range of 25 to 30 can be achieved by rotating
between crops high in carbon and crops high in nitrogen. This allows the carbon to accumulate in
the soil and enables the nitrogen in the decaying surface residues to be released slowly to the next
crop. If the amount of nitrogen in the crop residues is too low, microorganisms use the mineral
nitrogen existing in the soil (nitrogen immobilization), which reduces the amount of nitrogen
available to the growing crop until (weeks) the carbon in the crop residues starts to deplete (Gál et
al., 2007).
Increasing the complexity of the crop rotations and integrating legume crops supports carbon
sequestration. Active roots produce exudates and, notably in the case of legumes, favorable
mycorrhizalxvi associations. The decomposition of old rooting systems adds organic matter at
greater depths. Deep rooting systems are ideal for taking carbon deep into the soil, where it is less
susceptible to oxidation. In agricultural ecosystems, about 80 percent of biological nitrogen fixation
is achieved through the symbiotic association between legumes and the soil bacteria Rhizobia.
Farmers have some scope to influence these natural processes by selecting legume species that are
particularly effective at fixing nitrogen; increasing the proportion of legume and grass seed in
forage mixtures; inoculating the legumes with bacteria (e.g. Rhizobia); improving crop nutrition,
especially nitrogen and phosphorous; managing diseases and pests; choosing the best planting time,
cropping sequence and cropping intensity; and managing the defoliation frequency of forage
Keeping the soil covered with a layer of evenly distributed crop residues with an average carbon-
to-nitrogen ratio in the 25-30 range after harvest produces a positive residual fertilizer effect on the
subsequent crops. The removal of crop residues (e.g. burning, black fallows) leaves only the crop's
root biomass to be incorporated into the soil organic matter pool, which causes the accumulation of
soil organic carbon to decline. For the same reasons, grain legumes should be harvested by cutting
the plants; they should not be pulled up and uprooted.
Mixing crop residues with soil (e.g. by disking or chiselling) may cause or accelerate the
immobilization of nutrients in the soil and make them unavailable for the subsequent crop during
the early part of the growing season. Crop residues mechanically incorporated into the soil
decompose more quickly than those left on the soil surface, and nitrogen immobilization can occur
very early in the season. Incorporating crop residues rich in readily decomposable carbon, such as
residues with low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio or liquid manure, generally induces a priming effect on
soil organic matter and increases carbon dioxide emissions. In contrast, when crop residues are not
mixed into the soil, their composition does not affect the decay of the stable soil organic matter
already present in the soil (Kuzyakov et al., 2000; Fontaine et al., 2004; Sisti et al., 2004; Fontaine,
Using best management practices for nitrogen fertilization minimizes residual soil nitrate, which
reduces nitrous oxide emissions. Best management practices for nitrogen fertilization include
integrated nutrient management, and targeted applications of the precise amount of mineral
fertilizer required.
Using controlled traffic and growing crops that produce large amounts of root biomass can keep the
soil from becoming compacted and improve drainage. This can help farmers avoid anaerobic soil
conditions, which can increase nitrous oxide emissions and create a generally unfavorable
environment for plant growth.
Source: Authors
Conservation agriculturexv is an approach that combines limiting soil disturbance to a minimum, maintaining soil
cover and diversifying crop production. Although developed to reduce soil erosion and restore degraded soils,
conservation agriculture provides a strategic entry point for climate change adaptation. Conservation agriculture
seeks to reproduce the most stable soil ecosystem attainable in each agricultural ecosystem in order to reduce
producers' reliance on external inputs for plant nutrition and pest management. Keeping the soil covered reduces
moisture loss, stabilizes soil temperature, reduces erosion by water and wind, restores soil carbon through the
decomposition of crop residues, and provides food for beneficial soil organisms. Rotating and diversifying crops
reduces crop pests and diseases and replenishes soil nutrients. Avoiding mechanical soil tillage increases the
populations of earthworms, millipedes, mites and other animals living in the soil. This microfauna takes over the
task of tillage and builds soil porosity and improves soils structure. Conservation agriculture incorporates organic
matter from the soil surface. The excrement from soil organisms provides stable soil aggregates and the vertical
channels created by worms drain excess water. The organic matter incorporated by soil microfauna into the soil
improves soil structure and water storage capacity, which in turn helps plants to survive longer during periods of
drought. Because untilled soil can act as carbon sink by sequestering and storing carbon, conservation agriculture
has also been recognized for its ability to mitigate climate change. Not tilling the soil also reduces the number of
farm operations required for crop production, which lowers fuel consumption (Lal, 2003). The potential of
conservation agriculture to bring about significant energy and fuel savings is one of the reasons why it has become
a more attractive option to farmers in times of high energy costs (Doets et al., 2000). In 2013, conservation
agriculture was practiced on around 157 million hectares worldwide. For more information, visit the FAO web
pages on conservation agriculture and sustainable agricultural mechanization. The short video produced by World
Bank provides information on the links among soil degradation, climate change and conservation agriculture.
Minimum mechanical soil disturbance is a long-term management approach to increasing the amount of carbon
stored in the soil. However, the accumulation of soil organic carbon is a reversible process, and any short-term
disturbances, such as the periodic tillage of land otherwise under no-tillage, will not bring about significant
increases in soil organic carbon (Jarecki and Lal, 2003; Al-Kaisi et al., 2008). Although the benefits and reduce
risks and costs in the future gained from improving soil health and increasing soil organic carbon accrue slowly
over decades, taking action can also bring immediate financial dividends, help maintain crop productivity. When
soil rebuilds, it grows and stores more oil organic matter and water, thus improving ecosystem functions and
services (e.g. the control of rainfall runoff and soil erosion) that are critical for climate change adaptation and
Sustainable mechanization
The availability of appropriate machinery to carry out sustainable crop management practices increases
productivity per unit of land. It also increases efficiency in the various production and processing operations and in
the production, extraction and transport of agricultural inputs, including coal and oil. Specific examples of the
appropriate use of farm machinery in crop production are listed.
Using smaller tractors, making fewer passes across the field and reducing working hours, when combined
with conservation agriculture, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, minimize soil disturbance, and curtail soil
erosion and degradation that are common in tillage-based crop systems.
Tractor-operated tillage is the single most energy-consuming operation in crop production. Operating a
plough is the main reason many farmers require high horse power, diesel-fueled tractors. Conservation
agriculture is flexible enough to accommodate the socio-economic resources of smallholder farmers as well
as large-scale farming operations. Minimum soil disturbance can be achieved through digging sticks, jab
planters, or mechanized direct seeders specifically developed to drill the seed through a vegetative layer.
With the introduction of conservation agriculture, the machinery park of mechanized farms changes to
equipment that requires less pulling power than a plough does. This means that smaller tractors, including
two-wheel tractors, can be used; less fuel is consumed; work time is reduced; and the depreciation rates of
equipment is slower. All of this leads to emission reductions from the various farm operations and from
machinery manufacturing (Lal, 2016).
The timely availability of agricultural equipment, such as drills, harvesters and threshers, permits producers
to plant, harvest and process crops in an efficient manner. This increases yields and reduces post-harvest
losses. Case study B1.1 presents the case of smallholder conservation agriculture mechanization scheme in
Zambia to increase smallholder farmers’ access to sustainable mechanization technologies for illustrative
Precision farming equipment along with controlled release and deep placement technologies, make it
possible to accurately match production inputs with plant needs. This improves efficiency in the use of
inputs and reduces direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. In the future, larger orchards and
plantations will be increasingly monitored by drones. Cameras with colour filters are able to reveal spots that
require specific interventions.
Agricultural machinery powered with renewable energy, such as wind and solar chargeable accumulators
can lower producers' dependence on expensive fossil fuels. These renewable energy sources emit less
greenhouse gases and reduce the need to engage in the complex logistics and construction of the heavy
infrastructure required to supply fossil fuels to rural areas. However, examples of farm machinery powered
by renewable energy are rare. They are often at piloting stage, but they have great potential to play a
significant role in climate-smart mechanized systems.
Investments in mechanization enable farmers to expand the range of their activities and diversify their livelihoods
in ways that can reduce their vulnerability to climate change. Sustainable mechanization can create opportunities to
provide hired services for field operations, improve transportation and agro-processing and increase the
possibilities for adding value to farm production. In a long-term approach, the initial investment in mechanization
is compensated in the following years by higher returns on farming and labour; surplus production or increases in
the amount of land under production; and greater efficiency in the use of resources and the associated savings.
Developing simple and robust scientific tools that can guide the decision-making of farmers on a seasonal and
long-term basis is essential for planning strategies to address climate change.
In terms of risk management, some of the most relevant technologies relate to weather forecasting and early
warning systems. The improved timing and reliability of seasonal forecasts and hydrological monitoring enables
farmers to make better use of climate information, take pre-emptive actions and minimize the impact of extreme
events (Faurès et al., 2010; Gommes et al., 2010). Risk reduction strategies and technologies are addresses
extensively in module C5.
In modern commercial horticulture production systems, weather stations often monitor irrigation in accordance
with the water requirements of crops. In this way, the irrigation is automatically adjusted to changes in climate.
Information and communications technologies can also support the exchange of information that is needed to
respond adequately to climate change (see module C1).
Table B1.1. Climate-smart practices and technologies to increase the resilience of specific
crop systems against disturbances brought about by climate change and their relation to
climate change adaptation (CCA) and/or for climate change mitigation (CCM).
Using quality seeds and planting materials, including rootstock and scion combinations, of well-
adapted varieties is good agricultural practice and is climate-smart.
Choosing crop species and varieties adapted to the prevalent or expected impacts of climate
change for the given region and farming system is the most economical and environmentally
friendly means of safeguarding crops against abiotic and/or biotic stresses, such as climate-
All systems driven extreme weather events and upsurges in pests and diseases. Useful traits include time to
ripening, early and late maturity, blooming, and resistance to pests and diseases.
Newly introduced crops and/or their varieties must be relevant to farmers, and farmers must
know how best to grow them.
To identify horticultural cultivars and cropping practices adapted to local requirements and
environmental conditions, FAO has developed and maintains the HORTIVAR database.
Promoting intra- and inter-specific diversity over space (e.g. intercropping, using crop variety
mixtures) and/or time (e.g. crop rotations) increases the stability of crop yields.
Systems including * (*)
Climatic Crop associations and rotations designed for specific adaptation goals use cover crops to partially
variability or entirely replace mineral fertilizer inputs, and/or mechanical soil tillage. In climate-smart
annual crops
systems, the main function of cover crops is not necessarily seed production. Cover crops need to
be terminated when appropriate to achieve the agronomic goal they are designed for.
When including cover crops in the crop rotation, farmers must 'adjust' the cover crops to fit into
the already-existing cropping system, rather than accommodating the farming system to the
cover crops.
Growing a single crop, using a mixture of appropriately chosen genotypes of a given species,
such as a mixture of high-yielding hybrid varieties and traditional varieties, increases the
producer's resilience in the face of climate unpredictability.
perennial crops
Growing annual crops (e.g. leguminous crops) in the rows between perennial crops requires the
accurate selection of species to avoid competition for water in the most vulnerable phenological
The proper interpretation of reliable seasonal forecasts allows farmers to:
Systems including
Select crop varieties and to adapt crop calendars to new temperatures and rainfall patterns.
CLIMATE annual crops
CHANGE Plan the timing of husbandry operations, such as irrigation; pruning to avoid damage from heat
IMPACTS perennial crops or moisture; fruit thinning to balance excessively high rates of fruit set and reduce competition
for developing fruit in case of excessive flowering; protecting early bloom from late frosts
Unpredictable through short-term interventions.
onset of rainfall Implementing soil and water conservation techniques or in situ water conservation (e.g. soil
All systems * *
mulching, rainwater harvesting) enhances crop productivity.
Sustainable agricultural mechanization allows for timely seeding and harvesting, greater
efficiency in the use of production inputs and less waste of resources, which increases * *
Systems including
To ensure timely seeding, reduce greenhouse emissions and deliver gains in energy efficiency,
annual crops
the use of no-tillage must be supported by crop rotations that are intensive (in space) and
diversified (in time).
Inducing flower by spraying or by irrigation is a short-term intervention to break dormancy when
Systems including *
natural climate phenomena for breaking dormancy are absent.
perennial crops
alterations Shading and/or painting trunks decrease the effect of excessive sun and heat. *
Systems including
Misting helps control both freezing temperatures and heat.
perennial crops
This chapter identifies four major production systems that require distinct sets of management practices. They are:
annual crop systems (Chapter B1-3.1); horticultural systems, orchards and plantations (Chapter B1-3.2); integrated
production systems (Chapter B1-3.3); natural and anthropogenic grasslands (Chapter B1-3.4). The management
practices identified for each production system are relevant for both climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Many annual crop production systems are net emitters of carbon to the atmosphere due to the accelerated
mineralization of soil organic carbon and soil erosion, inefficient nitrogen management and the heavy use of fossil
Climate-smart management measures should be oriented towards increasing soil carbon stocks that improve soil
and water productivity and reduce the release of greenhouse gases. Due to its specific agronomic management
practices and its importance for global food security, paddy rice is addressed in a separate sub-chapter. For all other
annual crop systems, the climate-smart intensification of the production can be achieved through the management
practices described in Chapter B1-2 and in Box B1.3, as well as through the integration of perennial species on
farms. The use of perennial species as a climate-smart agricultural practice does not require a complete conversion
from annual to perennial crop production systems, and particularly not to landscapes dominated by perennial crops.
It involves progressively integrating, as is locally appropriate, perennial species on farms (e.g. multifunctional
edible living fences that can be used for feed or food, or windbreaks) and/or in the crop system, as appropriate).
There are many possible variations in the progression towards perennial crop systems that span from relatively
simple intercropping systems to fully integrated production systems, which are considered in module B5, (e.g.
multistoreyed systems with shade crops growing below a productive canopy), to orchard and plantation crops,
which are addressed in this module in Chapter B1-3.2.
Perennial plantsxviii are those that complete their life cycle in more than two growing seasons. Compared to annual
cropsxiv, perennial crops require less labour to maintain, and do not need to be replanted on a seasonal base.
However, they usually require more up-front investments and costs, and the benefits in terms of climate change
mitigation can take a considerable amount of time to materialize.
Perennial woody crops are especially important in climate-smart crop production because, in addition to food, they
also provide fuel (e.g. fuelwood from coppiced nitrogen-fixing tree species), timber, materials for construction and
craft making, fibers, herbicides and medicines. Introducing perennial woody food crops on the farm and/or in the
crop system delivers several co-benefits for climate change adaptation and mitigation. These co-benefits, which are
felt both on the farm and throughout the agricultural landscape, include the diversification of production and
consequent risks; an increase in the number of harvests per season; extra sources of biomass; enhanced soil
fertility; the prevention and reduction of soil erosion; the restoration of degraded land as some species are adapted
to shade conditions or land ill suited for annual crops; the stabilization of slopes; and carbon sequestration. For
example, crop systems in which Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) is grown as a perennial crop with soybean and maize
have a smothering effect on weeds and provide two harvests per season: pigeon pea and soybean; and maize and
pigeon pea. Instead of growing maize alone, or maize in rotation with soybean, the pigeon pea is grown with
soybean. Once these legumes are harvested, the pigeon pea is allowed to regrow; then maize is planted into the
pigeon pea.
Herbaceous perennial crops have longer growing seasons and more extensive root systems than annual crops.
Because of this, they are better able to compete against weeds, capture nutrients, access soil moisture and build up
soil organic matter. As they do not have to be replanted each year, farmers save time, labour, money on fuel, and
can also reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Annual crop production systems offer more flexibility to shift to
locally adapted crops each year. However, this potential adaptation advantage is only realized when seeding
operations can be done in a timely manner.
Some perennial herbaceous crops (e.g. alfalfa) are widely used by farmers for animal feed. Efforts to develop
perennial herbaceous staple crops have been made in different countries (e.g. perennial wheat in Australia and
perennial rice in China). However, despite the great promise of perennial herbaceous grain staples as a strategy for
addressing food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation and environmental conservation, none of these
crops has received the same amount of attention by breeders as annual staples. As discussed in Chapter B1-4.1,
more research is needed to develop new crop species capable of replacing annuals and scale up this technology
(Batello et al., 2013). The cultivars available are generally not very productive, but because perennial grains regrow
after seed harvest, livestock can be integrated into the system. Thanks to their deep rooting system they stabilize the
soil and can be used in more marginal lands to increase the diversity on the farm. This leads to more diversified
production and makes the farming system more flexible.
Rice systems
More than 90 percent of the world’s rice is produced in flooded fields. Grown in continuously flooded paddies, rice
receives two to three times more water than other irrigated cereals, even though they have a similar transpiration
rate. As a result, to produce 1 kg of paddy rice, often as much as 2 500 litres of water is used, which translates to a
water productivity of 0.4 kg per cubic metre (Bouman et al., 2007). Flooded rice fields are one of the main sources
of methane emissions. Rice paddies emit methane totalling approximately 625 million tonnes of carbon dioxide
equivalent annually (FAO, 2016b). In continuously submerged fields, drainage at the end of the growing season
releases the methane formed by the anaerobic decomposition of the organic matter (Chapter B1-1.3). Nitrogen is
also released, mainly through ammonia volatilization (Xu et al. 2012).
Farmers have a number of options for saving water in irrigated paddy/lowland rice production. These options
include no-tillage in combination with mulching to provide soil cover; raised beds; land levelling; alternate wetting
and drying irrigation; and aerobic rice (Bouman et al., 2007; Thakur et al., 2011).
The aerobic rice production system uses especially developed aerobic rice varieties that are grown in well drained,
non-puddled (dryland preparation) and non-saturated soils. Because aerobic rice needs less water at the field level
than conventional lowland rice, the system is targeted at relatively water-short irrigated or rainfed lowland
environments. Irrigation can be applied through flash flooding, furrow irrigation (with the rice growing on raised
beds) or sprinklers. Weed control is particularly important in this system, as the number of weed species is higher
and their growth is faster. Soil-borne pests and diseases, such as nematodes, root aphids, and fungi are more
common in aerobic rice than in flooded rice, especially in the tropics. For this reason, it is recommended to grow
aerobic rice in rotation with suitable upland crops. Site-specific nutrient management can be used to determine the
optimal management of fertilizers. With appropriate management, aerobic rice production systems aim for yields of
at least 4 to 6 tonnes per hectare. See the International Rice Research Institute's web page on aerobic rice for more
Non-continuous water regimes, like alternate wetting and drying, reduce water demand and allow water to be
allocated for other uses. This is particularly beneficial in major irrigated rice areas where the water supply is
forecast to be insufficient to meet demand. This technique also reduces fuel for pumping water, which reduces
farmers’ expenses. Intermittent water applications also temporarily remove the anaerobic conditions. This results in
a significant reduction (above 16 percent) of overall methane emissions during the growing season compared with
continuous flooding. It should be noted however that nitrous oxide emissions may increase. The recurring shift
between aerobic and anaerobic conditions enhances nitrification, and if the nitrates are not taken up by the plants,
nitrogen may be released into the atmosphere through denitrification (the biological reduction of nitrates to
nitrogen gas by bacteria (Chapter B1-1.3). In alternate the alternate wetting and drying technique, irrigation water
is applied when the rice plant becomes established. The fields are kept flooded and the soils are saturated for two
weeks to discourage the growth of weeds. The flooding is then interrupted, and the fields are allowed to dry out
until the water level falls to 15 cm below the soil surface. During flowering, a layer of water 3 to 5 cm deep is
maintained. During grain filling, the alternate flooding and drying scheme is repeated until two to three weeks
before harvest. Alternate wetting and drying can be applied with different rice production methods. It can be used
instead of continuous flooding as well as under System of Rice Intensification (Box B1.4)
The System of Rice Intensification uses alternate wetting and drying in combination with land levelling.
In this system, rice seedlings are transplanted at shallower depths with a wider spacing (25 x 25 cm)
between plants than in flooded systems. This allows for tillers to emerge and develop easily and quickly
and to develop healthy, large and deep root systems that are better able to resist drought, waterlogging and
rainfall variability, all of which are potential impacts of climate change.
This system improves yields higher than those obtained in flooded systems. The rice also matures earlier,
and the land becomes available sooner for the timely planting of the next crop or for the intensification of
the crop rotation. Some examples are available from the FAO Save and Grow Farming Systems Fact
Sheet. However, the System of Rice Intensification is more labour-intensive than flooded systems. Its
success depends on the farming system’s specific characteristics and whether the increased labour
required has a positive or negative effect on the local economy. The economic effects will be determined
by whether the increased demand for labor generates employment for otherwise idle family labour during
the dry season, or whether it translates into production costs that are too high to be sustained. Labour
requirements could be lowered with technical innovations, such as seedling trays that simplify seedling
preparation and transplanting, or replacing transplanting altogether with direct seeding (FAO, 2016a).
Strengthening farmers' decision-making skills through activities in which they can learn from experience
and providing platforms for collaboration between farmers and researchers can help ensure that crop
management practices are adapted to farmers' needs. A study carried out in the Senegal River Valley
assessed the agronomic and socio-economic viability of various management practices, including the
System of Rice Intensification, the farmers' current practices, and adapted practices. The adapted farmer
practices, which were a combination of improved practices designed by farmers and researchers to better
respond to local conditions and needs, obtained the largest yield, reduced the labour needed for weeding,
lowered the need to apply herbicides, and minimized the risk of production losses in the field (Krupnik et
al,. 2012).
The training modules available on Youtube on the System of Rice Intensification in Burundi developed by
IFAD and Cornell University provide a useful knowledge-sharing tool: Seed germination and nursery
preparation; Field preparation and transplanting; Weeding and water management.
Source: Authors
Horticulture production systems involve the growing of fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, condiments and
Orchards and plantations are agricultural systems that are productive for many years and can provide multiple
Horticulture species are particularly rich in diversity. They offer a vast range of cultivars that can naturally perform
well in many locations and accommodate changing climate variables. Along with the proper irrigation and drainage
management, the initial selection of a site that best meets the crops agro-ecological requirements is of utmost
importance in all climate-smart horticultural systems (Table B1.1).
The FAO HORTIVAR database provides a useful reference for field performances of all crop species and varieties
under the prevailing climatic conditions in a given location during the crop cycle. The information on cultivars,
their preferred planting and harvesting times and location is georeferenced, and can be linked to specific climatic
parameters. This information can be extrapolated for use in areas where climate change is expected to create similar
climatic conditions.
Protected cultivation
Protected cultivation, which embraces a broad range of practices, 'protect' the plants against external factors. These
practices are meant to ensure consistent productivity under various and variable, sometimes unpredictable, climate
variables. Protected cultivation can involve very simple practices, such as the use of soil mulch or floating mulch,
as well as highly sophisticated vertical farming systems (Table B1.1). These technologies require different levels of
investment and costs and cannot be equally applied to all crops. The level of technology will largely depend on the
commercial value of the crop and the target market.
The major greenhouse gas emitted from greenhouse production is carbon dioxide, which is released by the burning
of coal, natural gas and oil for heating and by the generation of electricity for cooling and artificial lighting.
Indirect sources of greenhouse gases include the production of the greenhouse materials, such as disposable
Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by increasing productivity per unit of water, fertilizer and energy. In
horticultural systems for vegetable crops, conservation agriculture, in combination with drip irrigation, has the
potential to increase yields, reduce water evaporation from the soil and decrease labour. Energy savings can be
achieved by ensuring greenhouse production is carried out on sites that have been selected based on careful
assessments, and adopting the suitable greenhouse design and covering material. Fortunately, a major proportion of
greenhouses have passive climate control systems based on ventilation and shading, and do not have heating or
cooling systems, which are major sources of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy use can be
monitored by the following values and ratios: kg per square metre of floor area (crop productivity); millijoules per
square metre of floor area; millijoules per kg of product; carbon dioxide emissions per kg of product; and water (in
quantity and value) used for irrigation per kg of product.
The objective of urban and peri-urban horticulture is to improve the availability of fresh horticulture produce in
cities and increase the access of urban populations to this nutritious food, while also creating jobs and improving
livelihoods. As 'proximity' food production systems with short supply chain, urban and peri-urban horticulture can
save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by cutting down on transport, packaging and conservation.
Urban and peri-urban horticulture has emerged as a preferred activity for small-scale producers, who can grow
different horticulture specialty crops within and around cities. Crops are grown either in peri-urban greenbelts,
plots within the cities, home gardens or microgardens.
Microgardens are container-based small-scale production units that can be used to cultivate a wide range of
vegetables, roots, tubers and condiments in small spaces, such as patios, balconies and rooftops. They are adapted
to densely populated urban environments, where space is limited and water scarce. Microgardens are a good
example of producing more with less, delivering higher yields and greater diversity than larger-scale production per
unit of surface area, water used and labour expended. Not only do they require less space, water and labour, they
also use less pesticides and mineral fertilizers and need less transport and packaging to reach consumers. They are
also less affected by soil-borne diseases and produce less food waste.
Urban horticulture is gaining in popularity. It has been acknowledged as a development opportunity by the Milan
Urban Food Policy Pact signed by the mayors from around the world in 2015. In 2014, the microgarden technology
has been awarded the Dubai prize by UN-Habitat as the 'Best Practice' in the urban environment. The city of
Barcelona has also nominated the technology as an environmentally friendly technology.
The productivity of orchards and plantations is strongly determined by the species and cultivars that are grown.
These can be identified by their 'set points', which correspond to values of the climate factors required for optimal
growing, flowering and fruit development. These set points should be considered as the guiding values for site
selection. Adaptation to local conditions can be enhanced by using grafting technology, whereby the rootstock can
bring specific resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. The climate-smart management of orchards and plantations
involves the efficient use of water and energy for husbandry operations, and the transportation and storage of
produce. Climate-smart orchard and plantation crops, once established, require no-tillage and minimal fossil fuel
inputs. On average, they can sequester more carbon in their biomass and in the soil than annual crop production
systems. The amount sequestered depends on the climate, the species grown and their management.
As well as producing nutritious food and sequestering carbon, orchards and plantations stabilize slopes and help
build soils. There are many trees and palms worldwide that produce crops that are rich in carbohydrates (in starchy
fruits, seeds, nuts, pods, tubers), provide fats (in fruits, seeds, nuts), and some proteins (in nuts, beans and leaves).
Research is needed to fully exploit their potential in climate-smart agricultural development.
Rangelands and grazing areas, used by pastoralist, cover 38 percent of the total agricultural land. Most of those
areas are arid, semiarid lands or cold mountains areas where no crops can be grown sustainably.
The world’s soils are considered to store the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon (Amundson, 2001). Carbon
stocks in the soil can be altered when changes are made in the way land is used. Changes in land use and
management are considered particularly important components of any comprehensive strategy to reduce the
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (Thomson et al., 2010; Deng et al., 2013). The root systems
of grasslands can sequester carbon and redistribute it to deeper soil layers (Nepstad et al., 1991). The carbon stored
in a deeper soil profile is likely to be less susceptible to decomposition (Batjes and Sombroek, 1997).
There have been several scientific research studies to assess the role of management practices on soil carbon
balance in various grassland ecosystems. However, grasslands ecosystems are very complex in both plant
composition and soil types. Grasslands should be considered with a holistic approach looking to the complete
ecosystem preserved by pastoral use of land. Those, together with wild species and livestock breeds, contribute to
soil fertility and biodiversity. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach for grassland management. However, the role
of grasslands in sequestering organic carbon can be improved by ensuring that grazing is kept to sustainable levels.
Controlled grazing promotes growth of herbaceous species and reduces grassland degradation. As well as
increasing soil carbon sequestration, improvement in the nutrient status of grassland soils can improve forage yield
and quality. The introduction of deep-rooted grasses and legumes can also play an important role in improving soil
carbon sequestration (Fisher et al., 1994; Batjes and Sombroek, 1997; Schuman et al., 2002; Schuch et al., 2013).
Initiatives designed to achieve sustainable growth in productivity, deliver long-term benefits in terms of improving
the adaptation responses to climate change, and reduce and/or remove greenhouse gas emissions, must be planned
and address the potential constraints producers face in adopting climate-smart crop production practices and
technologies. Autonomous adaptation actionsxx that are not designed for future climate conditions and not informed
by past experience, carry the risk of evolving into maladaptation. For example, pressure to bring marginal land into
production to compensate for declining yields may increase land degradation and endanger the biodiversity of both
wild and domestic species, which may jeopardize future efforts to respond to climate risk. Without consistent
policy signals, autonomous efforts by farmers may have limited success, as the impacts of climate change gradually
become more drastic. Since agriculture is a core private enterprise activity, the costs of the harmful impacts of
climate change will be borne directly by farmers.
Policy responses to mainstream climate change into all agriculture sectors are dealt with in module C3. The
relationship between the policy environment required to support climate-smart agricultural development and a
system-wide approach for capacity enhancement is addressed in module C1. This chapter deals with specific
considerations for policy makers and development practitioners on whether, how and in which crop production
priorities to invest for climate change adaptation and/or mitigation purposes (Chapter B1-4.1).
The transition towards climate-smart crop production is easier to achieve when it is market-driven and fully
integrated into markets. Food markets often function poorly or very locally. Adaptation and mitigation actions also
need to develop local, regional, national and international markets for crops that play functional roles in crop
rotation. Success in this area will depend on innovations in market institutions, improvements in the physical
infrastructure (e.g. roads, irrigation schemes, facilities for bulking, processing and storage, and information and
communication systems) needed to facilitate access to markets, and investments in rural areas.
In addition to infrastructure, seed laws, policies and registration processes related to the release, multiplication,
distribution, quality control and sale of seeds are important for climate-smart crop production. These policies and
regulations, which govern national and, increasingly, regional crop varietal development, establish the vitally
important enabling environment that can ensure farmers have timely access to reasonably priced quality seeds and
planting materials of the most suitable crop varieties. The harmonization of seed regulatory frameworks at the
subregional and regional levels is particularly important for coping with local seed shortages. Harmonization eases
administrative bottlenecks in cross-border seed trade and facilitates seed exchange among countries. At the same
time, the establishment of procedures for the release of regional varieties and crop variety catalogues increases the
options available to farmers (Chapter B1-3).
For climate-smart crop production practices and technologies whose adoption is determined by investments,
decision-makers working on potential policies and incentives must pay careful attention to the overall economic,
social and environmental context. Emphasis should be, for example, on providing financial incentives to enhance
farmers' capacities or increase their access to soft loans to support initial investments in sustainable practices and
technologies. One way to achieve this is to develop financial strategies that can enable farmers, especially
smallholders with limited purchasing power, and streamline them into existing institutions. This can help farmers to
take advantage of measures that are socially and environmentally beneficial but have high upfront costs. At the
same time, incentives that support unsustainable production systems and exacerbate climate change need to be
removed. A major disincentive for farmers to invest in the climate-smart management of productive resources is
uncertainty regarding their rights to land and natural resources. It is particularly difficult for smallholder farmers
without formal land title deeds to obtain credit for activities that can diversify their income. They remain trapped in
a vicious circle of 'lows': poverty, low education levels, limited technical knowledge, limited access to production
inputs, low productivity and quality levels, limited market integration and low value addition. To be effective,
tenure rights need to recognized and granted legitimacy. This requires well functioning institutions for
administering land tenure. These institutions are dealt with in more detail in module C1.
Many climate-smart crop production practices generate co-benefits that require time to manifest themselves.
Because of this, effective risk management strategies need to include social protection mechanisms for the rural
poor, especially for vulnerable groups, such as women and youth. Social protection and decent rural employment
are addressed in module C7.
Prioritizing investments is not always easy because different crops and crop production systems have their
advantages and disadvantages, and the trade-offs that need to be made may be hard to quantify economically and
environmentally. For example, dietary changes are extremely important for climate-smart food system, as some
foods have higher embodied greenhouse gas emissions or require considerably more resources per calorie or
nutrient value to produce than others. Making food systems more carbon-friendly and greener is a priority,
especially at the local level (Hilmi, 2016a, 2016b). In a global food system, in which there is a growing dependency
on international trade, food production and consumption are often spatially disconnected. This makes it difficult to
estimate the proportion of greenhouse gas emissions related to crop production; assess the environmental, social,
economic and health benefits of local food compared to non-local food; and guide the evolution of food systems.
Making decisions in this area requires giving weight to community relationships and producers’ economic benefit
as well as to the potential environmental and health benefits. Even if a representative accounting of all variables
was possible, the current understanding of the composition of a healthy diet still remains a controversial area of
science. Any advice or guideline on consumption patterns would be only based on partial information (Weber et
al., 2008; Fader et al., 2013). Policies and incentives for climate-smart crop production practices related to nutrient
management also require a sound understanding of potential trade-offs. For example, subsidies for fertilizer inputs
may encourage farmers to improve nutrient-deficient soils and decrease yield gaps. However, they may also
discourage the use of recycled materials (e.g. composted residues and organic wastes) due to their associated labour
costs. Such subsidies may also suppress innovations in nutrient cycling methods or technologies that make use of
agricultural by-products (e.g. animal excreta and crop residues) and human waste (e.g. wastewater, sewage
materials and food waste).
Trade-offs may also need to be made regarding mitigation objectives and how to reach them. For example, one
mitigation option countries could pursue is to encourage farmers to phase out the spreading of manure onto the land
in favour of treatment or direct incorporation into the soil. This would reduce emissions of ammonia, which is
considered a secondary greenhouse gas due to its potential contribution to nitrous oxide production when it is
deposited on soils and reenters the soil nitrogen cycle. Ammonia is also a source of atmospheric pollution.
However, while such changes would reduce ammonia emissions, it could also generate methane emissions from the
anaerobic digestion of manure, or nitrous oxide emissions from the denitrification of nitrogen incorporated into the
soil (Olivier et al., 2002).
Recognizing the complexity inherent in developing climate-smart agricultural strategies, this chapter has identified
the major necessary components for the establishment of sustainable and climate-smart crop production systems. A
comprehensive account of the elements for the implementation of a climate-smart agriculture strategy at the
country-level is provided in module C10.
Coping with future challenges related to climate requires more investment in research, specifically action research.
It is essential to build the evidence base for climate-smart interventions and technologies; tailor the strategies that
have proven to be effective to increase their applicability in specific locations; and accelerate the development and
adoption of new promising technologies and practices.
Most research and modelling work on crops is directed to cereals, particularly maize, wheat and rice, and legumes,
such as groundnut and soybean. However, maintaining the health of agricultural ecosystems under different
climatic circumstances will require diversifying crop production and including lesser-known annual and perennial
crops into crop rotations. Expanding the scope of crop research to include alternative edible species would increase
the adaptation options available for farmers (Glover et al., 2010). Developing new varieties of edible plant species
and commercially sustainable perennial grain crops that are resistant to drought, flooding, salinity, pests and
diseases will involve the preservation of multiple varieties, land races, rare breeds and closely related wild relatives
of domesticated species to maintain a genetic bank for use in the selection of novel traits.
Other research priorities in climate-smart crop production include the investigation of methods for adapting
farming practices and technologies to site-specific conditions and needs. The adoption of climate-smart
technologies is not determined simply though straightforward assessments of the fitness and resilience of a single
crop to the specific context. The suitability of any intervention requires integrated scientific investigations to
appraise the constraints that make it difficult for farmers to adopt climate-smart crop production system. It is
necessary to devise, test and validate climate-smart cropping systems (e.g. planting and termination dates, seed rate,
crops sequencing), and farmers must be involved in the identification of obstacles to adoption and the formulation
of strategies to overcome them. However, in many countries, research institutions for crops, soil and water are
hosted in separate entities and have different priorities. This fragmentation of research efforts is a major constraint
for the efficient and integrated management of crops, soil, water and nutrients, and ultimately hinders the transition
to climate-smart agriculture. Promoting and supporting integrated research produces important public goods.
The communication of research outputs must be made more 'policy friendly'. Researchers need to provide clear
'take home message' for policy makers and development practitioners and give them the instruments they require to
prioritize potential policies and strategies. To foster the uptake of research by producers and ensure that research
priorities are shaped by experiences on the ground, an agricultural innovation systems approach is recommended
and is described in Chapter B1-4.2).
Developing and applying locally specific and effective climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies for crop
production requires the strengthening of scientific and technical capacities at many levels, including the individual
and organizational levels, in ways that create an enabling environment for change. Capacity development must be
multidisciplinary and include all groups that have a stake in making crop production climate-smart. Key
stakeholders include national researchers, policy makers, extension agents, farmers and the private sector,
particularly small-and-medium size enterprises. It is not only people new to farming and agriculture-related
businesses that need support in obtaining skills and knowledge. The capacities of policy makers, extension agents,
agricultural entrepreneurs and farmers need to be enhanced and updated on a consistent basis. This demands
strengthening organizational and institutional capacities, such as coordination mechanisms. A system-wide capacity
development approach (discussed in module C1) is recommended because climate-smart crop production is
knowledge-intensive and both highly location-specific and deeply intertwined with global dynamics.
For farmers in particular, gaining and sharing knowledge about changing climatic conditions and the sustained
viability of adapted crop production practices are important when formulating strategies to cope with the limiting
factors affecting their crop system; better allocate the resources they have at their disposal and those they can
mobilize; and make reasoned investments in climate change adaptation and/or mitigation. Understanding the
processes farmers go through when making decisions about adopting new practices and technologies is very
important. This is only possible at the local level and requires a solid knowledge of how farmers manage change. In
this respect, pluralistic and demand-driven extension services play a pivotal role in facilitating practical changes in
climate-smart crop production. These services provide access to and the sharing of good practices and technologies,
and enhance farmers' capacities to implement them. They also help to reduce the perceived, and sometimes real,
risks of failure that a shift to a new system and new ways of doing business carries. For example, Farmer Field
School programmes, which provide local platforms for collaboration among farmers, extension agents and
researchers, can serve to develop locally adapted strategies for climate change adaptation. These programmes often
combine capacity development at the local level with actions linked to the broader policy framework and
governance. In many countries, public extension services have deteriorated. They have been replaced in part by
messages directly sent from various entities (e.g. research institutions, government ministries, farmers organization)
by cell phone, the internet, radio and television. The role of private input suppliers and service providers (e.g.
throughout-grower schemes) has also increased. As a result, many farmers, particular women farmers, do not have
access to any form of extension services. Module C2 addresses extension services in detail. The needs of women
farmers must not be neglected in view of their significant role as food producers in many countries. This subject is
addressed in module C6.
Increasing local capacities to select and evaluate crop varieties is critical for ensuring that locally appropriate
varieties are available to farmers. This requires the creation of platforms (see module C1 on Multi-Stakeholder
Platforms) for community-level, participatory variety breeding and evaluation. FAO has developed a multimodule
toolkit for supporting capacity building along the entire seed value chain, including production, processing and
quality assurance, and marketing by small- and medium-scale enterprises.
The development of capacities of the private sector in manufacturing, providing services and the marketing of
agricultural machinery can also support the adoption of climate-smart crop production practices. In most
developing countries, the lack of availability of locally manufactured agricultural machinery and spare parts, and
the absence of local repair and maintenance services are important obstacles to sustainable mechanizationxxi and
contribute to inefficiencies in crop production.
Climate-smart crop production and food systems can only be successful if they increase the synergies and reduce
trade-offs among the different stakeholders and their different objectives regarding sustainable food production,
ecosystem conservation and livelihoods.
An integrated assessment of resource use efficiency, ecological services and economic feasibility needs to guide the
choices concerning the most appropriate crops and production practices for each specific context and purpose. This
must be done not only to safeguard food security, but to help reduce the concentration of greenhouse gas in the
atmosphere, improve the cycling of nutrients in the soil, maintain an adequate supply of clean water and preserve
the protective functions that healthy and self-maintaining agricultural ecosystems provide. All of this will be crucial
for coping with the increasing changes and variability of climate.
This type of crop production requires that all stakeholders, including farmers, development cooperation
professionals and policy makers, strengthen their ability to make decisions on matters that have typically been
outside their area of expertise. A system-wide capacity development approach is recommended for bringing about a
gradual transition towards climate-smart crop production.
The purpose of this module was to support this process by clarifying the needs and opportunities to help reach
climate-smart objectives in crop production.
Coordinating lead authors: Sandra Corsi (FAO), Wilson Hugo (FAO), Josef Kienzle (FAO), Chikelu Mba
Contributing authors: Wilfried Baudoin (FAO), Teodardo Calles (FAO), Marjon Fredrix (FAO), Gualbert
Gbehounou (FAO), Joseph Mpagalile (FAO), Suzanne Phillips (FAO), Santiago Santos Valle (FAO), Brent
Simpson (FAO), Bruno Telemans (FAO), Debra Turner (FAO).
Reviewers: Olivier Dubois (FAO), Theodor Friedrich (FAO), Martin Hilmi (FAO), Kaisa Karttunen (Think Tank
e2), Amir Kassam (University of Reading), Rattan Lal (Ohio State University), Corina Lefter (FAO), Elisabetta
Tagliati (FAO), Makiko Taguchi (FAO), Feras Ziadat (FAO).
Notes: This module of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook was co-funded by FAO and the German Federal
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the Project “Building the Basis for implementing the Save and
Grow approach – Regional strategies on sustainable and climate resilient intensification of cropping systems” (Save
& Grow Project), implemented by FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP). The module is an update
of Module 7 Climate-smart crop production systems in the Climate-Smart Agriculture Sourcebook (2013) written
by Nadine Azzu (FAO) and Suzanne Redfern (FAO) with contributions from Theodor Friedrich (FAO), Gualbert
Gbehounou (FAO), Amir Kassam (FAO), Chikelu Mba (FAO) and Cornelis VanDuijvendijk (FAO).
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