Answers Week 3
Answers Week 3
Answers Week 3
a) Mummy
1) 6236 excluding Bismill Allah 6349 including it
b) Chee
1) 6236 or 6349
c) Hasan
1) 6,236 excluding Bismillah
2) Differences arising due to different individuals thinking the Quran should be in a specific order which
also led on to then them stating certain ayat’s should be as one longer ayat or shorter one. Reports of
there being 17,000 verses of the Quran sent down. Some say some ayats (I think some even say 2
surahs) are missing now (false from our belief tho)
There are references in Bukhari and those books about verses being deleted as well but again we believe
this to be incorrect
Try to follow along, if you can follow in English it may be more beneficial as you can understand what is
being said
If you struggle to then pick out a verse that has been recited and ponder over it to try to understand it,
not from a “story book reading” approach but life and practical approach - how can this verse help me in
my life or situation at the moment
Do not abandon the Quran and only bring out for festivities, it is a guide that has been sent so try to
refer to it as much as possible. But before you do this you have to try to start building a relationship with
it. Read an ayat a day at first. Try to think on it throughout the day. You will see the Quran can be
reflected on ur life and this is, as I understand it, what it means when scholars say “the Quran will speak
to u”
d) Masumah Mami
1. Majority view is 6, 666 verses in Quean. 6,236 excluding Bismillah.
2. Reason behind difference in number of verses could be due to how the Punctuation was done.
3. Etiquette if reading Quran. Should recite with wuzoo. Read slowly and clearly without rushing.
e) Athif Bhai
For q1 and 2 I’ve seen differences. Myth of 6666 but number is 6236 excluding bismillah and 6348 inc.
But I’ve also seen someone say that Shia have said 6239? Not sure but none of these sources are
necessarily I could say credible
f) Hasnain
The verses in the Glorious Quran are 6349 but other opinions are 6236 this is due to some opinions do
not include Bismillah as a verse.
g) Junu Bhai
Q1. No. Verses 6349 Q2. Some say 6666 where others say 6236 - however 6236 does not include
Bismillah. Could also be that some people did not the beginning or end of the verse. Q3 Etiquettes - its
The word of Allah swt so we should give upmost respect to Quran. Be in Wudhu as it is a good spiritual
start, be in a tahir state and place. Not with feet out or lying in bed as it is a book like no other. Read and
reflect in a humble manner - ultimately these are the words of our creator that we should try to reflect
and act upon.