How To Improve Speaking Ability

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How To Improve Speaking Ability

I. Speaking Ability
A. Definition of speaking
Tarigan (1990:3-4) defines that speaking is a language skill that is
developed in child life, which is produced by listening skill, and at that
period speaking skill is learned.
According to Ladouse (1991) speaking is described as the activity
as the ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report
acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a
sequence of ideas fluently. Furthermore, Tarigan (1990: 8) said that
“Berbicara adalah cara untuk berkomunikasi yang berpengaruh hidup kita
sehari-hari”. It means that speaking as the way of communication
influences our individual life strongly.
From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that
speaking is what we say to what we see, feel and think. When we feel
something, we want someone can hear us. So, in this process we can call it
is an interaction between two sides.

B. Why speaking it’s important

Speaking skills are one of the most important skills we learn, as
they allow us to communicate with others and express our thoughts and
feelings. Speaking skills can be separated into formal and informal
speaking skills, and we use both types of speaking skills in a variety of
contexts throughout life. Informal speaking skills are important for
conversations with friends and family, helping us form emotional
relationships. Formal speech, on the other hand, is necessary for the
workplace, in presentations or for conversations with people you don't
know. Formal language is important because it helps us make a good
impression on others and communicate politely.
Speaking is considered the most important part of learning a
language. In fact, many language learners measure their performance by
how well they can speak. Since the most effective learning of foreign
languages occurs through interaction, it is a skill that can be honed to truly
build an understanding of the language and culture of English-speaking
In these modern days, the whole world has become a global village
and people communicate with each other in the same language, English is
spoken all over the world and has achieved global language status. English
is a language widely used in the fields of scientific research, education,
business, internet, travel and tourism, media and newspapers, software,
medicine, engineering, information and technology, entertainment,
banking and so on. English is the language used mostly for business
correspondence and internet purposes..

C. Benefits improve speaking skills

1. Improve and widen employment opportunities
As the primary language of communication across the globe,
proficiency in English is a highly sought-after skill in the international
workplace and one of the benefits of learning English is therefore that
it significantly boosts your job opportunities.

2. Explore the world with confidence

As the world begins to open up again in 2021, travel and exploring
the world will once again be on many people’s agendas.As well as
countries where English is the main language, such as the UK, United
States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, there are scores of
different countries which also list English as an official language!
These include Malaysia, Singapore, Fiji, Kenya, Hong Kong, India,
Mauritius and the Philippines.
Knowledge of English equips you with the tools to travel and
communicate more effectively in so many parts of the world, which, in
turn, allows to you to explore and travel more confidently and to learn
more about the countries and cultures you visit.

3. Access world-class education systems and establishments

Another reason to study English is the access it can give you to
some of the best education systems and institutes in the world.Many of
the world’s best universities are either situated in the UK and the USA,
or use English as the main language for their courses, and English
skills are therefore key when it comes to applying.
If you aspire to study at an English-speaking university, including
the likes of Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or MIT, then
achieving English proficiency is essential.

4. Increase your cognitive ability ( brain power!)

Learning a second language is proven to be one of the best ways to
keep your brain challenged and active. Studies have shown that the
brain undergoes changes in electrical activity and even structure and
size while learning another language; changes which do not occur
when learning any other type of task or skill.
It is now known that people who speak more than one language
fluently have better memories and are more cognitively creative than
those who don't, and in addition, studies suggest that the onset of
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are diagnosed later for bilinguals
than for monolinguals, meaning that knowledge of a second language
can help us to stay mentally healthy for longer.

5. Start a life in an English-speaking country

Another benefit of learning English is that it can offer you the
chance to move to an English-speaking country. Often, to become a
citizen in an English-speaking country, you must achieve a certain
level of English proficiency.
Speaking and understanding English will also improve your
chances of finding employment, and will help you converse and
communicate successfully with those around you – whether it’s at the
supermarket, the doctors, or with new friends and neighbours.

6. Improve communication skills

When you learn English as a second language, you are also
learning new ways to think and express yourself both verbally and
through the written word.Learning multiple languages can help you
communicate more clearly in any language as you learn more about
how language itself works and how to use it to communicate with
others in all kinds of social, educational and professional settings.

7. Open up a world of entertainment and popular culture

Many of the world’s most iconic film and TV shows have been
produced in the English language, much of it in Hollywood, and
English fluency will offer you the chance to enjoy and appreciate them
in their original form — either with or without subtitles.
The same applies to literature, and with so many world-famous
works produced originally in the English language, you will have
endless options to enjoy. From JK Rowling to Shakespeare, there is
something to suit all tastes.Watching and reading English language
media will also enhance your language skills, in particular your
listening skills and reading skills. Familiarity with this type of world-
famous pop culture will open up endless topics of conversation when
you come to practising your speaking skills too!

8. Improve your confidence

Being able to speak a foreign language is a sought-after and much
admired skill, no matter what your motivation for learning. A final
benefit of learning English, or any other foreign language, therefore, is
the pride and self confidence that comes with knowing your language
skills can help you work and travel in different parts of the world, and
communicate with people from all kinds of cultures and
backgrounds.Self-confidence can take you far in the world of today,
and mastering a new and useful language will certainly help you
achieve it.

II. The disease of learning to speak and the way to handle it

A. Disease of learning to speaking
1) He said we have to memorize a lot of vocabulary, but after
memorization I was confused to string words or compose sentences.
2) I know what people are asking, but somehow this mouth is difficult to
respond to!
3) If just answering a question is easy, but if I have to ask a question
back, it's very difficult.
Almost everyone who learns English must face the three problems above.
B. How to handle disease to speaking
The solution to overcome the problem in speaking is by way of
crazy practice. Not crazy, but we have to practice crazy crazy. Speaking to
yourself in front of a mirror in English, talking to a neighbor's cat,
speaking to a neighbor's cat, speaking to your own street, ask yourself,
answer yourself. That's the key. To speak English fluently we must often
practice it in everyday life.

III. Part of improve speaking ability

A. Learning with watching
1. Watching videos
By following the development of 4.0 (digital era) we can be
helped with technology. To learn it can already be done in several
ways. As we will discuss how to improve speaking skills, namely
by watching videos using the youtube application as a learning
The Youtube app is very accessible. We can improve the
ability to speak through this application by watching video videos
from some expert tutors, not only that we can get knowledge from
various english language learning channels such as English
Now people are not restricted to knowledge. With a
professional tutor or mentor each channel makes us as users
understand what we are watching. Improving speech skills will not
be effective if you just watch but have to practice as well.Learning
with Music
2. Watching movies
Watching movies is a great way for you to improve your
English, especially your listening and speaking skills. Films are not
usually created for English language learners they are made for
native English speakers. Therefore, the language is exactly how
you hear it in real life it is spoken quickly, with native accents and
pronunciation and using many idioms and colloquial expressions.
It is not a good idea to use this as your only method of
learning English; it is much more advisable to study at an English
school. However, I would definitely recommend all English
language students to watch films in English in their spare time for
additional practice that you might not get in a classroom.
Which film should I watch?
Choosing a film to watch that is suitable for your level of
English can be difficult. If your level of English is quite low,
choose a movie that you have already seen or a movie made for
children which uses simpler language. However, if you have a
higher level of English, you can try to challenge yourself and
watch films with more advanced language.
Whatever your level of English is, you might be tempted to
switch on subtitles. If so, I would recommend using English
subtitles so you can read along while you are listening. Of course,
if watching a film in English and reading English subtitles is too
difficult, you should start by watching films with subtitles in your
language (this is meant to be a fun way to learn English after all!).
Don’t be afraid to replay parts of the film that you don’t
understand, or turn subtitles on just for one important scene. If you
have time you can even watch the film (or part of the film) first
with no subtitles, then with English subtitles and if you still don’t
understand fully, you can watch it a final time with subtitles in
your language. This will really help you practice your English
listening skills!
Watching movies in English will help you improve your
English in many ways:
a. Listening skills
You will hear English being used in a very natural way.
Some parts may be spoken too fast for you to understand but it
will be a perfect way for you to get used to hearing native
speakers talk to each other. You will also hear informal English
and slag words and phrases that you often do not find in books
or dictionaries.
b. Speaking skills
Hearing natives speak will also help your speaking skills,
especially your fluency. You will hear how to link your words
together and where to put intonation on certain words and
sentences. Why not watch films with your friends and speak
about them afterwards? Or you could even find movie scripts
online and act out scenes with your friends! You can then play
the scene to check if your pronunciation was correct.
c. Pronunciation
We all know that English pronunciation is extremely
difficult and when you read words it is hard to know how they
should be said. Hearing native English speakers talk to each
other will help you to hear how words are pronounced. If you
are using English subtitles, you will also be able to see how the
words are written.
d. Vocabulary
By watching English movies, you will hear many new
words and phrases, especially idioms and colloquial
expressions. I would suggest keeping a notebook with you and
writing down any new words or phrases you hear and you
would like to remember or you don’t understand. You can look
up the meaning later or ask your English teacher.
e. Put knowledge into practice to improve your English
In your classes you will learn a lot of vocabulary and
grammar but you may not know how to use it in real life.
Watching English films will help you understand how to use all
the knowledge you have learnt in everyday situations.

B. Learning with Music

1. Listen western music
Listening to music in English will definitely enhance your
language comprehension. English music improves your listening
skills and increases your vocabulary. Music even helps your
pronunciation. As you listen to the lyrics, you will be exposed to
new English words.
Listening to English music is an activity that you can do all
day, everyday. The key is to listen to as many English songs as
possible every single day. Don’t forget to sing too! Yes, that’s
right, as you are listening to some songs, try to open your mouth
and sing along. Since you are imitating the sounds, your tongue
will become more accustomed to English sounds, thus improving
your English pronunciation. Go out and try it now! Play English
music in the background while you are doing any activity. Soon
you will notice that you are singing along… in English!

C. Learning with book

There are many different ways that you can use reading books in
English to improve your language skills. However, it is important to find
the books and methods that work best for you. Remember to choose
novels that suit your level of English and personal interests. Reading
should be interesting and fun. If you find it boring or difficult, then change
the book! These 8 tips will help you get started:
1. Find a book that really interests you
There are millions of books out there, and when you start reading
English literature it is important to choose one that you will really
love. is a website that suggests books for you to
read. All you have to do is enter your preferences or keywords! You
can also use to read extracts (or samples) from
current books and then choose which you like best.
2. Make sure the level is right for you
You need to find a book that is not too difficult, but not too easy.
First, try reading 2 or 3 pages. If there are more than 10 new words per
page, then it may be best to choose a simpler book. Reading should not
become a boring ‘dictionary exercise’. If you can understand the
general meaning and just look up a few new words per page, then the
book is probably a good choice for you.
3. Watch the movie
If reading an original novel in English feels a bit scary, try
watching the film first. Many popular books now have film versions.
These will give you a basic understanding of the story before you read
the book itself. Watching movies is great practice too!
4. Try dual language books
Dual language books have the original English text on one page
and the translation into your language on the other. This means that
you can quickly reference your own language if you do not understand
all of the English text. You can buy books of this kind in local shops or
online, but the choice is always limited. Alternatively, you can buy the
same book in English and in your language, and then compare the two.
5. Analyse the language in the book
Always pay attention to how the writer uses words and
constructions in English. Novels use both formal and informal
language and are often filled with everyday English expressions. As
you read, use a pencil to highlight any unfamiliar words and write
them in a notebook. When you are speaking English, try to use the
words and phrases that you have read in recent books. Remember to
check words and phrases from older books as they may sound old-
fashioned today.
6. Learn new vocabulary in context
Original English books will contain words you do not know.
Before you look them up in a dictionary, try to work out what you
think they mean based on the context of the story. In many cases, you
will be able to guess the meaning of the word without having to open
your dictionary. However, when writing down new vocabulary, it is a
good idea to double check.
7. Think about what you have read
When you have finished your book, take a moment to reflect on
what you have read. Were there any new words from the book that you
especially liked? Have you written these down in your notebook? If
you really enjoyed the book, then would you like to try another by the
same writer or perhaps read about the author’s life on Wikipedia? Just
because you have finished one book does not mean you have reached
the end of the road! There is always more to discover…
8. Choose your next book!
When you have finished your first novel, it is time to choose the
next one! If you are feeling confident, you could try to find a more
advanced book. Reading books by the same author (or from the same
genre) can make life easier. Writers often use the same words and
phrases in their books, and this can help you learn vocabulary through

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