Reaffirmed 1996
Reaffirmed 1996
Reaffirmed 1996
IS:11973 - 1986
Indian Standard
Members Representing
ADDITIONAL CHIEF E N o IN E ER Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
Smu R. K. MATHUR ( Alternate)
SHRI R. N. BANSAL Irrigation Works, Punjab, Chandigarh
SHRI S. P. GUPTA ( Alternate )
SH~I MAHAVIR RIDASARIA Ferro Concrete Co ( India ) Pvt Ltd, Indore
SERI S. CIIAKRABARTI Gammon India Limited, Bombay
SHRI D. I. DESAI ( Alternate )
CHIEF ENQINEER ( IP ) AND SPECIAL Irrigation Department, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar
CHIEF ENGINEER ( MEDIUM & MINOR Irrigation Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
IRRJ~.~T~~N )
DIRECTOR ( Alternate )
CHIEF ENUTNEEK. ( SUPA DAM Irrigation Department Government of Karnataka, Mysore
DIRECTOR ( ERDD )-II Central Water Commission, New Delhi
SIIRI A. H. DIVANJI Asia Foundation and Construction Limited, Bombay
SHRI A. N. JANGLE ( Alternate)
KM DJVATIA E. National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited, New Delhi
SIIRI A. C. GOYAL Tata Consulting Engineers, Bangalore
SIIILI B. K. PANT~AKY Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SRRI D. M. Savun ( Alternate )
SRRI M. R. PUNJA Cemindia Limited, Bombay
SIIRI D. J. KETEAR ( Alternate )
RESEARCH OPFICER Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Bombay
SHRI DAM~DAR S.AHOO Government of Orissa, Irrigation and Power Department
SHRI C. SUDIIINDRA Central Soil and Materials Research Station, Ministry of Irrigation,
New Delhi
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( SOIL ) ( Alternate )
SUPERINTENDINU ENQINEER ( BRIDUES Roads Wing, Ministry of Shipping and Transport, New Delhi
SHRI G. RAMAN, Director General, BIS ( Ex-o#cio Member )
Director ( Civ Engg )
Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), BIS
@ Copyright 1987
This publication it protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in
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copyright under the said Act.
IS:11973 -1986
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the emphasized while providing guidelines which would
Indian Standards Institution on 29 August 1986, permit a site engineer to use his discretion without
after the draft finalized by the Foundation and Sub- compromising the overall design requirements.
structures Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council. 0.3 This standard is to be read with:
IS : 4999-1968 Grouting of pervious soils
0.2 The treatment of foundations and abutments
for embankment dams on rock foundations is an art IS : 5050-1968 Code of practice for design,
of applying the knowledge of local geology and construction and maintenance of relief
certain basic principle covering positive cut off wells
extending to bed rock. It would not be practicable
to prepare a rigid set of rules or stipulate standard IS : 6066-1984 Recommendations for pressure
procedures which would require to be enforced grouting of rock foundations in river valley
without leaving any latitude for the exercise of projects (Jirst revision )
discretion ‘by the site engineer. The aim of these IS : 8411-1977 Guidelines for design of under-
recommendations is to summarize well-known and seepage control measures for earth and
proved principles and to describe commonly used rockfill dams
procedures, equipment and techniques in order to
enable an engineer incharge to draft specifications IS : 11293 ( Part 1 )-1985 Guidelines for the
for a specific case. The need for following an ex- design of grout curtains: Part 1 Earth and
perimental approach and learning through trial is rockfill dams
1.1 The scope of this standard is limited to earth
and rockfill dams where the control of seepage is
achieved primarily by a positive cutoff extending to
bed rock so that the core is seated on rock all along
the foundation as well as the flanks and abutments.
The shell or casing zones may however rest on over-
1.2 Treatment of rock foundation for strengthening
and stahilization of slopes is excluded from this
standard. The scope is limited to treatment requi-
red for control of seepage.
2.1 Excessive skewness of the dam axis with respect
to the valley alignment is to be avoided. Diver-
gence of abutment contours with reference to the
axis of the dam is to be avoided by choice of align-
ment, and the axis of the dam may be adjusted to .
avoid divergence of contours with reference to
2.2 Despite these adjustments, because of irregula-
rity of rock surface, there may still be areas of core 3. ROCK PROFILE ALONG THE FOUNDA-
contact where the rock contours have an undesirable TION
orientation. Trimming of rock shall then be done 3.1 Rock profiles should be examined both along
to attain a maximum 90” angle with the axis on a the axis and in the transverse direction. The beha-
horizontal plane ( see Fig. 1 ). Such trimming viour of the core material and the cracking hazard
should be accommodated with the core contact and is dependent on the pattern of stresses developed
transitions. from the interaction of the rock and the core
IS :11973- 1986
material. In the following paragraph, guidelines are 3.1.5 The hazard of slides in either overburden
furnished stipulating requirement of rock profile materials or rock during excavation for the core,
along the axis and in the transverse direction. The spillway, or shells shall be given careful considera-
consequence of rock geometry in the longitudinal tion in planning and in the layout of the dam.
and transverse directions creating zones of tensile
stress in the core should be examined. These may 4. ROCK PROFILE ACROSS CUT-
require special consideration and adverse conse- OFF TRENCH
quences of such geometries may be mitigated by 4.1 The excavated slope ofthe cut off trench should
filling with concrete in critical area and providing be 1:l or flatter irrespective of the slopes required
supplementary features as filters plastic concrete for stability of excavation. Adequately designed
septums, etc. filter, single or multiple layer, should be provided
3.1.1 Abrupt changes in section, for example, against the downstream face of the cut-off trench.
benches on the abutment slopes, should be avoided The filter should be capable of preventing internal
to minimize the hazard of transverse cracking erosion of core material and satisfy the filter
because of differential settlement between the deep criteria. The consequences of the loosening of the
and shallow portions of the dam. If a site with rock due to construction operations should be
a bench on the abutment is to be developed, examined while establishing filter requirements for
trimming or rounding of the bench should be the downstream rock face.
considered. 4.2 Alternatively, excavated surface through
3.1.2 Necessary trimming or excavation of the weathered rocks may be treated with shotcrete.
abutments should be done very carefully. The line Where loosening of the rock by excavation may
of excavation should be presplit or cushion blasting create open voids, low pressure pack grouting should
used to minimize damage to the rock beyond the be done of the rock contact.
excavation line. Surfaces against which material is 4.3 The minimum width of the core trench should
to be placed commonly are excavated to a slope not be larger than 4 m or 10 percent of head. If it
steeper than 4 horizontal to 1 vertical ( see Fig. 2 ). is not possible to accommodate a cut-off trench of
Flatter s1ope.s or rounding may be necessary, parti- top width detailed as above within the core width,
cularly in upper portions of the abutment. consideration should be given to use the plastic
3.1.3 Changes in slope should be limited to 20” concrete diaphragm in part of the cut-off depth.
and the number of changes in slope should be mini- 5. FOUNDATION PREPARATION
mum. This can be achieved by excavation of rock
or placing concrete against the rock. 5.1 Basically, the surface under the entire core and
under a portion of the upstream filter and down-
3.1.4 Removal of overburden materials under the stream transition zone shall be completely excavated
upstream and downstream shells may not be neces- to such rock as will offer adequate resistance to
sary. Removal of overburden may however be erosion of fines in the core.
required if excessive settlement of the shell sections
would develop under their weight, if overburden All loose or semi-detached blocks of rock should
materials are so weak as to result in slides, or if see- be removed. The quality of rock shall be judged
page passing through the core or through the in terms of the characteristic of core material. Rock
foundation materials cannot be controlled and of ‘Lugeon’ values in percolation test within 10
discharged safely with the overburden in place. ( Ten ) will generally be free of cracks larger than
OF 1/2H TO 1V
IS:11973 - 1986
0025 mm. Erosion of fines from core materials 5.7 The final rock surface should have smooth
commonly used would not occur through such contours against which soil can be compacted by
cracks. Grouting may be necessary to bring down heavy equipment. Hand compaction is generally
‘Lugeon’ values to above allowable limits in the unsatisfactory and it is advisable to place plastic
contact zonc3. concrete in core contact areas of conduit trenches
and other irregularities transverse to the dam axis
5.2 The amount of care required in treating the for a width at least 0.5 H or preferably 1’0 H.
rock suface is’controlled by the character of the core
material. If the core material is resistant to piping, 5.8 Surface treatment as described may be difficult
especially if it contains considerable coarse material to accomplish on steeply sloping abutments. In this
with adequate proportion of sand, surface treatment case, gunite may be used for filling depressions
is less demanding than if the core material is susce- after the cracks and joints have been cleaned and
ptible to piping; for example, a fine silty sand and sealed. If there is extensive jointing, especially if
very lean clays. In the latter case, extreme care the joints slope upward away from the face,
should be taken and the core material should be adequate sealing of the joints may require construc-
placed only after very careful inspection of ting a concrete slab, which is dowelled to the rock,
the treated surface. For dispersive clays, special and then grouting through the slab.
precauutions, such as protection by filter fabric or
plastic concrete may be required. 5.9 The depth of excavation necessary in weathered
5.3 Blasting should be kept to the minimum rock is difficult to establish during initial design.
practical in order not to open up joints or other- The depth of weathering is usually very irregular,
wise disturb the rock surface, and no blasting being controlled by minor variations in joint spac-
should be done on surfaces that have been grouted ing and rock type. Abrupt changes in elevation
or slush-grouted. of the surface of ‘groutable rock’ probably will be
found. Overhangs, some of large size, should be
5.4 All knobs and overhangs should be removed by anticipated.
barring and wedging or by light blasting. Cracks
and joints that are exposed in these operations 5.10 Usual practice is to select material, preferably
should be’ cleaned ( usually to a depth of not less a plastic soil, for the first lift over the rock
than three times their width at the surface ) using surface. If plastic soils are limited, the most
air and water, picks, or other tools, as necessary, to plastic soil available should be used. Gravel or
remove completely soil or weathered rock which stone exceeding about 50 mm in size should be
would be subject to erosion. Such joints and cracks removed or excluded from the material placed in
should then be filled with grout under a small this first layer over the rock to improve compaction
gravity head, say, of 3 m. Wherever possible, a pipe at the contact. The surface on which the core
should be set to the bottom of the joint or crack and material is placed should be moist but free of
grout pumped in until the joint or crack is comple- standing water, and the material when placed
tely filled. Grout should then be broomed and should be wet of optimum. In dry climates or
brushed across the top of the joint to ensure that the during dry weather, difficulty may be experienced
contact with the core material will be tight and with this first lift becoming excessively dry where it
non-erodible. In the absence of gravity grouting, feathers out on a gentle to moderate slope. In
slush grouting alone may not be effective because such a case the edge of the fill should be sloped
complete filling may not be assured. Grout used slightly downward toward the contact with the
for this purpose should be highly plastic buttery. rock. Against steep rock faces or adjacent to
The maximum size of sand for the slush grout used concrete structures, sloping the fill slightly upward
for filling cracks should not exceed one-third the near the contact is desirable to provide better clear-
width of the crack to be filled. ance and better compaction at the contact.
5.5 Concrete with admixtures of approved quality 6. FOUNDATION CLEAN-UP
and sufficient water to achieve a slump of loo-150
mm may be easily compacted by hand and 6.1 All foundation areas should be dewatered for
used for backfilling of irregularities such as depres- final inspection after clean-up prior to the placement
sed areas, holes and potholes. of core material. The prepared rock surface in
the central contact area should be free of water at
5.6 Small ribs and similar irregularities should be the time when embankment material is placed and
filled with plastic concrete to produce slopes not for foundation treatment measures, such as slush
steeper than about 1:l where the difference in grouting and crack-grouting.
elevation ici a few centimetres to a metre or so.
Surface treatment in this fashion should extend 6.2 Where existence of deep depressions and
upstream to approximately the mid-point of the occurrence of springs complicate the clean up,
upstream filter and downstream at least 0.6 to 0.9 m special provisions should be made to dry up the
beyond the downstream edge of the fine filter. In foundation in preparation for pl.acing embankment
particularly adverse situations, such as where there fill. Gravel filled drains channellizing the water
are joints wider than the coarser particles of the from the springs to central sumps and submersible
filter, surface treatment as described may be pumps or pneumatically operated sump pumps
necessary under the entire transition zone. ( placed inside the sumps ) have been found to be
IS : 11973- 1966
effective. A cover of polythene should be placed c) To reduce the hydrostatic pressure in the
over the gravel to prevent contamination of the downstream foundation of the dam. The
gravel by the fill material. Stand pipes should be latter is generally a problem only for dams
provided for discharge of water from the sumps. on fairly weak foundations and critical
The top of stand pipes should correspond to the abutment configurations. This is usually
static head. accomplished in conjunction with an
abutment drainage system.
6.3 Where rock is friable and subject to cracking
by exposure and drying, coating of asphalt emul- 8.2 To prevent possible piping of the fine core
sion or slush grout comprising a workable mix of material through the foundation, blanket grouting
cement, sand and bentonite is desirable. is accomplished as determined by the rock condi-
tions. If the core foundation of the dam consists
6.4 To prevent cracks fi,orn developing in surfaces of closely fractured and jointed rock, a blanket
already prepared, all necessary excavation requir- grout pattern is used with holes spaced at 3 m to
ing blasting should be completed before starting 5 m with depths of 6 m to 10 m. If the foundation
grouting and surface treatment and clean up. rock is massive, no blanket grouting is done. Loca-
lised area consisting of faults, fissures, or cracks are
generally grouted upstream of the cutoff and
7. TREATMENT OF ROCK DEFECTS AND sometimes downstream.
8.3 If the rock does not respond to cement grouting
7.1 In evaluating and planning for excavation and and post grouting ‘Lugeon’ values remain above 10
seepage control measures, special attention shall be (Ten) locally, the nature and size of cracks should
given to d&continuities such as faults and relief be carefully examined. When the high ‘Lugeon’
(sheet) joints, which may extend for long distance as values are attributable to fine cracks, closely spaced,
nearly plane surfaces. Relief joints may exist cement grouting may not be effective in reducing
naturally or may open during excavation. They are the permeability. In hard inerodible rocks, such
most likely to occur in deep, steep-walled valleys, fine cracks may be permitted. In other cases such
specially in brittle rocks, or where high modulus as gauge zones supplementary measures should be
rock is underlain by low modulus rock. Since they resorted to for prevention of internal erosion ( set
are roughly parallel to the valley wall, they may IS : 6066-1984*).
cause slides during construction. Openings of
several centimetres have been observed. Control 9. DRAINAGE
of seepage through such joints becomes a major 9.1 Galleries or tunnels are sometimes excavated
problem. Installation of concrete cutoffs across into abutments and foundations to provide access
particularly bad joints may be warranted or for drilling drain holes and grout holes into the
extensive grouting may be necessary. Drainage foundation or into the embankment foundation
from such joints shall be provided. contact. Drilling from these tunnels after filling of
the reservoir is subjected to the hazard of uncontro-
7.2 When seams are filled with silt, clay, etc, or in lled ‘blow in’ under high heads. If tunnels are
faults with gauge, it is essential to excavate and provided, the elevations should be judiciously chosen
backfill the seam and gauge zones in the entire so that the hazard of ‘blow in’ can be prevented by
core contact zone. It is advisable to excavate and lowering the reservoir before undertaking the drilling
backfill a further length on the upstream for a operations for corrective grouting or drainage.
distance equal to the reservoir head and backfill it
with concrete. On the downstream side the seams 9.2 Relief wells and drainage trenches are often
should be excavated and backfilled with a well used at downstream toes of dams on pervious over-
designed and adequate filter again for a distance burden to provide relief of seepage pressure and to
equal to the reservoir head. control seepage discharges without permitting
piping. Installation of relief wells and their monitor-
8. GROUTING ing shall be done as per IS : 5050-1968t. When
drain holes are installed in rock containing fines the
8.1 There are three main objectives in the grouting drain should be protected by a filter system as
programme ( see also IS : 6066-1984” ). These are shown in Fig. 3.
as follows: 9.3 On projects where the foundation is such that
seepage could cause migrati n of particles from the
a) To reduce the seepage flow through the
foundation materials, the drainage blanket shall
dam foundation;
be filter graded with respect to the foundation.
b) TO prevent possible piping or washing of Drain pipes may be included in the blanket to
fines from the core into cracks and fissures ensure ample discharge capacity.
in the foundation; and
*Recommendations for pressure grouting of rock founda-
tions in river valley projects (Jirst revision ) .
*Recommendations for pressure grouting of rock founda- TCode of practice for design, construction and maintenance
tions in river valley projects (Jirst revision ). of relief wells.
IS : 11973 - 1986
9.4 Itis essential to ensure continuity of filter downstream side of cutoff trench as shown in
system from the drain to the core contact on the Fig. 4.