5 Pillars of Functional Medicine Lindsey Elmore

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The key takeaways are the 5 steps to taking control of your health: 1) Eliminate junk foods and toxins, 2) Practice relaxation, 3) Support detoxification, 4) Nourish your body with whole foods, and 5) Exercise regularly.

The 5 steps to taking control of your health are: 1) Eliminate the Crap, 2) Intentional Relaxation, 3) Support Detoxification, 4) Nourish the Body, and 5) Exercise.

Foods and substances to avoid according to the document include: gluten, dairy, sugar, processed soy, alcohol, GMOs, antibiotics, NSAIDs, and additional food allergens like tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, seafood and shellfish.


to Taking Control of Your Health

STEPS 1. Eliminate 2. Intentional 3. Support 4. Nourish the
5. Exercise
the Crap Relaxation Detoxification Body
Your immune Physical and Toxins affect We all know the Exercise improves
system is controlled mental stress every single body importance of a circulation, sleep
by your gut health, impact all the system. Your healthy diet. As quality, and
and nearly all body’s major body has a natural you eliminate more detoxification, and
health issues can systems, including detoxification crap, work to add increases energy.
be eliminated or the digestive process, and there in more nutritious,
improved by healing system. Stress can are things you whole foods. Burst training
the gut. affect appetite and can do to aid the combines short

cravings, alter the process. The more Certain bursts of exercise

Eliminating toxins normal function toxins you remove, supplements also with slow recovery
and allergenic and of the GI tract, and the better you’ll feel. help heal the gut phases. Studies
inflammatory foods increase intestinal and help eliminate show that these
is the first step permeability. toxins. interval workouts
in the process of throughout the day
healing the gut. may be better than
long, intense cardio

Avoid: Adapt a daily Detox enhancers: What to eat: Some options

• Gluten practice to • Encourage • Whole grains (rice, include:
• Dairy encourage mindful sweating with oats, quinoa, • Walking
• Sugar relaxation. saunas and millet, etc.) • Jogging
• Processed soy • Yoga exercise • Fresh vegetables • Swimming
• Alcohol • Meditation • Castor oil packs and fruits • Pilates
• Genetically • Sleep • Drink plenty of • Healthy fats (nuts, • Yoga
Modified Foods • Journalling water seeds, olive oil, • Bicycling
(GMOs) • Gratitude • Intermittent nut butters) • Dancing

• Antibiotics fasting • Beans and

• NSAIDS (aspirin, • Drink herbal tea legumes
ibuprofen, etc.) • Detox baths • Lean protein
• Additional food • Detoxifying
Supplements to
allergens: tree supplements
nuts, peanuts,
• Digestive enzymes
eggs, seafood,
• Fiber
• Prebiotic
• Probiotic

We’re not going for Never done Small changes Don’t beat yourself Shouldn’t this come
total elimination. yoga before? matter. Simply up if you slip up first?
If you can’t do Start with some increasing your on your diet. Work
anything else, start basic stretches. water intake towards eating When you feel like
by eliminating Download a free will improve healthier foods crap, it is hard to

sugar, cow’s milk, meditation app. detoxification. a little at a time. get the motivation
and gluten. Just Go to bed just 30 The more junk Begin with one to exercise. Start
start with one meal minutes early and you eliminate, the meal a day, and small and work
per day. relish the extra more efficient soon you’ll discover up to longer, more
Remember, you sleep. Journal just detoxification will how much better intense workouts.
don’t have to give one sentence of become. you feel when you Most importantly,
up these foods gratitude daily. fuel your body with do something you
forever. real food. enjoy.

Perfection is not the goal. Use these 5 steps as a guide to help you make decisions that will benefit your health.
You do not have to do everything all at once. Start with just one small change each day and build from there.
Once you begin to take control of your health, you will start feeling better and more empowered to do more
1. Eliminate 2. Intentional 3. Support 4. Nourish the
5. Exercise
the Crap Relaxation Detoxification Body

Book a Functional Medicine Appointment
Functional Medicine is completely different than
allopathic medicine.

Instead of being defined by your symptoms, you

are valued as a whole person with a body that can
achieve optimal function. By assessing and addressing
underlying dysfunctions, together we create a series
of simple steps that lead to long lasting health and
well being.

I regard it as a high honor to be able to lead and

accompany you on your journey to optimal health. Let’s
dig deep to the root of the problem and explore potential
solutions to complex health problems as a team.

To start or continue your functional medicine journey,

head to lindseyelmore.com/appointments. Use the
code Fx5Steps to save 10% off a package of 6 month
Join the Clean Slate Cleanse
The first step on a functional medicine journey is usually an
elimination diet. Let’s start the journey to reset your body with
food, stress reduction, and mindfulness practices in the Clean
Slate Cleanse.

• 28 days of guided instruction, accountability and motivation

• Hundreds of delicious recipes in the Clean Slate Cleanse
• Science-based information, guided activities and journaling
opportunities in the Clean Slate Cleanse Workbook
• Membership in a private Facebook group just for Clean Slate
Cleanse participants

Take advantage of this one-time offer for 20% off the Clean
Slate Cleanse using the code FeelBetter. You do not have to
book a functional medicine appointment to take advantage of
this offer. Head to www.cleanslatecleanse.com to sign up today.

Act now and get the Clean Slate Cleanse, including the
Cookbook and Workbook, for just $149.68 (regular price

Use coupon code FeelBetter to save now.

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Dr. Lindsey Elmore is a bold entrepreneur who
turned her degree in chemistry and doctorate in pharmacy into
a health and wellness education company. She has taught on
stages in 30 countries, her social media reaches more than 90
countries, and now trains others on how to take ownership of
their lives and make the toughest health and wellness decisions.
You can find her online at www.lindseyelmore.com and on social
media @lindseyelmore on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and
@drlindseyelmore on Twitter and Pinterest.

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