10 Reasons You A Rent Losing Weight
10 Reasons You A Rent Losing Weight
10 Reasons You A Rent Losing Weight
10 Reasons Why
You’re Not Losing Weight
By Neely Quinn
Paleohacks, LLC
(C) 2014
About Neely Quinn
My name is Neely Quinn (of
NeelyQuinn.com), and I'm a Certified
Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist
living in Boulder, Colorado. In 2009, after
many years of weird health issues and
weight struggles, I realized my body
didn’t tolerate grains, legumes, or dairy
very well, so I cut them out of my diet. I
immediately started seeing my health issues disappear one by one. I realized after the fact
that I was what was being called "Paleo", and soon implemented it with a lot of success
into my nutrition practice.
I teamed up with Paleohacks.com to create the Weight Loss Solution - For Women Only
because I've found that most of the people taking an active role in changing their health
and transforming their bodies are women. But in my opinion, women aren't given enough
guidance on how to take care of their special health needs (and we do have special needs,
as I've learned personally over and over again).
I wanted to help get that information to you, so here at this online event, we have 40
experts in the field of health and weight loss doing just that. I really hope the gems in
these interviews help you start feeling better and getting the body you want - starting
right now :)
Before setting up shop at NeelyQuinn.com, I was with PaleoPlan.com, starting in 2011
until July of 2014, as the blogger and nutritionist there. I wrote over 400 blog posts about
the hows, whys, and whats of Paleo, weight loss, and optimal health. I watched as
thousands of people's bodies and lives were changed just by making simple changes to
their diet - something that will never stop inspiring me.
I’m a no-nonsense kind of girl, and I generally cut to the heart of the matter, whether it’s
in my writing, my teaching, my interviews, or in my sessions with clients. I like to see
people get better as quickly as possible because I know what it’s like to feel awful. While
I'm definitely interested in the science of nutrition and the nitty gritty details of how
things work, I'm more interested in how to best put that science into practice in real
people's lives.
I've dealt with parasites, bacterial infections, asthma, constant dizziness, temporary
blindness in one eye, being overweight, eczema, endometriosis, and terrible digestive
problems, among other things. I know what it's like to be uncomfortable, and my mission
is to use my personal experience and my education to help you get out of discomfort
quickly and live a life you love.
This online event - For Women Only: The Weight Loss Solution - is just that. It's me
picking experts' brains, trying to get the most useful, practical information out of them so
that you can, indeed, lose that extra fat and be a healthier, more vibrant version of
Get your FREE Gift: My Top 10 Cookbook
I have a free gift for you on my site at NeelyQuinn.com, which is my
“Top 10 Favorite Cookbooks for Weight Loss” guide. I’d highly
recommend checking it out, as it will point you in the right direction
for some delicious, health-boosting, fat-busting recipes to get you
moving on your weight loss journey.
Get your free guide here.
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this book and this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face
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This book is provided for personal and informational purposes only. This book is not to be construed as any
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Hey there!
If you’re struggling to lose weight I can tell you from experience that I feel your pain.
Weight loss can be extremely frustrating and confusing—especially when you have no
idea why it’s not melting off as quickly as the magic pill peddlers on TV swear that it
There is so much mis-information out there that it can be hard to know where to start.
Often times what you hear might be completely contradictory and have you running in
circles trying ridiculous things without any clear direction.
It’s for this reason that I decided to create a concise Top 10 list of reasons why most
women have difficulties losing weight. Of course everyone’s body is different, but for
most women each of these reasons plays a big role in the overall look and feel of your
Now I have to admit…some of these reasons are controversial—especially if the advice
you’ve been receiving is outdated (or full of crap). But let me tell you, as a certified
integrative clinical nutrition therapist, everything on this list is based on the latest food
science information available.
Like discovering that the Earth was round, we’re constantly making new discoveries that
influence the way we understand nutrition. And much has been learned in just the last few
years that has transformed what most women think about diet and healthy behavior.
If at first these ideas seem shocking, please have patience and let them marinate in your
brain before making any emotional judgments. Approach this guide like a child would:
have an open mind, read each chapter thoroughly, and take notes as you go along.
As you digest everything the big picture will come together and you’ll understand this
whole body approach to health and fitness. There is so much more going on than just
what you put into your mouth. Many of these factors touch the core of your being.
It is my hope that by the end of this guide you will know more about your food, how to
lose weight like a pro, and how to create the kind of healthy body that you can truly be
happy in. (Mirrors will suddenly become your BFF.)
#1: Macronutrients
There’s a good chance that in this low-fat, low-protein world we live in, you’re not
getting the right ratio of macronutrients for optimal health. Knowing the type and quality
of the foods you consume kicks your weight loss up to the next level.
There are three macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates, and they all perform
essential roles in the human body. Macronutrients are the main components of our diet.
Our bodies require others nutrients as well—like vitamins and minerals—but these are
needed in much smaller quantities, so we refer to them as micronutrients.
All three macronutrients are needed in the diet, they each perform vital functions in the
body, and they play a huge role in your fat loss.
As a very broad, general rule a balanced diet will consist of:
✓ 25% carbs
✓ 25% protein
✓ 50% fat
As I said, that’s VERY broad. Everyone is different, depending on their personal health
goals, activity level, and current state of health.
Let’s talk a bit more about each of these macronutrients, and bust some cultural myths in
the mouth at the same time.
If I could choose a macronutrient as the main culprit to all the stubborn, inconsiderate fat
you may be carrying…I’d point an accusatory finger at excess carbohydrates. I say
‘excess’ carbs because I believe that carbs in general have had a bad rap ever since Dr.
Atkins became a national hero.
But carbohydrates are only “bad” when they’re not being used to power some form of
exercise or basic bodily functions. If you eat a bunch of carbs and then just sit around,
then they are most likely going to turn into fat on your body.
Here are some common sources of carbs in a standard diet. (Not all of these sources are
• Grains
• Sugars
• Starchy Vegetables
• Fruits
• Breads
• Pastas
• Pastries
• Beans
When I was overweight and 35 pounds heavier than I am now, I could easily say that I
was the undisputed Heavyweight Snack Champion of the World. At one point when I was
single and in college, I would go and get these gigantic burritos for lunch every day that
were probably 1500 calories each and I would eat the whole thing without fail.
If I was sitting down at a family dinner I would go ahead and eat everybody’s leftovers. I
couldn’t let anything go uneaten. I had this idea in my head that somehow I was never
going to get food again. I don’t know where this way of thinking even came from…
maybe it was something from a past life because I certainly had enough food as a kid, but
once I got a hold of this and acknowledged that how ridiculous this way of thinking was,
that was when I finally stopped overeating.
Over time I got better and better at this and now I almost never overeat. I eat a lot of
food, but I don’t over eat for my size because of my practice and the sort of emotional
investigation that I’ve done around eating. It was also because I found my motivation to
change. I didn’t want to be overweight and bloated all the time (eating too much will do
that to you). I didn’t want to fight that fight anymore, so whenever the opportunity to
overeat presented itself, I had to consciously choose: health and happiness or some short-
term bliss and a stomachache?
So I just suggest that you try to get to the bottom of your emotional reasons for eating…
because we all have them. Figure out where all of these behaviors and negative self-talk
come from and try to get to the root so you can put an end to it, or get help for it.
These ideas can play out in your head a thousand times per day and if you aren’t aware of
them then you may never notice. You have to consciously try to watch yourself and figure
out what is causing the behaviors that you want to change. You almost have to step aside
and see your life from another perspective to watch what you’re doing and begin to really
question why. (This is where meditation can be a huge benefit.)
And because everyone’s experience is different, it helps to hear multiple stories from
different perspectives. If you’ve got friends or a professional therapist you can talk with
to help work some of these issues out that’s great, but not everyone has this sort of
support. That’s one of the reasons why I organized the Weight Loss Solution Online
Conference so women can learn from each other and share their journeys together.
There is so much more insight to be gained from our combined knowledge than any one
thing that I—or any of the many guest speakers—can say during this sort of event.
Sometimes if the emotional trigger doesn’t stand out for you, just changing the behavior
can be enough to make the changes that you need. For example if you’re mindlessly
eating while you’re driving, or eating while you’re working, or eating while you’re
watching T.V. then make a rule to stop doing that.
When you eat, decide to have real meals and eat them at a table. Be present with yourself,
which can be pretty difficult, so you might have to ease into it by looking at a magazine
or something while you’re eating. Ultimately the goal is to get to the point where you’re
paying attention to every single bite that you’re eating. You’re chewing it, swallowing it,
and checking in with yourself throughout the meal so that when you’re done and satisfied
you’ll be able to push the rest of the food away.
Another way to tackle this if you’re really struggling with self-control is to only keep
enough food to feed yourself in your fridge for one day. Instead of stocking your
refrigerator to the point where you may be tempted to snack and eat every time you see it,
let it get empty and then just shop for what you’ll need on a daily basis to sustain
yourself. I know this is extremely inefficient and there are probably better ways to
organize this strategy, but the idea is to try and limit the amount of temptation that you
present yourself with so you aren’t forced to police yourself so heavily.
Willpower is a finite resource and every time you have to exercise restraint it puts a little
stress on your mind and body. If you can limit the temptations present in your life by
organizing your home, routine, or refrigerator a little differently then it will help you to
get the positive results that you want.
Self-control is a real struggle for lots of women (well, for all people) and it’s hard to
avoid acting out if the temptation is always present. It may not have to be a lifelong habit
to structure your life this way, it could be good as an experiment to try for a month or
even a year to break yourself of those old routines, but if that’s what it takes to build
healthy new habits then it will have been completely worth it.
#10: Calories
For some this may seem stupidly obvious…but it’s obvious for a reason.
One of the main reasons people struggle to lose weight is calories. There are a lot of
opinions about whether calories matter, because calorie-counting diets were a huge fad
for a long time (often without any consideration for the type or quality of the calories
people were consuming).
But let’s get the facts straight, ma’am: though the quality of the calories you’re eating
makes a difference to your diet, if you’re eating way more calories than your body needs
then you’re going to gain weight—period.
This is pure science…er, math. If your body needs 1900 calories to maintain your weight,
and you’re eating 2500, you’re going to gain weight.
This is why I think it’s a great idea to keep track of what you’re eating and how many
calories you’re consuming by writing everything down. Just for a little while so you can
get to know your food better. Pen and paper is fine, but since we live in the future why
not go the high tech route and use myfitnesspal.com to log your daily diet and exercise.
It’s super easy to use, it’s free, and when you log everything that you eat it automatically
spits out metrics on how many calories, fat, protein, and other macronutrients you’re
Plus, it will even tell you based on your size, height, and age how many calories you
should be eating to reach your health goals. These metrics are naturally invisible to us so
using an app to make them apparent is like having a super power to actually see how the
foods we eat are affecting our body.
All of this tracking and counting will help you understand what an appropriate meal size
actually is. Portion control is one of the first steps towards regulating the amount of
calories you consume when you eat. Even when you’re eating healthy it’s important not
to serve yourself too much.
It’s no fun to go hungry, but let’s be real here: we aren’t bears about to hibernate for the
winter. Food is abundant. It’s everywhere. So if you’re eating until you feel like you’re
about to explode then chances are you’ve had too much. That amount will be different for
every single person, as everyone’s metabolism, activity levels, and hormone levels are
unique. You just have to figure out what is right for you.
So to begin with, check and see where you’re at with your consumption on
myfitnesspal.com. If you’re way over what they suggest for you, try cutting down
incrementally every few days so you don’t shock your body. Keep doing that – going up
or down in calories depending on how you feel-until you get it right. Don’t worry, you
don’t need to count calories for the rest of your life. It just helps to get a sense of what
you’re eating so you know exactly how much you’re body really needs.
It also helps to see the amount of calories that are in food compared to the amount of
calories burned by the exercises you engage in. Once you know a Twinkie has 150
calories you may start to wonder if eating it is worth the 20-minute jog it will take to burn
that off!
And I know that weighing out your food every time you eat can become a hassle and
eventually discourage people from reaching their goals. But over time, as you begin to
understand the calories in the foods you eat, you’ll know when to put down that avocado
or when to eat that steak without having to weigh them out. You’ll know what an
appropriately portioned diet is in no time. You’ll be a food pro.
And I want you to really hear that counting calories forever is usually a bad idea.
Compulsively analyzing every calorie that you eat can lead to eating disorders or deep
feelings of shame around eating too much. It’s important to remember that dieting is first
and foremost about your health, both physical and psychological.
There is a lot that can be learned from counting calories but if weighing out or measuring
food is overly stressful then try not to get too caught up in the details. Counting calories
doesn’t have to be an exact science. It’s just a tool—a very important tool—but its
purpose is to help you understand what your body needs and what it doesn’t. Use it
wisely and don’t let it run your life. If you’re really averse to using a diet tracker, just
start experimenting with eating less, snacking less often, and taking less on your plate at
meals, knowing that you can always go back for more if you’re legitimately still hungry.
Just having food on your plate in front of you – even if it is way too much for your body
– makes it really hard to say no. We’re hardwired to eat what’s in front of us so we don’t
starve later, right? So do your brain a favor and just give it less to be tempted by. You’ll
get it – don’t worry! I did! I used to be a pro overeater. I’d actually have eating
competitions with guys. The main thing that’s kept weight off me all these years is
learning that I don’t NEED to eat that much food, and it makes me feel like crap. Be
patient, listen to your body’s needs, and pretty soon you’ll be eating just the right amount
of food.
Closing Thoughts
These are the top 10 reasons you may not be losing fat like you want to, and I hope this
has shed some light on your personal situation. I hope you choose one or two of these
things that resonate with you, and take steps to work on the issue. Don’t try to work on all
of them at once! You’ll likely get overwhelmed and just give up altogether. Just start with
the thing that stands out most to you and start experimenting.
If none of them stands out – if you’re doing everything “right” and you’re still having
trouble losing fat, that’s when you’ll want to see a functional medicine practitioner.
Whether that’s a naturopathic doctor, a nutritionist, a holistic MD, or someone else, go to
a person who has training in functional medicine. That means they’re looking at the
whole body, diet, and lifestyle to get to the root of problems, instead of just doling out
pills to mask your problems like most (not all) conventional docs do.
There are dozens of possible causes for weight loss resistance that go beyond what I’ve
outlined above, and you will find the answer with the right support. I wish you the best
on this journey, and I hope that you’ll be kind to yourself along the way.
How to Make This Work for You
I created this guide to give you a running start on the path to the body that you’ve always
wanted. Because I know how frustrated you may feel, either from not being able to lose
the weight you want, or losing some weight only to have it bounce right back.
I’ve been there and it sucks.
Or maybe you’ve just found it impossible to even get started because of the massive
amount of confusing information out there. There are all these pills that promise you
“magical” results, weird exercise gizmos being pushed on TV, and don’t forget about the
new 12-step celebrity diet programs coming out each month.
And it’s all a bunch of baloney.
The truth is, we women have specific physical, emotional, and hormonal needs that have
to be addressed—that’s why I created this free guide and that’s why I’ve designed a free
online event for women ONLY.
It’s called “The Weight Loss Solution - For Women Only” and its purpose is to create a
safe and educational place where you will learn exactly you need to do to get the body
(and life) that you want.
And, I promise you, what you will learn is NOT about fad diets, infomercial gimmicks,
quick fixes, dangerous weight loss drugs, or how to “starve yourself skinny”.
It’s about healthy new ways to lose that stubborn, unwanted fat on your belly, hips, thighs
and butt…and keep it off.
I too struggled with weight loss issues for much of my life. I tried skipping meals,
starving myself, over-exercising, taking appetite suppressants — and almost every diet
under the sun.
And after 15 years of struggle, I finally lost that frustrating fat and have kept it off for the
past 6 years.
Best of all…I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been.
So now I’m here to share the strategies that worked for me AND my private clients… and
I know that they will work for you, too.
And that’s just the beginning…
I’ve teamed up with Paleohacks.com to recruit over 35 experts in the field of health and
weight loss to share their experiences with not just their own weight loss journeys, but
also their advice as health professionals, authors, personal trainers, chefs, moms,
bloggers, and doctors, with one goal:
To help you finally have the body that you’ve always dreamed of.
What you’ll find from our panel of practitioners, experts, and thought leaders, is that
weight loss comes naturally when you improve your health, and that is exactly what
we’re going to show you how to do. You’ll learn how and what to eat, which foods to
avoid and even how to eat well on a budget. We’ll show you what kind of exercise to
do, how much, and how often to do it.
And this is not the same old advice that you’ve tried before, only to end up angry and
You’ll discover new techniques in the science of weight loss, things like:
– How to boost your metabolism naturally
– How to lose fat and gain lean, sexy muscle
– How to workout for fast, maximum results
– How to get your whole family on board for your weight loss journey (so that you
don’t have to go through it alone)
– How to overcome thyroid, hormonal, digestive, and autoimmune issues (without
– And much more…
We also thoroughly cover the all-important—and often ignored—emotional and mental
aspects of losing fat, so that you can cultivate a healthier relationship with food. And,
each session will provide you with action steps to easily implement these changes in your
life and improve your health.
To go the extra mile, we also went out to some of the top chefs in the US to have them
demonstrate some fast, easy, and delicious recipes that will help you on your weight
loss journey.
And that’s only SOME of what we’re covering.
I want to be clear that these strategies are doable by anybody, on any budget, with any
time constraints — and you can start immediately.
Because you are reading this report, you have already registered for the sessions —
which is great! You can access them starting October 21st when you visit THIS PAGE:
HERE (Don’t click
HOWEVER, It’s important to note that you will only be able to see these sessions for free
for the duration of the event, which ends November 12th. Once the event is over, the
sessions will be gone.
If you think you will miss any of these information packed sessions on
women’s weight loss…
You’ll want to grab your “For Women Only: The Weight Loss Solution All Access
This package includes ALL of the events 40+ video interview sessions, demonstrations,
MP3 audios, transcriptions, and all of the bonuses included as well.
You can instantly download them to your computer — and have lifetime access to the
files - so you can watch/listen/read then whenever you feel like it.
AND, we even have a flash drive option, if you have a slower connection or don’t want to
store all the large files on your computer.
I’m truly grateful that you took the time to read this little guide that I put together, and
I’m super excited for the wonderful transformation that you’re about to experience.
Cheers to your beauty, both inside and out!
You friend,
Neely Quinn