Writting (U4)

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There have been complaints about an increase in traffic congestion and pollution in Willow City

these days. To solve this problem, I propose that banning gas-powered vehicles from centre in 3
years and encourage more people to use public transport instead of using their own cars should
be our long-term strategy. People can travel by public transport like buses, trains, battery-
powered vehicles or bicycles. Public transport can be improved by having more public transport
available, making it more punctual and reducing the price of tickets to make it more affordable to
the average person. If less people drive cars, there will be less congestion on the roads and less
air pollution. Using public transport also reduces the valuable land that the car parks use because
personal vehicles parked 95% of time. The city’s authorities should resolutely revoke areas of
agencies and offices in the relocation for public works, such as lakes, parks and green trees as
well as withdraw abandoned projects to build car parks.
The initial investment would be high but running public transport costs cheaper and less
pollution. To sum up, it is recommended that by the end of year, we should by a few vehicles and
run trial to see how these solutions work.

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