P40AEnh TM EN 1
P40AEnh TM EN 1
P40AEnh TM EN 1
Grid Solutions
Technical Manual
Feeder Management IED
Hardware Version: E
Software Version: 01
Publication Reference: P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1 Chapter Overview 3
2 Foreword 4
2.1 Target Audience 4
2.2 Typographical Conventions 4
2.3 Nomenclature 4
2.4 Compliance 5
3 Product Scope 6
3.1 Ordering Options 6
4 Features and Functions 7
4.1 Description of the P40 Agile Enhanced Feeder Protection System 7
4.2 Introduction to Logical Devices 7
4.3 Protection Functions 8
4.4 Control Functions 9
4.5 Measurement Functions 10
4.6 Communication Functions 12
4.7 System Functions 12
4.8 Main Menu 13
5 Logic Diagrams 14
6 Functional Overview 15
Chapter 5 Configuration 51
1 Chapter Overview 53
2 Settings Application Software 54
2.1 Setting Entry Methods 54
2.2 Common Settings 54
2.3 Settings Text Abbreviations 56
3 Using the HMI Panel 57
3.1 Navigating the HMI Panel 58
3.2 Getting Started 58
3.3 Default Display 58
3.4 Default Display Navigation 59
3.5 Password Entry and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) 59
3.6 Processing Alarms and Records 60
3.7 Menu Structure 60
3.8 Changing the Settings 61
4 Device 62
4.1 Date and Time Configuration 62
4.1.1 Clock 63
4.1.2 SNTP Protocol 63
4.2 Security 63
4.3 Communications 63
4.4 Disturbance Recorder 63
4.5 Data Logger 64
ii P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Contents
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Contents P14D, P14N, P94V
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P14D, P14N, P94V Contents
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P14D, P14N, P94V Contents
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Contents P14D, P14N, P94V
xvi P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Main Menu Hierarchy 13
Figure 2: Key to logic diagrams 14
Figure 3: Functional Overview 15
Figure 4: Hardware design overview 32
Figure 5: Exploded view of IED 35
Figure 6: 20TE rear panel 36
Figure 7: Front panel (20TE) 38
Figure 8: LED Numbering 40
Figure 9: Typical LED Indicator Panel 40
Figure 10: Software structure 44
Figure 11: Main Settings Display Hierarchy 53
Figure 12: Navigating the HMI 58
Figure 13: Default display navigation 59
Figure 14: Device menu hierarchy 62
Figure 15: System Menu Hierarchy 67
Figure 16: IEC 60255 IDMT curves 77
Figure 17: IEC standard and very inverse curves 81
Figure 18: IEC Extremely inverse and IEEE moderate inverse curves 81
Figure 19: IEEE very and extremely inverse curves 82
Figure 20: Principle of protection function implementation 85
Figure 21: Non-directional Overcurrent Logic diagram 88
Figure 22: Directional trip angles 89
Figure 23: Directional Overcurrent Logic diagram (Phase A shown only) 90
Figure 24: Typical distribution system using parallel transformers 91
Figure 25: Typical ring main with associated overcurrent protection 92
Figure 26: Modification of current pickup level for voltage controlled overcurrent protection 94
Figure 27: Modification of current pickup level for voltage restrained overcurrent protection 95
Figure 28: Voltage dependant overcurrent logic (Phase A to phase B) 96
Figure 29: Negative Sequence Overcurrent logic - non-directional operation 98
Figure 30: Negative Sequence Directional Characteristic 100
Figure 31: Negative Sequence Overcurrent logic - directional operation 101
Figure 32: Non-directional EF logic (single stage) 104
Figure 33: Directional voltage-polarized characteristics 105
Figure 34: Directional angles 106
Figure 35: Directional EF logic with neutral voltage polarization (single stage) 107
Figure 36: Current level (amps) at which transient faults are self-extinguishing 108
Figure 37: Earth fault in Petersen Coil earthed system 108
Figure 38: Distribution of currents during a Phase C fault 109
Table of Figures P14D, P14N, P94V
Figure 39: Phasors for a phase C earth fault in a Petersen Coil earthed system 109
Figure 40: Zero sequence network showing residual currents 110
Figure 41: Phase C earth fault in Petersen Coil earthed system: practical case with resistance 111
Figure 42: Non-directional SEF logic 113
Figure 43: Types of directional control 114
Figure 44: Sensitive ground directional voltage-polarized characteristics 116
Figure 45: Directional SEF with VN polarisation (single stage) 116
Figure 46: Current distribution in an insulated system with C phase fault 117
Figure 47: Phasor diagrams for insulated system with C phase fault 118
Figure 48: Positioning of core balance current transformers 119
Figure 49: Cold Load Pickup logic 121
Figure 50: Thermal overload protection logic diagram 124
Figure 51: Spreadsheet calculation for dual time constant thermal characteristic 125
Figure 52: Dual time constant thermal characteristic 126
Figure 53: Broken conductor logic 128
Figure 54: Simple busbar blocking scheme 130
Figure 55: Simple busbar blocking scheme characteristics 131
Figure 56: SOTF Logic diagram 132
Figure 57: Undercurrent Logic diagram 133
Figure 58: REF protection for delta side 138
Figure 59: REF protection for star side 138
Figure 60: REF Protection for resistance-earthed systems 139
Figure 61: REF Protection for solidly earthed system 139
Figure 62: Low Impedance REF Connection 141
Figure 63: Three-slope REF bias characteristic 141
Figure 64: High Impedance REF principle 142
Figure 65: High Impedance REF Connection 143
Figure 66: REF bias characteristic 145
Figure 67: Star winding, resistance earthed 147
Figure 68: Percentage of winding protected 148
Figure 69: Low Impedance REF Scaling Factor 148
Figure 70: Hi-Z REF protection for a grounded star winding 150
Figure 71: Hi-Z REF protection for a delta winding 150
Figure 72: Hi-Z REF Protection for autotransformer configuration 151
Figure 73: High Impedance REF for the LV winding 152
Figure 74: Circuit Breaker Fail logic 161
Figure 75: Circuit Breaker mapping 162
Figure 76: CB Fail timing 163
Figure 77: Undervoltage - single and three phase tripping mode (single stage) 179
xviii P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Table of Figures
Figure 78: Overvoltage - single and three phase tripping mode (single stage) 182
Figure 79: Residual Overvoltage logic 185
Figure 80: Residual voltage for a solidly earthed system 186
Figure 81: Residual voltage for an impedance earthed system 187
Figure 82: Negative Sequence Overvoltage logic 188
Figure 83: Positive Sequence Undervoltage logic 190
Figure 84: Positive Sequence Overvoltage logic 191
Figure 85: Underfrequency logic (single stage) 197
Figure 86: Overfrequency logic (single stage) 199
Figure 87: Power system segregation based upon frequency measurements 200
Figure 88: Independent rate of change of frequency logic (single stage) 202
Figure 89: Overpower logic 208
Figure 90: Underpower logic 211
Figure 91: Four-position selector switch implementation 225
Figure 92: Autoreclose mode select logic 226
Figure 93: Start signal logic 227
Figure 94: Trip signal logic 228
Figure 95: Blocking signal logic 228
Figure 96: Shots Exceeded logic 228
Figure 97: AR initiation logic 229
Figure 98: Blocking instantaneous protection for selected trips 230
Figure 99: Blocking instantaneous protection for lockouts 231
Figure 100: Dead Time Control logic 232
Figure 101: AR CB Close Control logic 233
Figure 102: AR System Check logic 234
Figure 103: Reclaim Time logic 235
Figure 104: AR Initiation inhibit 236
Figure 105: Overall Lockout logic 237
Figure 106: Lockout for protection trip when AR is not available 238
Figure 107: Fault recorder stop conditions 247
Figure 108: Flex Element logic diagram 249
Figure 109: CB State Monitoring logic 258
Figure 110: Hotkey menu navigation 260
Figure 111: Remote Control of Circuit Breaker 261
Figure 112: CB Control logic 262
Figure 113: Pole Dead logic 263
Figure 114: System Check logic 266
Figure 115: System Check PSL 267
Figure 116: Representation of typical feeder bay 268
Figure 117: Switch Status logic 269
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 xix
Table of Figures P14D, P14N, P94V
xx P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
2 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
This chapter provides some general information about the technical manual and an introduction to the device(s)
described in this technical manual.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 3
Foreword 4
Product Scope 6
Features and Functions 7
Logic Diagrams 14
Functional Overview 15
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 3
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
This technical manual provides a functional and technical description of General Electric's P40 Agile Enhanced IED,
as well as a comprehensive set of instructions for using the device. The level at which this manual is written
assumes that you are already familiar with protection engineering and have experience in this discipline. The
description of principles and theory is limited to that which is necessary to understand the product. For further
details on general protection engineering theory, we refer you to General Electric's publication, PAAG (Protection &
Automation Application Guide), which is available online or from our contact centre.
We have attempted to make this manual as accurate, comprehensive and user-friendly as possible. However we
cannot guarantee that it is free from errors. Nor can we state that it cannot be improved. We would therefore be
very pleased to hear from you if you discover any errors, or have any suggestions for improvement. Our policy is to
provide the information necessary to help you safely specify, engineer, install, commission, maintain, and
eventually dispose of this product. We consider that this manual provides the necessary information, but if you
consider that more details are needed, please contact us.
All feedback should be sent to our contact centre via:
Due to the technical nature of this manual, many special terms, abbreviations and acronyms are used throughout
the manual. Some of these terms are well-known industry-specific terms while others may be special product-
specific terms used by General Electric. The first instance of any acronym or term used in a particular chapter is
4 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
explained. In addition, a separate glossary is available on the General Electric website, or from the General Electric
contact centre.
We would like to highlight the following changes of nomenclature however:
● The word 'relay' is no longer used to describe the device itself. Instead, the device is referred to as the 'IED'
(Intelligent Electronic Device), the 'device', or the 'product'. The word 'relay' is used purely to describe the
electromechanical components within the device, i.e. the output relays.
● British English is used throughout this manual.
● The British term 'Earth' is used in favour of the American term 'Ground'.
The device has undergone a range of extensive testing and certification processes to ensure and prove
compatibility with all target markets. A detailed description of these criteria can be found in the Technical
Specifications chapter.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 5
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs are microprocessor-based devices for primary and backup over-current protection of
medium and low voltage distribution feeders. P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs provide integral directional and non-
directional overcurrent, overvoltage and earth-fault protection and is suitable for application on solidly earthed,
impedance earthed, Petersen coil earthed, and isolated systems.
In addition to the protection features, each device provides protection, control, and monitoring functions with both
local and remote human interfaces. They also display the present trip/alarm conditions, and the available
measured system parameters. Recording of past trip, alarm or control events, maximum demand levels, and
energy consumption is also performed.
The P14D is a Directional IED with two functional variants:
● The P14DB is the base device for Directional Feeder applications
● The P14DL is an advanced Directional IED with Autoreclose, Fault Locator, Check Sync, df/dt and power
protection functions
The P94V is a Voltage and Frequency IED with two functional variants:
● The P94VB is the base device for Voltage and Frequency applications
● The P94VP is advanced Voltage and frequency IED with Check sync and Autoreclose functions
All models are available with a range of Input/Output options, which are described in the hardware design chapter
and summarised in the ordering options.
The small footprint and the withdrawable option make the P40 Agile Enhanced ideal for panel mounting on either
new or retrofit installations.
Setting programming can be accomplished with the front panel keys and display. Due to the numerous settings,
this manual method can be somewhat laborious. Settings can also be entered with a PC running the EnerVista Flex
software. Even with minimal computer knowledge, this menu-driven software provides easy access to all front
panel functions and to the IEC61850 configuration tool. IEC 61850 standard is cortec dependent (if available for
the IED it should be configured using Enervista Flex). Actual values and settings can be displayed, altered, stored,
and printed. If settings are stored in a CID file, they can be downloaded at any time via the front panel port of the
device using a USB cable connected to the USB port of a personal computer.
6 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
IED functions are controlled by a Texas Instruments AM5706 Sitara Processor, which measures all analogue signals
and digital inputs, controls all output IEDs; and all the Ethernet communication protocols.
Frequency measurement is accomplished by measuring the time between zero crossings of the composite signal
of three-phase bus voltages. The signals are passed through a low pass filter to prevent false zero crossings.
Frequency tracking utilizes the measured frequency to set the sampling rate for voltage which results in better
accuracy for the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) algorithm for off nominal frequencies.
The main frequency tracking source uses three-phase bus voltages. If a stable frequency signal is not available,
then the tracking frequency defaults to the nominal system frequency.
Protection Elements
Most of the voltage, current and frequency protection elements are processed eight times every cycle to
determine if a pickup has occurred or a timer has expired. The voltage and current protection elements use RMS
current/voltage, or the magnitude of the phasor.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 7
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
instance of the LPHD Logical Node (which is responsible for providing physical device information) and an instance
of the LLN0 Logical Node (for addressing common issues across the Logical Device).
The IEC 61850 data model is contained within the Logical Devices detailed in the table below. All P40 Agile
Enhanced devices will name the supported Logical Devices consistently to ensure that data model variables with
the same purpose will have the same name within each P40 Agile Enhanced IED server.
Logical Device Comment/Usage
Ctrl P40 Agile Enhanced Controls Domain
Meter P40 Agile Enhanced Measurements Domain
Prot P40 Agile Enhanced Protection Domain
Master P40 Agile Enhanced System Domain
8 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
PFRCX No Yes (P14DL) Yes (P94VP) 81R (81 Rate Of Change Of Frequency 9
df/dt) (ROCOF)
phsPIOCX Yes Yes No 50P (50) Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent 6
phsPTOCX Yes Yes No 51P (51) / Phase Time Overcurrent / 3
51PV (51V) Phase time overcurrent with voltage
phsPTOVX No Yes Yes 59P (59) Phase Overvoltage 4
phsPTUVX No Yes Yes 27P (27) Phase Undervoltage 4
phRDIRX No Yes No 67P (67) Phase Directional Overcurrent 6
PoleDeaGAPC1 Yes Yes No Pole Dead 1
posseqPTOVX No Yes Yes 59_1 (59V) Positive Sequence Overvoltage 2
'X' represents the instance number of the function.
*indicates IEC 61850 naming description
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 9
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
Alternative setting groups (4)
Programmable LEDs (4)
Watchdog contacts
Basic and Advanced Cyber-Security (cortec dependant)
Programmable allocation of digital inputs and outputs
Control inputs
Graphical programmable scheme logic (PSL)
Circuit breaker control, status & condition monitoring
Trip circuit and coil supervision
CT supervision (only for products with CT inputs)
VT supervision (only for products with CT & VT inputs)
Fault locator (only for products with CT & VT inputs)
The IEC 61850 Logical Device data model for the P40 Agile Enhanced Controls Domain (Ctrl) is listed in the
following table along with the control functions description.
IEC 61850 Controls Domain (LD: Ctrl) PRODUCT
LN Name P14N P14D P94V
ColdLodGAPC1 Yes Yes No CLP Cold Load Pickup 1
CSWX Yes Yes Yes 1 Switch Controller 8
CTSupGAPC1 Yes Yes No CTS CT Supervision 1
HaDetPHARX Yes Yes No Harmonic Detection 4
LLN0 Yes Yes Yes Controls Logical Device N/A
LPHD Yes Yes Yes Physical Device Information N/A
PoleDscGAPC1 Yes Yes No 52 Pole Discrepancy (Pole 1
RBRF1 Yes Yes Yes 50BF Breaker Failure (CB Fail & I<) 1
RREC1 Yes (P14NL) Yes (P14DL) Yes (P94VP) 79 Autoreclose (3 phases) 1
SynChkRSYN1 No Yes (P14DL) Yes (P94VP) 25 Check Sync (Synchrocheck*) 1
TVTR1 No Yes No VTS (60) VT Supervision 1
XCBR1 Yes Yes Yes 52 CB Control (Circuit Breaker) 1
XSWIX Yes Yes Yes 33 SW Control (Circuit Switch) 8
'X' represents the instance number of the function.
*indicates IEC 61850 naming description
10 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
Fault Reports 25
Event Records / Event logging 2048
Time Stamping of Opto-inputs Yes
The IEC 61850 Logical Device data model for the P40 Agile Enhanced Measurements Domain (Meter) is listed in the
following table.
'X' represents the instance number of the function.
*indicates IEC 61850 naming description
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 11
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
X' represents the instance number of the function.
*indicates IEC 61850 naming description
12 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
Device Status Circuit Breaker
Switch Control
Last Trip Data
Opto Inputs Setpoints Device
Relay Output s
Virtual Inputs
Virtual Outputs
Flex States
Communications Protection
Device Status Monitoring
Figure 1: Main Menu Hierarchy
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 13
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
This technical manual contains many logic diagrams, which should help to explain the functionality of the device.
Although this manual has been designed to be as specific as possible to the chosen product, it may contain
diagrams, which have elements applicable to other products. If this is the case, a qualifying note will accompany
the relevant part.
The logic diagrams follow a convention for the elements used, using defined colours and shapes. A key to this
convention is provided below. We recommend viewing the logic diagrams in colour rather than in black and white.
The electronic version of the technical manual is in colour, but the printed version may not be. If you need coloured
diagrams, they can be provided on request by calling the contact centre and quoting the diagram number.
Energising Quantity AND gate &
Measurement S
SR Latch Q
Internal Calculation
SR Latch Q
Derived setting Reset Dominant RD
Switch Multiplier X
Bandpass filter
Comparator for detecting
14 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 1 - Introduction
46 50 50BF 51
86 37 49 64N 68 79 CTS
46BC 50N 50SEF 51N
27 59 67 VTS
21FL 25 32 47 51V 81U 81df/dt
27V 59V 67N (60)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 15
Chapter 1 - Introduction P14D, P14N, P94V
16 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
18 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 2 - Safety Information
This chapter provides information about the safe handling of the equipment. The equipment must be properly
installed and handled in order to maintain it in a safe condition and to keep personnel safe at all times. You must
be familiar with information contained in this chapter before unpacking, installing, commissioning, or servicing the
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 19
Health and Safety 20
Symbols 21
Installation, Commissioning and Servicing 22
Decommissioning and Disposal 27
Regulatory Compliance 28
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 19
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
The documentation provides instructions for installing, commissioning and operating the equipment. It cannot,
however cover all conceivable circumstances. In the event of questions or problems, do not take any action
without proper authorisation. Please contact your local sales office and request the necessary information.
20 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 2 - Safety Information
Throughout this manual you will come across the following symbols. You will also see these symbols on parts of
the equipment.
Refer to equipment documentation. Failure to do so could result in damage to the
Risk of electric shock
Risk of damage to eyesight
Earth terminal. Note: This symbol may also be used for a protective conductor (earth) terminal if that terminal
is part of a terminal block or sub-assembly.
The term 'Earth' used in this manual is the direct equivalent of the North American term 'Ground'.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 21
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
Plan carefully, identify any possible hazards and determine how best to move the product. Look at other ways of
moving the load to avoid manual handling. Use the correct lifting techniques and Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) to reduce the risk of injury.
All personnel involved in installing, commissioning, or servicing this equipment must be
familiar with the correct working procedures.
Consult the equipment documentation before installing, commissioning, or servicing
the equipment.
Always use the equipment as specified. Failure to do so will jeopardise the protection
provided by the equipment.
Removal of equipment panels or covers may expose hazardous live parts. Do not touch
until the electrical power is removed. Take care when there is unlocked access to the
rear of the equipment.
Isolate the equipment before working on the terminal strips.
Use a suitable protective barrier for areas with restricted space, where there is a risk of
electric shock due to exposed terminals.
Disconnect power before disassembling. Disassembly of the equipment may expose
sensitive electronic circuitry. Take suitable precautions against electrostatic voltage
discharge (ESD) to avoid damage to the equipment.
22 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 2 - Safety Information
NEVER look into optical fibres or optical output connections. Always use optical power
meters to determine operation or signal level.
Testing may leave capacitors charged to dangerous voltage levels. Discharge
capacitors by reducing test voltages to zero before disconnecting test leads.
Operate the equipment within the specified electrical and environmental limits.
Before cleaning the equipment, ensure that no connections are energised. Use a lint
free cloth dampened with clean water.
Contact fingers of test plugs are normally protected by petroleum jelly, which should not be removed.
Where UL/CSA listing of the equipment is not required, a high rupture capacity (HRC)
fuse type with a maximum current rating of 16 Amps and a minimum dc rating of 250 V
dc may be used for the auxiliary supply (for example Red Spot type NIT or TIA).
Digital input circuits should be protected by a high rupture capacity NIT or TIA fuse with
maximum rating of 16 A. for safety reasons, current transformer circuits must never be
fused. Other circuits should be appropriately fused to protect the wire used.
CTs must NOT be fused since open circuiting them may produce lethal hazardous
Terminals exposed during installation, commissioning and maintenance may present a
hazardous voltage unless the equipment is electrically isolated.
Tighten M3.5 clamping screws of heavy duty terminal block connectors to a nominal
torque of 0.8 Nm.
Tighten captive screws of terminal blocks to a nominal torque value of 0.5 Nm.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 23
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
It is highly recommended that insulated crimp terminations for voltage and current
Always use the correct crimp terminal and tool according to the wire size.
Watchdog (self-monitoring) contacts are provided to indicate the health of the device
on some products. We strongly recommend that you hard wire these contacts into the
substation's automation system, for alarm purposes.
Earth the equipment with the supplied PCT (Protective Conductor Terminal).
Do not remove the PCT.
The PCT is sometimes used to terminate cable screens. Always check the PCT’s integrity
after adding or removing such earth connections.
Use a locknut or similar mechanism to ensure the integrity of stud-connected PCTs.
The recommended minimum PCT wire size is 2.5 mm² for countries whose mains supply
is 230 V (e.g. Europe) and 3.3 mm² for countries whose mains supply is 110 V (e.g. North
America). This may be superseded by local or country wiring regulations.
The PCT connection must have low-inductance and be as short as possible.
All connections to the equipment must have a defined potential. Connections that are
pre-wired, but not used, should be earthed, or connected to a common grouped
Check voltage rating/polarity (rating label/equipment documentation).
24 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 2 - Safety Information
Check CT circuit rating (rating label) and integrity of connections.
Check protective fuse or miniature circuit breaker (MCB) rating.
Check integrity of the PCT connection.
Check voltage and current rating of external wiring, ensuring it is appropriate for the
Do not open the secondary circuit of a live CT since the high voltage produced may be
lethal to personnel and could damage insulation. Short the secondary of the line CT
before opening any connections to it.
For this IED, the current transformers remain in the chassis if the unit is disassembled. Therefore external shorting of the CTs
may not be required.
Where external components such as resistors or voltage dependent resistors (VDRs) are
used, these may present a risk of electric shock or burns if touched.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 25
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
Data communication cables with accessible screens and/or screen conductors,
(including optical fibre cables with metallic elements), may create an electric shock
hazard in a sub-station environment if both ends of the cable screen are not connected
to the same equipotential bonded earthing system.
i. The installation shall include all necessary protection measures to ensure that no
fault currents can flow in the connected cable screen conductor.
ii. The connected cable shall have its screen conductor connected to the protective
conductor terminal (PCT) of the connected equipment at both ends.
iii. The protective conductor terminal (PCT) of each piece of connected equipment shall
be connected directly to the same equipotential bonded earthing system.
iv. If, for any reason, both ends of the cable screen are not connected to the same
equipotential bonded earth system, precautions must be taken to ensure that such
screen connections are made safe before work is done to, or in proximity to, any such
vi. Equipment temporarily connected to this product for maintenance purposes shall be
protectively earthed (if the temporary equipment is required to be protectively
earthed), directly to the same equipotential bonded earthing system as the product.
Do not insert or withdraw modules, PCBs or expansion boards from the equipment
while energised, as this may result in damage to the equipment. Hazardous live
voltages would also be exposed, endangering personnel.
Internal modules and assemblies can be heavy and may have sharp edges. Take care
when inserting or removing modules into or out of the IED.
26 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 2 - Safety Information
Before decommissioning, completely isolate the equipment power supplies (both poles
of any dc supply). The auxiliary supply input may have capacitors in parallel, which may
still be charged. To avoid electric shock, discharge the capacitors using the external
terminals before decommissioning.
Avoid incineration or disposal to water courses. This product cannot be disposed of as
unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling return this
product to your supplier or a designated collection point. For more information go to
Store the unit indoors in a cool, dry place. If possible, store in the original packaging. Follow the storage temperature range
outlined in the Specifications. To avoid deterioration of electrolytic capacitors, power up units that are stored in a deenergized
state once per year, for one hour continuously.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 27
Chapter 2 - Safety Information P14D, P14N, P94V
Compliance with the European Commission Direction on EMC, LVD and RoHS is via the self certification route.
28 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
30 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 3 - Hardware Design
This chapter provides information about the product's hardware design.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 31
Hardware Architecture 32
Mechanical Implementation 34
Terminal Connections 37
Front Panel 38
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 31
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
The main components comprising devices based on the P40Agile Enhanced platform are as follows:
● The housing, consisting of a front panel and connections at the rear
● The Main processor module consisting of the main CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory and an interface
to the front panel HMI (Human Machine Interface)
● An I/O board consisting of output relay contacts and digital opto-inputs with optional redundant rear
● Power supply with rear communication connectors
All modules are connected by a parallel data and address bus, which allows the processor module to send and
receive information to and from the other modules as required. There is also a separate serial data CAN bus for
conveying sampled data from the modules to the CPU. These parallel and serial databuses are shown as a single
interconnection module in the following figure, which shows typical modules and the flow of data between them.
32 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 3 - Hardware Design
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 33
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
This equipment is Suitable for mounting on the flat surface of a Type 1 Enclosure. All products based on the P40
Agile Enhanced platform have common hardware architecture. The hardware comprises two main parts; the
cradle and the housing.
The cradle consists of the front panel which is attached to a carrier board into which all of the hardware boards
and modules are connected. The products have been designed such that all the boards and modules comprising
the product are fixed into the cradle and are not intended to be removed or inserted after the product has left the
The housing comprises the housing metalwork, magnetic module and connectors at the rear into which the
boards in the cradle plug into.
The magnetic module remains attached to the chassis to avoid opening the current transformers circuit.
34 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 3 - Hardware Design
The products are available in panel-mount or standalone versions. All products are nominally 4U high. This equates
to 177.8 mm or 7 inches.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 35
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
The cases are pre-finished steel with a black covering of hybrid epoxi-polyester powder. This provides good
grounding at all joints, providing a low resistance path to earth that is essential for performance in the presence of
external noise.
The case width depends on the product type and its hardware options. The case dimensions are as follows:
Case width (TE) Case width (mm)
20TE 102.4 mm (4 inches)
36 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 3 - Hardware Design
I/O options B & D also have two Trip Circuit Supervision (TCS) inputs.
For details of terminal connections, refer to the Wiring Diagrams Appendix.
All of the I/O options have a RELAY FAIL NC output contact.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 37
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
The figures show the front panels for the 20TE variant.
38 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 3 - Hardware Design
It consists of:
● LCD display
● Keypad
● USB port
● 4 x fixed function tri-colour LEDs
● 4 x programmable tri-colour LEDs
The keypad consists of the following keys:
Four arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) to navigate the menus
(organised around the Enter key)
A Clear key for clearing the last enter key execution. If maintained it
will issue a Reset command.
A Read key for accessing Targets menu if the Alarm LED is on. And,
for accessing Last Trip data if the Trip LED is on.(arrow keys now used
for scrolling)
Two hot keys for accessing the Reset Command (Up) and CB Control
(Down). These are situated directly below the LCD display.
The port is intended for temporary connection during testing, installation and commissioning. It is not intended to
be used for permanent SCADA communications. This port supports the MODBUS communication protocol only to
allow communication with a range of protection equipment, and between the device and the Windows-based
support software package.
You can connect the unit to a PC with a USB cable up to 5 m in length.
The inactivity timer for the front port is set to 15 minutes. This controls how long the unit maintains its level of
password access on the front port. If no messages are received on the front port for 15 minutes, any password
access level that has been enabled is cancelled.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 39
Chapter 3 - Hardware Design P14D, P14N, P94V
When not in use, always close the cover of the USB port to prevent contamination.
40 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 4 - Software Design P14D, P14N, P94V
42 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 4 - Software Design
This chapter describes the software design of the IED.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 43
Software Design Overview 44
System Level Software 45
Platform Software 47
Protection and Control Functions 48
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 43
Chapter 4 - Software Design P14D, P14N, P94V
These elements are not distinguishable to the user, and the distinction is made purely for the purposes of
Supervisor task
and control
Platform Software Layer
Event, fault,
Settings database communications
maintenance record
Sampling function interfaces
The software can be divided into a number of functions as illustrated above. Each function is further broken down
into a number of separate tasks. These tasks are then run according to a scheduler. They are run at either a fixed
rate or they are event driven. The tasks communicate with each other as required.
44 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 4 - Software Design
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 45
Chapter 4 - Software Design P14D, P14N, P94V
At the conclusion of the initialization software the supervisor task begins the process of starting the platform
At the successful conclusion of all of these tests the unit is entered into service and the application software is
started up.
46 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 4 - Software Design
The platform software has three main functions:
● To control the logging of records generated by the protection software, including alarms, events, faults, and
maintenance records
● To store and maintain a database of all of the settings in non-volatile memory
● To provide the internal interface between the settings database and the user interfaces, using the front
panel interface and the front and rear communication ports
The logs are maintained such that the oldest record is overwritten with the newest record. The logging function
can be initiated from the protection software. The platform software is responsible for logging a maintenance
record in the event of an IED failure. This includes errors that have been detected by the platform software itself or
errors that are detected by either the system services or the protection software function. See the Monitoring and
Control chapter for further details on record logging.
The settings and measurements database must be accessible from all of the interfaces to allow read and modify
operations. The platform software presents the data in the appropriate format for each of the interfaces (LCD
display, keypad and all the communications interfaces).
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 47
Chapter 4 - Software Design P14D, P14N, P94V
48 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 4 - Software Design
frequency are known as alias frequencies, which are introduced when the sampling frequency becomes less than
twice the frequency component being sampled. However, the alias frequencies are significantly attenuated by an
anti-aliasing filter (low pass filter), which acts on the analogue signals before they are sampled. The ideal cut-off
point of an anti-aliasing low pass filter would be set at:
(samples per cycle) ´ (fundamental frequency)/2
At 64 samples per cycle, this would be nominally 1600 Hz for a 50 Hz system, or 1920 Hz for a 60 Hz system.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 49
Chapter 4 - Software Design P14D, P14N, P94V
50 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
52 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED has a considerable number of programmable settings, all of which make the IED
extremely flexible. These settings have been grouped into a variety of menus which are available from the paths
shown below. Each settings menu has sub-sections that describe in detail the settings found on that menu. The
main settings menu is called Settings in the IED.
Setpoints Device
Use the path provided to access the menus from the front panel and from the EnerVista Flex software.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 53
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
For more information, refer to the EnerVista Flex chapter.
54 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
throughout the manual, a general description is presented in this overview. Details that are specific to a particular
feature are included in the discussion of the feature. The form and nature of these settings is described below.
● FUNCTION setting: The <ELEMENT_NAME> FUNCTION setting determines the operational characteristic of
each feature. The range for this setting is: 'Disabled', 'Trip', 'Alarm', 'Latched Alarm', and 'Configurable'.
If the FUNCTION setting is selected as 'Disabled', then the feature is not operational.
If the FUNCTION setting is selected as 'Trip', then the feature is operational. When the 'Trip' function is
selected and the feature operates, the output IED 'Trip' operates, and the LED 'TRIP' is lit. The LED 'TRIP' can
be reset by issuing reset command or pressing 'C' key.
If the FUNCTION setting is selected as 'Alarm' or 'Latched Alarm', then the feature is operational. When this
function is selected, and the feature operates, the LED 'ALARM' is lit, and any assigned auxiliary output IED
operates. The 'Trip' output IED does not operate, and the LED 'TRIP' is not lit.
When Alarm function is selected and the feature operates, the LED 'ALARM' flashes, and it self-resets when
the operating conditions are cleared.
When Latched Alarm function is selected, and the feature operates, the LED 'ALARM' will flash during the
operating condition, and will be steady lit after the conditions are cleared. The LED 'ALARM' can be reset by
issuing reset command or pressing the 'C' key.
If the FUNCTION setting is selected as 'Configurable', the feature is fully operational but outputs are not
driving any action, such as TRIP IED , Alarm LED or anything else. The User has to program operands from
this element to a desirable action which may be the auxiliary output IED from the list of available IEDs in the
element itself, Flexlogic, etc.
The FlexLogic operands generated by the operation of each feature are active, and available to assign to outputs, or use in
FlexLogic equations in PSL, regardless of the selected function, except when the function is set to 'Disabled'.
● PICKUP/START This setting selects the threshold equal to or above (for over elements) or equal to or below
(for under elements) which the measured parameter causes an output from the measuring element.
● TIME DELAY: This setting selects a fixed time interval to delay an input signal from appearing as an output.
● tRESET(DROPOUT DELAY): This setting selects a fixed time interval to delay dropping out the output signal
after being generated.
● TDM/TMS: This setting provides a selection for Time Dial Multiplier which modifies the operating times per
the selected inverse curve. For example, if an IEEE Extremely Inverse curve is selected with TDM=2, and the
fault current is 5 times bigger than the PKP level, operation of the element can not occur before an elapsed
time of 2.59 s from Pickup.
● RELAY O/P X: The <ELEMENT_NAME> RELAY O/P X setting selects the IEDs required to operate when the
feature generates an output. The range is any combination of the Auxiliary output IEDs. The letter 'X'
denotes the number of auxiliary output IEDs defined for the IED's cortec.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 55
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
● DIRECTION: The <ELEMENT_NAME> DIRECTION setting is available for overcurrent features which are
subject to control from a directional element. The range is 'Non-Directional', 'Forward', and 'Reverse'. If set to
'Non-Directional', the element is allowed to operate for current flow in any direction. There is no supervision
from the directional element. If set to 'Forward', the OC element is allowed to operate when the fault is
detected by the directional element in forward direction. In this mode, the OC element does not operate for
fault in reverse direction. If set to 'Reverse', the OC element is allowed to operate when the fault is detected
in reverse direction, and does not operate in forward direction.
● RESET CHAR: Selection of an Instantaneous DT or a Timed reset (Inverse) is provided by this setting. If
Instantaneous reset (DT) is selected, the element resets instantaneously providing the quantity drops below
the percentage or absolute value of the PKP (START) level corresponding to each element before the time for
operation is reached. More information on the dropout levels for each element can be found in the
Technical Specifications chapter. If Timed reset (Inverse) is selected, the time to reset is calculated based on
the reset equation for the selected inverse curve.
● INHIBIT: The <ELEMENT_NAME> INHIBIT setting selects an operand from the list of FlexLogic operands,
which when active, blocks the feature from running.
To ensure the settings file inside the IED is updated, wait 30 seconds after a setting change before
cycling power.
56 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
The keypad provides full access to the device functionality using a range of menu options. The information is
displayed on the LCD.
Keys Description Function
Read key To read alarm messages and enter Last Trip data menu
As the LCD display has a resolution of 16 characters by 3 lines, some of the information is in a condensed mnemonic form.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 57
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
Device Status
Link Error Prim
If this is the case, the IED will be need to be connected to an active Ethernet network to clear the alarm.
If there are other alarms present, these must also be cleared to set the Alarm LED OFF.
58 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
Ia 0.0 A Va 0.0 V
Ib 0.0 A Vb 0.0 V
Ic 0.0 A Vc 0.0 V
In 0.0 A Vn 0.0 V
f 0.00 Hz DC 0.0 V
System Current
Currents, Voltages,
Frequency, DC supply
voltage and Date & Time
System Power
System Total Harmonic
Measurements, Power
Distortion and Date & Time
Factor and Date & Time
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 59
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
The maximum number of concurrent sessions is only one for all roles, except of Viewer role, which has the limit of
5 sessions.
Only Administrator can change other user’s passwords. All IED users can change their own passwords. For
password reset/recovery procedure the Administrator role will be required.
There is a session timeout adjustable by settings. This timeout means that open sessions are automatically closed
if they remain inactive till the timer elapses. This inactivity timer defines the period that IED waits in idleness before
a logged in user will be automatically logged out. This timeout is different for HMI interface and other interfaces
(serial, Ethernet, etc.).
For more detail information regarding Basic and Advanced Cyber-Security Implementation (cortec dependant),
please refer to the Cyber-Security chapter.
Password entry
When configuring the default display or any other settings modification, the user will be prompted for a Role and a
password before any changes can be made in the IED. The default Viewer Role is not password protected (select
Viewer as role and press Enter), Viewer role just allows settings visualisation. For any Other role a password will be
required as follows.
1. Select the Role in the Role login screen using the up or down cursor keys and press Enter key to confirm it.
2. A Password screen will be prompted, a fix cursor shows which character field of the password can be
changed. Press the up or down cursor keys to change each character.
3. Use the left and right cursor keys to move between the character fields of the password.
4. Press the Enter key to confirm the password. If you enter an incorrect password, an invalid password
message followed by an AUTH FAILED message is displayed. The display then reverts to PASSWORD. On
entering a valid password, if this Role is sufficient to edit the selected setting, the display returns to the
setting screen to allow the edit to continue. If the correct level of password has not been entered, the
password prompt screen appears again.
5. To escape from this password prompt, press the Clear key. If the keypad is inactive for a number of
minutes, the password protection of the front panel user interface reverts to the default access level.
60 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 61
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
The following diagram is an example of the Device settings display navigation, so it may not apply in its entirety to
all IEDs. The actual display options available are dependent on the exact IED cortec selection.
Date And Time SNTP
Security Config
Security Change Pswd
Setpoints Device
Inputs Ethernet
DNP Protocol
Disturb Recorder
DNP Point Lists
Data Logger IEC 60870-5-103
Prog. LEDs
Front Panel
Display Property
62 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
4.1.1 CLOCK
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED is capable of receiving a time reference from several time sources in addition to its
own internal clock for the purpose of time-stamping events, disturbance records and other occurrences within the
IED. The accuracy of the time stamp is based on the time reference that is used. The P40 Agile Enhanced IED
supports an internal clock, SNTP, IRIG-B, as potential time references.
If two or more time sources are available, the time source with the higher priority shown in Time Sources table is
used where 1 is considered to be the highest priority.
The following table shows the priority of each time source.
Synchronisation via communication protocols, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3 Serial and DNP3oE, Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP, etc
will not be accepted if the sync source is from IRIG-B or SNTP.
The following security features are available:
● Basic Security – The basic security feature present in the default offering of the product.
● Advanced Cyber-security – The feature refers to the advanced security options available as a software
option. When this option is purchased, it is automatically enabled and Basic Security is disabled.
Basic and Advanced Cyber-Security settings are fouND UNDER THE PATH: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\SECURITY.
For more information, refer to the Cyber-Security chapter.
This product supports Substation Automation System (SAS), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Communication settings are found under the path: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\COMMUNICATIONS.
Refer to the Communications chapter for more information.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 63
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
The Disturbance Recorder settings are found under the path: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\DISTURB RECORDER.
For more information, refer to the Monitoring and Control chapter.
Each Fault Report is created as a text file with flt extension that can be visualized and shared using the Enervista
Flex software. The file name is numbered with sequential numbers showing which one is older than the other.
The captured data also includes the type of fault and the distance to the fault location, as well as the autoreclose
shot number (when applicable).
The Fault Records settings are found under the path: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\FAULT RECORDS.
For more information, refer to the Monitoring and Control chapter.
64 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 65
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
Some events can be programmed to latch the front panel LEDs. Depending on the application some auxiliary relay
outputs can be programmed to latch after the triggering event is cleared. Once set, the latching mechanism holds
all the latched indicators, messages, and auxiliary relay outputs in the set state, after the initiating condition has
cleared, until a RESET command is received to return these latches (except the FlexLogic NV latches) to the reset
The RESET command can be initiated by pressing the Cancel key for a few seconds, or by a configurable operand
or by a remote device via a communication channel.
The Reset Input X setting (Being X from 1 to 3) under the path: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\RESETTING, allows to selects an
operand from the list of Flexlogic operands in the IED.
The targets, LEDs, and latched relay outputs will reset, upon assertion from any of the operand selected as Reset
The Installation settings allow the user to:
Set the Device Name assigning an alphanumeric name to the device up to 13 alphanumeric characters.
Put the device in service or out of service. The relay is defaulted to the ‘Not Ready’ state when it leaves the factory.
This safeguards against the installation of an IED whose settings have not been entered. The IED in the ‘Not Ready’
state blocks signaling of any relay output. These conditions remain until the IED is explicitly put in the ‘Ready’ state.
When the IED is in ‘Not Ready’ state, the Out of Service LED is ON and the Healthy LED is OFF
Establish the Service Command for the IED.
Select the engineering units of temperature display to Celsius or Fahrenheit
Set the current and voltages cutoff levels.
The Installation settings can be found under the path: SETPOINTS\DEVICE\INSTALLATION.
Lower the Voltage Cutoff and Current Cutoff levels with care as the IED will accept lower signals as valid measurements. The
default IED cuttoff settings are ‘0.020 pu’ for current and ‘1.0 V’ for voltage.’
The Clear Records commands are also available from the front panel under the path: RECORDS\CLEAR RECORDS and from
the Enervista Flex software under the path: MONITORING\CLEAR RECORDS, however there the allowable settings are only
'ON' and 'OFF'. (FlexLogic operands cannot be used.)
66 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
CT Ratio CT Ratio
VT Ratio VT Ratio
Setpoints Device
Power System
System Breaker
CB Setup
User Curve 3
User Curve 4
The CT RATIO menu provides the setup menu for the Current Transformers (CTs) connected to the P40 Agile
Enhanced IED terminals. The setup of the three-phase CTs, the Earth CT, and the Sensitive Earth CT requires a
selection of primary and secondary CT ratings.
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED has three inputs for phase currents A, B, and C, and one input for earth/residual
For PHASE CT PRIMARY settings, enter the primary rating of the three-phase feeder CTs wired to the IED phase CT
terminals. With the phase CTs connected in wye (star), the calculated phasor sum of the three phase currents (Ia +
Ib + Ic = Neutral Current = 3I0) is used as the input for the neutral.
For PHASE CT SEC'y, the EARTH CT PRIMARY and SEC'Y settings are displayed only if the Earth input is installed.
The SENSITIVE EARTH CT PRIMARY and SEC'Y settings are displayed only if the Sensitive Earth input is installed.
For both cases, and depending on the Earth or Sensitive Earth input selected, enter the primary rating of the
Earth / Sensitive Earth CT wired to the relay Earth / Sensitive Earth CT terminals. When the Earth input is used for
measuring the residual 3I0 current, the primary current must be the same as the one selected for the phase CTs.
The CT Ratio settings can be found under the path: SETPOINTS\SYSTEM\CT RATIO\CT RATIO.
For more information regarding ranges and default values, refer to the Settings and Signal appendix.
CT Ratio functionality is only available for products with CT inputs (P14D and P14N).
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 67
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
The VT RATIO menu provides the setup for all VTs (PTs) connected to the IED voltage terminals
The nominal MAIN VT SEC'Y and the 4TH VT SEC'Y voltage settings are the voltages across the phase VT terminals and the
auxiliary VT terminals correspondingly when nominal voltage is applied.
For example, on a system of 13.8kV nominal primary voltage, and a 14400:120 volt VT in a Delta connection, the
secondary voltage would be 115V, i.e. (13800/14400)*120. For a Wye connection, the voltage value entered must
be the phase to neutral voltage which would be 115/√3 = 66.4 V.
On a 14.4 kV system with a Delta connection and a VT primary to secondary turns ratio of 14400:120, the voltage
value entered would be 120 V, i.e. 14400/120.
The VT Ratio settings can be found under the path: SETPOINTS\SYSTEM\VT RATIO\VT RATIO.
For more information regarding ranges and default values, refer to the Settings and Signal appendix .
PH VT INPUT Selects the type of phase VT connection to match the VTs (PTs) connected to the IED.
MAIN VT PRIMARY Selects the phase VT ratio to match the ratio of the VTs connected to the VT bank.
MAIN VT SEC'Y Selects the output secondary voltage for phase VTs connected to the VT bank.
4th VT INPUT Selects the voltage type corresponding to the one applied to the Aux VT IED terminals from VT Bank.
Select Vn (neutral voltage), if the neutral voltage is applied to the IED auxiliary VT.
4th VT PRIMARY Selects the phase VT ratio to match the ratio of the VT connected to the aux VT input from VT
4TH VT SEC'Y Selects the output secondary voltage of the aux. VT connected to the aux. VT input from VT bank.
VT Ratio functionality is only available for products with VT inputs (P14D and P94V).
Breaker detection is performed on the IED by monitoring the state/states of either one, or preferably two, contact
inputs. It is highly recommended to monitor the status of the feeder breaker using both breaker auxiliary contacts
52a, and 52b. However using only one of them is also acceptable.
68 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 5 - Configuration
CB STATUS INPUT setting selects the CB input configuration with one contact(52a or 52b) or two contacts (Both 52a
and 52b).
CB AUX 3PH (52A) and CB AUX 3PH (52B) settings select the Input connected to the breaker auxiliary contacts 52a
and 52b.
The Breaker settings can be found under the path: SETPOINTS\SYSTEM\CB SETUP\BREAKER.
For more information regarding ranges and default values, refer to the Settings and Signal appendix.
Use the EnerVista Flex software to select, design or modify any of the User Curves' data.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 69
Chapter 5 - Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
70 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
72 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
The P14D, P14N, P94V provides a wide range of current protection functions. This chapter describes the operation
of these functions including the principles, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 73
Overcurrent Protection Principles 74
Phase Overcurrent Protection 87
Voltage Dependent Overcurrent Element 94
Negative Sequence Overcurrent Protection 98
Earth Fault Protection 103
Sensitive Earth Fault Protection 113
Cold Load Pickup 120
Thermal Overload Protection 123
Broken Conductor Protection 128
Blocked Overcurrent Protection 130
SOTF Protection 132
Undercurrent Protection 133
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 73
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
To ensure that only the necessary circuit breakers are tripped and that these are tripped with the smallest possible
delay, the IEDs in the protection scheme need to co-ordinate with each other. Various methods are available to
achieve correct co-ordination between IEDs in a system. These are:
● By means of time alone
● By means of current alone
● By means of a combination of both time and current.
Grading by means of current alone is only possible where there is an appreciable difference in fault level between
the two locations where the devices are situated. Grading by time is used by some utilities but can often lead to
excessive fault clearance times at or near source substations where the fault level is highest.
For these reasons the most commonly applied characteristic in co-ordinating overcurrent devices is the IDMT
(Inverse Definite Minimum Time) type.
The second requirement means that the protection scheme should be designed such that only the circuit
breaker(s) in the protection zone where the fault occurs, should trip.
These two criteria are actually in conflict with one another, because to satisfy (1), we increase the risk of shutting
off healthy parts of the grid, and to satisfy (2) we purposely introduce time delays, which increase the amount of
time a fault current will flow. With IDMT protection applied to radial feeders, this problem is exacerbated by the
nature of faults in that the protection devices nearest the source, where the fault currents are largest, actually
need the longest time delay.
IDMT characteristics are described by operating curves. Traditionally, these were defined by the performance of
electromechanical relays. In numerical protection, equations are used to replicate these characteristics so that
they can be used to grade with older equipment.
The old electromechanical relays countered this problem somewhat due to their natural operate time v. fault
current characteristic, whereby the higher the fault current, the quicker the operate time. The characteristic typical
of these electromechanical relays is called Inverse Definite Minimum Time or IDMT for short.
74 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
These equations and corresponding curves governing these characteristics are very well known in the power
Standard Inverse
This characteristic is commonly known as the 3/10 characteristic, i.e. at ten times setting current and TMS of 1 the
relay will operate in 3 seconds.
The characteristic curve can be defined by the mathematical expression:
top = T 0.02
The standard inverse time characteristic is widely applied at all system voltages – as back up protection on EHV
systems and as the main protection on HV and MV distribution systems.
In general, the standard inverse characteristics are used when:
● There are no co-ordination requirements with other types of protective equipment further out on the
system, e.g. Fuses, thermal characteristics of transformers, motors etc.
● The fault levels at the near and far ends of the system do not vary significantly.
● There is minimal inrush on cold load pick up. Cold load inrush is that current which occurs when a feeder is
energised after a prolonged outage. In general the relay cannot be set above this value but the current
should decrease below the relay setting before the relay operates.
Very Inverse
This type of characteristic is normally used to obtain greater time selectivity when the limiting overall time factor is
very low, and the fault current at any point does not vary too widely with system conditions. It is particularly
suitable, if there is a substantial reduction of fault current as the distance from the power source increases. The
steeper inverse curve gives longer time grading intervals. Its operating time is approximately doubled for a
reduction in setting from 7 to 4 times the relay current setting. This permits the same time multiplier setting for
several relays in series.
The characteristic curve can be defined by the mathematical expression:
top = T
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 75
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Extremely Inverse
With this characteristic the operating time is approximately inversely proportional to the square of the current. The
long operating time of the relay at peak values of load current make the relay particularly suitable for grading with
fuses and also for protection of feeders which are subject to peak currents on switching in, such as feeders
supplying refrigerators, pumps, water heaters etc., which remain connected even after a prolonged interruption of
For cases where the generation is practically constant and discrimination with low tripping times is difficult to
obtain, because of the low impedance per line section, an extremely inverse relay can be very useful since only a
small difference of current is necessary to obtain an adequate time difference.
Another application for this relay is with auto reclosers in low voltage distribution circuits. As the majority of faults
are of a transient nature, the relay is set to operate before the normal operating time of the fuse, thus preventing
perhaps unnecessary blowing of the fuse.
Upon reclosure, if the fault persists, the recloser locks itself in the closed position and allows the fuse to blow to
clear the fault.
This characteristic is also widely used for protecting plant against overheating since overheating is usually an I2t
This characteristic curve can be defined by the mathematical expression:
top = T 2
top = T
This characteristic curve can be defined by the mathematical expression:
t op = T 5.6
I −1
t op = T 0.04
I −1
76 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
t op = T 0.02
I −1
In the above equations:
• top is the operating time
• T is the time multiplier setting
• I is the measured current
● • Is is the current threshold setting.
The ratio I/Is is sometimes defined as ‘M’ or ‘PSM’ (Plug Setting Multiplier).
These curves are plotted as follows:
Operating time (seconds)
Very Inverse (VI)
1 10 100
top = T α + L+C
M −1
and the IEC 60255 IDMT Reset equation is:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 77
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
tr = T α
1− M
● top is the operating time
● tr is the reset time
● T is the Time Multiplier setting
● M is the ratio of the measured current divided by the threshold current (I/Is)
● β is a constant, which can be chosen to satisfy the required curve characteristic
● α is a constant, which can be chosen to satisfy the required curve characteristic
● C is a constant for adding Definite Time (Definite Time adder)
● L is a constant (usually only used for ANSI/IEEE curves)
The constant values for the IEC IDMT curves are as follows:
Curve Description b constant a constant L constant
IEC Standard Inverse Operate 0.14 0.02 0
IEC Standard Inverse Reset 8.2 6.45 0
IEC Very Inverse Operate 13.5 1 0
IEC Very Inverse Reset 50.92 2.4 0
IEC Extremely Inverse Operate 80 2 0
IEC Extremely Inverse Reset 44.1 3.03 0
UK Long Time Inverse Operate* 120 1 0
Rectifier Operate* 45900 5.6 0
FR Short Time Inverse Operate* 0.05 0.04 0
Standard Inverse (1.3s) Operate 0.0607 0.02 0
Standard Inverse (1.3s) Reset 3.55 6.45 0
* When using UK Long Time Inverse, Rectifier or FR Short time Inverse for the Operate characteristic, DT (Definite Time) is
always used for the Reset characteristic.
top = K
0.339 −
78 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
● top is the operating time
● K is the Time Multiplier setting
● M is the ratio of the measured current divided by the threshold current (I/Is)
* When using RI for the Operate characteristic, DT (Definite Time) is always used for the Reset characteristic.
top = TD α + L+C
M −1
and the IEEE IDMT Reset equation is:
tr = TD α
1− M
● top is the operating time
● tr is the reset time
● TD is the Time Dial setting
● M is the ratio of the measured current divided by the threshold current (I/Is)
● b is a constant, which can be chosen to satisfy the required curve characteristic
● a is a constant, which can be chosen to satisfy the required curve characteristic
● C is a constant for adding Definite Time (Definite Time adder)
● L is a constant (usually only used for ANSI/IEEE curves)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 79
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
T = TD × A +
+ +
( I / I pickup ) - C (( I / I pickup )-C) (
2 3
( I / I pickup ) - C
tr = TD α
1− M
And the ANSI Reset equation is:
1 − ( I / I
pickup )
● T = operate time (in seconds),
● TD = Time Dial setting,
I = measured current,
● Ipickup = threshold Current,
● A to E = constants,
● tr = characteristic constant, and
● TRESET = reset time in seconds
The constant values for the ANSI curves are as follows:
80 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
1000 1000
0.025 0.025
0.075 0.075
10 10
Time in seconds
Time in seconds
0.100 0.100
0.300 0.300
1 1
0.500 0.500
0.700 0.700
0.900 0.900
0.1 0.1
1.000 1.000
1.200 1.200
0.01 0.01
0.5 5 50 0.5 5 50
Current in Multiples of Setting Current in Multiples of Setting
100 TMS
Time in seconds
Time in seconds
0.100 10
1 10
0.500 1
0.700 30
0.900 50
0.1 0.1
0.01 100
0.5 5 50 0.5 5 50
Current in Multiples of Setting Current in Multiples of Setting
Figure 18: IEC Extremely inverse and IEEE moderate inverse curves
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 81
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
10000 10000
0.5 0.5
100 100
1 1
Time in seconds
Time in seconds
5 5
10 10
10 10
1 30 1 30
50 50
0.1 0.1
70 70
Figure 19: IEEE very and extremely inverse curves
T = TD × A +
+ +
( I / I pickup ) − C (( I / I pickup )−C) (
2 3
( I / I pickup ) − C )
And the IAC Reset equation is:
1 − ( I / I
pickup )
● T = operate time (in seconds),
● TD = Time Dial setting,
● I = measured current,
● Ipickup = threshold Current,
● A to E = constants,
● tr = characteristic constant, and
● TRESET = reset time in seconds
The constant values for the IAC curves are as follows:
82 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
T = TD × A +
+ +
( I / I pickup ) − C (( I / I pickup )−C) (
( I / I pickup ) − C
And the IAC Reset equation is:
1 − ( I / I
pickup )
● T = operate time (in seconds),
● TD = Time Dial setting,
● I = measured current,
● Ipickup = threshold Current,
● A to E = constants,
● tr = characteristic constant, and
● TRESET = reset time in seconds
The constant values for the IAC curves are as follows:
T = TD ×
(I / I
pickup )
And the I2T Reset equation is:
(I / I
pickup )
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 83
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
● T = operate time (in seconds),
● TD = Time Dial setting,
● I = measured current,
● Ipickup = threshold Current and
● TRESET = reset time in seconds
T = TD ×
(I / I
pickup )
And the I4T Reset equation is:
(I / I
pickup )
● T = operate time (in seconds),
● TD = Time Dial setting,
● I = measured current,
● Ipickup = threshold Current and
● TRESET = reset time in seconds
84 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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& & Trip Signal
Function inhibit
Directional Check
An energising quantity is either a voltage input from a system voltage transformer, a current input from a system
current transformer or another quantity derived from one or both of these. The energising quantities are extracted
from the power system. The signals are converted to digital quantities where they can be processed by the IEDs
internal processor.
In general, an energising quantity, be it a current, voltage, power, frequency, or phase quantity, is compared with a
threshold value, which may be settable, or hard-coded depending on the function. If the quantity exceeds (for
overvalues) or falls short of (for undervalues) the threshold, a signal is produced, which when gated with the
various inhibit functions becomes the Start signal for that protection function. This Start signal is generally made
available to Programmable Scheme Logic (PSL) for further processing. It is also passed through a timer function to
produce the Trip signal. The timer function may be an IDMT curve, or a Definite Time delay, depending on the
function. The timer can be configured by a range of settings to define such parameters as the type of curve, The
Time Multiplier Setting, the IDMT constants, the Definite Time delay etc.
In General Electric products, there are usually several independent stages for each of the functions, and for three-
phase functions, there are usually independent stages for each of the three phases.
PTOC protection elements use an Inverse Definite Minimum time (IDMT) timer function, and a Definite Time timer
(DT) function. If the DT time delay is set to '0', then the function is known to be "instantaneous". In many instances,
the term 'instantaneous protection" is used loosely to describe Definite Time protection stages, even when the
stage may not theoretically be instantaneous.
Many protection functions require a direction-dependent decision. Such functions can only be implemented where
both current and voltage inputs are available. For such functions, a directional check is required, whose output can
block the Start signal should the direction of the fault be wrong.
In the logic diagrams and descriptive text, it is usually sufficient to show only the first stage, as the design principles for
subsequent stages are usually the same (or at least very similar). Where there are differences between the functionality of
different stages, this is clearly indicated.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
This feature may be useful in certain applications, such as when grading with upstream electromechanical
overcurrent relays, which have inherent reset time delays. If you set the hold timer to a value other than zero, the
resetting of the protection element timers will be delayed for this period. This allows the element to behave in a
similar way to an electromechanical relay. If you set the hold timer to zero, the overcurrent timer for that stage will
reset instantaneously as soon as the current falls below a specified percentage of the current setting (typically
Another situation where the timer hold facility may be used to reduce fault clearance times is for intermittent
faults. An example of this may occur in a plastic insulated cable. In this application it is possible that the fault
energy melts and reseals the cable insulation, thereby extinguishing the fault. This process repeats to give a
succession of fault current pulses, each of increasing duration with reducing intervals between the pulses, until the
fault becomes permanent.
When the reset time is instantaneous, the device will repeatedly reset and not be able to trip until the fault
becomes permanent. By using the Timer Hold facility the device will integrate the fault current pulses, thereby
reducing fault clearance time.
86 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 87
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Timer Settings
Timer Settings
AR Blk Main Prot Notes: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow
& similar principles.
I> Blocking AR will block in DT elements, and raise the threshold in IDMT
AR Blocks I >3 elements
Phase Overcurrent Modules are level detectors that detect when the current magnitude exceeds a set threshold.
When this happens, a Start signal is generated unless it is inhibited by a blocking signal. This Start signal initiates
the timer module, which can be configured as an IDMT timer or DT timer, for PTOC or PIOC respectively. The Start
signal is also available for use in the PSL. For each stage, there are three Phase Overcurrent Modules, one for each
phase. The three Start signals from each of these phases are combined to form a 3-phase Start signal.
The timer can be configured with several settings depending on which type of timer is selected. Taking stage 1 as
an example:
The setting I>1 Time Delay sets the DT time delay
The setting I>1 TMS sets the Time Multiplier setting for IEC IDMT curves
The setting I>1 Time Dial sets the Time Multiplier setting for IEEE/US IDMT curves
The setting I>1 tRESET determines the reset time for the DT characteristic
The outputs of the timer modules are the single-phase trip signals. These trip signals are combined to form a 3-
phase Trip signal.
88 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
The phase fault elements of the IEDs are internally polarized by the quadrature phase-phase voltages, as shown in
the table below:
Phase of protection Operate current Polarizing voltage
A Phase IA VBC
B Phase IB VCA
C Phase IC VAB
Under system fault conditions, the fault current vector lags its nominal phase voltage by an angle depending on
the system X/R ratio. The IED must therefore operate with maximum sensitivity for currents lying in this region. This
is achieved using the IED characteristic angle (RCA) setting. The RCA is the angle by which the current applied to
the IED must be displaced from the voltage applied to the IED to obtain maximum sensitivity.
The characteristic angle can be set independently for each stage. For PTOC stage 1, for example, this would be the
setting I>1 Char Angle. It is possible to set characteristic angles anywhere in the range 0° to + 359°.
VAG(Faulted) IA
set @30o
VCG VBG +90o
For close up three-phase faults, all three voltages will collapse to zero and no healthy phase voltages will be
present. For this reason, the device includes a polarisation feature that stores the pre-fault voltage information
and continues to apply this to the directional overcurrent elements for a period of 3 cycles. This ensures that either
instantaneous or time-delayed directional overcurrent elements will be allowed to operate, even with a three-
phase voltage collapse.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 89
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Timer Settings
I>1 Direction
Notes: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow
Directional similar principles.
check AR will block in DT elements, and raise the threshold in IDMT
90 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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33 kV
R1 R2
R3 R4
11 kV
In the application shown in the diagram, a fault at ‘F’ could result in the operation of both R3 and R4 resulting in
the loss of supply to the 11 kV busbar. Hence, with this system configuration, it is necessary to apply directional
protection devices at these locations set to 'look into' their respective transformers. These devices should co-
ordinate with the non-directional devices, R1 and R2, to ensure discriminative operation during such fault
In such an application, R3 and R4 may commonly require non-directional overcurrent protection elements to
provide protection to the 11 kV busbar, in addition to providing a back-up function to the overcurrent devices on
the outgoing feeders (R5).
For this application, stage 1 of the R3 and R4 overcurrent protection would be set to non-directional and time
graded with R5, using an appropriate time delay characteristic. Stage 2 could then be set to directional (looking
back into the transformer) and also have a characteristic which provides correct co-ordination with R1 and R2.
Directionality for each of the applicable overcurrent stages can be set in the directionality cells (I>1 Direction).
The principles outlined for the parallel transformer application are equally applicable for plain feeders that are operating in
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 91
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
2.1s 2.1s
51 51
0.1s 0.1s
F Load B
67 67
Load 67
Load 67
67 Load 0.5s
1.3s 1.3s
E Load C
67 67
0.9s 0.9s
67 67
In a ring main arrangement, current may flow in either direction through the various device locations, therefore
directional overcurrent devices are needed to achieve correct discrimination.
The normal grading procedure for overcurrent devices protecting a ring main circuit is to consider the ring open at
the supply point and to grade the devices first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. The arrows shown at the various
device locations depict the direction for forward operation of the respective devices (i.e. the directional devices are
set to look into the feeder that they are protecting).
The diagram shows typical time settings (assuming definite time co-ordination is used), from which it can be seen
that any faults on the interconnections between stations are cleared discriminatively by the devices at each end of
the feeder.
Any of the overcurrent stages may be configured to be directional and co-ordinated, but bear in mind that IDMT
characteristics are not selectable on all the stages.
92 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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This example is for a device feeding a LV switchboard and makes the following assumptions:
● CT Ratio = 500/1
● Full load current of circuit = 450A
● Slowest downstream protection = 100A Fuse
The current setting on the device must account for both the maximum load current and the reset ratio, therefore:
I> must be greater than: 450/drop-off = 450/0.95 = 474A.
The required setting is 475A in terms of primary current.
A suitable time delayed characteristic will now need to be chosen. When co-ordinating with downstream fuses, the
applied characteristic should be closely matched to the fuse characteristic. Therefore, assuming IDMT co-
ordination is to be used, an Extremely Inverse (EI) characteristic would normally be chosen. This is found under the
I>1 Curve setting as IEC E Inverse.
Finally, a suitable time multiplier setting (TMS) must be calculated and entered in setting I>1 TMS.
In a ring main application, the load current can flow in either direction. The current setting must be above the
maximum load current.
The required characteristic angle settings for directional devices depend on the application. We recommend the
following settings:
● Plain feeders, or applications with an earthing point behind the device location, should use a +30° RCA
● Transformer feeders, or applications with a zero sequence source in front of the device location, should use
a +45° RCA setting
Although it is possible to set the RCA to exactly match the system fault angle, we recommend that you adhere to
the above guidelines, as these settings provide satisfactory performance and stability under a wide range of
system conditions.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Measured voltage
Voltage threshold setting
Figure 26: Modification of current pickup level for voltage controlled overcurrent protection
94 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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V −V < 2
KI > + ( I > − KI )
V < 1−V < 2
● If V is less than V<2, the current setting (Ιs) = K.Ι>
● Ι> = Over current stage setting
● Ιs = Current setting at voltage V
● V = Voltage applied to relay element
● V<1 = V Dep OC V<1
● V<2 = V Dep OC V<2
V Dep OC k Set
Figure 27: Modification of current pickup level for voltage restrained overcurrent protection
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 95
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
I>1 V Dep OC
VRO 1 Vdep OC Start AB
I>1 V Dep OC V<1
I>1 V Dep OC V<2
I>1 V Dep OC k
I>1 Current Set
Operato r
The current threshold setting for the Overcurrent function is determined by the voltage.
If the voltage is greater than I>1 V Dep OC V<1, the normal overcurrent setting I>1 current set is used. this applies
to both VCO and VRO modes.
If the voltage is less than I>1 V Dep OC V<1 AND it is in VCO mode, the overcurrent setting I>1 current set is
multiplied by the factor set by I>1 V Dep OC k.
If the voltage is less than I>1 V Dep OC V<2 AND it is in VRO mode, the overcurrent setting I>1 current set is
multiplied by the factor set by I>1 V Dep OC k.
If the voltage is between I>1 V Dep OC V<1 and I>1 V Dep OC V<2 AND it is in VRO mode, the overcurrent setting is
multiplied by a functional operator to determine the setting.
96 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
1.2 I >
● IF = Minimum fault current expected for the remote fault
● I> = Phase current setting for the element to have VCO control
If the overcurrent device has a setting of 160% In, but the minimum fault current for the remote fault condition is
only 80% In, then the required k factor is given by:
k= = 0.42
1.6 ×1.2
The voltage threshold, I>1 V Dep OC V<(n) setting would be set below the lowest system voltage that may occur
under normal system operating conditions, whilst ensuring correct detection of the remote fault.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 97
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow
similar principles.
98 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
For Negative Phase Sequence Overcurrent Protection, the energising quantity I2 is compared with the threshold
voltage I2>1 Current Set. If the value exceeds this setting a Start signal is generated, provided there are no blocks.
The function can be blocked if a CTS condition is detected with inhibit signal.
The I2>1 (IOC, TOC) Start signal is fed into a timer to produce the I2>1 (IOC, TOC) Trip signal.
This diagram and description applies to each stage.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 99
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
100 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
I2>1 Inhibit
Figure 31: Negative Sequence Overcurrent logic - directional operation
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 101
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
suitable relay characteristic angle setting (I2>1 Char Angle) is chosen to provide optimum performance. This
setting should be set equal to the phase angle of the negative sequence current with respect to the inverted
negative sequence voltage (–V2), in order to be at the centre of the directional characteristic.
The angle that occurs between V2 and I2 under fault conditions is directly dependent on the negative sequence
source impedance of the system. However, typical settings for the element are as follows:
● For a transmission system the relay characteristic angle (RCA) should be set equal to –60°
● For a distribution system the relay characteristic angle (RCA) should be set equal to –45°
For the negative phase sequence directional elements to operate, the device must detect a polarising voltage
above a minimum threshold, I2>1 V2pol Set. This must be set in excess of any steady state negative phase
sequence voltage. This may be determined during the commissioning stage by viewing the negative phase
sequence measurements in the device.
102 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Depending on the device model, it will provide one or more of the above means for Earth fault protection.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 103
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Timer Settings
IN2>1 Inhibit Note: This diagram shows the logic for IN 2 (derived earth fault). The logic
for IN1 (measured earth fault) follows the same principles, but with no CTS
from PSL This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar
CTS Block principles.
AR blocking is only available for stages IN1/IN2 IOC .
Not applicable for I N1 For IN1 IOC, we have the following DDBs IN1>1 IOC Start and IN1>1 IOC
AR Blk Main Prot Trip
*1 If a CLP condition exists, the I>(n) Current Set threshold is taken from the COLD LOAD PICKUP settings
*2The CTS blocking is not applicable for IN1, however this can be achieved using the PSL
The Earth Fault current is compared with a set threshold (IN1>(n) Current) for each stage. If it exceeds this
threshold, a Start signal is triggered, providing it is not blocked. This can be blocked by an Inhibit setting.
The autoreclose logic can be set to block the Earth Fault start and trip after a prescribed number of shots (set in
the AUTORECLOSE settings). This is achieved using the AR Blk Main Prot signal.
Earth Fault protection can follow the same IDMT characteristics as described in the Overcurrent Protection
Principles section. Please refer to that section for details of IDMT characteristics.
The diagram and description also applies to the Earth Fault 2 element (IN2).
104 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
provided in the MEASUREMENTS may assist in determining the required threshold setting during the
commissioning stage, as this will indicate the level of standing residual voltage present.
Forward –V_0 I_0 × 1∠ECA
Reverse –V_0 –I_0 × 1∠ECA
Forward Ig I_0
Reverse Ig –I_0 Iop = 3 × (|I_0| – K × |I_1|)
if |I_1| > 0.8 x CT
–V_0 I_0 × 1∠ECA
Forward or Iop = 3 × (|I_0|)
Ig I_0 if |I_1| ≤ 0.8 x CT
–V_0 –I_0 × 1∠ECA
Reverse or
Ig –I_0
Some of the models derive the Residual Voltage quantity internally, from the 3-phase voltage input supplied from
either a 5-limb or three single-phase VTs.On models with 4th VT input, this feature can be used for Check Sync or
to measure the Residual Voltage VN. The 4th VT input can be configured for measured or derived voltage.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 105
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Residual voltage is nominally 180° out of phase with residual current. Consequently, the DEF elements are polarised from the
"-Vres" quantity. This 180° phase shift is automatically introduced within the device.
Directional forward
(Ð VN + 180°) + RCA - 90° + (180° - tripping angle)/2 < Ð IN < (Ð VN +180°) + RCA +90° - (180° -
tripping angle)/2
Directional reverse
(Ð VN + 180°) + RCA - 90° - (180° - tripping angle)/2 > Ð IN > (Ð VN +180°) + RCA +90° + (180° -
tripping angle)/2
This can be best visualised with reference to the following diagram:
106 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
Some of the models derive the Residual Voltage quantity internally, from the 3-phase voltage input supplied from
either a 5-limb or three single-phase VTs.On models with 4th VT input, this feature can be used for Check Sync or
to measure the Residual Voltage VN. The 4th VT input can be configured for measured or derived voltage.
IN1> VNpol S et
VTS Slow Block Note: This diagram shows the log ic fo r IN1 (me (measure
asure d earth
ea rth fault). The logic for
IN1> Blocking IN2 (derived earth f ault) follo ws simila r p rinciples.
& This diagram does
d oes no t show all st ages. Ot her stages f ollow simila r principles.
p rinciples.
VTS Blocks IN>1
Figure 35: Directional EF logic with neutral voltage polarization (single stage)
Voltage Transformer Supervision (VTS) selectively blocks the directional protection or causes it to revert to non-
directional operation. When selected to block the directional protection, VTS blocking is applied to the directional
checking which effectively blocks the Start outputs as well.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 107
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
demonstrate that around 80% of earth faults in Petersen Coil earthed systems self-extinguish. This, in part,
explains their popularity.
11kV 22kV 33kV 65kV 110kV
Residual fault current—compensated neutral
Capacitive fault current—isolated neutral
Figure 36: Current level (amps) at which transient faults are self-extinguishing
The following figure depicts a simple network earthed through a Petersen Coil reactance. It can be shown that if
the reactor is correctly tuned, theoretically no earth fault current will flow.
-I B -I C
V AN V AB V ac
V AN I f I B I C
jX L
jX L jX C jX C -I B
(=I L) 0 if I B IC (=-I B) (=-I C)
If jX L
Consider a radial distribution system earthed using a Petersen Coil with a phase to earth fault on phase C, shown
in the figure below:
108 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
I A1
I R1
I H1
IH 2
I A3
I C3 = I F
I R3
I H3 IH1 + I H2
I L = I F + I H1 + IH2 + I H3
Assuming that no resistance is present in XL or XC, the resulting phasor diagrams will be as shown in the figure
I H3
IL A 3V0
IH2 -IH1
IR1 = IH1
IH1 -IH2
Vres = -3Vo Vres = -3Vo
Figure 39: Phasors for a phase C earth fault in a Petersen Coil earthed system
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 109
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Using a core-balance current transformer (CBCT), the current imbalances on the healthy feeders can be measured.
They correspond to simple vector addition of IA1 and IB1, IA2 and IB2, IA3 and IB3, and they lag the residual voltage
by exactly 90º.
The magnitude of the residual current IR1 is equal to three times the steady-state charging current per phase. On
the faulted feeder, the residual current is equal to IL - IH1 - IH2 (C). This is shown in the zero sequence network
shown in the following figure:
Faulty feeder
I ROF = Residual current on faulted feeder
I ROH = Residual current on healthy feeder
IROH Healthy feeders
IL I OF = I L – IH1 – I H2 – IH3
I ROF = IH3 + I OF
IH 3 IH 2 IH 1 I ROF = IL – IH1 – I H2
3XL -V0
In practical cases, however, resistance is present, resulting in the following phasor diagrams:
110 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
Resistive component
(IAH1 + I H2 + I H3)’ in feeder
Resistive component
in grounding coil I’ 3V0
Restrain IL
IR 3
I R3 = I F + IH3 = IL - IH1- IH12
Figure 41: Phase C earth fault in Petersen Coil earthed system: practical case with resistance present
If the residual voltage is used as the polarising voltage, the residual current is phase shifted by an angle less than
90° on the faulted feeder, and greater than 90° on the healthy feeders. With an RCA of 0°, the healthy feeder
residual current will fall in the ‘restrain’ area of the characteristic while the faulted feeder residual current falls in
the ‘operate’ area.
Often, a resistance is deliberately inserted in parallel with the Petersen Coil to ensure a measurable earth fault
current and increase the angular difference between the residual signals to reinforce the directional decision.
Directionality is usually implemented using a Wattmetric function, or a transient earth fault detection function
(TEFD), rather than a simple directional function, since they are more sensitive. For further information about TEFD,
refer to Transient Earth Fault Detection in the Current Protection Functions chapter.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
In most situations, the system will not be fully compensated and consequently a small level of steady state fault
current will be allowed to flow. The residual current seen by the protection on the faulted feeder may therefore be
a larger value, which further emphasises the fact that the protection settings should be based upon practical
current levels, wherever possible.
The above also holds true for the RCA setting. As has been shown, a nominal RCA setting of 0º is required.
However, fine-tuning of this setting on-site may be necessary in order to obtain the optimum setting in accordance
with the levels of coil and feeder resistances present. The loading and performance of the CT will also have an
effect in this regard. The effect of CT magnetising current will be to create phase lead of current. Whilst this would
assist with operation of faulted feeder IEDs, it would reduce the stability margin of healthy feeder IEDs. A
compromise can therefore be reached through fine adjustment of the RCA. This is adjustable in 1° steps.
112 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar
The SEF IOC element has the following DDB signals: ISEF>1 IOC Start
and ISEF>1 IOC Trip
The SEF current is compared with a set threshold (ISEF>(n) Current) for each stage. If it exceeds this threshold, a
Start signal is triggered, providing it is not blocked. This can be blocked by an Inhibit SEF DDB signal.
The autoreclose logic can be set to block the SEF trip after a prescribed number of shots (set in the AUTORECLOSE
settings). This is achieved using AR Blk SEF Prot through PSL.
SEF protection can follow the same IDMT characteristics as described in the Overcurrent Protection Principles
section. Please refer to this section for details of IDMT characteristics.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The following diagram shows which type of directional control can be used for which systems.
Wattmetric Wattmetric
VN x IN sin( j) VN x IN cos( j)
(reactive power) (active power)
V00773 CT
114 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
The directional unit uses the sensitive ground current (Isg) for fault direction discrimination and may be
programmed to use zero-sequence voltage (“Calculated V0” or “Measured VX”), for polarizing. The following tables
define the sensitive ground directional overcurrent element.
Voltage (Isg)
Reverse –V_0 –lsg
Where: V_0 = 1/3 * (Vag + Vbg + Vcg) = zero sequence voltage
When POLARIZING VOLTAGE is set to “Measured VX”, one-third of this voltage is used in place of V_0. The following
figure explains the usage of the voltage polarized directional unit of the element.
The figure below shows the voltage-polarized phase angle comparator characteristics for a phase A to ground
fault, with:
● ECA = 90° (element characteristic angle = centerline of operating characteristic)
● FWD LA = 80° (forward limit angle = the ± angular limit with the ECA for operation)
● REV LA = 80° (reverse limit angle = the ± angular limit with the ECA for operation)
The element incorporates a current reversal logic: if the reverse direction is indicated for at least 1.25 of a power
system cycle, the prospective forward indication will be delayed by 1.5 of a power system cycle. The element is
designed to emulate an electromechanical directional device. Larger operating and polarizing signals will result in
faster directional discrimination bringing more security to the element operation.
The forward-looking function is designed to be more secure as compared to the reverse-looking function, and
therefore, should be used for the tripping direction. The reverse-looking function is designed to be faster as
compared to the forward-looking function and should be used for the blocking direction. This allows for better
protection coordination.
The above bias should be taken into account when using the sensitive ground directional overcurrent element to
directionalize other protection elements.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 115
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
IS>1 Function
To SEF element
IS>1 VNpol Set
IS>1 Inhibit
ISEF>1 CharAngle
116 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
IH1 + IH2 + IH3
The protection elements on the healthy feeder see the charging current imbalance for their own feeder. The
protection element on the faulted feeder, however, sees the charging current from the rest of the system (IH1 and
IH2 in this case). Its own feeder's charging current (IH3) is cancelled out.
With reference to the associated vector diagram, it can be seen that the C-phase to earth fault causes the
voltages on the healthy phases to rise by a factor of √3. The A-phase charging current (Ia1), leads the resultant A
phase voltage by 90°. Likewise, the B-phase charging current leads the resultant Vb by 90°.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Vcpf Vbpf
(= 3Vo)
Figure 47: Phasor diagrams for insulated system with C phase fault
The current imbalance detected by a core balanced current transformer on the healthy feeders is the vector
addition of Ia1 and Ib1. This gives a residual current which lags the polariing voltage (–3Vo) by 90°. As the healthy
phase voltages have risen by a factor of Ö3, the charging currents on these phases are also Ö3 times larger than
their steady state values. Therefore, the magnitude of the residual current IR1, is equal to 3 times the steady state
per phase charging current.
The phasor diagram indicates that the residual currents on the healthy and faulted feeders (IR1 and IR3
respectively) are in anti-phase. A directional element (if available) could therefore be used to provide discriminative
earth fault protection.
If the polarising is shifted through +90°, the residual current seen by the relay on the faulted feeder will lie within
the operate region of the directional characteristic and the current on the healthy feeders will fall within the
restrain region.
The required characteristic angle setting for the SEF element when applied to insulated systems, is +90°. This is for
the case when the protection is connected such that its direction of current flow for operation is from the source
busbar towards the feeder. If the forward direction for operation were set such that it is from the feeder into the
busbar, then a –90° RCA would be required.
Discrimination can be provided without the need for directional control. This can only be achieved, however, if it is possible to
set the IED in excess of the charging current of the protected feeder and below the charging current for the rest of the system.
118 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
Cable gland
Cable box
Cable gland/shealth
earth connection
No operation
If the cable sheath is terminated at the cable gland and directly earthed at that point, a cable fault (from phase to
sheath) will not result in any unbalanced current in the core balance CT. Therefore, prior to earthing, the
connection must be brought back through the CBCT and earthed on the feeder side. This then ensures correct
relay operation during earth fault conditions.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The CLP logic therefore provides stability, whilst maintaining protection during the start-up.
Cold Load Pickup Protection is configured under the path SETPOINTS\CONTROL\CLP [X].
This function acts upon the following protection functions:
● All overcurrent stages (both non-directional and directional if applicable)
● All Earth Fault 1 stages (both non-directional and directional if applicable)
● All Earth Fault 2 stages (both non-directional and directional if applicable)
CLP operation occurs when the circuit breaker remains open for a time greater than tcold Time Delay and is
subsequently closed. CLP operation is applied after tcold Time Delay and remains for a set time delay of tclp Time
Delay following closure of the circuit breaker. Whilst CLP operation is in force, the CLP settings are enabled. After
the time delay tclp Time Delay has elapsed, the normal overcurrent settings are applied and the CLP settings are
If desired, instead of applying different current setting thresholds for the cold load time, it is also possible to
completely block the overcurrrent operation during this time, for any of the overcurrent stages.
Voltage-dependent operation can also affect the overcurrent settings. If a Voltage Dependent condition arises, this
takes precedence over the CLP function. If the CLP condition prevails and the Voltage Dependent function resets,
the device will operate using the CLP settings. Time-delayed elements are reset to zero if they are disabled during
the transitions between normal settings and CLP settings.
120 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
The CLP Operation signal indicates that CLP logic is in operation. This only happens when CLP is enabled AND CLP
is initiated from an undercurrent function after the tcold Time Delay period has elapsed. The CLP Operation
indicator goes low when CLP is disabled or when there is a CB closed condition.
tcold Time Delay and tclp Time Delay are initiated via the undercurrent signals generated within the device.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 121
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The CLP logic may be used to allow reduced operating times or current settings to be applied to the earth fault
element under normal running conditions. These settings could then be raised prior to motor starting, by means of
the logic.
122 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 123
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
For severe overloading, heat accumulates in the transformer windings, with little opportunity for dissipation into
the surrounding insulating oil. Therefore at high current levels, the replica curve is dominated by the short time
constant for the windings. This provides protection against hot spots developing within the transformer windings.
Overall, the dual time constant characteristic serves to protect the winding insulation from ageing and to minimise
gas production by overheated oil. Note however that the thermal model does not compensate for the effects of
ambient temperature change.
The dual time constant thermal characteristic is given by the equation:
● t1 = heating and cooling time constant of the transformer windings
● t2 = heating and cooling time constant of the insulating oil
Thermal State
Thermal Trip
Thermal 1 Trip
Characteristic Thermal trip
Single Thermal threshold
Dual Calculation
Three phase input currents are taken as the input to the thermal overload function. If this current exceeds the
thermal trip threshold setting a start condition is asserted.
The Start signal is applied to the chosen thermal characteristic module, which has three outputs signals; alarm trip
and thermal state measurement.
The thermal state can be reset under the clear records menu.
124 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Figures based
on equation
Figure 51: Spreadsheet calculation for dual time constant thermal characteristic
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 125
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
1 10
Current as a Multiple of Thermal Setting
The thermal time constants given in the above tables are typical only. Reference should always be made to the plant
manufacturer for accurate information.
θ − θ p
e( − t / τ ) =
θ −1
126 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
● θ = thermal state = I2/K2IFLC2
● θp = pre-fault thermal state = Ip2/K2IFLC2
A current of 105%Is (KIFLC) has to be applied for several time constants to cause a thermal state measurement of 100%.
Area mm2 6 - 11 kV 22 kV 33 kV 66 kV
25 – 50 10 minutes 15 minutes 40 minutes –
70 – 120 15 minutes 25 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes
150 25 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes
185 25 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes
240 40 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes
300 40 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 127
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
I1 Min
I1 Max
I2/I1 Inhibit
CTS Block
128 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
In practise, the levels of standing negative phase sequence current present on the system govern this minimum
setting. This can be determined from a system study, or by making use of the measurement facilities at the
commissioning stage. If the latter method is adopted, it is important to take the measurements during maximum
system load conditions, to ensure that all single-phase loads are accounted for.
A minimum value of 8% negative phase sequence current is required for successful operation.
Since sensitive settings have been employed, we can expect that the element will operate for any unbalanced
condition occurring on the system (for example, during a single pole autoreclose cycle). For this reason, a long time
delay is necessary to ensure co-ordination with other protection devices. A 60 second time delay setting may be
The following example was recorded by an IED during commissioning:
Ifull load = 500A
I2 = 50A
therefore the quiescent I2/I1 ratio = 0.1
To allow for tolerances and load variations a setting of 20% of this value may be typical: Therefore set:
I2/I1 = 0.2
In a double circuit (parallel line) application, using a 40% setting will ensure that the broken conductor protection
will operate only for the circuit that is affected. A setting of 0.4 results in no pick-up for the parallel healthy circuit.
Set I2/I1 Time Delay = 60 s to allow adequate time for short circuit fault clearance by time delayed protections.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
from fail
start backtrip
130 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
Time Incomer IDMT element
(secs) IDMT margin
Feeder IDMT element
0.1 Incomer high set element
Time to block
Feeder start contact
1.0 10.0 100.0
Current (kA)
For further guidance on the use of blocked busbar schemes, refer to General Electric.
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Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Switch on to fault protection (SOTF) is provided for high speed clearance of any detected fault immediately
following manual closure or closure after a long open time of the circuit breaker. Without SOTF, there is a risk that if
the breaker is closed onto close-in three-phase fault, the measured voltages may be too small for the impedance
zones or the directional overcurrent stages to operate reliably.
BRK1 Open
Current Set
& 1
Va, Vb, Vc
Voltage Max
132 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions
The relay provides three Undercurrent element per protection group. The element responds to a per-phase
current. An alarm will occur if the magnitude of any phase current falls below the undercurrent alarm pickup level
for the time specified by the undercurrent alarm delay. Furthermore, a trip will occur if the magnitude of any phase
current falls below the undercurrent trip pickup level for the time specified by the undercurrent trip delay. The
alarm and trip pickup levels should be set lower than the lowest feeder loading during normal operations.
Undercurrent requires breaker ‘close’ status to active the element. In addition, the Undercurrent element can be
blocked upon the closing of the feeder breaker for a period of time defined by the setting Start Block Delay. This
block may be used in applications when load requires time to build up to a certain operating level before the
undercurrent element trips or alarms.
I<1 A lm Inhibit
This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
DT Trip function follow similar principles
BKR1 Closed
I<1 Strt Blk Dly
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 133
Chapter 6 - Current Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
134 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
136 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
The device provides extensive Restricted Earth Fault functionality. This chapter describes the operation of this
function including the principles of operation, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 137
REF Protection Principles 138
Restricted Earth Fault Protection Implementation 144
Application Notes 147
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 137
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
IED protection zone
The current transformers measuring the currents in each phase are connected in parallel. The currents from all
three phases are summed to form a differential current, sometimes known as a spill current. Under normal
operating conditions the currents of the three phases add up to zero resulting in zero spill current. A fault on the
star side will also not result in a spill current, as the fault current would simply circulate in the delta windings.
However, if any of the three delta windings were to develop a fault, the impedance of the faulty winding would
change and that would result in a mismatch between the phase currents, resulting in a spill current. If the spill
current is large enough, it will trigger a trip command.
The following figure shows a REF protection arrangement for the star side of a delta-star transformer.
protection zone
Here we have a similar arrangement of current transformers connected in parallel. The difference is that we need
to measure the zero sequence current in the neutral line as well. An external unbalanced fault causes zero
sequence current to flow through the neutral line, resulting in uneven currents in the phases, which could cause
138 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
the protection to maloperate. By measuring this zero sequence current and placing it in parallel with the other
three, the currents are balanced, resulting in stable operation. Now only a fault inside the star winding can create
an imbalance sufficient to cause a trip.
IS Current p.u.
(x full load)
20% 100%
Winding not protected
Source Current p.u.
IS (x full load) 6
2 IS
64 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 139
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
In this case, the value of fault current (IF) varies with the fault location in a complex manner.
A restricted earth fault element is connected to measure IF directly. This provides very sensitive earth fault
For solidly earthed systems, the operating current for the transformer differential protection is still significant for
faults over most of the winding. For this reason, independent REF protection may not have been previously
considered, especially where an additional device would have been needed. But with this product, it can be
applied without extra cost.
140 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
CTs will provide a lower-impedance path compared with the device input impedance. The principle has been used
for more than half a century. Some advantages of using High Impedance REF are listed below:
● It provides a simple proven algorithm, which is fast, robust and secure.
● It is less sensitive to CT saturation.
Phase A
Phase A
Phase B
Phase B
Phase C
Phase C
I Phase A
I Phase A
I Phase B
I Phase B
I Phase C
I Phase C
I Neutral
Connecting IED to star winding for Low Connecting IED to delta winding for Low
Impedance REF Impedance REF
Differential current
Operate region
Lower slope
Restraint region
Minimum operating current
Bias current
First knee point Second knee point
The flat area of the characteristic is the minimum differential current required to cause a trip (operate current) at
low bias currents. From the first kneepoint onwards, the operate current increases linearly with bias current, as
shown by the lower slope on the characteristic. This lower slope provides sensitivity for internal faults. From the
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 141
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
second knee point onwards, the operate current further increases linearly with bias current, but at a higher rate.
The second slope provides stability under through fault conditions.
In Restricted Earth Fault applications, Bias Current Compensation is also known as Low Impedance REF.
Healthy CT Saturated CT
Zm1 Zm2
I = Is + IF
When subjected to heavy through faults the line current transformer may enter saturation unevenly, resulting in
imbalance. To ensure stability under these conditions a series connected external resistor is required, so that most
of the unbalanced current will flow through the saturated CT. As a result, the current flowing through the device
will be less than the setting, therefore maintaining stability during external faults.
Voltage across REF element Vs = IF (RCT2 + RL3 + RL4)
Stabilising resistor RST = Vs/Is –RR
● IF = maximum secondary through fault current
● RR = device burden
● RCT = CT secondary winding resistance
● RL2 and RL3 = Resistances of leads from the device to the current transformer
● RST = Stabilising resistor
High Impedance REF can be used for either delta windings or star windings in both solidly grounded and
resistance grounded systems. The connection to a modern IED are as follows:
142 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
Phase A
Phase A
Phase B
Phase B
Phase C
Phase C
I Phase A
I Phase B
I Phase C
RSTAB I Neutral
I Neutral RSTAB
Connecting IED to star winding for High Connecting IED to delta winding for High
Impedance REF Impedance REF
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 143
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
I diff = I A + I B + I C + K I N
( )
The bias current is as follows:
I bias =
max I A , I B , I C + K I N }
● K = Neutral CT ratio / Line CT ratio
● IN = current measured by the neutral CT
144 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
Operate K2
I S1 K1
Is1 and Is2 are relative to the line CT, which is always the reference CT.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 145
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
1 I op
Ie < − [ IREF > Is ]
n CT ratio
2. The maximum current setting to achieve a specific primary operating current with a given current
transformer magnetizing current:
I op
[ IREF > Is ] < − nI e
CT ratio
3. The protection primary operating current for a particular operating current with a particular level of
magnetizing current:
Vs I ( R + 2 RL )
Rst = = F CT
[ IREF > Is ] [ IREF > Is ]
● RCT = the resistance of the CT winding
● RL = the resistance of the lead from the CT to the IED.
The above formula assumes negligible relay burden.
We recommend a stabilizing resistor, which is continuously adjustable up to its maximum declared resistance.
146 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
Primary Secondary
A a
V2 V1
B b
An earth fault on such a winding causes a current which is dependent on the value of earthing impedance. This
earth fault current is proportional to the distance of the fault from the neutral point since the fault voltage is
directly proportional to this distance.
The ratio of transformation between the primary winding and the short circuited turns also varies with the position
of the fault. Therefore the current that flows through the transformer terminals is proportional to the square of the
fraction of the winding which is short circuited.
The earthing resistor is rated to pass the full load current IFLC = V1/Ö3R
Assuming that V1 = V2 then T2 = Ö3T1
For a fault at x PU distance from the neutral, the fault current If = xV1/Ö3R
Therefore the secondary fault current referred to the primary is Iprimary = x2.IFLC/Ö3
If the fault is a single end fed fault, the primary current should be greater than 0.2 pu (Is1 default setting) for the
differential protection to operate. Therefore x2/Ö3 > 20%
The following diagram shows that 41% of the winding is protected by the differential element.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 147
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
X in % Idiff in %
10 0.58
20 2.31
30 5.20
59% of unprotected winding
40 9.24
50 14.43
60 20.00
70 28.29
80 36.95 41% of protected winding
90 46.77
100 57.74
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
I Phase A
I Phase B
I Phase C
Neutral CT 200:1
I Neutral
148 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
Another advantage of Low Impedance REF protection is that you can use a neutral CT with a lower ratio than the
line CTs in order to provide better earth fault sensitivity. In the bias calculation, the device applies a scaling factor
to the neutral current. This scaling factor is as follows:
Scaling factor = K = Neutral CT ratio / Line CT ratio
This results in the following differential and bias current equations:
I diff = I A + I B + I C + K I N
( )
I bias =
max I A , I B , I C + K I N }
Consider a solidly earthed 90 MVA 132 kV transformer with a REF-protected star winding. Assume line CTS with a
ratio of 400:1.
Is1 is set to 10% of the winding nominal current:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 149
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
A a
B b
C c
Varistor TN 3 CT
150 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 151
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
A 400:1
B b
Transformer: High Z
33/132 kV
Dyn11, X = 5% RL
RCT = 0.5 W
RL = 0.98 W
152 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection
K can reach a maximum value of approximately 1.
The kneepoint voltage value used in the above formula should be the actual voltage obtained from the CT magnetizing
characteristic and not a calculated value.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 153
Chapter 7 - Restricted Earth Fault Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
154 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
156 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection
The device provides a Circuit Breaker Fail Protection function. This chapter describes the operation of this function
including the principles, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 157
Circuit Breaker Fail Protection 158
Circuit Breaker Fail Implementation 159
Circuit Breaker Fail Logic 161
Circuit Breaker Mapping 162
Application Notes 163
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 157
Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
158 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 159
Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
160 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection
Ia, Ib, Ic
1 & BF1 Retrip
Ph Retrip Set
BF Initiate
EXT Initiate 1
Int Initiate (1 to 15)
Ia, Ib, Ic
Ph Highset
Ntrl Highset
Ia, Ib, Ic
Ph Lowset
Ntrl Lowset
T1 Time Delay
BF Supervision
52b & Current DT
52b T2 Time Delay 1
& Lowset Delay
T3 Time Delay
BF1 52b SupvTrip
Breaker Closed
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 161
Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
CB Closed 3 ph CB in Service
162 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection
For any protection function requiring current to operate, the device uses operation of undercurrent elements to
detect that the necessary circuit breaker poles have tripped and reset the CB fail timers. However, the
undercurrent elements may not be reliable methods of resetting CBF in all applications. For example:
● Where non-current operated protection, such as under/overvoltage or under/overfrequency, derives
measurements from a line connected voltage transformer. Here, I< only gives a reliable reset method if the
protected circuit would always have load current flowing. In this case, detecting drop-off of the initiating
protection element might be a more reliable method.
● Where non-current operated protection, such as under/overvoltage or under/overfrequency, derives
measurements from a busbar connected voltage transformer. Again using I< would rely on the feeder
normally being loaded. Also, tripping the circuit breaker may not remove the initiating condition from the
busbar, and so drop-off of the protection element may not occur. In such cases, the position of the circuit
breaker auxiliary contacts may give the best reset method.
Fault occurs
CBF Safety
Protection Maximumbreaker reset margin
Normal operatingtime clearing time time time
Local 86 Remote CB
operating clearing time
The following examples consider direct tripping of a 2-cycle circuit breaker. Typical timer settings to use are as
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 163
Chapter 8 - CB Fail Protection P14D, P14N, P94V
164 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
166 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 167
Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements P14D, P14N, P94V
The current transformer requirements are based on a maximum fault current of 50 times the rated current (In) with
the device having an instantaneous overcurrent setting of 25 times the rated current. The current transformer
requirements are designed to provide operation of all protection elements.
Where the criteria for a specific application are in excess of this, or the lead resistance exceeds the limiting lead
resistance shown in the following table, the CT requirements may need to be modified according to the formulae in
the subsequent sections:
Nominal Accuracy Accuracy Limited Limiting Lead
Nominal Output
Rating Class Factor Resistance
1A 2.5 VA 10P 20 1.3 ohms
5A 7.5 VA 10P 20 0.11 ohms
The formula subscripts used in the subsequent sections are as follows:
K = A constant affected by the dynamic response of the relay
cn = Maximum prospective secondary earth fault current or 31 times > setting (whichever is lower) (amps)
cp = Maximum prospective secondary phase fault current or 31 times > setting (whichever is lower) (amps)
f = Maximum through-fault current level (amps)
Ιfn = Maximum prospective secondary earth fault current (amps)
Ιfp = Maximum prospective secondary phase fault current (amps)
n = Rated secondary current (amps)
s = Current setting of REF elements (amps)
Ιsn = Stage 2 & 3 earth fault setting (amps)
Ιsp = Stage 2 and 3 setting (amps)
Ιst = Motor start up current referred to CT secondary side (amps)
RCT = Resistance of current transformer secondary winding (ohms)
RL = Resistance of a single lead from relay to current transformer (ohms)
Rn = Impedance of the neutral current input at 30n (ohms)
Rp = Impedance of the phase current input at 30n (ohms)
Rst = Value of stabilising resistor for REF applications (ohms)
VK = Required CT knee-point voltage (volts)
VS = Required stability voltage
I cp
VK = ( RCT + RL + R p )
168 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements
I fp
VK = ( RCT + RL + R p )
I cp
VK = ( RCT + RL + R p )
VK = I sp ( RCT + RL + R p )
I fn
VK = ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn)
I cn
VK = ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn )
VK = I sn ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn )
I cn
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn)
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 169
Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements P14D, P14N, P94V
I cn
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn)
I sn
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + R p + Rn)
Instantaneous element
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + Rn)
Ensure that the phase error of the applied core balance current transformer is less than 90 minutes at 10% of rated current
and less than 150 minutes at 1% of rated current.
I cn
VK ≥ ( RCT + 2 RL + Rn)
Instantaneous element
VK ≥ I sn ( RCT + 2 RL + Rn)
Ensure that the phase error of the applied core balance current transformer is less than 90 minutes at 10% of rated current
and less than 150 minutes at 1% of rated current.
VK ≥ 24 I n ( RCT + 2 RL )
For 40 < X/R < 120 and 15n < If < 40n
VK ≥ 48 I n ( RCT + 2 RL )
170 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements
Class x or Class 5P CTs should be used for low impedance REF applications.
I f ( RCT + 2 RL )
Rst =
VK ≥ 4 I s Rst
Class x CTs should be used for high impedance REF applications.
K is a constant affected by the dynamic response of the device. K is always equal to 1.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 171
Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements P14D, P14N, P94V
● Vp = Peak voltage developed by the CT under internal fault conditions
● Vk = Current transformer kneepoint voltage
● Vf = Maximum voltage that would be produced if CT saturation did not occur
● I'f = Maximum internal secondary fault current
● RCT = Current transformer secondary winding resistance
● RL = Maximum lead burden from current transformer to relay
● RST = Relay stabilising resistor
You should always use Metrosils when the calculated values are greater than 3000 V. Metrosils are connected
across the circuit to shunt the secondary current output of the current transformer from the device to prevent very
high secondary voltages.
Metrosils are externally mounted and take the form of annular discs. Their operating characteristics follow the
V = CI0.25
● V = Instantaneous voltage applied to the Metrosil
● C = Constant of the Metrosil
● I = Instantaneous current through the Metrosil
With a sinusoidal voltage applied across the Metrosil, the RMS current would be approximately 0.52 x the peak
current. This current value can be calculated as follows:
2VS ( RMS )
I RMS = 0.52
● VS(RMS) = RMS value of the sinusoidal voltage applied across the metrosil.
This is due to the fact that the current waveform through the Metrosil is not sinusoidal but appreciably distorted.
The Metrosil characteristic should be such that it complies with the following requirements:
● The Metrosil current should be as low as possible, and no greater than 30 mA RMS for 1 A current
transformers or 100 mA RMS for 5 A current transformers.
● At the maximum secondary current, the Metrosil should limit the voltage to 1500 V RMS or 2120 V peak for
0.25 second. At higher device voltages it is not always possible to limit the fault voltage to 1500 V rms, so
higher fault voltages may have to be tolerated.
The following tables show the typical Metrosil types that will be required, depending on relay current rating, REF
voltage setting etc.
The Metrosil units normally recommended for use with 1Amp CTs are as shown in the following table:
172 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements
Single pole Metrosil units are normally supplied without mounting brackets unless otherwise specified by the customer.
In some situations single disc assemblies may be acceptable, contact General Electric for detailed applications.
The Metrosils recommended for use with 5 Amp CTs can also be used with triple pole devices and consist of three single pole
units mounted on the same central stud but electrically insulated from each other. To order these units please specify "Triple
pole Metrosil type", followed by the single pole type reference. Metrosil for higher voltage settings and fault currents are
available if required.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 173
Chapter 9 - Current Transformer Requirements P14D, P14N, P94V
174 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
176 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
The device provides a wide range of voltage protection functions. This chapter describes the operation of these
functions including the principles, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 177
Undervoltage Protection 178
Overvoltage Protection 181
Residual Overvoltage Protection 184
Negative Sequence Overvoltage Protection 188
Positive Sequence Undervoltage Protection 190
Positive Sequence Overvoltage Protection 191
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 177
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
Undervoltage conditions may occur on a power system for a variety of reasons, some of which are outlined below:
● Undervoltage conditions can be related to increased loads, whereby the supply voltage will decrease in
magnitude. This situation would normally be rectified by voltage regulating equipment such as AVRs (Auto
Voltage Regulators) or On Load Tap Changers. However, failure of this equipment to bring the system
voltage back within permitted limits leaves the system with an undervoltage condition, which must be
● If the regulating equipment is unsuccessful in restoring healthy system voltage, then tripping by means of
an undervoltage element is required.
● Faults occurring on the power system result in a reduction in voltage of the faulty phases. The proportion by
which the voltage decreases is dependent on the type of fault, method of system earthing and its location.
Consequently, co-ordination with other voltage and current-based protection devices is essential in order to
achieve correct discrimination.
● Complete loss of busbar voltage. This may occur due to fault conditions present on the incomer or busbar
itself, resulting in total isolation of the incoming power supply. For this condition, it may be necessary to
isolate each of the outgoing circuits, such that when supply voltage is restored, the load is not connected.
Therefore, the automatic tripping of a feeder on detection of complete loss of voltage may be required. This
can be achieved by a three-phase undervoltage element.
● Where outgoing feeders from a busbar are supplying induction motor loads, excessive dips in the supply
may cause the connected motors to stall, and should be tripped for voltage reductions that last longer than
a pre-determined time.
You set this using the V<(n) Curve, depending on the stage.
The IDMT characteristic is defined by the following formula:
T= D/(1 – V / Vpkp)
● T = Operating time in seconds
● D = Undervoltage Pickup Time Delay setpoint (for D = 0.00 operates instantaneously)
● V = Voltage as a fraction of the nominal VT Secondary Voltage
● Vpkp = Undervoltage Pickup Level
If FlexCurves are selected, the operating time is determined based on the following equation:
● T= Flexcurve(Vpkp / V)
The undervoltage stages can be configured either as phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltages in the setting
V< [n] Meas Mode.
178 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
Additional stages are included in order to provide multiple output types, such as alarm and trip stages.
Alternatively, different time settings may be required depending upon the severity of the voltage dip. For example,
motor loads will be able to cope with a small voltage dip for a longer time than a major one.
Outputs are available for single or three-phase conditions via the V< (n) Operate Mode setting for each stage.
& 1
V<1 Operate Mode
Any Phase
Any Two
Three Phase
& 1 V<1 Trip
& 1
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
VTS Fast Block only applies for directional models.
Figure 77: Undervoltage - single and three phase tripping mode (single stage)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 179
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The Undervoltage protection function detects when the voltage magnitude for a certain stage falls short of a set
threshold. If this happens a Start signal, signifying the "Start of protection", is produced. This Start signal can be
blocked by the VTS Fast Block signal and a V<(n) Min Voltage threshold setting. This Start signal is applied to the
timer module to produce the Trip signal. For each stage, there are three Phase undervoltage detection modules,
one for each phase. The three Start signals from each of these phases are OR'd together to create a 3-phase Start
signal (V<(n) Start), which can be be activated when any of the three phases start (Any Phase), or when all three
phases start (Three Phase), depending on the chosen V<(n) Operate Mode setting.
The outputs of the timer modules are the trip signals which are used to drive the tripping output relay. These
tripping signals are also OR'd together to create a 3-phase Trip signal, which are also controlled by the V<(n)
Operate Mode setting.
In some cases, we do not want the undervoltage element to trip; for example, when the protected feeder is de-
energised, or the circuit breaker is opened, an undervoltage condition would obviously be detected, but we would
not want to start protection. To cater for this, a V<(n) Min Voltage threshold setting blocks the Start signal for each
180 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
Overvoltage conditions are generally related to loss of load conditions, whereby the supply voltage increases in
magnitude. This situation would normally be rectified by voltage regulating equipment such as AVRs (Auto Voltage
Regulators) or On Load Tap Changers. However, failure of this equipment to bring the system voltage back within
permitted limits leaves the system with an overvoltage condition which must be cleared.
During earth fault conditions on a power system there may be an increase in the healthy phase voltages. Ideally, the system
should be designed to withstand such overvoltages for a defined period of time.
− 1
V pickup
when V > Vpickup
● T = trip time in seconds
● D = Overvoltage Pickup Delay setpoint
● V = actual phase-phase voltage
● Vpickup = Overvoltage Pickup setpoint
The overvoltage stages can be configured either as phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase voltages in the V>(n)
Meas mode cell.
Additional stages are included in order to provide multiple output types, such as alarm and trip stages.
Alternatively, different time settings may be required depending upon the severity of the voltage increase.
Outputs are available for single or three-phase conditions via the V>(n) Operate Mode setting for each stage.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 181
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
& 1
V>1 Operate Mode
Any Phase
Any Two
Three Phase
& 1 V>1 Trip
& 1
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
VTS Fast Block only applies for directional models.
Figure 78: Overvoltage - single and three phase tripping mode (single stage)
The Overvoltage protection function detects when the voltage magnitude for a certain stage exceeds a set
threshold. If this happens a Start signal, signifying the "Start of protection", is produced. This Start signal can be
blocked by the Inhibit signal. This start signal is applied to the timer module to produce the Trip signal. For each
stage, there are three Phase overvoltage detection modules, one for each phase. The three Start signals from
each of these phases are OR'd together to create a 3-phase Start signal (V>(n) Start), which can then be activated
when any of the three phases start (Any Phase), or when all three phases start (Three Phase), depending on the
chosen V>(n) Operate Mode setting.
182 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
The outputs of the timer modules are the trip signals which are used to drive the tripping output relay. These
tripping signals are also OR'd together to create a 3-phase Trip signal, which are also controlled by the V>(n)
Operate Mode setting.
This type of protection must be co-ordinated with any other overvoltage devices at other locations on the system.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 183
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
− 1
V pickup
when V > Vpickup
● T = trip time in seconds
● D = overvoltage Pickup Delay setpoint
● V = measured or derived phase-phase voltage
● Vpickup = overvoltage Pickup setpoint
You set this using the VN>(n) Curve.
The residual voltage may be derived from the phase voltages (Vres = Va + Vb +Vc) or measured from the 4th VT
184 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
The device derives the residual voltage internally from the three-phase voltage inputs supplied from either a 5-limb
VT or three single-phase VTs. These types of VT design provide a path for the residual flux and consequently permit
the device to derive the required residual voltage. In addition, the primary star point of the VT must be earthed.
Three-limb VTs have no path for residual flux and are therefore unsuitable for this type of protection.
VN2>1 Voltage Set &
IDMT/DT VN2>1 Trip
VTS Fast Block
Note: This diagram shows the logic for VN2(Derived). The logic for
VN1(Measured) follows the same principles. V06102
The corresponding outputs will be VN1>1 Start and VN1>1 Trip
The Residual Overvoltage module (VN>) is a level detector that detects when the voltage magnitude exceeds a set
threshold, for each stage. When this happens, the comparator output produces a Start signal (VN>(n) Start), which
signifies the "Start of protection". This can be blocked by a VTS Fast block signal. This Start signal is applied to the
timer module. The output of the timer module is the VN> (n) Trip signal which is used to drive the tripping output
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 185
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
2ZS1 + ZS0 + 2ZL1 + ZL0
As can be seen from the above diagram, the residual voltage measured on a solidly earthed system is solely
dependent on the ratio of source impedance behind the protection to the line impedance in front of the protection,
up to the point of fault. For a remote fault far away, the ZS/ZL: ratio will be small, resulting in a correspondingly
small residual voltage. Therefore, the protection only operates for faults up to a certain distance along the system.
The maximum distance depends on the device setting.
186 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
VA - G
S R VA - G
VC - G VC - G VC - G
VB - G VB - G VB - G
VB - G VB - G VB - G
VA - G VA - G
VC - G VC - G VC - G
ZS0 + 3ZE
2ZS1 + ZS0 + 2ZL1 + ZL0 + 3Z
An impedance earthed system will always generate a relatively large degree of residual voltage, as the zero
sequence source impedance now includes the earthing impedance. It follows then that the residual voltage
generated by an earth fault on an insulated system will be the highest possible value (3 x phase-neutral voltage),
as the zero sequence source impedance is infinite.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 187
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
V2>1 Inhibit
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar
The Negative Voltage Sequence Overvoltage module detects when the voltage magnitude exceeds a set
threshold. When this happens, the comparator output Overvoltage Module produces a Start signal (e.g. for stage
1: V2>1 Start), which signifies the "Start of protection". This can be blocked by a V2>1 Inhibit signal. This Start
signal is applied to the DT timer module. The output of the DT timer module is the trip signal which is used to drive
the tripping output relay.
Standing levels of NPS voltage (V2) are displayed in the V2 Magnitude setting under MEASUREMENTS.
188 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
The operation time of the element depends on the application, but a typical setting would be in the region of 5
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 189
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
● T = Operating time in seconds
● D = Undervoltage Pickup Time Delay setpoint (for D = 0.00 operates instantaneously)
● V = Measured positive sequence voltage
● Vpkp = Undervoltage Pickup Level
Additional stages are included in order to provide multiple output types, such as alarm and trip stages.
V1<1 Min Voltage
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
VTS Fast Block only applies for directional models.
VTS Fast Block
190 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions
− 1
V pickup
● T = operate time (in seconds)
● TMS = Time Multiplier setting
● V = measured positive sequence voltage
● Vpickup = Pickup Voltage setting
Multiple stages are included in order to provide multiple output types, such as alarm and trip stages.
V>1 Inhibit Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 191
Chapter 10 - Voltage Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
192 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
194 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions
The device provides a range of frequency protection functions. This chapter describes the operation of these
functions including the principles, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 195
Frequency Protection Overview 196
Underfrequency Protection 197
Overfrequency Protection 199
Independent R.O.C.O.F Protection 201
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 195
Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
196 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions
A reduced system frequency implies that the net load is in excess of the available generation. Such a condition can
arise, when an interconnected system splits, and the load left connected to one of the subsystems is in excess of
the capacity of the generators in that particular subsystem. Industrial plants that are dependent on utilities to
supply part of their loads will experience underfrequency conditions when the incoming lines are lost.
Many types of industrial loads have limited tolerances on the operating frequency and running speeds (e.g.
synchronous motors). Sustained underfrequency has implications on the stability of the system, whereby any
subsequent disturbance may damage equipment and even lead to blackouts. It is therefore essential to provide
protection for underfrequency conditions.
F<1 Freq Set & F<1 Trip
F<1 Function
F<1 Imin
F<1 Vmin
V06600 Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
If the frequency is below the setting and not blocked the DT timer is started. If the frequency cannot be
determined, the function is blocked.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 197
Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The effectiveness of each load shedding stage depends on the proportion of power deficiency it represents. If the
load shedding stage is too small compared with the prevailing generation deficiency, then there may be no
improvement in the frequency. This should be taken into account when forming the load groups.
Time delays should be sufficient to override any transient dips in frequency, as well as to provide time for the
frequency controls in the system to respond. These should not be excessive as this could jeopardize system
stability. Time delay settings of 5 - 20 s are typical.
An example of a four-stage load shedding scheme for 50 Hz systems is shown below:
Stage Element Frequency Setting (Hz) Time Setting (Sec)
1 Stage 1(f+t) 49.0 20 s
2 Stage 2(f+t) 48.6 20 s
3 Stage 3(f+t) 48.2 10 s
4 Stage 4(f+t) 47.8 10 s
The relatively long time delays are intended to provide sufficient time for the system controls to respond. This will
work well in a situation where the decline of system frequency is slow. For situations where rapid decline of
frequency is expected, this load shedding scheme should be supplemented by rate of change of frequency
protection elements.
198 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions
An increased system frequency arises when the mechanical power input to a generator exceeds the electrical
power output. This could happen, for instance, when there is a sudden loss of load due to tripping of an outgoing
feeder from the plant to a load centre. Under such conditions, the governor would normally respond quickly to
obtain a balance between the mechanical input and electrical output, thereby restoring normal frequency.
Overfrequency protection is required as a backup to cater for cases where the reaction of the control equipment is
too slow.
F>1 Freq Set & F>1 Trip
F>1 Inhibit
F>1 Function
F>1 Vmin
V06601 Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
If the frequency is above the setting and not blocked, the DT timer is started and after this has timed out, the trip is
produced. If the frequency cannot be determined, the function is blocked.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 199
Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The relatively long time delays are intended to provide time for the system controls to respond and will work well in
a situation where the increase of system frequency is slow.
For situations where rapid increase of frequency is expected, the protection scheme above could be supplemented
by rate of change of frequency protection elements.
In the system shown below, the generation in the MV bus is sized according to the loads on that bus, whereas the
generators linked to the HV bus produce energy for export to utility. If the links to the grid are lost, the generation
will cause the system frequency to rise. This rate of rise could be used to isolate the MV bus from the HV system.
To utility
IPP generation
HV bus
MV bus
Local generation
200 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 201
Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
df/dt 1 Vmin
df/dt 1 Fmin 1 df/dt 1 Trip
df/dt 1 Fmax
df/dt 1 Function
Enabled & df/dt1 Dwn Trip
df/dt 1 Dir¶n
Both df/dt 1 Delay
df/dt1 Up Start
df/dt 1 Dwn Start
df/dt 1 Inhibit
1 df/dt 1 Start
df/dt 1 Set
Note: This diagram does not show all stages. Other stages follow similar principles.
202 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions
In this scheme, tripping of the last two stages is accelerated by using the independent rate of change of frequency
element. If the frequency starts falling at a high rate (> 3 Hz/s in this example), then stages 3 & 4 are shed at
around 48.5 Hz, with the objective of improving system stability. Stage 5 serves as an alarm and gives operators
advance warning that the situation is critical.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 203
Chapter 11 - Frequency Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
204 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
206 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions
Power protection is used for protecting generators. Although the main function of this device is for feeder
applications, it can also be used as a cost effective alternative for protecting small distributed generators, typically
less than 2 MW.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 207
Overpower Protection 208
Underpower Protection 211
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 207
Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
With Overpower, we should consider two distinct conditions: Forward Overpower and Reverse Overpower.
A forward overpower condition occurs when the system load becomes excessive. A generator is rated to supply a
certain amount of power and if it attempts to supply power to the system greater than its rated capacity, it could
be damaged. Therefore overpower protection in the forward direction can be used as an overload indication. It can
also be used as back-up protection for failure of governor and control equipment. Generally the Overpower
protection element would be set above the maximum power rating of the machine.
A reverse overpower condition occurs if the generator prime mover fails. When this happens, the power system
may supply power to the generator, causing it to motor. This reversal of power flow due to loss of prime mover can
be very damaging and it is important to be able to detect this with a Reverse Overpower element.
P(3 phase)
P>1 3Ph Watt & 1 & P>1 3Ph Trip
P>1 Function
P>1 Inhibit
208 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions
In some applications, the level of reverse power in the case of prime mover failure may fluctuate. This may be the
case for a failed diesel engine. To prevent cyclic initiation and reset of the main trip timer, an adjustable reset time
delay is provided. You will need to set this time delay longer than the period for which the reverse power could fall
below the power setting. This setting needs to be taken into account when setting the main trip time delay.
A delay in excess of half the period of any system power swings could result in operation of the reverse power protection
during swings.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 209
Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
The reverse power protection function should be time-delayed to prevent false trips or alarms being given during
power system disturbances or following synchronisation.
A time delay setting, of approximately 5 s would be typically applied.
The delay on the reset timer, P>1 tRESET or P>2 tRESET, would normally be set to zero.
When settings of greater than zero are used for the reset time delay, the pick-up time delay setting may need to be
increased to ensure that false tripping does not result in the event of a stable power swinging event.
Reverse overpower protection can also be used for loss of mains applications. If the distributed generator is
connected to the grid but not allowed to export power to the grid, it is possible to use reverse power detection to
switch off the generator. In this case, the threshold setting should be set to a sensitive value, typically less than 2%
of the rated power. It should also be time-delayed to prevent false trips or alarms being given during power system
disturbances, or following synchronisation. A typical time delay is 5 seconds.
210 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions
Although the Underpower protection is directional and can be configured as forward or reverse, the most common
application is for Low Forward Power protection.
When a machine is generating and the circuit breaker connecting the generator to the system is tripped, the
electrical load on the generator is cut off. This could lead to overspeeding of the generator if the mechanical input
power is not reduced quickly. Large turbo-alternators, with low-inertia rotor designs, do not have a high over
speed tolerance. Trapped steam in a turbine, downstream of a valve that has just closed, can rapidly lead to over
speed. To reduce the risk of over speed damage, it may be desirable to interlock tripping of the circuit breaker and
the mechanical input with a low forward power check. This ensures that the generator circuit breaker is opened
only after the mechanical input to the prime mover has been removed, and the output power has reduced enough
such that overspeeding is unlikely. This delay in tripping the circuit breaker may be acceptable for non-urgent
protection trips (e.g. stator earth fault protection for a high impedance earthed generator). For urgent trips
however (e.g. stator current differential protection), this Low Forward Power interlock should not be used.
3 Phase Watts
3 Phase VA
P<1 3Ph Watt & DT
1 & P<1 3Ph Trip
P<1 3Ph VAR
Note: This diagram does not show all stages . Other stages follow similar principles.
P<1 Function
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 211
Chapter 12 - Power Protection Functions P14D, P14N, P94V
212 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
214 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Selected models of this product provide sophisticated Autoreclose (AR) functionality. The purpose of this chapter is
to describe the operation of this functionality including the principles, logic diagrams and applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 215
Introduction to 3-phase Autoreclose 216
Implementation 217
Autoreclose Function Inputs 218
Autoreclose Function Outputs 221
Autoreclose Function Alarms 223
Autoreclose Operation 224
Setting Guidelines 240
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 215
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
Autoreclosing provides an important benefit on circuits using time-graded protection, in that it allows the use of
instantaneous protection to provide a high speed first trip. With fast tripping, the duration of the power arc
resulting from an overhead line fault is reduced to a minimum. This lessens the chance of damage to the line,
which might otherwise cause a transient fault to develop into a permanent fault. Using instantaneous protection
also prevents blowing of fuses in teed feeders, as well as reducing circuit breaker maintenance by eliminating pre-
arc heating.
When instantaneous protection is used with autoreclosing, the scheme is normally arranged to block the
instantaneous protection after the first trip. Therefore, if the fault persists after re-closure, the time-graded
protection will provide discriminative tripping resulting in the isolation of the faulted section. However, for certain
applications, where the majority of the faults are likely to be transient, it is common practise to allow more than
one instantaneous trip before the instantaneous protection is blocked.
Some schemes allow a number of re-closures and time-graded trips after the first instantaneous trip, which may
result in the burning out and clearance of semi-permanent faults. Such a scheme may also be used to allow fuses
to operate in teed feeders where the fault current is low.
When considering feeders that are partly overhead line and partly underground cable, any decision to install auto-
reclosing should be subject to analysis of the data (knowledge of the frequency of transient faults). This is because
this type of arrangement probably has a greater proportion of semi-permanent and permanent faults than for
purely overhead feeders. In this case, the advantages of autoreclosing are small. It can even be disadvantageous
because re-closing on to a faulty cable is likely to exacerbate the damage.
216 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Autoreclose functionality is a software option, which is selected when ordering the device, so this description only
applies to models with this option.
Autoreclose works for phase overcurrent (POC) earth fault (EF) and sensitive earth fault (SEF) protection. It is
implemented in the under the path SETPOINTS\CONTROL\AUTORECLOSE
The Autoreclose function can be set to perform a single-shot, two-shot, three-shot or four-shot cycle. You select
this by the Number of Shots setting in the AR (n) Setup menu. You can also initiate a separate Autoreclose cycle for
the SEF protection, with a different number of shots, selected by the Number SEF Shots. Dead times for all shots
can be adjusted independently.
An Autoreclose cycle can be initiated internally by operation of a protection element, or externally by a separate
protection device.At the end of the relevant dead time, an Auto Close signal is given, providing it is safe for the
circuit breaker to close. This is determined by checking that certain system conditions are met as specified by the
System Checks functionality.
It is safe to close the circuit breaker providing that:
● only one side of the circuit breaker is live (either dead line / live bus, or live line / dead bus), or
● if both bus and line sides of the circuit breaker are live, the system voltages are synchronised.
In addition, the energy source powering the circuit breaker (for example the closing spring) must be fully charged.
This is indicated from the CB Healthy input.
When the CB has closed, the reclaim time starts. If the circuit breaker does not trip again, the Autoreclose function
resets at the end of the set reclaim time. If the protection operates during the reclaim time the device either
advances to the next shot in the Autoreclose cycle, or if all reclose attempts have been made, goes to lockout.
CB Status signals must also be available, so the default setting for CB Status Input should be modified according
to the application. The default PSL requires 52A, 52B and CB Healthy logic inputs, so a setting of both 52A and 52B
would be required for the CB Status Input if used with the default PSL.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 217
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
It is necessary to establish if there is sufficient energy in the circuit breaker (spring charged, gas pressure healthy,
etc.) before the CB can be closed. This CB Healthy input is used to ensure this before initiating a CB closed 3ph
command. If on completion of the dead time, the CB Healthy input is low, and remains low for a period given by
the CB Healthy Time timer, lockout will result and the circuit breaker will remain open.
The majority of circuit breakers are only capable of providing a single trip-close-trip cycle, in which case the CB
Healthy signal would stay low after one Autoreclose shot, resulting in lockout.
This check can be disable by setting CB Healthy to on, whereby the signal defaults to high state.
The Block AR input blocks the Autoreclose function and causes a lockout. It can be used when protection
operation without Autoreclose is required. A typical example is on a transformer feeder, where Autoreclose may be
initiated by the feeder protection but blocked by the transformer protection.
218 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
In some applications, it is sometimes necessary to initiate an Autoreclose cycle by means of connecting an
external signal to an opto-input. This would be when the normal interlock conditions are not all satisfied, i.e. when
the CB is open and the associated feeder is dead. If the AR Restart input is mapped to an opto-input, activation of
that opto-input will initiate an Autoreclose cycle irrespective of the status of the CB in Service input, provided the
other interlock conditions, are still satisfied.
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Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
220 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
This signal is present during the complete re-close cycle from the start of protection to the end of the reclaim time
or lockout.
The AR In Service output indicates whether the Autoreclose is in or out of service. Autoreclose is In Service when
the device is in Auto mode and Out of Service when in the Non Auto and Live Line modes.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 221
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
222 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
The AR CB Unhealthy alarm indicates that the CB Healthy input was not energised at the end of the CB Healthy
Time, leading to a lockout condition. This alarm is latched and must be reset manually.
The AR Lockout alarm indicates that the device is in a lockout status and that further re-close attempts will not be
made. This alarm can configured to reset automatically (self-reset) or manually as determined by the setting Reset
Lockout by.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 223
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
The Autoreclose function is a complex function consisting of several modules interacting with one another. This is
described in terms of separate logic diagrams, which link together by means of Internal signals (depicted by the
pink-coloured boxes.
Live Line Mode provides extra security for live line working on the protected feeder.
You can select the Autoreclose operating mode according to application requirements. The basic method of mode
selection is determined by the setting AR Mode Select as summarised in the following table:
AR Mode Select Setting Description
Command Mode Auto or Non-auto mode selection is determined by the command setting Autoreclose Mode.
Auto or Non-auto mode selection is determined by an opto-input mapped to AR Auto Mode
Opto Set Mode If the AR Auto Mode input is high, Auto operating mode is selected. If the AR Auto Mode input is low, Non-
Auto operating mode is selected.
Auto or Non-auto mode selection is controlled by the Telecontrol Mode input. If the Telecontrol Mode input
User Set Mode is high, the setting Autoreclose Mode is used to select Auto or Non Auto operating mode. If the Telecontrol
Mode input is low, it behaves as for the Opto Set Mode setting.
Auto or Non-auto mode selection is determined by the falling edge of AR Auto Mode signal. If the
Telecontrol input is high, the operating mode is toggled between Auto and Non Auto Mode on the falling
Pulse Set Mode
edge of the AR Auto Mode signal as it goes low. The Auto Mode pulses are produced by the SCADA system.
If the Telecontrol input is low, it behaves as for the Opto Set Mode setting.
The Live Line Mode is controlled by AR LiveLine Mode. If this is high, the scheme is forced into Live Line Mode
irrespective of the other signals.
224 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 225
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
AR Mode Select
Opto Set Mode
User Set Mode Non Auto Mode
Pulse Set Mode
& &
Command Mode
& 1 &
Autoreclose Mode Q Auto Mode (int)
Auto R
No Operation 1
Non Auto
& Enable
Output pulse on
rising edge of µTele ¶
& Enable
Telecontrol Mode
The mode selection logic includes a 100 ms delay for Auto Mode, Telecontrol and Live Line logic inputs, to ensure
a predictable change of operating modes. This is of particular importance for the case when the four position
switch does not have 'make-before-break' contacts. The logic also ensures that when the switch is moved from
Auto or Non-Auto position to Telecontrol, the scheme remains in the previously selected mode (Auto or Non-Auto)
until a different mode is selected by remote control.
For applications where live line operating mode and remote selection of Auto/Non-auto modes are not required, a
simple two position switch can be arranged to activate Auto Mode input. In this case, the Live Line and
Telecontrol inputs would be unused.
226 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
If ISEF IOC>1 AR is set to No Action, operation of the ISEF>1 protection stage will lead to a CB trip but no
reclose. Otherwise it can be used to initiate Main autoreclose or SEF autoreclose.
A selection must be made for each protection stage that is enabled.
A separate protection device may also initiate Autoreclose. The Autoreclose can be initiated from a protection Trip,
or when sequence coordination is required from a protection Start. If external triggering of Autoreclose is required,
the following DDB signals should be mapped to opto-inputs:
● Ext AR Prot Trip
● Ext AR Prot Strt (if applicable)
In addition, the setting Ext Prot should be set to Initiate Main AR.
Although a protection start and a protection trip can initiate an AR cycle, several checks still have to be performed
before the initialisation signal is given. Some of the checks are listed below:
● Auto Mode has been selected
● Live line mode is disabled
● The number of main protection and SEF shots have not been reached
● Sequence co-ordination is enabled (for protection start to initiate AR. This is not necessary if a protection
trip is doing the initiating)
● The CB in Service DDB signal is high
The relevant protection trip must be mapped to the Trip Command In DDB.
IN>1 IOC Start Note: This diagram does not show all
IN1 IOC 1 & stages and TOC elements. Other
Initiate Main AR
stages and TOC elements follow
similar principles.
ISEF>1 IOC Start
Initiate Main AR
Initiate SEF AR SEF Protection Start
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 227
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
Trip Command In
N2 IOC 1 &
Initiate Main A R
CB Fail Alarm
Block AR
Trip Command In
IN1 IOC 1 &
Block AR
228 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Sequence Co-ord
Autoreclose Start
& S
Q DAR in Progress
CB in Service Autoreclose Initiate
Autoreclose Inhibit Q AR in Progress
AR Restart Increment on falling AR SeqCounter 0
DAR Complete AR SeqCounter 1
AR SeqCounter 2
Lockout Alarm
AR SeqCounter 3
SC Counter
Reclaim Complete AR SeqCounter 4
Non Auto Mode 1 Reset SC Count > 4
Number of Shots SC Count >= Main Shots
Autoreclose Disabled
Number SEF Shots SC Count >= SEF Shots
Live Line Mode
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 229
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
AR SeqCounter 0
AR SeqCounter 1
AR SeqCounter 2
Trip 3 Main
& 1 Block Main Prot Trips
Block Inst Prot
No Block
AR SeqCounter 3
AR SeqCounter 4
SC Count > 4
Trip 5 Main
Block Inst Prot
No Block
AR SeqCounter 0
AR SeqCounter 1
AR SeqCounter 2
AR SeqCounter 3
Trip 4 SEF
Block Inst Prot
No Block
AR SeqCounter 4
SC Count > 4
Trip 5 Main
Block Inst Prot
No Block
230 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
It is blocked when the CB maintenance lockout counter or excessive fault frequency lockout has reached its
penultimate value.
For example, if the setting No. CB Ops Lock in the \SETPOINTS\MONITORING\CIRCUIT BREAKER\ CB 1 MONITOR
\CB1 HEALTH\FUNCTION is set to 100, the instantaneous protection can be blocked to ensure that the last CB trip
before lockout will be due to discriminative protection operation. This is controlled using the EFF Maint Lock
setting (Excessive Fault Frequency maintenance lockout). If this is set to Block Inst Prot, the instantaneous
protection will be blocked for the last CB Trip before lockout occurs.
Instantaneous protection can also be blocked when the IED is locked out, using the AR Lockout setting. It can also
be blocked after a manual close using the Manual Close setting. When the IED is in the Non-auto mode it can be
blocked by using the AR Deselected setting. The logic for these features is shown below.
Autoreclose disabled
Lockout Alarm
EFF Maint Lock
Block Inst Prot
No Block
Lockout Alarm
AR Lockout &
Block Inst Prot 1
No Block
AR Deselected
Block Inst Prot
No Block
AR In Progress
CB Closed 3 ph &
Auto Mode (int) &
Autoreclose inhibit
Manual Close
Block Inst Prot
No Block
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 231
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
AR with ChkSyn
Scheme 2 (Voltage models only)
1 &
AR Sync Check
DeatTime Enabled
AR SeqCounter 1 &
AR SeqCounter 4 &
CB Open 3 ph
DT OK To Start & S
Q Reclose Checks
Autoreclose Initiate
AR In Progress
Sequence Co -ord
Start Dead t On
Protection Reset
CB Trips
232 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Reset Total AR
Yes Total Shot Counter
No (Increment on +ve edge)
CB Cls Fail
& t Auto Close
CB Open 3 ph 0
& SD
& SD
DT Complete Q
Autoreclose Start &
Lockout Alarm
& S
CB Healthy Time
CB Closed 3 ph
& t AR CB Unhealthy
CB Healthy
& t AR No Sys Check
AR SysChecks OK 0
Sys Check Time
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 233
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
AR Sys Checks
1 AR SysChecks OK
SysChk on Shot 1
AR SeqCounter 1
No system Checks
1 AR SysChecks OK
Live/Dead Ccts
LiveDead Ccts OK
AR with ChkSyn
& AR Sync Check
Check Sync 1 OK
Reclose Checks
234 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Lockout Reset
HMI Clear 1
Reset Lockout
Lockout alarm t
& Lockout
CB Closed 3 ph 0
Reset Lockout by
CB Close
User Interface
Man Close RstDly
Reset Lckout Alm
CB Open 3 ph
& S
Auto close Q
1 & S
Q Successful close
CB Closed 3 ph R
AR In Progress
Reclaim In Prog
Inh Reclaim Time
tReclaim Extend t
On Prot Start 0 & Reclaim Complete
No Operation 1
DT Complete
Autoreclose Start &
Sequence Co -ord Reclaim Time 3
AR SeqCounter 1
& nc Successful
Reset 1st shot Counter
AR SeqCounter 2
& nc Successful
Reset 2 nd shot Counter
AR SeqCounter 3
& nc Successful
Reset 3rd shot Counter
AR SeqCounter 4
& nc Successful
Reset 4 th shot Counter
CB Open 3 ph
& nc Persistant
AR Lockout
Reset Faults Counter
Reset Total AR
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 235
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
AR Inhibit Time
CB Closed 3 ph Pulse to start inhibit timer
1 t
AR In Progress & Autoreclose inhibit
AR on Man Close
Main Protection St art
SEF Protection Start
If a protection operation occurs during the inhibit period, Autoreclose is not initiated. A further option is provided
by setting Man Close on Flt. If this is set to Lockout, Autoreclose is locked out (AR Lockout) for a fault during the
inhibit period following manual CB closure. If Man Close on Flt is set to No Lockout, the CB trips without
reclosure, but Autoreclose is not locked out.
You may need to block selected fast non-discriminating protection in order to obtain fully discriminative tripping
during the AR initiation inhibit period following CB manual close. You can do this by setting Manual Close to
Block Inst Prot. A No Block setting will enable all protection elements immediately on CB closure.
If setting AR on Man Close is set to Enabled, Autoreclose can be initiated immediately on CB closure, and settings
AR Inhibit Time, Man Close on Flt and Manual Close are irrelevant.
236 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
Reclaim Complete
CB Open 3 ph
DT complete &
Autoreclose Start
AR in Progress
& S
Block Autoreclose Q
AR CB Unhealthy
CB State Unknown
CB Cls Fail
HMI Clear Q AR Lockout
1 R
Lockout Reset
Reset Lockout
Lockout Alarm
CB Closed 3 ph
Reset Lockout by
User Interface
CB Close
AR No Sys Check
Protection Lockt
AR lockout may also be due to a protection operation when the IED is in the Live Line or Non-auto modes when the
setting Trip AR Inactive is set to Lockout. Autoreclose lockout can also be caused by a protection operation after
manual closing during the AR Inhibit Time when the Man Close on Flt setting is set to Lockout. This is shown as
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 237
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
Autoreclose inhibit
Trip AR Inactive
No Lockout
The Reset Lockout input can be used to reset the Autoreclose function following lockout and reset any Autoreclose
alarms, provided that the signals that initiated the lockout have been removed. Lockout can also be reset from the
clear key or the command Lockout Reset.
The Reset Lockout by setting is used to enable or disable reset of lockout automatically from a manual close after
the manual close time Man Close RstDly or to enable/disable the resetting of lockout when the IED is in the Non-
auto operating mode. The reset lockout methods are summarised in the following table:
Reset Lockout Method When Available?
User Interface via the Clear key.
Note: This will also reset all other protection flags
User interface via command Lockout Reset Always
Opto-input Reset lockout Always
Following a successful manual close if Reset Lockout by is set to CB Close Only when set
By selecting Non-Auto mode, provided Reset Lockout by is set to Select NonAuto Only when set
238 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 239
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
240 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 13 - Autoreclose
two circuits to be staggered, e.g. one at 5 seconds and the other at 10 seconds, so that the two circuit breakers do
not reclose simultaneously following a fault affecting both circuits.
For multi-shot Autoreclose cycles, the second shot and subsequent shot dead times are usually longer than the
first shot, to allow time for semi-permanent faults to burn clear, and for the CB to recharge. Typical second and
third shot dead time settings are 30 seconds and 60 seconds respectively.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 241
Chapter 13 - Autoreclose P14D, P14N, P94V
The reclaim time must be long enough to allow any time-delayed protection initiating Autoreclose to operate.
Failure to do so would result in premature resetting of the Autoreclose scheme and re-enabling of instantaneous
protection. If this condition arose, a permanent fault would effectively look like a number of transient faults,
resulting in continuous autoreclosing, unless additional measures are taken such as excessive fault frequency
lockout protection.
Sensitive earth fault protection is applied to detect high resistance earth faults and usually has a long time delay,
typically 10 - 15 seconds. This longer time may have to be taken into consideration, if autoreclosing from SEF
protection. High resistance earth faults are rarely transient and may be a danger to the public. It is therefore
common practise to block Autoreclose by operation of sensitive earth fault protection and lockout the circuit
A typical 11/33 kV reclaim time is 5 - 10 seconds. This prevents unnecessary lockout during thunderstorms.
However, reclaim times of up to 60 - 180 seconds may be used elsewhere in the world.
242 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
244 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
As well as providing a range of protection functions, the product includes comprehensive monitoring and control
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 245
Event Records 246
Measurements 252
CB Health Monitoring 255
CB State Monitoring 257
Circuit Breaker Control 259
Pole Dead Function 263
Synchrocheck 264
Synchrocheck Implementation 265
System Check PSL 267
Switch Status and Control 268
Harmonic Detection 271
Pole Discrepancy 272
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 245
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
General Electric devices record events in an event log. This allows you to establish the sequence of events that led
up to a particular situation. For example, a change in a digital input signal or protection element output signal
would cause an event record to be created and stored in the event log. This could be used to analyse how a
particular power system condition was caused. These events are stored in the IED's non-volatile memory. Each
event is time tagged.
The event records can be displayed on an IED's front panel but it is easier to view them through the settings
application software.
The event records are detailed in the RECORDS section. The first event shown is always the latest event. After
selecting the required event, you can scroll through the menus to obtain further details.
If viewing the event with the settings application software, simply open the extracted event file. All the events are
displayed chronologically. Each event is summarised with a time stamp (obtained from the Time & Date value) and
a short description relating to the event.
The device is capable of storing up to 1024 event records.
Events are available for view under the path RECORDS\EVENT RECORDS
Standard events are further sub-categorised internally to include different pieces of information. These are:
● Protection events (starts and trips)
● Platform events
The first event in the list is the most recent event to have occurred.
246 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
The same information is also shown in the Relay O/P Status. This information is updated continuously, whereas
the information in the event log is a snapshot at the time when the event was created.
The event is logged as soon as the fault recorder stops. The time stamp assigned to the fault corresponds to the
start of the fault. The timestamp assigned to the fault record event corresponds to the time when the fault
recorder stops.
We recommend that you do not set the triggering contact to latching. This is because if you use a latching contact, the fault
record would not be generated until the contact has been fully reset.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 247
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
The feature allows user-customised access to the DDB states in the relay. The state bits are packed so that 16
states may be read out in a single Modbus register. The state bits can be configured so that all of the states which
are of interest are available in a minimum number of Modbus registers.
Path: Setpoints > Device > Flex States
For all the other combinations, the element will display 0.000 or N/A and will not assert any output DDB. The relay
displays error message
2. The analog value associated with one Flex Element can be used as an input to another Flex Element
248 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
Operating Mode
Enabled = 1
Dropout Delay
INPUT 1(+):
Actual Value tPKP
INPUT 2 (-): FE 1 OP
Actual Value tDPO
FE 1 Op Signal
Input 1 setting specifies the first input (non-inverted) to the Flex Element. Zero is assumed as the input if this
setting is set to “Off”. For proper operation of the element at least one input must be selected. Otherwise, the
element will not assert its output DDB. Input 2 setting specifies the second input (inverted) to the Flex Element.
Zero is assumed as the input if this setting is set to “Off”. For proper operation of the element at least one input
must be selected. Otherwise, the element will not assert its output DDB. This input should be used to invert the
signal if needed for convenience, or to make the element respond to a differential signal. A warning message is
displayed, and the element does not operate if the two input signals are of different types, for example if one tries
to use active power and phase angle to build the effective operating signal.
The element responds directly to the differential signal if this Operating Mode setting is set to “Signed”. The
element responds to the absolute value of the differential signal if this Operating Mode setting is set to “Absolute”.
Sample applications for the “Absolute” setting include monitoring the angular difference between two phasors
with a symmetrical limit angle in both directions; monitoring power regardless of its direction or monitoring a trend
regardless of whether the signal increases of decreases.
Pickup setting specifies the operating threshold for the effective operating signal of the element. If the “Over”
direction is set, the element picks up when the operating signal exceeds the PICKUP value. If the “Under” direction
is set, the element picks up when the operating signal falls below the PICKUP value. The HYSTERESIS setting
controls the element drop out. Note that both the operating signal and the pickup threshold can be negative when
facilitating applications such as reverse power alarms.
The Flex Element can be programmed to work with all analog values measured or computed by the relay. The
PICKUP setting is entered in pu values using the following definitions of the base units:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 249
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
Configuration Mode
P40Agile supports a multitude of functions and features which include: Protection and Control (P&C), Asset
Monitoring, PSL, Records and Reporting, Time Synchronisation, Testing/Simulation, etc. Taking into consideration
user experience, configuration mode controls how the “Settings” are presented by only displaying settings that are
typically used, or settings that are important to configure.
There are two configuration modes supported: Simplified, and Regular.
● In Simplified configuration mode, some of the advanced functions/features or a few settings under a
function are hidden or made read-only (greyed out).
● In Regular configuration mode, all function/features and settings of the device are editable and nothing is
hidden or greyed out.
Simplified configuration mode does not remove any functionality or setting from the device. It only controls the
view or display of the settings. All the settings made in Regular configuration mode are still applied during
simplified mode (they are either hidden or read-only). Therefore, simplified configuration mode can also be viewed
as locking advanced settings.
Configuration mode is applicable to the “Settings” items only and does not control view/presentation to other Main
menu items, such as Device Definition, Status, Metering, Records, Commands and Maintenance. The configuration
mode setting is available to be changed by the “Administrator” role. The configuration mode control is applicable
to device HMI and setup software, as well as online and offline setting files.
Configuration mode does not disable the device functionality or settings. It only controls the view or presentation
on the HMI and setup software screens. Therefore, settings which are hidden or Read-only are preserved and
applied within the device.
250 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
252 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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The line impedance magnitude and angle settings are calculated as follows:
● Ratio of secondary to primary impedance = CT ratio/VT ratio = 0.12
● Positive sequence line impedance ZL1 (total) = 0.12 x 10(0.484Ð79.4°) = 0.58 Ð79.4°
● Therefore set line length = 0.58
● Line angle = 79°
The residual impedance compensation magnitude and angle are calculated using the following formula:
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Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
254 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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The device records various statistics related to each circuit breaker trip operation, allowing an accurate
assessment of the circuit breaker condition to be determined. The circuit breaker condition monitoring counters
are incremented every time the device issues a trip command.
These statistics are available in the CB CONDITION menu. The menu items are counter values only, and cannot be
set directly. The counters may be reset, however, during maintenance. This is achieved with the Clear command
When in Commissioning test mode the CB condition monitoring counters are not updated.
The dielectric withstand of the oil generally decreases as a function of I2t, where ‘I’ is the broken fault current and
‘t’ is the arcing time within the interrupter tank.
The ARC ENERGY is calculated by the breaker arcing current element. If the breaker arcing current element is
disabled, the ACR ENERGY will not be calculated and this setting should not be used. The ARC ENERGY used here is
the individual value for each trip rather than the accumulated value recorded in the Breaker Arcing Current
Any maintenance program must be fully compliant with the switchgear manufacturer’s instructions.
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Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
256 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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CB State monitoring is used to verify the open or closed state of a circuit breaker. Most circuit breakers have
auxiliary contacts through which they transmit their status (open or closed) to control equipment such as IEDs.
These auxiliary contacts are known as:
● 52A for contacts that follow the state of the CB
● 52B for contacts that are in opposition to the state of the CB
This device can be set to monitor both of these types of circuit breaker state indication. If the state is unknown for
some reason, an alarm can be raised.
Some CBs provide both sets of contacts. If this is the case, these contacts will normally be in opposite states.
Should both sets of contacts be open, this would indicate one of the following conditions:
● Auxiliary contacts/wiring defective
● Circuit Breaker (CB) is defective
● CB is in isolated position
Should both sets of contacts be closed, only one of the following two conditions would apply:
● Auxiliary contacts/wiring defective
● Circuit Breaker (CB) is defective
If any of the above conditions exist, an alarm will be issued. An output contact can be assigned to this function via
the programmable scheme logic (PSL). The time delay is set to avoid unwanted operation during normal switching
In the SYSTEM/CONTACTOR/CONTACTOR 1 setpoint there is a setting called CB Status Input that can be set at one
of the following four options:
● None
● 52A
● 52B
● Both 52A and 52B
Where None is selected no CB status is available. Where only 52A is used on its own then the device will assume a
52B signal opposite to the 52A signal. Circuit breaker status information will be available in this case but no
discrepancy alarm will be available. The above is also true where only a 52B is used. If both 52A and 52B are used
then status information will be available and in addition a discrepancy alarm will be possible, according to the
following table:
Auxiliary Contact Position CB State Detected Action
52A 52B
Open Closed Breaker open Circuit breaker healthy
Closed Open Breaker closed Circuit breaker healthy
Closed Closed State unknown Alarm raised if the condition persists
Open Open State unknown Alarm raised if the condition persists
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 257
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
CB Status Input
Both 52A and 52B
CB Aux 3ph(52-A)
& 1 CB Closed 3 ph
& 1 CB Open 3 ph
& CB Status Unknown
X1 0s
CB Aux 3ph(52-B)
258 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
Circuit Breaker control is only possible if the circuit breaker in question provides auxiliary contacts. The CB Status
Input setting in the CB STATE MONITOR element must be set to the type of circuit breaker. If no CB auxiliary
contacts are available then this setting should be set to None, and no CB control will be possible.
For local control, the CB control by setting should be set accordingly.
The output contact can be set to operate following a time delay defined by the setting Man Close Delay. One
reason for this delay is to give personnel time to safely move away from the circuit breaker following a CB close
The control close cycle can be cancelled at any time before the output contact operates by any appropriate trip
signal, or by activating the Reset Close Dly signal.
The length of the trip and close control pulses can be set via the Trip Pulse Time and Close Pulse Time settings
respectively. These should be set long enough to ensure the breaker has completed its open or close cycle before
the pulse has elapsed.
If an attempt to close the breaker is being made, and a protection trip signal is generated, the protection trip
command overrides the close command.
The Reset Lockout by setting is used to enable or disable the resetting of lockout automatically from a manual
close after the time set by Man Close RstDly.
If the CB fails to respond to the control command (indicated by no change in the state of CB Status inputs) an
alarm is generated after the relevant trip or close pulses have expired. These alarms can be viewed on the LCD
display, remotely, or can be assigned to output contacts using the programmable scheme logic (PSL).
The CB Healthy Time and Sys Check time set under this menu section are applicable to manual circuit breaker operations
only. These settings are duplicated in the AUTORECLOSE menu for autoreclose applications.
The Lockout Reset and Reset Lockout by settings are applicable to CB Lockouts associated with manual circuit
breaker closure, CB Condition monitoring (Number of circuit breaker operations, for example) and autoreclose
The device includes the following options for control of a single circuit breaker:
● The IED menu (local control)
● The Hotkeys (local control)
● The opto-inputs (local control)
● SCADA communication (remote control)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 259
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
If the CB is currently closed, the command text on the bottom right of the LCD screen will read Trip. Conversely, if
the CB is currently open, the command text will read Close.
If you execute a Trip, a screen with the CB status will be displayed once the command has been completed. If
you execute a Close, a screen with a timing bar will appear while the command is being executed. This screen
also gives you the option to cancel or restart the close procedure. The time delay is determined by the Man Close
Delay setting in the CB CONTROL menu. When the command has been executed, a screen confirming the present
status of the circuit breaker is displayed. You are then prompted to select the next appropriate command or exit.
If no keys are pressed for a period of 5 seconds while waiting for the command confirmation, the device will revert
to showing the CB Status. If no key presses are made for a period of 25 seconds while displaying the CB status
screen, the device will revert to the default screen.
To avoid accidental operation of the trip and close functionality, the hotkey CB control commands are disabled for
10 seconds after exiting the hotkey menu.
The hotkey functionality is summarised graphically below:
Default Display
Hotkey Menu
CB closed CB open
260 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Protection Trip
Trip Close
Trip Close
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 261
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
Init close CB 1 Close in Prog
Trip Command In 1
Ext. Trip 3ph
Control Trip
CB Open 3 ph
CB Closed 3 ph
CB healthy window
C/S window
Voltage models only
& Man No Checksync
Man Check Synch
262 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
It can also be used to block operation of underfrequency and undervoltage elements where applicable.
Voltage Set
Voltage Set
If both the line current and voltage fall below certain thresholds, the device will initiate a Pole Dead condition.
If one or more poles are dead, the device will indicate which phase is dead and will also assert the Any Pole Dead
DDB signal. If all phases are dead the Any Pole Dead signal would be accompanied by the All Poles Dead signal.
If a VT fails, a VTS signal is generated to block the Pole Dead indications that would be generated by the
undervoltage and undercurrent thresholds. However, the VTS logic will not block the Pole Dead indications if they
are initiated by a BRK Open signal. A BRK Open signal automatically initiates a Pole Dead condition regardless of
the current and voltage measurement.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 263
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
In some situations it is possible for both "bus" and "line" sides of a circuit breaker to be live when a circuit breaker is
open - for example at the ends of a feeder that has a power source at each end. Therefore, it is normally necessary
to check that the network conditions on both sides are suitable, before closing the circuit breaker. This applies to
both manual circuit breaker closing and autoreclosing. If a circuit breaker is closed when the line and bus voltages
are both live, with a large phase angle, frequency or magnitude difference between them, the system could be
subjected to an unacceptable shock, resulting in loss of stability, and possible damage to connected machines.
The Synchrocheck functionality involves monitoring the voltages on both sides of a circuit breaker, and if both
sides are live, performing a synchronisation check to determine whether any differences in voltage magnitude,
phase angle or frequency are within permitted limits.
The pre-closing system conditions for a given circuit breaker depend on the system configuration, and for
autoreclosing, on the selected autoreclose program. For example, on a feeder with delayed autoreclosing, the
circuit breakers at the two line ends are normally arranged to close at different times. The first line end to close
usually has a live bus and a dead line immediately before reclosing. The second line end circuit breaker now sees a
live bus and a live line.
If there is a parallel connection between the ends of the tripped feeder the frequencies will be the same, but any
increased impedance could cause the phase angle between the two voltages to increase. Therefore just before
closing the second circuit breaker, it may be necessary to perform a synchronisation check, to ensure that the
phase angle between the two voltages has not increased to a level that would cause unacceptable shock to the
system when the circuit breaker closes.
If there are no parallel interconnections between the ends of the tripped feeder, the two systems could lose
synchronism altogether and the frequency at one end could "slip" relative to the other end. In this situation, the
second line end would require a synchronism check comprising both phase angle and slip frequency checks.
If the second line-end busbar has no power source other than the feeder that has tripped; the circuit breaker will
see a live line and dead bus assuming the first circuit breaker has re-closed. When the second line end circuit
breaker closes the bus will charge from the live line (dead bus charge).
264 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
The Synchrocheck function provides Live/Dead Voltage Monitoring and Check Synchronisation.
The System Checks function is enabled or disabled under the path Setpoints\Control\Synchrocheck\Synchrocheck\
CS1 Function setting
The device provides inputs for a three-phase "Main VT" and at least one single-phase VT for check synchronisation
or residual voltage. Depending on the primary system arrangement, the Main VT may be located on either the line-
side of the busbar-side of the circuit breaker, with the 4th VT on the other. Normally, the Main VT is located on the
line-side (as per the default setting), but this is not always the case. For this reason, the Line VT I/P is provided
where you can define this. This is the main Bus VT I/P setting.
The Bus VT I/P setting is provided to define the Bus VT Location.
× ∆F
2 × ∆Φ
where: ΔΦ = phase angle difference in degrees; ΔF = frequency difference in Hz.
Example: for the values of ΔΦ = 30° and ΔF = 0.1 Hz, the time while the angle between the two voltages will be less
than the set value is:
T= = 1.66 sec
× 0.1
2 × 30
Therefore the breaker closing time must be less than than this computed time, in terms to successfully close and
connect both energized sides.
If one or both sides of the synchronising breaker are de-energized, the synchrocheck programming can allow for
closing of the circuit breaker using undervoltage control to by-pass the synchrocheck measurements (dead source
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 265
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
Off = 0
Frequency fbv Df = |f3phv– f1phfv| Df <= MAX FREQ DIFF Sync1 OK
Phase Fbv DF=|(F3phv – F1phv)|
Sync1 Live Bus
Transfer Initiate
Sync1 Live Line
System/Voltage Sensing/ Aux Sync1 Dead Bus
VT connection
Magnitude Vlv
Frequency fl v
Sync 1Dead Line
Phase Flv Vline >= LIVE LINE V MIN
Vbus<=DEAD BUS V MAX Sync1 Dead Src OK
Sync1 Close Perm
Do Not Operate, Operate
266 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
SysChks Inactive
Check Sync 1 OK
Check Sync 2 OK
Dead Line
Live Bus
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 267
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
XSWI3 Legend:
XSWI4 XSWI1 = Disconnector 1
XSWI2 = Disconnector 2
XSWI3 = Disconnector 3
XSWI4 = Earthing Switch
XCBR = Circuit Breaker
This bay shows four switches of the type LN XSWI and one circuit breaker of type LN XCBR. In this example, the
switches XSWI1 – XSWI3 are disconnectors and XCSWI4 is an earthing switch.
For the device to be able to control the switches, the switches must provide auxiliary contacts to indicate the
switch status. For convenience, the device settings refer to the auxiliary contacts as 52A and 52B, even though
they are not circuit breakers.
There are eight sets of settings in the SWITCH CONTROL column, which allow you to set up the Switch control, one
set for each switch. These settings are as follows:
This setting defines the type of switch. It can be a load breaking switch, a disconnector, an earthing switch or a
high speed earthing switch.
SWI1 Status Inpt
This setting defines the type of auxiliary contacts that will be used for the control logic. For convenience, the device
settings refer to the auxiliary contacts as 52A and 52B, even though they are not circuit breakers. "A" contacts
match the status of the primary contacts, whilst "B" contacts are of the opposite polarity.
SWI1 Control by
This setting determines how the switch is to be controlled. This can be Local (using the device directly) remote
(using a communications link), or both.
SWI1 Trip/Close
This is a command to directly trip or close the switch.
SWI1 Trp Puls T and SWI1 Cls Puls T
268 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
These settings allow you to control the width of the open and close pulses.
SWI1 Sta Alrm T
This setting allows you to define the duration of wait timer before the relay raises a status alarm.
SWI1 Trp Alrm T and SWI1 Cls Alrm T
These settings allow you to control the delay of the open and close alarms when the final switch status is not in
line with expected status.
SWI1 Operations
This is a data cell, which displays the number of switch operations that have taken place. It is an accumulator,
which you can reset using the Reset SWI1 Data setting
Reset SWI1 Data
This setting resets the switch monitoring data.
Settings for switch 1 are shown, but settings for all other switch elements are the same.
& t
1 SWI1 Input Alm
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 269
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
SWI1 Control by 1
Lo cal 1
Lo ca l+Re mote
Remot e &
Lo ca l
Remot e
SWI1 Trip/Close
SWI1 Trp P uls T
1 SWI1 Input Alm
SWI1 Cls Alrm T
& SWI1 Cls Fail
SWI1 Status Cls 0
& SWI1 Trip Fail
SWI1 Status Opn 0
Note: This diagram doe s not show a ll switche s. Other switches f ollow simila r p rinciples.
270 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
The Harmonic detection function monitors the 2nd harmonic, which is present in the phase currents. The relay
provides four identical Harmonic Detection elements.
During transformer energization or motor starts, the inrush current present in phase currents can impact some
sensitive elements, such as negative sequence overcurrent. Therefore, the ratio of the second harmonic to the
fundamental magnitude per phase is monitored, while exceeding the settable pickup level, an operand is asserted,
which can be used to block such sensitive elements. The harmonics are updated every protection pass.
This function defines the phases required for operation like ONE, TwO, THREE or AVERAGE. If set to AVERAGE, the
relay calculates the average level of the 2nd harmonic and compares this level against the pickup setting.
Averaging of the 2nd harmonic follows an adaptive algorithm depending on the fundamental current magnitude
per-phase. If the fundamental magnitude on any of the three phases goes below the current cut-off level, the 2nd
harmonic current from that phase is dropped (zeroed) from the equation for averaging, and the divider is
decreased from 3 to 2. The same happens if the magnitude of the fundamental magnitude on one of remaining
two phases drops below the cut-off level. In this case the 2nd harmonic on this phase is dropped from summation,
and the divider is decreased to 1.
Imin setting sets the minimum value of current required to allow the Harmonic Detection element to operate. If
OPERATE MODE is set to AVERAGE, the average of three-phase currents is used for supervision. A similar adaptive
average algorithm is applied to calculate the average of operation current magnitude.
Ia 2 nd
Harm Det Start C
Threshold Harm Det Start
Ib 2 nd
Harm Mode Harm Det Trip
& Selection
Operate Mode
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 271
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
The P40Agile relay provides three Pole Discrepancy elements under Control menu. This element can be used for re-
tripping the breaker after pole Discrepancy detection or tripping upstream breaker in cases when the pole
Discrepancy still persists. The element detects if one or two of the breaker poles remain open following close
command, or if one or two of the poles remain closed following open command. The pole Discrepancy function
operates based on either information from auxiliary contacts associated with the open/close status of each pole
of the breaker, or by detecting the presence of phase currents above/below programmable current limit level upon
breaker close or open operation respectively. To detect pole Discrepancy using phase currents, the setting Current
Limit must be programmed. By monitoring each phase current with respect to the selected Current Limit threshold,
the relay detects whether the breaker pole is open or closed. If the phase current is detected below the current
limit, the pole will be declared open, and if the current is above that limit, the pole will be declared closed. The
implemented pole Discrepancy logic from P40Agile allows either detection of pole
Ia Pole Discrepancy
Circuit Breaker
External Pole
Figure 120: Breaker contacts arrangement for detecting pole discrepancy externally
Discrepancy externally using single contact input (see figure, bove), Aux Status Based based detection using 6
input contacts from 52a and 52b auxiliary breaker contacts per-phase (see figure, below), currents based
detection, any combination of the three detection methods, or all three methods enabled.
The pole Discrepancy scheme from P40Agile relay allows two types of breaker contacts wiring: The figure above
shows wiring of the breaker pole Discrepancy signal detected externally. In such schemes the three 52a contacts
are paralleled and connected in series with the three paralleled 52b contacts. If the External Pole Discrepancy
input turns ON, this would indicate either any of the 52b contacts did not open after breaker close command, or
any of the 52a contacts remained closed after breaker trip command.
The figure below shows the connection of breaker 52a and 52b auxiliary contacts per breaker pole, and their
wiring to the relay inputs. This wiring of the breaker contacts to the relay is used when the contacts based method
for pole Discrepancy detection is enabled on the relay
272 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
CB Trip Trigger
Circuit Breaker Pole Discrepancy
CB Close Trigger
Figure 121: Breaker contacts wiring for pole discrepancy detected by the relay
CB Trip Trigger assigns the CB trip (open) initiation signal, CB Close Trigger assigns the breaker close initiation
signal. Ext Pole Discrp an operand (typically contact input) as an input from pole discrepancy detected externally
by arranging the breaker auxiliary contacts.
Time Delay provides the definite time pickup delay. If, during a breaker open action, all three poles are detected
open before the timer expires, the timer resets and no pole discrepancy is declared. If, however, one or two of the
poles remain closed after the timer expires, pole discrepancy is declared. The same logic applies when a close
command is send to the breaker, by monitoring the closed status of the breaker poles. Even though the minimum
Pickup Delay of 100 ms from the range serves most breakers with shorter operating times, make sure to check the
breaker operating times, and set the delay to be longer than these times.
Aux Status Based enables the PH A(B,C) OPEN and PH A(B,C) CLOSED settings associated with Aux Status Based PD
detection. PH A(B,C) Open setting provides selection of the operand per phase (pole) to detect the Open status of
the breaker phase (pole). Normally, selection of the contact input wired to the pole auxiliary contact 52b is
selected. This setting applies only if Aux Status Based is set to “Enabled”. PH A(B,C) Closed setting provides selection
of operand per phase (pole) to detect the Closed status of this breaker phase (pole). Normally, selection of the
contact input wired to the pole auxiliary contact 52a is selected. This setpoint applies only if Aux Status Based is
set to “Enabled”. To get proper functionality when using auxiliary contacts as detection criteria, the primary
contacts must be fully synchronized with the auxiliary contacts of the monitored switching element. This means
primary contacts and auxiliary contacts need to switch simultaneously.
Current Based enables the setting Current Limit, associated with current-based PD detection. Current Limit setting
sets the threshold for the measured phase currents per breaker pole, above which the pole is considered closed,
and below which the pole is detected.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 273
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
Disabled = 0
Off = 0
Aux Status Based
Disable, Enable = 1 RUN
Ph B pole (52b contact)
CB Trip Trigger
Off=0 t = tpkp + 300ms
CB Close Trigger
t = tpkp + 300ms
Disable, Enabled
Current based
Current PD[X] Trip
PD detection
Phase A current
Phase B current
Phase C current
274 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
To Pole Discrepancy:
Breaker pole Failure
operands ( V06816 -4)
Bre a ke r a u xilia ry
co n ta ct o u tp u ts C o n ta ct In p u ts
Ph A pole (52a) Ph A C lo se d
Ph B pole (52a) Ph B C lo se d
Ph C pole (52a) Ph C C lo se d
PD[X]-A Fail- Cls
Ph A C lo se d
Ph B C lo se d
Ph C C lo se d
PD[X]-B Fail -Cls
Ph A C lo se d
Ph B C lo se d
Ph C C lo se d
PD[X]-C Fail-Cls
Ph A C lo se d
Ph B C lo se d
Ph C C lo se d
Ph A C lo se d
Ph B C lo se d
Ph C C lo se d
Ph A C lo se d
Ph B C lo se d
Ph C C lo se d &
Pole Discrepancy operation From Pole Discrepancy
From Pole detection - main logic
(V06816 -1 )
Discordance Check for open
detection-main logic poles
(V06816 -1)
BR K C lo se Trig g e r
To Pole Discrepancy
Aux Status Based Based PD Pickup detection - main logic
(V06816 -1 )
BR K Trip Trig g e r
Bre a ke r a u xilia ry C o n ta ct In p u ts
co n ta ct o u tp u ts
Ph A pole (52b) Ph A Op e n
Ph B pole (52b) Ph B Op e n
PD[X]-A Fail-Open
Ph C pole (52b) Ph C Op e n
Ph A Op e n
Ph B Op e n
Ph C Op e n
Ph A Op e n
Ph B Op e n
Ph C Op e n
PD[X]-C Fail-Open
Ph A Op e n
Ph B Op e n
Ph C Op e n
Ph A Op e n
Ph B Op e n
Ph C Op e n
To Pole Discrepancy:
Breaker pole Failure
Ph A Op e n
operands ( V06816 -4)
Ph B Op e n
V06816-2 Ph C Op e n
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 275
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
Ph B current Ib Pickup
Ph C current Ic Pickup
PD[X]-A Fail- Cls
Ia Pickup
Ib Pickup
Ic Pickup
PD[X]-B Fail-Cls
Ia Pickup
Ib Pickup
Ic Pickup
PD[X]- C Fail-Cls
Ia Pickup
Ib Pickup
Ic Pickup
Ia Pickup
Ib Pickup
Ic Pickup
Ia Pickup
Ib Pickup
Ic Pickup
Ia < Pickup
Ib < Pickup
PD[X]-A Fail-Open
Ic < Pickup
Ia < Pickup
Ib < Pickup
PD[X]-B Fail-Open
Ic < Pickup
Ia < Pickup
Ib < Pickup
Ic < Pickup
PD[X]-C Fail-Open
Ia < Pickup
Ib < Pickup
Ic < Pickup
Ia < Pickup
Ib < Pickup
Ic < Pickup
To Pole Discrepancy:
Breaker pole Failure
Ia < Pickup
operands ( V06816- 4)
Ib < Pickup
Ic < Pickup
276 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control
based PD
detection logic
PD[X] -B Fail -Cls
PD[X] -C Fail -Cls
PD[X] -A Fail -Open
PD[X] -B Fail -Open
PD[X] -C Fail -Open
From currents 1
based PD
detection logic
(V06816-3) V06816-4
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 277
Chapter 14 - Monitoring and Control P14D, P14N, P94V
278 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
280 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
This chapter describes the supervison functions.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 281
DC Supply Monitor 282
Voltage Transformer Supervision 284
Current Transformer Supervision 286
Trip Circuit Supervision 288
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 281
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
This product can be powered using either a DC or AC supply. As a DC supply is normally used, a DC Supply
Monitoring feature is included to indicate the DC supply status. The nominal DC Station supply is 48 V DC, which is
provided by a bank of batteries. It is sometimes possible for this nominal supply to fall below or rise above
acceptable operational limits. If the voltage is too high, it may indicate overcharging. If the voltage is too low, it
may indicate a failing battery.
In such cases it is very useful to have DC supply monitoring functionality. The P40 Agile products provide such
functionality by measuring the auxiliary DC supply fed into the device and processing this information using
settings to define certain limits. In addition, the DC Auxiliary Supply value can be displayed on the front panel LCD
to a resolution of 0.1 V DC. The measuring range is from 19 V DC to 300 V DC.
Zone 1 (undervoltage)
It is possible to have overlapping zones whereby zone 2 upper limit is lower than zone 1 lower limit in the above
The DC Supply Monitoring function is implemented using settings in the SETPOINTS\MONITORING\DC SUP.
MONITOR path. There are three sets of settings; one for each of the zones. The settings allow you to:
● Enable or disable the function for each zone
● Set a lower voltage limit for each zone
● Set an upper voltage limit for each zone
● Set a time delay for each zone
● Set an inhibition signal for each zone
282 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
Vdc1 Status
Vdc1 Inhibit
The diagram above shows the DC supply monitoring logic for stage 1 only. Stages 2 and 3 are identical in principle.
The logic function will work when the VdcX Function setting value is set to Enabled and the DC Supply
Monitoring inhibit signal (VdcX Inhibit) is low. Being X from 1 to 3.
If the auxiliary supply voltage (Vdc) exceeds the lower limit AND falls below the upper limit, the voltage is in the
unhealthy zone and a VdcXStart signal is generated.
The VdcX Trip signals from all stages are OR'd together to produce an alarm signal DC Supply Fail.
The DC Supply magnitude can be checked under MEASUREMENTS\DC SUPPLY SUPV.\C SUPPLY MAG path.
The VdcX Start and VdcX Trip signals for all stages and the DC Supply Fail signal can be checked under TARGETS
path when the signals are active and at any time (active or not active) under RECORDS\EVENTS path.
The signals VdcX Start and VdcX Trip signals for all stages and the DC Supply Fail signal are for monitoring
purposes and can be checked under TARGETS path when active and under RECORDS\EVENTS path when an event
have been raised for those signals.
VdcX Start, VdcX Trip and DC Supply Fail signals can used to configure an LED or an output to raise an alarm (if
needed) using the P40 Agile Enhanced PSL.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 283
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
VT supervision functionality is only available for products with CT & VT inputs (P14D only)
284 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
Disabled Set-
Command Dominant
Latched Alarm
I_1 > 0.075 p.u.
V_1 < 0.80 p.u. Time Delay FlexLogic Operands
2 cyc
RUN 20 cyc TD
VTS Slow Block
I_1 < 0.05 p.u. 0
FlexLogic Operands
I_1 |I _1| – |I_1'| > 0.04 p.u.
|I _0| – |I_0'| > 0.04 p.u.
Where I ¶is 2 cycles old
As can be seen from the diagram, the VTS function is inhibited if:
● A Negative Phase Sequence current exists
● If the phase current changes over the period of 2 cycles
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 285
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
CT supervision functionality is only available in P14D & P14N products.
286 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
P14D Only
Alarm RUN
3I0 > PKP
Configurable LED: ALARM
Seq. 3V0Set: LAT CH
3I0 RUN 3V0 > PKP R
Seq IN1 Set:
Measured: V
A , VB , VC
Measured: GI Operate Output Trip Relay
SETPOINT Diff. CurrentSet:
Inhibit: Diff. Slope: SETPOINT LED: TRIP
Diff. IN1Polarity:
Off = 0 Time Delay: SETPOINTS
RUN ICT Sdiff = | ࡄ
̅ I0 - ̅IG | (3 Individual Timers with Rly OP[1-11]
Select same delay setting)
ICT Sdiff > PKP (if Slope=0) Do Not Operate, Operate
SETPOINT Im ax = max(|̅Ia|,| ̅Ib|,| ̅Ic |)
Im in = min(| ̅Ia|,| ̅Ib|,| ̅Ic|) ICT Sdiff > (Slope*Im ax) + PKP t pkp
20 ms
Seq Comp Check (if Slope 0)
t pkp
Disabled = 0 ICT Sdiff 20 ms
AND t pkp
20 ms
ILm ax Im ax
Diff Check:
Disabled = 0 SETPOINTS
CTS Block
Sym. QuotientSet:
RUN Q = Im in
Im ax
Disabled = 0 SETPOINTS
Max Current Supv:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 287
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs have two dedicated opto inputs for TCS purposes: Opto-input 4 and Opto-input 5. Refer to Inputs /
Outputs Connections in the Technical Specifications chapter for more details.
A 52a CB auxiliary contact follows the CB position. A 52b auxiliary contact is the opposite.
Blocking diode
When the CB is closed, supervision current passes through the TCS opto-input, blocking diode and trip coil. When
the CB is open, supervision current flows through the TCS opto-input and into the trip coil via the 52b auxiliary
contact. This means that Trip Coil supervision is provided when the CB is either closed or open, however Trip Path
supervision is only provided when the CB is closed. No supervision of the trip path is provided whilst the CB is open
(pre-closing supervision). Any fault in the trip path will only be detected on CB closing, after a 400 ms delay.
288 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
used to limit the current in the event of a short-circuited TCS opto-input. This limits the current to less than 60 mA.
The table below shows the appropriate resistor value and voltage setting for this scheme.
Trip Circuit Voltage Resistor R1
24/27 620 Ohms at 2 Watts
30/34 820 Ohms at 2 Watts
48/54 1.2 kOhms at 5 Watts
110/125 2.7 kOhms at 10 Watts
220/250 5.2 kOhms at 15 Watts
0 0
TCS opto-input 4 dropoff straight Output Relay
400 0
pickup Latching LED
The TCS opto-input can be used, after being passed through a 400 ms delayed dropoff timer and inverted, to drive
a normally open output relay, which in turn can be used to drive alarm equipment. The signal can also be
configured to drive a latching programmable LED.
The DDO timer operates as soon as the TCS opto-input is energised, but will take 400 ms to drop off/reset in the
event of a trip circuit failure. The 400 ms delay prevents a false alarm due to voltage dips caused by faults in other
circuits or during normal tripping operation when the TCS opto-input is shorted by a self-reset trip contact.
The 50 ms delay on pickup timer prevents false LED and user alarm indications during the power up time, following
a voltage supply interruption.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 289
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
R1 TCS opto-input 4
Circuit Breaker
R2 TCS opto-input 5
Figure 132: TCS Scheme 2
When the breaker is closed, supervision current passes through TCS opto-input 4 and the trip coil. When the
breaker is open current flows through TCS opto-input 5 and the trip coil. No supervision of the trip path is provided
whilst the breaker is open. Any fault in the trip path will only be detected on CB closing, after a 400 ms delay.
0 0
1 dropoff straight Output Relay
400 0
pickup Latching LED
In TCS scheme 2, both TCS opto-inputs must be low before a trip circuit fail alarm is given.
290 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
Trip output relay (RL1) Trip coil
Trip path
When the CB is closed, supervision current passes through the TCS opto-input 4, resistor R2 and the trip coil. When
the CB is open, current flows through theTCS opto-input 4, resistors R1 and R2 (in parallel), resistor R3 and the trip
coil. The supervision current is maintained through the trip path with the breaker in either state, therefore
providing pre-closing supervision.
0 0
TCS opto-input 4 dropoff straight Output Relay
400 0
pickup Latching LED
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 291
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
R1 TCS opto-input 4
Circuit Breaker
R2 TCS opto-input 5
Figure 136: TCS Scheme 4
Under normal non-fault conditions, a current of 2 mA flows through one of the following paths:
a) Post Close Supervision: When the CB is in a closed state, the current flows through R1, TCS opto-input 4, Contact
52A and the trip coil.
b) Pre-close Supervision: When the CB is in an open state, the current flows through R1, TCS opto-input 4, R2, TCS
opto-input 5, Contact 52B and the trip coil.
c) Momentary Tripping with Self-reset Contact: When a self-reset trip contact is in a closed state, the current flows
through the trip contact, contact 52A and the trip coil.
d) Tripping with Latched Contact: When a latched trip contact is used and when it is in a closed state, the current
flows through the trip contact, Contact 52A, the trip coil, then changing to the path trip contact, R2, Contact 52B,
TCS opto-input 5, and the trip coil.
A current of 2 mA through the Trip Coil is insufficient to cause operation of the Trip Contact, but large enough to
energise the TCS opto-inputs. Under this condition both of the opto-inputs will output logic 1, which inverts to 0, so
the output relay (TCS health) will be open and the LED will be off. If a break occurs in the trip circuit, the current
ceases to flow, resulting in both TCS opto-inputs outputting logic 0, which inverts to 1. This will close the output
relay and set the LED On.
For the momentary tripping condition, none of the opto-inputs are energised. To tide over this normal CB
operation, a dropoff time delay of about 400 ms is added in the PSL.
292 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 15 - Supervision
pickup Latching LED
Figure 137: PSL for TCS Scheme 4
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 293
Chapter 15 - Supervision P14D, P14N, P94V
294 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
296 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
This chapter introduces the PSL (Programmable Scheme Logic) Editor, and describes the configuration of the digital
inputs and outputs. It provides an outline of scheme logic concepts and the PSL Editor. This is followed by details
about allocation of the digital inputs and outputs, which require the use of the PSL Editor.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 297
Configuring Digital Inputs and Outputs 298
Programmable Scheme Logic 299
Configuring the Opto-Inputs 301
Fixed Function LEDs 302
Programmable LEDs 303
Virtual Inputs 304
Remote Inputs and Outputs 306
Relay Outputs 307
Virtual Outputs 309
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 297
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
298 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
Relay outputs
Goose outputs
Control inputs
Goose inputs
Figure 138: Scheme Logic Interfaces
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 299
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
300 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 301
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
Any latched Fixed Function LED indicator (Trip LED and Alarm LED when Alarm is latched ) can be reset using a RESET
command, once the condition has been cleared. The RESET command can be initiated in a number of ways: by pressing the
Cancel key for a few seconds, by selecting the Up hotkey (configured for RESET) at the default product display in the HMI, by a
configurable operand that can be configured in the menu SETPOINTS\DEVICE\RESETTING or by a remote device via a
communication channel.
302 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
The device has four programmable LEDs available on the right-hand side of the front panel (LED 5 to 8).
All the programmable LEDs on the unit are tricolour and can be set to Off, Red, Green or Orange at the Colour
The trigger signal (any Flexlogic Operand) and the LED type (Self-reset or Latched) can be set, either through the
IED corresponding Trigger and Type settings at SETPOINTS\DEVICE\FRONT PANEL\PROG. LED\LED (n) menu or
using the LED conditioner in the PSL editor.
In the PSL, the illumination of an LED is controlled by means of a conditioner.
Using the conditioner, the customer can decide whether the LEDs reflect the real-time state of the signals
(equivalent to the Self-reset value for the Type setting), or whether illumination is latched (equivalent to the
Latched value for the Type setting), pending user intervention.
To map an LED in the PSL, use the LED Conditioner button in the toolbar to import it. Then condition the LED
according to customer needs assigning any of the available Flexlogic Operand signals (or a logic) as an input to the
LED conditioner. The output(s) of the conditioner respect the attribute assigned.
The toolbar button for an LED looks like this:
LED Conditioners are only available if they have not all been used up, and in some default PSL schemes they might be. If that
is the case and those LEDs need to be used for something else, they will be needed to re-assigned.
Any programmable LED indicator, when set to Latched, can be reset with a RESET command, once the condition has been
The RESET command can be initiated in a number of ways, by pressing the Cancel key for a few seconds, by selecting the Up
hotkey (configured for RESET) at the default product display in the HMI, by a configurable operand that can be configured in
the SETPOINTS\DEVICE\RESETTING menu or by a remote device via a communication channel.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 303
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED is equipped with 128 Virtual Inputs that can be individually programmed to respond to
input signals from the keypad or from communications protocols. This has the following advantages over opto-
inputs only:
● The number of logic inputs can be increased without introducing additional hardware.
● Logic functions can be invoked from a remote location over a single communication channel.
● The same logic function can be invoked both locally via opto-input or front panel keypad, and/or remotely
via communications.
● Panel switches can be replaced entirely by virtual switches to save cost and wiring.
All Virtual Input operands are defaulted to OFF (logic 0) unless the appropriate input signal is received.
The following setting options at SETPOINTS\INPUTS\VIRTUAL INPUTS\VIRTUAL I/P (N) are available:
Range: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Disabled
If this setting is set to Disabled, the virtual input will be forced to OFF (logic 0) regardless of any attempt to alter
the input. If set to Enabled, the input operates as shown on the logic diagram below, and generates output
FlexLogic operands in response to received input signals and the applied settings.
Virtual Input 1 to
ON=1 LATCH FlexLogic Operands
Virtual Input 1 to
OFF=0 Reset- VI 1 ON
Range: Up to 13 alphanumeric characters
Default: VI(n)
An alphanumeric name may be assigned to a Virtual Input for diagnostic, setting, and event recording purposes.
Range: Latched, Self-reset
Default: Latched
There are two types of operation: self-reset and latched. If Vthe Virtual Input Type setting is set to Self-Reset
when the input signal transits from OFF to ON the output operand will be set to ON for only one evaluation of the
FlexLogic equations, then return to OFF. If set to Latched, the virtual input sets the state of the output operand to
the same state as the most recent received virtual input.
304 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
The self-reset operating mode generates the output operand for a single evaluation of the FlexLogic equations (i.e., a pulse of
one protection pass). If the operand is to be used anywhere other than internally in a FlexLogic equation, it will likely have to
be lengthened in time. A FlexLogic timer with a delayed reset time can perform this function.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 305
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
306 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED is equipped with a number of relays outputs specified at the time of ordering.
The three first relay outputs (RL1, RL2 and RL3) are normally open (NO) general-purpose contacts designated for
tripping, opening and closing. The rest of the relay outputs are normally open general-purpose relay outputs for
signalling. The eight-relay output is a normally closed (NC) contact used as watchdog for any ordering option.
Refer to Input / Output Connections section in Technical Specifications chapter for more details.
The first output relay (RELAY 1-TRIP) in the IED is a NO relay that can be used for Trip Coil monitoring and is
designated for tripping the breaker. The relay is energised upon operation of any element with setpoint Function
set to Trip. The relay can be customised by changing the Mode and adding triggers to the Operate setting or
blocking signals to the Inhibit setting under the SETPOINTS\OUTPUTS\RELAY OUTPUTS\RELAY 1-TRIP menu. This
relay output is programmed internally for tripping the breaker, and it cannot be changed, disabled, or replaced by
any other relay.
Additional relay outputs can be selected to operate as well from each protection, control, or monitoring element,
selecting the relay output to operate through the settings menu for each element, or using the PSL Editor contact
All relay outputs settings can be modified at the SETPOINT\OUTPUTS\RELAY OUTPUTS path, at RELAY 1-TRIP
menu for the first output relay and RELAY O/P (n) menus for the rest of the relay outputs. The watchdog is not
configurable, and it will not appear in the relay output settings or PSL contact conditioners.
The behaviour of the relay output contacts can be modified by choosing different operating Mode including
Pickup, Dropoff, Dwell, Pulse, Pickup/Dropoff, Straight-Through, Latching options.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 307
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
Contact Conditioners are only available if they have not all been used. In some default PSL schemes, all Contact Conditioners
might have been used. If that is the case, and you want to use them for something else, you will need to re-assign them.
308 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED has 128 virtual outputs that may be assigned via PLS Logic configuration. If not
assigned, the virtual output is forced to OFF (Logic 0). Virtual outputs are resolved in each pass through the
evaluation of the logic equations.
An ID may be assigned to each virtual output using the Name setting in the VIRTUAL O/P (N) menu at the
Any change of state of a virtual output can be logged as an event in the event recorder if programmed to do so
selecting the Events setting to Enabled in the VIRTUAL O/P (N) menu at the SETPOINTS\OUTPUTS\VIRTUAL
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 309
Chapter 16 - Digital I/O and PSL Configuration P14D, P14N, P94V
310 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
312 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
This product supports Substation Automation System (SAS), and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
communication. The support embraces the evolution of communications technologies that have taken place since
microprocessor technologies were introduced into protection, control, and monitoring devices which are now
ubiquitously known as Intelligent Electronic Devices for the substation (IEDs).
As standard, all products support rugged serial communications for SCADA and SAS applications. By option, any
product can support Ethernet communications for more advanced SCADA and SAS applications.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 313
Communication Interfaces 314
Serial Communication 315
Ethernet Communication 317
Data Protocols 318
Time Synchronisation 345
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 313
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
The P40 Agile Enhanced products have a number of standard and optional communication interfaces. The
standard and optional hardware and protocols are summarised below:
Local settings
Firmware update
SNTP (*5-3, 5-4)
Front Standard USB Modbus TCP, DNP3oE, IEC 61850 (*5-3, 5-4)
TFTP (*2-2, 5-3)
SFTP (*5-4)
SSH (*5-4)
Rear serial port 1
Standard RS485 Remote settings Modbus RTU, DNP3 Serial, IEC 60870-5-103
SCADA (*5-3, 5-4)
Remote settings
Firmware update
Rear Ethernet
Optional Ethernet/copper SNTP (*5-3, 5-4) Modbus TCP, DNP3oE, IEC 61850 (*5-3, 5-4)
TFTP (*2-2, 5-3)
SFTP (*5-4)
SSH (*5-4)
The options marked with (*) are features cortec dependant.
The rest of the options not marked with (*) are available for all ordering options.
The number (X-X) in the (*) shows the cortec selection that applies for the combined hardware and communication protocol /
cybersecurity options for each case.
E.G. 5-4 means
5 for EIA RS485 serial comms and station bus Ethernet - Single channel RJ45 Copper
4 for IEC 61850 / DNP3.0 / Modbus / IEC 60870-5-103 with advanced cybersecurity Level 2
See ordering options appendix for more details.
From now on the following nomenclature will be used to refer to the hardware-independent protocols
implemented this IED, such as Modbus and DNP 3.0:
Modbus Protocol:
Modbus for generic Modbus protocol references
Modbus RTU for serial Modbus
Modbus TCP for Modbus over Ethernet (TCP).
DNP 3.0 Protocol:
DNP 3.0 for generic DNP 3.0 protocol references
DNP3 Serial for serial DNP3 3.0
DNP3oE for DNP 3.0 over Ethernet (TCP/UDP).
For hardware dependent protocols and standards, such as IEC 60870-5-103 (serial based protocol) and IEC 61850
(Ethernet based standard) the protocols will be named as per its IEC description.
314 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
The physical layer standards that are used for serial communications for SCADA purposes.
RS485 is similar to RS232 but for longer distances and it allows daisy-chaining and multi-dropping of IEDs.
It is important to note that these are not data protocols. They only describe the physical characteristics required
for two devices to communicate with each other.
A full description of the RS485 is available in the published standard.
Some devices may be able to provide the bus bias, in which case external components would not be required.
6 – 9 V DC
180 Ω bias
Master 120 Ω
180 Ω bias
0V 120 Ω
It is extremely important that the 120 Ω termination resistors are fitted. Otherwise
the bias voltage may be excessive and may damage the devices connected to the
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 315
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Two-core screened twisted pair cable should be used. The final cable specification is dependent on the application,
although a multi-strand 0.5 mm2 per core is normally adequate. The total cable length must not exceed 1000 m. It
is important to avoid circulating currents, which can cause noise and interference, especially when the cable runs
between buildings. For this reason, the screen should be continuous and connected to ground at one end only,
normally at the master connection point.
It may be necessary to bias the signal wires to prevent jabber. Jabber occurs when the signal level has an
indeterminate state because the bus is not being actively driven. This can occur when all the slaves are in receive
mode and the master is slow to turn from receive mode to transmit mode. This may be because the master is
waiting in receive mode, in a high impedance state, until it has something to transmit. Jabber causes the receiving
device(s) to miss the first bits of the first character in the packet, which results in the slave rejecting the message
and consequently not responding. Symptoms of this are; poor response times (due to retries), increasing message
error counts, erratic communications, and in the worst case, complete failure to communicate.
P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs are equipped with one rear serial communication port. The RS485 port has settings for
baud rate and parity. It is important that these parameters agree with the settings used on the computer or other
equipment connected to this port. A maximum of 32 relays can be daisy-chained and connected to a DCS, PLC or
a PC using the RS485 port.
316 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
The Ethernet interface is required for either IEC 61850 and/or DNP3oE (IEC 61850 protocol availability must be
selected at the time of order, see ordering options for more details). With either of these protocols, the Ethernet
interface also offers communication with Modbus TCP for remote configuration and record extraction.
The device can also be connected to either a 10Base-T or a 100Base-TX Ethernet hub or switch using the RJ45
port. The port automatically senses which type of hub is connected.
The pins on the RJ45connector are as follows:
Pin Signal name Signal definition
1 TXP Transmit (positive)
2 TXN Transmit (negative)
3 RXP Receive (positive)
4 - Not used
5 - Not used
6 RXN Receive (negative)
7 - Not used
8 - Not used
The update of the Network Port 1 settings , path: SETPOINT/DEVICE/COMMUNICATIONS/ETHERNET/NETWORK PORT 1,
should not be done off line in the CID and sent to the IED. The Ethernet settings update should be done on line directly in the
IED, either entering the settings manually through the HMI, or by communications through the front USB port
4.1 USB
The USB port is used for connecting computers locally for the purposes of transferring settings, measurements
and records to/from the computer to the IED and to download firmware updates from a local computer to the IED.
The USB parameters are as follows:
IP Address:
IP Mask:
IP Gateway:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 317
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
The products supports a wide range of protocols to make them applicable to many industries and applications.
The exact data protocols supported by a particular product depend on its chosen application, but the following
table gives a list of the data protocols that are typically available.
The relationship of these protocols to the lower level physical layer protocols are as follows:
Cause of Transmission
Cause of transmission is an unsigned integer and it shall take one of the values specified in the following tables:
In monitor direction
<1> Spontaneous
<2> Cyclic
<3> Reset frame count bit (FCB)
<4> Reset communication unit (CU)
<5> Start/restart
<6> Power on
<8> Time synchronization
<9> General interrogation
<10> Termination of general interrogation
318 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
In control direction
<8> Time synchronization
DNP3 Serial, IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU may not be enabled simultaneously on the RS485 serial port. But you may
enable DNP3oE and be able to work with Modbus TCP on Ethernet and enable IEC 60870-5-103 on serial RS485.
The IED address and baud rate can be selected using the front panel menu or by a suitable application such as
EnerVista Flex.
Whenever the device has been powered up, or if the communication parameters have been changed a reset
command is required to initialise the communications. The device will respond to either of the two reset
commands; Reset CU or Reset FCB (Communication Unit or Frame Count Bit). The difference between the two
commands is that the Reset CU command will clear any unsent messages in the transmit buffer, whereas the
Reset FCB command does not delete any messages.
The device will respond to the reset command with an identification message ASDU 5. The Cause of Transmission
(COT) of this response will be either Reset CU or Reset FCB depending on the nature of the reset command. The
content of ASDU 5 is described in the IEC 60870-5-103 section of the Menu Database, available from General
Electric separately if required.
Physical layer
Electrical interface
X EIA RS-485
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 319
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Optical Interface
Glass fibre
Plastic fibre
Transmission Speed
X 9600 bits/s
X 19200 bits/s
X 38400 bits/s
X 57600 bits/s
X 115200 bits/s
Link Layer
There are no choices for the link layer.
Application Layer
Transmission mode for application data
Mode 1 (least significant octet first), as defined in 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used exclusively in this companion
Common address of ASDU
INF Semantics
X <3> Reset CU
X <4> Start/restart
X <5> Power on
Status indications in monitor direction
320 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
The status indications in monitor direction are not selected in the table but they can be configured under,
INF Semantics
<23> Characteristic 1
<24> Characteristic 2
<25> Characteristic 3
<26> Characteristic 4
INF Semantics
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 321
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
INF Semantics
INF Semantics
<69> Trip L1
<70> Trip L2
<71> Trip L3
<78> Zone 1
<79> Zone 2
<80> Zone 3
<81> Zone 4
<82> Zone 5
322 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
<83> Zone 6
INF Semantics
<128> CB ‘on’ by AR
<130> AR blocked
Measurands in monitor direction
The measurands in monitor direction are not selected in the table but they can be configured under SETPOINTS
INF Semantics
<144> Measurand I
<145> Measurands I, V
<146> Measurands I, V, P, Q
INF Semantics
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 323
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
INF Semantics
INF Semantics
INF Semantics
324 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Test mode
X Disturbance data
Generic services
Private data
Current L1 X
Current L2 X
Current L3 X
Voltage L1-E X
Voltage L2-E X
Voltage L3-E X
Active power P X
Reactive power Q X
Frequency f X
Voltage L1-L2 X
Application Functions
The unbalanced transmission mode of the protocol is used to avoid the possibility that more than one protection
equipment attempts to transmit on the channel at the same time, over the RS485 backside port.
Data is transferred to the primary or control station (master) using the "data acquisition by polling" principle.
Cyclically, the master requests class 2 data to the secondary station (slave). When slave has class 1 data (high
priority) pending, the ACD control bit is set to 1 demanding the master to request for that data. Periodically, the
master can send a General Interrogation in order to update the complete database.
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
The measurands are sent to the primary station as a response to a class 2 request. There is a setting (0-60 min) in
order to configure the desired interval, where 0 means transmission as fast as possible.
The following functions are supported:
● Initialization
● General Interrogation
● Synchronization
● Commands transmission
Type Identification
The implemented Type Identification values (TYPE IDENTIFICATION UI8 [1…8] <1...255>) are listed below:
<3> Measurands I
<5> Identification
<9> Measurands II
Information in control direction
Function Type
The implemented Function Type values (FUNCTION TYPE UI8 [1...8] <0...255>) are listed below:
326 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Information Number
The implemented Information Number values (INFORMATION NUMBER UI8 [1...8] <0...255>) are listed below:
Information in monitor direction
<16...31> Status
<32...47> Supervision
<128...143> Auto-reclosure
<144...159> Measurands
Changes to the IEC 60870-5-103 settings under SETPOINT/DEVICE/COMMUNICATIONS/IEC 60870-5-103, IEC103 PT LISTS,
IED103DISTRECORD take effect only after rebooting the IED.
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Time stamps
328 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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10 Binary output status for monitoring User assigned Virtual Inputs and/or
Commands (client looks at status only)
12 Control Relay Output Block User assigned Virtual Inputs and/or
Commands (client can write to the user
specified number of control relay
20 Counter value Digital counters 1 through 16,
21 Frozen counter value
22 Counter value change since last read
23 Frozen counter value change since last
read by client
30 User configured Analogue input value
32 User configured Analogue input value
changed since last time read by client.
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Binary Counters
Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 20
Change Event Object Number: 22
Request Function Codes supported: 1 (read), 7 (freeze), 8 (freeze noack), 9 (freeze and clear), 10 (freeze and clear,
noack), 22 (assign class)
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Binary Counter with Flag)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Counter
Change Event without time)
Change Event Buffer Size: 10
Default Class for all points: 3
Frozen Counters
Static (Steady-State) Object Number: 21
Change Event Object Number: 23
Request Function Codes supported: 1 (read)
Static Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Frozen Counter with Flag)
Change Event Variation reported when variation 0 requested: 1 (32-Bit Counter Change Event without time)
Change Event Buffer Size: 10
Default Class for all points: 3
330 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
1. A default variation refers to the variation response when variation 0 is requested and/or in class 0, 1, 2, or 3 scans. The
default variations for object types 1, 2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, and 32 are selected via relay settings. This optimizes the class 0 poll
data size.
2. For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent with qualifiers 17 or 28,
respectively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, are responded with qualifiers 00 or 01.
For change event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.
3. Cold restarts are implemented the same as warm restarts – the P40 Agile Enhanced is not restarted, but the DNP process is
4. Only value changes of Binary or Analogue Points are considered as events. Flag changes i.e. say a point becomes offline to
online with same value or Time stamp changes i.e. the time stamp of say frozen counter events changes without value
change are not considered as events and not reported to master as events.
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Notable objects, functions, and/or qualifiers supported in addition to the Highest DNP Levels Supported (the complete
list is described in the attached table):
Binary Inputs (Object 1)
Binary Input Changes (Object 2)
Binary Outputs (Object 10)
Control Relay Output Block (Object 12)
Binary Counters (Object 20)
Frozen Counters (Object 21)
Counter Change Event (Object 22)
Frozen Counter Event (Object 23)
Analogue Inputs (Object 30)
Analogue Input Changes (Object 32)
Analogue Deadbands (Object 34)
Time and Date (Object 50)
Time Delay Fine (Object 52)
Class Data (Object 60)
Internal Indications (Object 80)
Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):
Transmitted: 292 Transmitted: configurable up to 2048
Received: 292 Received: 2048
Maximum Data Link Re-tries: Maximum Application Layer Re-tries:
x None x None
Fixed at 3 Configurable
Requires Data Link Layer Confirmation:
x Never
Requires Application Layer Confirmation:
x When reporting Event Data
x When sending multi-fragment responses
332 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 17 - Communications
Reports Binary Input Change Events when no Reports time-tagged Binary Input Change Events when no
specific variation requested: specific variation requested:
Never ¨ Never
x Only time-tagged x Binary Input Change Wixh Time
¨ Only non-time-tagged Binary Input Change Wixh Relative Time
¨ Configurable Configurable (attach explanation)
Sends Unsolicited Responses: Sends Static Data in Unsolicited Responses:
Never x Never
Configurable When Device Restarts
Only certain objects When Status Flags Change
x Sometimes No oxher options are permitted.
x ENABLE/DISABLE unsolicited Function codes supported
Object No. Variation Description Function Codes Qualifier Codes Function Codes Qualifier Codes
No. (DEC) (HEX) (DEC) (HEX)
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1: A default variation refers to the variation responded when variation 0 is requested and/or in class 0, 1, 2, or 3 scans. The
default variations for object types 1, 2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, and 32 are selected via rIED settings. This optimizes the class 0 poll
data size.
2: For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent with qualifiers 17 or 28,
respectively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or
01 (for change event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.)
3: Cold restarts are implemented the same as warm restarts, the P40 Agile Enhanced IED is not restarted, but the DNP
process is restarted.
This section describes how the Modbus protocol is applied to the P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs. It is not a description of
the standard itself. The level at which this section is written assumes that the reader is already familiar with the
Modbus protocol.
The Modbus protocol is a master/slave protocol, defined and administered by the Modbus Organization For further
information on Modbus and the protocol specifications, please see the Modbus web site (www.modbus.org).
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED implements a subset of the Modicon Modbus RTU serial communication standard. The
Modbus protocol is hardware independent. That is, the physical layer can be any of a variety of standard hardware
configurations. This includes USB, RS485, RJ45 etc. Modbus is a single master / multiple slave type of protocol
suitable for a multi-drop configuration.
All Ethernet ports and serial communication ports support the Modbus protocol. The only exception is if the serial
port has been configured for DNP or IEC 60870-5-103 operation (as the serial port allows just one serial protocol
(selectable by setting) at a time). This allows the Enervista Flex software (which is a Modbus master application) to
communicate to the IED.
The P40 Agile Enhanced IED is always a Modbus slave with a valid slave address range 1 to 254.
Data Rate
The Modbus protocol can be implemented at any standard communication speed. The P40 Agile Enhanced
supports operation at 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 baud. The USB and Ethernet interfaces support
Modbus TCP.
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
When a Modbus master communicates to the IED over Ethernet, the IED slave address, TCP port number and the
IED IP address for the associated port must be configured and are also configured within the Master for this
device. The default Modbus TCP port number is 502.
Configurable Modbus parameters are found at the following Path: SETPOINT/DEVICE/COMMUNICATIONS/
For Modbus Memory Map addresses for the IED, please refer to the Setting and Signals appendix.
Changes to the Modbus TCP Port Number setting under SETPOINT/DEVICE/COMMUNICATIONS/MODBUS/TCP PORT
NUMBER takes effect only after rebooting the IED.
The standard adheres to the requirements laid out by the ISO OSI model and therefore provides complete vendor
interoperability and flexibility on the transmission types and protocols used. This includes mapping of data onto
340 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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Ethernet, which is becoming more and more widely used in substations, in favour of RS485. Using Ethernet in the
substation offers many advantages, most significantly including:
● Ethernet allows high-speed data rates (currently 100 Mbps, rather than tens of kbps or less used by most
serial protocols)
● Ethernet provides the possibility to have multiple clients
● Ethernet is an open standard in every-day use
● There is a wide range of Ethernet-compatible products that may be used to supplement the LAN installation
(hubs, bridges, switches)
Data Attributes
stVal q t PhA PhB PhC
Data Objects
Pos A
Logical Nodes : 1 to n
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 341
Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Layer Description
The IEC 61850 Logical Device top-level data model consists of instances of Logical Nodes. The data
model name for a Logical Node instance is constructed from an optional prefix (known as the
Wrapper/Logical Node Instance
wrapper), the Logical Node name, and an instance ID (or suffix).
For example, XCBR1 (CB Control), MMXU1 (measurements), PTOF2 (overfrequency protection, stage 2).
This next layer is used to identify the type of data you will be presented with. For example, Pos
Data Object
(position) of Logical Node type XCBR.
This is the actual data (measurement value, status, description, etc.). For example, stVal (status value)
Data Attribute
indicating actual position of circuit breaker for Data Object type Pos of Logical Node type XCBR.
The IEC 61850 compatible interface standard provides capability for the following:
● Read access to measurements
● Refresh of all measurements at a standard rate.
● Generation of non-buffered and buffered reports on change of status or measurement
● SNTP time synchronization over an Ethernet link. (This is used to synchronize the IED's internal real time
● GOOSE peer-to-peer communication
● Disturbance record extraction by IEC 61850 MMS file transfer. The record is extracted as an ASCII format
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
Measurements Deadband changes in IEC 61850 settings take effect only after rebooting the IED
344 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
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In modern protection schemes it is necessary to synchronise the IED's real time clock so that events from different
devices can be time stamped and placed in chronological order. This is achieved in various ways depending on the
chosen options and communication protocols.
● Using the IRIG-B input
● Using the SNTP time protocol
● By using the time synchronisation functionality inherent in the data protocols
GPS satellite
The IRIG-B time code signal is a sequence of one second time frames. Each frame is split up into ten 100 mS slots
as follows:
● Time-slot 1: Seconds
● Time-slot 2: Minutes
● Time-slot 3: Hours
● Time-slot 4: Days
● Time-slot 5 and 6: Control functions
● Time-slots 7 to 10: Straight binary time of day
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Chapter 17 - Communications P14D, P14N, P94V
The first four time-slots define the time in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal). Time-slots 5 and 6 are used for control
functions, which control deletion commands and allow different data groupings within the synchronisation strings.
Time-slots 7-10 define the time in SBS (Straight Binary Second of day).
6.2 SNTP
SNTP is used to synchronise the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data
networks, such as IP.
The device is synchronised by the main SNTP server. This is achieved by entering the IP address of the SNTP server
into the IED using the EnerVista Flex Setup Software.
This function issues an alarm when there is a loss of time synchronisation on the SNTP server. This could be
because there is no response or no valid clock signal.
P40 Agile Enhanced IED's SNTP synchronisation may take up to 1-2 minutes, as it needs to get many time values
and average them.
346 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
348 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
In the past, substation networks were traditionally isolated and the protocols and data formats used to transfer
information between devices were often proprietary.
For these reasons, the substation environment was very secure against cyber-attacks. The terms used for this
inherent type of security are:
● Security by isolation (if the substation network is not connected to the outside world, it cannot be accessed
from the outside world).
● Security by obscurity (if the formats and protocols are proprietary, it is very difficult to interpret them).
The increasing sophistication of protection schemes, coupled with the advancement of technology and the desire
for vendor interoperability, has resulted in standardisation of networks and data interchange within substations.
Today, devices within substations use standardised protocols for communication. Furthermore, substations can be
interconnected with open networks, such as the internet or corporate-wide networks, which use standardised
protocols for communication. This introduces a major security risk making the grid vulnerable to cyber-attacks,
which could in turn lead to major electrical outages.
Clearly, there is now a need to secure communication and equipment within substation environments. This
chapter describes the security measures that have been put in place for our range of Intelligent Electronic Devices
Cyber-security compatible devices do not enforce NERC compliance, they merely facilitate it. It is the responsibility of the user
to ensure that compliance is adhered to as and when necessary.
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Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
The threats to cyber-security may be unintentional (e.g. natural disasters, human error), or intentional (e.g. cyber-
attacks by hackers).
Good cyber-security can be achieved with a range of measures, such as closing down vulnerability loopholes,
implementing adequate security processes and procedures and providing technology to help achieve this.
Examples of vulnerabilities are:
● Indiscretions by personnel (users keep passwords on their computer)
● Bad practice (users do not change default passwords, or everyone uses the same password to access all
substation equipment)
● Bypassing of controls (users turn off security measures)
● Inadequate technology (substation is not firewalled)
To help tackle these issues, standards organisations have produced various standards. Compliance with these
standards significantly reduces the threats associated with lack of cyber-security.
350 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
There are several standards, which apply to substation cyber-security. The standards currently applicable to
General Electric IEDs are NERC and IEEE1686.
Standard Country Description
NERC CIP (North American Electric Reliability
USA Framework for the protection of the grid critical Cyber Assets
BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Requirements for Secure Control and Telecommunication
Industries) Systems
ICS oriented then Relevant for EPU completing existing standard
and identifying new topics such as patch management
International Standard for substation IED cyber-security
IEEE 1686 International
IEC 62351 International Power system data and Comm. protocol
ISO/IEC 27002 International Framework for the protection of the grid critical Cyber Assets
NIST SP800-53 (National Institute of Standards and
USA Complete framework for SCADA SP800-82and ICS cyber-security
CPNI Guidelines (Centre for the Protection of National Clear and valuable good practices for Process Control and SCADA
Infrastructure) security
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Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
● IED functions and features are assigned to different password levels. The assignment is fixed.
● The audit trail is recorded, listing events in the order in which they occur, held in a circular buffer.
● Records contain all defined fields from the standard and record all defined function event types where the
function is supported.
● No password defeat mechanism exists. Instead a secure recovery password scheme is implemented.
● Unused ports (physical and logical) may be disabled.
OPERATOR x x x x
ENGINEER x x x x x x x
INSTALLER x x x x x
SECADM x x x x x x x x x
SECAUD x x x x
RBACMNT x x x x x
ADMINISTRATOR x x x x x x x x x x x
User definition:
● VIEWER: can view what objects are present within a Logical-Device by presenting the type ID of those
● OPERATOR: An operator can view what objects and values are present within a Logical Device by presenting
the type ID of those objects as well as perform control actions.
● ENGINEER: An engineer can view what objects and values are present within a Logical Device by presenting
the type ID of those objects. Moreover, an engineer has full access to DateSets and Files and can configure
the server locally or remotely.
● INSTALLER: An installer can view what objects and values are present within a Logical Device by presenting
the type ID of those objects. Moreover, an installer can write files and can configure the server locally or
● SECADM: Security administrator can change subject-to-role assignments (outside the device) and role-to-
right assignment (inside the device) and validity periods; change security setting such as certificates for
subject authentication and access token verification.
● SECAUD: Security auditor can view audit logs.
● RBACMNT: RBAC management can change role-to-right assignment.
● ADMINISTRATOR: Has All read/write access
354 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
Rights definition:
● VIEW: Allows the subject/role to discover what objects are present within a Logical Device by presenting the
type ID of those objects.
● READ: Allows the subject/role to obtain all or some of the values in addition to the type and ID of objects
that are present within a Logical-Device
● DATASET: Allows the subject/role to have full management rights for both permanent and non-permanent
● REPORTING: Allows a subject/role to use buffered reporting as well as un-buffered reporting
● FILEREAD: Allows the subject/role to have read rights for file objects
● FILEWRITE: Allows the subject/role to have write rights for file objects. This right includes the FILEREAD right
● FILEMNGT: Allows the role to transfer files to the Logical-Device, as well as delete existing files on the
Logical- Device
● CONTROL: Allows a subject to perform control operations
● CONFIG: Allows a subject to locally or remotely configure certain aspects of the server
● SETTINGGROUP: Allows a subject to remotely configure Settings Groups
● SECURITY: Allows a subject/role to perform security functions at both a Server/Service Access Point and
Logical-Device basis
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 355
Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
The General Electric IEDs have always been and will continue to be equipped with state-of-the-art security
measures. Due to the ever-evolving communication technology and new threats to security, this requirement is
not static. Hardware and software security measures are continuously being developed and implemented to
mitigate the associated threats and risks.
This section describes the current implementation of cyber-security. The bulk of the implementation consists of
RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Cyber-security mode, Centralised Authentication, Remote Logging and System
Hardening. The features are compliant with NERC-CIPv6 and IEEE 1686. This is valid for the release of platform
software to which this manual pertains.
Two levels of Cyber-security are available as ordering options for the P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs:
● Basic Cyber-security
● Advanced Cyber-security
Basic Cyber-security includes the following security features:
● Device / Local Authentication
● Four-level access: Fixed local users and roles (Administrator, Engineer, Operator, Viewer)
● ByPass Access
● Password complexity
● Disabling of unused physical and logical ports
● Flag for Failed authentication
● User lockout for configurable period
● Inactivity time out
356 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
There is a lockout period adjustable by settings. For each account, when a maximum number of failed login
attempts is reached, it is locked during the specified period. It doesn’t matter the interface the login comes from.
The account will be unlocked at the first successful login passed the lockout period.
If the Authentication Method setting is changed, the logged in user will be forced to logout.
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Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
The IED supports the ability to turn off any of the following specific communication protocols:
● IEC 61850 (MMS and GOOSE)
● Modbus RTU
● Modbus TCP
● DNP3oE
● DNP3 Serial
● IEC 60870-5-103
358 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
For data protocols, service availability and detailed information, refer to the Communication Interfaces section in the
Communications chapter.
RADIUS users and passwords are created in the server (in the Active Directory). Each RADIUS user should have a
password (that meets the password policy of the Active Directory) and specific role assigned to in the Active
P40 Agile Enhanced supports 2 servers in the configuration for redundancy. The IED will try each in sequence until
one respond. When the first RADIUS server is unavailable, the next server in the list is tried for RADIUS
Groups User
Access Request
User login RADIUS
IED Client
(User Role)
User RADIUS Server Active Directory
The IED will first try the server 1 up to the configured number of retries leaving request timeout between each
request. After this point, if it still does not have a valid answer from server 1, it switches to server 2 and repeats for
up to the number of configured retries again. If it maxes out on retries on the second server, it gives up entirely on
Server Authentication and fallback to device authentication (Only if Authentication Method Server and Device is
selected). A "RADIUS Server unavailable" security event is also logged under this condition.
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Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
IED will authenticate and authorize RADIUS users using the following authentication stack:
● Primary Radius if enabled (stop on invalid credential failure, continue all other failures)
● Secondary Radius if enabled (stop on invalid credential failure, continue all other failures) The RADIUS
implementation supports the following authentication protocols:
● PEAPv0 with inner authentication method MS-CHAPv2 (To support Microsoft NPS server)
● EAP-TTLS with inner authentication method PAP (To support RSA AM)
● EAP with inner authentication method GTC (To support RSA AM)
● PAP (unsecured, to support any RADIUS server)
The RADIUS implementation will query the Role ID vendor attribute and establish the logged in user security
context with that role.
In case of Server Authentication mode but if the RADIUS server is not operational, IED will try Device
Authentication. MODBUS/SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) protocol provides a secure channel over an unsecured network by using a client-
server architecture. The SSH server reside in the IED. It securely encrypts the Modbus commands and data
between the Toolsuite and itself using port forwarding.
SSH architecture is described in RFC4251 and is composed of three components:
● The transport Layer protocol (SSH-TRANS) – RFC 4253
● The User Authentication Protocol (SSH-USERAUTH) – RFC 4252
● The Connection Protocol (SSH-CONNECT) – RFC 4254
The port forwarding feature is available only on TCP/IP frames. UDP is not supported. The SSH server on the
product runs on port 22.
It supports the Encryption Ciphers: RSA 2048, AES-128-CBC or AES-128-GCM, HMAC-SHA-256.
The SSH server has a timeout for authentication and disconnect if the authentication has not been accepted
within the timeout period. SFTP
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is the file transfer protocol used with SSHv2. Provides secure file access, file
transfer, and file management.
The SFTP commands will be limited for a given period of time to avoid DOS attacks and also implement role-based
access to the file.
360 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security
4.3.4 SYSLOG
The IED supports security event reporting through the Syslog protocol for supporting Security Information Event
Management (SIEM) systems for centralized cyber security Monitoring over UDP protocol.
2 Syslog servers are supported in the configuration for redundancy. The IED will try each in sequence until one
The IED logs to a remote syslog server:
● User log events, whether successful or unsuccessful
● Error log events
● Kernel error log events
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Chapter 18 - Cyber-Security P14D, P14N, P94V
362 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
364 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
This section describes the mechanical installation of the system, including dimensions for mounting and
information on module withdrawal and insertion.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 365
Product Identification 366
Handling the Goods 367
Mounting the Device 368
Cables and Connectors 371
Case Dimensions and Panel Cutout 377
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Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
The product identification label is located on the side panel of the IED. This label indicates the product model, serial
number, and date of manufacture. However, when the IED is installed the label may not be visible. In this case, the
product my be identified using the model number printed on the front panel and the Cortec provided in the
Ordering Options Appendix.
366 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
Before lifting or moving the equipment you should be familiar with the Safety
Information chapter of this manual.
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Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
To avoid the potential for personal injury due to fire hazards, ensure the unit is
mounted in a safe location and/or within an appropriate enclosure.
Panel-mounted devices are flush mounted into panels using M4 SEMS Taptite self-tapping screws with captive
3 mm thick washers (also known as a SEMS unit).
Do not use conventional self-tapping screws, because they have larger heads and could
damage the faceplate.
Alternatively, you can use tapped holes if the panel has a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm.
For applications where the product needs to be semi-projection or projection mounted, a range of collars are
If several products are mounted in a single cut-out in the panel, mechanically group them horizontally or vertically
into rigid assemblies before mounting in the panel.
Do not fasten products with pop rivets because this makes them difficult to remove if
repair becomes necessary.
Risk of damage to the front cover molding. Do not use conventional self-tapping
screws, including those supplied for mounting products because they have slightly
larger heads.
Once the tier is complete, the frames are fastened into the racks using mounting angles at each end of the tier.
368 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
Products can be mechanically grouped into single tier (4U) or multi-tier arrangements using the rack frame. This
enables schemes using products from different product ranges to be pre-wired together before mounting.
Use blanking plates to fill any empty spaces. The spaces may be used for installing future products or because the
total size is less than 80TE on any tier. Blanking plates can also be used to mount ancillary components. The part
numbers are as follows:
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 369
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
Turn off control power before drawing out or re-inserting the IED to prevent maloperation.
Software-only products are licensed for use with devices with specific serial numbers.
Do not attempt to upgrade an existing device if the software has not been licensed for
that specific device.
370 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
Before carrying out any work on the equipment you should be familiar with the Safety
Section and the ratings on the equipment’s rating label.
Figure 145: IP20 cover with teeth removed, alone and installed
The terminal block is supplied with a 3-pole jumper to create a star configuration with the current transformers
when one is needed (instead of wiring one externally), as shown.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 371
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
Control power supplied to the IED must match the installed power supply range. If the
applied voltage does not match, damage to the unit may occur. All earths MUST be
connected for normal operation regardless of control power supply type.
Protect the auxiliary power supply wiring with a maximum 16 A high rupture capacity
(HRC) type NIT or TIA fuse.
Use the shortest practical path. A tinned copper, braided, shielding and bonding cable should be used. As a
minimum, 96 strands of number 34 AWG should be used.
The wire should have a minimum voltage rating of 300 V RMS.
372 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
To prevent any possibility of electrolytic action between brass or copper ground conductors and the rear panel of the product,
precautions should be taken to isolate them from one another. This could be achieved in several ways, including placing a
nickel-plated or insulating washer between the conductor and the product case, or using tinned ring terminals.
Verify that the IED's CT Ratio Settings under SETPOINTS\SYSTEM\CT RATIO are correctly
set matching the Primary and Secondary rating of the connected CTs. Unmatched CTs
may result in equipment damage or inadequate protection.
Due to physical limitations, the maximum wire size you can use is 4.0 mm2 using ring terminals. If you need a
greater cross-sectional area, use two wires in parallel, each terminated in a separate ring terminal.
The wire should have a minimum voltage rating of 300 V RMS.
Current transformer circuits must never be fused.
If there are CTs present, ensure that the terminals into which the CTs connect are shorted before the CT module is removed.
For 5A CT secondaries, we recommend using 2 x 2.5 mm2 PVC insulated multi-stranded copper wire.
The terminal block is supplied with a 3-pole jumper to create a star configuration with the current transformers when one is
needed (instead of wiring one externally).
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 373
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
Up to 32 P14 Series IEDs can be daisy-chained together on a communication channel without exceeding the driver
capability. For larger systems, additional serial channels must be added. Commercially available repeaters can
also be used to add more than 32 relays on a single channel.
To ensure that all devices in a daisy-chain are at the same potential, it is imperative
that the common terminals of each RS485 port are tied together and grounded only
once, at the master or at the IED. Failure to do so may result in intermittent or failed
The last device at each end of the daisy-chain should be terminated with a 120 ohm ¼ watt resistor in series with
a 1 nF capacitor across the positive and negative terminals. Some systems allow the shield (drain wire) to be used
as a common wire and to connect directly to the COM terminal; others function correctly only if the common wire
is connected to the COM terminal, but insulated from the shield.
Observing these guidelines ensure a reliable communication system immune to system transients.
To guarantee the performance specifications, you must ensure continuity of the screen, when daisy chaining the
connections.There is no electrical connection of the cable screen to the device. The link is provided purely to link
together the two cable screens.
374 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
+ B(+) IRIG-B(+)
The optional IRIG-B input uses the same terminals as the EIA(RS)485 port COM1. It is therefore apparent that RS485
communications and IRIG-B input are mutually exclusive.
A typical cable specification would be:
● Each core: 16/0.2 mm2 copper conductors, PVC insulated
● Nominal conductor area: 0.5 mm2 per core
● Screen: Overall braid, PVC sheathed
IRIG-B connection (two wires) to P40 Agile Enhanced IED COM1 terminals:
● IRIG-B positive wire should be connected to COM1 B(+) terminal
● IRIG-B neutral wire should be connected to COM1 GND terminal
● COM1 A(-) terminal should remain not connected.
The uncovered communications cable shield connected to the common terminal should not exceed 1” (2.5 cm) for
proper EMC shielding of the communications cable.
To use the IRIG-B connection, the IRIG-B setting under SETPOINT\DATE AND TIME\CLOCK\RIG-B should be set to Enabled.
The IRIG-B connection is a two cable connection so the COM1 A(-) terminal should not be connected
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 375
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
These should be wired with at least 1mm PVC multi stranded copper wire with/wihout pin terminals up to 2.5mm.
Each opto-input has a debounce time setting. This makes the input immune to noise induced on the wiring. This
can, however slow down the response.
Protect the opto-inputs and their wiring with a maximum 16 A high rupture capacity
(HRC) type NIT or TIA fuse.
For increased noise immunity, it is recommended to use CAT 6 (category 6) STP (shielded twisted pair) cable and connectors.
376 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 19 - Installation
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 377
Chapter 19 - Installation P14D, P14N, P94V
378 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
380 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 381
General Guidelines 382
Commissioning Test Menu 383
Commissioning Equipment 387
Product Checks 389
Setting Checks 395
Protection Timing Checks 397
Onload Checks 398
Final Checks 400
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 381
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
General Electric IEDs are self-checking devices and will raise an alarm in the unlikely event of a failure. This is why
the commissioning tests are less extensive than those for non-numeric electronic devices or electro-mechanical
To commission the devices, you (the commissioning engineer) do not need to test every function. You need only
verify that the hardware is functioning correctly and that the application-specific software settings have been
applied. You can check the settings by extracting them using the EnerVista Flex settings software, or by means of
the front panel interface (HMI panel).
The menu language is user-selectable, so you can change it for commissioning purposes if required.
Remember to restore the language setting to the customer’s preferred language on completion.
Before carrying out any work on the equipment you should be familiar with the
contents of the Safety Section or Safety Guide SFTY/4LM as well as the ratings on the
equipment’s rating label.
Do not disassemble the device during commissioning.
382 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
The Simulation State setting under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\SETUP path may be set to Prefault
State, Fault State, Postfault State or Disabled . The specific Pre-Fault, Fault and Post-Fault setting
values for each mode can be programmed in its corresponding setting menu under the SETPOINTS\TESTING
The PreFlt-Flt Trig setting under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\SETUP path sets the signal that triggers
the change of state from Prefault State to Fault State.
The Force Relays setting under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\SETUP path enables or disables the relay
outputs testing mode. The specific forcing value for each relay output contact is set under the SETPOINTS
The Force LEDs setting under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\SETUP path enables or disables the LEDs
testing mode. The specific forcing value for each LED is set under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\ TEST LEDS path.
The Opto inputs states can be simulated by forcing the specific value for each Opto input under the SETPOINTS
\TESTING\ OPTO INPUTS path. The Opto inputs testing mode is enabled when the Simulation State setting is set to
any value except Disabled.
When the IED provides the Autoreclose function (Cortec dependant), the testing mode for Autoreclose is set under
The Simulation feature under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION path is provided for testing the functionality
of the P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs in response to programmed conditions, without the need of external AC voltage
and current inputs. First time users will find this to be a valuable training tool. System parameters such as currents,
voltages and phase angles are entered as settings. When placed in test mode, the IED suspends reading actual AC
inputs, generates samples to represent the programmed phasors, and loads these samples into the memory to be
processed by the IED. Normal (pre- fault), fault, and post-fault conditions can simulate a wide variety of system
disturbances and exercise many P40 Agile Enhanced IEDs features.
Program the Simulation State setting under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION path to Disabled if actual
system inputs are to be monitored and test mode to be disabled.
If the Simulation State setting is set to any other value (Pre-Fault state, Fault state or Post-Fault state), the IED is in
test mode and actual system parameters are not monitored, including current, voltage, and opto-inputs. The
system parameters simulated by the IED are those corresponding to the programmed value of the Simulation
State setting. For example, if programmed to Fault State, then the system parameters are set to those
defined by the Fault setting values under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION path.
While in test mode, opto-input states are automatically forced to the values set in SETPOINTS\TESTING\OPTO
When the Fault State is set as the Simulation State and a Trip occurs, the Simulation State automatically
transitions to the Postfault State.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 383
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
The Pre-Fault, Fault and Post-Fault setting values (magnitudes and angles) are programmed in its
corresponding setting menu under the SETPOINTS/TESTING/SIMULATION path.
When in test mode, and Force Relays under the SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\SETUP path is Enabled, relay
output states can be forced from the SETPOINTS\TESTING\RELAY OUTPUTS menu, this overrides the normal
operation of the relay output contacts. When in test mode, and Force Relays is Disabled, the relay output states
maintain their normal operation. Forcing of relay outputs states is not performed when the Simulation State is
When in test mode, and Force LEDs is Enabled, LED states and colours can be forced from the SETPOINTS
\TESTING\ TEST LEDS menu, this will override the normal operation of the LEDs. When in test mode, and Force
LEDs is Disabled, the LED states and colours will maintain their normal operation. Forcing of LEDs is not
performed when the Simulation State is Disabled.
The PreFault State is intended to simulate the normal operating condition of a system by replacing the
normal input parameters with programmed pre-fault values. For proper simulation, values entered in the
SETPOINTS\TESTING\SIMULATION\PRE-FAULT menu must be below the minimum trip setting of any protection
When the PreFault State is set as the Simulation State and the conditions of the PreFlt-Flt Trig setting under
the SETPOINT\TESTING\SIMULATION\TESTING path are met, the Simulation State automatically transitions from
PreFault State to Fault State.
3.1.2 FAULT
The Fault State is intended to simulate the faulted operating condition of a system by replacing the normal
input parameters with programmed fault values.
When Fault State is set as the Simulation State and a trip occurs, the Simulation State automatically
transitions to the Postfault State.
The PostFault State is intended to simulate a system that has tripped by replacing the normal input
parameters with programmed postfault values.
For Pre-Fault, Fault and Post-Fault settings under the SETPOINT\TESTING\SIMULATION path:
Voltage magnitudes are entered in secondary VT units. Primary and secondary settings for VT inputs can be found on VT Ratio
menu under the SETPOINT\SYSTEM\VT RATIO path.
Current magnitudes are entered as a multiple of the corresponding CT Primary setting. Primary and secondary settings for CT
inputs can be found on CT Ratio menu under the SETPOINT\SYSTEM\CT RATIO path.
All Simulation settings revert to default values at power up.
384 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
All Test LEDs settings revert to default values at power up.
The Opto Inputs settings under SETPOINTS\TESTING path allows the programming of the state (Off, On) of each
opto-input when the device is in test mode.
All Opto Inputs settings revert to default values at power up.
The number of opto-inputs available for the IED is Cortec dependent.
All Relay Outputs settings revert to default values at power up.
The number of relay outputs available for the IED is Cortec dependent.
When the IED provides autoreclose (cortec dependant function), a 3 Pole Test command under SETPOINTS
\TESTING\AUTORECLOSE\TEST AUTORECLOSE is available for testing the sequence of circuit breaker trip and
autoreclose cycles.
When the Test Autoreclose setting is set to 3 Pole Test a 3 Pole Test command is issued launching the
AR Trip Test signal that can be configured to a trip relay output contact to perform the first three phases trip/
reclose cycle so that the associated relay output contacts can be checked for operation at the correct times during
the cycle. Once the trip output has operated the Test Autoreclose setting command text will revert to No
Operation whilst the rest of the autoreclose cycle is performed. To test the subsequent three-phase autoreclose
cycles, the 3 Pole test command can be repeated.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 385
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
In order for the Test Autoreclose facility to work, the programmable scheme logic in the device has to contain the AR Trip
signal mapped to the trip signals.
386 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
Specialist test equipment is required to commission this product. We recognise three classes of equipment for
commissioning :
● Recommended
● Essential
● Advisory
Recommended equipment constitutes equipment that is both necessary, and sufficient, to verify correct
performance of the principal protection functions.
Essential equipment represents the minimum necessary to check that the product includes the basic expected
protection functions and that they operate within limits.
Advisory equipment represents equipment that is needed to verify satisfactory operation of features that may be
unused, or supplementary, or which may, for example, be integral to a distributed control/automation scheme.
Operation of such features may, perhaps, be more appropriately verified as part of a customer defined
commissioning requirement, or as part of a system-level commissioning regime.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 387
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
388 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
These product checks are designed to ensure that the device has not been physically damaged prior to
commissioning, is functioning correctly and that all input quantity measurements are within the stated tolerances.
If the application-specific settings have been applied to the IED prior to commissioning, you should make a copy of
the settings. This will allow you to restore them at a later date if necessary. This can be done by:
● Obtaining a setting file from the customer.
● Extracting the settings from the IED itself, using a portable PC with appropriate setting software.
If the customer has changed the password that prevents unauthorised changes to some of the settings, either the
revised password should be provided, or the original password restored before testing.
If the password has been lost, a recovery password can be obtained from General Electric.
CT and VT and protection, control and monitoring features availability for testing and product checks will be Cortec
dependant for each model.
The following group of tests should be carried out without the auxiliary supply being
applied to the IED and, if applicable, with the trip circuit isolated.
The current and voltage transformer connections must be isolated from the IED for these checks. If a test block is
provided, the required isolation can be achieved by inserting a test plug. This open circuits all wiring routed
through the test block.
Before inserting the test plug, you should check the scheme diagram to ensure that this will not cause damage or
a safety hazard (the test block may, for example, be associated with protection current transformer circuits). The
sockets in the test plug, which correspond to the current transformer secondary windings, must be linked before
the test plug is inserted into the test block.
Never open-circuit the secondary circuit of a current transformer since the high
voltage produced may be lethal and could damage insulation.
If a test block is not provided, the voltage transformer supply to the IED should be isolated by means of the panel
links or connecting blocks. The line current transformers should be short-circuited and disconnected from the IED
terminals. Where means of isolating the auxiliary supply and trip circuit (for example isolation links, fuses and MCB)
are provided, these should be used. If this is not possible, the wiring to these circuits must be disconnected and the
exposed ends suitably terminated to prevent them from being a safety hazard.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 389
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
Check the rating information provided with the device. Check that the IED being
tested is correct for the line or circuit.
Carefully examine the IED to see that no physical damage has occurred since installation.
Ensure that the case earthing connections (bottom left-hand corner at the rear of the IED case) are used to
connect the IED to a local earth bar using an adequate conductor.
Insulation resistance tests are only necessary during commissioning if explicitly requested.
Isolate all wiring from the earth and test the insulation with an electronic or brushless insulation tester at a DC
voltage not exceeding 500 V. Terminals of the same circuits should be temporarily connected together.
The insulation resistance should be greater than 100 MW at 500 V.
On completion of the insulation resistance tests, ensure all external wiring is correctly reconnected to the IED.
Check that the external wiring is correct according to the relevant IED and scheme
diagrams. Ensure that phasing/phase rotation appears to be as expected.
The auxiliary DC voltage supply uses terminals A1 (supply positive) and A2 (supply negative).
Do not energise the IED or interface unit using the battery charger with the battery
disconnected as this can irreparably damage the power supply circuitry.
Energise the IED only if the auxiliary supply is within the specified operating ranges.
If a test block is provided, it may be necessary to link across the front of the test plug
to connect the auxiliary supply to the IED.
390 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
The current and voltage transformer connections must remain isolated from the IED
for these checks. The trip circuit should also remain isolated to prevent accidental
operation of the associated circuit breaker.
The following group of tests verifies that the IED hardware and software is functioning correctly and should be
carried out with the supply applied to the IED.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 391
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
Take into account that all relay output contacts are normally open, but the watchdog (relay output 8) that is normally closed.
392 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
E/F or SEF current values are displayed for each device depending of the Cortec selected.
Corresponding VT ratio
VT1 VBN Main VT Primary / Main VT Sec'y
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 393
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
Corresponding VT ratio
4th VT1 Mag 4th VT Primary / 4th VT Sec'y
394 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
The setting checks ensure that all of the application-specific settings (both the IED’s function and programmable
scheme logic settings) have been correctly applied.
If applicable, the trip circuit should remain isolated during these checks to prevent accidental operation of the associated
circuit breaker.
The device CID file may not already exist in the project. In this case, select Quick Download from the top toolbox entering the
appropriate IP address for the interface selected (USB or Ethernet) and, then manually add the settings file to the device name
in the project. Refer to the EnerVista Flex chapter for details.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 395
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
10. Press the YES right Up key key to accept the new settings or press the NO left Up key key to discard the new
It is not possible to change the PSL or IEC 61850 configuration using the IED’s front panel HMI.
Where the installation needs application-specific PSL, the relevant .PSL logic, must
be transferred to the IED, taking into account that the logic should apply for each
and every setting group that will be used. If you do not do this, the factory default
PSL will still be resident. This may have severe operational and safety consequences.
396 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
On completion of the tests, you must restore all settings to customer specifications.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 397
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
Onload checks are potentially very dangerous and may only be carried out by
qualified and authorised personnel.
Onload checks can only be carried out if there are no restrictions preventing the energisation of the plant, and the
other devices in the group have already been commissioned.
Remove all test leads and temporary shorting links, then replace any external wiring that has been removed to
allow testing.
If any external wiring has been disconnected for the commissioning process, replace
it in accordance with the relevant external connection or scheme diagram.
Ensure that the IED is in service and that the test mode is disabled.
Corresponding VT ratio in CT and VT RATIOS column
Main VT Primary / Main VT Sec'y
4th VT1 Mag 4th VT Primary / 4th VT Sec'y
398 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions
be cortec and model dependant. For this test you must first know the actual direction of power flow on the system.
If you do not already know this you must determine it using adjacent instrumentation or protection already in-
● For load current flowing in the Forward direction (power export to the remote line end), the A Phase Watts
value in the MEASUREMENTS\POWER 1 menu should show positive power signing.
● For load current flowing in the Reverse direction (power import from the remote line end), the A Phase
Watts value in the MEASUREMENTS\POWER 1 menu should show negative power signing.
In the event of any uncertainty, check the phase angle of the phase currents with respect to their phase voltage.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 399
Chapter 20 - Commissioning Instructions P14D, P14N, P94V
1. Remove all test leads and temporary shorting leads.
2. If you have had to disconnect any of the external wiring in order to perform the wiring verification tests,
replace all wiring, fuses and links in accordance with the relevant external connection or scheme diagram.
3. The settings applied should be carefully checked against the required application-specific settings to ensure
that they are correct, and have not been mistakenly altered during testing.
4. Ensure that all protection elements required have been set to Enabled in the SETPOINTS menus.
5. Ensure that the IED has been restored to service by checking that the Simulation State setting in the
6. If the IED is in a new installation or the circuit breaker has just been maintained, the circuit breaker
maintenance and current counters should be zero. These counters can be reset using the All Records
command under SETPOINTS\DEVICE\CLEAR RECORDS menul. If the required access level is not active, the
device will prompt for a password to be entered so that the setting change can be made.
7. If the menu language has been changed to allow accurate testing it should be restored to the customer’s
preferred language.
8. If a test block is installed, remove the test plug and replace all wiring so that the protection is put into
9. Ensure that all event records, fault records, disturbance records, alarms and LEDs and communications
statistics have been reset.
Remember to restore the language setting to the customer’s preferred language on completion.
400 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
402 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
The Maintenance and Troubleshooting chapter provides details of how to maintain and troubleshoot P40 Agile
Enhanced products. Always follow the warning signs in this chapter. Failure to do so may result injury or defective
Before carrying out any work on the equipment you should be familiar with the
contents of the Safety Section or the Safety Guide SFTY/4LM and the ratings on the
equipment’s rating label.
The troubleshooting part of the chapter allows an error condition on the IED to be identified so that appropriate
corrective action can be taken.
If the device develops a fault, it is usually possible to identify which module needs replacing. It is not possible to
perform an on-site repair to a faulty module.
If you return a faulty unit or module to the manufacturer or one of their approved service centres, you should
include a completed copy of the Repair or Modification Return Authorization (RMA) form.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 403
Maintenance 404
Troubleshooting 407
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 403
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
Although some functionality checks can be performed from a remote location, these are predominantly restricted
to checking that the unit is measuring the applied currents and voltages accurately, and checking the circuit
breaker maintenance counters. For this reason, maintenance checks should also be performed locally at the
Before carrying out any work on the equipment you should be familiar with the
contents of the Safety Section or the Safety Guide SFTY/4LM and the ratings on the
equipment’s rating label.
Check the opto-inputs by repeating the commissioning test detailed in the Commissioning chapter.
404 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Check Event Recorder file downloads, with further events analysis.
To avoid deterioration of electrolytic capacitors, power up units that are stored in a deenergized state once per year, for one
hour continuously.
If the repair is not performed by an approved service centre, the warranty will be
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 405
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
Before carrying out any work on the equipment, you should be familiar with the
contents of the Safety Information section of this guide or the Safety Guide SFTY/4LM,
as well as the ratings on the equipment’s rating label. This should ensure that no
damage is caused by incorrect handling of the electronic components.
Before working at the rear of the unit, isolate all voltage and current supplying it.
Before cleaning the device, ensure that all AC and DC supplies and transformer
connections are isolated, to prevent any chance of an electric shock while cleaning.
Only clean the equipment with a lint-free cloth dampened with clean water. Do not use detergents, solvents or
abrasive cleaners as they may damage the product's surfaces and leave a conductive residue.
406 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Self-Test Warnings may indicate a serious problem with the relay hardware.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 407
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
The normally closed Critical Failure Relay (Relay Output 8) is energised (open) when the IED is in-service, and no major error is
Minor Error 1
Minor Error 2
(See all minor errors listed
. in the table below)
Minor Error XX
Major Error 1
Major Error 2
(See all major errors listed
. in the table below)
Major Error XX
408 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 409
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
IRIG-B Failure A bad IRIG-B input Every 2.5 seconds Ensure IRIG-B cable is
signal has been connected, check cable
detected functionality (i.e. physical
damage or perform
continuity test), ensure IRIG-
B receiver is functioning,
and check input signal level
(it may be less than
specification). If none of
these apply, contact the
STNP Failure Synchronization from a Every 2.5 seconds Ensure Ethernet connection,
SNTP server failed. check cable functionality
(i.e. physical damage) and
ensure SNTP server
configuration is correct. If
none of these apply,
contact the factory.
Version Mismatch CPU firmware revision Boot-up and Every 2.5 Ensure CPU was uploaded
must match with Order seconds during the upgrade process.
Code and CID. Ensure Order Code and CID
are correct.
SelfTestFWUpdate The updating of the Every 2.5 seconds Re-try uploading firmware.
firmware failed If the upload doesn’t work a
second time contact factory
410 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 411
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
If the signal is correctly applied, this indicates failure of an opto-input, in which case the complete cradle should be
412 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
If required, an acceptance of the quote must be delivered before going to the next stage.
6. Send the product to the repair centre
○ Address the shipment to the repair centre specified by your local contact
○ Make sure all items are packaged in an anti-static bag and foam protection
○ Make sure the shipment is properly packaged, any damage during transportation may void the
○ Make sure a copy of the import invoice is attached with the returned unit
○ Make sure a copy of the RMA form is attached with the returned unit
○ E-mail or fax a copy of the import invoice and airway bill document to your local contact.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 413
Chapter 21 - Maintenance and Troubleshooting P14D, P14N, P94V
414 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
416 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
This chapter describes the technical specifications of the product.
To obtain the total operating time, i.e. from the presence of a trip condition to initiation of a trip, add 8 ms output relay time to
the operate times listed below.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 417
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
418 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
for 0.1 to 2.0 x CT, ±0.5% of reading or ±0.4% of rated, whichever is greater
Level accuracy
for > 2.0 x CT±1.5% of reading > 2.0 x CT rating
Currents > 1.03 to 20 x pickup: ± 3% of operate time or ± 1 cycle (whichever is greater) from
Curve timing accuracy
pickup to operate
DT reset Setting ± 5%
Disengagement <40 ms
EF1: DT timer accuracy ±2% of operate time or ± 1/2 cycle (whichever is greater)
EF2: DT timer accuracy ±3% of operate time or ± 1/2 cycle (whichever is greater)
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 419
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
Disengagement <40 ms
420 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 421
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
422 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
Pickup (IDMT and DT) ±0.5 % of reading or 0.3 V (whichever is greater) from 10 to 240 V
Dropoff (IDMT and DT) 101 to 104 % of pickup
<25 ms at 2 x pickup at 60Hz
Operate Time
<30 ms at 2 x pickup at 50Hz
Timer Accuracy < 0.8 x pickup, ±3 % of operate time or 1 cycle (whichever is greater)
Disengagement < 40 ms
Pickup ±0.5% of reading from 10 to 208 V
Dropoff (OV) 97 to 98% of pickup
Dropoff (UV) 103 to 103% of pickup
<25 ms at 1.1 x pickup at 60Hz
Operate time
<30 ms at 1.1 x pickup at 50Hz
Timer accuracy ± 3% of delay setting or ± 1 cycle (whichever is greater) from pickup to operate
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 423
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
Pickup ±0.5% of reading from 10 to 208 V
Dropoff 97 to 98% of pickup
<25 ms at 2 x pickup at 60Hz
Operate Time
<30 ms at 2 x pickup at 50Hz
Timer Accuracy > 1.2 x pickup, ±3 % of operate time or 1 cycle (whichever is greater)
424 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
Pickup Setting ±0.01 Hz (frequency between 40 to 70Hz)
Dropoff Pickup - 0.03 Hz
± 2% of delay setting or ± 50 ms(whichever is greater) from
Operating time
pickup to operate
Typical times are average operate times including variables such as frequency change instance, test method, etc.,
and may vary by ±0.5 cycles
Pickup Setting ±0.01 Hz
Dropoff Pickup + 0.03 Hz
± 2% of delay setting or ± 50 ms (whichever is greater) from
Operating timer
pickup to operate
Pickup (df/dt) 10 mHz/s or 3.5%, whichever is greater
Dropoff 96% of pickup level
Typically 6.5 cycles at 2 x pickup
Operating time Typically 5.5 cycles at 3 x pickup
Typically 4.5 cycles at 5 x pickup
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 425
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
426 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 427
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
* Tested at 21°C
Level Accuracy (Current) 0.1 < I < 2.0 x CT: ±0.5% of reading or ±0.4% of rated (whichever is
I > 2.0 x CT: ±1.5% of reading
Dropoff Level 96 to 99% of Current Limit
Timer Accuracy ±3% of operate time or ± 1 cycle (whichever is greater)
428 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
+/- 3.5% of line length up to SIR 30
Fault Location
Reference conditions: solid fault applied on line
Method Single-ended
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 429
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
Compliance with the European Commission Direction on EMC, LVD and RoHS is via the self certification route.
430 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
Physical Measurements
Against dust and dripping water (front face) IP52 as per IEC 60529:2013
Protection for rear of the case IP20 as per IEC 60529:2013
Noise 0 dB
To maintain IP20 protection, the rear cover must be re-installed as per the provided instructions after
wiring is complete.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 431
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
AC Measuring Inputs
Nominal frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz (settable)
Operating range 40 Hz to 70 Hz
Phase rotation ABC or ACB
AC Current
Nominal current (In) 1 A and 5 A dual rated*
Nominal burden per phase < 0.05 VA at In
Continuous: 4 x In
10 s: 30 x In
AC current thermal withstand
1 s: 100 x In
Linear to 40 x In (non-offset ac current)
A single input is used for both 1 A and 5 A applications. 1 A or 5 A operation is determined by means of software in the
product’s database.
These specifications are applicable to all CTs.
AC Voltage
Nominal voltage 100 V to 120 V
Nominal burden per phase < 0.1 VA at Vn
Thermal withstand Continuous: 4 x Vn, 10 s: 5 x Vn
432 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
24 to 250 V DC +/-20%
Nominal operating range
110 to 240 V AC -20% + 10%
Maximum operating range 19 to 300 V DC
Frequency range for AC supply 45 to 70 Hz
Ripple <15% for a DC supply (compliant with IEC 60255-26:2013)
Maximum loading = all inputs/outputs energised. Quiescent or 1/2 loading = 1/2 of all inputs/outputs energised.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 433
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
Selectable threshold voltage (PU level) 24, 30, 48, 110, 220 V DC
DO level fixed -20% of PU level
Debounce time setting is required to make the opto-inputs immune to induced AC voltages.
Global Nominal Voltage & Characteristic settings apply for Normal opto-isolated digital inputs and not for TCS inputs. TCS
inputs have fixed DC voltage level as 5V, with no hysteresis.
434 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
30 A for 3 s
Short duration withstand carry
250 A for 30 ms
Make and break, dc resistive 50 W
Make and break, dc inductive 62.5 W (L/R = 50 ms)
Make and break, ac resistive 2500 VA resistive (cos phi = unity)
Make and break, ac inductive 2500 VA inductive (cos phi = 0.7)
Make and carry, dc resistive 30 A for 3 s, 10000 operations (subject to a maximum load of 7500W))
4 A for 1.5 s, 10000 operations (subject to the above limit for make and break, dc
Make, carry and break, dc resistive
resistive load)
0.5 A for 1 s, 10000 operations (subject to the above limit for make and break, dc
Make, carry and break, dc inductive
inductive load)
Make, carry and break ac resistive 30 A for 200 ms, 2000 operations (subject to the above limits)
Make, carry and break ac inductive 10 A for 1.5 s, 10000 operations (subject to the above limits)
Loaded contact 10000 operations min.
Unloaded contact 100000 operations min.
Operate time < 5 ms
Reset time < 5 ms
Use Normally closed non-programmable contacts for relay healthy/relay fail indication
Breaking capacity, dc resistive 24 W
Relay output 8 ("Relay Fail"as per the wiring diagrams) is the watchdog contact relay for P40 Agile Enhanced.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 435
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
436 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
Exceptions are communications ports and normally-open output contacts, where applicable.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 437
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
Compliance EN61000-4-4:2012. Test severity level lll and lV, IEC 60255-26:2013
Applied to communication inputs Amplitude: 2 kV, burst frequency 5 kHz and 100 KHz (level 4)
Applied to power supply and all other inputs
Amplitude: 4 kV, burst frequency 5 kHz and 100 KHz (level 4)
except for communication inputs
438 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 439
Chapter 22 - Technical Specifications P14D, P14N, P94V
440 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
442 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
The settings application software used in this range of IEDs is called EnerVista Flex. It is a collection of software
tools, which is used for managing all aspects of the IEDs. This chapter provides a brief description of each software
tool. Further information is available in the Help system.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Chapter Overview 443
Install EnerVista Flex 444
Uninstall EnerVista Flex 445
Configure the USB Port 446
Access Management 447
Login 448
User Settings 449
Quick Connect 451
Error List 453
Device Configuration 454
Create a New Project 456
Manage Projects 457
Project Configuration 458
PSL Editor 462
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 443
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
If there is a previous version of the EnerVista Flex software installed on the computer, it must be uninstalled before installing a
new software version.
444 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 445
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
The USB Ethernet device installed with EnerVista Flex will be named, GE RNDIS Device.
446 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
User roles are used to control access to different modules within the EnerVista Flex software.
There are five default users provided within the EnerVista Flex software, one for each user role. The table below
describes the user roles, default usernames, and permission levels within the EnerVista Flex software. Use these
accounts as a starting point for your installation. Additional accounts can be created by logging in to the Admin or
UserAdmin account.
Default accounts for all but Guest have the initial password set to, Welcome123. Guest default password is.
The names and email addresses associated with each account should be changed to reflect the actual user information, with
passwords changed on first login.
Different account names and passwords are used to send/receive configuration files.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 447
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
The login screen of the EnerVista Flex software allows language selection of four languages: English, French,
German, and Spanish.
Select a language and enter a valid username and password to login.
Usernames and passwords, as well as user profiles are set by the system administrator. User Profile settings allow or block
access to different parts of the EnerVista Flex software.
448 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
The User area on the main screen is described below:
From left to right, the options available are:
● Settings
● About
● User
● Window controls (minimize, maximize and close)
The Settings button provides access to the My Preferences Setting dialog box, with the following options:
● Login Settings
○ Keep logged in (ON/OFF)
● Appearance
○ Choose from the six colour scheme options
● Setting Preferences
○ Setting File Transfer--Edit communications settings for offline device
○ Poll Cycle Setting--Enable poll cycle
The About button shows the EnerVista Flex version and release dialog box.
The User button allows access to the Manage Role Based Access dialog box, with tools to configure, User
Accounts, User Groups and Roles.
Passwords must be a minimum of 9 characters including at least three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numeric, and
special characters.
Click the About button to determine the version of EnerVista Flex software currently in use. This information is
required should you need to contact GE customer support.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 449
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
Click the Username/profile in the User area to access the logout controls.
If you have made any changes to the open project, you will be prompted to save your changes before logging out.
Click Yes to complete the logout process.
Once logged out, the EnerVista Flex login screen reopens.
450 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
Click the Quick Connect button to quickly connect to a device using USB or network connection—by entering and
selecting appropriate interface, network IP address. The model number and version info may be obtained from the
device by clicking the Read Model Number button.
Quick Connect
Quick Connect x
Description Port
Cancel Connect
^ View Details
Time Detail
Once connected using Quick Connect, The Device name, model number, version and IP address are listed in the
Quick Connect pane. Mouseover the device entry in the Quick connect pane to update firmware and configure the
The Firmware Update dialog box allows selection of a firmware file from a user defined file location accessible via
the PC running EnerVista Flex.
Clicking the configure device option, enter the device password for the appropriate role (this is not the Enervista
Flex role/password), and click the Connect button.
When connected, the following device specific second-level tab options are available:
● Profile
● Setting
● Logic
● Monitor
● Records
● IEC61850 Configuration
● User Configuration
For information about Profile, Setting, Logic and Records, refer to the Device Configuration section.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 451
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
● Virtual Inputs
Each of the Status pane tabs contains a filterable list of monitor items, with each selected item available as a tab
at the top of the main workspace pane, with the attributes for the currently selected item shown in the main
workspace. The path to the selected monitor item is shown at the bottom of the main workspace pane.
452 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
The error list button provides access to a filtered/searchable list of device errors. The Error List menu ribbon has
the following options:
● Error—Hides/unhides error items in the Error List workspace
● Warning—Hides/unhides warning items in the Error List workspace
● Info—Hides/unhides info items in the Error List workspace
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 453
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
In order to configure a device using the EnerVista Flex software, a project must be created and opened with at
least one device added, or a device connected using Quick Connect.
Double-click the device icon in the Project Topology view to open the Device Profile.
It is good practice to download the CID file from the device and used as the base for configuration changes.
Hover over value fields for a menu tip showing the maximum, minimum and step values for each.
To alter device settings, navigate the Settings pane device tree to the desired setting name and double-click to
modify the required parameters in each case.
A tab for each selected setting allows access at the top of the setting parameter workspace.
The selected setting path is shown at the bottom of the parameter workspace area.
Send and Receive buttons are provided (bottom right of main workspace) to send and receive CID data to/from the
454 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
For detailed instructions, refer to the PSL Editor section.
The device disturbance records tab contains the following record menu ribbon items:
● Open
● Import
● Export
● Email (Share)
● Print (Share)
● Application Cache (Show Records)
○ show/hide application cache records
● Device Cache (Show Records)
○ show/hide device cache records
● Imported Files
○ show/hide imported cache records
● Delete
● Refresh
The main Records workspace contains a filtered list of available records, with any open records selectable as tabs
at the bottom of the workspace window.
Send and Receive buttons are provided (bottom right of main workspace) to send and receive CID data to/from the
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 455
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
456 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
Select the Open Project, New Project, Recent Project or Sample item in the Welcome pane or the Project item in
the Modules pane to manage Projects. The project may also be managed at any time in the project views, by
selecting the top-level Project tab.
Project tab
The Project page comprises a menu ribbon with:
● My Computer
● Import
● Export
● Delete
● Copy to Server
● Configure
Projects may be created, opened and closed using the vertical menu ribbon on the left, and projects may be
sorted, filtered, searched, and selected via a project list in the main project management workspace.
Projects may be opened by double-clicking the desired project item listed.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 457
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
The moveable (and dockable either left or right) Toolbox pane contains Substation and IED devices, which may be
dragged to the main Topology workspace as required.
The moveable (and dockable either left or right) Topology pane contains the project items in the main Topology
workspace in a hierarchical tree view. The Topology pane also has option to:
● Add Substation
● Add Voltage
● Add Bay
● Add Device
● Import (CID)
● Export (CID)
● Edit (project /device/element name and description)
● Delete (Substation, Voltage and Bay items)
Topology pane project items are colour coded to indicate device/element, with the colour code key at the bottom
of the Topology pane.
458 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
Added Datasets appear as blocks within the Dataset pane—Publisher items may then be dragged and dropped
into the blocks as required. Added GOOSE, Report and Sample Value Control Blocks appear in the Control Block
pane—Publisher items from Dataset blocks may be connected to required GOOSE, Report and Sample Value blocks
as required.
Dataset connected Control Block items may be connected to appropriate Subscriber items.
Connected items are shown using arrowed lines, with control block to Subscriber lines selectable to Edit, Unmap and
Unsubscribe, and Publisher to Dataset lines selectable to Unsubscribe. Dataset items may be removed within Dataset blocks,
by selecting the for each Publisher item.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 459
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
Elements added to the project appear in the right-hand Topology panel, in a tree structure. The next step is to
download the device CID file as a basis for configuring the device.
The device Name field only accepts alphanumeric characters. Do not use spaces or other special characters other than
underscore _.
The device Name field only accepts alphanumeric characters. Do not use spaces or other special characters.
Important: Ensure the Device Name is correct.
1. Double-click the device icon in the Project Topology view to open the Device Profile.
2. Click the Receive CID File button located in the bottom right corner of the Device Profile window.
3. Click Yes to confirm that that unsaved configuration changes made in the offline file can be overwritten.
4. In the Receive CID File – Device Information window, enter the Ethernet IP Address of the device and click
5. In the Receive CID File – User Authentication window, enter the User ID and Password.
6. Once the status bar indicates the CID file transfer is complete, click Continue.
7. Next the Schema is validated. Click Finish to complete the CID file download process.
8. 8. Click OK to acknowledge the completed CID file transfer and return to the device view.
Only accounts with the Engineer or Administrator user roles can access the Send/Receive CID functionality in the EnerVista
Flex software.
460 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
It is good practice to download the CID file from the device and use it as the basis for configuration changes.
1. Double-click the Device button, in the Project Topology view to open the Device Profile.
2. Click Setting on the device menu bar.
The Setting tab opens showing the configuration options.
It is good practice to download the CID file from the device and use it as the basis for configuration changes.
1. Double-click the device icon in the Project Topology view to open the Device Profile.
2. Click the Send CID File button located in the bottom right corner of the Device Profile window.
3. Click Yes to confirm that that unsaved configuration changes made in the offline file can be overwritten.
4. In the Send CID File – Device Information window, enter the Ethernet IP Address of the device and click
5. Next the Schema is validated. Click Continue to initiate the CID file upload process.
6. In the Send CID File – User Authentication window, enter the User ID and Password.
7. The status bar indicates when the file transfer is complete. Click Finish to acknowledge the completed CID
file transfer and return to the device view.
8. Once the CID file has been successfully sent, the updated configuration can be confirmed by checking the
Web Interface.
Your user account must have the appropriate user role assigned (Administrator or Engineer) in order to send and receive CID
files. Account settings can be changed by the Administrator.
EnerVista Flex language is selectable at login. It may be different to the device language, as desired.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 461
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
The Programmable Scheme Logic (PSL) is a module of programmable logic gates and timers in the IED, which can
be used to create customised internal logic. This is done by combining the IED's digital inputs with internally
generated digital signals using logic gates and timers, then mapping the resultant signals to the IED's digital
outputs and LEDs.
The Programmable Scheme Logic (PSL) Editor allows you to create and edit scheme logic diagrams to suit your
own particular application.
Toolbar Description
Standard tools: For file management and printing.
Zoom and pan tools: For scaling the displayed screen size, viewing the
entire PSL, or zooming to a selection.
The logic symbol toolbar provides icons to place each type of logic element into the scheme diagram. Not all
elements are available in all devices. Icons are only displayed for elements available in the selected device.
Symbol Function Explanation
Link Create a link between two logic symbols.
462 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
Certain logic elements show the Properties option. If you select this, a Component Properties window appears.
The contents of this window and the signals listed will vary according to the logic symbol selected. The actual DDB
numbers are dependent on the model.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 463
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
IED logic functions provide logic output signals that can be used for programming in PSL. Depending on the IED
functionality, operation of an active IED function drives an associated DDB signal in PSL.
Logic functions provide logic input signals that can be used for programming in PSL. Depending on the
functionality of the output relay, when the output signal is activated, it drives an associated DDB signal in PSL. This
causes an associated response to the function of the output relay.
464 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P14D, P14N, P94V Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex
Q0 is the previous output state of the latch before the inputs change. Q1 is the output of the latch after the inputs
The Set dominant latch ignores the Reset if the Set is on.
The Reset Dominant latch ignores the Set if the Reset is on.
When both Set and Reset are on, the output of the non-dominant latch depends on its previous output Q0.
Therefore if Set and Reset are energised simultaneously, the output state does not change.
Use a set or reset dominant latch. Do not use a non-dominant latch unless this type of operation is required.
SR latch properties
In the Component Properties dialog, you can select S-R latches as Standard (no input dominant), Set input
dominant or Reset input dominant.
If you want the output to be inverted, check the Invert Output check box. An inverted output appears as a
"bubble" on the gate output.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 465
Chapter 23 - EnerVista Flex P14D, P14N, P94V
466 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Appendix A - Ordering Options P14D, P14N, P94V
P40AEnh Appendix A - Ordering Options
Application Package
Base B
Base + Power prot. (32) + Autoreclose (79) + Check Sync (25) + Rate of change of freq. (df/dt) + Fault locator (21FL) L
Hardware Options
EIA RS485 serial comms – with RJ45 Engineering Port (only) 20TE 2
EIA RS485 serial comms and station bus Ethernet - Single channel RJ45 Copper 20TE 5
20TE Flush (4 inch width) B
Software only 0
(English (UK) / English (US) / French / Spanish) 0
Software Version
Initial release 01
Customisation / Regionalisation
Default 0
Customer specific A
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 A1
Appendix A - Ordering Options P40AEnh
Application Package
Base B
Base + Autoreclose (79) L
Hardware Options
EIA RS485 serial comms – with RJ45 Engineering Port (only) 20TE 2
EIA RS485 serial comms and station bus Ethernet - Single channel RJ45 Copper 20TE 5
20TE Flush (4 inch width) B
Software only 0
(English (UK) / English (US) / French / Spanish) 0
Software Version
Initial release 01
Customisation / Regionalisation
Default 0
Customer specific A
A2 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
P40AEnh Appendix A - Ordering Options
Base (with measured NVD) B
Base + Autoreclose (79) + Check Sync (25) P
Current/Voltage transformers
Voltage Only 1
Hardware Options
EIA RS485 serial comms – with RJ45 Engineering Port (only) 20TE 2
EIA RS485 serial comms and station bus Ethernet - Single channel RJ45 Copper 20TE 5
20TE Flush (4 inch width) B
Software only 0
(English (UK) / English (US) / French / Spanish) 0
Software Reference
Initial release 01
Customisation / Regionalisation
Default 0
Customer specific A
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 A3
Appendix A - Ordering Options P40AEnh
A4 P40AEnh-TM-EN-1
Tables, containing a full list of settings for each model, are provided in a separate Excel file attached as an
embedded resource. To access the spreadsheet file, click on the button below.
An Open File dialogue box may open with a warning message about potential harm from programs , macros or viruses. The
file supplied does not contain any harmful content, and may be safely opened.
Appendix C - Wiring Diagrams P14D, P14N, P94V
P14D, P14N, P94V Appendix C – Wiring Diagrams
P14N IO option B/D C154202 A2
* When selecting applicable connection diagram(s), it may be helpful to reference the appropriate model’s CORTEC.
P40AEnh-TM-EN-1 C1
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
0 T2019037684 FIRST ISSUE 14-03-19 J.A.
1 T2019047761 FIRST REVISION 08-04-19 J.A.
A 2 T2019098259 SECOND REVISION 01-10-19 J.A.
3 T2019108337 THIRD REVISION 16-10-19 J.A.
P2 P1 A 2 T2019118511 FOURTH REVISION 21-11-19 A.Z.
FIG. 1 A 3 T2020048981 GENERAL REVISION 22-04-20 A.Z.
S2 S1
-/N +/L
A7 A2 A1
n 1 TX+
SYNC 3 RX+ ETH1 (RJ45)
c b a A8 4 10 BASE-T/
B1 5 100 BASE-TX
6 RX-
N 7
B3 8
a b c B5
B7 B
+ COM1
VB A4 P14D
OPTO 1 +
OPTO 2 + D9
OPTO 3 +
C D11 C
D4 RL2
OPTO 1,2,3 - D12
+ D13
OPTO 4 D6 D14 RL3
OPTO 5 D16 RL4
- D17
D18 RL5
OPTO 6 + D19
C1 RL6
OPTO 7 + D21
D22 RL7
OPTO 8 +
OPTO 9 +
C6 C9
OPTO 10 +
C10 RL9
C7 C11
OPTO 11 +
C16 RL12
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A 2 T2020048981 FIRST REVISION 22/04/20 A.Z.
-/N +/L
A7 A2 A1
n 1 TX+
SYNC 3 RX+ ETH1 (RJ45)
c b a A8 4 10 BASE-T/
B1 5 100 BASE-TX
6 RX-
B3 8
B7 B
+ COM1
VB A4 P14D
N A6
OPTO 1 +
OPTO 2 + D9
OPTO 3 +
C D11 C
D4 RL2
OPTO 1,2,3 - D12
+ D13
OPTO 4 D6 D14 RL3
OPTO 5 D16 RL4
- D17
D18 RL5
OPTO 6 + D19
C1 RL6
OPTO 7 + D21
D22 RL7
OPTO 8 +
OPTO 9 +
C6 C9
OPTO 10 +
C10 RL9
C7 C11
OPTO 11 +
C16 RL12
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20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
0 T2019047761 FIRST ISSUE 08-04-19 J.A.
1 T2019098259 FIRST REVISION 01-10-19 J.A.
A 2 T2019108337 SECOND REVISION 16-10-19 J.A.
A 2 T2019118511 THIRD REVISION 21-11-19 A.Z.
P2 P1
FIG. 2 S2 S1
-/N +/L
A2 A1
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX+ ETH1 (RJ45)
4 10 BASE-T/
B1 5 100 BASE-TX
6 RX-
B3 8
B7 B
+ COM1
OPTO 1 +
OPTO 2 + D9
OPTO 3 +
C D11 C
D4 RL2
OPTO 1,2,3 - D12
+ D13
OPTO 4 D6 D14 RL3
OPTO 5 D16 RL4
OPTO 6 +
C1 RL6
D22 RL7
OPTO 8 +
OPTO 9 +
C6 C9
OPTO 10 +
C10 RL9
C7 C11
OPTO 11 +
C16 RL12
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20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
0 T2019047761 FIRST ISSUE 08-04-19 J.A.
1 T2019098259 FIRST REVISION 01-10-19 J.A.
A 2 T2019108337 SECOND REVISION 16-10-19 J.A.
A 2 T2019118511 THIRD REVISION 21-11-19 A.Z.
A 3 T2020048981 GENERAL REVISION 22-04-20 A.Z.
FIG. 3
-/N +/L
A7 A2 A1
n 1 TX+
SYNC 3 RX+ ETH1 (RJ45)
c b a A8 4 10 BASE-T/
5 100 BASE-TX
6 RX-
N 7
a b c
+ COM1
VB A4 P94V
OPTO 1 +
OPTO 2 + D9
OPTO 3 +
C D11 C
D4 RL2
OPTO 1,2,3 - D12
+ D13
OPTO 4 D6 D14 RL3
OPTO 5 D16 RL4
- D17
D18 RL5
OPTO 6 + D19
C1 RL6
OPTO 7 + D21
D22 RL7
OPTO 8 +
OPTO 9 +
C6 C9
OPTO 10 +
C10 RL9
C7 C11
OPTO 11 +
C16 RL12
This document is the property of General Electric Company ("GE") and contains proprietary information of GE. This document is loaned on the express condition that neither it nor the information contained therein THIRD ANGLE CTQ (Critical to Quality) SIZE: DWG.NO. REV. ITR.
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A 2 T2020048981 FIRST REVISION 22/04/20 A.Z.
FIG. 5
-/N +/L
A7 A2 A1
n 1 TX+
SYNC 3 RX+ ETH1 (RJ45)
c b a A8 4 10 BASE-T/
5 100 BASE-TX
6 RX-
+ COM1
VB A4 P94V
N A6
OPTO 1 +
OPTO 2 + D9
OPTO 3 +
C D11 C
D4 RL2
OPTO 1,2,3 - D12
+ D13
OPTO 4 D6 D14 RL3
OPTO 5 D16 RL4
- D17
D18 RL5
OPTO 6 + D19
C1 RL6
OPTO 7 + D21
D22 RL7
OPTO 8 +
OPTO 9 +
C6 C9
OPTO 10 +
C10 RL9
C7 C11
OPTO 11 +
C16 RL12
This document is the property of General Electric Company ("GE") and contains proprietary information of GE. This document is loaned on the express condition that neither it nor the information contained therein THIRD ANGLE CTQ (Critical to Quality) SIZE: DWG.NO. REV. ITR.
shall be disclosed to others without the express written consent of GE, and that the information shall be used by the recipient only as approved expressly by GE. This document shall be returned to GE upon its request. PROJECTION
This document may be subject to certain restrictions under U.S. export control laws and regulations. © General Electric Company, GE CONFIDENTIAL UNPUBLISHED WORK. MAJOR INSPECTION NEXT STAGE: 6 C C154205 A 2
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
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