Steps in English 1 Unit 7 Test B

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Unit 7 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania.

1 Podpisz obrazki wyrażeniami z ramki. 1 makes / Joe / dinner / sometimes

Joe sometimes makes dinner.
have breakfast help my mum 2 always / lessons / start / our /
watch TV do my homework nine o’clock / at
play computer games play with my friends

3 garden / in / always / I / dad /

the / my / help

4 watch / never / school / we / after / TV

5 they / go / sometimes / swimming

1 have breakfast 2
6 Peter / friends / his / often / with / plays

3 4
5 Uzupełnij zdania właściwym
czasownikiem i przysłówkiem.
= always = sometimes
= often = never
Tom Sarah
get pocket money
5 6
walk to school
5 watch TV

2 Połącz odpowiednie wyrazy tak, by Go to bed at 7 o’clock

utworzyły wyrażenia.
1 Tom never gets pocket money.
1 get e a shower
2 Tom _____________ TV.
2 have b to bed
3 Tom and Sarah ___________ to school.
3 have a c up
4 Sarah ____________ pocket money.
4 go d dinner
5 Sarah _____________ TV.
5 get e dressed
6 Tom and Sarah ____________ to bed
6 go to f school
at 7 o’clock.
5 5

Grammar Reading
3 Zakreśl właściwą formę. 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Następnie zakreśl w
1 I go / goes to school at eight o’clock. poniższych zdaniach właściwy wyraz.
2 Mark and Leo walk / walks to school. I’m Lydia. I love sport, and my day is very busy. I
3 My sister watch / watches a lot of TV. get up at six o’clock every day and I go to dance
classes before school. I have lessons for an hour
4 Mum make / makes dinner at every morning. Then I walk to school.
seven o’clock. My favourite subjects are PE and music. After school
I go to different sports clubs with my friends. We
5 We have / has lunch at one o’clock.
play netball, do karate or go running. At the
6 Donna play / plays with her friends weekend, I do my homework, then I go swimming.
after school.
1 Lydia’s day is busy / quiet.
2 She gets up late / early.

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Unit 7 Test B
3 She dances for an hour after / Tanya A child’s ticket to the
before school. town centre, please.
4 She walks / rides a bike to school. Tanya Here you are.
5 She goes to PE / sports clubs with Bus driver And here’s seventy
her friends. pence change.
6 At the weekend, she goes swimming Bus driver OK. That’s one pound
/ running. thirty.
5 Bus driver Yes, please? 1

Listening 5

7 Posłuchaj nagrania i uzupełnij

1 Harry is twelve years old. 10 Dopisz odpowiednie wyrazy z ramki
2 Harry has breakfast in the ________. do definicji.
3 He goes to school at _______ o’clock. studio competition joke
4 He goes to school by _______. pocket money nurse bus driver
5 His brother Todd is _______ years old.
6 Todd’s day _______ busy. 1 You win a prize at the end of this.
c o m p e t i t i o n
5 2 They make TV programmes here.
3 Something funny. _ _ _ _
8 Ułóż poniższe czynności we właściwej 4 This person can take you to school.
kolejności. Ułóż i napisz zdania. ___ ______
Zastosuj wyrazy podane w nawiasach.
5 Your parents sometimes give you
1 I go to bed / I do my homework this. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(then) 6 This person works at the hospital.
I do my homework. Then I go to bed. _____
2 she goes to bed / she watches TV 5
(after that)
11 Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów.
3 he has a shower / he gets dressed 1 We get always up at seven o’clock.
(then) We always get up at seven o’clock.
2 You have always breakfast at
4 I get up / I go to the park (then) eight o’clock.

5 she has breakfast / she gets up 3 They always make their homework
(after that) after dinner.

6 we go to school / we have breakfast 4 I sometimes walks to school.

(after that)
5 She often plays computer games
on the evening.

Speaking 6 He always save his pocket money.

9 Ponumeruj kwestie dialogu we

właściwej kolejności. 5
Tanya Thank you.
Total 45 Total 55

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